The Issue The issue in this case is whether the Respondent should be disciplined for not meeting the “standard of care” by not responding appropriately to calls to him, as an on-call obstetrician, to come to the hospital and assist with a delivery.
Findings Of Fact The Respondent is licensed to practice medicine in Florida. He holds license ME 100568. He is board-certified in obstetrics and gynecology by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology. In March 2011, the Respondent was one of two obstetrician-gynecologists (ob-gyns) employed by Family Health Centers of Southwest Florida (Family Health). Family Health also employed certified nurse midwives (CNM) and had agreements with two area hospitals owned by Lee Memorial System, Health Park and Gulf Coast. Health Park is a Level 3 hospital and has the means to provide the medical services needed for premature and high-risk deliveries. Gulf Coast is a Level 1 hospital and does not provide those services. On March 21, 2011, the Respondent was the on-call ob-gyn for the Family Health practice from 7:00 p.m. that evening until 7:00 a.m. the next morning. At 7:53 p.m. on March 21, 2011, Family Health obstetrical patient, M.T., was admitted to Gulf Coast’s emergency room, where she reported that she had been having contractions for two hours and was experiencing pain at the level of nine on a scale of ten. M.T. was a high-risk patient. She suffered a stillbirth in 2008 and a miscarriage in 2009. Yet, she had late and minimal prenatal care for being high-risk (having been seen by the Family Health practice only twice, not until the second or third trimester, and not by one of the doctors). The standard for viability at the time was 24 weeks, assuming good prenatal care and delivery in a Level 3 hospital with all needed specialists available, which was not the case at Gulf Coast. After triage in the emergency department of Gulf Coast, M.T. was admitted to the hospital and taken to labor and delivery. Barbara Carroll, a CNM employed by Family Health, was on duty there. Labor and delivery was busy that evening, and CNM Carroll saw M.T. at approximately 8:55 p.m. CNM Carroll took the patient’s history and noted in the patient’s medical record that an ultrasound done on February 24, 2011, indicated that the patient was 20 weeks and five days pregnant at that time, with a margin of error of plus or minus two weeks. Based on that ultrasound, CNM Carroll noted that the gestational age of the fetus on March 21, 2011, was 23 weeks and four days. (There was no evidence addressing the apparent miscalculation--if the gestational age on February 24 was 20 weeks and five days, it would have been 24 weeks and 2 days on March 21.) CNM Carroll then did a speculum examination, which revealed that the patient was in active labor, fully dilated and fully effaced, with a bulging bag of water (i.e., amniotic fluid). The type of examination performed did not allow CNM Carroll to determine the presenting part. CNM Carroll wrote these observations and impressions in the patient’s medical record. At approximately 9:00 p.m., CNM Carroll telephoned the Respondent, who was at Health Park at the time. It was not clear from the evidence what was said during their conversation. CNM Carroll testified that she reported what she had written in the medical record and asked the Respondent to come to the hospital immediately to assist with the delivery because she was not comfortable doing it herself. She testified that she thought the fetus was potentially viable, with a gestational age of 27 or 28 weeks, based on her examination and fetal heart monitor tracings. However, she did not recall telling the Respondent her belief as to the actual gestational age of the fetus. CNM Carroll testified that, in response to her report, the Respondent told her to start Pitocin, which would accelerate the labor and delivery process, and turn off the fetal monitor. She testified that when she balked, he said, “I told you what to do,” and she responded, “and I told you, I need you to come in.” She testified that it was clear to her that the Respondent knew from this curt exchange that she was not going to follow his orders. She testified that she declined to “argue” with the Respondent, which she had done on other occasions in the past. She testified that she thought he would change his mind and call back with new orders, which she claimed was a pattern of his. The Respondent recalled the conversation somewhat differently. He denied telling CNM Carroll to start Pitocin or to turn off the fetal monitor. He testified that he anticipated active labor would proceed and result in an abortion, since the fetus was not viable and would not survive a delivery at Gulf Coast that night. His plan was to give the patient pain medication for comfort and to manage the patient expectantly-- meaning do nothing, and continue to monitor the patient. He testified that he hoped labor might cease and the baby might possibly get to 24 weeks and be viable, if the labor and delivery could be arranged to occur at a Level 3 facility like Health Park. After the conversation, CNM Carroll completed her entries in the patient’s medical record. She wrote her impression that the patient was in active labor and her plan that the patient would be monitored, that the Respondent was aware and anticipated a spontaneous vaginal delivery, and that she expected a normal spontaneous vaginal delivery. She testified that she wrote “normal” unintentionally due to the stress she was feeling about the prospect of doing the delivery herself, without the Respondent being there to assist. Her notations make no reference to an order to start Pitocin or to turn off the fetal monitor. CNM Carroll testified that in the same approximate timeframe that she talked to the Respondent, she had Health Park’s transport team called to arrange for transportation to that facility’s neonatal nursery immediately after childbirth and had Gulf Coast’s high-risk delivery team (consisting of a neonatologist, a respiratory therapist, and an anesthesiologist) called to be ready for the delivery and transport to Health Park. She did not tell the Respondent she was doing this. CNM Carroll’s testimony about her telephone conversation with the Respondent at or about 9:00 p.m. that night is inconsistent with some of her entries in the patient’s medical record. If CNM Carroll’s testimony was not false in those respects, it may be mistaken, and it could be that CNM Carroll was confusing this telephone conversation with one later in the evening. CNM Carroll was very busy that evening, attending to several patients at the same time. Although not reflected in CNM Carroll’s entries in the medical record, and unbeknownst to her, the Respondent initially ordered an ultrasound and comprehensive blood test. The ultrasound results indicated at about 9:40 p.m. that the baby was in a breech position. The blood test results, which were communicated to the Respondent at about 10:00 p.m., indicated that the patient had an active infection (i.e., chorioamnionitis). At that point, the Respondent no longer believed that expectant management was appropriate and, at 10:05 p.m., ordered Pitocin to be administered to speed the delivery of the fetus before the infection spread. He reasonably did not expect the baby to survive. It is not clear from the evidence that the Respondent was told during these communications, at about 10:00 p.m., that the baby was breech. The Respondent claims that he was not told. It also is unclear whether the Respondent ordered the fetal monitoring to cease at that time. The Respondent said he did not. Some of the other witnesses recalled that he did, but there is no indication of such an order in the medical record. In any event, there was no clear and convincing evidence that it would have been inappropriate to turn off the fetal monitor at that point. At about the same time that the Respondent was ordering Pitocin, CNM Teresa Buckley returned to the hospital. CNM Buckley’s shift had started at 7:00 a.m. that morning, but CNM Carroll covered for her in the middle of the shift, so CNM Buckley could attend a child’s basketball game. CNM Buckley took report from CNM Carroll on the patient, M.T., and was told the gestational age of the fetus, the status of labor (active), and the imminence of delivery. She probably was told that CNM Carroll thought the fetus could be viable, despite its gestational age based on the heartbeat and monitor tracings, and that the Respondent had been called earlier and asked to come to the hospital to help with the delivery. After taking report, CNM Buckley examined the patient, reviewed the monitor tracings, talked to the patient, palpated the contractions, and examined the patient to determine the position of the fetus. During, or shortly after, the examination, the patient’s membrane ruptured. The rupture of the membrane may have been caused or hastened by CNM Buckley’s examination. Shortly after the membrane ruptured, at approximately 10:20 p.m., the baby’s foot appeared. CNM Buckley attempted to facilitate the breech delivery by sweeping the baby’s arms down and rotating. Both feet and legs and the torso were delivered, but the baby’s head was stuck and could not be delivered. At that point, at about 10:30 p.m., CNM Buckley asked the charge nurse to telephone the Respondent to say she needed him to come in to help with the delivery. The charge nurse telephoned the Respondent. The evidence is unclear exactly what she told him. The medical record states that she asked him to come in to assist with the delivery. The charge nurse testified that she informed him that the patient’s membrane had ruptured and asked if he was coming in. The Respondent’s best recollection is being told that CNM Buckley, who he did not know was on the case, needed his help with a breech delivery. He denies being told that the patient’s membrane had broken or that it was a footling breech delivery with the head stuck. The Respondent testified that he would have immediately agreed to proceed to the hospital had he been told either of those facts. He testified that he interpreted what he was told to mean he was being asked to help the CNM perform a breech extraction and that he said, “no,” his orders were to start Pitocin. The charge nurse testified that the Respondent asked if Pitocin was running, said to make sure it was running, and hung up. It is unclear from the evidence exactly when Pitocin was started. The medical record indicates that it was not started until 10:30 p.m., some 25 minutes after the Respondent ordered it. This would have been about the time when the Respondent asked the charge nurse about it. When the charge nurse reported to bedside, the CNM asked if the Respondent was coming in and if he was almost there. The charge nurse said she didn’t know, he didn’t say. The CNM had her call back to find out. According to the medical record, the charge nurse’s second call was made at 10:33 p.m., the Respondent was asked to “come in for breech delivery,” and the Respondent said, “no.” According to the testimony of the charge nurse, she told the Respondent that the CNM wanted the Respondent at bedside because she was having difficulty with the breech delivery and the baby’s head was stuck. The Respondent denied being told this in either of the two telephone calls. He testified that, still thinking the membrane was intact and the fetus was in the patient’s pelvis, he repeated his instruction, “no,” to a breech extraction. It was not proven by clear and convincing evidence that the Respondent was not being truthful about what he understood from the communications to him in the 10:30 and 10:33 p.m. telephone calls. When the charge nurse heard what the Respondent had to say, she hung up and reported to the CNM and others that the Respondent was not coming in. They paged Dr. Garner, the other ob-gyn employed by Family Health. Dr. Garner promptly answered the page and was asked to come in to assist with the delivery. He proceeded to the hospital and arrived at bedside at 10:55 p.m. The baby died during the delivery process and was delivered at 11:06 p.m. The Respondent testified that notwithstanding his inaccurate understanding of the status of the patient as a result of the telephone calls at 10:30 and 10:33 p.m., and his negative responses to the charge nurse, he actually proceeded to Gulf Coast. He stated that he telephoned the hospital on the way and was told that Dr. Garner was at bedside. At that point, he decided there was no need for him to go to the hospital and turned around to return to Health Park. During the hearing, DOH did not challenge or refute the Respondent’s testimony regarding his last phone call, but DOH’s proposed recommended order questions the Respondent’s veracity on the ground that the medical record does not mention it, and none of the other witnesses testified to knowing about it. Neither party produced other evidence that might establish whether the telephone call actually occurred. On this record, it was not proven by clear and convincing evidence that the Respondent did not proceed to Gulf Coast in response to the telephone call at 10:33 p.m., only to turn around when told that Dr. Garner was at bedside. DOH called an expert, Dr. Babu Veerendra Chitriki, who is a board-certified ob-gyn, to testify that the standard of care required that the Respondent, as the on-call ob-gyn, respond to each and every request for assistance he received from a CNM or nurse on the evening of March 21, 2011, by agreeing to come to the hospital. Dr. Chitriki’s testimony was refuted persuasively by the Respondent’s two experts, also board-certified ob-gyns, Drs. Mark Spence and Allison Thresher. They opined that it would be within the standard of care for the Respondent to ask questions, get an accurate understanding of the medical situation, and exercise medical judgment based on that understanding. Neither thought it was required by the standard of care for the Respondent to drop everything and come to the hospital as a result of the telephone calls he received on March 21, 2011, no questions asked. As to the telephone call from CNM Carroll at 9:00 p.m., it was not proven by clear and convincing evidence that it resulted in a clear request requiring the Respondent to accede and proceed to the hospital immediately. Rather, at most, it appears to have resulted in an unresolved disagreement between the health care professionals as to the appropriate plan of action. As to the 10:30 and 10:33 p.m. telephone calls, Drs. Spence and Thresher, as well as the Respondent, agreed that the standard of care would have required a positive response from the Respondent, had he been told what was occurring with the patient at the time. Instead, they viewed those telephone calls as evidence of an unfortunate failure of communication between the Respondent and the CNMs and nurses. It was not proven by clear and convincing evidence that the Respondent was lying when he testified that he was not told what was occurring at 10:30 and 10:33 p.m. It also was not proven by clear and convincing evidence that the facts were clearly communicated to the Respondent during those telephone calls. Finally, it was not proven by clear and convincing evidence that despite the failure to communicate, the Respondent did not in fact proceed to the hospital in response to those telephone calls, only to turn around when he learned that Dr. Garner was at beside. The Respondent is not without his share of fault for the miscommunications that occurred on March 21, 2011. Conflicts between him and the Family Health practice may have been a factor. He could have been a better listener, and he could have asked more and better questions to make sure he was getting the full picture of what was going on with the patient, particularly at the time of the 10:30 and 10:33 p.m. telephone calls. However, DOH did not charge him with practicing below the standard of care by not communicating. Rather, DOH charged him with failure to come to the hospital to assist with a difficult delivery after receiving a clear request to do so, a charge that was not proven by clear and convincing evidence.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Board of Medicine enter a final order dismissing the charges against the Respondent in this case. DONE AND ENTERED this 18th day of July, 2014, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 18th day of July, 2014.
The Issue The issue to be resolved in this proceeding concerns whether the Petitioner was harassed because of her race during employment as a registered nurse at Shands at Lakeshore, Inc. (Shands), and whether the Respondent terminated her because of race or for retaliation concerning alleged complaints of harassment.
Findings Of Fact The Petitioner, Valeria Thompkins, was employed as an RN on the medical-surgical unit on the third floor of Shands Lakeshore Hospital in Lake City, Florida, at times pertinent hereto. Each of the Petitioner's shifts began at 7 p.m. and ended at 7 a.m. The Petitioner reported to a "Charge Nurse" who supervised each shift and reported to the Nurse Manager for the unit. The Nurse Manager reported to the hospital’s Director of Nursing. Julia Woods was the Nurse Manager for the Petitioner's unit and Mattie Jones was the Director of Nursing, when the Petitioner was hired in August 2004. Julia Woods was removed by the Nursing Director, Ms. Jones, in September 2005 for performance issues. Jodi Wood replaced her as Nurse Manager for the Petitioner's unit. Julia Woods was removed by Ms. Jones because Ms. Woods had focused too heavily on staffing the unit and failed to properly supervise quality of patient care. When Ms. Jones promoted Jodi Wood, she specifically instructed Ms. Wood to improve the quality of patient care. Ms. Wood verbally counseled the Petitioner for failing to follow doctor's orders concerning administering intravenous antibiotics to a newly-admitted patient, who was suffering from sepsis. This verbal reprimand occurred on September 26, 2005. The failure to administer antibiotics to that patient harmed the patient's care and could have allowed the sepsis, a systemic infection, to become more severe. When the sepsis worsened as a result of failure to administer antibiotics timely, the Respondent was required to transfer that patient to the Intensive Care Unit. The Petitioner admits that she did not administer the ordered antibiotics, but claims that she did not administer them because the Respondent did not provide training explaining when to administer medications ordered to be administered twice per day. This explanation, however, does not raise any issue concerning disparate treatment for racial or other reasons and does not question the imposition of the verbal reprimand. All the nurses hired in August 2004 received the same training from the Respondent, including the Petitioner. The immediate administration of antibiotics is a standard nursing protocol for a patient with sepsis and the Respondent could reasonably presume that it did not need to train a registered nurse in such basic nursing care. It was reasonable for the Respondent to presume that the Petitioner was aware of that standard nursing practice. The Respondent's failure to raise any issue about the Petitioner's training, or orientation training, does not indicate that the verbal discipline was motivated by any illicit purpose, but rather was based upon the inadequate care provided the patient. The Respondent could fairly expect the Petitioner, hired as an RN, to have had adequate training in such standard nursing care or procedure before she was ever employed. The Petitioner ignored a doctor's order to monitor a patient's heart rate with a telemetry unit on October 14, 2005. This was less than a month after the previous verbal warning referenced above. The Petitioner admitted the patient to her unit and signed the patient's chart, noting that all orders above her signature, including the order for telemetry monitoring, had been executed, that is, performed. The Petitioner, however, failed to ensure that a telemetry unit was connected to the patient and did not take any telemetry readings while treating that patient. Ms. Wood presented this incident to Nursing Director Jones, who made an independent review of the events, including a review of the patient's chart. Ms. Jones decided to issue a First Written Corrective Action to the Petitioner because of this incident. The Petitioner's failure to place a telemetry unit on the patient made it impossible for the medical staff to monitor the patient's heart, thereby negatively affecting patient care. The Petitioner admitted that she was to blame for failing to ensure that the telemetry monitoring unit was on the patient. The Petitioner, however, attempted to dispute the First Written Corrective Action by claiming that other nurses, specifically those who had treated the patient in the Intensive Care Unit, were also at fault for failing to place a telemetry monitor on the patient. The Petitioner conceded, however, that Ms. Wood did not supervise any of those unidentified comparator nursing staff and could not therefore recommend discipline of them. Therefore, no question was raised concerning comparative discipline between the Petitioner and the nurses who had treated the patient in the Intensive Care Unit. Further, Ms. Jones is African-American. There is no evidence indicating that she would discipline the Petitioner concerning this mistake because of her race, while allowing employees outside the Petitioner's protected class to escape without discipline, if indeed they had done anything blame- worthy. The Petitioner has thus not provided credible evidence that any similarly-situated employees received disparate treatment with regard to any issue about responsibility for the referenced mistake in the care of this patient. On October 19, 2005, Terry Wayne, a Patient Care Coordinator at Shands, discovered that the Petitioner had administered an intravenous antibiotic, Gentamicin, to a patient who did not have an order for that antibiotic. Ms. Wayne determined that the antibiotic had actually been ordered for the other patient in the same room, but was carelessly administered to the wrong patient by the Petitioner. The Petitioner's error exposed the patient to potentially severe side effects. The error compromised the care of both patients by risking side effects for the patient who received the antibiotic in error, and by allowing the patient who should have received it to thus go untreated. The Petitioner denies administering the Gentamicin to that patient. The Petitioner claims that Jay Nash, the evening charge nurse, had come into the room and administered the antibiotic in an effort to “frame” the Petitioner as a sub- standard nurse. The Petitioner's explanation is not plausible. There is no credible evidence that Mr. Nash would be motivated to engage in such conspiratorial behavior to try to falsely blame the Petitioner. That theory relies heavily on the Petitioner's erroneous belief that Mr. Nash, not Terry Wayne, discovered the medication error. The Petitioner's explanation is simply not credible. It is undisputed that the Patient Care Coordinators, such as Ms. Wayne, were responsible for auditing patient charts to confirm that patients were receiving proper patient care. The Petitioner concedes that she does not know Terry Wayne or what her capacity is with Shands. Thus, there is no way she could know of Terry Wayne's holding any improper motivation to fabricate a medical error and blame it on the Petitioner. Ms. Wayne completed a Medical Error Report when she discovered the improperly administered Gentamicin. This was in accordance with routine Shands protocol. A copy of that report was delivered to the Nurse Manager, by routine policy. When the Nurse Manager, Ms. Wood, received the report, she forwarded it to the Nursing Director, Ms. Jones, and she recommended additional disciplinary action for the Petitioner. Ms. Jones made an independent review of the incident that included a review of the patient's chart and the incident report. Based upon this, Ms. Jones issued a Second Written Corrective Action to the Petitioner. Ms. Wood and Ms. Jones subsequently met with the Petitioner to prepare a development plan to try to improve the Petitioner's repeated patient-care problems. The Respondent routinely prepares development plans for employees who have two Written Corrective Actions, because a third Written Corrective Action in a 12-month period would result in termination. Ms. Wood met with the Petitioner once each week for the first two weeks after the development plan was presented to the Petitioner. Ms. Wood did not meet with the Petitioner the following two weeks because she took a vacation during the holiday season. The Petitioner caused several patient-care problems during the period Ms. Wood was unavailable to meet with her. Between December 13, 2005, and December 27, 2005, the Petitioner provided sub-standard care on at least eleven occasions. Two of these incidents were more serious patient-care problems than the others, because they resulted in a direct injury to one patient and exposed another patient to the risk of very serious infection. The first of the two incidents came to light when the Shands administration received a complaint from a patient, in the third floor medical-surgical unit, that his nurse had roughly removed a dressing for his IV and tore his skin. This complaint was passed on to Ms. Jones and Ms. Wood. Ms. Jones reviewed the patient’s chart and determined that the Petitioner had discontinued the IV on the patient in question. The discontinuation of an IV is the only reason to remove the dressing, so Ms. Jones reasonably concluded that the Petitioner was the nurse who tore the patient's skin. The Petitioner admitted treating the patient but denied tearing his skin. She claimed that she removed the first IV and replaced it with a new IV, only to have some other nurse come and discontinue the IV and tear the patient's skin. At the final hearing, however, the Petitioner conceded that she had to discontinue the original IV in order to replace it and that the patient's chart then would show that the Petitioner had discontinued the patient's IV. Therefore, even if the Petitioner was not the nurse who tore the patient's skin, the Petitioner's admission that the patient chart showed that she had discontinued at least one of the patient's I.V.'s creates a non-discriminatory explanation for a good faith belief by Nursing Director Jones that the Petitioner was the nurse who injured the patient. The second serious incident was discovered on December 24, 2005. Dayshift nurse Darlene Hewitt, who had taken over care of patients treated by the Petitioner during the preceding evening, noticed that one of the patients had dark stool dried over the site of his “femoral central line.” Ms. Hewitt had received a report from the Petitioner, only ten minutes before discovering the feces, but the Petitioner had not informed her of the patient's condition. Ms. Hewitt reported the incident to Ms. Wood, who reviewed the patient’s chart and determined that the Petitioner returned to the chart, after the presence of the feces had been discovered, and added false entries, effective 6 a.m. that morning, claiming to have discovered and reported the stool to the succeeding nurse at the shift change. A femoral central line is an I.V. line inserted into the femoral artery in the groin of the patient. It is used to administer prescription medication directly to a patient's heart. A dressing is used to cover the central line insertion point, because any bacteria that contaminate the site could potentially go directly to a patient's heart. A contaminated femoral central line is a serious patient-care issue and exposes the patient to potentially serious health consequences. Ms. Wood reported the incident to Director Jones, along with the other ten incidents of sub-standard patient-care occurring between December 13, 2005, and December 27, 2005. Ms. Jones reviewed each incident independently, and made an examination of each patient chart at issue. She determined that the Petitioner's patient-care practices had not improved. She therefore decided to issue the Petitioner a Third Written Corrective Action. Ms. Woods and Ms. Jones met with the Petitioner on December 28, 2005, to discuss the issues underlying the Third Written Corrective Action. Ms. Jones explained to the Petitioner that the Third Written Corrective Action would result in automatic termination. Ms. Jones offered the Petitioner the opportunity to resign, in lieu of termination, before the Third Written Corrective Action was completed. The Petitioner left the meeting and never responded to Ms. Jones’ offer. The Petitioner maintains that she was terminated. Whether she was terminated or resigned in lieu of termination, or was constructively terminated, is not material to resolution of the issues at hand. In fact, the Petitioner was effectively terminated for providing sub-standard patient care. There is no evidence to suggest that Ms. Jones’ decision to discipline and terminate the Petitioner was based upon race, retaliation for any alleged complaints of harassment, or engaging in any statutorily protected conduct. The Petitioner did not identify any employees outside her protected class that were not disciplined for providing similar sub-standard patient care. The Respondent, however, identified several employees outside the Petitioner's protected class who were disciplined by Ms. Wood for providing poor patient care. When faced with that evidence at hearing, the Petitioner conceded that the Respondent did not terminate her for any improper purpose. The Petitioner also claims to have been harassed by several white co-workers. Co-workers Shannon Poppel, Kim Morris, and Darlene Hewitt were purported by the Petitioner to have harassed her. Those three persons, however, all work on the day shift. The Petitioner worked on the 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. shift. Jay Nash was the only night-shift employee who had been alleged to have mistreated the Petitioner. At hearing, however, the Petitioner conceded that Mr. Nash was not harassing her; rather, she contends he was assigning her more difficult patients than he was assigning other employees. The Petitioner maintains that Poppel, Morris, and Hewitt were very friendly with Nursing Director Wood. The Petitioner suspects they had a social relationship outside the hospital. The Petitioner contends that Poppel, Morris, and Hewitt ignored her and interrupted her when she was attempting to give her report at shift changes. Finally, the Petitioner claims that the three people would stop all conversation whenever she entered a room and, on one occasion, she overheard Director Wood and one of the alleged harassers laughing in Ms. Woods's office when discussing the Petitioner. The Petitioner concedes, however, that none of the alleged harassers ever used any racially derogatory language or made any reference to the Petitioner's race. In fact, she offered no evidence relating the behavior of the three alleged harassers to the Petitioner's race, aside from the fact that the alleged harassers are Caucasian and the Petitioner is African- American. The Petitioner's contention that this behavior was based on race is the Petitioner's own bare, unsupported opinion and is un-persuasive. The Petitioner even concedes that the harassers were friends away from the hospital. Their social relationship, which was not shared with the Petitioner, is a more plausible explanation for any behavior of the alleged harassers than is the race of the Petitioner. This is especially so, given the fact that Nursing Director Wood herself is African-American. The Petitioner has also exaggerated the severity of the alleged harassment, because there was an insufficient temporal opportunity for the alleged harassers to engage in that conduct. The day-shift nurses, including the three alleged harassers, must "punch in" between 6:45 a.m. and 6:52 a.m. for their 12-hour shift, which runs from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Generally, the night-shift nurses finish giving reports to the day-shift nurses and leave the hospital by 7:15 a.m. Therefore, at most, Ms. Poppel, Morris, or Hewitt could have interacted with the Petitioner only for a total of about 30 minutes per day. Thus any harassment, if it occurred, would have occurred for only a very short period of time. Moreover, there is no proof that any harassment, based upon race, occurred at all. The Petitioner contends that she complained to Nursing Director Jones about the harassment, but Ms. Jones denies this. Ms. Jones is well-trained in the anti-harassment policy followed by Shands. She had conducted several other investigations into harassment allegations during her tenure as Nursing Director. Her thorough response to those other allegations concerning harassment makes it very unlikely that Ms. Jones would have ignored the Petitioner's alleged complaint, had she made one. Ms. Jones is an African-American woman and, if she had a history, as she does, of actively investigating any allegations of harassment, it is unlikely that she would have disregarded an allegation that an employee felt that she was being harassed because of her race. Therefore, the Petitioner's self-serving opinion that she was being harassed, and her allegation that she had complained about the harassment, lacks credibility and persuasiveness.
Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, the evidence of record, the candor and demeanor of the witnesses and the pleadings and arguments of the parties, it is, therefore, RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by the Florida Commission on Human Relations denying the petition in its entirety. DONE AND ENTERED this 19th day of January, 2010, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S P. MICHAEL RUFF Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of January, 2010. COPIES FURNISHED: Nancy Toman Baldwin, Esquire Law offices of Nancy Toman Baldwin 309 North East First Street Gainesville, Florida 32601 Marquis W. Heilig, Esquire Thompson, Sizemore, Gonzalez & Hearing, P.A. 201 North Franklin Street, Suite 1600 Tampa, Florida 33602 Denise Crawford, Agency Clerk Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Larry Kranert, General Counsel Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301