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# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 84-001185 Latest Update: Jul. 03, 1990

Findings Of Fact On March 14, 1984, an inspector for the Petitioner, examined gasoline storage facilities from which Respondent, Zippy Mart #145 was dispensing gasoline. This store is found at 12524 San Juan Boulevard, Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida, (This product that was being dispensed by the Respondent at this location was the subject of consumer complaint.) Subsequent testing of the product known as Zippy Unleaded, as taken from the storage tank, revealed a 90 percent evaporated temperature of 376 degrees Fahrenheit and an end point of 493 degrees Fahrenheit. This was in keeping with laboratory procedures of the Petitioner. These matters were retested showing 90 percent evaporated temperature of 379 degrees and a 489 degree Fahrenheit end point. In lieu of the confiscation of the three thousand gallons which remained in the subject tank, related to the unleaded fuel at the store location, Respondent was allowed to post a bond in the amount of a thousand dollars and to remove the product from the premises and place new product in the tank. The reason for the values as shown in the sample pertaining to the 90 percent evaporated temperature and end point was due to the presence of diesel fuel within the tank designated for unleaded gasoline. The product as dispensed from that tank would cause engine damage to the automobile using that fuel, as evidenced by knocking and poor acceleration.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Bartow, Florida Aug. 28, 1992 Number: 92-005308EPP Latest Update: Nov. 29, 2001

The Issue In this proceeding, Florida Power Corporation (FPC) seeks approval to construct and operate 470 MW of natural gas-fired advanced design combined cycle (NGCC) generating capacity at its proposed Polk County Site. Additionally, FPC seeks a determination that the Polk County Site has the environmental resources necessary to support an ultimate capacity of 3,000 MW of combined cycle generating capacity fueled by a combination of natural gas, coal-derived gas and distillate fuel oil. Such an ultimate site capacity certification may be granted pursuant to Section 403.517, Florida Statutes and Rule 17-17.231, Florida Administrative Code.

Findings Of Fact Project Site and Vicinity FPC's proposed Polk County Site is located on approximately 8,200 acres in southwest Polk County, Florida, in an area dominated by phosphate mining activities. The Polk County Site is approximately 40 miles east of Tampa, 3 miles south of Bartow and 3.5 miles northwest of Fort Meade. Homeland, the nearest unincorporated community, lies about one mile to the northeast of the site boundary. The Polk County Site is bounded on the north by County Road (CR) 640 and along the southeast and south by a U.S. Agri-Chemical Corporation (USAC) mine. CR 555 runs north-south through the site. The Polk County Site is comprised of land in four different phases of mining activity: mine pits, clay settling ponds associated with phosphate mining, land which has been mined and reclaimed, and land which has yet to be mined. Approximately one-half of the Polk County Site is subject to mandatory reclamation. Land uses adjacent to the Polk County Site consist almost entirely of phosphate mining activities. One mobile home is located at the intersection of CR 640 and CR 555 approximately 2 miles from the proposed location of the principal generating facilities. General Project Description The initial generating capacity at the Polk County Site will be NGCC units. Under what has been designated as the Case A' scenario, ultimate site development will consist of 1,000 MW of NGCC and 2,000 MW of CGCC generating capacity, for a total of 3,000 MW. Under the alternative Case C scenario, the ultimate site capacity would consist of 3,000 MW of all NGCC capacity. The Case C scenario was initially developed as the worst case scenario for the socioeconomic impact analysis (i.e., the one that would produce the least amount of economic benefit.) The combined cycle units which initially burn natural gas can be modified to burn coal gas if necessary to meet changes in fuel supply or pricing. However, under the proposed ultimate site capacity, CGCC generating capacity will be limited to a maximum of 2,000 MW out of the total of 3,000 MW. At ultimate buildout the major facilities at the Polk County Site will include the plant island, cooling pond, solid waste disposal areas, and brine pond. The plant island will be located on mining parcels SA-11, SA-13 and the northerly portion of SA-12. The plant island ultimately will contain the combined cycle power block, oil storage tanks, water and sewage treatment facilities, coal gasification facilities, coal pile and rail loop, and coal handling facilities. The cooling pond at ultimate buildout will be located in mining parcels N-16, N-15 and N-11B, with a channel through N-11C. Mining parcels N-11C, P-3, Phosphoria, Triangle Lakes and P-2, if not used as a solid waste disposal area, will be used as water crop areas to collect rainfall for supplying the cooling pond. The brine pond will receive wastewater reject from the reverse osmosis (RO) water treatment system and will be located on mining parcel SA-9. Two solid waste disposal areas (SWDA) are planned for ultimate development of the Polk County Site. The SWDAs will be mining parcel SA-8 initially and mining parcel P-2 in later phases, if necessary. Coal gasification slag will be the predominant solid waste to be disposed of in the SWDAs. Other areas included within the Polk County Site are mine parcels N- 11A, N-13, N-9B, Tiger Bay East, Tiger Bay, the northerly 80 acres of N-9, SA-10 and the southerly 225 acres of SA-12. Along with providing a buffer for the Polk County Site facilities, these parcels also will provide drainage to Camp Branch and McCullough Creek. Linear facilities associated with the initial 470 MW of generating capacity at the Polk County Site will include a 230 kilovolt (kV) transmission line upgrade, a reclaimed water pipeline, and a backup natural gas pipeline. Site Selection A comprehensive process was used to select the Polk County Site. The goal of that process was to identify a site which could accommodate 3,000 MW of generating capacity and offer characteristics including: (1) multi-unit and clean coal capability; (2) technology and fuel flexibility; (3) cost effectiveness; (4) compatibility with FPC's commitment to environmental protection; (5) ability to comply with all government regulations; and (6) consistency with state land use objectives. The site selection process included the entire State of Florida. Participants in the site selection process included a variety of FPC departments, environmental and engineering consultants, and an eight-member Environmental Advisory Group (EAG) composed of environmental, educational, and community leaders. In October, 1990, with the concurrence of the EAG, the Polk County Site was selected. The ultimate basis for the selection of the Polk County Site was the disturbed nature of the site as a result of extensive phosphate mining activities. The Polk County Site also is compatible with FPC's load center and transmission line network, and is accessible to rail and highway transportation systems. PSC Need Determination On February 25, 1992, the PSC issued Order No. 25805 determining the need for the first 470 MW of generating capacity at the Polk County Site. The PSC concluded in its order that the first two combined cycle units (470 MW) at the Polk County Site will contribute to FPC's electric system reliability and integrity. It also concluded that the first two units would enable FPC to meet winter reserve margin criteria and to withstand an outage of its largest unit at the time of system peak demand. The PSC stated that it was important for FPC to secure a site to meet future needs and that the first two units would contribute toward this goal. Basis for Ultimate Site Capacity The Site Certification Application (SCA), including the Sufficiency Responses, addressed the impacts associated with 3,000 to 3,200 MW of generating capacity under several scenarios. FPC eliminated or modified several of the scenarios by filing a Notice of Limitations which addressed the capacity and environmental effects of 1,000 MW of NGCC and 2,000 MW of CGCC generating capacity at the Polk County Site. Throughout the SCA, Sufficiency Responses and Notice of Limitations, the capacity constraints and environmental effects were analyzed under a worst case scenario, i.e., the maximum environmental effects that could be expected at ultimate site capacity. An ultimate site capacity determination will significantly reduce the time and expense associated with processing supplemental applications for future units at the Polk County Site under the expedited statutory procedures of the Power Plant Siting Act. This will allow FPC to respond more quickly to changes in growth and demand. An ultimate site capacity determination also provides FPC the assurance that the Polk County Site has the land, air and water resources to support future coal gas-fired generating capacity. Project Schedule and Costs Construction of the initial 470 MW of NGCC generating capacity is scheduled to begin in 1994. These units will go into operation in 1998 and 1999. Based on current load forecasts, it is expected that approximately one 250 MW unit will be added every other year to the Polk County Site. Under this schedule, ultimate site development of 3,000 MW would occur about 2018. Capital investment for the Polk County Site is expected to be approximately $3.4 billion for the 1,000 MW NGCC/2000 MW CGCC Case A' scenario and approximately $1.7 billion for the all NGCC Case C scenario. Project Design Generating units for the Polk County Site will be advanced design combined cycle units firing natural gas and/or coal gas, with low sulfur fuel oil as backup. Each combined cycle unit will consist of one or two combustion turbines (CT), a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) for each CT and one or two steam turbines (ST). The first 470 MW of generating capacity will consist of two CTs firing natural gas, two HRSGs and one or two STs. At ultimate site capacity, the Polk County Site will consist of 12 CTs, 12 HRSGs, and 6 to 12 STs. A combined cycle unit is a generating system that consists of two sequential generating stages. In the first stage, the natural gas, coal gas or fuel oil is burned to operate the CT. Hot exhaust gas from the CT is passed through the HRSG to produce steam to operate the ST. The CT and steam from the HRSG can be arranged to drive individual generators or a single generator. In later phases of the Polk County Site, up to 2,000 MW of combined cycle generation may be fired on coal gas. The combined cycle units that were initially constructed to operate on natural gas can be modified to operate on coal gas. Under the Case A' scenario, two coal gasification plants would be built to produce coal gas for the combined cycle units. Associated with the coal gasification phase of the project will be the expansion of the plant island to accommodate the storage and handling of coal. Coal will be transported onsite by railroad. A rail loop for coal trains will be constructed on the plant island. It will be sized to accommodate a 100-car coal train. The coal storage area and limestone stockout will be located within the coal loop. Limestone is used in the coal gasification process as a fluxing agent to improve the viscosity of the coal slag, a by-product of the coal gasification process. The coal storage area, including the coal piles and emergency coal stockout system, will be lined with an impervious liner, and runoff from the coal storage area will be recycled to the coal gasification plants. The cooling pond for the Polk County Site will be located north and east of the plant island. Water from the cooling pond will be used for producing steam and condenser cooling. The cooling pond will be constructed initially in mining parcel N-16 and then in parcels N-15 and N-11B for later phases. These areas are mined-out pits which are surrounded by earthen dams. These dams will be upgraded where required to provide stability equivalent to the requirements of Chapter 17-672, Florida Administrative Code, for phosphate dams. Soil and Foundation Stability To evaluate the existing soil conditions at the Polk County Site, more than 165 test borings were made. The plant island is an existing mine pit which has been partially filled with sand tailings from phosphate mining operations. Underlying the sand is the Hawthorn formation which is often used as the base for deep load bearing foundations. Foundations for the heavier loads of power plant facilities will require pile foundations or similar types of deep foundations that will extend into the Hawthorn formation. The potential for sinkhole development at the Polk County Site was investigated by reviewing historic sinkhole records, aerial photographs, well drillers' logs, and by drilling three deep borings at the site. The investigation demonstrated that the potential for sinkhole development at the Polk County Site is low and acceptable for this type of construction. Construction Activities Construction of the Polk County Site will be phased over an approximately 25-year period beginning in 1994. The development of the Polk County Site is expected to take place in seven phases. Changes in the scope or sequence of the individual phases may occur depending on capacity needs over time. During Phase I, the initial earthwork and dewatering activities required for the construction of the plant island and cooling pond will take place. The initial cooling pond and plant island area will be dewatered and fill will be placed in SA-11 and SA-13 for the initial power plant construction. Water from the dewatering activities will be conserved by storage in mining parcels SA-8, SA-9, SA-10, N-15 and the northerly part of SA-12, except for quantities used in IMC's recirculation system. Clay consolidation will commence for other parcels, such as N-11A, N-11B, N-11C, N-13 and N-9B. Phosphate mining and related operations will still function in parcels P-2, P-3, Phosphoria, Triangle Lakes, and N-9. The initial vertical power plant construction for the first 470 MW of generating capacity will take place in Phase II. Water stored in Phase I, along with reclaimed water from the City of Bartow, will be used to fill the cooling pond in parcel N-16. Any excess reclaimed water from the City of Bartow, if necessary, will be stored in the eastern portion of N-16. Mining parcels SA-10, the southerly part of SA-12, and a portion of the offsite Estech Silver City plant site will be configured for drainage enhancement to McCullough Creek. Mining parcel SA-8 will be prepared to receive solid waste and parcel SA-9 will be prepared to receive wastewater from the RO system and neutralization basin. Wildlife habitat creation and enhancement will begin in parcels N-9B and N-13. Phase III of the Polk County Site represents the operation of the power plant from 235 MW to 1,500 MW, currently projected as NGCC capacity. The plant island, which will contain the generating units, will be located on mining parcels SA-11 and SA-13. The cooling pond will be located in N-16 and will receive reclaimed water from the City of Bartow and water crop from mining parcels P-3, Phosphoria, P-2, Triangle Lakes, N-15, N-11B, N-11C, the northerly end of SA-12 and the east end of N-16. Phase IV will encompass the development of the Polk County Site from 1,500 MW to 2,000 MW, currently projected as NGCC capacity. In conjunction with the additional generating units onsite, the cooling pond in N-16 will be enlarged to 1,219 acres. Other portions of the Polk County Site would remain the same as in Phase III. During Phase V, coal gasification is projected to be introduced to the Polk County Site. Generating capacity will be increased to 2,250 MW of which 1,000 MW are projected to be NGCC and the remaining 1,250 MW will be CGCC. To accommodate the coal gasification facilities, the northerly portion of SA-12 would be filled. The balance of the site would remain as described in Phase IV. During Phase VI, the generating capacity at the Polk County Site is projected to increase from 2,250 MW to 3,000 MW. This generating capacity will be a combination of 1,000 MW on NGCC and 2,000 MW on CGCC. During this phase, the cooling pond will be enlarged to 2,260 acres and will include parcels N-16, N-15 and N-11B, and a channel through N-11C. Earthwork will be required in N-15 and N-11B to repair and improve dams, and add slope protection on the dam inner faces and seeding on the exterior faces. Phase VII will be the final phase of the Polk County Site. During this phase, if the solid waste disposal area in mining parcel SA-8 were to become full it would be closed and mining parcel P-2 would be prepared to receive solid waste from the power plant operations. Parcels P-3 and Phosphoria will be available for mitigation, if necessary, as a result of activities in parcel P-2. This phase might not occur if coal slag is successfully recycled. Fuel Supply Fuel for the initial 470 MW of combined cycle generation will consist primarily of natural gas, with light distillate fuel oil as backup. Natural gas will be delivered by pipeline to the Polk County Site at a rate of 3.75 million cubic feet per hour. FPC currently plans to receive natural gas from the proposed Sunshine Pipeline for which certification is being sought in a separate proceeding. The Application for the Sunshine Pipeline was filed with DEP in August 1993. The other source for natural gas will be the backup natural gas pipeline which is being certified in this proceeding as an associated linear facility. Fuel oil will be delivered to the site by tanker truck, and enough fuel oil will be stored onsite for three days of operation for each combined cycle unit. At ultimate development, three 4-million gallon oil tanks will be located on the Polk County Site. All fuel handling and storage facilities, including unloading areas, pump areas, piping system, storage tanks, and tank containment areas will meet the requirements of DEP Chapter 17-762, Florida Administrative Code, and applicable National Fire Prevention Association Codes. At ultimate site development, the combined cycle units would use both natural gas and coal gas as primary fuels, and fuel oil as a backup fuel. As with the initial phase of operation, natural gas will be supplied by pipeline. At 1,000 MW of NGCC capacity, six to eight million cubic feet per hour of natural gas will be required. Coal for the coal gasification units will be delivered by railroad. For 2,000 MW of CGCC generating capacity, approximately 15,000 to 20,000 tons of coal a day will be required. Linear Facilities The initial 470 MW of NGCC generation includes three associated linear facilities: a 230-kV transmission line upgrade, a reclaimed water pipeline, and a backup natural gas pipeline. 230-kV Transmission Line The 230-kV transmission line will be routed from the existing FPC Barcola Substation within the Polk County Site to the FPC Ft. Meade Substation adjacent to CR 630. The transmission line corridor is approximately 1,000 feet wide within the Polk County Site boundary and narrows to 500 feet as the corridor leaves the site. The transmission line corridor follows several linear facilities including an existing transmission line right-of-way, CR 555 and CR 630. Land uses along the corridor are primarily phosphate mining, agricultural and industrial. Wetlands within the transmission line corridor are minimal and are associated primarily with roadside ditches. Where the transmission line crosses McCullough Creek, the creek will be spanned. The 230-kV transmission line will be constructed using single shaft tubular steel poles with a double circuit configuration for two 230-kV circuits. The transmission line structures will range in height from 110 feet to 145 feet. The conductor for the transmission line is a 1590 ACSR conductor that is approximately 1.54 inches in diameter. Conductor span lengths between structures will range from 500 to 900 feet. The transmission line will be constructed in six phases. During the first phase, the right-of-way will be cleared. Clearing in upland areas will be done using mowers and other power equipment. Clearing in wetlands, if necessary, will be accomplished by restrictive clearing techniques. After the right-of-way has been cleared, existing structures which will be replaced with new transmission line structures will be removed by unbolting them from their foundations and removing the structures with a crane. Foundations for new transmission line structures will be vibrated into the ground using a vibratory hammer or placed into an augured hole and backfilled. After the foundations are in place, new structures will be assembled on the foundations using a crane. Insulation and pole hardware will be mounted on the structures after erection. In the fifth phase of construction, conductors will be placed on a structure by pulling the conductors through a stringing block attached to the structure. During the final phase of construction, the structures will be grounded and any construction debris will be removed from the right-of-way. The construction of the 230-kV transmission line is estimated to require approximately 17 weeks. Construction of the transmission line will meet or exceed standards of the National Electrical Safety Code; FPC transmission design standards; Chapter 17- 814, Florida Administrative Code; and the Florida Department of Transportation Utility Accommodation Guide, where applicable. Electric and magnetic fields from the 230-kV transmission line will comply with the standards set forth in Chapter 17-814, Florida Administrative Code. Audible noise from the transmission line should occur only during rainy weather and will not exceed 39.1 dBA at the edge of the right-of-way. Since the transmission line is not located near many residences, interference to television and AM radio reception should be minimal. If interference does occur, it can be identified easily and corrected on an individual basis. Backup Natural Gas Pipeline The backup natural gas pipeline will originate at the Florida Gas Transmission pipeline in Hillsborough County at CR 39. The backup pipeline corridor runs generally east for 18 miles until it enters the Polk County Site at the western boundary of the plant island. The pipeline corridor is 1,000 feet wide and it generally follows linear facilities such as Jameson Road, a Tampa Electric Company transmission line, the CSX Railroad, Durrance Road, and Agricola Road. Several subalternate corridors are proposed in Polk County where the backup natural gas pipeline crosses phosphate mining land. The subalternate corridors, all of which are proposed for certification, are necessary to maintain flexibility in routing the backup natural gas pipeline around active mining operations. The uses of land crossed by the backup natural gas pipeline corridor consist primarily of phosphate mining and some agriculture. There are only two areas of residential land use along the corridor, one along Jameson Road in Hillsborough County, and the other near Bradley Junction along Old Highway 37 in Polk County. Ecological areas crossed by the natural gas pipeline corridor include a portion of Hookers Prairie in Polk County, some isolated wetlands associated with phosphate mining activities, and the South Prong Alafia River near CR 39 in Hillsborough County. The backup natural gas pipeline will consist of a metering facility, a scraper trap for pipeline cleaning, a maximum 30-inch buried pipeline made of high strength steel, a pressure regulating station, a cathodic protection system for corrosion control, and a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system to monitor and operate the pipeline. The pipe to be used for the natural gas pipeline will be manufactured in accordance with standards specified in 49 CFR 192 and the industrial standards referenced therein. Pipe thickness will vary depending on the population of the area crossed. External corrosion control for the pipe will be provided by an external coating around the pipe and a cathodic protection system designed to prevent electrochemical corrosion of the pipe. Pipeline sections will be hydrostatically tested before leaving the factory to 125 percent of the design pressure. Activities associated with the construction of the backup natural gas pipeline will include survey and staking of the right-of-way, right-of-way preparation, stringing of the pipe, bending, lineup welding and nondestructive testing, ditching, lowering in of pipeline sections, backfilling, tying in pipeline sections, testing and right-of-way restoration. Construction of the pipeline will take place typically within a 75 foot-wide right-of-way. A wider right-of-way may be required where specialized construction activities, such as jack and bore methods, are used. After construction, the natural gas pipeline will have a permanent 50-foot right-of-way. Where the pipeline crosses federal and state highways or water courses, directional drilling or jack and bore construction methods will be used to minimize disturbance. Where the pipeline crosses the South Prong Alafia River, directional drilling will be used to locate the pipeline underneath the river bed. Pipeline welding will be done by highly skilled personnel who have been qualified in accordance with 49 CFR 192. Pipeline welds will be visually inspected and a percentage of the welds will be x-rayed for analysis. Once the pipeline is constructed, buried and tie-in welds completed, the pipeline will be hydrostatically tested. Hydrostatic testing will use water with a minimum test pressure of 125 percent of maximum operating pressure. Water for hydrostatic testing will be pumped from and returned to the Polk County Site cooling pond. Construction of the pipeline will comply with Title 49 CFR Part 192, Transportation of Natural and Other Gas by Pipelines: Minimum Federal Safety Standards; Chapter 25-12, Florida Administrative Code; Safety of Gas Transportation by Pipeline; and the FDOT Utility Accommodation Guide. After construction of the backup natural gas pipeline, the right-of- way will be restored and a 50-foot-wide permanent right-of-way will be maintained. Line markers will be located along the pipeline at regular intervals and warning signs will be posted where the pipeline crosses roads, railroads, or stream crossings. The estimated cost for the pipeline construction is $611,100 per mile, or $11.2 million for the 18.2 mile pipeline route. Reclaimed Water Pipeline The reclaimed water pipeline will run from the City of Bartow to the cooling pond near the eastern side of the Polk County Site. The reclaimed water pipeline corridor follows the CSX Railroad and U.S. Highway 17/98 south from the southerly Bartow city limit turning west toward the Polk County Site just south of Homeland. Land uses along the corridor include phosphate mining, commercial sites, rural residences and recreation. The corridor does not cross any environmentally sensitive habitats. The reclaimed water pipeline consists of a buried pipe, 24 to 36 inches in diameter, butterfly valves about every mile along the pipeline, and a flow meter. Pumping of reclaimed water will be provided by the Bartow Sewage Treatment Plant. Construction of the reclaimed water pipeline is similar to that of the natural gas pipeline and includes the following activities: survey and staking of the right-of-way, right-of-way preparation, ditching or trenching construction, stringing of the pipe and pipe installation, back filling, hydrostatic testing, and right-of-way restoration. Where the pipeline crosses state or federal highways or railroads, the pipe will be installed by using jack and bore construction. Construction of the reclaimed water pipeline is estimated to cost $500,000 per mile or $5,000,000 for the total length of the pipeline. Construction of the reclaimed water pipeline will comply with the standards in Chapter 17-610, Florida Administrative Code, the Florida Department of Transportation Utility Accommodation Guide, and the EPA Guidelines for Water Reuse Manual. The pipeline will be hydrostatically tested prior to operation. Corrosion control of the pipeline will depend on the material used for the pipeline and the soil conditions. If a polyethylene or a polyvinylchloride material is used, no corrosion control will be necessary. If ductile iron is used, the soil will be tested for corrosive properties and, if necessary, the pipeline will be protected from corrosion with a poly wrap material. Solid Waste Disposal Various types of solid waste will be generated by the operation of the Polk County Site. Depending upon the type of solid waste, disposal may be made in the onsite solid waste disposal areas or it may be disposed of offsite. Waste inlet air filters from the combustion turbines and general waste, such as office waste, yard waste and circulating water system screenings, will be recycled or disposed of offsite at the Polk County North Central Landfill. Solid waste from the well water pretreatment and blowdown pretreatment will be disposed of onsite in the solid waste disposal area to be constructed in mining parcel SA-8. Sulfur, a by-product of coal gasification, will be of marketable grade and will be stored in a molten state onsite and delivered to buyers by rail car or tanker truck. Slag, a by-product of coal gasification, will be the largest volume of solid waste generated at the Polk County Site. Slag is potentially marketable and FPC will make efforts to recycle this by-product as construction aggregate. If slag is not marketable, it will be disposed of in the onsite solid waste disposal areas initially in mining parcel SA-8 and later, if necessary, in parcel P-2. Low volume spent acidic and basic solutions produced in the regeneration of demineralizer resin bed ion exchanges during operation of the facility will be treated in an elementary neutralization unit to render them non-hazardous. Other potentially hazardous waste will be tested and if determined hazardous will be disposed of in accordance with all applicable federal and state laws. Onsite disposal of slag, and well water and blowdown pretreatment solids will be made in the solid waste disposal areas to be constructed in parcels SA-8 and later, if necessary, P-2. These parcels are clay lined impoundments that have clays generally 20 to 40 feet thick. Prior to disposal of any solid waste in a clay settling area, that area will be drained and the clays consolidated. The clays will be probed and if the clay thickness is less than 10 feet it will be refurbished or patched with a synthetic liner. Additionally, a geotextile net will be installed to provide tensile strength to the upper layer of clay. Perimeter leachate collection piping will be installed. Leachate in the interior of the solid waste disposal areas will be monitored and collected by the use of well points to maintain the leachate head at no greater than 4 feet. The solid waste disposal area in parcel SA-8 will be closed by installing a two-foot thick soil cover which will be seeded and graded to provide water crop to parcel N-16. At closure, the leachate level will be pumped down to minimize the residual leachate head. The clay which lines the base of the solid waste disposal areas decreases in permeability as it consolidates and the solids content of the clay increases. In the first 20 to 50 years of consolidation, the hydraulic gradient of the clay is reversed and water will drain upward. Analysis of the clay shows that it would take 60 to 100 years for leachate to seep through the clay liner. After closure and capping of the solid waste disposal area occurs and the leachate residual head is pumped out, leachate is not expected to break through the liner. Based on the design of the solid waste disposal areas and the analysis of the clay, the solid waste disposal areas in parcels SA-8, and later P-2, should provide equivalent or superior protection to that of a Class I landfill under Chapter 17-7.01, Florida Administrative Code. Industrial Wastewater The Polk County Site is designed to be a zero discharge facility. There will be no offsite surface water discharge of contaminated stormwater or cooling pond blowdown. Cooling pond blowdown will be treated first by a lime/soda ash softening pretreatment system. A portion of the softened effluent will be routed to the cooling pond and a portion will be treated further by reverse osmosis (RO). High quality water from the RO system will be reused in the power plant as process water. The reject wastewater from the RO system will be sent to the brine pond for evaporation. In later stages of the Polk County Site operation, the RO reject wastewater will be concentrated prior to disposal in the brine pond. The brine pond will be constructed in parcel SA-9, a waste clay settling pond. Parcel SA-9 has thick waste clay deposits which will act as a liner. A synthetic liner will be placed along the interior perimeter of the brine pond out to a point where the clay is at least 10 feet thick. The synthetic liner will prevent seepage of the brine through the embankment of the brine pond and will provide added protection near the perimeter of the brine pond where the clay liner is thinner. Groundwater Impacts/Zone of Discharge The brine pond and solid waste disposal areas will be located in waste clay settling ponds with thick clay liners. They will be constructed to minimize, if not eliminate, seepage of brine and leachate to groundwater. If brine or leachate should seep through the clay liner, dispersion and dilution will reduce chemical concentrations so that neither primary nor secondary groundwater quality standards will be exceeded at the boundary of the zone of discharge. A zone of discharge has been established for the solid waste disposal area in parcel SA-8, the brine pond in parcel SA-9, and the cooling pond in parcels N-11B, N-15 and N-16. The zone of discharge will extend horizontally 100 feet out from the outside toe of the earthen dam along a consolidated boundary surrounding these facilities and vertically downward to the top of the Tampa member of the Hawthorn Group. A groundwater monitoring plan will be implemented to monitor compliance with groundwater standards at the boundary of the zone of discharge. Surficial Hydrology and Water Quality Impacts The Polk County Site is located along the divide between the Peace River Drainage Basin and the Alafia River Drainage Basin. Water bodies near the site include McCullough Creek, Camp Branch, Six Mile Creek, Barber Branch, and South Prong Alafia River. Mining has disrupted or eliminated natural drainage patterns from the Polk County Site to these water bodies. Currently the only drainage from the Polk County Site to these water bodies is through federally permitted National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) outfalls to McCullough Creek and Camp Branch. To assess the impact to the surficial hydrology of the Polk County Site and surrounding water bodies, the baseline condition was assumed to be the surficial hydrology which would be present under current mandatory reclamation plans for the mining parcels onsite and offsite. The baseline for non-mandatory parcels was assumed to be the minimum reclamation standards under the DEP/Bureau of Mine Reclamation (BOMR) (formerly within the Department of Natural Resources) Old Lands Program and the baseline for non-mandatory offsite parcels was considered to be the existing condition. The one water body onsite for which the baseline condition presently exists is Tiger Bay, which has been reclaimed and released. The baseline condition for the Polk County Site ultimately would include elimination of seepage from N-16 to Tiger Bay and removal of the NPDES outfall weir from Tiger Bay to Camp Branch. These conditions will result in a lowering of the water table in Tiger Bay and the drying out of wetlands in that area. Under current reclamation plans, water bodies also will be created in parcels SA-12 and SA-11. Other than the reclaimed Tiger Bay and Tiger Bay East, DEP, Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) and Polk County have not claimed jurisdiction over any of the water bodies onsite within areas in which phosphate mining activities have been or will be conducted. The major construction activities which may impact offsite surface water bodies are the dewatering activities associated with the initial phase of construction. During this period, parcels SA-11, SA-13 and N-16 will be dewatered to allow earth-moving activities to take place. Dewatering effluent will be stored onsite, reused in IMC's recirculation system, or discharged in the event of above-average rainfall. After the earthwork is complete, the water will be returned to N-16. Based on this construction scenario, no adverse impact to offsite surface water bodies is expected from the construction activities associated with the Polk County Site. The Polk County Site has been designed to function as a "zero discharge" facility. No surface water will be withdrawn from or discharged to any offsite surface water body as a result of plant operations. Certain non- industrial areas within the Polk County Site will be designed, however, to provide offsite drainage to enhance flows to McCullough Creek and Camp Branch. Flow to McCullough Creek will be enhanced by drainage from parcel SA-10, an offsite portion of the Estech Silver City Plant Site, and the southerly portion of parcel SA-12. Drainage from parcels N-11A, N-13, N-9B, Tiger Bay East and Tiger Bay will enhance flows to Camp Branch. Additionally, FPC has agreed to explore the possibility of restoring drainage to Six Mile Creek if onsite water cropping produces more water than FPC needs for power plant operations and if such drainage can be accomplished without additional permits. The net effect of the drainage enhancement plans will be to equal or improve flows to McCullough Creek and Camp Branch over the baseline condition for the site. There are several types of surface water systems to be developed on the Polk County Site. Surface water runoff from the plant island, other than that from the coal and limestone storage areas, will be routed to the site runoff pond and then used in the cooling pond as makeup water. Surface water runoff from the coal and limestone storage areas, as well as runoff from the active solid waste disposal area, will be routed to a lined recycle basin and will be used as process makeup water for the coal gasification plant. Surface water runoff from mining parcels N-11C, Triangle Lakes, N-11B and N-15 prior to its use as part of the cooling pond, P-3, Phosphoria, P-2 prior to its use as a solid waste disposal area, and SA-8 after it has been closed as a solid waste disposal area, will be directed to the cooling pond as makeup water. All of the surface water management systems will meet the requirements of the SWFWMD Management and Storage of Surface Water rules. Subsurface Hydrology and Impacts from Water Withdrawal The Polk County Site will use a cooling pond for process water and for cooling water for the combined cycle units and the coal gasification facilities. For the initial 940 MW of generating capacity, makeup water for the cooling pond will come from onsite water cropping and reclaimed water from the City of Bartow. FPC has negotiated an agreement with the City of Bartow for 3.5 or more million gallons per day (mgd) of reclaimed water from its wastewater treatment facility. At ultimate site capacity, the Polk County Site will require up to 23.6 mgd from a combination of offsite sources and groundwater for the operation of the power plant. FPC has agreed with the SWFWMD to obtain at least 6.1 mgd from reclaimed water and other offsite non-potable water sources, including the City of Bartow, for use as makeup water for the cooling pond. The additional 17.5 mgd of water may be withdrawn from the Upper Floridan Aquifer if additional sources of reclaimed water are not available. FPC has identified substantial amounts of reclaimed water that may be available. A limited quantity of potable water from the Upper Floridan Aquifer will be needed to supply drinking water and other potable water needs for power plant employees. Well water from the Upper Floridan Aquifer will be treated, filtered and chlorinated in an onsite potable water treatment system prior to consumption. At ultimate site development, potable water consumption is estimated to average 19,000 gallons per day, with a peak consumption of 36,000 gallons per day. As an alternative, FPC may connect with the City of Bartow or the City of Fort Meade potable water system. The subsurface hydrology of the Polk County Site consists of three aquifer systems. The uppermost system is the surficial aquifer which is located in the upper 20 to 30 feet of soil. Due to mining operations, the surficial aquifer has been removed from the site except beneath highway rights-of-way and portions of some dams. Below the surficial aquifer lies the intermediate aquifer which is comprised of an upper confining layer approximately 120 feet thick, a middle water bearing unit about 60 feet thick, and a lower confining unit about 80 to 100 feet thick. This aquifer system provides potable water to some small quantity users in the area. Below the intermediate aquifer is the Floridan Aquifer, which consists of the Upper Floridan Aquifer, a discontinuous intermediate confining unit, and the Lower Floridan Aquifer. The Upper Floridan Aquifer provides a larger source of potable water for the area. The Lower Floridan Aquifer is characterized by poorer quality water and has not been used generally for water supply. The principal impact to groundwater from construction of the Polk County Site will be from the dewatering activities in parcels N-16, SA-11 and SA-13. This impact, if not mitigated, could result in the lowering of groundwater levels in the surficial aquifer in adjacent wetlands. During construction, recharge trenches will be constructed in certain locations near wetlands. Modeling analysis demonstrates that the recharge trenches will adequately mitigate any offsite groundwater impacts that otherwise would be caused by construction dewatering. The principal groundwater impact from the operation of the Polk County Site will be the withdrawal of water from the Upper Floridan Aquifer for process water and cooling pond makeup. Water from the Upper Floridan Aquifer is the lowest quality of groundwater that can be used for the Polk County Site while maintaining the cooling pond as a zero discharge facility. The withdrawal of 17.5 mgd from the Upper Floridan Aquifer at ultimate site development will not adversely impact offsite legal users of groundwater and will comply with the SWFWMD consumptive use criteria for groundwater withdrawal. Ecological Resources The baseline for the ecological resources at the Polk County Site was established as the site condition that would exist following (i) mandatory reclamation under reclamation plans approved by the DEP/BOMR, and (ii) non- mandatory reclamation normally carried out by the mining companies. In the cases of Tiger Bay, which has been reclaimed and released by DEP/BOMR, and Tiger Bay East, which has revegetated naturally without reclamation, the ecological baseline was represented by the current condition of these parcels. This baseline methodology was proposed by FPC in a Plan of Study which was accepted by DEP in a Binding Written Agreement. The predominant land cover that would occur under the baseline condition at the Polk County Site would be agriculture. Approximately 70 percent of the Polk County Site, or approximately 5,678 acres, would be developed as crop land, citrus or pasture. The remaining 30 percent of the site would be reclaimed as non-agricultural uplands, wetlands and open water bodies. Tiger Bay already has been reclaimed and released by DEP/BOMR and Tiger Bay East has revegetated naturally. These two parcels represent one-fourth (524 acres) of the natural habitat under the ecological baseline condition. The quality of the baseline land cover and vegetation was established by surveying several onsite and offsite areas which have been reclaimed and released. Baseline aquatic resources at the Polk County Site consist of Tiger Bay and the aquatic resources which would have been developed under existing reclamation plans. This baseline would include open water bodies and forested wetlands in parcels SA- 11 and SA-12, and forested and herbaceous wetlands in parcel N-16. Both Estech and IMC have exceeded their mine-wide wetlands mitigation obligations even without those wetlands. The quality of the baseline open water bodies on the Polk County Site was evaluated by surveying parcel N- 16, which currently consists of open water habitat. The quality of wetlands was determined by surveying Tiger Bay, which contains wetlands that have been reclaimed and released. The baseline aquatic resources were found to have significant fluctuations of dissolved oxygen, and were characterized by encroachment of cattail, water hyacinth and other nuisance species. All of the aquatic areas sampled as representative of baseline conditions showed significant eutrophication. No DEP or SWFWMD jurisdictional wetlands currently exist onsite, within areas in which phosphate mining activities have been or will be conducted, except in the reclaimed Tiger Bay and Tiger Bay East. Baseline evaluation of threatened and endangered species, and species of special concern (listed species) was conducted by collecting information regarding regional habitat descriptions; plant species lists and ecological reports for the area; lists and ecological reports of birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians common to the area; species checklists; reports of sightings or abundance estimates; interspecific relationships and food chains of important species; location of rare, threatened or endangered species or critical habitat for these species in the region; and occurrence of potential preexisting stresses. Information from the Florida Natural Areas Inventory and approved mine reclamation plans was reviewed. Visits were made to nearby reclaimed sites by land and low-flying helicopters. No listed plant species were found at the site or offsite study areas. Existing reclamation plans, and consequently the ecological baseline condition, do not require the planting of such species. Listed animal species which were observed at the Polk County Site and are expected under the baseline conditions include the American alligator, woodstork, southeastern kestrel, osprey, little blue heron, snowy egret and tricolored heron. The baseline conditions would provide suitable feeding habitat for these species, but only limited areas of suitable nesting habitat. Both the current condition of the site and baseline condition provide feeding habitat for the American bald eagle, however, the nesting potential for this species will be greater after the implementation of the baseline condition. Impacts to the baseline ecological resources from the construction and operation of the Polk County Site will be more than compensated by habitat creation and enhancement programs proposed by FPC. The primary impacts to the baseline ecological resources will occur when power plant facilities, such as the plant island, cooling pond, brine pond and solid waste disposal area are constructed, eliminating these parcels from the baseline ecological resources. Without development of the Polk County Site, these parcels would represent approximately 2,268 acres of viable lakes and upland and wetland habitats. FPC has proposed a total of 3,713 acres of viable wildlife habitat as part of the ultimate development of the Polk County Site. Accordingly, the available wildlife habitat after construction of the Polk County Site represents a net increase of 1,445 acres over the baseline ecological resource conditions. This increase in habitat, particularly in the buffer area, will be a net benefit for protected species. In providing more wildlife habitat than baseline conditions, FPC has agreed to certain enhancement activities that will specifically offset any impact to baseline ecological resources. These enhancement programs include habitat and wetland creation in parcels N-9B and N-13; habitat creation and offsite drainage enhancement in parcel SA-10; implementation of a wildlife habitat management plan and exotic vegetation control in parcels SA-10, N-9B and N-13; drainage enhancement to McCullough Creek and Camp Branch; and funding the acquisition of a 425 acre offsite area to serve as part of a wildlife corridor. Air Pollution Control Polk County has been designated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and DEP as an attainment area for all six criteria air pollutants. Federal and state Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) regulations provide that the project will be subject to "new source review." This review generally requires that the project comply with all applicable state and federal emission limiting standards, including New Source Performance Standards (NSPS), and that Best Available Control Technology (BACT) be applied to control emissions of PSD pollutants emitted in excess of applicable PSD significant emission rates. The project will limit emission rates to levels far below NSPS requirements. For the initial 470 MW phase of the Project, BACT must be applied for the following pollutants: sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulates (PM and PM10), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), carbon monoxide (CO), beryllium, inorganic arsenic, and benzene. For the ultimate site capacity, BACT is required for each of these pollutants, and sulfuric acid mist (H2SO4), mercury, and lead as well. BACT is defined in DEP Rule 17-212.200(16), Florida Administrative Code, as: An emission limitation, including a visible emission standard, based on the maximum degree of reduction of each pollutant emitted which the Department, on a case-by-case basis, taking into account energy, environmental and economic impacts, and other costs, determines is achievable through application of production processes and available methods, systems and techniques (including fuel cleaning or treatment or innovative fuel combustion techniques) for control of each such pollutant. The primary purpose of a BACT analysis is to minimize the allowable increases in air pollutants and thereby increase the potential for future economic growth without significantly degrading air quality. Such an analysis is intended to insure that the air emissions control systems for the project reflect the latest control technologies used in a particular industry and is to take into consideration existing and future air quality in the vicinity of the project. The BACT analysis for the project therefore evaluated technical, economic, and environmental considerations of available control technologies and examined BACT determinations for other similar facilities across the United States. For the first 470 MW of NGCC units, BACT for SO2 emissions from the CTs is the use of natural gas as the primary fuel and the use of low sulfur oil for a limited number of hours per year. For the first 470 MW of NGCC units, BACT for CO, VOCs, PM, beryllium, arsenic, and benzene emissions from the CTs is efficient design and operation of the CTs, the inherent quality of natural gas (the primary fuel), and a limitation on the annual use of fuel oil. For the first 470 MW of combined cycle units, BACT for NOx emissions from the CTs is the use of advanced dry low NOx combustors capable of achieving emissions of 12 parts per million by volume dry (ppmvd) at 15 percent oxygen when burning natural gas, water/steam injection to achieve 42 ppmvd at 15 percent oxygen when burning fuel oil, and limited annual fuel oil use. For the first 470 MW of NGCC units, the DEP staff initially proposed BACT for NOx emissions from the CTs as 9 ppmvd at 15 percent oxygen when burning natural gas, using dry low NOx combustor technology. However, after careful consideration, it was determined that, because of the lack of proven technology to achieve such emission rate, it would be more appropriate to establish BACT at 73 lb/hour/CT (24-hour average, based on 12 ppmvd at 15 percent oxygen and 59o F) using dry low NOx combustor technology and to require FPC to make every practicable effort to achieve the lowest possible NOx emission rate with those CTs when firing natural gas. FPC also is required to conduct an engineering study to determine the lowest emission rate consistently achievable with a reasonable operating margin taking into account long-term performance expectations and assuming good operating and maintenance practices. Based on the results of that study, DEP may adjust the NOx emission limit downward, but not lower than 55 lb/hour/CT (24-hour average, based on 9 ppmvd at 15 percent oxygen and 59o F.). For the 99 MBtu/hour auxiliary boiler that is part of the initial phase of the project, BACT for NOx emissions is low NOx burners, limited annual fuel oil use, and limited hours of annual operation. BACT for NOx emissions from the 1300 kW diesel generator is combustion timing retardation with limited hours of annual operation. For the 99 MBtu/hour auxiliary boiler and the diesel generator as part of the initial phase of the project, BACT for CO, VOC, SO2, PM, benzene, beryllium, and arsenic emissions consists of good combustion controls, the inherent quality of the fuels burned, the use of low-sulfur fuel oil, and limited hours of operation. For the fuel oil storage tank as part of the initial phase of the project, BACT is submerged filling of the tank. For the coal gasification and other facilities to be built during later phases of the project, a preliminary BACT review was undertaken by FPC to support the demonstration that the Polk County Site has the ultimate capacity and resources available to support the full phased project. Air Quality Impact Analysis Air emissions from the project also must comply with Ambient Air Quality Standards for six criteria pollutants and Prevention of Significant Deterioration increments for three pollutants. Polk County and the contiguous counties are classified as Class II areas for PSD purposes; the nearest Class I area is the Chassahowitzka National Wilderness Area, located approximately 120 km. from the Site. An air quality analysis, undertaken in accordance with monitoring and computer modeling procedures approved in advance by EPA and DEP, demonstrated that the project at ultimate capacity utilizing worst-case assumptions will comply with all state and federal ambient air quality standards as well as PSD Class I and II increments. For nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide and particulate matter, air quality modeling was based on conservative assumptions, including background concentrations based upon the highest long- term and second highest short-term measured values (established through an onsite one-year air quality monitoring program and regional data), existing major sources at their maximum emissions, the estimated maximum emissions from certain other proposed projects, and the impacts of the proposed FPC project at ultimate site capacity. For other pollutants, detailed analyses were not performed because offsite impacts were predicted to be insignificant. Impacts of the project's estimated emissions of certain hazardous air pollutants (antimony, arsenic, barium, beryllium, benzene, boron, cadmium, calcium, chromium, cobalt, copper, formaldehyde, magnesium, manganese, nickel, selenium, vanadium, and zinc) at ultimate capacity were compared to the DEP draft no-threat levels under DEP's draft "Air Toxics Permitting Strategy." All pollutants except arsenic were projected to be below the corresponding draft no- threat level. Because of the conservatism of DEP's draft no-threat levels, it was concluded that arsenic impacts would not pose a significant health risk to the population in the surrounding area. Impacts on vegetation, soils, and wildlife in both the site area and the vicinity of the Chassahowitzka National Wilderness Area, the nearest PSD Class I area, will be minimal. Visibility in the vicinity of the Chassahowitzka National Wilderness Area will not be impaired significantly by the project's emissions. Air quality impacts from commercial, industrial, and residential growth induced by the project are expected to be small and well-distributed throughout the area. Impacts from the initial phase of the Project (470 MW) will comply with all State and federal ambient air quality standards as well as PSD Class I and II increments. The impacts from the initial phase of the Project are also well below the draft no-threat levels. The initial phase of the Project will not significantly impair visibility in the vicinity of the Chassahowitzka National Wilderness Area, and the impact on vegetation, soils, and wildlife in both the site area and the vicinity of the Chassahowitzka National Wilderness Area will be minimal. The air quality impacts due to commercial, industrial, and residential growth from the initial phase of the Project will be small, and are not expected to impact air quality. Land Use Planning/Socioeconomic Impacts of Construction and Operation The proposed site is an appropriate location for the Polk County Site project. The Polk County Site has adequate access to highway and rail networks, including CR 555, a major collector road, and the CSX railroad. The Polk County Site is located away from major residential areas in a location already heavily disturbed by mining activity. The site is located in reasonable proximity to major metropolitan areas that can supply an adequate work force for construction. Development of the Polk County Site in a mined-out phosphate area is a beneficial use of land and will provide an economic benefit for Polk County. The Polk County Site also is close to existing facilities, such as existing transmission line corridors and reclaimed water facilities, which will benefit the operation of the site while minimizing the impact of the project. The linear facilities associated with the Polk County Site are sited in appropriate locations. The 230-kV transmission line upgrade, reclaimed water pipeline and backup natural gas pipeline corridors: (i) are located adjacent to other linear facilities, such as existing roads and transmission lines, (ii) avoid major residential areas, and (iii) minimally disrupt existing land uses. The Polk County Site is compatible with the State Comprehensive Plan, the CFRPC Regional Policy Plan, and will meet the requirements of the Polk County Conditional Use Permit. The portion of the backup natural gas pipeline located in Hillsborough County is consistent with the Hillsborough County Comprehensive Plan and the policies of the TBRPC Regional Policy Plan. Construction of the Polk County Site will occur over an approximately 25-year period beginning in 1994. If the Polk County Site is developed only for NGCC capacity, construction employment will average 153 jobs per year with a peak employment of 350. The average annual payroll for construction of the Polk County Site on all NGCC is expected to be $7.1 million per year. If 1,000 MW of NGCC and 2,000 MW of CGCC units are built at the Polk County Site, peak construction employment will be 1,000 with an average annual construction employment of 315 over the approximate 25-year period. Average annual payroll under this scenario would be $14.6 million per year. Indirect jobs created as a result of buildout of the Polk County Site will average 231 jobs for all NGCC and 477 jobs if 2,000 MW of CGCC is added to the Polk County Site. After completion of the construction of the Polk County Site at ultimate capacity, 110 permanent direct jobs will be created if the site uses all NGCC and 410 jobs will be created if coal gasification is added to the Polk County Site. The operation of the Polk County Site will have a multiplier effect on the Polk County economy. The all NGCC scenario will create 272 indirect jobs and the Case A' scenario with CGCC will create 1,013 indirect jobs. After buildout, property taxes generated by the Polk County Site are estimated to be $24.3 million per year for the all NGCC scenario and $37.4 million per year if CGCC capacity is constructed at the site. Noise Impacts The ambient noise, or baseline noise condition at the Polk County Site was measured in five locations. These measurements show that the baseline noise condition for the site ranges between 30 dBA and 65 dBA at the nearest residential location. The higher noise levels are caused by truck traffic associated with the phosphate mining industry. Noise impacts from construction will be loudest during initial site preparation and steel erection stages. Earth moving equipment will produce noise levels of 45 to 50 dBA at the nearest residence in Homeland. During final phases of construction, steam blowout activity to clean steam lines will produce short duration noise levels of 69 dBA at the nearest residence. This activity will take place only during daylight hours. Noise levels from the operation of the Polk County Site were calculated using a computer program specifically designed for assessing noise impacts associated with power plant operation. The highest predicted continuous noise level will be 41 dBA at several houses 2.9 miles south of the site and 47 dBA at the nearest church. Noise impacts from fuel delivery trucks and coal trains will not significantly increase the noise levels over existing conditions. The continuous noise level from the operation of the Polk County Site at the nearest residence or church will be below the 55 dBA level recommended by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Traffic Traffic analyses were made for impacts to highway traffic which will result from the construction and operation of the Polk County Site. These analyses included impacts at rail crossings caused by the delivery of coal to the Polk County Site under the Case A' scenario. A highway traffic analysis was made to determine if the existing roadway network in the vicinity of the Polk County Site would operate at acceptable levels of service based upon increased volumes of traffic associated with the construction and operation employment at the Polk County Site. Methodologies for evaluating traffic impact complied with Polk County, FDOT and CFRPC criteria. County roads were evaluated using Polk County criteria and state roads were evaluated using both Polk County and FDOT criteria. Traffic volumes were evaluated for peak construction traffic in 2010 and full plant operations, estimated in 2018. The traffic evaluation included analysis of existing traffic conditions, increased traffic volume associated with growth in the area not associated with the Polk County Site, and increased traffic associated with construction and operation employment at the Polk County Site. During peak construction employment under the Case A' scenario, 1,000 employees are expected at the Polk County Site. Under this scenario, the expected trip generation of the Polk County Site is expected to be 1,792 trips per day, with a morning peak of 717 trips and an afternoon peak of 717 trips. Based on this analysis, all roadways are expected to operate at acceptable levels of service with currently planned improvements to the roadways. Intersection levels of service were found acceptable for 7 out of 11 intersections. FPC has recommended improvements to four intersections at U.S. 98 and SR 60A, SR 60 and CR 555, SR 37 and CR 640, and CR 555 and CR 640 at specified traffic levels. Peak operation employment under the Case A' scenario is expected to be 410 employees in 2018. Based upon this employment figure, the expected trip generation of the Polk County Site is 964 trips per day with a morning peak of 195 trips and an afternoon peak of 154 trips. At peak operation employment, all roadways evaluated were found to operate at acceptable levels of service. All intersections, except the intersection at SR 60 and CR 555, were found to operate at acceptable levels. FPC has recommended a protected/permissive westbound left turn lane at this intersection. With FPC's recommended improvements, which have been incorporated as conditions of certification, and those improvements currently planned by FDOT, the existing roadway network will meet Polk County and FDOT approved levels of service at peak employment during the construction and operation of the Polk County Site to its ultimate capacity. In addition to the highway traffic impact analysis, FPC evaluated the impact on rail/highway crossings from the transportation of coal by rail under the Case A' scenario. It was assumed that all coal for the Polk County Site will be delivered by rail over existing CSX transportation lines. It is expected that at full operation two 90-car trains per day will be required for the delivery of coal, resulting in four train trips per day. It was also assumed that trains will travel at speeds averaging 35 to 45 miles per hour. Evaluation of the impacts at rail crossings found an increase of .5 second per vehicle per day at urban rail crossings and .3 second per vehicle per day at rural rail crossings. Based on the 1985 Highway Capacity Manual, the total delay at rail crossing intersections caused by the increased train traffic to and from the Polk County Site will not cause a significant delay and the rail crossing intersections will maintain level of service A. Archaeological and Historic Sites The Florida Department of State, Division of Historical Resources, has stated that because of the location of the Polk County Site, it is unlikely that any significant archaeological or historical sites will be affected. Mandatory Reclamation of Mining Parcels The Polk County Site is comprised of phosphate mining parcels, portions of which are subject to mandatory reclamation under the jurisdiction of DEP/BOMR. The mandatory mining parcels are currently owned by Estech, IMC, and USAC. FPC has entered into stipulations with each mining company agreeing to reclamation of the mandatory mining parcels in accordance with the conditions of certification proposed by DEP/BOMR. In those conditions, DEP has proposed to incorporate the reclamation conceptual plan modifications included in Appendix 10.9 of the SCA into the certification proceeding for the Polk County Site and has redesignated those conceptual plan modifications as EST-SC-CPH and IMC-NP- FPC. The portions of the site which will be developed by FPC will be released from mandatory reclamation requirements when FPC purchases the Polk County Site. Variances FPC has requested variances from certain reclamation standards set forth in Rule 16C-16.0051, Florida Administrative Code, which will be necessary until the affected mining parcels on the Polk County Site are released from reclamation. FPC has requested a variance from Rule 16C-16.0051(5)(a), which requires artificial water bodies to have an annual zone of fluctuation, and Rule 16C-16.0051(5)(b), which requires submerged vegetation and fish bedding in artificially-created water bodies. The criteria in these rules are inappropriate for a cooling pond, because it is an industrial wastewater treatment facility which cannot be efficiently or safely operated with fluctuating water levels and aquatic vegetation zones. With regard to the construction of dams for the cooling pond, brine pond and solid waste disposal areas, FPC will need a variance from Rule 16C-16.0051(2)(a), which requires a 4:1 slope for dam embankments and Rule 16C-16.0051(9)(b) and (c), which requires vegetation of upland areas, which may include dam embankments. Dams for the cooling pond, brine pond and solid waste disposal areas will have steeper slopes and the interiors of the dams will be concrete blanket revetments, synthetic liners or solid waste consistent with the industrial purposes for which these facilities have been constructed. Access to these areas will be controlled to prevent any potential safety hazard. Finally, FPC will need a variance from Rule 16C-16.0051(11)(b)(4), which requires reclamation to be completed within two years after mining operations are completed. Construction of the Polk County Site requires extensive dewatering and earthwork which cannot be completed within this timeframe. Applications for variances from mining reclamation criteria were included in Appendix 10.9 of the SCA and have been incorporated into the certification proceeding for the Polk County Site. DEP has redesignated these variance applications as EST-SC-FPC-V and IMC-NP-FPC-V. These variances are appropriate and should be granted. Agency Positions and Stipulations The Department of Environmental Protection, Southwest Florida Water Management District, and Polk County have recommended certification for the construction and operation of the initial 470 MW of natural gas combined cycle generating capacity and have recommended the determination that the Polk County Site has the ultimate capacity for 3,000 MW of natural gas and coal gas combined cycle generating capacity, subject to appropriate conditions of certification. No other state, regional or local agency that is a party to the certification proceeding has recommended denial of the certification for the construction of the initial 470 MW of generating capacity or determination of ultimate site capacity. Several agencies which expressed initial concern regarding certification of the Polk County Site have resolved those concerns with FPC and have entered into stipulations with FPC as discussed below. The Florida Department of Transportation, the Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, and the Department of Community Affairs have entered into stipulations with FPC recommending certification of the Polk County Site and a determination that the Polk County Site has the ultimate site capacity to support 3,000 MW of NGCC and CGCC generating capacity subject to proposed conditions of certification. Hillsborough County, the Environmental Protection Commission of Hillsborough County, and the Tampa Port Authority have entered into a stipulation and agreement with FPC recommending certification of the backup natural gas pipeline corridor subject to proposed conditions of certification. FPC and the agency parties have agreed on a set of conditions of certification for the Polk County Site. Those conditions are attached as Appendix A to this Recommended Order.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Facts and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that: Florida Power Corporation be granted certification pursuant to Chapter 403, Part II, Florida Statutes, for the location, construction and operation of 470 MW of combined cycle generating capacity as proposed in the Site Certification Application and in accordance with the attached Conditions of Certification. Florida Power Corporation's Polk County Site be certified for an ultimate site capacity of 3,000 MW fueled by coal gas, natural gas, and fuel oil subject to supplemental application review pursuant to 403.517, Florida Statutes, and Rule 17-17.231, Florida Administrative Code, and the attached Conditions of Certification. A zone of discharge be granted in accordance with the attached Conditions of Certification. The conceptual plan modifications (EST-SC-CPH and IMC-NP-FPC) for the mandatory phosphate mining reclamation plans be granted subject to the attached Conditions of Certification. The variances from reclamation standards (EST-SC-FPC-V and IMC-NP-FPC- V) as described herein be granted subject to the attached Conditions of Certification. DONE AND ENTERED this 3rd day of December, 1993, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE K. KIESLING, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of December, 1993. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 92-5308EPP RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF CERTIFICATION * * NOTE: 114 page Recommended Conditions of Certification plus attachments is available for review in the Division's Clerk's Office. COPIES FURNISHED: Gary P. Sams Richard W. Moore Attorneys at Law Hopping Boyd Green & Sams Post Office Box 6526 Tallahassee, Florida 32314-6526 Representing Applicant Pamela I. Smith Corporate Counsel Florida Power Corporation Post Office Box 14042 St. Petersburg, Florida 33733-4042 Richard Donelan Assistant General Counsel Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road, Room 654 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 Representing DER Hamilton S. Oven, Jr. Office of Siting Coordination Division of Air Resources Mgmt. Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 Lucky T. Osho Karen Brodeen Assistant General Counsels Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 Representing DCA Michael Palecki, Chief Bureau of Electric & Gas Florida Public Service Commission 101 East Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0850 Representing PSC M. B. Adelson, Assistant General Counsel Department of Natural Resources 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 Representing DNR Carolyn S. Holifield, Chief Chief, Administrative Law Section Department of Transportation 605 Suwanee Street, Mail Station 58 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0458 Representing DOT Doug Leonard, Executive Director Ralph Artigliere, Attorney at Law Central Florida Regional Planning Council 409 East Davidson Street Bartow, Florida 33830 Representing CFRPC Julia Greene, Executive Director Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council 9455 Koger Boulevard St. Petersburg, Florida 33702 Representing Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council John J. Dingfelder Assistant County Attorney Hillsborough County Post Office Box 1110 Tampa, Florida 33601-1110 Representing Hillsborough County Mark Carpanini Attorney at Law Office of County Attorney Post Office Box 60 Bartow, Florida 33830-0060 Representing Polk County Martin D. Hernandez Richard Tschantz Assistant General Counsels Southwest Florida Water Management District 2370 Broad Street Brooksville, Florida 34609-6899 Representing SWFWMD James Antista, General Counsel Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission Bryant Building 620 South Meridian Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1600 Representing GFWFC Sara M. Fotopulos Chief Counsel Environmental Protection Commission of Hillsborough County 1900 Ninth Avenue Tampa, Florida 33605 Representing EPCHC Joseph L. Valenti, Director Tampa Port Authority Post Office Box 2192 Tampa, Florida 33601 Representing Tampa Port Authority Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund Don E. Duden, Acting Executive Director Department of Natural Resources 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 Representing the Trustees Honorable Lawton Chiles Governor State of Florida The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Honorable Robert A. Butterworth Attorney General State of Florida The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 Honorable Bob Crawford Commissioner of Agriculture State of Florida The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0810 Honorable Betty Castor Commissioner of Education State of Florida The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Honorable Jim Smith Secretary of State State of Florida The Capitol, PL-02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 Honorable Tom Gallagher Treasurer and Insurance Commissioner State of Florida The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0300 Honorable Gerald A. Lewis Comptroller State of Florida The Capitol, Plaza Level Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0350

USC (1) 49 CFR 192 Florida Laws (3) 403.508403.517403.519
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-001348BID Latest Update: Jul. 01, 1985

Findings Of Fact On an undisclosed date, respondent, Department of Transportation (DOT), gave notice to qualified contractors that it would receive sealed bids on State Project Job No. 26000-3624. The job called for removing and replacing the roof on the DOT warehouse at Gainesville, Florida. Such bids were to be filed with the agency no later than January 23, 1985. As is pertinent here, the specifications called for the following type of flexible sheet roofing system: minimum Elastomeric sheet material, manufacturer's standard thickness but not less than 42 mils, 400 psi minimum tensil strength, 250 percent elongation (ASTM D 412), ultraviolet and ozone resistent, low temperature brittleness of -40 F (-40 C)(ASTM D 746), integral color white or aluminum. W. R. Grace and Company (Grace) is one of several companies who manufacture single-ply roof membranes that are generally compatible with DOT specifications. One of its factory representatives, John Cunningham, reviews all bid notices issued by DOT to determine what materials are required for a given project. The representative then calls DOT approved contractors in his service area who use Grace products and advises them of the requirements for the job. In this particular case, Cunningham read the specification for elastomeric sheet material and was initially confused as to whether DOT wanted a factory finish on the membrane or to have it coated in the field. This confusion arose since the specification called for an "integral color" on the material and a "manufacturer's standard thickness, but not less than 42 mils." Grace manufacturers two single-ply roof membranes, one having a 40 mil thickness with a factory applied coating (GRM-500), and one having a 50 mil thickness with a field applied coating (GRM-120). When DOT prepared the bid proposal, it was under the impression that the GRM-500 system would meet the specifications. However, if a factory applied coating on the membrane was desired, the GRM-500 system would not meet the specification as to thickness. Because of this, Cunningham contacted a DOT representative who advised that DOT wanted a factory applied coating, and that all bidders should base their bid using the GRM-500 product even though this appeared to be inconsistent with the specifications. The representative also told Cunningham it was too late to issue an addendum to clarify the matter. Based upon the above representation Cunningham telephoned each qualified contractor in his sales area who used Grace products, including petitioner Cheesbro Roofing, Inc. (Cheesbro), a roofing company located in Ormond Beach, Florida. He told them that DOT apparently wanted a factory applied coating, even though this was inconsistent with the specification as to thickness and that the GRM-500 system should be used. He also advised them that at least one bidder interpreted the specification differently, and was preparing its bid using the GRM-120 product so that the thickness specification as written could be met. Cheesbro had never bid a DOT project and was confused as to the type of product to use in preparing its bid. In an abundance of caution, Cheesbro submitted alternate bids, one with prices based on the GRM-500 system and the other using the GRM-120 system. This resulted in bids of $84,560 and $102,661, respectively. The alternate bid (using the GRM-120 product) was typed on the firm's letterhead and inserted in the bid proposal since the bid form did not contain a place to write an alternate bid. The $84,500 figure was the lowest dollar bid on the project out of twelve bids submitted. At about the same time, a second Grace sales representative, Richard Bray, contacted users of Grace products in his service area including Kent Construction Company, Inc. (Kent) of Chipley, Florida. Bray advised his customers to write their bids using the GRM-500 system. Kent had originally interpreted the specification as requiring the GRM-120 system, but, based upon Bray's representation, it submitted a bid of $86,800 using the GRM-500 system. This was the second lowest dollar bid on the project. By law DOT cannot design specifications with the object of soliciting products made by a specific manufacturer. Even so, there are only a few other manufactured roofing systems which have a factory applied coating and a thickness of at least 42 mils. However, most of the twelve bidders, including the two lowest, submitted bids using Grace products. After the bids were filed and reviewed, DOT noted that Cheesbro had submitted alternative bids. Because this is a ground for rejection, the bid was reviewed initially by a DOT technical awards committee which recommended the bid be rejected as being "irregular". That committee's decision was affirmed by the contract awards committee which reached the same conclusion. Accordingly, Cheesbro's bid, although the lowest, was rejected on February 11, 1985 and Kent's bid accepted on March 6, 1985 as being the lowest and most responsible bidder on the project. That prompted the instant proceeding. DOT bids are governed by the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, 1982 Edition. Section 2 - 6 of that document provides as follows: A proposal will be subject to being consid- ered irregular and may be rejected if it shows omissions, alterations of form, addi- tions not called for, conditional or unau- thorized alternate bids, or irregularities of any kind; also if the unit prices are obvi- ously unbalanced, either in excess of or below the reasonable cost analysis values. DOT has relied upon this section as authority for rejecting Cheesbro's bid. Cheesbro did not read this document before submitting its bid. According to DOT, the purpose of the section is to obtain standard bids from all contractors, and to prevent one bidder from having an unfair advantage over others through the use of alternate bids.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that all bids on State Job Project No. 26000-3624 be rejected, and the project be relet for bids. DONE and ORDERED this 1st day of July, 1985, in Tallahassee, Florida. Hearings Hearings DONALD R. ALEXANDER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative this 1st day of July, 1985. COPIES FURNISHED: David H. Burns, Esquire p. O. Box 1694 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Larry D. Scott, Esquire Haydon Burns Bldg., M.S. 58 Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (2) 120.53120.57
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Jan. 13, 2006 Number: 06-000153 Latest Update: Sep. 15, 2006

The Issue Whether Respondent committed the violations alleged in the Amended Administrative Complaint and, if so, what penalty, if any, should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Based on the evidence adduced at hearing, and the record as a whole, the following findings of fact are made: Respondent is a foreign corporation authorized to do business in Florida. Respondent's "core business is building automation systems" that "regulate the . . . energy consuming systems in a building," and it holds itself out as an "energy performance contractor." Respondent has a certification of authority to engage in contracting in Florida in the categories of electrical contracting, mechanical contracting, and general contracting. Respondent does not now have, nor has it ever had, a certification to engage in the practice of engineering in Florida through employees employed by it. Lawrence B. Stoff is now, and has been for the past nine years, an employee of Respondent's, working as a "project manager in the performance contracting field." His "focus" is "evaluating buildings for energy savings opportunities." Mr. Stoff is a Florida-licensed professional engineer, holding Florida P.E. number 46998. Several years ago, Respondent responded to a Request for Proposals (RFP 98-379V) issued by the School Board of Broward County (School Board) seeking proposals for "Energy Management Performance Contracting Services." RFP 98-379V contained the following "introduction" describing the objective of the RFP and the services sought: OBJECTIVE The School Board of Broward County, Florida (hereinafter referred to as "SBBC") is requesting proposals from interested and qualified performance contractors to implement Energy Conservation Opportunities (ECOs) in SBBC facilities. SBBC plans to select the three most qualified contractors to enter into a Guaranteed Energy Savings Contract pursuant to Florida Statutes, Chapter 235.215, Educational Facilities, Energy Efficiency Contracting. The term of the contract shall be a maximum of ten years from date of contract approval by the School Board. Guaranteed energy savings contract may extend beyond the fiscal year in which it became effective; however, the term of the contract shall expire at the end of each fiscal year and will be automatically renewed annually up to 10 years subject to SBBC making sufficient annual appropriations based upon continued realized energy savings. The contract shall stipulate that the agreement does not constitute a debt, liability, or obligation of SBBC or a pledge of faith and credit of the District. The successful contractors shall provide a written savings guarantee in accordance with Chapter 489.145, Contracting, Energy Efficiency Contracting. The total program costs, including financed equipment cost, maintenance costs, SBBC project maintenance costs, SBBC Project Management costs, and all other costs, shall be 100 percent (100%) covered by energy savings. SBBC will require the successful proposers to fund a SBBC hired "Project Manager." The successful proposers cannot begin any work including, but not limited to, the pilot project until SBBC receives the funds and hires the "Project Manager." The current annual salary for this position is $66,610 which includes benefits. One third of the annual cost for the "Project Manager" will be provided by each selected contractor. The written guarantee must state that the energy savings will meet or exceed the costs of the ECO's, including cost of the "Project Manager." (i.e. The total costs must be funded out of savings accrued from energy conservation.) SBBC shall make fixed payments to the performance contractor or its assignee for the term of the guaranteed energy savings contract. Such payments shall not exceed the total savings realized under this program for the term of this Agreement. The objective of SBBC in issuing this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to enhance the school district's ongoing energy conservation and management program and to upgrade SBBC facilities through performance contracting. The energy conservation measures may be realized through facility alteration that reduces energy consumption or operating costs including but not limited to all energy conservation measures listed in Chapter 235.215. SCOPE The three selected proposers shall provide SBBC with a comprehensive energy services program including but not limited to: (a) complete energy audits and technical engineering analyses, (b) design and installation of the most cost-effective energy efficient equipment and systems, including enhancements to its existing School Board-wide Andover Controls Corp. based energy management system, (c) training staff on installed ECOs, (d) monitoring of energy costs, (e) power quality services, (f) financing for the project, and (g) a written energy guarantee that total program costs shall be 100 percent (100%) covered by program energy savings. The proposed agreement shall not constitute a debt, liability, or obligation of SBBC, nor is it a pledge of the faith and credit of SBBC. Respondent was subsequently selected, in accordance with the procedures set forth in RFP 98-379V, as one of the "qualified performance contractors to implement Energy Conservation Opportunities (ECOs) in SBBC facilities." On or about July 20, 2001, Respondent and the School Board entered into an Energy Audit Agreement, pursuant to which Respondent was to perform an energy audit and prepare a detailed report regarding Miramar High School to determine the feasibility of entering into an energy performance-based contract. The Energy Audit Agreement contained the following introductory clauses: Whereas, SBBC has issued a Request for Proposals, RFP 98-379V (RFP) and issued an Addendum thereto collectively referred to as "RFP" and made a part hereof by reference, to identify qualified energy performance contractors for energy performance-based contracts; and Whereas, the Company submitted a response to the RFP [which is made a part hereof by reference and is referred to as "Proposal"] and participated in a competitive evaluation procedure designed to identify qualified energy performance contractors; and Whereas, SBBC has selected the Company as a qualified energy performance contractor; and Whereas, SBBC is responsible for the operation, management and maintenance of facilities identified in the scope of this project, also listed in Attachment "A"; and Whereas, a comprehensive Investment Grade Energy Audit (hereafter referred to as the "Energy Audit") and a detailed Engineering and Economic Report (hereafter referred to as "Report") must be performed at the Facilities in order to determine the feasibility of entering into an energy performance-based contract to provide for the installation and implementation of Energy Conservation Measures (hereafter referred to as "ECMs") at the Facilities; and Whereas, Energy Performance Contracting (hereafter referred to as "EPC") is a generic term used to refer to an energy performance-based contract; and Whereas, Energy Services Agreement (hereafter referred to as "ESA") means the contract document governing an energy performance-based contract under Section 235.215, Florida Statutes; and Whereas, if the ECMs recommended by the Company are determined to be feasible by SBBC, and if the amount of energy savings can be reasonably ascertained and guaranteed in an amount sufficient to cover all costs associated with an energy performance contracting project at the Facilities as further defined in Article 1, Section F, the Parties intend to negotiate an ESA under which the Company would design, procure, install, implement, maintain and monitor such energy conservation measures at the Facilities. Article 1 of the Energy Audit Agreement described the "Scope of Investment Grade Energy Audit and Report." Its prefatory paragraph read as follows: For each of the Facilities listed in Attachment A, the Company will perform an Energy Audit and prepare a detailed Report which specifically identifies the improvements in energy consumption recommended for installation or implementation at each Facility. The Report shall contain detailed projections of Energy and Utility Savings to be obtained at the Facilities as a result of the installation of the recommended ECMs. The savings calculations must utilize assumptions, projections and baselines which best represent the true value of future Energy and Utility Savings for the Facilities, i.e.: utilize accurate marginal cost for each unit of savings at the time the audit is performed; documented material and adjustments to the baseline to reflect current conditions at the Facilities compared to the historic base period resulting from scheduled new construction and remodeling projects to be implemented by SBBC and listed in the Adopted District Facilities Work Program for Fiscal Years 1999-2000 to 2004-2005; calculations which account for the interactive effects of the recommended ECMs. The Report shall describe the Company's plan for installation or implementation of the ECMs in the Facilities, including all anticipated Associated Costs with such installation and implementation. The primary purpose of the Report is to provide engineering and economic basis for negotiating an ESA between SBBC and the Company; however, SBBC shall be under no obligation to negotiate such a contract. Section G of Article 1 of the Energy Audit Agreement addressed the "Report Content and Acceptance Procedure," and provided, in pertinent part, that, "[i]n accordance with Florida Statute, the report shall be signed by a Florida Registered Professional Engineer." Article 2 of the Energy Audit Agreement read as follows: Energy Services Agreement The Parties intend to negotiate an ESA under which the Company would design, install and implement energy conservation measures agreed to by the Parties and provide certain maintenance and monitoring services. The Company shall be obligated to enter into an ESA on the basis of the Report, provided SBBC proceeds with the development of the ESA in a timeframe which allows the ESA to be finalized within the timeframe specified in Article 1, Section G(3). However, nothing in this Agreement should be construed as an obligation on the part of the SBBC to execute an ESA. The terms and provisions of such an ESA shall be set forth in a separate agreement. Pursuant to its normal practice, Respondent contracted with an engineering firm, Engineering Matrix, Inc., to prepare the audit report. The audit report Engineering Matrix prepared "was not accepted favorably by the [School Board, which] requested that it be reworked by [Respondent's] staff with whom [the School Board] was familiar." Respondent complied with the School Board's request. It had Mr. Stoff "rework" the report. Respondent provided the School Board with an audit report, dated August 27, 2002, that incorporated the revisions Mr. Stoff had made (Revised Technical Audit Report). The Revised Technical Audit Report was essentially "a proposal of energy conservation measures [at Miramar High School] that would result in energy savings if implemented." Its "general scope and content [were] fairly typical" of the "reports that [were] issued by [Respondent] under Section 235.215," Florida Statutes. The Revised Technical Audit Report contained the following Energy Consultant Certification signed by Mr. Stoff: As the Energy Consultant and a Florida registered engineer responsible for preparing this report, I hereby certify that: This Study and Report has been performed in accordance with the most current accepted energy practices and procedures. The members of the Audit Team are qualified to perform the analysis, investigations, and duties assigned to them for the purpose of fulfilling the intent of the report. This Study has thoroughly examined this building for the purpose of identifying the opportunities which exist for reducing energy consumption. The data, recommendations and analysis contained in this Report have been performed using standard engineering practices and to the best of my knowledge are correct. Mr. Stoff signed the Revised Technical Audit Report as a professional engineer, using his Florida P.E. number. The Revised Technical Audit Report served as the basis for negotiations between Respondent and the School Board that ultimately lead to an Energy Services Agreement between them, as contemplated by the Energy Audit Agreement. Respondent was paid somewhere between $650,000 to $800,000 in connection with the work it performed at Miramar High School pursuant to its agreement with School Board.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that Petitioner issue a final order dismissing the Amended Administrative Complaint issued against Respondent in its entirety. DONE AND ENTERED this 13th day of June, 2006, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S STUART M. LERNER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 13th day of June, 2006.

Florida Laws (25) 1.011013.23120.52120.54120.569120.57255.05287.055287.057455.2273455.228471.003471.005471.013471.015471.023471.031471.033471.038489.105489.111489.113489.117489.119489.145
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Oct. 14, 2004 Number: 04-003787 Latest Update: Mar. 08, 2005

The Issue Whether Respondent committed the violations alleged in the Administrative Complaint issued against him and, if so, what disciplinary action should be taken against him.

Findings Of Fact Based on the evidence adduced at hearing, and the record as a whole, the following findings of fact are made: Respondent is now, and has been at all times material to the instant matter, registered as a septic tank contractor with the Department. In July 2002, Respondent entered into a contract with Pro Gold Investments Corp. (Pro Gold), whose president and sole owner is Emerico Kemeny Fuller. The contract provided that Respondent would install a "new septic system" for Pro Gold at 453 Blue Road in Coral Gables, Florida (Blue Road Property) for $4,600.00, a job that should have taken only a "few days" to complete. Pro Gold gave Respondent a "job deposit" of $2,300.00. In July 2003, Pro Gold, by Warranty Deed, conveyed title to the Blue Road Property to Maurits de Blank's company, Mortgage Lending Company LLC (MLC), and it also executed a Bill of Sale, Absolute and Assignments of Contracts, which read as follows: PRO GOLD INVESTMENTS CORP, as Seller, in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration paid to it by MORTGAGE LENDING COMPANY, LLC, as Buyer, the receipt of which is acknowledged hereby sells, assigns, grants, transfers, and conveys to Buyer all of Seller's right, title, and interest in the following described goods, contracts and personal property: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A- PROPERTY" AND EXHIBIT "B- CONTRACTS ASSIGNED" Seller covenants and agrees that it is the lawful owner of goods, contracts, rights or interests transferred hereby; that they are free from all encumbrances, except for outstanding amounts due, if any, to those parties set forth on Exhibit "B," and that it has the right to sell, transfer and assign the goods, properties and rights set forth in the attached Exhibit "A," and the right to transfer and assign the contracts, rights or interests shown on Exhibit "B," and will warrant and defend same against the lawful claims and demands or all persons. The "attached Exhibit 'A- Property'" read, in pertinent part, as follows: (Regarding transfer of 453 Blue Road, Coral Gables, Florida, "the Real Property") (Mortgage currently in favor of Mortgage Lending Company, LLC "the Mortgage") All property rights of any kind whatsoever, whether in property that is real, fixed, personal, mixed or otherwise and whether in property that is tangible or intangible, including, without limitation, all property rights in all property of any kind whatsoever that is owned or hereafter acquired by the Company and that is associated with, appurtenant to or used in the operation of the Real Property or is located on, at or upon the Real Property and is associated with or used in connection with or in operation of any business activity conducted on, at or upon the Real Property, and including, without limitation, the following: * * * All right, title, and interest in those certain contracts and agreements [set] forth in the attached Exhibit "B," which are hereby transferred and assigned to Mortgage Lending Company LLC. Among the "contracts and agreements [set] forth in the attached Exhibit 'B,'" was the aforementioned July 2002, contract wherein Respondent agreed to install a "new septic system" for Pro Gold on the Blue Road Property (Septic System Contract). This contract was still executory. Respondent had not done any work on the site in the year that had passed since the contract had been signed. In the beginning of August 2003, Mr. de Blank met with Respondent and advised him that MLC was the new owner of the Blue Road Property and that MLC had also received an assignment of the Septic System Contract from Pro Gold. In response to this advisement, Respondent stated "he did not do assignments." Following this meeting, Mr. de Blank sent Respondent documentation supporting the assertions he had made regarding MLC's ownership of the Blue Road Property and its having been assigned the Septic System Contract. Mr. de Blank then attempted, unsuccessfully, to make contact with Respondent by telephone. He "left messages," but his telephone calls were not returned. These efforts to telephonically communicate with Respondent having failed, Mr. de Blank "decided that it may make some sense to start a letter writing program." As part of that "program," on September 8, 2003, Mr. de Blank sent Respondent the following letter: Re: 453 Blue Road, Coral Gables As background, and in chronological order: Pro Gold Investments purchased the above cited property and obtained a construction loan from our firm. One of the conditions was that all construction contracts would be assignable to our firm in the event of default. Pro Gold Investments entered into contract with your firm to install a new septic tank and drainfield at 453 Blue Road. Pro Gold Investments defaults and forfeits title in lieu of foreclosure. The deed was recorded on August 4, 2003, at Bk/Pg: 21484/4283. Not recorded but attached for your reference is an assignment of contracts to include the contract Pro Gold Investments entered into with your firm. See further attachment. The original can be inspected in my office. At this point, I request you proceed with the work as soon as practical and under identical conditions as originally agreed with Pro Gold Investments. Please call me at . . . to confirm a start date. Mr. de Blank did not receive any response to his letter. He finally was able, however, to reach Respondent on the telephone. During this telephone conversation, Mr. de Blank made arrangements to meet Respondent at the Blue Road Property to discuss Respondent's doing the work Respondent had agreed to do in the Septic System Contract. This meeting between Mr. de Blank and Respondent took place on September 11, 2003. During the meeting, Mr. de Blank went over with Respondent "what the job [was] going to be." Although Respondent indicated that he was "going to put in th[e] septic tank" per the Septic System Contract, Mr. de Blank had his doubts that Respondent would be true to his word. Following the meeting, Mr. de Blank sent Respondent the following letter: Re: 453 Blue Road, Coral Gables We met today to discuss the above referenced job. My understanding is: You will start the job no later than the first week of October and will complete the job no later th[a]n the last week of October. I will obtain a copy of the approved permit. You indicated you will not need a survey.[1] Should you change you[r] mind, you can always refer to a survey I keep on site. You will have your insurance agent mail to my address a certificate of insurance. Though not discussed: I would like a partial release of payments made to date for the job. See further the attachment. Assuming you concur, then please send a signed and notarized copy to Maurits de Blank, Mortgage Lending Company, Post Office Box 430336, Miami, Florida 33143. Note that I prefer for various legal reasons that you use the release form as provided. Once the job has been started, I would like a list of firms supplying materials to the job. Notwithstanding that he had promised Mr. de Blank that he would "start the job no later than the first week of October," by the middle of October Respondent had yet to even "pull a septic tank construction permit from the City of Coral Gables" (that was needed before any on-site work could begin).2 In an attempt to find out from Respondent what was the cause of the delay, Mr. de Blank started a "calling campaign," but Respondent neither answered the telephone when Mr. de Blank called nor returned Mr. de Blank's calls. On October 19, 2003, Mr. de Blank sent the following letter to Respondent (by certified United States Mail, return receipt requested): Re: 453 Blue Road, Coral Gables I need a firm commitment when you will start and finish septic tank at above address. If you cannot perform the work, then I will need a refund of the deposit given to your firm. Please call to discuss. The end of the month was fast approaching, and Respondent had neither contacted Mr. de Blank nor begun the Septic System Contract on-site work. After paying a visit to Coral Gables City Hall and learning that Respondent had still not even "pull[ed] a septic tank construction permit from the City of Coral Gables," Mr. De Blank found another septic tank contractor, Westland Septic Tank Corp., to do the installation work for MLC that Respondent was contractually obligated to perform. MLC paid Westland $4,400.00 to do the work. Westland completed the job some time prior to November 4, 2003. The work passed all of the necessary inspections. Upon learning that MLC had contracted with Westland, Respondent sent Mr. de Blank a letter complaining that Mr. de Blank had not given Respondent an adequate opportunity to meet his obligations under the Septic System Contract. In the letter, Respondent offered to return only $500.00 of the $2,300 down payment he had received from Pro Gold. Mr. de Blank subsequently informed Respondent that this was not satisfactory and that he wanted the "full deposit back." He added that if he did not get it, he would "go to court." Not having received any portion of the "deposit back," Mr. de Blank, acting on behalf of MLC, in mid-November 2003, filed suit against Respondent in Miami-Dade County Court. On May 14, 2004, a Final Judgment was entered in Miami-Dade County Court Case No. 0313813 in favor of MLC and against Respondent "in the amount of $1,675.00 plus court costs in the amount of $121.00." As of the date of the final hearing in this case, Respondent had not made any payments to MLC. In view of the foregoing, it is found that Respondent abandoned for 30 consecutive days, without any apparent good cause, a project in which he was under contractual obligation to complete; and his failure to go forward with the project, combined with his failure to return any of the deposit he had received, caused monetary harm to a party to whom he was contractually obligated.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is hereby: RECOMMENDED that the Department issue a final order finding Respondent guilty of the misconduct alleged in the Administrative Complaint and disciplining him therefor by fining him $500.00 and suspending his registration for 90 days. DONE AND ENTERED this 4th day of February, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S STUART M. LERNER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 4th day of February, 2005.

Florida Laws (4) 120.569120.57381.0065489.552
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Jan. 19, 2018 Number: 18-000371BID Latest Update: Jul. 10, 2018

The Issue Whether the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s (“Respondent” or “FWC”) determination that Tallahassee Corporate Center, LLC (“Petitioner” or “TCC”), submitted a nonresponsive reply to FWC’s Invitation to Negotiate (“ITN”) No. 770-0235 is contrary to the Commission’s governing statutes, the agency’s rules or policies, or the solicitation specifications; and, if so, whether it was clearly erroneous, contrary to competition, arbitrary, or capricious.

Findings Of Fact The following Findings of Fact are based on exhibits admitted into evidence, testimony offered by witnesses, and admitted facts set forth in the pre-hearing stipulation. ITN No. 770-0235 and Background FWC is a state agency that seeks office space to be occupied by personnel from six of FWC’s divisions. FWC currently leases office space from TCC, which expires in October 2019. On July 19, 2017, FWC issued ITN No. 770-0235, seeking vendors that could provide 53,000 square feet of office space for lease. FWC anticipates occupying the space by November 1, 2019. Between August 15, 2017, and November 2, 2017, FWC issued four addenda to the ITN, which contained amendments, modifications, and explanations to the ITN. There were no bidders that challenged the terms, conditions, or specifications contained in the ITN or its amendments. TCC and NLH were two of the potential lessors that submitted replies in response to the ITN. FWC seeks to lease either a building that already exists or a non-existing building to be constructed in the future. The ITN describes the proposals requested as follows: Competitive proposals may be submitted for consideration under this Invitation to Negotiate (ITN) for the lease of office space in either an existing building or a non- existing (build-to-suit/turnkey) building. NOTE: All buildings must comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as stated in Attachment A, Agency Specifications, Section 6.D., page 32. OPTION 1 - an ‘existing’ building: To be considered an ‘existing’ building, the facility offered must be enclosed with a roof system and exterior walls must be in place at the time of the submittal of the Reply. OPTION 2 - a ‘non-existing’ building: Offeror agrees to construct a building as a ‘build-to-suit’ (turnkey) for lease to FWC. Each applicant that submitted a proposal in response to the ITN was required to meet the specification in Attachment A of the ITN. The ITN provides as follows: FWC is seeking detailed and competitive proposals to provide built-out office facilities and related infrastructure for the occupancy by FWC. As relates to any space that is required to be built-out pursuant to this Invitation to Negotiate in accordance with this Invitation to Negotiate, see Attachment ‘A’ which includes the FWC Specifications detailing the build-out requirements. The specifications in Attachment A provided the basic requirements for the potential leased space such that proposals offering existing or non-existing building may be compared and evaluated together. The ITN included certain provisions to clarify the rights contemplated by the ITN, and included the following disclaimer: This ITN is an invitation to negotiate and is for discussion purposes only. It is not an offer, contract or agreement of any kind. Neither FWC nor the Offeror/Lessor shall have any legal rights or obligations whatsoever between them and neither shall take any action or fail to take any action in reliance upon any part of these discussions until the proposed transaction and a definitive written lease agreement is approved in writing by FWC. This ITN shall not be considered an offer to lease. The terms of any transaction, if consummated, shall not be final nor binding on either party until a Lease Agreement is executed by all parties. This ITN may be modified or withdrawn by FWC at any time. The ITN also included a provision expressly reserving FWC’s “right to negotiate with all responsive and responsible Offerors, serially or concurrently, to determine the best-suited solution.” The term “Offeror” was defined by the ITN to mean “the individual submitting a Reply to this Invitation to Negotiate, such person being the owner of the proposed facility or an individual duly authorized to bind the owner of the facility.” This reservation of rights placed interested lessors on notice that only responsive lessors could be invited to negotiations. While TCC and NLH were two of the potential lessors that submitted replies in response to the ITN, the bidders submitted different proposals. TCC submitted a proposal for an existing building, and NLH submitted a proposal for a non- existing building. During an initial review of all replies, FWC determined TCC’s reply to be nonresponsive based on TCC’s response to ITN section IV.G (Tenant Improvements) and a statement titled “Additional Response” that TCC submitted with its reply. As a result, FWC did not evaluate or score TCC’s reply. After TCC’s reply was declared nonresponsive, there were no further negotiations with TCC regarding the ITN. NLH’s reply passed the initial responsiveness review and was then evaluated and scored by FWC. FWC ultimately issued an intended award of the contract to NLH after conducting negotiations. Tenant-Improvement Cap The ITN prohibited vendors from proposing conditional or contingent lease rates that included a tenant-improvement cap, or allowance. A tenant-improvement cap reflects the maximum amount the landlord is willing to spend to make improvements to leased space. Mr. Hakimi asserted that the tenant-improvement cap would be an incentive to FWC to enter a lease. However, the tenant-improvement cap would also place a limit on improvements. According to ITN section IV.E, any reply offering a lease rate with a tenant-improvement cap would be deemed nonresponsive: FULL SERVICE (GROSS) RENTAL RATE The Offeror shall provide FWC with a Full Service (gross) lease structure. Therefore, the lease rate must include base rent, taxes, all operating expenses (including, but not limited to, janitorial services and supplies, utilities, water, insurance, interior and exterior maintenance, recycling services, garbage disposal, pest control, security system installation and maintenance, and any amortization of required tenant improvements to the proposed space). There shall be no pass through of additional expenses . . . . Offerors must provide their best, firm lease rates. Lease rates that are contingent, involve a basic rate plus “cap” or “range” for such things as tenant improvements will be deemed nonresponsive. The ITN also provided, in section IV.G, that any current lessor must meet all ITN requirements, including those set forth in ITN Attachment A: TENANT IMPROVEMENTS The State requires a “turn-key” build-out by the Landlord. Therefore, Offeror shall assume all cost risks associated with delivery in accordance with the required specifications detailed in this ITN, including Attachment A (see pages 28-45). Additionally, replies for space which is currently under lease with, or occupancy by, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission does not exclude the Offeror from meeting the requirements specified in this ITN document. Offeror agrees to provide “turn-key” build-out/improvements in accordance with the specifications detailed in this ITN. (use an X to mark one of the following): YES or NO TCC responded “NO” to the statement “Offeror agrees to provide ‘turn-key’ build-out/improvements in accordance with the specifications detailed in this ITN.” Additional Response Not only did TCC include a barred tenant-improvement cap, but TCC also attached an addendum to its proposal, which provided the following: The reality is that as the current Landlord, it would be impossible to ask FFWCC to move out of its existing office space in order to meet the requested Agency Specifications in Attachment A. If this condition makes our response to the Invitation to Negotiate (ITN) “non-responsive”, we stand willing to continue further negotiations with FFWCC. There was no provision in the ITN for additional responses outside what was requested in the ITN. More importantly, the addendum indicated TCC could not comply with the ITN, unless certain conditions were met. Mr. Hakimi confirmed the effect of what was written in the addendum when he testified that TCC is unable to meet Attachment A’s specifications because it presently has a tenant in place (i.e., FWC) that prevents it from constructing the building improvements necessary to comply with ITN Attachment A. Proof of Ownership of Property The ITN also provided that to be responsive, each lessor was required to submit certain documentation demonstrating the lessor’s control of the property proposed for the leased space: Replies must completely and accurately respond to all requested information, including the following: (A) Control of Property (Applicable for Replies for Existing and/or Non- Existing Buildings). For a Reply to be responsive, it must be submitted by one of the entities listed below, and the proposal must include supporting documentation proving control of the property proposed. This requirement applies to: The real property (land); The proposed building(s) (or structure(s); The proposed parking area(s). Control of parking includes the area(s) of ingress and egress to both the real property and the building(s). The owner of record of the facility(s) and parking area(s) – Submit a copy of the deed(s) evidencing clear title to the property proposed. The authorized agent, broker or legal representative of the owner(s) – Submit a copy of the Special Power of Attorney authorizing submission of the proposal. The Special Power of Attorney form was attached to the ITN as Attachment K. TCC’s certification was executed by TCC president, Lyda Hakimi. However, TCC did not execute Attachment K or include an executed power of attorney to demonstrate that TCC has control of the property. The evidence offered at hearing of the property’s ownership contained in TCC’s reply was a deed showing DRA CRT Tallahassee Center, LLC to be the property owner. Respondent argued that although TCC owns DRA CRT Tallahassee Center, LLC, the two are different legal entities. Because these were two different legal entities, TCC was required to provide a copy of Attachment K to its response to be deemed responsive. Broker Commission The ITN required lessors to agree to execute a broker- commission agreement, which was attached to the ITN as Attachment J: Offeror understands FWC is utilizing the services of a Tenant Broker representative for this lease space requirement and the successful Offeror shall execute a Commission Agreement, in coordination with FWC’s Tenant Broker representative, within fifteen (15) business days of notification of Award. Offeror agrees and acknowledges that a Tenant Broker Commission Agreement is a requirement and the successful Offeror shall be required to execute a Commission Agreement as described above. (use an X to mark one of the following): YES or NO The ITN included a schedule for the commission rate based on the total aggregate gross base rent that could be paid ranging from 2.50 percent to 3.50 percent. TCC conditioned its reply by agreeing to pay a two-percent broker commission, which is inconsistent with the commission schedule. By offering a lower commission rate, TCC could save money. TCC would then have a competitive advantage over other bidders. TCC’S Bid was Nonresponsive Based upon the foregoing, TCC’s bid submission added a tenant-improvement cap, failed to comply with the broker commission rate, failed to provide supporting documents to demonstrate proof of property ownership, and added additional conditions regarding compliance with the ITN requirements. The information requested and terms of the ITN were required for TCC’s bid to be responsive. TCC did not file a challenge to the specifications or any of the requirements of the ITN. It is now too late for such a challenge. TCC’s inclusion of a tenant-improvement allowance limits the amount that would pay for improvements. The lower broker commission increases the profit advantage for TCC more than for other bidders, which would be an unfair advantage over other bidders. TCC’s failure to comply with the terms of the ITN and failure to provide the required attachment to show proof of ownership were not minor irregularities, which FWC could waive. Therefore, FWC properly determined that TCC’s bid submission was nonresponsive. Standing TCC submitted a bid proposal that did not conform to the requirements of the ITN and it seeks relief that includes setting aside FWC’s rejection of its proposal. Therefore, TCC has standing to bring this protest. If it is determined that TCC was nonresponsive, NLH has standing to the extent the procurement process could be deemed contrary to competition.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission enter a final order dismissing Tallahassee Corporate Center, LLC’s Petition. DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of March, 2018, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S YOLONDA Y. GREEN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of March, 2018.

Florida Laws (4) 120.53120.569120.57255.25
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Myers, Florida Sep. 11, 2002 Number: 02-003527 Latest Update: Sep. 09, 2003

The Issue Whether the Department of Revenue's denial of Petitioner's application for a Florida fuel license should be upheld.

Findings Of Fact Based on the oral and documentary evidence presented at the final hearing and on the entire record of this proceeding, the following findings of fact are made: On or about July 22, 2002, Armando B. Yzaguirre submitted to the Department a completed Florida Fuel Tax Application, Form DR-156, seeking licensure as a private carrier and wholesaler on behalf of My Oil (the "2002 Application"). The application listed Maria Yzaguirre as the president and chairman of the board of My Oil, and listed Armando B. Yzaguirre as the vice-president and chief executive officer of My Oil. This was the second Florida Fuel Tax Application filed by My Oil. On or about June 22, 2001, Maria Yzaguirre submitted to the Department a completed Florida Fuel Tax Application, Form DR-156, seeking licensure as a private carrier and wholesaler on behalf of My Oil (the "2001 Application"). The application listed Mrs. Yzaguirre as the president and sole stockholder of My Oil. The Department's rejection of the 2001 Application was at issue in DOAH Case No. 02-0469. The rejection was based on the fact that Armando Yzaguirre, a convicted felon whose civil rights had not been restored and who was the father of Armando B. Yzaguirre and the husband of Maria Yzaguirre, appeared to be in a position to exert control over the business of My Oil. Shortly before the 2001 Application was filed, Armando Yzaguirre had filed a Florida Fuel Tax Application for Yzaguirre Oil Company Inc. ("Yzaguirre Oil"). The application listed Armando Yzaguirre as the president and sole stockholder of Yzaguirre Oil. The coincidence of the applications, and the fact that they listed many of the same assets, led the Department to suspect that My Oil would operate as a "front" for Yzaguirre Oil, which was presumptively ineligible for licensure because it was owned and operated by a convicted felon. The relevant facts found in the Recommended Order for DOAH Case No. 02-0469 are as follows: In his review of the Yzaguirre Oil and My Oil applications, [Aaron Hood, the Department's revenue specialist] discovered that the companies claimed many of the same assets. Each company listed the same two tanker trucks to be used in transporting fuel. Each company listed 211 New Market Road, East, in Immolakee as its principal business address. Each company claimed exactly $1 million in accounts receivable. The timing of the filings and the common assets led Mr. Hood to suspect that the later My Oil application was submitted under Maria Yzaguirre's name to evade the possible disqualification of the Yzaguirre Oil application because of Mr. Yzaguirre's felony convictions. In short, Mr. Hood suspected that My Oil was a "front" corporation over which Mr. Yzaguirre would exercise control. The common assets also led Mr. Hood to suspect the truthfulness and accuracy of the financial affidavits filed by Maria Yzaguirre on behalf of My Oil. While it investigated the criminal history of Mr. Yzaguirre, the Department also investigated the extent of Mr. Yzaguirre's possible control over My Oil's business activities. Armando B. Yzaguirre is the 25-year- old son of Armando Yzaguirre and the stepson of Maria Yzaguirre. Testimony at the hearing established that Armando B. Yzaguirre completed both license applications and was the driving force behind the creation of both Yzaguirre Oil and My Oil. The elder Armando Yzaguirre's chief business is farming. His tomato and melon operation earns over $1 million per year. To save money on transporting the large amounts of fuel needed for his farming operations, Mr. Yzaguirre purchased two sizable tanker trucks in 2001, a new Peterbilt with a capacity of 9,200 gallons, and a 1998 Ford with a 2,500 gallon capacity. If these trucks were used only for Mr. Yzaguirre's farm, they would sit idle much of the time. This idle capacity gave Armando B. Yzaguirre the idea of going into the fuel transport business, using his father's tankers to deliver fuel to other farms and businesses in the area. Yzaguirre Oil was incorporated to operate as a fuel transport business. The business would be operated entirely by Armando B. Yzaguirre, who was the only member of the family licensed to drive the large tanker truck. The trucks were owned by and licensed to Yzaguirre Oil. Armando B. Yzaguirre was going through a divorce at the time Yzaguirre Oil was established. He was concerned that his wife would have a claim to half of any business he owned, and wished to ensure that ownership of Yzaguirre Oil would remain in his family. Thus, Armando B. Yzaguirre placed all ownership of Yzaguirre Oil in the name of his father, though his father would have no connection with the operation of the company's business. Subsequent to incorporating Yzaguirre Oil, Armando B. Yzaguirre discussed his prospective business with his stepmother, Maria Yzaguirre. Mrs. Yzaguirre was pleased that young Armando was establishing a business for himself. They discussed the future of the six younger Yzaguirre children and ideas for businesses that could be established to eventually be taken over by the children. Ultimately, the younger Armando and Maria Yzaguirre settled on the idea of a convenience store and filling station that could be established on part of a city block in Immolakee that the senior Mr. Yzaguirre already owned. This would be the type of business that the children could learn and work at while they were still in school, then take over after their graduation. This was the genesis of My Oil. Mrs. Yzaguirre contacted a lawyer to draft articles of incorporation and later transferred $100,000 from her personal money market account into a My Oil bank account to provide start-up money. The younger Armando Yzaguirre filled out the fuel license application, using his earlier application for Yzaguirre Oil as a model. As with the earlier application, the younger Armando Yzaguirre kept his name off the corporate documents and the fuel license application to avoid any claim by his soon- to-be ex-wife to the company's assets. He anticipated that My Oil would lease the two tanker trucks from Yzaguirre Oil, and thus listed them on the application as assets of My Oil. At the hearing, Mr. Yzaguirre conceded that he made mistakes on both applications. As noted above, he listed $1 million in accounts receivable for each of the companies. These were actually accounts receivable for his father’s farming operation, and should not have been included as assets for either Yzaguirre Oil or My Oil. * * * The Department pointed to several alleged discrepancies in the My Oil application as grounds for its suspicion that the company was a "front" for Yzaguirre Oil. First, the My Oil application, filed June 20, 2001, lists a corporate asset of $100,000 in cash on deposit at an unnamed bank, when in fact the cash was not deposited in a My Oil account at Florida Community Bank until September 10, 2001. Second, the My Oil application lists the two tanker trucks as corporate assets as of the date of application, when in fact the trucks were titled in the name of Yzaguirre Oil and the anticipated lease arrangement had yet to be consummated. Third, the My Oil application claimed the property at 211 New Market Road, East, as a corporate asset as of the date of application, when in fact the property was titled in the name of the elder Mr. Yzaguirre. Fourth, the My Oil application listed $1 million in accounts receivable as a corporate asset. As noted above, Armando B. Yzaguirre admitted at the hearing that these receivables were from his father's farming operation and should not have been listed on the application as assets of My Oil. Armando B. Yzaguirre plausibly explained that My Oil anticipated leasing the trucks, but that there was no reason to spend the money to finalize that arrangement until the fuel license was obtained and My Oil could actually commence operations. Similarly, Mrs. Yzaguirre clearly had on hand the $100,000 in cash claimed as a My Oil asset, and the timing of her actual transfer of that money into a My Oil account would not alone constitute cause for suspicion, given that My Oil had yet to commence operations when the application was filed. Armando B. Yzaguirre also convincingly explained that leasing the tanker trucks from his father's company would not give Yzaguirre Oil effective control over My Oil's business. The younger Mr. Yzaguirre contemplated that the lease agreement would be an arms-length arrangement between the two companies. If the companies could not arrive at a mutually satisfactory lease agreement, or if the lease agreement should later fall through, My Oil could lease trucks from another company and continue doing business. However, no witness for My Oil offered a satisfactory explanation as to how the elder Mr. Yzaguirre's ownership of the real property would not give him some degree of control over My Oil's business. At the time of the hearing, title to the property at 211 New Market Road, East, was in the name of Armando Yzaguirre. A warranty deed for at least a portion of the property, executed by the prior owners on July 16, 1998, was in the name of Armando Yzaguirre. The Yzaguirres did not explain whether My Oil would purchase or lease the property from the elder Mr. Yzaguirre. The structure of the arrangement is critical to the issue of the elder Mr. Yzaguirre's control over My Oil. Substitutes for the tanker trucks could be obtained in short order with little or no disruption of My Oil's business. However, the physical location of the convenience store and filling station could not be changed so readily, and the elder Mr. Yzaguirre's position as owner of that property could give him great leverage over the operation of the business. The Department also raised the issue of the undisclosed participation of Armando B. Yzaguirre in the business affairs of My Oil. The testimony of Maria Yzaguirre and of her stepson strongly indicated that the younger Mr. Yzaguirre would have substantial control over the business activities of My Oil. However, because Armando B. Yzaguirre's identity was not disclosed on My Oil's application, the Department had no opportunity to conduct a review of his background and character to determine whether he met the standard set by Section 206.026, Florida Statutes. In summary, there was no direct evidence that the Yzaguirres deliberately attempted to deceive the Department or that My Oil was established as a front to obtain licensure for the presumptively ineligible Yzaguirre Oil. The evidence did establish that Armando Yzaguirre has been convicted of at least one felony, and that his ownership of the real property on which My Oil would conduct business could provide him with control of My Oil's business activities. The evidence further established that Armando B. Yzaguirre will have control over My Oil's business, and that the Department should have had the opportunity to conduct a background review to determine his fitness under Section 206.026, Florida Statutes. The relevant conclusions of law set forth in the Recommended Order for DOAH Case No. 02-0469 are as follows: Section 206.026, Florida Statutes, provides in relevant part: (1) No corporation . . . shall hold a terminal supplier, importer, exporter, blender, carrier, terminal operator, or wholesaler license in this state if any one of the persons or entities specified in paragraph (a) has been determined by the department not to be of good moral character or has been convicted of any offense specified in paragraph (b): 1. The licenseholder. The sole proprietor of the licenseholder. A corporate officer or director of the licenseholder. A general or limited partner of the licenseholder. A trustee of the licenseholder. A member of an unincorporated association licenseholder. A joint venturer of the licenseholder. The owner of any equity interest in the licenseholder, whether as a common shareholder, general or limited partner, voting trustee, or trust beneficiary. An owner of any interest in the license or licenseholder, including any immediate family member of the owner, or holder of any debt, mortgage, contract, or concession from the licenseholder, who by virtue thereof is able to control the business of the licenseholder. 1. A felony in this state. Any felony in any other state which would be a felony if committed in this state under the laws of Florida. Any felony under the laws of the United States. (2)(a) If the applicant for a license as specified under subsection (1) or a licenseholder as specified in paragraph (1)(a) has received a full pardon or a restoration of civil rights with respect to the conviction specified in paragraph (1)(b), then the conviction shall not constitute an absolute bar to the issuance or renewal of a license or ground for the revocation or suspension of a license. . . . In December 1990, Armando Yzaguirre entered a no contest plea to a second-degree felony charge of possession of more than five but not more than 50 pounds of marijuana in a Texas court. At the time of Mr. Yzaguirre's Texas conviction, Florida law listed cannabis as a Schedule I substance. Section 893.03(1)(c)4, Florida Statutes (1990). Absent licensure or other authorization, bringing cannabis into the state was a third-degree felony in 1990. Section 893.13(1)(d)2, Florida Statutes (1990). Possession of more than 20 grams of cannabis was a third-degree felony in 1990. Section 893.13(1)(f) and (g), Florida Statutes (1990). There can be little question that Mr. Yzaguirre's felony in Texas would have constituted at least one felony under Florida law, and thus that Mr. Yzaguirre has been convicted of an offense specified in Section 206.026(1)(b), Florida Statutes. Mr. Yzaguirre has not received a full pardon or restoration of civil rights, thus mooting any potential application of Section 206.026(2)(a), Florida Statutes, to this case. Mr. Yzaguirre's ownership of the real property that would hold My Oil's principal place of business would give him the ability to control the business of the licenseholder. This conclusion might have been different had My Oil presented evidence of the business relationship under which it would operate the facility on Mr. Yzaguirre's property. The extent of Armando B. Yzaguirre's involvement in My Oil was not disclosed to the Department. Testimony at the hearing established that the younger Mr. Yzaguirre would be the principal operator of My Oil for the foreseeable future. Due diligence under Section 206.026, Florida Statutes, requires the Department to conduct a background investigation of Armando B. Yzaguirre prior to the issuance of a fuel license to My Oil. In conclusion, My Oil has failed to demonstrate its entitlement to a Florida fuel license on the merits of the application it filed on June 20, 2001. The Recommended Order in DOAH Case No. 02-0469 recommended that My Oil's 2001 Application be denied, but without prejudice to My Oil's ability to file a subsequent application curing the defects of its 2001 Application. In the 2002 Application, My Oil sought to cure those defects. First, the 2002 Application listed Armando B. Yzaguirre as a principal of My Oil, providing the Department an opportunity to conduct an investigation of his background and character. The Department's background check revealed no criminal convictions or other disqualifying factors related to Armando B. Yzaguirre. The Department's background check also revealed no criminal convictions or other disqualifying factors related to Maria Yzaguirre. The 2002 Application included an executed lease agreement, dated July 19, 2002, by which Armando Yzaguirre granted to My Oil a five-year lease on the premises at 211 New Market Road, East, in Immokalee. The lease specifies that My Oil will pay rent of $1,000 per month, and that the premises are to be used for the purpose of "a convenience store and retail gasoline sales to the general public, storage, and uses related to such use . . . and for no other purpose or purposes." The lease expressly states: "Landlord shall have no control over the use of the premises by the Tenant during the period of the lease." The 2002 Application continued to list the two tanker trucks as assets of My Oil, though they remain titled to Yzaguirre Oil. Armando B. Yzaguirre testified that My Oil does have a written lease with Yzaguirre Oil for the use of the tanker trucks. Armando Yzaguirre confirmed the existence of a lease on the trucks. However, the lease was not included in the 2002 Application and was not produced at the hearing. After receiving the 2002 Application, the Department contacted Armando B. Yzaguirre to request a current balance sheet for My Oil. The balance sheet submitted by Mr. Yzaguirre purported to show the assets and liabilities of My Oil as of July 22, 2002. The balance sheet indicated a negative total equity of $5,904.43. It indicated a "credit card" debt of $101,000 to Yzaguirre Farms, and other accounts payable of $36,852.79 to Yzaguirre Farms. At the hearing, the Department produced a canceled check from Armando Yzaguirre to My Oil in the amount of $101,000, with the notation, "My Oil Operating & Payroll." Armando Yzaguirre testified at the hearing that he has taken steps to have his civil rights restored, but that the process is not yet complete and his rights have not been restored. On August 22, 2002, the Department issued its Notice of Intent to Deny the 2002 Application, which stated, in relevant part: Your organization does not qualify for this license as there is a felony conviction of an owner of interest in the license and/or an immediate family member of the owner, as outlined in Chapter 206.026(1)(a)(9)&(b), Florida Statutes. The Department based its denial on several factors. First, the family relationship between My Oil's principals and Armando Yzaguirre itself raised the potential for Armando Yzaguirre to control My Oil. In particular, the Department noted the fact that Armando B. Yzaguirre resides in a mobile home owned by his father, and located a few hundred feet away from Armando Yzaguirre's main residence on the family property. Second, the balance sheet submitted by My Oil indicated a negative equity with large debts owed to Yzaguirre Farms, controlled by Armando Yzaguirre. Third, the Department concluded that the lease on the premises at 211 New Market Road, East, would not prevent Armando Yzaguirre from exerting control over My Oil, by breaking the lease, raising the rent, selling the property, or ejecting My Oil from the premises. Fourth, no proof was offered that My Oil had leased or purchased the tanker trucks from Yzaguirre Oil, meaning that My Oil's means of transporting fuel would be directly controlled by Armando Yzaguirre. Fifth, the $101,000 constituting the startup money for My Oil appears to have come directly from the bank account of Armando Yzaguirre. Sixth, My Oil was administratively dissolved by the Department of State on October 4, 2002, for failure to file an annual report. Finally, the Department stated that, regardless of the arms-length nature of any business dealings between My Oil and Armando Yzaguirre, My Oil would not be granted a license until Armando Yzaguirre's civil rights have been restored. The close family relationship coupled with the fact that Armando Yzaguirre is the source of My Oil's startup funds, its tanker trucks, and its business location, militate against granting My Oil a license so long as Armando Yzaguirre's civil rights have not been restored. In response, My Oil insisted that its 2002 Application cured every specific deficiency noted in the 2001 Application. First, it listed Armando B. Yzaguirre as a principal so that his background and criminal history could be investigated, and the Department's investigation revealed no disqualifying offenses. Armando B. Yzaguirre testified that the July 22, 2002, balance sheet submitted at the Department's request was not an accurate My Oil balance sheet. He stated that in setting up the computer program for My Oil's accounting, he attempted to shortcut the software's lengthy setup process for new businesses by simply copying an existing Yzaguirre Farms spreadsheet, then substituting the name "My Oil" for "Yzaguirre Farms." However, he quickly discovered that his "shortcut" would require him to delete manually every balance sheet entry for Yzaguirre Farms and re-enter the correct entries for My Oil. He abandoned this effort and began a My Oil spreadsheet from scratch, but he never deleted the partially converted Yzaguirre Farms spreadsheet from his computer. Mr. Yzaguirre testified the Department's phone call to request a current balance sheet came to him on his cellular phone while he was working on his father's farm. He relayed the message to his secretary, who printed a My Oil balance sheet and faxed it to the Department. Mr. Yzaguirre stated that, until the Department rejected the 2002 Application, he did not realize that his secretary had faxed a balance sheet generated by his aborted conversion of the Yzaguirre Farms spreadsheet, rather than the actual balance sheet for My Oil. A copy of what Armando B. Yzaguirre claimed was the actual My Oil balance sheet as of July 31, 2002, was introduced at the hearing. This balance sheet indicates an opening equity of $101,000, with $92,078.02 in retained earnings and operating and payroll accounts totaling $8,921.98. The July 31, 2002, balance sheet is accepted as the actual balance sheet for My Oil. While this balance sheet refutes the Department's conclusion that My Oil is starting business with a negative balance sheet indicating over $136,000 in debts to Yzaguirre Farms, it does not refute the evidence that the entire source of My Oil's cash accounts is $101,000, provided in the form of a check from an account in the name of Armando Yzaguirre. Armando B. Yzaguirre testified that the money came from a joint money market account in the name of Armando and Maria Yzaguirre, and that Maria was the source of the funds. This testimony is inconsistent with the fact that the check in question was signed by Armando Yzaguirre, and that his name alone appeared on the account name printed on the check. The elder Mr. Yzaguirre testified that he signed the check, but also testified that the account is in his name and that of his wife, and that they both consider the $101,000 to be her investment in My Oil. Neither of the Yzaguirres offered an explanation as to why Maria Yzaguirre's name did not appear on a check they claimed was drawn on a joint account. The Department's concerns about Armando Yzaguirre, a convicted felon, being the source of My Oil's startup funding were reasonable. My Oil failed to offer evidence sufficient to allay those concerns. Despite My Oil's claims to the contrary, the $101,000 check was plainly signed by Armando Yzaguirre and drawn from an account in his name. My Oil failed to explain the terms under which it accepted this startup funding from Armando Yzaguirre. The Department's explanation of its rejection of the lease submitted by My Oil for the premises at 211 New Market Road, East, was not reasonable. The lease document is a standard, arms-length agreement between My Oil and Armando Yzaguirre. The Department offered no evidence to support its assertions that Armando Yzaguirre would break the terms of the lease, that My Oil would not exercise its legal rights should Mr. Yzaguirre violate the lease's provisions, or that the lease should be considered invalid because a contract between relatives is inherently suspect. The other concerns raised by the Department-- that Mr. Yzaguirre might raise the rent, sell the property, or evict My Oil-- are answered by the terms of the lease itself and raise no issues beyond those that would arise in any lessor/lessee relationship. As to the lease on the tanker trucks, both Armando B. and Armando Yzaguirre testified that My Oil did have a lease on the trucks, to take effect if and when My Oil receives a fuel tax license from the Department. Their testimony is credited as to the existence of the lease, though they offered no testimony specifying the terms of the lease. The fact that My Oil was administratively dissolved for failure to file an annual report should have played no part in the Department's rejection of My Oil's application. Such dissolution is an administrative matter easily cured by the filing of the report. At most, the Department should have required My Oil to provide proof of reinstatement prior to issuance of any fuel tax license. In summary, several of the particular concerns on which the Department based its decision were overstated. However, the Department's overarching concern that Armando Yzaguirre was in a position to control the business of My Oil was reasonable. Armando Yzaguirre was clearly the source of the $101,000 in startup money for My Oil, and no evidence was offered to explain the terms under which this money was provided to My Oil. The lease arrangements for the premises and the tanker trucks may be unobjectionable in themselves, but when coupled with the fact that My Oil is heavily indebted to Armando Yzaguirre, they raise entirely reasonable suspicions regarding My Oil's independence from Mr. Yzaguirre's control. The Department's position that My Oil cannot be granted a license until Armando Yzaguirre's civil rights have been restored is supported by the evidence. Armando Yzaguirre is the source of My Oil's funds, its place of doing business, and its means of transporting fuel. My Oil failed to demonstrate that these facts do not give Armando Yzaguirre the ability to control its business.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Revenue enter a final order denying the application of My Oil Company, Inc., for a Florida fuel license, without prejudice to the ability of My Oil Company, Inc., to file a new application upon the restoration of Armando Yzaguirre's civil rights. DONE AND ENTERED this 28th day of May, 2003, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. LAWRENCE P. STEVENSON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 28th day of May, 2003. COPIES FURNISHED: J. Bruce Hoffmann, General Counsel Department of Revenue 204 Carlton Building Post Office Box 6668 Tallahassee, Florida 32314-6668 Robert F. Langford, Jr., Esquire Office of the Attorney General The Capitol-Tax Section Plaza Level 01 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 E. Raymond Shope, II, Esquire 1404 Goodlette Road, North Naples, Florida 34102 R. Lynn Lovejoy, Esquire Office of the Attorney General The Capitol-Tax Section Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 James Zingale, Executive Director Department of Revenue 104 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0100

Florida Laws (3) 120.569120.57206.026
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Aug. 24, 2000 Number: 00-003522BID Latest Update: Jul. 27, 2001

The Issue Whether the decision to reject all bids for Lease No. 800:0187 is illegal, arbitrary, dishonest, or fraudulent under the provisions of Section 120.57(3), Florida Statutes, or violates the terms of the Request for Proposal.

Findings Of Fact Prior to May 17, 1999, the Department issued a RFP for office space seeking to lease approximately 14,420 contiguous square feet of space located in Broward County, Florida. This lease, designated 800:0187 in this record, was to run for a basic term of seven years with three two-year renewal options. The RFP specified the lessor was to provide full services and 60 parking spaces. In response to the RFP, the Petitioner, Sunrise, and Intervenor timely submitted proposals. The space proposed by Petitioner complied with the requirements of the RFP. Additionally, the Petitioner's submittal was well within the Department's acceptable rate range. On May 17, 1999, the Department issued an intended award to Sunrise for lease 800:0187. Sunrise was deemed the lowest responsive bidder. All objections to the award to Sunrise were resolved or withdrawn. For reasons not clearly documented in this record, the Department withdrew its decision to award the lease to Sunrise. The agency action, posted on June 12, 2000, some 13 months after the initial posting, stated Sunrise had not performed and recommended Lauderdale as the second-ranked entity that had responded to the RFP. Both Sunrise and the Intervenor timely filed protests to the proposed award to Lauderdale. The Petitioner filed motions with the Department to dismiss and intervene in those protests. As of the date of the final hearing in the instant case, the Department had not resolved or referred those protests to the Division of Administrative Hearings. Instead, on July 24, 2000, the Department issued a notice stating it would reject all bids for lease 800:0187 and rescind the award to Lauderdale. In reaching this decision, the Department stated it "cannot determine its space needs until after the pending Department reorganization is complete." If the Department was being "reorganized" such reorganization would have been known to the Department on June 12, 2000. No legislative or administrative action was taken to require reorganization between June 12, 2000 and July 24, 2000. The Department determined that its decision of July 24, 2000, rendered the June 12 award to Lauderdale moot. The Petitioner, Sunrise, and Intervenor challenged the agency's decision to reject all bids. Section M of the RFP provides, in pertinent part: The Department reserves the right to reject any and all proposals when such rejection is in the best interest of the State of Florida. Such rejection shall not be arbitrary, but be based on strong justification. (Emphasis in original omitted.) Subsequent to the protests of the rejection of all proposals, Perry Anderson, a regional administrator for the Department whose region encompasses Broward County, drafted a memorandum dated September 22, 2000, to address the number of leases and unit requirements for service areas of Broward County. The proposals set forth in the memorandum have not been resolved. As of the date of the hearing, the Department did not present any definitive statement as to its leasing needs for Broward County or how and why the submittals for lease 800:0187 could not address the agency's need. The Department has not presented documentation for any agency plan or statutory mandate to reorganize or decentralize the office space encompassed by lease 800:0187. If decentralization is required, the Department has presented no studies to determine the location, service areas, or numbers of clients for such offices. Studies for demographics, travel times, accessibility to public transportation, client case loads, or how reorganization would better address such issues have not been presented. Moreover, the Department has not demonstrated how decentralization would be inconsistent with the award of lease space as designated by lease 800:0187. The only justification for the rejection of all proposals for lease 800:0187 was the alleged reorganization of the Department. The Department presented no factual information as to how the "reorganization" related to an emerging philosophy supporting decentralization or improved services to the client population.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Juvenile Justice enter a final order rescinding its decision to reject all proposals for lease 800:0187. DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of July, 2001, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ___________________________________ J. D. Parrish Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of July, 2001. COPIES FURNISHED: Brian D. Berkowitz, Esquire Scott Wright, Esquire Office of General Counsel Department of Juvenile Justice 2737 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3100 Robert A. Sweetapple, Esquire Sweetapple, Broeker & Varkas 165 East Boca Raton Road Boca Raton, Florida 33432 Daniel H. Thompson, Esquire Berger, Davis & Singerman 215 South Monroe Street Suite 705 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 A. Margaret Hesford, Esquire 5648 West Atlantic Boulevard Margate, Florida 33063 William G. Bankhead, Secretary Department of Juvenile Justice Knight Building 2737 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3100 Robert N. Sechen, General Counsel Department of Juvenile Justice Knight Building 2737 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3100

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Myers, Florida Apr. 20, 2009 Number: 09-002123 Latest Update: Feb. 14, 2011

The Issue Whether disciplinary action should be taken against Respondent’s license to practice contracting, license number CGC 060878, based on violations of Subsection 489.129(1), Florida Statutes (2005)1, as charged in the three-count Administrative Complaint filed against Respondent in this proceeding. Whether Respondent violated Subsection 489.129(1)(g)2., Florida Statutes (Count I) by committing mismanagement or misconduct in the practice of contracting that causes financial harm to a customer; Subsection 489.129(1)(j), Florida Statutes (Count II) by abandoning a construction project in which the contractor is engaged or under contract as a contractor, and Subsection 489.129(1)(m), Florida Statutes (Count III) by committing incompetency or misconduct in the practice of contracting. And, if so, what discipline should be imposed, pursuant to Section 489.129, Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code Rule 61G4-17.002.

Findings Of Fact Based on the evidence and testimony of the witnesses presented and the entire record in this proceeding, the following facts are determined: At all times material, Respondent was a certified general contractor, having been issued license number CGC 060878 by the Florida Construction Industry Licensing Board (CILB). At all times material, Respondent was the qualifier of Epic Building and Development Corporation, a Florida Corporation, with its principal place of business in the Fort Myers area. On February 22, 2005, Respondent entered into a contract with Edward Dueboay to rebuild a house owned by Dueboay and his wife, located at 22299 Laramorre Avenue, Port Charlotte, Florida, which had been distroyed some months earlier by Hurricane Charlie. The price of the contract was $150,000.00. On or about March 24, 2005, Dueboay gave Respondent a check in the amount of $3,500 payable to Contractors Marketing America, Inc. (CMA, Inc.), for the engineering plans. On May 6, 2005, Dueboay paid Respondent $5,000, as an advance on the contract. Respondent did not obtain the building permit from the Charlotte County Building Department until December 12, 2005, and work on the project did not start until January 2006. Because of the enormous damage caused by the hurricane, contractors in the area were flooded with jobs, and significant shortages in building materials also occurred. On January 13, 2006, Respondent billed Dueboay $11,000.00 for land clearing and filling, $750.00 for permit fees, and $3,200.00 for a temporary electric pole. The bill gave credit for the $5,000.00 Dueboay paid on May 6, 2005, and showed a balance due of $10,000.00. On January 20, 2006, Dueboay paid the above-mentioned invoice, by check to Respondent, in the amount of $10,000.00. Respondent paid $4,600.00 to the sub-contractor who performed the lot clearing and filling, but billed Dueboay $11,000.00. However, the contract provided for a $2,500.00 allowance for clearing and filling, and a $750.00 allowance for permit fees. Section 11.c of the contract also provided that Respondent shall provide and pay for all materials and utilities and all other facilities and services necessary for the proper completion of the work on the project in accordance with the contract documents. To pay for the remainder of the contract, Dueboay negotiated and obtained a loan in the total amount of $153,000.00 from Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union (Credit Union). On March 21, 2006, Dueboay and the Credit Union signed the construction loan agreement. On March 21, 2006, Respondent was paid $18,235.00 by the Credit Union for the pre-cast walls used in the erection of the structure. On May 11, 2006, Respondent finished Phase I of the project. On May 15, 2006, Respondent received $11,350.00 as the first draw by the Credit Union. On June 20, 2006, Respondent finished Phase II of the project. On June 20, 2006, Respondent was paid $26,335.00 as the second draw by the Credit Union. From June 2006 to November 2006, Respondent performed no work on the house under the Dueboay contract. Because the roof was not completed, mold appeared on and in the house. On August 21, 2006, Dueboay paid $109.95 to America’s Best Cleaning and Restoration, Inc., for mold removal. On or before September 13, 2006, Dueboay hired an attorney to clarify billing charges related to lot filling, permit fees and the temporary electric pole, and to prompt Respondent to resume work abandoned since June 2006. Under the Credit Union Loan Agreement, after several extensions, the completion of the Dueboay home should have taken place on or before October 17, 2006. On October 18, 2006, the Loan Agreement extension expired, and Dueboay was required to pay mortgage and interest on the loan, even though construction of the house was not completed. On November 10, 2006, Dueboay’s attorney sent Respondent a third letter advising him that the project was stagnating; that after eighteen months since the signing of the contract, the roof of the house was not yet completed; and that, under the contract, Respondent was obligated to substantially complete all work in a reasonable time after construction had started. On or about December 1, 2006, the building permit expired and had to be renewed. At some point after November 10, 2006, Respondent resumed work and finished Phase III on March 8, 2007, with the exception that some doors were not installed, including the garage door. Respondent submitted a sworn Contractor’s Affidavit stating that all subcontractors had been paid, and that there are no liens against Dueboay’s property. However, Dueboay had to pay Charlotte County Utilities $224.93 on October 29, 2007, and $240.00 to Pest Bear, Inc., on May 7, 2008, to avoid two liens being recorded against his property. From March 8, 2007, until July 2007, Respondent performed no work under the contract. David Allgood, another general contractor, was hired by Respondent to complete some of Respondent’s projects in the Port Charlotte area, including the Dueboay house. However, Dueboay was not informed of this arrangement. There was no contract directly between Dueboay and Allgood. On September 4, 2007, relying on advice from his attorney, Dueboay changed the locks to the house, with the intent to keep Respondent and his employees off his property. Shortly thereafter, employees of general contractor David Allgood broke the front lock and entered the property in September 2007, without Dueboay’s permission. Dueboay, again, following advice from this attorney, called law enforcement to eject Allgood’s employees from his property. Allgood attempted to invoice Dueboay for installing some doors on the house that Respondent had previously paid for, and which Respondent should have installed. However, following advice from his attorney, Dueboay resisted Allgood’s request to pay him for the doors. Respondent was paid a total of $122,246.03 for the Dueboay project, before the contract was cancelled. Respondent did not complete work from Phases IV and V, with the following exceptions: he did some work on the driveway, painted the interior, did some cabinet work, exterior trim and soffit, siding, stucco, and some interior trim. Therefore, Respondent completed, at best, three out of seven operations from Phase IV (interior and exterior paint, interior trim and doors, and exterior trim and soffits) and worked on, but did not complete, stucco and some cabinets. From Phase V, Respondent only worked on the driveway and sidewalks, which had to subsequently be repaired. Dueboay hired Storybook Homes, Inc. (Storybook), to complete work abandoned by Respondent from Phases IV and V. Storybook was hired to complete work as follows: install cabinets and vanities, install ceramic tiles, repair stucco, install custom tub, all electrical and plumbing per code, complete exterior paint, install hardware, sinks and faucets in the baths and showers, complete floors, install all appliances, complete air conditioning and heat, and obtain the certificate of occupancy. The amount of $122,246.03 paid to Respondent at the time when Respondent abandoned the Dueboay project represents 81 percent of the total contract price of $150,000.00. Respondent completed, at best, 75 percent of the job by completing only three out of seven operations of Phase IV and working on some additional operations that needed to be redone, like the driveway, sidewalks and stucco. Due to Respondent’s failure to perform work on time, Dueboay incurred $5,116.42 in additional expenses, as follows: $109.95 on August 21, 2006 (mold removal), $360.00 on November 23, 2006 (legal fees), $175.00 on June 4, 2007 (legal fees), $375.00 on September 4, 2007 (legal fees), $224.93 on October 29, 2007 (to satisfy lien), $668.34 on November 3, 2007 (legal fees), $200.00 on April 4, 2008 (legal fees), $1,151.05 on May 7, 2008 (to correct work performed deficiently by Respondent), $390.00 on May 7, 2008 (to repair driveway), $240.00 on May 7, 2008 (to avoid lien), and $412.00 on May 12, 2008 (to install safe room door that Respondent failed to install). The total investigative costs of this case to Petitioner, excluding costs associated with any attorney’s time, for Petitioner’s case no. 2005-028129 was $276.18.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Board render a Final Order as follows: Finding Respondent guilty of having violated Subsection 489.129(1)(g)2., Florida Statutes, as alleged in Count I of the Administrative Complaint, and imposing as a penalty an administrative fine in the amount of $1,500. Finding Respondent guilty of having violated Subsection 489.129(1)(j), Florida Statutes, as alleged in Count II of the Administrative Complaint, and imposing as a penalty an administrative fine in the amount of $2,500. Finding Respondent guilty of having violated Subsection 489.129(1)(m), Florida Statutes, as alleged in Count III of the Administrative Complaint, and imposing as a penalty an administrative fine in the amount of $1,500. Respondent’s license to practice contracting (CGC 060878) be suspended for a period of three months, followed by a period of probation for two years, upon such conditions as the Board may impose, including the payment of costs and restitution. Requiring Respondent to pay financial restitution to the consumer, Edward Dueboay, in the amount of $5,116.42 for consumer harm suffered due to payment of additional expenses. Requiring Respondent to pay Petitioner’s costs of investigation and prosecution, excluding costs associated with an attorney’s time, in the amount of $276.18. DONE AND ENTERED this 21st day of July, 2009, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S DANIEL M. KILBRIDE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of July, 2009.

Florida Laws (6) 120.569120.5720.165455.227455.2273489.129 Florida Administrative Code (2) 61G4-17.00161G4-17.002
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