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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 77-001054 Latest Update: Oct. 03, 1978

Findings Of Fact The facts in this case are largely undisputed. Petitioner is a joint venturer with two foreign corporations who subcontracted to perform the dredging portion of the contract to develop the port of Dammam in Saudi Arabia. The joint venture is called GLABVO and the joint venture agreement was admitted as Exhibit 1. The parties contributed capital and leased equipment to the joint venture while the latter paid for all supplies used by the parties in carrying out the subcontract. All of the equipment and materials purchased and which is the subject of the tax assessment here involved is personal property of a nature subject to sales and use tax, was ordered by Petitioner for GLABVO and shipped to Miami where it was loaded for shipment to Saudi Arabia. The property was purchased from both within and without the state. The nature of the operation, the urgency of the contract with respect to time of completion, and the lack of existing port facilities necessitated special shipping arrangements which involved a contract carrier in lieu of a common carrier. Accordingly the various dredges, workboats, barges and related equipment here loaded on a large barge which was towed from Ft. Lauderdale to Saudi Arabia. Lack of port facilities at Dammam necessitated the capability to unload being carried with the equipment so the larger elements transported wore floated onto the barge, and off the barge upon arrival, by sinking the barge. Most of the supplies were packaged for overseas shipment before being shipped to Miami where this material and equipment was marshalled at Petitioner's facility on Dodge Island at Miami, Florida. At this marshalling yard, which was the Florida shipping destination for materials purchased, the supplies were inventoried, repackaged, if necessary, for the barge shipment by placing in containers that could be floated off the barge and segregated into the three shipments that would be needed to move the equipment and supplies to Dammam. Petitioner used its tax registration number in purchasing the supplies on behalf of GLABVO and the vendors were relieved from collecting the sales tax. At the time the supplies were shipped to Petitioner there were no export declarations in connection with these items but much of the equipment was packaged for export and the shipping documents represented the material was shipped "for export". The contract carrier that had been engaged to provide the transportation had no facility that could be used as a marshalling yard and Petitioner did have such a facility. Due to the nature of the operation it was essential to assemble the supplies and equipment at a marshalling point for inventory and checking against the list of needed supplies before continuing the transportation to Saudi Arabia. Bills of lading and export declarations were made up where the material was placed on board the contract carrier's barge. On those items shipped from outside Florida Respondent assessed a use tax and on those items purchased in Florida Respondent assessed a sales tax. It is undisputed that all property on which the tax was assessed was purchased for use in Saudi Arabia and was shipped to Saudi Arabia; that the property had an initial Florida destination at Dodge Island, Florida; that the property was shipped from Florida to Saudi Arabia on bills of lading; and that export declarations were executed. For the purpose of this case no distinction exists with respect to the export nature of those shipments purchased from a supplier in Florida and those purchased from a source outside of Florida.

Florida Laws (3) 212.02212.05212.06
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 76-001245 Latest Update: May 19, 1977

The Issue The Petitioner and Respondent have agreed by stipulation that the following four issues of law are to be determined by the Hearing Officer: Whether Red Lobster must pay four percent sales tax on ad valorem taxes paid directly to a governmental taxing unit on leases in which it is set forth that Red Lobster, the Lessee, will, in addition to the rental payments, be obligated to pay the ad valorem taxes. Whether certain waitress uniforms and denominators purchased from vendors outside the State of Florida by Red Lobster and shipped to Red Lobster Headquarters within the State of Florida for storage purposes and subsequently transshipped for use in Red Lobster locations outside the State of Florida are subject to Florida sales or use tax. Whether those automobiles purchased by Red Lobster's parent company, General Mills, Inc., outside the State of Florida and on which a sales tax was paid in the state in which purchased and then leased to Red Lobster for use in the State of Florida for periods in excess of twelve months are subject to a Florida sales or use tax on the rental payments. Whether Red Lobster is obligated to pay an amount of sales tax determined by the Bracket System as set forth in Florida Statutes or is obligated to pay all sales tax actually collected so long as the sales tax collected equals or exceeds 4 percent of gross sales.

Findings Of Fact The Respondent Department of Revenue assessed certain sales and use tax against Petitioner Red Lobster Inns of America, Inc., for a three-year period commencing February 1, 1971 through January 31, 1974. The Petitioner filed a petition for hearing to the Division of Administrative Hearings pursuant to Chapter 120, Florida Statutes, contesting the imposition of said sales and use taxes by Respondent. Each of the issues will be treated separately. ISSUE I Whether Petitioner must pay 4 percent sales tax on ad valorem taxes paid directly to a governmental unit on leases in which it is set forth that Red Lobster, the Lessee, will, in addition to the rental payments, be obligated to pay the ad valorem taxes. Two kinds of leases are involved here. One type (Exhibit "A") provides the payment of "all real estate taxes" shall be "as additional rent" and a second type (Exhibit "B") provides that "The lessee shall be responsible for the payment of all real estate taxes" without labeling such payments as additional rental. In both types of leases, the ad valorem tax payments on the leased real estate are the obligation of Red Lobster, Lessee. The Petitioner, Lessee, paid the sales tax on the amount it considered "rent" paid but did not pay the sales tax on the monies paid the Lessor for the payment of the ad valorem taxes on the leased property. The Respondent Department of Revenue contends: that all the monies paid by Petitioner as Lessee, including the amount paid for the payment of ad valorem taxes, constitute consideration for the lease and thus constitute rent for purposes of Chapter 212. Petitioners contend: that these payments for ad valorem taxes are not "total rent charges for such real property" under Section 212.031(c); that to require that sales and use tax be paid on ad valorem tax payments is double taxation; that the imposition of a sales and use tax on an existing ad valorem tax constitutes a pyramiding of taxation contrary to Section 212.031(2)(b). Petitioner further contends that the rule 12A-1.70(3) exceeds the statutory authority of Section 212.031, Florida Statutes, inasmuch as the statute states a tax is levied on the "rent charged" whereas the rule states that the tax shall be paid "on all considerations." The lease between the parties marked for identification as Exhibit "A" provides in pertinent part on page 1, Section 2, Demise of Premises: "In consideration of the rents and covenants herein stipulated to be paid and performed by Lessee, Lessor hereby demises and lets to Lessee . . . the parcel of land . . . together with all buildings, structures and other improvements constructed thereon . . ." On page 5, in Section 9, Taxes and Other Charges: "(a) Lessee also agrees . . . to pay and discharge as auditional rent, punctually as and when the same shall become due and payable without penalty, all real estate taxes, personal property taxes, business and occupation taxes, occupational license taxes . . . and all other governmental taxes which at any time during the term of the lease shall become due " Clearly, the payment of taxes was understood by both parties as being part of the rent in Exhibit "A" contracts. The lease between the parties marked for identification as Exhibit "B" does not specifically provide that the payment of taxes is part of the rent. However, it speaks to the issue on page 1 providing: "That for and in consideration of the covenants and agreements herein contained and in consideration of the rents herein reserved to be paid by lessee to lessors, the parties hereto do hereby mutually covenant and agree . . . ." to do certain things and includes the specific requirement on page 3: "9. The lessee shall be responsible for the payment of all real estate taxes, both city and county, assessed against the demised premises and shall pay the same before the taxes become delinquent." It is apparent that the payment of real estate taxes is a part of the "total rent charges for such real property" in Exhibit "B" contracts. Designation by the Lessor as to the method of distributing the gross sum of rent does not relieve the Lessee from his payments to the Lessor or change the fact that it is for rent due and for the "return . . . which the tenant makes to the landlord for the use of the demised premises." 52 CJS, Section 462, p. 344. Thus, there is no pyramiding or double taxation. Inasmuch as the payment of ad valorem taxes is a part of the rental agreement between the parties, sales tax would be due on the amount paid by Lessee for ad valorem taxes regardless of whether the Lessee or the Lessor performed the transmittal duties of paying the taxes. The acceptance by the Lessee of the onerous duties of timely paying the numerous taxes, charges, assessments and other impositions is a valuable consideration and a part of the rent charge itself. The statute supports the assessment of Respondent. The contention that the rule is invalid is not well taken inasmuch as the rule is presumed valid for the purpose of this hearing. Thus, the Hearing Officer determines that the Petitioner Red Lobster Inns of America must pay the 4 percent sales tax on the ad valorem taxes paid directly to a governmental taxing unit. ISSUE II Whether the waitresses' uniforms and denominators (a counting device) purchased from vendors outside the State of Florida by Petitioner and shipped to Petitioner's headquarters in Florida for storage purposes and thereafter shipped for use in Red Lobster Inn locations outside the State of Florida are subject to Florida sales or use tax. The Respondent Department of Revenue sought to impose a use tax upon the uniforms and denominators which were purchased outside the state, sent in and then sent out again. The Petitioner Red Lobster Inns does not contest the assessment of sales or use tax on the uniforms and denominators that were used and consumed in this state. However, it contests the assessment on the items that were bought outside the state, sent in to Florida and then sent out of state in the same condition. Red Lobster uses uniforms both within and without the state and also denominators both inside and outside the state. The Respondent Department of Revenue contends: that the sales and use tax is properly applied inasmuch as the uniforms and denominators came to rest in the State of Florida, were delivered and stored and therefore became part of the mass property in the state. It contends that they were used in that a right of ownership was exercised. The Petitioner Red Lobster Inns contends: that the tax is not due on the items that were brought in and transshipped out again; that the goods never actually came to rest because the storage time was very short and was in fact part of the shipment process; that the uniforms and denominators were reshipped without having been used or consumed in this state. Section 212.05, Sales, storage, use tax.-- provides: "It is hereby declared to be the legislative intent that every person is exercising a tangible privilege who engages in the business of selling tangible personal property at retail in this state, or who rents or furnishes any of the things or services taxable under this chapter, or who stores for use or consumption in this state any item or article of tangible personal property as defined herein and who leases or rents such property within the state . . . . * * * (2) At the rate of 4 percent of the cost price of each item or article of tangible personal property when the same is not sold but is used, consumed, distributed or stored for use or consumption in this state." Section 212.06(6), Sales, storage, use tax; collectible from dealers; dealers defined; dealers to collect from purchasers; legislative intent as to scope of tax, provides: "(6) It is however, the intention of this chapter to levy a tax on the sale at retail, the use, the consumption, the distribution, and the storage to be used or consumed in this state of tangible personal property after it has come to rest in this state and has become a part of the mass property of this state." The Petitioner was correct in paying the tax on the waitresses' uniforms and the denominators that were used and consumed in this state. Those uniforms and denominators that were temporarily stored in this state and sent outside the state in the same condition were not a part of the mass property of this state, had not come to rest in this state nor became a part of the mass property of this state. They were not used or consumed in this state. The use and consumption of the uniforms and denominators were subsequent to their shipment outside of the state and therefore no use tax is due on those items reshipped to other states. ISSUE III Whether those automobiles purchased by Red Lobster's parent company, General Mills, Inc., outside the State of Florida and on which a sales tax was paid in the state in which purchased and then leased to Red Lobster for use in the State of Florida for periods in excess of twelve months are subject to Florida sales or use tax on the rental payments. The Petitioner contends: that it is entitled to the exemption in Rule 12A-1.07(13)(b) because the purchase of the automobiles was made out of state and sales tax was paid out of state. The Respondent Department of Revenue contends: the exemption of the rule applies only when the sales tax was paid to the State of Florida. Section 212.21(2), Declaration of legislative intent.-- provides in pertinent part: "(2) It is hereby declared to be the specific legislative intent to tax each and every sale, admission, use, storage, consumption or rental levied and set forth in this chapter, except as to such sale, admission, use, storage, consumption or rental, as shall be specifically exempted therefrom by this chapter, subject to the conditions appertaining to such exemption." Section 212.07(9), Sales, storage, use tax; tax added to purchase price; dealer not to absorb liability of purchasers who cannot prove payment of the tax; penalties; general exemptions:-- provides in part: "(9) Any person who has . . . leased tangible personal property, . . . and cannot prove that the tax levied by this chapter has been paid to his vendor or lessor shall be directly liable to the state for any tax, interest, or penalty due on any such taxable transactions." Rule 12A-1.07(13)(b) provides: "When the term of a lease or rental to one lessee or rentee is for a period of 12 or more months, the lessor-owner may pay the tax on the acquisition of the vehicle. In such cases, the rental to the initial lessee and the renewals thereof to the same lessee are not subject to the rental tax. Rentals of the same vehicle to subsequent lessees by the owner are taxable." Clearly, it appears from the foregoing that the rule made pursuant to the authority of the legislature does in fact state that the tax may be paid "on the acquisition of the vehicle" and that the lessee is then not subject to the rental tax. The rule is presumed to be valid. Thus, in answer to the question in Issue III, the answer is that the rental cars are not subject to the Florida sales or use tax on the rental payments having been specifically exempted. ISSUE IV Whether Red Lobster is obligated to pay an amount of sales tax determined by the Bracket System set forth in Florida Statutes or is obligated to pay all sales tax actually collected so long as the sales tax collected equals or exceeds 4 percent of gross sales. The Respondent Department of Revenue contends: that the Petitioner must collect and pay the tax according to the Bracket Method provided in the statutes. The Petitioner contends: that it does not have to be governed by the Bracket Method as long as Petitioner pays 4 percent of its gross sales to the State of Florida and that the Bracket System is merely a convenience method. Section 212.12(1), Dealer's credit for collecting tax; penalties for noncompliance; powers of Department of Revenue in dealing with delinquents; brackets applicable to taxable transactions; records required, providing for the Bracket System.-- clearly states in pertinent part: "(10) . . . Notwithstanding the rate of taxes imposed upon the privilege of sales, admissions and rentals, and communication services, the following brackets shall be applicable to all 4 percent taxable transactions: On single sales of less than 10 cents no tax shall be added. On single sales in amounts from 10 cents to 25 cents, both inclusive, 1 cent shall be added for taxes. On sales in amounts from 26 cents to 50 cents, both inclusive, 2 cents shall be added for taxes. On sales in amounts from 51 cents to 75 cents, both inclusive, 3 cents shall be added for taxes. On sales in amounts from 76 cents to $1, both inclusive, 4 cents shall be added for taxes. On sales in amounts of more than $1, 4 percent shall be charged upon each dollar of price, plus the above bracket charges upon any fractional part of a dollar." It is self-evident that the foregoing statute does in fact require the Bracket Method to be used inasmuch as it dictates that is shall be applicable to all 4 percent taxable transactions. The tax is increased when the Bracket Method is used. In summary, the findings of the Hearing Officer are: On Issue I, Petitioner Red Lobster Inns of America must pay ad valorem tax on the full amount of the consideration as set forth in its various leases. On Issue II, the waitresses' uniforms and denominators which were reshipped in the same condition outside the state were not subject to Florida sales and use tax. On Issue III, the automobiles on which a sales tax was paid to the state in which they were purchased and then leased to Red Lobster for use in this state for periods in excess of twelve months are not subject to the Florida sales and use tax on rental payments. On Issue IV, Petitioner Red Lobster Inns of America is obligated to pay an amount of sales tax determined by the Bracket System as set forth in Florida Statutes.

Recommendation Affirm the position of the Respondent Department of Revenue on Issue I. Affirm the position of the Petitioner Red Lobster Inns of America on Issue II. Affirm the position of the Petitioner Red Lobster Inns of America on Issue III. Affirm the position of the Respondent Department of Revenue on Issue IV. DONE and ORDERED this 16th day of March, 1977, in Tallahassee, Florida. DELPHENE C. STRICKLAND Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 16th day of March, 1977. COPIES FURNISHED: Terrell Griffin, Esquire 515 Pan American Building 250 North Orange Avenue Orlando, Florida 32801 Charles E. DeMarco, Esquire Staff Attorney Red Lobster Inns of America, Inc. Post Office Box 13330 Orlando, Florida 32801 Caroline C. Mueller, Esquire Department of Legal Affairs The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32304 =================================================================

Florida Laws (8) 120.57212.02212.031212.05212.06212.07212.12212.21
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-001437 Latest Update: Sep. 25, 1986

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant facts are found: Petitioner, a corporation headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina, is in the business of operating movie theatres both within and without the State of Florida. At these theatres Petitioner Operates concession stands which sell both candy items and drinks in various sizes at different prices to persons who frequent the theatres. For the period of time from September, 1985 through May, 1985, Petitioner remitted to the Department of Revenue sales tax on the total taxable value of all taxable items sold at its concession stands in all of its Florida theatres, in accordance with the presumptive effective rate of tax of 5.63 percent contained in Rule 12A-1.11(37), Florida Administrative Code. As a result of an audit for a previous period dated October 1, 1982, Petitioner remitted to the Department of Revenue the amount of $10,637.00 for sales tax on taxable items sold at its concession stands during this audit period in accordance with the presumptive effective tax rate of 4.5 percent as contained in Rule 12A-1.11(37), Florida Administrative Code during the audit period. On August 15, 1985, Petitioner filed with the Department of Revenue, as agent for Respondent, two (2) applications for sales tax refund in the amount of $16,876.52 and $10,637.00. The applications were dated August 13, 1985, and were timely filed. During the refund periods at issue in this matter, the Petitioner: (a) posted and charged flat prices for the various items offered for sale, which prices included sales tax (b) kept records of daily and weekly sales of taxable items at each of its Florida theatres (c) kept records of daily attendance at each movie shown by each Florida theatre and (d) kept records of weekly calculations, through inventory analysis, of sales of drinks and candy items, including the number, size and price of each item sold at each of its Florida theatre. During the refund periods at issue in this matter, the Petitioner did not maintain cash registers at its concession stands in its Florida theatres and did not maintain records made contemporaneously with the sale of taxable items from the concession stands which separately itemized the amounts of sales tax collected on each sale transaction occurring at the theatres' concession stands. Rather, Petitioner chose, for its own convenience, to operate a "cash box" operation at each of its concession stands in its Florida theatres and willingly remitted sales tax to the Department of Revenue pursuant to the presumptive effective tax rate contained in Rule 12-1.11(37), Florida Administrative Code for the relevant periods. In April, 1985, Petitioner placed computerized cash registers in each of its Florida theatre concession stands. These cash registers provided tapes of each individual transaction each day, specifically recording each taxable and nontaxable sale and the amount of sales tax due on each taxable sale with a daily summation on each tape at each theatre. Rule 12A-1.11(37), Florida Administrative Code, requires concessionaires such as Petitioner to remit sales tax at a rate of 5.63 percent of taxable sales under the present 5 percent statutory sales tax schedule and at 4.5 percent of taxable sales under the previous statutory sales tax schedule unless a concessionaire, through its records, shows another effective rate by "proof to the contrary". Petitioner produced an effective tax rate of 5.13 percent for the month of April 1985, for all its Florida theatres by dividing the total sales tax collected during April, 1985 by the total taxable sales during April, 1985, as evidenced by the cash register tapes from all of Petitioner's concession stands in Florida. Petitioner then used that tax rate as a base to retroactively reconstruct an effective tax rate for the refund periods by assuming that the product sales mix (product mix of products sold) and the transactional sales mix (the number of items purchased together in a single transaction by a customer) experienced during the refund periods were the same as that experienced during the month of April, 1985. There was no competent evidence that the product sales mix or the transactional sales mix experienced during the refund periods were the same as that experienced during the nonth of April, 1985. There is insufficient evidence in the record to support Petitioner's reconstructed effective tax rates that were used to calculate the refunds. Therefore, Petitioner has failed to show "proof to the contrary" that its reconstructed effective tax rates are correct or that the presumptive effective tax rate contained in Rule 12A-1.11(37), Florida Administrative Code were incorrect for the refund periods at issue in this matter.

Recommendation Based on the findings of fact and conclusions of law recited herein, it is RECOMMENDED that the Comptroller enter his final order DENYING Petitioner's refund applications. Respectfully submitted and entered this 25th day of September, 1986, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. WILLIAM R. CAVE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 25th day of September, 1986.

Florida Laws (4) 120.57215.26876.5290.956
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Jul. 09, 2014 Number: 14-003134 Latest Update: Sep. 30, 2015

The Issue Whether Petitioners are liable for sales and use tax, penalty, and interest as assessed by the Department of Revenue (the Department)?

Findings Of Fact Salma is a Florida corporation with its principal place of business at 2231 Del Prado Boulevard, Cape Coral, Florida, 33990. Gausia is a Florida corporation with its principal place of business at 11571 Gladiolus Drive, Fort Myers, Florida, 33908. Petitioners are in the business of operating gas stations with convenience stores. The Department is an agency of the State of Florida and is authorized to administer the tax laws of the State of Florida. Petitioners were selected for audit because their reported gross sales were less than the total cost of items purchased (inventory) for the audit period. The Department issued Salma and Gausia each a Notice of Intent to Conduct a Limited Scope Audit or Self-Audit, dated April 26, 2013, for sales and use tax, for the period February 1, 2010, through January 31, 2013 (collectively referred to as the Notices). The Notices requested that Petitioners provide the Department: (a) a list of all their vendors for alcohol, tobacco, soda, chips, candy, etc.; (b) their total purchases of alcohol and tobacco, by vendor, for the period July 2010 to June 2011; (c) copies of their federal tax returns for the examination period; (d) purchase receipts for all purchases for the last complete calendar month; and (e) daily register (Z tapes) for the last complete calendar month. The Notices gave Petitioners 60 days to gather the requested documents before the audit was to commence. The Notices also requested that Petitioners complete an attached Questionnaire and Self Analysis Worksheet. In response to the Notices, Petitioners requested a 30- day extension of time until July 18, 2013, to provide the requested documents and to designate a Power of Attorney. Petitioners did not provide the Department any books and records for inspection, nor did they complete and return the questionnaire and self analysis worksheets. As a result, the Department's auditor determined the sales tax due based upon the best information available. To calculate an estimated assessment of sales tax, the Department used the purchase data of Petitioners' wholesalers and distributors of alcoholic beverages and tobacco, for July 1, 2010, through June 30, 2011; the 2010 National Association of Convenience Stores average markups and in-store sales percentages of alcoholic beverage and tobacco products; and historical audit data. After reviewing the purchase data for July 1, 2010, through June 30, 2011, and for July 1, 2011, through June 30, 2012, the Department's auditor determined that the data was missing a few vendors. As a result, the Department's auditor estimated the amount of Petitioners' cigarette purchases, based on historical audit data that shows that cigarette sales are generally 4.31 times more than beer sales. The Department's auditor and audit supervisor testified that the estimated gross sales seemed reasonable and consistent with the national averages and the purchase data for July 1, 2011, through June 30, 2012. The Department estimated gross sales (i.e., the retail sale value of the goods sold) by marking up the taxable sales and exempt sales reported on the sales and use tax returns submitted to the Department by Petitioners. For example, for July 1, 2010, through June 30, 2011, Salma purchased beer from its wholesalers and distributors for $148,826.15, and the Department marked up the purchase price by 27 percent for a retail value of $189,009.21. For July 1, 2010, through June 30, 2011, Gausia purchased beer from its wholesalers and distributors for $132,138.65, and the Department marked up the purchase price by 27 percent for a retail value of $167,816.09. The Department's markup on the alcoholic beverage and tobacco products is reasonable because the Department's auditor testified that he used a combination of 2010 National Association of Convenience Stores average markups and the competitive pricing and information from audits of other convenience stores. The Department determined that the exemption ratio reported on the sales and use tax returns submitted to the Department by Petitioners was extremely high for their industry. The Department used an exemption ratio of 15 percent, based on historical audit data for the industry, to calculate Petitioners' estimated taxable sales. A review of Petitioners' sales and use tax returns revealed that they did not apply the tax bracket system to their taxable sales transactions, as required under sections 212.12(9) and (10), Florida Statutes. Instead, Petitioners remitted sales tax on their taxable sales based on their gross receipts at a flat tax rate. The Department's auditor testified that this method of reporting tax is inappropriate and does not accurately reflect the sales activity of the business. The Department calculated the average effective tax rate of 6.0856 percent, based on historical audit data for the industry. To calculate the estimated tax due, the Department multiplied the effective tax rate by the estimated taxable sales and gave Petitioners credit for any tax remitted with their tax returns. The Department issued Salma a Notice of Intent to Make Audit Changes, dated August 8, 2013, for audit number 200149872. The Department issued Gausia a Notice of Intent to Make Audit Changes, dated August 8, 2013, for audit number 200149749. The Department assessed Petitioners sales tax on their sales of alcoholic beverages and tobacco. The Notice of Intent to Make Audit Changes gave Petitioners 30 days to request a conference with the auditor or audit supervisor, to dispute the proposed changes. Petitioners did not make such a request. The Department issued a Notice of Proposed Assessment (NOPA) to Salma on March 6, 2014, for tax in the sum of $159,282.26; for penalty in the sum of $39,820.57; and interest as of March 6, 2013, in the sum of $27,772.36. The Department issued a NOPA to Gausia on March 6, 2014, for tax in the sum of $213,754.46; for penalty in the sum of $53,438.62; and interest as of March 6, 2013, in the sum of $36,921.79. Additional interest accrues at $30.55 per day until the tax is paid. The NOPAs became final assessments on May 5, 2014. After filing a request for an administrative hearing, Petitioners completed the Questionnaire and Self Analysis Worksheet and produced the following documents to the Department: (a) a list of all of their vendors for alcohol, tobacco, soda, chips, candy, etc.; (b) a list of vendors for alcohol and tobacco, for the examination period of July 2010 to June 2011; (c) a summary of their taxable sales, for the period February 2010 through December 2012; (d) copies of their federal tax returns, for the tax years 2010 through 2013; (e) copies of its purchase receipts for the months of July 2013; and (f) copies of their daily register (Z-tapes) for the month of July 2013. The Department's auditor testified that aside from being untimely, the records and information provided by Petitioners during these proceedings were not reliable because Petitioners did not provide any source documents that would allow the Department to reconcile the reported figures and confirm the supplied information. In addition, the purchase receipts and Z- tapes were not relevant because they were from outside of the audit period. The Z-tapes are also unreliable because the manager of the convenience store testified at the final hearing that employees purposely and routinely entered taxable sales into the cash registers as tax exempt sales. Petitioners argue that the Department did not use the best information available when estimating the taxes due. Petitioners claim that because their businesses are combination gas station/convenience stores, the national data for standalone convenience stores is inapplicable. However, notably absent from Petitioners' testimony or evidence was any alternative data upon which the Department could have relied for more accurate estimates.2/

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Revenue enter a final order denying Petitioners' requests for relief and assessing, in full, the Department's assessments of sales tax, penalty, and interest against both Salma and Gausia. DONE AND ENTERED this 9th day of January, 2015, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S MARY LI CREASY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 9th day of January, 2015.

Florida Laws (7) 120.57120.68212.05212.06212.12212.13213.35 Florida Administrative Code (1) 28-106.103
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Clearwater, Florida Feb. 01, 1999 Number: 99-000494 Latest Update: Jun. 10, 1999

The Issue The issue in this case is whether the Petitioner should be issued a sales tax exemption certificate either as a "church" or as a "religious organization."

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner, In His Service, is a not-for-profit organization formed to give structure to a Bible study and prayer group Shirley B. Cole leads. Cole is the Petitioner's "pastor," but she is not ordained, does not officiate at weddings or funerals, and has no formal religious training other than participation in similar study groups in the past. The Petitioner is affiliated with an organization called the Federation of Independent Churches, which has an office on East Bird Street in Tampa, Florida. (In a post-hearing submission, Cole asserted that the Petitioner's "outreach is from Greater Ministries International, basically functioning as a satellite church, but there was no evidence regarding Greater Ministries International.) Portions of the Petitioner's by-laws were admitted in evidence at the final hearing. The by-laws make reference to three officers--president, vice-president, and secretary-treasurer--but Cole testified that she was the secretary and that someone else was the treasurer, and she did not seem to know anything about a president or vice-president. In addition, while the by-laws refer to a board of directors and meetings of the board of directors, Cole does not know anything about either. The Petitioner is small (not more than 15 members). It consists primarily of Cole and her friends and neighbors and some others who hear about the meetings. The group has met in various locations, including Cole's home at 5155 20th Avenue North, St. Petersburg, Florida, and the homes of other members of the group. In addition to Bible study and prayer, the group discusses health issues and other topics of interest and shares reading materials and tapes on topics of interest. From time to time, the group collects items of donated personal property for the use of members of the group and others in need who could use the items. In late June 1998, the Petitioner applied for a sales tax exemption certificate as a church. In response to a question from a representative of the Respondent DOR Cole stated that the Petitioner held services in her home every Thursday from 7:30 to 9:30 or 10 p.m. A DOR representative attempted to confirm Cole's representation by attending a meeting in Cole's home on Thursday, October 8, 1998, but no services were being held there, and no one was home. If there was a meeting on that day, it was held somewhere else. On or about December 28, 1998, DOR issued a Notice of Intent to Deny the Petitioner's application because the Petitioner did not have "an established physical place of worship at which nonprofit religious services and activities are regularly conducted and carried on." In January 1999, Cole requested an administrative proceeding on the Petitioner's application, representing that she was holding the Petitioner's meetings at her home every Monday from 7:30 p.m. On Monday, April 5, 1999, a DOR representative visited Cole's home at 7:30 or 7:35 p.m., but no one was home. At final hearing, Cole testified that she went to pick someone up to attend the meeting and was late returning. Cole had an April 1999 newsletter admitted in evidence. It indicates that she holds weekly Bible study meetings on Mondays at her home. It also indicates: "The week of April 19th will be our maintenance [health] meeting." It also indicates that the Monday, April 26, 1999, meeting would be a "covered dish dinner with prayer and praise fellowship afterward." Cole also had a book/tape loan check-out list admitted in evidence. The list indicates that two items were checked out on January 21, one on February 8, two on February 14, one on February 15, one on March 8, one on March 21, two on March 22, one on April 4, one on April 5, and four on April 12, 1999. (Two entries dated April 13 precede two on April 12, so it is assumed that all were on April 12, 1999). Cole owns her home, pays the taxes, and pays the utility bills. Cole also claims a homestead exemption. There are no signs, no physical attributes, or anything else that would identify Cole's house as a church. No part of the home is set aside for the Petitioner's exclusive use. The Petitioner pays no rent to Cole and does not reimburse Cole for any of her expenses (such as taxes and utility bills) of home ownership. Under local City of St. Petersburg zoning ordinances, Cole would have to obtain a special exception from the Environmental Development Commission to use her home as a church. Cole has not attempted to do so. Had she tried, the special exception would be denied because her home does not meet the ordinance's minimum lot and yard size criteria for such a special exception. (It is not clear whether Cole's home would meet the ordinance's parking, maximum floor area ratio, and maximum surface ratio criteria for a special exception for a church.) In light of past discrepancies between the Petitioner's representations and the facts, it was not clear from the evidence presented in this case that meetings have taken place, are taking place, or will take place in Cole's home on a regular basis.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the DOR enter a final order denying the Petitioner's application for a tax exemption certificate. DONE AND ENTERED this 18th day of May, 1999, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 18th day of May, 1999. COPIES FURNISHED: Shirley Cole, Pastor In His Service 5155 20th Avenue, North St. Petersburg, Florida 33710 Kevin ODonnell, Assistant General Counsel Department of Revenue Post Office Box 6668 Tallahassee, Florida 32314-6668 Linda Lettera, General Counsel Department of Revenue 204 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0100 Larry Fuchs, Executive Director Department of Revenue 104 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0100

Florida Laws (1) 212.08 Florida Administrative Code (1) 12A-1.001
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 76-000871 Latest Update: Jan. 10, 1977

Findings Of Fact The parties agreed at the hearing that there were no issues of fact which remained to be determined. The parties stipulated that the relevant facts are as set out in paragraph 5 of the Petition for Administrative Hearing. The following findings are quoted directly from paragraph 5 of the Petition. Petitioner is a federally chartered savings and loan association. Petitioner initially employed the cash receipts and disbursements method of accounting for Federal Income Tax purposes. In a desire to more clearly reflect income, Petitioner applied for and received permission from the Internal Revenue Service allowing Petitioner to change its method of tax accounting from the cash to the accrual method, pursuant to Revenue Procedure 70-27. This change was to commence with the calendar year 1971. Consistent with this accounting method change, all net accrued income as of January 1, 1971, was recorded in its entirety in Petitioner's financial statements as of December 31, 1970. The total net adjustment required to convert to the accrual method was $758,911.00. Pursuant to an agreement entered into with the Internal Revenue Service, an annual adjustment of $75,891.00 was required. The annual adjustment spread the effect of the accounting change over a 10-year period, despite the fact that all the income was realized prior to January 1, 1971. On January 1, 1972, the Florida Income Tax Code became effective. Petitioner timely filed its 1970 and 1971 Florida Intangible Personal Property Tax Returns. Upon subsequent review of Petitioner's records, it became apparent that the intangible tax had been overpaid and a refund claim was submitted. The refund was issued to Petitioner by the State of Florida during the calendar year 1973 and reported in Petitioner's 1973 Federal Corporate Income Tax Return. On December 16, 1975, Respondent notified Petitioner that Petitioner was deficient in its payment of Florida Corporate Income Tax in the amount of $25,386.84. The total deficiency consisted of $3,267.00 for the year ended December 31, 1972; $19,202.00 for the year ended December 31, 1973; and $2,916.84 for the year ended December 31, 1974. Included in the alleged total deficiency of $25,386.84 is a tax in the amount of $14,696.70 for the year 1973. This tax is attributable to Petitioner's apportionment of a part of its 1973 income to sources outside of the State of Florida. Petitioner is no longer protesting this deficiency. On February 9, 1976, Petitioner filed its protest against Respondent's determination that a deficiency in tax existed. By letter dated March 9, 1976, Respondent denied Petitioner's protest filed on February 9, 1976.

Florida Laws (4) 120.57220.02220.11220.12
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tampa, Florida Jan. 26, 1993 Number: 93-000338 Latest Update: Apr. 21, 1994

The Issue The issue in this case is whether Petitioner is liable for certain taxes and, if so, how much.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is a Florida corporation with its principal place of business in Manatee County, Florida. Petitioner is in the printing business. Specifically, Petitioner produces, manufactures, assembles, and publishes telephone directories for mobile home parks in Florida. All of Petitioner's work in connection with these directories takes place in Florida. The directories list the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of residents of the mobile home park for which the directory is prepared. The directories also contain advertisements, which Petitioner solicits from merchants seeking to sell goods or services to the mobile home park residents. Following the production of the directories, Petitioner distributes them to the mobile home park residents, who maintain possession of the directories. However, Petitioner retains ownership of each directory, even after it is distributed. Petitioner is solely responsible for the manufacture and distribution of the directories. Petitioner owns accounts receivable reflecting monies owned it by entities for which Petitioner has performed work. Petitioner owns treasury stock. Following an audit, Respondent issued its Intent to Make Sales and Use Tax Audit Changes. The proposed changes assessed additional sales and use taxes of $44,151.77, intangible tax of $1297.08, and $194,75 of health care tax. The bases of proposed liability for the sales and use tax were for the publication and distribution of directories for which no sales or use tax had been collected and for the sale of advertising during the period of the service tax from July 1, 1986, through December 31, 1986, for which no sales tax on advertising had been collected. The basis of proposed liability for the intangible tax was for the failure to pay intangible tax on accounts receivable and treasury stock. The basis of proposed liability for the health care tax was for the failure to pay the Hillsborough County Health Care Tax and Discretionary Sales Surtax. On February 11, 1991, Petitioner protested the proposed assessments. On April 24, 1992, Respondent issued its Notice of Decision sustaining the proposed sales and use tax and intangible tax, but eliminating the proposed health care tax. On May 12, 1992, Petitioner filed a Petition for Reconsideration concerning the proposed sales and use tax. On November 24, 1992, Respondent issued its Notice of Reconsideration sustaining the proposed sales and use tax. On January 21, 1993, Petitioner timely filed its petition for a formal administration hearing. Subject to the accuracy of its legal position, Respondent's assessment is factually accurate. Petitioner will pay the assessed amount of sales and use tax, plus interest, if its position is not sustained following the conclusion of this proceeding, including judicial review.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered determining that, for each assessed period, Petitioner is liable for the assessed corporate intangible tax plus interest, the use tax on the cost price of the materials and other covered items plus interest, the sales tax on services on the advertising revenues, but not for any sales tax apart from the period covered by the sales tax on services. ENTERED on January 25, 1994, in Tallahassee, Florida. ROBERT E. MEALE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings on January 25, 1994. COPIES FURNISHED: David M. Carr David Michael Carr, P.A. 600 East Madison Street Tampa, Florida 33602 Eric J. Taylor Assistant Attorney General Office of the Attorney General The Capitol, Tax Section Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 Larry Fuchs, Executive Director Department of Revenue 104 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0100 Linda Lettera, General Counsel Department of Revenue 204 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0100

Florida Laws (4) 120.65212.02212.05212.06 Florida Administrative Code (1) 12A-1.008
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 79-000570 Latest Update: Dec. 07, 1979

The Issue The issue herein is whether the Department of Revenue's sales tax assessment against West Broward Chamber of Commerce as a result of the purchase of promotional books by the Chamber from Creative Public Relations and Marketing, Inc., is valid.

Findings Of Fact The West Broward Chamber of Commerce (Petitioner) entered into an oral contract with Mr. Randy Avon, a representative of Creative Public Relations, to purchase a promotional booklet pertaining to the West Broward area for distribution to the public. (Petitioner's Exhibit #1). Creative Public Relations in turn contracted with International Graphics to print the booklet. Mr. Bernard Fox, the Department of Revenue's (Respondent Area Manager in the Fort Lauderdale office and Mr. James W. Darrow, who worked with International Graphics during the time the transaction in question took place, testified and established that Mr. Randy Avon secured a sales tax number for the purchase of the promotional books in issue and presented the sales tax number to International Graphics. International Graphics sold the books to Mr. Avon for resale, without tax. The Department of Revenue issued an assessment against Petitioner for sales tax, penalty and interest due on the purchase of the books in question by Petitioner in the total amount of $1,307.56. Evidence reveals that said assessment was due as of December 20, 1978, and that since that time interest is accruing at a daily rate of $.31. This assessment was based on a total purchase price of $24,214.10, which, according to Mr. Fox and the statements contained in Respondent's Exhibit #1, was the price that Mrs. Gail Duffy, Petitioner's Executive Director informed the Respondent that the Chamber paid for the promotional booklets. Petitioner's treasurer, Helen Kerns, also testified that the total purchase price paid by Petitioner for the books was $22,104 and that part of the purchase price was paid directly to Creative Public Relations due to a dispute with an officer of the contracting entity, International Graphics. Mrs. Kerns testified that commissions were, however, paid by the Petitioner to Creative Public Relations, which commissions were not included in the purchase price as testified to by Mrs. Kerns. James W. Darrow, a witness who was allegedly privy to the agreement and understanding between the Petitioner and the seller, Creative Public Relations, testified that the oral contract price specifically included sales taxes on the transaction. Additionally, Mrs. Duffy testified that in her opinion, the sales taxes due on the purchase by Petitioner had been paid because she under stood that the total purchase price paid to Creative Public Relations by Petitioner included the sales tax. No sales invoices, receipt, or other tangible evidence of sales were offered into evidence at the hearing herein. Petitioner contends that the sales tax in question was included in the total purchase price. Based thereon, Petitioner contends that Creative Public Relations is now liable for the tax. Respondent, on the other hand, takes the position that the taxes from the sales transaction can be imposed on either the seller or the purchaser.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Revenue's sales tax assessment against Petitioner be upheld. DONE AND ENTERED this 10th day of September 1979 in Tallahassee, Florida. JAMES E. BRADWELL Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 101, Collins Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of September 1979. COPIES FURNISHED: James T. Moore, Esquire 1265 Northwest 40th Avenue Lauderhill, Florida 33313 Cecil L. Davis, Jr., Esquire Assistant Attorney General The Capitol, Room LL04 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Robert A. White, Esquire 5460 North State Road #7, Suite 220 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33319

Florida Laws (3) 120.57212.05212.07
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Jul. 17, 1995 Number: 95-003619 Latest Update: Jun. 02, 2000

The Issue Whether the Petitioner owes unpaid sales and use tax for the period extending from May 1, 1986, through April 30, 1991, and, if so, the amount owed.

Findings Of Fact Based on the oral and documentary evidence presented at the final hearing and on the entire record of this proceeding, the following findings of fact are made: Jay P. Weiss is a Florida-licensed motor vehicle dealer, and he has been licensed in Florida for 27 years. Mr. Weiss does business as Jay P. Weiss, Inc. ("Weiss"), and Weiss is, and was during the times material to this proceeding, in the business of selling cars for resale. Weiss purchases motor vehicles at auction, from banks, from leasing companies, or from other dealers; reconditions the vehicles; and sells the majority of the vehicles to other dealers for resale. During the times material to this proceeding, Weiss purchased an average of 400 to 500 vehicles each year. During the times material to this proceeding, the locations from which Weiss conducted business consisted of an office and an adjacent shop in which vehicles were reconditioned. The locations did not include a showroom or a retail car lot, and Weiss did not advertise that vehicles were offered for retail sale on the premises. Nonetheless, people often walked into the office and inquired if Weiss sold cars at retail. Occasionally, Weiss sold cars to customers at retail. Motor vehicle purchases and sales were recorded on "title jackets," which contained information regarding each vehicle purchased and sold by Weiss, including the identification of the vehicle; the date of purchase, the purchase price and the identity of the person from whom the vehicle was purchased; the date of sale, the sales price, and the identity of the person to whom the vehicle was sold; and relevant title information. Duplicate information for each vehicle was included in "police books" maintained at Weiss's offices. Mr. Weiss was in Weiss's office about nine hours per week, including weekends. Throughout the week, he traveled to various auctions throughout the state, although he routinely called his office several times each day. In addition to Mr. Weiss and the employees who worked in the shop, Weiss employed a bookkeeper that was responsible for managing the office and handling all of the accounts and records for the business, including preparation of the Florida Sales and Use Tax Return Form DR-15. The bookkeeper also provided information to Weiss's accountants from which Weiss's U.S. Income Tax Return for an S Corporation, Form 1120S, was prepared. During the times material to this proceeding, three successive bookkeepers were employed by Weiss, two of whom were employed approximately three years each. Section 212.12(5)(a), Florida Statutes (1993), grants to the Department of Revenue the authority to audit the books and records of any dealer subject to Chapter 212, Florida Statutes, Tax on Sales, Use, and Other Transactions, to determine if the dealer overpaid or underpaid Florida sales and use taxes. Pursuant to this authority, the Department conducted an audit of the books and records of Weiss, for the period extending from May 1, 1986, through April 30, 1991. The Department initially concluded that Weiss owed $115.442.57 additional tax due on sales for the audit period and $10,706.94 additional tax due on purchases for the audit period, plus delinquent penalties and interest through December 6, 1991. Weiss provided additional documentation, and these amounts were revised downward in a Notice of Intent to Make Sales & Use Tax Changes dated January 13, 1993, to reflect $79,065.07 additional tax due on sales for the audit period and $10,706.94 additional tax due on purchases for the audit period, plus delinquent penalties and interest through January 13, 1993. The schedules and work papers from which the revised assessments were derived were attached to the January 13, 1993, notice. In conducting the audit of Weiss's books and records, the Department's auditor examined books and records made available to her at Weiss's business location and at the office of Weiss's accountant on August 1, 7, and 28, 1991; September 6, 1991; January 29 and 30, 1992; and February 5, 1992. Mr. Weiss never met the Department's auditor, although he did talk with her on the telephone. He has no personal knowledge of the records requested by the auditor or whether all of the requested records were provided. According to the affidavit of the accountant who prepared Weiss's federal tax returns for 1988, 1989, and 1990, which was introduced into evidence by Weiss, the accountant became aware of inaccuracies in the bookkeeping by Weiss "because of the audit by the Florida DOR and due to the fact that all details of bookkeeping records were either lost or misplaced it was recommended to Jay P. Weiss that an outside bookkeeper be hired to recreate the books and records." Weiss followed its accountant's advice, and the Department's auditor examined, and accepted as accurate, documents entitled "Sales Reconciliation" for 1988, 1989, and 1990, which were prepared by the outside accountant hired by Weiss. These documents itemized for each month of these years the corrected income received by Weiss from taxable sales, rents, and exempt sales; corrected taxable amounts; corrected sales tax; the original amount of tax paid; and the sales tax owed or overpaid. The Department's auditor concluded that additional sales tax was due in the amount of $4,281,57, attributable to unreported rental income collected by Weiss on commercial property it owned, as reflected in Schedule A-1 of the audit papers. The auditor calculated the additional taxable amount of rental income for the years 1988 and 1989 for which no tax had been paid based on the information provided by Weiss in the sales reconciliations and identified the actual rental income for 1990 based on Weiss's records. The auditor totaled the amount of additional rental income for these three years, divided the total by 36, the number of months in the sample period, and projected this average monthly amount of additional taxable rental income for each month of the 5-year audit period. The appropriate tax rate was applied to calculate the additional sales tax owed for each month, and these amounts were totaled for the 5-year audit period. 1/ The Department's auditor concluded that additional sales tax was due on retail sales of automobiles in the amount of $20,538.31, as reflected in Schedule A-3 of the audit papers. This amount was based on a comparison of the information provided by Weiss in the Florida Sales and Use Tax Returns, Form DR-15's, that it filed with the Department for 1988 and 1989 with the corrected taxable sales included by Weiss's accountant in the sales reconciliations prepared for 1988 and 1989. The auditor first totaled the taxable sales reported on the Form DR-15's for 1988 and 1989, which was $81,736.00, and the revised taxable sales included in the sales reconciliations for 1988 and 1989, which was $131,063.00, and then calculated a weighted error ratio of approximately 1.603492, meaning that Weiss's actual taxable sales were approximately 60 percent higher than reported in the Form DR-15's submitted by Weiss to the Department. The auditor then projected the total additional taxable sales by multiplying the taxable sales reported on the Form DR-15s by .603492 to arrive at the additional taxable sales for each month of the audit period. The appropriate tax rate was applied to calculate the additional sales tax attributable to additional taxable motor vehicle sales for each month, and these amounts were totaled for the 5-year audit period. The Department's auditor concluded that additional sales tax was due on undocumented sales in the amount of $54,245.19, as reflected in Schedule A-2 of the audit papers. In reaching this conclusion, the auditor reviewed the U.S. Income Tax Returns for an S Corporation, Form 1120S's, filed by Weiss with the Internal Revenue Service for 1988, 1989, and 1990, and the Florida Sales and Use Tax Returns, Form DR-15's, filed with the Department for the same period of time. The Department routinely compares the gross sales reported on the federal income tax returns with the total sales reported to the Department on Form DR-15's to determine if there is a difference between the amounts reported. The Department considers the gross sales reported on federal income tax returns to be more reliable than the total sales reported to the Department because it is assumed that taxpayers will not over-report sales to the federal government. If the gross sales reported on the federal income tax returns are greater than the total sales reported to the Department on the Form DR-15's for the applicable period, the Department asks for documentation from the taxpayer to account for the difference. If the taxpayer is unable to provide such documentation, the Department presumes that the difference is attributable to taxable sales. In concluding that Weiss owed additional tax on undocumented sales, the auditor compared the gross sales reported by Weiss in the U.S. Income Tax Returns for an S Corporation, Form 1120S's, filed with the Internal Revenue Service for 1988, 1989, and 1990 with the revised total sales reportable on the Florida Sales and Use Tax Returns, Form DR- 15's, filed with the Department for the same years. The auditor broke down Weiss's revised total sales into revised taxable sales based on Schedule A-3 of the audit papers, revised rental income based on Schedule A-1 of the audit papers, and revised exempt sales identified in the sales reconciliations for 1988, 1989, and 1990. 2/ The total gross sales Weiss reported on the Form 1120S's for 1988, 1989, and 1990 were higher than the revised total sales reported by Weiss on the Form DR-15's for the same years. The auditor calculated the monthly difference between the gross sales and the revised total sales for 1988, 1989, and 1990, 3 and, because no documentation was provided to establish that the difference was attributable to exempt sales, the difference was attributed to taxable sales. The average monthly difference was calculated, and this amount was projected for each month of the audit period. The appropriate tax rate was applied to calculate additional sales tax owed for each month, and these amounts were totaled to determine the additional sales tax due for the 5-year audit period. Because inaccuracies in the gross sales included in the Form 1120S's filed with the Internal Revenue Service for 1988, 1989, and 1990 were discovered by Weiss's accountant as a result of the recreation of Weiss's books by the outside accountant, Weiss's accountants prepared amended Form 1120S's for those years. The amended forms were sent to Weiss for execution and filing. Mr. Weiss cannot recall whether the amended returns were filed, and the Internal Revenue Service has no record that these amended returns were filed. For this reason and because Weiss did not provide any documentation to support the revised gross sales included in the amended returns, the Department refused to consider the gross sales reported in the amended Form 1120S's. The Department's auditor concluded that additional tax in the amount of $1,334.07 was due from Weiss with respect to purchases of consumable supplies, that is, supplies that did not become a component part of a motor vehicle. This conclusion was based on the auditor's review of invoices provided by Weiss for 1990 and the auditor's determinations that, of the $6,903.86 total derived from the invoices, $4,722.07 was taxable and that Weiss had paid no tax on the purchases. The average monthly taxable amount was calculated, the appropriate tax rate was applied to determine the additional tax owed for each month, and these amounts were totaled for the 5-year audit period. The Department's auditor concluded that, based on records provided by Weiss, additional tax was owed on fixed assets in the amount of $86.34. The Department's auditor concluded that additional tax was due in the amount of $9,286.53 on amounts paid by Weiss for commercial rentals and on amounts paid by Weiss in the form of mortgage payments on property it occupied that was owned by Jay P. Weiss, individually, who was also individually obligated under the note and mortgage on the property. This determination that additional tax was due was based on documentation Weiss provided to the auditor. After the January 13, 1993, Notice of Intent to Make Sales & Use Tax Audit Changes was issued, Weiss provided additional documentation to the Department. As a result of the new information, the amount of additional tax due was revised downward in a Notice of Intent to Make Sales & Use Tax Audit Changes dated March 22, 1995, which identified $75,998.46 additional tax due on sales for the audit period and $8,382.94 additional tax due on purchases for the audit period, for a total amount due of $166,800.43, including delinquent penalties and interest accrued as of March 22, 1995. This total amount was the final sustained amount identified in the Notice of Reconsideration dated May 10, 1995, which is the subject matter of this proceeding, and the notice includes a discussion of the basis for the revisions made to the January 13, 1993, assessment. After this case was referred to the Division of Administrative Hearings, a representative of the Department met with Weiss's accountant. The Department's representative requested that Weiss provide any additional documentation that would explain the difference between the gross sales reported on the Form 1120S's and the revised total sales reportable on the Form DR-15's or that would support any further change in the sales and use tax assessment. No further documentation was provided. The evidence presented by the Department establishes that a sales and use tax audit assessment was made against Weiss, for the audit period extending from May 1, 1986, through April 30, 1991, and establishes the factual basis for that assessment. The methodology used by the Department's auditor to calculate the assessment was proper under the circumstances, and the Department's assessment for sales and use tax for the audit period, as revised in the May 10, 1995, Notice of Reconsideration, is reasonable. Weiss did not present any persuasive evidence to the contrary.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Revenue enter a final order upholding its assessment against Jay P. Weiss, Inc., in full, including all taxes, penalties, and interest statutorily due until the date of payment of the sales and use tax. DONE AND ENTERED this 2nd day of June, 2000, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. PATRICIA HART MALONO Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of June, 2000.

Florida Laws (13) 120.569120.57212.02212.06212.07212.12213.05213.21213.34213.35538.3172.01195.091
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Sep. 02, 2010 Number: 10-008807 Latest Update: Jan. 20, 2011

The Issue The issue is whether Petitioner collected and remitted to Respondent the correct amount of sales and use taxes during the audit period from October 1, 2004, through September 30, 2007, and, if not, what additional amount of tax plus penalty and interest is due.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner True Blue Pools (Petitioner, taxpayer, or TBP) is a domestic corporation headquartered in Miami-Dade County, Florida. TBP services, repairs, and renovates swimming pools and constructed some pools during the audit period. Respondent, Florida Department of Revenue (Respondent or DOR), is the agency of state government authorized to administer the tax laws of the State of Florida, pursuant to section 213.05, Florida Statutes.2 DOR is authorized to prescribe the records to be kept by all persons subject to taxes under chapter 212, Florida Statutes. Such persons have a duty to keep and preserve their records, and the records shall be open to examination by DOR or its authorized agents at all reasonable hours pursuant to section 212.12(6), Florida Statutes. DOR is authorized to conduct audits of taxpayers and to request information to ascertain their tax liability, if any, pursuant to section 213.34, Florida Statutes. On November 2, 2007, DOR initiated an audit of TBP to determine whether it was properly collecting and remitting sales and use taxes to DOR. The audit period was from October 1, 2004, through September 30, 2007. On December 15, 2008, DOR sent TBP its Notice of Intent to Make Audit Changes (NOI), with schedules, showing that TBP owed to DOR additional sales and use taxes in the amount of $113,632.17, penalty in the amount of $28,406.05, and interest through December 16, 2008, in the amount of $34,546.59, making a total assessment in the amount of $176,586.81. On October 26, 2009, DOR issued its Notice of Proposed Assessment. TBP timely challenged the Notice of Proposed Assessment, filing its petition with DOR and requesting an administrative hearing. Subsequent to the petition being filed, additional documentation was provided by TBP resulting in a revision to the tax, interest, and penalty amount due. DOR's revised work papers, dated May 27, 2010, claim Petitioner owes $64,430.83 in tax, $16,107.71 in penalty, and interest through May 27, 2010, in the amount of $27,071.99, with an assessment of $107,610.53. The assessed penalty, $16,107.71, was calculated after 25% of the penalty was waived, pursuant to subsection 213.21(3)(a), Florida Statutes, based on DOR's determination that there is no evidence of willful negligence, willful neglect, or fraud. The audit was conducted to determine liability in four categories: improper sales tax exemptions, unpaid sales taxes for taxable expenses, unpaid use taxes on fixed assets, and unpaid use taxes on taxable materials used to fulfill contracts to improve real property. Sales Tax Exemptions Due to the large volume of invoices and other records, the auditor conducted a random sampling of invoices for three months during the audit period, October 2004, January 2005, and September 2007.3 If no sales tax was collected and the Petitioner claimed that the transaction was exempt from the requirement to pay taxes, the auditor looked for proof that either the TBP customer was an exempt organization, for example, a school or a church, or that TBP had provided its suppliers with a DOR Form DR-13 to exempt from taxes products acquired for resale. In the absence proof of either type of exemption, DOR assumed taxes should have been paid. Using the difference between taxes collected and taxes due for the three months, the auditor determined that the percentage of error was .016521. When .016521 was applied to total sales of $1,485,890.79 for the 36-month audit period, the results showed that an additional $24,548.41 in sales taxes should have been collected from customers, and is due from TBP. Although a business is required to pay taxes for the materials it purchases to use in its business, it is not required to collect taxes from its customers when it enters into lump sum contracts to perform a service for customers. At least one invoice for $9,500.00 that the auditor treated as an improper exemption was, in fact, a partial payment on a lump-sum contract. The invoice referenced a "shotcrete draw," which represented the collection of funds after the concrete part of pool construction was completed. TBP is not required to collect taxes when it uses lump-sum contracts. Other invoices for pool repair and services were also mischaracterized as exempt by the TBP, but it is not clear that all were payments related to lump-sum contracts. DOR's auditor, nevertheless, testified as follows: With the knowledge that I have for True Blue Pools, being a lump-sum contractor, True Blue Pools should not charge their customer any sales tax. Transcript at pages 67-68. DOR concedes that some of TBP's transactions are also exempt from taxes as improvements to real property. In its Proposed Recommended Order, DOR asserted that TBP's use of the term "improvements to real property" is overbroad, but it did not specify how or why this is the case. During cross- examination of the owner of TBP, only one invoice for $500.00 for leak detection on the Delgado property was shown to have been for a service rather than for swimming pool construction. Taxable Expenses DOR audited TBP's purchases of tangible personal property used in the daily operation of its business. The products included chlorine and other chemicals, office supplies, and vehicle parts, expenses, and repairs. The ledger for a 12- month period, calendar year 2006, showed an average monthly additional tax due of $111.18, or a total of $4,002.48 in additional taxes for the 36-month audit period. As noted in Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order, "[t]he representative of TBP did not dispute DOR's allegation that no tax may have been paid on the purchase of all of these items " Fixed Assets TBP's list of fixed assets was taken from the depreciation schedule on Internal Revenue Service Form 4562. The items listed are computer- and software-related. TBP provided no proof that it had paid a use tax. The additional tax due equals $419.94. Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order includes the statement that "[a]gain, the representative of TBP did not dispute DOR's allegation that no tax may have been paid on the purchase of these items " Taxable Materials Taxable materials, those purchased to fulfill a contract to improve real property, included items used to build, renovate, and repair pools. The items included concrete, meters, drains, and valves. For the 12-month sample period, calendar year 2006, TBP failed to pay taxes on material purchases in the total amount of $168,310.05, or an average of $14,078.96 a month. For the 36-month audit period, the total of the purchases was $506,842.56. With a 6 percent tax due for the state and 1 percent for the county, the total additional tax due on materials is $35,460.00. TBP conceded that it improperly used a resale exemption to purchase taxable materials from suppliers without paying taxes. The materials were used to provide services and were not resold. Acknowledging again that TBP uses lump-sum contracts, this time to support the collection of additional taxes, the auditor testified as follows: And the law states that the taxpayer's [sic] an ultimate consumer of all materials purchased to fulfill a lump-sum contract, and that's what they told me they operate under, a lump-sum contract. Transcript at page 58. At the hearing, TBP used its actual profit and loss statement to show that the cost of goods it sold (general purchases and taxable materials) in the amounts of $18,360.77 in October 2004, $8,519.22 in January 2005, and $4,818.65 in September 2007. Corresponding taxes for each of those months should have been $1,285.25, $596.35, and $337.31, or an average of $739.63 a month, or a total of $26,626.68 for 36 months. The goods that it sold were not at issue in the audit of taxable materials, rather it was TBP's purchases from vendors that should have been taxed that resulted in DOR's audit results. Total Additional Sales and Use Taxes Due The three categories of additional taxes due, $4,002.48 for taxable expenses, $419.94 for fixed assets, and $35,460.00 for taxable materials, equal $39,882.42 in additional taxes due during the audit period. Taxes Paid TBP filed DOR Forms DR-15, monthly sales and use tax reporting forms, and paid sales and use taxes during the audit period. For the sample months used by DOR to examine sales tax exemptions, TBP paid $1,839.10 in taxes in October 2004, $1,672.73 in January 2005, and $1,418.13 in September 2007. Using the three months to calculate an average, extended to 36 months, it is likely that TBP paid $59,712 in taxes. TBP asserted that DOR was required to, but did not, offset the deficiency of $39,882.42, by what appears to be an overpayment of $59,712.00 in sales and use taxes. Other than pointing out that the amount reported on the DR-15s differed, being sometimes more and sometimes less than the amount shown on the profit and loss statements, DOR did not dispute TBP's claim that it had paid sales and use taxes. TBP's representative explained that end-of-the-year adjustments for additional collections or for bad debt could cause the amounts on the DR-15s and profit and loss statements to differ. With regard to the taxes paid, DOR took the following position in its Proposed Recommended Order: Petitioner's DR-15's [sic] for the collection periods October 2004, and January 2005, [and September 2007] (Petitioner's Composite Exhibit 1) do reflect sales tax being collected and remitted to DOR. DOR does not allege that Petitioner never paid tax on its purchases, or made bona fide exempt sales for which no tax was collected. DOR's audit findings identify just those which occurred within the sample period, scheduled in the auditor's workpapers, and applied over the entire audit period. The DR-15s are taken from the sample months selected by DOR within the audit period, and DOR does not address TBP's claim that a set off for taxes paid was mandatory, pursuant to subsection 213.34(4), Florida Statutes. Using the audit schedules, DOR showed credit for taxes paid in the amounts of $20.63 for taxable expenses, $0 for fixed assets, and $24.31 in state taxes and $1.03 for county taxes on taxable materials. The amounts are far less that the $59,712.00 in sales/use taxes TBP showed that it paid during the audit period.

Recommendation Based upon the forgoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is recommended that the Department of Revenue issue a final order dismissing the Notice of Intent to Make Audit Changes dated December 15, 2010. DONE AND ENTERED this 20th day of January, 2011, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ELEANOR M. HUNTER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of January, 2011.

Florida Laws (10) 120.57212.0506212.06212.12213.05213.21213.34215.26408.0572.011
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