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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 82-003271 Latest Update: Jun. 08, 1990

The Issue The issues for determination at the final hearing were: 1) whether the Respondent should be dismissed from employment due to incompetency; and 2) whether the conflict in the statute cited in the Notice of Charges dated November 18, 1982, and the Notice of Hearing dated June 18, 1983, constitute inadequate notice to the Respondent Muina of the charges against him. At the final hearing, Marsha Gams, a learning disability teacher at Carol City Junior High School, Rosetta Vickers, Director of Exceptional Student Education, Dade County School Board, Carol Cortes, principal at Carol City Junior High School, Karen Layland, department chairperson of the Exceptional Education Department at Carol City Junior High School and Desmond Patrick Gray, Jr., Executive Director of Personnel, Dade County School Board, testified for the Petitioner School Board. Petitioner's Exhibits 1-13 were offered and admitted into evidence. Yvonne Perez, Bargaining Agent Representative, United Teachers of Dade, Alexander Muina and Desmond Patrick Gray, Jr., testified for the Respondent. Respondent's Exhibits 1-5 were offered and admitted into evidence. Subsequent to the hearing, the Respondent requested via telephone conference call, that Respondent's Exhibit 6, the published contract between the Dade County Public Schools and the United Teachers of Dade, be admitted into evidence as a late-filed exhibit. The contract was admitted over Petitioner's objection. Proposed Recommended Orders containing findings of fact have been submitted by the parties and considered in the preparation of this Recommended Order. When the parties' findings of fact were consistent with the weight of the credible evidence introduced at final hearing, they were adopted and are reflected in this Recommended Order. To the extent that the findings were not consistent with the weight of the credible evidence, they have been either rejected, or when possible, modified to conform to the evidence. Additionally, proposed findings which were subordinate, cumulative, immaterial or unnecessary have not been adopted. On July 11, 1983, the Petitioner filed objections to the Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommended Penalty. Certain of the Petitioner's objections were subsequently stipulated to by the Respondent and are not in issue in this proceeding.

Findings Of Fact The Respondent Alexander Muina has been employed by the Dade County School System for approximately nine years. He initially worked with regular students, then worked as an assistant teacher with profoundly mentally handicapped students. During the 1979-80 school year, the Respondent became a permanent substitute in a class for the trainable mentally handicapped. He held this position for approximately two months and during that period received a satisfactory annual evaluation. During the 1980-81 school year the Respondent was assigned to the "ESOL" Program which is an acronym for English for Speakers of Other Languages. During this period, the Respondent taught as an itinerant teacher at three different schools each week. One of the schools the Respondent was assigned was Carol City Junior High School, where he taught on Thursdays and Fridays, as part of the Entrant Program. This was a program which was established for the approximately 13,000 children who had entered the Dade County School System during the Mariel boat lift. Mrs. Carol Cortes, principal at Carol City Junior High School, compiled the Respondent's annual evaluation for 1980-81 after consulting with the two other principals to whose schools Respondent was also assigned. At that time, Respondent received an acceptable annual evaluation from Cortes; however, Cortes had not continually observed the Respondent or had continuous direct contact with him since he was only at the school two days a week. At the close of the 1980-81 school year, the Respondent asked Cortes if there was an opening in exceptional education in which he could be placed. Toward the end of the summer a position became available in varying exceptionalities, an area in which the Respondent is certified by the State of Florida, and he accepted this position. A varying exceptionality class includes students who have three types of learning disabilities or exceptional problems, including the educable mentally handicapped, the learning disabled, and the emotionally handicapped. Although the Respondent is certified by the State of Florida to teach varying exceptionalities, during his first year instructing the class the Respondent experienced significant problems which are reflected in his evaluations of November, January and March of the 1981-82 school year. The first observation of Respondent as a varying exceptionalities teacher was done on November 5, 1981, by Carol Cortes, principal. The Respondent's overall summary rating was unacceptable in the areas of preparation and planning and classroom management. Individual Education Plans (IEPs) for each of the students were not being followed. The Respondent was not using the IEPs to develop activities for the students which would meet the goals of providing "diagnostic prescriptive teaching." Using the IEPs and the diagnostic prescriptive teaching techniques is crucial to the success of exceptional educational students. The students were not being taught according to their individual abilities, but rather were doing similar classroom work. Additionally, classroom management was lacking in that the Respondent did not formulate adequate behavior modification plans for the students who were observed talking and milling about the classroom. Following her first observation, Cortes offered assistance to Respondent, including changing his physical classroom layout and placing him with the department chairperson. This was done so that the chairperson could assist in developing the activities and plans necessary for the students and could also provide support in developing behavior modification plans. Cortes also asked the school psychologist to work with the Respondent in establishing such plans. Dr. Gorman, the assistant principal, had frequent informal observations of the Respondent in an attempt to help him with his classroom difficulties. The next formal observation of Respondent was performed by Cortes on January 20, 1983, and the overall summary rating was again unacceptable in the areas of preparation and planning, classroom management and techniques of instruction. Preparation and planning was unacceptable because the Respondent was still not following the student's IEPs. He continued to assign the same general activities to all students regardless of individual differences. His class was confused regarding their goals. Because the Respondent was not teaching toward the objectives set forth in the IEPs, the children were not achieving a minimum education experience. The Respondent was marked unacceptable in classroom management because he did not have adequate control over the students. Students were walking around the class and the class was generally noisy The work that the Respondent did with individual students was in the nature of giving directions rather than actually teaching. In order to teach it is necessary to provide students with new concepts and provide teacher input rather than simply monitor students. The Respondent was marked unacceptable in techniques of instruction because his lesson planning was deficient. He spent the majority of time in the classroom attempting to discipline students. His grade book was kept in an inappropriate manner and the students were frustrated. As a result of these problems, Cortes requested that the Respondent visit a program at Madison Junior High School which had an acceptable behavior modification program in place. The Respondent visited the program on January 26, 1982; however, no substantial improvement after the Respondent's visit was noted. The Respondent also took a reading course in late January, 1982. No significant improvement was noted following completion of that course. In January of 1982, a social studies position at Carol City Junior High School became available. Cortes offered that position to the Respondent and he could have transferred into the social studies department if he had so desired. The Respondent, however, elected to remain in the field of exceptional student instruction. At that time, Cortes felt that the Respondent was attempting to deal with his deficiencies and he should be given the opportunity to correct the problems with his class. Mrs. Vickers, Director of Exceptional Student Education for Dade County Schools, made a routine visit to Carol City Junior High School on January 27, 1982. She had heard from one of her education specialists that there were difficulties in classroom management in the Respondent's classroom. She observed that many of the students were not on task in that they walked around the classroom, talked out loud, and called the Respondent "pops". A few of the students tried to work, but the noise level in the class was so high it was disruptive. Vickers chose not to do a formal observation at that time, because she felt that there were many areas that she could not have marked acceptable. Instead, Vickers chose to do a planning session with Respondent on that same date. At the planning session, Vickers discussed with Respondent such topics as getting the students on task, bringing supplies and materials, completing assignments and doing homework. She discussed IEPs with the Respondent and the minimal skills tests that the children are administered in grades 5, 8 and 11. She explained to the Respondent how to use a grade book and examined the student's work folders. Although the folders contained significant amounts of work, the work did not correlate with the objectives on the children's IEPs. Vickers was also concerned that the Respondent was monitoring the class rather than directly instructing the students on specific skills. He did not pull individual students or groups aside for direct instruction. Vickers returned to the Respondent's classroom on February 25, 1982, in order to conduct a formal observation. At that time, Vickers gave the Respondent an unacceptable overall summary rating. She found him deficient in the categories of classroom management, techniques of instruction, assessment techniques, student-teacher relationships, and acceptable in the category of preparation and planning. She rated the Respondent unacceptable in classroom management because a serious problem existed with the management of his students who were not on task. The students were not working in an orderly fashion and the class was so loud that it distracted the class on the other side of the room. When Vickers tried to speak with the teacher in the adjoining room, the noise level in the Respondent's class prevented a successful conversation between them. Due to these problems, the Respondent's students were not receiving a minimum education experience. Children with learning disabilities are easily distracted by visual or auditory interference; this problem was occurring in Respondent's class. Vickers rated the Respondent unacceptable in techniques of instruction since he was not using the diagnostic prescriptive teaching method that is required in the Dade County School System. Respondent was not utilizing small groups to give specific help with skills, but was instead, monitoring. Vickers also rated the Respondent unacceptable in assessment techniques. Exceptional education teachers are required to do a profile on each student showing the skills that the student has met and the skills that the student needs to improve. The Respondent did not meet this requirement. Finally, Vickers found the Respondent unacceptable in student-teacher relationships since she observed that the students showed an unacceptable level of respect for the Respondent. Vickers suggested that the Respondent visit three other exceptional education teachers along with regular teachers in school. She also scheduled an assertive discipline workshop for exceptional education teachers and asked that Respondent attend. The Respondent however, did not attend the workshop. On March 25, 1982, Cortes completed Respondent's annual evaluation for 1981-82 and recommended nonreappointment. This annual evaluation took into consideration all of the observations done by administrators in the building. She found the Respondent unacceptable in the categories of preparation and planning, classroom management, and techniques of instruction. Cortes next observed the Respondent on May 17, 1982, and again gave him an overall summary rating of unacceptable. She found him unacceptable in the categories of preparation and planning and classroom management. Preparation and planning was unacceptable because the Respondent was not following the IEPs for the students. Cortes observed that the Respondent misspelled a word on the black board and the students copied his misspelling. Classroom management remained unacceptable because most of the class was not working. The Respondent continued to have difficulties controlling his students who continued to address him inappropriately by calling him "pops". As the Respondent moved from student to student, the remainder of the class was either talking or milling about the room. Respondent did not have understandable classroom rules and resultant consequences for breaking such rules. Rather than institute positive rewards for students who met the classroom criteria, his emphasis was on negative reinforcement. Following Cortes' discussion with the Respondent as to these deficiencies, she continued to see minimal improvement. It was also recommended that the Respondent visit Mrs. Layland, the department chairperson, to observe her classroom management techniques. Layland had a behavior modification plan in place and was able to work individually with each student while other students remained on task. The Respondent did visit Mrs. Layland's class but there was no significant improvement following that visit. On May 24, 1982, Cortes performed a second annual evaluation on the Respondent in which she found him unacceptable in one category, preparation and planning and acceptable in the remaining categories, but did not recommend him for reemployment. The second annual evaluation had only one unacceptable category, preparation and planning, and overall Respondent was rated unacceptable. However, the area in which the Respondent was rated unacceptable is especially important in the context of exceptional education. Preparation and planning is an important aspect of this field since planning for exceptional education students must be done on an individual basis. Additionally, the teacher has to plan what each student will be learning over a given period of time, and such planning is necessary in order to successfully instruct these students. Notwithstanding the Respondent's improvement, Cortes moved for his nonreappointment at the conclusion of the 1981-82 school year. The Respondent, however, was reappointed for the 1982-83 school year, when it was determined that the documentation upon which the nonreappointment was to be based was insufficient due to noncompliance with the existing union contract. Prior to the completion of the 1981-82 school year, the Respondent, through his area representative, Yvonne Perez, requested a transfer back into a regular classroom where the Respondent could teach Spanish or Social Studies. This was based on the Respondent's recognition that he was encountering extreme difficulties in teaching varying exceptionalities. Patrick Gray, Personnel Director for the Dade County School System, was aware of the request for a transfer on behalf of the Respondent and agreed to consider it. Gray subsequently determined not to transfer the Respondent, and reassigned him to his existing position. Following his assignment back to Carol City Junior High School, Cortes began to formally observe the Respondent. The first such observation of the 1982-83 school year occurred on September 13, 1982, less than one month after teachers had returned to school. Cortes observed the Respondent and documented an observation sheet with five attached papers. Observations performed the previous year had included only one statement. Approximately one month later, Cortes conducted another observation with four detailed attachments. The documentation provided to the Respondent in September and October of 1982 was accumulated to verify or affirm the decision which was made by Cortes in May of the prior year, to terminate the Respondent. Based on Cortes' observations of the Respondent while he was employed at Carol City Junior High School, she would not recommend him for a teaching position in any other field. According to Cortes, the Respondent is lacking the basic skills necessary to be a successful teacher. Marsha Gams, chairperson of the Exceptional Education Department at Carol City Junior High School during the 1981-82 school year and Respondent's supervisor, met with the Respondent on numerous occasions during the course of his assignment to Carol City Junior High School. Although Gams saw improvement on Respondent's part during the period that she observed him, the improvement was not significant. Based on Gams' observation of the Respondent's class, she felt that the Respondent's students were not receiving a minimum education experience since the Respondent did not have an adequate grasp of the curriculum and materials required for the learning disabled and educable mentally handicapped students. The Respondent's class eventually affected Gams' students due to the noise level which came from his adjoining class. Karen Layland, chairperson of the Exceptional Education Department at Carol City Junior High School during the 1982-83 school year, also worked with the Respondent. They had joint planning periods and spent a number of afternoons reviewing lesson plans, methods, curriculum, and matching materials to IEP objectives. According to Layland, the Respondent's basic problem was that he did not clearly understand the requirements of teaching varying exceptionalities Layland did not observe significant academic progress in the Respondent's class. The Respondent's grade book was disorganized and the materials contained in the student's folders were not appropriate for the particular students. Moreover, there was a lack of organization in his classroom in that students left class without permission. Although Layland felt that the Respondent was well intentioned, he did not have an adequate grasp of the curriculum, teaching management and behavior management that are necessary in an exceptional education setting. Even if Layland had been allowed to continue to work with the Respondent for the remainder of the school year, she did not feel that he could have been brought up to a competent level to teach varying exceptionalities during that period of time. Based on her observations, Layland believed that the Respondent's students were not receiving a minimum education experience due to the Respondent's lack of definite knowledge of methods in instructional techniques for varying exceptional students. By November, 1982, the School Board had made a determination that the school system had exhausted its remedies to raise the Respondent's performance to an acceptable level. Although the Respondent had obtained an acceptable rating from Cortes at the end of the 1982 school year, even this evaluation demonstrated a serious deficiency on Respondent's part. Additionally, during the 1981-82 school year the Respondent encountered numerous significant problems which had not been adequately remediated in order to permit him to continue teaching varying exceptionality students. The school board administration declined Perez' request that the Respondent be transferred into a regular class on the belief that the Respondent was incompetent in basic classroom instruction. However, based on the Respondent's teaching record prior to his employment at Carol City Junior High School, the Respondent encountered difficulties only when he was teaching varying exceptionalities, and in other fields, his basic skills were documented as acceptable. At all material times, the Respondent was employed as an annual contract teacher and did not hold a professional service contract.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED: That a Final Order be entered by the Petitioner Dade County School Board affirming the dismissal of the Respondent. DONE and ENTERED this 26th day of September, 1983, in Tallahassee, Florida. SHARYN L. SMITH, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 26th day of September, 1983.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57120.68
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Largo, Florida Dec. 16, 1994 Number: 94-006983 Latest Update: Jun. 29, 1995

The Issue Whether just cause exists for the proposed disciplinary action against the Respondent.

Findings Of Fact At all times material to this case, Cheryl McDonough (Respondent) was employed by the Pinellas County School Board (Petitioner) under a professional services contract. The Respondent was initially employed as a teacher by the Petitioner in 1987. On December 11, 1989, the Respondent received a written reprimand from the Assistant Principal at Northeast High School for using poor judgement by displaying anger when dealing with inappropriate student behavior. The Respondent denied the behavior, but waived her right to challenge the allegation. The Respondent taught at Northeast High School until budgetary considerations led to her transfer to Osceola High School. On January 13, 1992, the Respondent received a written reprimand for using poor judgement by displaying anger and using vulgar language when dealing with inappropriate student behavior at Osceola High School. The reprimand was issued by the School District Director of Personnel Services. The Respondent denied the behavior, but waived her right to challenge the allegation. The Respondent taught at Osceola High School until her position was eliminated for fiscal reasons. On February 14, 1994, the Respondent received a written conference summary from Joann Andrews, Principal at Azalea Middle School, where she had become employed. The summary notes that alcohol had been detected on the Respondent's breath during school hours. The Respondent denied the allegation. On April 20, 1994, the Respondent received a written school memorandum from the Assistant Principal at Azalea Middle School for smoking in an inappropriate area on school property. In the summer of 1994, the Respondent was transferred to the district service center where she worked until gaining employment at Lakewood High School in the fall of 1994. By letter from the Superintendent of Pinellas County Schools dated July 7, 1994, the Respondent was advised that the superintendent would recommend to the School Board that the Respondent be suspended without pay for ten days. The basis for the recommendation were allegations that the Respondent made disparaging remarks to a student and his mother in front of other students, that the Respondent had the odor of alcohol on her breath, and that the Respondent made derogatory remarks about another teacher to other students and had attempted to disrupt the other teacher's class. On September 13, 1994, the School Board issued a Final Order suspending the Respondent without pay for five days based on the allegations set forth in the July 7 letter. The Final Order was issued pursuant to a settlement agreement reached by the parties. During the 1994-1995 school term, the Respondent was employed as a teacher at Lakewood High School. During a Lakewood faculty meeting on August 23, 1994, the smell of alcohol was detected on the Respondent's breath. During a Lakewood "open house" in September, 1994, the smell of alcohol was detected on the Respondent's breath. During the first semester of the 1994-1995 school term, several students smelled the odor of alcohol on the Respondent's breath. During the first semester of the 1994-1995 school term, the Respondent used vulgar language including "damn," "hell," "shit," "bitch," and "fuck" in the classroom and within the hearing range of students. During the first semester of the 1994-1995 school term, the Respondent used demeaning language towards students in her classroom, calling them "brats" and "dumb," and stating "you are the worst class" and "you will never amount to anything." The Respondent told her sixth period class that she would kill them if she thought she could "get away with it." On more than one occasion, the Respondent became frustrated by the class behavior. She would give the class a "work assignment" and would refuse to teach. There is no credible evidence that the "work assignments" were part of any prepared teaching plan or were otherwise utilized as instructional resources. During the first semester of the 1994-1995 school term, the Respondent physically separated her fourth period class into two groups which she identified as "learners" and "non-learners." A row of empty desks was used to divide the students. During this episode, the Respondent refused to teach the group she called "non-learners." After receiving complaints from students about the division, an official at the school visited the Respondent's class and directed her to reunite the class. By letter from the Superintendent of Pinellas County Schools dated November 7, 1994, the Respondent was advised that the superintendent would recommend to the School Board that the Respondent be dismissed. The basis for the recommendation were allegations as follows: the Respondent used profanity and demeaning language towards students on numerous occasions; the Respondent had alcohol on her breath while at school on two occasions; the Respondent stated to her sixth period class that she would kill them all if she could get away with it; and that the Respondent separated students into two groups within the classroom setting and taught only half the class. The Respondent requested a formal administrative hearing which is the basis for this Recommended Order. At the hearing, the Petitioner's expert witnesses opined that the allegations, if established to be true, were of sufficient seriousness to impair her effectiveness as a teacher.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that the Pinellas County School Board enter a Final Order terminating the employment of Cheryl McDonough. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 20th day of June, 1995, in Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM F. QUATTLEBAUM Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of June, 1995. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 94-6983 The following constitute rulings on proposed findings of facts submitted by the parties. Petitioner The Petitioner's proposed findings of fact are accepted as modified and incorporated in the Recommended Order except as follows: 10. Rejected, correct year is 1994. Respondent The Respondent's proposed findings of fact are accepted as modified and incorporated in the Recommended Order except as follows: Rejected as to use of medication. The greater weight of credible and persuasive evidence fails to establish that the Respondent took the medication at the times when the odor of alcohol was detected on her breath. Immaterial. The evidence fails to establish that the students in the classes taught by the Respondent are responsible for her behavior therein. 6-11. Rejected, unnecessary, goes to the credibility of the witnesses which has been determined as set forth herein. 14. Rejected, unnecessary, goes to the credibility of the witnesses which has been determined as set forth herein. 15-16. Rejected, contrary to the greater weight of credible and persuasive evidence. Rejected, unnecessary, goes to the credibility of the witnesses which has been determined as set forth herein. Rejected. The Respondent does not recall making the statement so her explanation of her intent is speculative. As to the cited testimony of Ms. Hanes, it is immaterial because the statement is not "in and of itself" the sole event warranting termination. 19-21. Rejected, contrary to the greater weight of credible and persuasive evidence. Rejected, immaterial, no related allegation. Rejected, immaterial Rejected, immaterial. Classroom management "techniques" are not the sole cause warranting termination. COPIES FURNISHED: Dr. J. Howard Hinesley, Superintendent School Board of Pinellas County Post Office Box 2942 Largo, Florida 34649 Keith B. Martin, Esquire Pinellas County School Board Post Office Box 2942 Largo, Florida 34649 Marguerite Robinson, Esquire Kelly & McKee Post Office Box 75638 Tampa, Florida 33675

Florida Laws (1) 120.57 Florida Administrative Code (3) 6B-1.0016B-1.0066B-4.009
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:St. Petersburg, Florida Aug. 12, 1991 Number: 91-005101 Latest Update: May 21, 1992

The Issue Whether Respondent violated provisions of Section 231.36(4)(c), Florida Statutes, as more specifically alleged in Superintendent, Pinellas County Schools, letters to John Beiletti dated July 26, 1991 and October 29, 1991; and provisions of Section 231.28(1), Florida Statutes, as more specifically alleged in the Administrative Complaint dated November 27, 1991.

Findings Of Fact At all times relevant hereto, John J. Beiletti was employed as a social studies classroom teacher by the Pinellas County School Board and held Professional Teaching Certificate No. 121187 issued by the State of Florida, Board of Education. At the time the charges here involved arose, Petitioner was teaching World History at Northeast High School in St. Petersburg, Florida. Respondent taught for six years in Hillsborough County prior to being employed at Dunedin Senior High School in 1965 (Exhibit 14). Respondent's testimony that he holds three master's degrees and has been a teacher for 33 years was not rebutted. Respondent's evaluations were generally satisfactory, and he was considered to be a good to excellent teacher prior to 1981 when various complaints and requests for transfers from his classes were received from students and parents. These complaints led to meetings, investigations and letters cautioning Respondent about his conduct in class. By letter dated October 25, 1982 (Exhibit 3), Francis M. Freeman, Principal at Dunedin High School, notified Respondent that numerous complaints about him had been received, namely: That you yell at, embarrass, frighten, and intimidate young people. That many illustrations you use in teaching are somewhat crude or earthy in nature. That the amount of work you require in certain areas is too technical for students at the 9th grade level. That when parental conferences are held that you requested that students write you letters or come to see the principal to indicate to him what a fine teacher you are. On November 5, 1982, Hugh B. Kriever, Director of Student Discipline, Pinellas County School System, conferred with Respondent to discuss the problems he was having in his classroom. This meeting was memorialized in Exhibit 4. On December 1, 1982, James Shipley, Area Superintendent, Pinellas County School System, reprimanded Respondent for unprofessional conduct in leaving an obscenity written by a student on the blackboard in his classroom for two days after becoming aware it was there. (Exhibit 5). Despite these efforts on the part of the school system, the complaints continued. Robert Wright succeeded Freeman as Principal, Dunedin High School, and on November 14, 1983, a conference was held with Wright, Ficarrota, Assistant Principal, and Respondent to discuss the complaints. By letter dated November 16, 1983 (Exhibit 10), Wright notified Respondent the following acts for which complaints were made must cease at once: Profanity. Intimidation; yelling and embarrassing students. Playing music, (tape, radio or guitar) Controversial material being taught. Inappropriate procedures for handling student detentions. By letter dated March 10, 1984 (Exhibit 11), Wright advised Respondent that he had noticed Respondent's student aide recording grades in Respondent's grade book and informed the student this was not permissible. The letter reminded Respondent that the practice is absolutely forbidden and enclosed a copy of Rule 6Gx52-8.06, Pinellas County Schools Policy Manual. These problems led to attempts to involuntarily transfer Respondent to another school in 1982 (or 1983), which was successfully rebuffed by Respondent. (Exhibit 13). On March 28, 1983, a Joint Stipulation was entered into between Respondent and Scott N. Rose, Superintendent, Pinellas County Schools (Exhibit 15), in which Respondent agreed: To take a 10 day personal leave without pay; In his remarks to students and in his behavior in the classroom Respondent would adhere to material appropriate to the district's accepted curriculum; To promptly exchange matters of concern or complaint; and Respondent will be reassigned to another school in the 1984-85 school year. On November 28, 1983, a conference was held with Nancy Zambito, Director of Personnel Services for Pinellas County Schools; Bob Husbands, Classroom Teachers Association representative; and Respondent. (Exhibit 13) At this conference, Zambito advised Respondent that profanity, yelling at and/or embarrassing students, and inappropriate detention practices are not acceptable and will not be tolerated. Respondent said he would "try" to refrain from profanity and "hoped" he wouldn't slip. For the 1984-85 school year, Respondent was transferred to Northeast High School where he remained until suspended in 1991. On March 12, 1985, Tom Zachary, Principal at Northeast High School, conferred with Respondent regarding the latter's teaching procedures. At this conference, memorialized in Exhibit 21, they discussed Respondent's classes and weekly routine, and Respondent was told these procedures needed to be improved; considered his teaching procedures which also needed to be improved; his textbook approach which also needed improvement; and his casual dress deemed to be inappropriate in the classroom. During the period mid-March to mid-April, 1991, Sheila Keller, Curriculum Supervisor, Pinellas County Schools, observed five classes taught by Respondent during that period. Her report to the Assistant Principal, Northeast High School, is contained in Exhibit 25. That report confirms the allegations that Respondent strays from the subject of his lecture, discusses his personal health, marital status and specific religious beliefs, subjects he had been repeatedly told to omit from his classroom lectures. During the 1990-91 school year, Principal Charlie Williams at Northeast High School received a letter from the mother of a pupil in Respondent's class complaining of Respondent's conduct in the classroom. This complaint was forwarded to the Superintendent's office and investigated by Steven Crosby, Director of Personnel Services, Pinellas County Schools. As a result of that investigation, Respondent was suspended without pay based upon the allegations contained in the charging letter as noted in the preliminary statement portion of this Recommended Order and advised of his right to an administrative hearing. At the hearing, 11 students who had Respondent as a teacher at Northeast High School in the 1990-91 school year testified and I so find, that during the times they were in his classes, Respondent: Frequently yelled at them, used words like damn, hell and shit during his lectures; made racially disparaging comments; intimidated and embarrassed students by demeaning them in a manner the whole class could observe; told the class that sometimes he would lie to them; made remarks about religion that some students found to be disparaging to their religious beliefs; and rambled from his lecture nearly every time he lectured with inappropriate stories about his personal life. Further, many of these students felt they were not receiving a proper education in Respondent's class, and a petition was circulated requesting Respondent be replaced as a teacher at Northeast High School. When the student who received a grade lower than she thought she deserved went to a counselor to complain, Respondent later called her up to his desk and called her little miss honor student. This embarrassed her, and she called her mother who subsequently telephoned Respondent to complain of this incident, and wrote the letter that initiated the investigation leading to these charges. During a lengthy conversation with Respondent, this parent testified that Respondent suggested she have coffee with him and further suggested she have dinner with him. Respondent denies that he invited her to dinner or coffee and testified she invited him to her home for dinner, and her husband invited him to go out on the husband's boat--both of which Respondent declined. The testimony of the parent is deemed to be the more credible. Respondent called two witnesses who were in Respondent's class at Dunedin High School in 1969 and 1972-73. These witnesses found Respondent to be an excellent teacher while they were in his class. Two witnesses called by Respondent in his classes during the 1990-91 school year testified that Respondent used curse words and intimidated students when he yelled at them. In his testimony, Respondent denied intimidating students, but acknowledged that he frequently yelled at them to get their attention and improve discipline in the class, that he sometimes used words like damn and hell and could have used the word shit. Respondent denies he favors any religion, but prefers meditation and considers many religions too ceremonial. Respondent acknowledged that he told his pupils that history is not exact, but is slanted by the opinions of the writer and therefore is frequently untrue. In this context, he intimated to, if not directly told, the class that some of the history taught by him was lies. Respondent further acknowledged that he had one student enter grades in his grade book and presented other evidence that this practice was not uncommon at Northeast High School, although prohibited by the school system policy manual. With respect to the allegation in DOAH Case No. 91-7307, the evidence is unrebutted that on October 2, 1991, Respondent, from his home in Tampa, made a long distance call to the school administration building to inquire about the status of his health insurance. A new telephone system had recently been installed and considerable difficulty arose in routing Respondent's call to the correct person, as Respondent did not have the extension number of the person he needed to talk with. After several frustrating attempts, Respondent was accidently transferred to voice mail with a recorded message to leave his message and someone would get back to him. Respondent's temper flared, and he shouted obscenities into the voice mail recorded and threw the telephone upon the bed adjacent to where he was calling. A tape of these obscenities was admitted as Exhibit 32.

Recommendation Considering all of these factors, it is recommended that John J. Beiletti be dismissed from his position as a continuing contract teacher with the Pinellas County school system and that Teaching Certificate No. 121187 issued to John J. Beiletti be revoked. ENTERED this 17th day of March, 1992, in Tallahassee, Florida. K. N. AYERS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Desoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 17th day of March, 1992. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER Proposed findings submitted by the School Board are accepted, except as noted below. Those proposed findings not excepted to or included in H.O. recommended order were deemed unnecessary to the conclusions reached. Rejected as hearsay unsupported by admissible evidence. Rejected as irrelevant since Beiletti was not charged with a violation involving lesson plans. Proposed findings submitted by Commissioner of Education are accepted, except as noted below. Those proposed findings not excepted to or included in the H.O. findings were deemed unnecessary to the conclusions reached. The papers graded by the student aide involved only true or false or selection from several options as correct and did not affect the teacher's assessment of the student's work. Proposed findings submitted by Respondent are accepted, except as noted below. Those proposed findings not excepted to or included below were deemed unnecessary to the conclusions reached. Rejected as irrelevant. Rejected. While the language of the discipline imposed does not say suspension without pay, the result is the same. 11. Accepted. However, Ms. Zambito changed jobs in the school system after 1984. 12,13,14. Rejected. 17,18. Rejected as irrelevant. 37. Accepted. However, the tenor of Zambito's testimony was that she wasn't learning because Respondent was absent so much, and when he returned he criticized the class for not learning the subject matter that should have been covered during the period Respondent was absent. 41. Accepted as testimony of one student. 43-54. Rejected as self serving testimony of Beiletti. 57-58. Rejected. COPIES FURNISHED: Bruce P. Taylor, Esquire Pinellas County School Board Post Office Box 2942 Largo, FL 34649-2942 Margaret E. O'Sullivan, Esquire Department of Education 325 West Gaines Street 352 Florida Education Center Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400 Robert J. McCormack, Esquire Post Office Box 75638 Tampa, FL 33675-0638 Honorable Betty Castor Commissioner of Education The Capitol Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400 Dr. Raymond O. Shelton, Superintendent Hillsborough County School Board Post Office Box 3408 Tampa, FL 33601-3408

Florida Laws (2) 120.57120.68 Florida Administrative Code (3) 6B-1.0016B-1.0066B-4.009
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-004581 Latest Update: Oct. 11, 1988

The Issue Whether Jessie M. Mitchell should be discharged from her employment as a teacher in the Duval County public school system for professional incompetency as set forth in Section 4(e) of the Duval County Teacher Tenure Act, Chapter 21197, 1941 Laws of Florida (hereinafter referred to as the "Tenure Act")?

Findings Of Fact At all times relevant to this proceeding, Ms. Mitchell was licensed as a public school teacher by the State of Florida. Her license was current and in full force and effect. Ms. Mitchell was licensed to teach in early childhood education. At all times relevant to this proceeding, Ms. Mitchell was employed as a tenured teacher by the Board. Ms. Mitchell received a Bachelor of Science degree from Edward Waters in 1962 and a Masters degree from Florida A & A University in 1965. During the 1985-1986 school year, Ms. Mitchell was assigned as a teacher at S. P. Livingston Elementary School (hereinafter referred to as "Livingston") in Jacksonville, Florida. Robert Strauss was the principal at Livingston during the 1985-1986 school year. Mr. Strauss had been the principal charged with evaluating Ms. Mitchell during the 1982-1983, 1983-1984 and 1984-1985 school years. Mr. Strauss had given Ms. Mitchell an overall satisfactory rating for these years. Ms. Mitchell received satisfactory ratings for the 1980 through 1985 school years. She did not receive an unsatisfactory rating until the 1985-1986 school year. During the 1985-1986 school year Mr. Strauss observed Ms. Mitchell teaching on four or five occasions. On February 14, 1986, Mr. Strauss extended the end of Ms. Mitchell's evaluation period for the 1985-1986 school year from March 15, 1986, the usual evaluation date, to May 2, 1986. In-service cadre were also requested to assist Ms. Mitchell improve her performance. John Williams was the primary in-service cadre member who provided assistance to Ms. Mitchell during the 1985-1986 school year. Mr. Williams observed Ms. Mitchell teaching on April 18, 1986 and May 22, 1986. After each observation, Mr. Williams met with Ms. Mitchell and discussed his observations. Written suggestions for improvement were also presented to Ms. Mitchell by Mr. Williams. Ms. Mitchell was also given the opportunity to observe other teachers. In addition to Mr. Williams, Cheryl Schang, Marilyn Russell and Carolyn Love provided assistance to Ms. Mitchell. Mr. Williams and Ms. Russell conducted a help session on planning and curriculum for Ms. Mitchell. Ms. Mitchell did not cooperate fully in the efforts of Mr. Williams and other in-service cadre members to assist her. She missed several meetings which had been scheduled with cadre members. Ms. Love observed Ms. Williams for approximately five hours. Based upon her observations, Ms. Love pointed out deficiencies and discussed ways of correcting those deficiencies with Ms. Mitchell. Mr. Williams provided Ms. Mitchell with language experience reading materials, teacher improvement packets and behavior management material in an effort to improve her performance as a teacher. Mr. Williams and Mr. Strauss developed a Professional Development Plan for Ms. Mitchell. The Professional Development Plan provided objectives and suggestions designed to assist Ms. Mitchell in improving her performance as a teacher. The Professional Development Plan was provided to Ms. Mitchell in April, 1986. It was not probable, nor was it anticipated, however, that Ms. Mitchell would complete the goals set out in the Professional Development Plan before the 1985-1986 school year ended. It was anticipated that the Professional Development Plan would be followed by Ms. Mitchell during the 1986- 1987 school year. The Professional Development Plan developed for Ms. Mitchell was adequate to assist Ms. Mitchell to improve her teaching performance. Ms. Mitchell did not carry out the objectives and suggestions contained in the Professional Development Plan during the 1985-1986 school year or the 1986-1987 school year. Ms. Mitchell was given a written evaluation for the 1985-1986 school year by Mr. Strauss on May 2, 1986. Ms. Mitchell was evaluated unsatisfactory. Ms. Mitchell was notified by certified mail on May 16, 1986, that her performance as a teacher during the 1985-1986 school year had not been satisfactory. Ms. Mitchell was informed that she had the right to transfer to a new teaching position for the 1986-1987 school year. Ms. Mitchell elected to transfer to a new teaching position for the 1986-1987 school year. She was assigned to teach kindergarten at Richard L. Brown Sixth Grade Center (hereinafter referred to as "R. L. Brown") for the 1986-1987 school year. William Permenter was the principal at R. L. Brown. In August, 1986, Mr. Permenter and Ms. Mitchell had a pre-planning conference. During this conference, the Professional Development Plan developed by Mr. Strauss and Mr. Williams for Ms. Mitchell was discussed with her and modified. Mr. Permenter made numerous suggestions to Ms. Mitchell to assist her in improving her teaching performance during the 1986-1987 school year. During the 1986-1987 school year Mr. Permenter observed Ms. Mitchell teaching on at least nine occasions. Conferences were held with Ms. Mitchell following these observations. Mr. Permenter also set out in writing suggestions intended to assist Ms. Mitchell in improving her teaching performance. Mr. Permenter's written suggestions to Ms. Mitchell contained clear and detailed concerns with Ms. Mitchell's performance. In October, 1986, Mr. Permenter gave Ms. Mitchell an interim evaluation of unsatisfactory. On January 30, 1987, Ms. Mitchell was informed by Mr. Permenter that she would receive an unsatisfactory evaluation for the 1986-1987 school year unless she demonstrated an acceptable level of teaching performance by March 15, 1987. In March, 1987, Ms. Mitchell was given an unsatisfactory evaluation for the 1986-1987 school year by Mr. Permenter. During the 1986-1987 school year the primary in-service cadre member who assisted Ms. Mitchell was James Constande. Mr. Constande observed Ms. Mitchell on at least six occasions, conducted conferences with Ms. Mitchell, made suggestions to her and provided her with written materials designed to assist her in improving her teaching performance. Five of Mr. Constande's six observations were scheduled with the permission of Ms. Mitchell. Jayne Owens, another in-service cadre member, also assisted Ms. Mitchell. No observations were conducted by in-service cadre from September 27, 1986, through November 25, 1986 and from November 26, 1986, through January 21, 1987, because of Ms. Mitchell's reluctance to agree to such observations. On March 23, 1987, Ms. Mitchell told Mr. Constande that she did not want to continue with classroom observations. Mr. Constande contacted Ms. Mitchell in April and May of 1987, at least twice each month. Ms. Mitchell refused to allow any classroom observations. In-service cadre members encouraged Ms. Mitchell to contact them if she needed any additional assistance. Ms. Mitchell did so only on a few occasions. Jayne Owens, an in-service cadre member during the 1986-1987 school year, conducted class while Ms. Mitchell observed. During the 1986-1987 school year Ms. Mitchell believed that Mr. Permenter and the in-service cadre members were not trying to help her. This attitude was reinforced by advice Ms. Mitchell received from counsel for the Duval County Teachers' Union. Ms. Mitchell's attitude about Mr. Permenter and the in-service cadre deteriorated after she received an unsatisfactory rating for the 1986-1987 school year. She refused any further assistance from the in-service cadre. The unsatisfactory ratings which Ms. Mitchell received for the 1985- 1986 and 1986-1987 school years were based upon her deficiencies in the general areas of classroom management and teaching effectiveness. Ms. Mitchell's classroom management deficiencies included the following: (a) failure to maintain order in the classroom and school corridors; (b) failure to maintain an attractive, organized classroom (Ms. Mitchell did improve her performance in this area, however); (c) failure to keep students on- task by engaging in conversation unrelated to the subject of her class; (d) failure to maintain effective behavior management techniques such as the use positive reinforcement to avoid negative behavior; (e) failure to stop students who interrupted by calling out; (f) failure to explain the standard of behavior she expected; (g) failure to control the noise level; (h) failure to monitor rules and to timely issue desists orders; (i) failure to identify and discipline students actually causing disruptions; (j) failure to stop children from chewing on pencils, which may be a health hazard; and (k) failure to insure that usable school materials were picked up off the floor to avoid their being sweep up and thrown away. Ms. Mitchell's teaching deficiencies included the following: (a) failure to explain the purpose of lessons at the beginning of a class and to give a review at the end of the class to reinforce what had been taught; (b) failure to provide an explanation when moving from one subject to the next; (c) failure to use correct grammar; (d) failure to give praise; (e) failure to organize the classroom effectively into learning areas; (f) failure to correctly mark report cards; (g) failure to manage time properly, resulting in a loss of momentum; (h) failure to have materials and teaching aides ready to start class; (i) failure to select subject matter of a film suitable for her students; (j) failure to keep lesson plans in accordance with district guidelines; (k) failure to assign or prepare sufficient tasks for students; (1) failure to organize instructions; (m) failure to stop unison responses; (n) failure to be familiar with subject of a film; (o) failure to avoid providing too much information to students; and (p) failure to accurately present subject matter. Ms. Mitchell's deficiencies were observed over two school years by at least six observers on several occasions. Ms. Mitchell was unable to produce current lesson plans in May, 1986. Ms. Mitchell did not adequately plan. Therefore, she was unable to provide an effective learning environment and she was unable to reduce discipline problems. Ms. Mitchell failed to have a series of groups of students and a series of activities for each group throughout a school day. Ms. Mitchell failed to properly maintain cumulative folders during the 1986-1987 school year. Ms. Mitchell was given clear and detailed statements of her deficiencies throughout the 1985-1986 and 1986-1987 school years. The Superintendent of Duval County Public Schools brought charges against Ms. Mitchell seeking to discharge her for professional incompetency by certified letter dated May 19, 1987. The charges were based upon Ms. Mitchell's teaching performance during the 1985-1986 and 1986-1987 school years, the two years for which Ms. Mitchell received unsatisfactory evaluations. Ms. Mitchell was afforded a hearing in conformance with Chapter 120, Florida Statutes. Ms. Mitchell was afforded a speedy and public hearing, informed of the nature and cause of the accusations against her, confronted by accusing witnesses, given the opportunity to subpoena witnesses and papers and allowed to secure assistance of counsel.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Ms. Mitchell be dismissed as a tenured teacher within the Duval County public school system. DONE and ENTERED this 11th day of October, 1988, in Tallahassee, Florida. LARRY J. SARTIN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 11th day of October, 1988. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 87-4581 The parties have submitted proposed findings of fact. It has been noted below which proposed findings of fact have been generally accepted and the paragraph number(s) in the Recommended Order where they have been accepted, if any. Those proposed findings of fact which have been rejected and the reason for their rejection have also been noted. The Board's Proposed Findings of Fact Proposed Finding Paragraph Number in Recommended Order of Fact Number of Acceptance or Reason for Rejection 1 1. 2 3. 3 46. 4 38 5 39 and 41. 6 40-41. 7 6 and 9. 8 17. 9 Hereby accepted. 10-11 20. 12 11. 13 18. 14-15 21. 16-17 Irrelevant. 18 11. 19 17. 20 13. 21 12. 22 14. 23 13. 24 42. Hereby accepted. See 40. 27 16. 28 43. 29 42. 30 34. 31 15. 32 See 39. 33 19. 34 22. 35 23. 36 24-25. 37 18, 38 Hereby accepted. 39 26. 40 28. 41-42 Irrelevant. 43 45. 44 27. 45 Hereby accepted. 46-47 30. 48-49 Hereby accepted. 50 31. 51 30. 52 32. 53 35. 54 Hereby accepted. 55 32 and 37. 56 33. 57 See 40. 58-61 Hereby accepted. 62 44. 63 36. Hereby accepted. Irrelevant. 66 32 and 37. 67 36. 68-69 Hereby accepted. 70 45. 71 Cumulative. 72 47. 73 48. The Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact Proposed Finding Paragraph Number in Recommended Order of Fact Number of Acceptance or Reason for Rejection 1 1-2. 2 3. 3 46. 4 5. 5 6. 6 10. 7-8 21. Hereby accepted. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 11-13 7. 14 Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 15-16 Hereby accepted. 17 17. 18 24. 19 23. Irrelevant. See 25. 22 27. 23 29. 24-29 Not supported by the weight of the evidence or irrelevant. 30 8. 31-43 Not supported by the weight of the evidence or irrelevant. 44 Hereby accepted. 45 4. 46 8. 47 Hereby accepted. 48 36. 49-52 Not supported by the weight of the evidence or irrelevant. COPIES FURNISHED: Dolores R. Gahan Assistant Counsel City of Jacksonville 1300 City Hall Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Kenneth Vickers, Esquire Suite 1 437 East Monroe Street Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Herb A. Sang, Superintendent School Board of Duval County 1701 Prudential Drive Jacksonville, Florida 32207

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Jun. 25, 2014 Number: 14-003006TTS Latest Update: Feb. 27, 2015

The Issue Whether Sharon V. Eaddy (Respondent) committed the acts alleged in the Notice of Specific Charges filed by the Miami-Dade County School Board (the School Board) on August 29, 2014, and whether the School Board has good cause to terminate Respondent’s employment as a paraprofessional.

Findings Of Fact At all times material hereto, the School Board has been the constitutional entity authorized to operate, control, and supervise the public schools in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Campbell Drive Center is a public school in Miami-Dade County, Florida. During the 2013-2014 school year, the School Board employed Respondent as a paraprofessional pursuant to a professional service contract. At all times material hereto, Respondent’s employment was governed by the collective bargaining agreement between the School Board and the United Teachers of Dade, the rules and regulations of the School Board, and Florida law. The School Board assigned Respondent to a Pre-K special education classroom at Campbell Drive Center taught by Pascale Vilaire. Respondent has worked at Campbell Drive Center as a paraprofessional for 13 years. During the 2013-2014 school year, 14 special needs students were assigned to Ms. Vilaire’s classroom. Those students were between three and five years of age. L.H., a four-year-old boy who was described as being high functioning on the autism spectrum, was one of Ms. Vilaire’s students. L.H. had frequent temper tantrums during the 2013-2014 school year. Prior to the conduct at issue in this matter, Respondent had had no difficulty managing L.H.’s behavior. There was a conflict in the evidence as to the date the conduct at issue occurred. The undersigned finds that the conduct occurred April 9, 2014, based on the Incident Information admitted into evidence as Petitioner’s Exhibit 4, on the testimony of Yamile Aponte, and on the testimony of Grisel Gutierrez.1/ Ms. Aponte had a daughter in Ms. Vilaire’s class and often served as a parent-volunteer. Ms. Aponte was at Campbell Drive Center’s cafeteria on the morning of April 9, 2014. Present in the cafeteria were Ms. Vilaire, Respondent, some of Ms. Vilaire’s class (including L.H.) and students from other classes. When Ms. Aponte entered the cafeteria, L.H. was crying and hanging on to a trash bin. Ms. Vilaire was attending to another student. Respondent was trying to deal with L.H. to prevent him from tipping over the trash bin. Respondent led L.H. by the wrist back to a table where they sat together. Ms. Aponte approached them and offered L.H. a milk product referred to as a Pediasure. Because L.H. was allergic to milk, Respondent told Ms. Aponte that L.H. could not have the product. When Ms. Vilaire lined up her class to leave the cafeteria, L.H. threw a tantrum because he was still hungry. Ms. Aponte testified that Respondent grabbed L.H. by the wrist and pulled him up. Ms. Vilaire observed the entire interaction between L.H. and Respondent in the cafeteria. Ms. Vilaire did not witness anything she thought was inappropriate or caused her concern. Petitioner failed to establish that Respondent became physically aggressive toward L.H. in the cafeteria by dragging him across the floor or otherwise grabbing him inappropriately. Paragraph nine of the Notice of Specific Charges contains the allegation that while in the cafeteria, “Respondent forcefully grabbed L.H. and dragged him across the floor.” Petitioner did not prove those alleged facts. After the class finished in the cafeteria, the students lined up to go back to the classroom. Ms. Vilaire was at the front of the line, and Respondent was ten to fifteen feet behind at the end of the line with L.H. Ms. Aponte was part of the group going from the cafeteria to the classroom. During the walk back to the classroom, Ms. Vilaire did not see or hear anything between Respondent and L.H. she thought was inappropriate. She did not hear anything that diverted her attention to Respondent and L.H. At the time of the conduct at issue, Barbara Jackson, an experienced teacher, taught first grade at Campbell Drive Center. While Ms. Vilaire’s class was walking from the cafeteria to the classroom, Ms. Jackson had a brief conversation with Respondent about getting food for her class from McDonald’s. Ms. Jackson did not hear or see anything inappropriate between Respondent and L.H. After stopping to talk with Ms. Jackson, Respondent resumed walking to Ms. Vilaire’s classroom. L.H. continued to cry and attempted to pull away from Respondent. L.H. wanted to be the leader of the line, a position that is rotated among the class members. Ms. Vilaire led the other class members into the classroom while Ms. Aponte, Respondent, and L.H. were still outside. While still outside, they saw Grisel Gutierrez, a teacher at Campbell Drive Center. L.H. began to throw himself on the ground on top of his backpack. Ms. Aponte and Ms. Gutierrez saw Respondent grab L.H. forcefully by the arm and hit him on his shoulder with a slapping sound.2/ After Respondent returned L.H. to the classroom, L.H. tried to push over a bookcase containing books and toys. To prevent L.H. from pushing over the bookcase, Respondent grabbed L.H. by his hands and held them behind his back. Ms. Vilaire witnessed the interaction between Respondent and L.H. in the classroom and thought Respondent acted appropriately. Petitioner failed to establish that Respondent acted inappropriately towards L.H. while in the classroom. Ms. Aponte reported what she had seen to the school principal the day of the incident. Respondent learned that Ms. Aponte had complained against her the day of the incident. After school the day of the incident, Respondent angrily confronted Ms. Aponte and asked her why she had lied. Rounett Green, a security guard at Campbell Drive Center, stepped in to end the confrontation between Respondent and Ms. Aponte. There was no evidence that Respondent attempted to threaten Ms. Aponte. Respondent did not use inappropriate language towards Ms. Aponte. Respondent did not make physical contact with Ms. Aponte. L.H.’s mother heard about the alleged interactions between Respondent and L.H. When L.H. returned home after school, the mother examined L.H. and found no bruises or other unusual marks on L.H.’s body. At its regularly scheduled meeting on June 18, 2014, the School Board suspended Respondent’s employment and instituted these proceedings to terminate her employment.

Recommendation The following recommendations are based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law: It is RECOMMENDED that the Miami-Dade County School Board, enter a final order adopting the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law set forth in this Recommended Order. It is further RECOMMENDED that the final order terminate the employment of Sharon V. Eaddy. DONE AND ENTERED this 15th day of January, 2015, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S CLAUDE B. ARRINGTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of January, 2015.

Florida Laws (3) 1012.40120.569120.57
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-000294 Latest Update: Mar. 17, 1987

The Issue Whether or not the Respondent student, Rommel Luis Montes, should be assigned to the J. R. E. Lee Center, an opportunity school.

Findings Of Fact Respondent Rommel Luis Montes, age fifteen, was a student at Riviera Junior High School (Riviera) in Dade County, Florida, during the school years 1984-85, 1985-86, and 1986-87. During the 1984-85 school year Respondent's academic performance was very poor. He received five failing grades, passing only the subject of physical education with the grade of C. Also his ratings for effort during the four marking periods of that year were poor. The result of Respondent's lack of effort and poor academic performance was his not being promoted to the next grade. During the 1985-86 school year Respondent's academic performance was also poor. During that year he received poor ratings for effort, a D as a final grade in five subjects and the grade of F in two subjects. Respondent did not improve his academic performance during the 1986-87 school year. During the first grading period of that year, Respondent received grades of F in three subjects, grades of D in two subjects and one incomplete grade which subsequently was changed to an F. As before, Respondent's rating for effort was poor. Mrs. Carol Ann Golden, a math teacher, had Respondent as a student during the first marking period of the 1986-87 school year. While enrolled in that class, Respondent refused to do any work. Most of the time he would come to class without materials, he would rarely do homework and less than 10 percent of the time did he perform any class work. He had unexcused latenesses and out of forty-five school days he was absent twenty. In efforts to discourage tardiness, Mrs. Golden would issue detentions to Respondent (requiring him to stay in school after hours), but he would either serve them late or not at all, in defiance of school personnel authority. Those times when Respondent was issued indoor suspensions (CSI) as a disciplinary measure, he would refuse to do any work. Mrs. Deanna A. Villalobos, a history teacher at Riviera, also had Respondent as a student during the 1986-87 school year. Here again Respondent's behavior was the same: he would come to class without materials 70 percent of the time, hardly did any homework, performed approximately 5 percent of the work assigned in class, had approximately twenty absences (including one instance when he failed to return to class after lunch), was frequently tardy, would spend his time day dreaming and looking out the window, and as a result failed all the history tests administered. Respondent was also issued detentions by Mrs. Villalobos which he failed to serve. It is the practice at Riviera for teachers and school administrators to submit written reports relative to troublesome student behavior. Such reports are prepared on forms called Student Case Management Referral Forms (SCMRF) and are generally reserved for serious behavior problems. Mrs. Golden and Mrs. Villalobos each issued two SCMRFs on Respondent regarding, inter alia, his total lack of interest in school and failing grade average. In addition Respondent received five other SCMRFs from a different teacher. In addition to Respondent's lack of interest in school, these reports also complained of his skipping class, excessive talking in class, leaving class without permission, and simply refusing to do any work in class. As a counselor at Riviera, Mrs. Waizenhofer worked on a weekly basis with Respondent. From her testimony it was apparent that Respondent, although not a bad kid, was disinterested in school and was not responding to the various techniques used by teachers, counselors and administrators to make students more interested and improve their academic performance. During one counseling session Respondent, while in tears, promised Mrs. Waizenhofer to improve his school effort just a little. Twenty minutes later, Respondent was caught cutting class. One attempt at interesting Respondent in school, was to place him in the work experience program at Riviera. This consisted of securing employment for Respondent at Burger King on a part-time basis. Respondent was not able to hold the job for more than two weeks and he failed the program. Mrs. Thomas, assistant principal, and Mrs. Waizenhofer had numerous conferences with Respondent's mother. The parent, however, was not able to cause a change in Respondent's attitude toward school. It was recommended to both Respondent and his parent that assistance be sought at different community agencies, which could provide specialized counseling services at little or no cost. Despite the efforts made by the school administrators, no change was noted in Respondent. At Riviera, like other schools with regular school programs, the average number of students in a class is about thirty. Such schools are not geared to address peculiar student needs or provide individual students with continuous special attention. By contrast, at an opportunity school, such as the J. R. E. Lee Center, the ratio of teachers to students is about nine-to- one, students are the subject of individualized educational plans, and there are more counselors on staff, including a psychologist. The expert opinions of both Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Waizenhofer was that the more structured environment at an opportunity school would be better for Respondent, as opposed to permitting him to remain in a regular school program where he was making no progress.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That Petitioner enter a final order affirming the assignment of Respondent Rommel Luis Montes to the J. R. E. Lee Center. DONE AND ORDERED this 17th day of March, 1987, in Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM J. KENDRICK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 17th day of March, 1987. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 87-0294 Petitioner's proposed findings of fact 1-12, have been adopted in paragraphs 1-12, respectively. COPIES FURNISHED: Jaime Claudio Bovell, Esquire 370 Minorca Avenue Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Mrs. Estrella Montes 10030 Southwest 43rd Street Miami, Florida 33165 Dr. Leonard Britton, Superintendent Dade County Public Schools The School Board of Dade County, Florida 1450 Northeast Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 Honorable Betty Castor Commissioner of Education The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Madelyn P. Schere, Esquire Assistant School Board Attorney Board Administration Building, Suite 301 1450 Northeast Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132

# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Bonifay, Florida Apr. 10, 2015 Number: 15-002016TTS Latest Update: Feb. 07, 2017

The Issue Whether Petitioner established, pursuant to section 1012.33(1)(a), Florida Statutes (2014),1/ that Respondent, Susan Steverson (Respondent), committed gross insubordination and should have been disciplined therefore.

Findings Of Fact The School Board is responsible for the public education of students in grades pre-K through 12 in Holmes County, Florida. The School Board is also responsible for the hiring, firing, and overseeing all employees within the Holmes County School District (District). The District has a total of approximately 3,250 students enrolled and employs just under 475 persons. Mr. Eddie Dixon is the Superintendent of School for the Holmes County School District. He was elected as Superintendent in 2012. As Superintendent, Mr. Dixon is responsible for the management of district employees and regularly makes recommendations to the School Board regarding the suspension, discipline, or termination of such employees. The District is comprised of seven traditional schools and one alternative school. One of the traditional schools within the District is Bethlehem School, a Pre-K through 12 school. Approximately 500 students are enrolled at Bethlehem School, which has roughly 55 faculty and staff members. Brent Jones is the current principal of Bethlehem School and was principal during the 2014-15 school year. Rosanne Mitchell is the current assistant principal of Bethlehem School and was assistant principal during the 2014-15 school year. At all relevant times to these proceedings, Respondent has been employed by the School Board as a classroom teacher. Respondent was employed at Bethlehem School for over 28 years. Respondent met Superintendent Dixon shortly after he became superintendent. Superintendent Dixon removed Zeb Brown as principal of Bethlehem School in the middle of the 2012-13 school year, around December of 2012. Respondent, along with a number of teachers, disagreed with the decision and voiced her concerns. According to Respondent, Superintendent Dixon was dismissive of those concerns. Respondent also disagreed with a policy change that took place at Bethlehem school after Principal Brown was removed during the tenure of an interim principal, Principal Thompson. The policy had to do with pre-approved permission forms for student activities. Before the change, teachers could decline to sign the form if a student was not performing or behaving well in class. After the change, teachers no longer had veto power over the forms. They were told that they were to sign the forms, even before the student received it. During the 2014-2015 school year, while Respondent was employed as a classroom teacher at Bethlehem School, Principal Jones received reports that Respondent was leaving students outside of her locked classroom during instructional time. The standard policy that had been put in place at Bethlehem School at the time required that after classes began, classroom doors were to be locked from the inside, requiring late-arriving students to knock on the door to gain entrance. During the fall of 2014, Respondent became "fed up" with the situation, especially during her first period, because late- arriving students interrupted her class. Therefore, she told her students that, after Thanksgiving break, if a student was tardy, they were to knock on the door only once, and that she would open the door when there was a convenient break. According to Respondent, the strategy worked well, and students were never left outside for more than a minute or two. On December 11, 2014, while taking attendance during her first period, a student knocked on her door, and Respondent called out "Just a minute." In less than a minute, she opened the door but no one was there. Shortly thereafter, there was an intercom announcement that there was a late bus and to please allow students in the classrooms. The announcement was followed by a phone call to Respondent in her classroom from the receptionist who had made the announcement, who asked Respondent to allow students in her classroom. That phone call was followed by another from Principal Jones, who asked Respondent why she was locking students out. While Respondent was explaining, the phone call was interrupted by another knock on the door by a late-arriving student. The next day, Friday, December 12, 2014, Principal Jones and Assistant Principal Mitchell met with Respondent during her planning period. During the meeting, Principal Jones told Respondent that they were not running a military-styled school and instructed Respondent to stop leaving students locked outside of her classroom. Principal Jones also gave Respondent instructions regarding the handling of student tardies, acceptance of late work, and the accommodations for ESE students. Regarding leaving students locked outside, Principal Jones told Respondent that she needed to keep her door locked and suggested that she have a student open the door when a late student knocks. Respondent advised Principal Jones that it disrupts educational time, but that she would open the door. On the issue of tardies, Principal Jones explained that the administration's hands were tied because Holmes County had not adopted an attendance policy. In fact, Bethlehem School did not differentiate between excused or unexcused tardies. Some of the teachers at Bethlehem School, including Respondent, had stopped filling out referrals for tardies because they had been told by the school administration that they were not going to be counted. Prior to the meeting, Respondent had a policy of not accepting late work in an effort to promote students’ personal responsibility and fairness to other students. Respondent told Principal Jones that her policy of not accepting late work had been effective. Nevertheless, Principal Jones instructed Respondent to accept late work. He also instructed her to allow students who came unprepared to leave the classroom to get their materials if it was just outside the room in their locker. Principal Jones also mentioned that Respondent needed to make accommodations for ESE students with Individual Education Plans so that those students could succeed and pass. Respondent advised Principal Jones that if the student does nothing, she would not give them a passing grade. Respondent became visibly upset during the meeting, which ended abruptly. The following Monday morning, December 15, 2014, Assistant Principal Mitchell and Principal Jones received reports that Respondent was reading a prepared statement about Principal Jones to her classes. Principal Jones reported the incident to Superintendent Dixon, who asked Principal Jones to obtain a copy of the statement which Respondent had read to the students. Thereafter, Principal Jones went to Respondent’s classroom and asked for a copy of the prepared statement. Respondent stated that she would have to talk to her lawyer. Principal Jones said, "Okay," and walked away. Petitioner did not receive a copy of the statement until many months later when it was produced as part of this proceeding. Later that day, Respondent was called down to the Bethlehem School office during her seventh period to meet with Superintendent Dixon. Respondent was accompanied by fellow teacher, Donna Mollet, at Respondent’s request. When they arrived, Superintendent Dixon handed Respondent a memo on Holmes County School Board stationary from the Superintendent to Respondent dated December 15, 2014, which stated: This is notification that you are suspended with pay from your regularly assigned duties pending the outcome of an investigation concerning gross insubordination of Principal Brent Jones with students at Bethlehem High School. Please be advised that this suspension does not constitute a disciplinary action. We will keep you apprised as the investigation continues; including written notification of the outcome once the investigation is concluded. You are to immediately leave school grounds and not return until further notice. The Superintendent asked Respondent to sign the letter, which she did. When she asked him what she had done, the Superintendent declined to discuss it further at that time and asked her to leave. Respondent was then accompanied to her classroom by Assistant Superintendent Goodman and Carmen Bush from the District office, where she gathered her personal belongings and left. Mr. Goodman and Ms. Bush told Respondent not to return to the school until notified. Principal Jones and Superintendent Dixon conducted an investigation, which included obtaining statements from students who witnessed her conduct. The witness statements indicated that Respondent had told her students that Principal Jones would not enforce her rules and that students might be better off taking an on-line, virtual class, rather than attending Bethlehem School. Following the investigation, the Superintendent determined that Respondent had been grossly insubordinate and had violated the School Board policy regarding Employee Communications. On December 17, 2014, Pam Cameron from the District office called Respondent and asked that she come to the District office the next day. When Respondent arrived at the District office on December 18, 2014, she met with Superintendent Dixon and Principal Jones. Principal Jones handed her a letter of reprimand (Letter of Reprimand) which he had signed, stating: This correspondence is a formal reprimand of your actions and behavior on Monday, December 15, 2014. Our investigation has found that you were grossly insubordinate. The gross insubordination includes reading the prepared statement to your classes and your refusal to provide a copy to me when I requested it. You have been found to be unprofessional and inappropriate in relation to this situation. Please know and understand by way of this correspondence that you are directed to refrain from such unprofessional actions and behaviors in the future. To violate this directive, any School Board Policy, State Statute, or any other School Board Rule can result in further disciplinary action. Please plan to attend the professional practices workshop that will be held during preschool next year. Further, State Board of Education Rule 6B- 1.001, FAC, Section (2) states the educator " . . . will seek to exercise the best professional judgment and integrity." Section (3) states "Aware of the importance of maintaining the respect and confidence of one's colleagues, of students, of parents, and of other members of the community, the educator strives to achieve and sustain the highest degree of ethical conduct." Respondent did not sign the bottom of Letter of Reprimand in the place for her acknowledgement. She did, however, read a statement to Superintendent Dixon and Principal Jones about her frustrations regarding lack of discipline and the attendance policy at Bethlehem School. In a letter addressed to Superintendent Dixon dated December 19, 2014, Respondent stated: This document is my response to my letter of reprimand that you issued on December 18, 2014, in your office. I refute the accusation of gross insubordination that you and Principal Jones have made against me. You both refused to give me specific examples of the alleged insubordination other than “reading the prepared statement to your classes and your refusal to provide a copy to me when I requested it.” Never at any time did you or Principal Jones ask me to tell you what I conveyed to my students. During the brief meeting of December 18, 2014, I explained that I told my students of changes in my classroom rules and that I divulged to students Principal Jones’s statements regarding those changes. Principal Jones said that I had undermined his authority. I fail to see that telling students exactly what Principal Jones said can be construed as undermining his authority or insubordination. Furthermore, the method of my suspension was, I firmly believe, meant to humiliate me in front of my students and colleagues. On Monday, December 15, 2014, Principal Jones called me into his office. Superintendent Dixon gave me the paper regarding my suspension from duties, refused to answer my questions regarding the charges, and told me to get my personal belongings and leave the campus immediately. That meant returning to my classroom of sixth graders—including my own child—and gathering my belongings to leave. My son kept asking what was wrong, why we were having to leave, etc. The emotional distress that you caused not only me, but my son in front of his peers, is unconscionable and unforgivable. I was escorted to my classroom by two county office personnel, Jim Goodman and Carmen Bush, and they followed from there to make sure that I left the building and the campus. I was treated as though I were some kind of desperate criminal, which I definitely resent. I contend that I am innocent of the charges and further contend that your handling of this situation has been conducted purposely to damage my reputation. Respondent wanted to challenge her suspension, but was told both in the letter of suspension, as well as by the Chairman of the School Board, that a suspension with pay is not “discipline” that can be challenged or for which there is a right to a hearing. After Respondent was suspended with pay, Principal Jones informed her that she could return to school from her suspension on January 5, 2015, the day that winter break was over. Shortly after her return, Respondent received a telephone call from a concerned parent because, prior to the winter break, Respondent had deducted points from an essay that the parent’s child had submitted to Respondent. The incident involving the student and the essay occurred during the week of December 8, 2014. In fact, the incident involving that student appears to have been one of the issues that Principal Jones discussed with Respondent on December 12, 2014. The student in question was one of Respondent’s first-period students. The essay was due Monday, December 8, 2014. The student was not in Respondent’s class that day, but Respondent saw the student at school later that same day. When she saw the student, she asked him if he had his essay to turn in and the student replied that he did not. The same thing happened on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of that week. Each of those days, the student was absent from Respondent’s first-period class, but was seen by Respondent later in the day. When asked by Respondent whether he had his essay, he responded that he did not. Then, on Friday, December 12, 2014, the student arrived very late to Respondent’s first-period class. When he arrived, he put his essay assignment on Respondent’s desk. Respondent told the student that she could not accept the assignment because it was late. He picked up the essay and sat down. Upon noticing that other students were working from their books, the student asked Respondent for permission to go get his book. Respondent refused. The student then left Respondent’s class without her permission. Later that same period, the student came back to Respondent’s class with a note from Principal Jones directing the student back to Respondent’s class. Respondent accepted the student back into her class as directed. Later, Respondent accepted the student’s late work as directed by Principal Jones, but she deducted points from the essay because it was late. When Respondent spoke to the parent of the student after winter break, it was agreed that the parent would come in for a parent-teacher conference to be held during Respondent’s seventh-period planning period on Wednesday, January 7, 2015. Respondent informed Assistant Principal Mitchell of the planned parent-teacher conference and asked her to attend. Principal Jones was also aware that Respondent was going to have the parent-teacher conference. The parent-teacher conference was held on January 7, 2015, with Respondent, the parent, and Assistant Principal Mitchell present in a conference room at Bethlehem School. At the beginning of the meeting, the parent apologized for his son leaving Respondent’s classroom without permission. The parent, however, wanted an explanation of why points had been deducted from his son’s essay. Respondent explained that the points were deducted because the paper was late. The parent was under the belief that his son had only been absent for three days and had not been tardy during the time period in question. Respondent advised the parent that her records showed that the student had been absent seven days and tardy 24 times within the nine-week period. The parent wanted to know why he had not been informed that his son had been tardy so many times. Respondent stated to the parent, “We don’t do much about tardies.” Respondent further explained that they had stopped using paper-based referrals after the first nine-week period. Assistant Principal Mitchell advised the parent that phone calls and letters are sent out to parents of students with excessive absences and tardies. Respondent did not disagree with Assistant Principal Mitchell, nor did Respondent question or criticize the school’s administration during the parent-teacher conference. At the parent’s request, the student joined the teacher-parent conference. The parent spoke to his son and then advised that there should be no more problems out of his son. Thereafter, the student left the conference. After the student left, the parent still wanted Respondent to remove the point deduction from his son’s essay. When Respondent advised that she would not do that, the parent suggested that, if she did not remove the deduction, he would just go to the School Board about it. Respondent said, “I guess you will just have to do that.” Assistant Principal Mitchell then suggested that she would like to speak with Principal Jones about the matter prior to the parent going to the School Board. The parent said that would be fine. Thereafter, Respondent then left the meeting. After Respondent had left, Assistant Principal Mitchell told the parent that she would contact him as soon as the matter had been resolved. The parent thanked Assistant Principal Mitchell and left. On Friday, January 9, 2015, Respondent met with Principal Jones. Lisa Matthews accompanied Respondent at Respondent’s request. During the meeting, Principal Jones told Respondent that she could not deduct points from the student’s essay discussed at the January 7, 2015, teacher-parent conference. When Respondent questioned why she should not be able to deduct points under the circumstances, Principal Jones explained that the student had turned in the paper the next time he was in class and that was good enough. Respondent did not refuse to comply with Principal Jones’ request and, in fact, Respondent complied by removing the point deduction from the student’s essay. Further, after discussing what occurred at the parent- teacher conference with Assistant Principal Mitchell, Principal Jones felt that Respondent’s conduct and statements were designed to undermine the administration of Bethlehem School. Therefore, he reported Respondent’s conduct to Superintendent Dixon, who then determined that there was just cause to suspend Respondent, without pay, for a period of five days. On January 9, 2015, Superintendent Dixon suspended Respondent, without pay, for a period of five days which commenced on Monday, January 12, 2015, and ended on Friday, January 16, 2015. That same day, January 9, 2015, Superintendent Dixon signed a document prepared on Holmes County School Board letterhead regarding Respondent’s suspension without pay. The document stated: Friday, January 9, 2015 Susan Steverson RE: SUSPENSION WITHOUT PAY Pursuant to School Policy 6.38, and Section 1012.33(6), Florida Statutes, Eddie Dixon, Superintendent of Schools for Holmes County School District, recommends that Mrs. Susan Steverson, be suspended without pay for a period of five (5) days from employment with the School Board. Mrs. Steverson has engaged in conduct that constitutes grounds for suspension without pay for a period of five (5) days. The grounds for suspension include, but are not limited to being grossly insubordinate of Principal Brent Jones in a parent meeting after having been reprimanded prior to this school year and violating School Board rules to the extent that disciplinary action is required. The foregoing conduct by Mrs. Steverson constitutes grounds for suspension without pay for a period of five(5) days, in violation of School Board Policy 6.38(III)(B), and (F). Mrs. Steverson’s behavior also violates Department of Education Rules, including but not limited to: Rule 6A-10.080 and Rule 6B-5.056, FAC, and other applicable Florida Law. Accordingly, Mrs. Steverson will be suspended from employment for a period of five (5) days beginning Monday, January 12, 2015 at 7:30 a.m. and ending Friday, January 16, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. During this suspension, Mrs. Steverson will not be allowed on any School Board property. Please know and understand that you are directed to refrain from such unprofessional actions and behaviors in the future. Further, State Board of Education Rule 6B- 1.001, FAC, Section (2) states the educator “ . . . will seek to exercise the best professional judgment and integrity.” Section (3) states “Aware of the importance of maintaining the respect and confidence of one’s colleagues, of students, of parents, and of other members of the community, the educator strives to achieve and sustain the highest degree of ethical conduct.” Subsequently, Superintendent Dixon presented the suspension to the School Board at its next meeting and recommended that the suspension be upheld. The School Board voted on January 20, 2015, to approve the suspension without pay. On January 27, 2015, a Notice of Charges against Respondent in this case was signed by Superintendent Dixon. The Notice of Charges states: NOTICE OF CHARGES Pursuant to Section 1012.33(6), Florida Statutes, Eddie Dixon, Superintendent of Schools for the Holmes County School District, recommended that Mrs. Susan Steverson ("Mrs. Steverson"), be suspended without pay for a period of five (5) days by the School Board. Mrs. Steverson has engaged in conduct that constitutes "just cause" for her suspension without pay. The grounds for suspension include, but are not limited to, the following: gross insubordination. Mrs. Steverson has a history of engaging in insubordinate behavior toward administrators, which began under prior superintendents and continued with recent incidents involving comments made to and about the administration of the Bethlehem School in December 2014 and January 2015. Mrs. Steverson has been repeatedly instructed by persons in authority to correct her behavior, but she has failed to do so. INCIDENTS INVOLVING MRS. SUSAN STEVERSON On or about Monday, December 15, 2014, Mrs. Steverson made unprofessional and derogatory statements to her class about what she believed to be a lack of support from her school principal, Mr. Brent Jones. A statement was apparently read to the class strongly criticizing the principal, and advising the class that there were no longer any rules for the class as a result of a lack of support by her school principal. Students reported the statement to administrators out of concern for the class. Mrs. Steverson was asked for a copy of the written statement by Principal Jones but she refused to provide a copy. Mrs. Steverson was reprimanded for her conduct and advised not to allow her unprofessional conduct to continue. Then again, on January 9, 2015, Mrs. Steverson, during a parent teacher conference scheduled by Mrs. Steverson with Vice-Principal Mrs. Roseanne Mitchell present, was grossly insubordinate by criticizing and questioning Principal Brent Jones, in front of a parent. Her obvious intent was to embarrass and humiliate the Principal, and challenge his authority to administer the operations of the school in a manner he deemed appropriate. Mrs. Steverson was suspended without pay for a period of five (5) days beginning on January 12, 2015 to January 16, 2015, immediately prior to the School Board meeting on January 20, 2015, at which this issue was heard.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by Petitioner, Holmes County School Board: Dismissing the charge of gross insubordination against Respondent and setting aside any discipline subsequent to Respondent’s suspension with pay and reprimand received in December 2014; Dismissing the allegations set forth in the Notice of Charges to the extent they seek to impose or support any discipline subsequent to Respondent’s suspension with pay and reprimand received in December 2014; and Reimbursing Respondent for the five days of pay that Respondent did not receive during her suspension from January 12, 2015, through January 16, 2015, plus interest, as appropriate under applicable law. DONE AND ENTERED this 17th day of March, 2016, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JAMES H. PETERSON, III Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 17th day of March, 2016.

Florida Laws (7) 1001.301001.331012.221012.271012.33120.569120.57
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tampa, Florida Oct. 31, 2005 Number: 05-004006 Latest Update: Jan. 29, 2009

The Issue The issue in this case is whether the application of Petitioner, Kenneth Crowder, for a Florida Educator's Certificate should be denied for the reasons set forth in the Notice of Reasons issued on July 22, 2005, by Respondent, John Winn, acting in his capacity as the Commissioner of Education.

Findings Of Fact On or about February 28, 2002, the Ohio State Board of Education notified Petitioner, Kenneth Crowder, that it intended to suspend, revoke, or limit his teaching certificate. The proposed action was based on allegations that Petitioner engaged in inappropriate conduct with three female students, engaged in inappropriate conduct with a female teacher in December 2000, and was convicted of disorderly conduct, which was amended from a charge of domestic violence. An administrative hearing was conducted with respect to Petitioner's Ohio teaching certificate on March 11 and 14, 2002. The hearing was conducted in accordance with Chapter 119 of the Ohio Revised Code. Petitioner appeared at the hearing, was represented by counsel, and testified on his own behalf. There were three alleged incidents involving allegations of Petitioner's inappropriate conduct with female students that were litigated during the Ohio administrative proceedings. The first alleged incident occurred during the 1999-2000 school year when Petitioner was employed at Northland High School. The other two incidents allegedly occurred during the 2000-2001 school year when Petitioner was employed as a teacher at Brookhaven High School. The Ohio State Board of Education alleged that during the 1999-2000 school year, while a teacher at Northland High School, Petitioner inappropriately touched Ms. Tranette Nicole Jackson, a student in his science class. At the time of the incident, Ms. Jackson was about fifteen and a high school freshman.3 During the Ohio administrative proceeding, Ms. Jackson testified that on March 21, 2000, Petitioner called Ms. Jackson up to his desk and told her he wanted to see her after class.4 At the end of class, with no one else present in the classroom, Ms. Jackson reported to Petitioner's desk. Petitioner then touched Ms. Jackson's leg and rubbed her skirt, raising the skirt. Petitioner then told Ms. Jackson that he needed to see her in the supply room, which was across the hall from the classroom. Ms. Jackson accompanied Petitioner into the supply room, where Petitioner put both hands on Ms. Jackson's buttocks and stated, "This is what I wanted to talk to you about. Keep it to yourself." Ms. Jackson testified that Petitioner then gave her a pass to her next class. Ms. Jackson testified that she was "confused," "scared," and "uncomfortable" about the incident and that she reported it to one of her teachers that same day. The incident was then reported to the school principal and the Franklin County Children Services. After the incident, Ms. Jackson was reassigned from Petitioner's science class to another class. During the Ohio proceedings, Petitioner testified that he never touched Ms. Jackson, but that he reprimanded her for her inappropriate attire. Petitioner testified that in instances where students had on inappropriate attire, the school policy required teachers to send such students to the front office. Notwithstanding the school policy, Petitioner testified that he spoke with Ms. Jackson alone and after class concerning her attire. This failure to abide by school policy lends credence to Ms. Jackson's version of events. Moreover, Petitioner's complete inability on cross-examination during the instant hearing to provide his version of the incident leads the undersigned to accept Ms. Jackson's testimony.5 In the 2000-2001 school year, Petitioner was transferred from Northland High School to Brookhaven High School (Brookhaven), where he taught ninth grade science. The Ohio State Board of Education alleged that during the 2000-2001 school year, while he was employed as a teacher at Brookhaven, Petitioner engaged in two incidents involving inappropriate conduct with female students and one incident involving inappropriate conduct with a female teacher. In one instance, it was alleged that on December 19, 2000, about a day before the Christmas break, Petitioner asked a female student, identified as Student 2, to come to his room after school and give him a hug. It was alleged that the student refused to comply with Petitioner's request and reported the alleged incident to school officials. Student 2 did not testify at the Ohio administrative proceeding. However, Judith Gore, the assistant principal for student services at Brookhaven, one school official to whom Student 2 reported the incident, testified at the Ohio administrative proceeding. Ms. Gore testified that in January 2001, Student 2 told her that on or about December 19, 2000, Petitioner approached Student 2 and told her to give him a hug after school and that when she came to the room she should not wear her jacket. Ms. Gore also testified that Student 2 reported that although Petitioner approached her and requested a hug in December 2000, Student 2 told her that she reported it in January 2001, soon after and because Petitioner approached her in January 2001, after the Christmas break, and asked why she had not come to his room and hugged him in December 2000, before the winter holiday. Ms. Gore also testified that as a result of Petitioner's comments, the student was extremely uncomfortable. Ms. Gore testified that she later attended a conference with the student's father and Petitioner regarding the incident. Student 2 did not testify at the Ohio administrative proceeding. However, Petitioner testified at the Ohio administrative hearing that he asked Student 2 for a hug on or about December 19, 2000, the day before winter recess. Petitioner testified that Student 2 was in the hallway, and he said to her, "Hey, yeah, give me a hug. It's Christmas time. I wish you a Happy New Year and a Merry Christmas." Petitioner testified that at the time he requested that Student 2 give him a hug, she was not in any of his classes, but was one of his student assistants. In fact, Petitioner testified that when he requested that Student 2 give him a hug after school, she was not in his classroom, but was in the hall at her locker. Petitioner testified that because December 19, 2000, was the day before the Christmas recess, it was not unusual for students to hug him. However, Petitioner testified that Student 2 did not make any overtures indicating she wanted to hug him. Rather, Petitioner testified that he approached Student 2 and asked her to hug him. Based on Petitioner's testimony in the Ohio hearing and the instant proceeding, regarding Student 2, it is found that in December 2000, Petitioner approached Student 2 while she was in the hall at her locker and asked her to give him a hug. Ms. Gore testified that during December 2000, a different female student, Student 3, complained to her that Petitioner had touched her buttocks while passing behind her. Student 3 did not testify at the Ohio administrative proceeding, and no evidence was presented at the Ohio administrative proceeding or the instant administrative hearing to establish this charge. At the Ohio administrative proceeding, the Ohio State Board of Education litigated the allegation that Petitioner had engaged in inappropriate behavior with a teacher at Brookhaven. Mary Williams, who was a co-worker of Petitioner at Brookhaven High School, testified in the Ohio administrative proceeding. Ms. Williams testified that, in December 2000, while she was standing at the counter in the main office of the school, Petitioner passed by and intentionally brushed against her buttocks. Ms. Williams also testified that the office was large enough so that Mr. Crowder needed not to touch her at all. Ms. Williams was upset by Petitioner's actions and informed him, in graphic language, what would happen if he ever did it again. Petitioner then apologized to Ms. Williams. Petitioner's testimony concerning the incident involving Ms. Williams is conflicting. For instance, Petitioner testified during the Ohio proceedings that if he brushed his hand against Mr. Williams' buttocks, it was purely accidental. During the instant proceedings, however, Petitioner acknowledged that he touched Ms. Williams' buttocks, but explained that it occurred accidentally as a result of his carrying a meter stick through the office area. At no time during Petitioner's prior testimony did he mention that the touching occurred with a meter stick, or even that he was carrying a meter stick. Accordingly, the undersigned finds Ms. Williams' testimony to be more credible. John Tornes, the personnel director for Columbus City Schools, testified at the Ohio administrative proceeding that as a result of the accumulation of allegations and incidents, Petitioner was assigned to work at home, effective January 29, 2001. The following day, January 30, 2001, Petitioner was assigned to a location where he had no contact with students. On March 26, 2001, Petitioner resigned from the Columbus City Schools, effective June 8, 2001. Mr. Tornes testified that Petitioner was not eligible for rehire. Mr. Tornes explained: During every year of Mr. Crowder's employment, there was an allegation of sexual harassment or abuse; three straight years of it while at Crestview Middle School [sic],[6] while at Northland High School, and then the incident just kept ballooning at Brookhaven High School. . . . His behavior became so questionable that it was no longer feasible for the district to continue his employment. The Ohio State Board of Education litigated the issue of Petitioner's conviction of disorderly conduct, which was amended from a charge of domestic violence. During the Ohio proceedings, Jill S. Harris testified on behalf of the Ohio State Board of Education. Ms. Harris testified that for about a year, beginning in 1999, she was involved in a rocky relationship with Petitioner. During that period, Petitioner and Ms. Harris were living together. According to Ms. Harris, on October 7, 2000, Petitioner, after a night of drinking, arrived home at approximately 5:30 a.m., at which point a violent argument ensued. During their confrontation, Petitioner struck Ms. Harris twice in the face, bruising her chin and cheek and cutting her lip. At some point during the argument, Ms. Harris summoned the police. However, when they arrived, Ms. Harris informed the responding officers that nothing was wrong due to her fear of retaliation from Petitioner. Ms. Harris testified that after the police left, the Petitioner picked up a glass table and threw it at her, breaking the table. Petitioner also grabbed Ms. Harris, at which point she cut her foot on the broken glass. Ms. Harris then left the house and called the police from the vehicle she was driving. Soon after Ms. Harris called, police officers met Ms. Harris and returned with her to the house where she and Petitioner lived. When they arrived there, Petitioner was not there. Officer Sheri Laverack was one of the police officers who met with Ms. Harris on October 7, 2000, shortly after the incident, and investigated the matter. At the Ohio administrative proceedings, Officer Laverack testified that soon after the altercation between Ms. Harris and Petitioner, she observed that Ms. Harris' "lip had been busted and her face was swelling and the bottom of her foot was cut." Officer Laverack also observed that there was bruising around one of Ms. Harris' eyes. At both the Ohio administrative proceeding and in the instant proceeding, Petitioner denied that he struck Ms. Harris in the face and caused the injuries to her face that were observed by Officer Laverack. However, it is found that his testimony was not found to be credible by the hearing examiner presiding over the Ohio administrative hearing. Petitioner has offered conflicting testimony with respect to the incident involving Ms. Harris and the cause of her facial injuries. During the Ohio administrative proceeding, Petitioner testified that he slammed his hand down on the glass table, causing it to come up and hit her. At no time during the Ohio proceeding did Petitioner testify that Ms. Harris lifted up the table or in any way contributed to the facial injuries she suffered. However, during the instant proceeding, Petitioner testified that when he hit the glass table, Ms. Harris "pulled the top of it up, and I think it [the glass portion of the table] hit her in the chin or something to that effect." Petitioner then testified that "I don't really recall . . . that's what I vaguely recall." Petitioner's testimony concerning the October 7, 2000, incident and how Ms. Harris sustained the injuries to her face is inconsistent and not credible. In light of the multiple injuries to Ms. Harris' face (a cut to her lip, swelling on the right side of her face, and bruising around her eye), it is unlikely that Ms. Harris' injuries could have been sustained in the manner described by Petitioner. Petitioner's testimony in the instant proceeding that he did not hit Ms. Harris is not credible. On the other hand, given the nature of the injuries, it is more probable that Ms. Harris' injuries resulted from Petitioner's hitting her, as she testified. It is found that Ms. Harris' testimony that Petitioner struck her in the face was credible. Moreover, Ms. Harris' credible testimony was substantiated by the testimony of Officer Laverack, who observed the injuries to Ms. Harris on October 7, 2000, shortly after the incident. As a result of the October 7, 2000, incident, Ms. Harris filed domestic violence and assault charges against Petitioner. Ultimately, as a result of the incident, Petitioner was charged with disorderly conduct. On June 25, 2001, Petitioner entered a guilty plea to the amended charge of disorderly conduct. Pursuant to an agreement with the State of Ohio, Petitioner was sentenced to 30 days in jail, with the sentence being suspended if and when Petitioner made restitution of $1,000 to Ms. Harris for the damage to her table. Petitioner paid the restitution. At the time of the Ohio administrative proceeding, Petitioner had a four-year middle school teaching certificate with an expiration date of June 30, 2002, and had applied for a temporary teaching certificate. On April 2, 2002, the Ohio hearing examiner submitted a recommended order to the Ohio State Board of Education. In the recommended order, the hearing officer found that Petitioner sexually abused Ms. Jackson, inappropriately touched Ms. Williams, and committed an act of violence against Ms. Harris. In addition, the hearing examiner recommended that the Ohio State Board of Education revoke Petitioner's teaching certificate and deny his application for a temporary teaching certificate. In a Resolution dated May 16, 2002, the Ohio State Board of Education revoked Petitioner's teaching certificate. The Resolution was adopted by the Ohio State Board of Education at its meeting on May 14, 2002. The Ohio State Board of Education's Resolution stated that it was revoking Petitioner's middle school teaching certificate "based upon his 2001 conviction for disorderly conduct stemming from domestic violence and inappropriate sexual contact with three female students and one female teacher during 2000 and 2001." Petitioner appealed the decision of the Ohio State Board of Education. The Ohio State Board of Education's decision was subsequently affirmed on appeal by the Ohio Court of Common Pleas on August 11, 2003, in Case No. 02CVF06-6230.7 The testimony of Ms. Harris, Ms. Williams, Ms. Jackson, Officer Laverack, Mr. Tornes, and Ms. Gore in the Ohio proceeding constitutes an exception to the hearsay rule under Subsection 90.803(22), Florida Statutes.8 Therefore, the testimony of the foregoing named individuals in the Ohio administrative proceeding is sufficient in itself to support a finding of fact and does not run afoul of Subsection 120.57(1)(c), Florida Statutes.9 Petitioner's conduct fell short of the reasonable standard of right behavior that defines good moral character. By any reasonable standard, it is wrong for a teacher to brush his hands on the buttocks of a student and of a fellow colleague. The wrong is compounded when the teacher instructs the student to conceal the fact that he engaged in such conduct. During his testimony, Petitioner admitted that he asked a high school student to give him a hug. By any reasonable standard, this conduct fell short of right behavior that defines good moral character. Petitioner's testimony regarding the circumstances and appropriateness of such a request is not credible or persuasive. Neither does Petitioner's explanation provide a reasonable basis for a teacher to solicit a hug from any student. Petitioner's conduct of committing acts of violence against the woman with whom he lived likewise fell short of the reasonable standard of right behavior that defined good moral behavior. The three incidents in which Petitioner engaged in inappropriate conduct with Ms. Jackson, Student 2, and Ms. Williams, occurred at school. The incident involving Ms. Jackson, one of his students, occurred on school grounds in March 2000. The conduct in which Petitioner engaged with Student 2 and with Ms. Williams, his colleague, occurred at school in December 2000. Petitioner's pattern of conduct with two female students and a female teacher demonstrates that he is an unsuitable candidate for a teaching certificate. Moreover, Petitioner's conduct as established by the facts of this case, particularly as it directly involved students at the school, bears directly on his fitness to teach in the public schools of Florida. The evidence failed to establish that Petitioner possesses the good moral character required of a teacher in this state. For this reason, Petitioner is not eligible for certification. The evidence establishes that Petitioner committed an act or acts for which the Education Practices Commission would be authorized to revoke a teaching certificate. The evidence establishes that Petitioner has been guilty of gross immorality of an act involving moral turpitude. The evidence establishes that Petitioner has had a teaching certificate revoked in another state. The evidence establishes that Petitioner pled guilty and was convicted of the misdemeanor charge of disorderly conduct. The evidence establishes that Petitioner has violated the Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession prescribed by State Board of Education rules. The evidence establishes that Petitioner failed to make a reasonable effort to protect students from conditions harmful to learning and/or to the student's mental health and/or physical health and/or public safety. The evidence establishes that Petitioner intentionally exposed a student to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement. The evidence establishes that Petitioner exploited a relationship with a student for personal gain or advantage. The evidence establishes that Petitioner has engaged in harassment or discriminatory conduct, which unreasonably interfered in an individual's performance of professional or work responsibilities or with the orderly processes of education or which created a hostile, intimidating, abusive, offensive, or oppressive environment and, further, failed to make reasonable effort to assure that each individual was protected from such harassment or discrimination.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusion of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Education Practices Commission enter a final order denying Petitioner's application for a teaching certificate and providing that he be permanently barred from re- application pursuant to Subsection 1012.796(7)(a), Florida Statutes. DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of May, 2006, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S CAROLYN S. HOLIFIELD Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of May, 2006.

Florida Laws (7) 1012.561012.7951012.796120.5790.40290.40390.803
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:St. Petersburg, Florida Dec. 09, 2010 Number: 10-010514PL Latest Update: Jul. 28, 2011

The Issue Whether Respondent violated sections 1012.795(1)(d), 1012.795(1)(g), and 1012.795(1)(j), Florida Statutes (2008),1/ and Florida Administrative Code Rules 6B-1.006(3)(a) and 6B- 1.006(5)(a), and, if so, what discipline should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Ms. Dunn holds Florida Educator's Certificate 930668, covering the area of exceptional student education, which is valid through June 30, 2012. At all times pertinent to this case, Ms. Dunn was employed as a varying exceptionalities teacher at Seminole High School in the Pinellas County School District (School District). Deborah Joseph (Ms. Joseph), the director of School Partnerships for St. Petersburg College, hired Ms. Dunn for the Spring Semester of 2009 to supervise 12 student interns, teaching in various Pinellas County elementary schools. Ms. Joseph credibly testified that she asked Ms. Dunn what Ms. Dunn would do with her current employment as a Pinellas County teacher, if offered a job. Ms. Dunn stated that she would resign as a teacher. On January 30, 2009, during school hours, Ms. Dunn left the Seminole High School campus without permission from the school administration. When the school's assistant principal, Phillip Wirth (Mr. Wirth), questioned Ms. Dunn about her whereabouts, Ms. Dunn alternately claimed that she had been given permission by another principal to leave the campus and that she had been meeting with another teacher. Neither of Ms. Dunn's explanations was supported by the assistant principal or the teacher. Consequently, on March 9, 2009, Mr. Wirth gave Ms. Dunn a written reprimand for her conduct. The evidence clearly and convincingly shows that Ms. Dunn continued her employment as a teacher at Seminole High School while at the same time working a second job for St. Petersburg College, supervising student interns working in elementary schools. Unfortunately, Ms. Dunn's work hours at Seminole High School coincided with the student interns' work hours at the elementary schools. In order to work both jobs, the record shows that Ms. Dunn was routinely untruthful in her use of sick leave time and left the Seminole High School campus during school hours without permission. For example, the record shows that she requested sick leave on February 26, 2009; March 4, 2009; March 6, 2009; and March 17, 2009. On those very same dates, Ms. Dunn signed in to supervise interns at Pinellas Central Elementary School, Sandy Lake Elementary School, Plumb Elementary School, and McMullen Booth Elementary. Again, on one date, April 23, 2009, Ms. Dunn wrote in her leave request that "family and kids touch [of] flu" and that she was signing out for a doctor's appointment beginning at 9:30 a.m. The record shows on that same day Ms. Dunn miraculously recovered from the illness and was able to eat lunch at her husband's nearby restaurant at 11:50 a.m., and then supervise an intern at Pinellas Central Elementary School at 1:33 p.m. In addition to misusing sick leave, the record clearly showed that Ms. Dunn would leave the Seminole High School campus without permission or signing out and would falsify school records. For example, the record clearly showed that, on April 16, 2009, Ms. Dunn left the school campus without permission. The record shows that she signed out for lunch at 1:00 p.m. and that she returned at 1:30 p.m. However, the records also show at 1:45 p.m., that same day, Ms. Dunn signed into High Point Elementary in order to supervise an intern. Again, on April 22, 2009, Ms. Dunn left Seminole High School without permission or signing out at 9:46 a.m. Walter Weller (Mr. Weller), the principal of Seminole High School, credibly testified that co-teachers, like Ms. Dunn, are placed in exceptional student education classes in order to assist with the students' individual education plans and to help the students succeed. Further, he credibly testified that it was important that teachers remain on campus to keep classrooms covered, and it is a safety issue for the students. James Lott (Mr. Lott), an administrator in the Office of Professional Standards for the School District, credibly testified that the School District felt that progressive discipline was not appropriate in Ms. Dunn's case, because her actions amounted to stealing time and outright falsification of records. Ms. Dunn testified that she did not dispute that she had the second job and claimed that the collective bargaining agreement allowed her to work a second job. Ms. Dunn testified that she never used time off with pay and that the School District should have used a progressive discipline against her, rather than terminating her employment. Further, Ms. Dunn claimed that she and the School District had reached an agreement concerning her claim for unemployment compensation that the School District "would not go after my certificate." Ms. Dunn showed no remorse or acknowledgement of her many untruthful statements or wrongdoing.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered finding that Ms. Dunn violated sections 1012.795(1)(d), 1012.795(1)(g), and 1012.795(1)(j) and rules 6B-1.006(3)(a) and 6B-1.006(5)(a), and suspending her educator’s certificate for two years followed by a period of three years' probation during which she shall be required, along with standard conditions utilized by the Education Practices Commission, to complete a three-hour college level course in ethics during the first year of her probation. DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of April, 2011, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S THOMAS P. CRAPPS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of April, 2011.

Florida Laws (3) 1012.795120.569120.57 Florida Administrative Code (3) 6B-1.0066B-11.0076B-4.009
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Ocala, Florida Mar. 20, 2015 Number: 15-001580PL Latest Update: Mar. 01, 2016

The Issue The issues to be determined are whether Respondent violated section 1012.795(1)(j), Florida Statutes (2013), and Florida Administrative Code Rule 6A-10.081(3)(a) and (3)(e) with respect to her treatment of an autistic child in her classroom. If so, then the appropriate penalty for her conduct must be determined.

Findings Of Fact Respondent is a teacher in the State of Florida. She holds Florida Educator’s Certificate 952211, covering the areas of elementary education, English for speakers of other languages (ESOL), and exceptional student education. Respondent’s certificate is valid through June 2016. At all times relevant to the allegations in the Administrative Complaint, Respondent was employed as an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) teacher at Maplewood. Ms. Newton has been involved in teaching in Marion County since 1999. She started as a teaching assistant, then substitute taught while putting herself through school, then obtained her bachelor’s degree in varying exceptionalities and began teaching full time. She also received her master’s degree in 2007 in the area of interdisciplinary studies in curriculum and instruction. With the exception of an internship at Oak Crest Elementary, all of Ms. Newton’s teaching experience was at Maplewood. Her performance evaluations from the 2004-2005 school year through the 2012-2013 school year all contain at least satisfactory ratings, with the majority of the recent evaluations rating her as highly effective or outstanding, depending on the evaluation tool used. The majority of her evaluations reference her excellent classroom management skills. At the beginning of the 2013-2014 school year, Maplewood received an entirely new administrative team. Laura Burgess was the new principal, Claire Smith and Brian Greene were newly- appointed assistant principals, and Doris Tucker was the new dean. The new administration started at Maplewood in July, approximately a month before the beginning of the school year. Ms. Newton had been teaching and continued to teach autistic students. At the beginning of the school year, she was assigned six students in her self-contained classroom, and had the assistance of one teacher’s aide, Susanne Quigley. Ms. Newton believed strongly in the value of a structured, disciplined classroom, especially when dealing with autistic students. She believed that establishing the rules and routine for the classroom created an environment where any child could be taught, but that without structure and adherence to routine, chaos would result and impair the learning process. Her classroom management skills were well known and in past years, well respected. Both Ms. Newton and Ms. Quigley testified about the assistance she was asked to give to other teachers and students with respect to class management and discipline. Their testimony is credited. After the start of the school year but before September 3, 2013, Laura Burgess, Maplewood’s principal, was notified by the Social Services Education Team (SET team) for the District that Maplewood would be receiving a new student, B.L., who had moved to the area from North Carolina. She also received an Individualized Education Program (IEP) for B.L., which listed his disability as autism spectrum disorder. B.L.’s IEP also indicated that he had problematic behaviors that could impede his learning, including oppositional defiance disorder, tantrums, attention deficit disorder, and extreme violence. The documentation provided to her did not include a behavioral intervention plan, and Ms. Burgess was concerned that B.L.’s placement at Maplewood did not match the needs identified in the IEP. However, she determined that Ms. Newton’s class would be the best placement for B.L., because Ms. Newton had a reputation for having a structured and disciplined classroom, and perhaps B.L. would benefit from that kind of structure. Ms. Burgess saw Ms. Newton that morning and told her that she would be receiving a new student. Ms. Burgess described the issues with the child, and said that if he ended up in Ms. Newton’s class, she should document his behaviors in case he needed to be moved to a therapeutic unit for behaviors (TUB unit). Ms. Newton understood from the conversation that Ms. Burgess believed B.L. should be in a TUB unit, which did not exist at Maplewood. However, later in the day Ms. Newton and her aide, Susanne Quigley, were supervising her students on the playground when she was approached by Claire Smith, one of the new assistant principals. Ms. Smith informed her that B.L. would indeed be placed in her class and gave her a copy of his IEP, with certain portions related to his behavior highlighted. Ms. Newton expressed surprise at the placement, thinking that he would be going to the TUB unit. Ms. Smith had met with B.L. and his mother earlier in the day and felt that he could benefit from Ms. Newton’s structured classroom. She also talked to Ms. Newton about documenting his behaviors should a change be necessary. Ms. Newton was concerned about the addition to her classroom because she already had six autistic students and, with respect to B.L.’s identified behaviors, “we’ve never had a child like that at Maplewood.” Nonetheless, B.L. was placed in her classroom on September 3, 2013. Consistent with her usual practice, Ms. Newton began to teach B.L. the rules of her classroom. For the first two days, there were no major problems. There were instances where B.L. did not want to comply with the directions she gave him or follow the rules of the classroom, but with some coaxing, she was able to get him to comply. Ms. Newton did not see the need to call the front office for assistance on either of the first two days B.L. was in her classroom, but then, Ms. Newton had never called the front office for assistance with any child. At the end of the first day, she had the opportunity to speak with B.L.’s mother briefly when she picked him up from school. After Ms. Newton introduced herself, B.L.’s mother basically confirmed the contents of the IEP. According to what B.L.’s mother told Ms. Newton, B.L. had lived previously with his father and there had been issues both at school and at home with disruptive and violent behavior. Ms. Newton told her they were going to “wipe the slate clean” and asked if there was anything that B.L.’s mother wanted Ms. Newton to work on, and she identified B.L.’s behaviors as an area for improvement. Ms. Newton told B.L.’s mother that Maplewood was a great school, and “that would happen.” B.L.’s third day at Maplewood did not go well. At the very beginning of the day, B.L. would not follow directions to stand with the rest of his classmates at their designated spot after getting off the bus. Instead, he plopped down in the middle of the walkway, in the midst of the area where children were trying to walk to their classes. He had to be coaxed all along the way to get to class, and once there, refused to unpack and sit down. He refused to follow any direction the first time it was given, instead responding with shuffling feet, shrugging shoulders, talking back, calling names, and wanting to lay his head down on his desk instead of participate in class. When it was time for the students in the class to go to art, Ms. Quigley normally took them while Ms. Newton attended to other responsibilities. According to Ms. Quigley, B.L. did not want to go to art class, and had to be coaxed to walk with the others to the art room. Once he got there, he did not follow directions, did not want to participate, and did not want to move from the back of the room. Normally, Ms. Quigley might have let him stand and watch if he remained quiet, but he was not being quiet: he was touching things and grumbling and getting angry. Ms. Quigley knew from prior experience that students with autism tend to mimic the bad behavior exhibited by others, and one child’s actions could cause a chain reaction of bad behaviors. She felt that if she did not remove him from the art room, the other children would also start to misbehave, and she did not want them to follow B.L.’s example. Ms. Quigley took B.L. out of the art classroom and went back to the classroom in search of Ms. Newton. Ms. Newton was not in the classroom, as she was attending to other responsibilities. Ms. Quigley then took B.L. to the office, but again, found no one there to assist her. B.L. was not happy during any of these travels, and again had to be coaxed all along the way. Once she got back to the art class, Ms. Quigley had B.L. stand in the back of the classroom. She was trying to watch him and also attend to the other students, but one of the other students knocked everything off the art table, so Ms. Quigley added clean-up to her responsibilities. At that point, Ms. Newton came into the art room. Ms. Newton took both B.L. and the other misbehaving child back to the classroom while Ms. Quigley stayed with the remaining students for the rest of the art period. What remained of the afternoon became a battle of wills between Ms. Newton and B.L.: Ms. Newton was trying to establish the ground rules for behavior in her classroom with B.L., and B.L. was determined not to follow those rules. The result was Ms. Newton spending the bulk of the afternoon with B.L. and Ms. Quigley attending to the needs of the other students in the class. For at least part of this time, Ms. Newton placed B.L. in time-out, with directions that he was to stand still with his hands to his sides. For Ms. Newton, the purpose of time-out is for a student to gather his or her thoughts, to get himself or herself together, and to remind the student of the rules of the classroom. She wants a student to have time to think about his or her actions, and wants to discuss with the student the nature of the problem presented by his or her behavior and how the problem should be resolved. If a child stops behaving, time-out may begin again. Ms. Newton put B.L. in time-out because he was not following her directions to him. She talked to B.L. about the rules of the classroom and where they are posted in the room, and told him what he needed to do. B.L. is very verbal and able to talk about his issues. Ms. Quigley described him as very high-functioning and not on the same level as other children in the classroom. Instead of responding appropriately, B.L. was calling names, talking out, and using curse words; flailing his arms and legs, wrapping himself in his sweatshirt so that his arms were in the body of the sweatshirt as opposed to in the armholes, and covering his face so that he could not see obstacles in his environment; wandering around instead of staying still; kicking things in the classroom, including a box and a door; throwing objects on the floor, rolling around on the floor and spitting; and generally resisting any instruction. During the course of the afternoon, Ms. Newton attempted to show B.L. what she wanted from him. For example, she demonstrated how she wanted him to stand in time-out by holding his arms in the area close to his wrists to demonstrate standing still with his hands down. B.L. repeatedly resisted this direction and tried to break away from Ms. Newton. B.L. was not only resisting her, but at times appeared to be butting his head against her and kicking her. He was at other times rubbing his hands against his face. Ms. Newton told B.L. he needed to stop rubbing his hands over his face, or she would remove his glasses so that he did not hurt himself with them. When B.L. continued his resistant behaviors, she removed his glasses and eventually put them in his backpack. B.L. continued to lightly slap his face with both hands. Ms. Newton did not physically intervene, but testified that she gave B.L. consistent verbal direction to stop hitting himself. Although he clearly continued to slap his face for some time, Ms. Newton testified that the movement was more like a pat than a slap, and she did not believe that he was hurting himself. Her testimony is credible, and is accepted. Ms. Newton also told B.L. to quit flailing his arms and putting his jacket over his head. She was concerned that he could hurt himself given that he was standing (not still, as directed) near the corner of a table. Ms. Newton told him if he did not stop she would take his jacket from him. He did not and she removed his jacket and placed it on a table in the classroom. She did not give B.L. the jacket back when he wanted it, because she wanted B.L. to understand that there are consequences to not following directions. With approximately 30 minutes left to the school day, Ms. Newton asked Ms. Quigley to call the front office for assistance. Ms. Tucker, the dean at Maplewood, came to her classroom. Before Ms. Tucker’s arrival, Ms. Newton was trying to get B.L. to stand in the back of the room. He was not following directions and had gone over to sit in a chair near the center of the room. The chair was near a free-standing easel with teaching implements attached to it, and it is reasonable to assume, given B.L.’s behavior, that Ms. Newton did not want him near the easel because of the potential for harm. Each time he went to the seat, Ms. Newton directed him away from it. When Ms. Tucker arrived, he once again sat in the chair he had been directed not to use. Ms. Newton removed him from the chair and told him again he was not to sit in it. B.L. immediately went to another chair in the same vicinity and sat down. Ms. Newton, took him by the arm and away from the chair, and took him out of the room. From Dean Tucker’s perspective, B.L. was just trying to sit in a chair. From Ms. Newton’s perspective, this was just one more instance in a litany of instances where B.L. was refusing to follow her directions. Dean Tucker was outside the room with B.L. when the door closed. B.L. starting kicking and beating on the door, screaming that he wanted in, and opened the door. Ms. Newton placed her arm on his chest and pushed against him to keep him from entering the room, and asked Ms. Tucker to lock the door from the outside, which she did. B.L. continued to kick and beat at the door, and Dean Tucker called assistant principal Greene to assist her. When Mr. Greene arrived, B.L. was still kicking at the door. He kept saying that he wanted in the classroom but would not say why. Eventually Mr. Greene was able to calm B.L. enough to find out that he wanted his backpack. Because it was close to the end of the day, Mr. Greene took B.L. to the office but instructed Ms. Tucker to retrieve his backpack from Ms. Newton’s classroom. Ms. Tucker returned to Ms. Newton’s classroom to retrieve the backpack. Ms. Newton expressed frustration at the decision to return the backpack to B.L., saying that meant “he won.” From Ms. Tucker’s and Mr. Greene’s perspectives, returning the backpack to him made sense, in part because they were not aware of the exchange related to the backpack earlier, and in part because it was close to the end of the day and B.L. would not be returning to the classroom that day. From Ms. Newton’s perspective, the backpack had been taken from B.L. because she had told him she would take it if he did not comply with her directives, and he did not do so. She felt that returning the backpack to him at that point was ensuring that B.L. had no consequences for his bad behavior. After completing their end-of-day responsibilities, Mr. Greene and Ms. Tucker returned to the classroom to speak to Ms. Newton about B.L. Ms. Newton told them that he had been out of control all day, kicking boxes, pushing chairs, and a danger to himself and others. She stated that it was only B.L.’s third day in the classroom and it would take some time to live up to expectations, but that he knew the rules and knew how to follow them. Mr. Greene felt that Ms. Newton was clearly upset with both him and Ms. Tucker with respect to how B.L. was handled. Ms. Newton asked whether B.L.’s parent had been called, and felt that his parent should have been contacted as part of addressing B.L.’s behavior. After speaking to Ms. Newton, Mr. Greene and Ms. Tucker pulled the videotape for the afternoon in Ms. Newton’s classroom. After scanning through the tape, Mr. Greene went to Ms. Burgess and asked her to view it because the tape’s contents concerned him. Once she did so, Ms. Burgess called Lisa Krysalka, the head of human resources for the District, and after discussion with her, called both the Department of Children and Families and the local sheriff’s office. She also spoke to Ms. Newton and told her she was to report to the District office the following day, and called B.L.’s parent. Rose Cohen investigated the matter for the District, which included speaking to Ms. Burgess, Mr. Greene, Ms. Newton, Suzanne Quigley, and a Ms. Ballencourt, and watching the video. Adrienne Ellers, the lead behavior analyst for the District, was asked to watch the video and to identify any deviations from the TEACH program for student management accepted by the District. Ms. Cohen recommended to the superintendent that Ms. Newton’s employment be terminated, and the superintendent presented that recommendation to the School Board. Ms. Newton appealed the recommendation and a hearing was held before the School Board, which included a viewing of the video of her classroom. The School Board rejected the superintendent’s recommendation for termination by a 3-2 vote. However, Ms. Newton did not return to Maplewood. No evidence was presented to indicate that the Department of Children and Families determined that there was any basis for a finding of child abuse or neglect. Likewise, no evidence was presented indicating that law enforcement took any action against Ms. Newton. There was also no evidence to indicate that B.L. was harmed. The focus of much of the evidence in this case dealt with the video from Ms. Newton’s classroom. The video, Petitioner’s Exhibit 1, is approximately two hours long. It is from a fixed position in the classroom and it shows some, but not all, of Ms. Newton’s classroom. It has no sound. There are parts of the video where, due to lighting deficiencies and similar skin color tones, it is difficult to tell exactly what is transpiring. There are also times when either Ms. Newton or B.L., or both, are not fully within the view of the camera, and sometimes they are not visible at all. With those parameters in mind, the video does show some of the interaction between Ms. Newton and B.L. What is clear from the video is that Ms. Newton spends a great deal of time talking to B.L., and that she remains calm throughout the day. B.L. does appear to comply with direction for short periods in the video, but never for very long. The video shows Ms. Newton holding B.L. by the arms; pulling him up both by the torso and by his arms; removing (but not “snatching”) his eyeglasses; removing his jacket with some resistance from him; blocking his access to his jacket; and kicking his backpack away from his reach. It also shows B.L. kicking items in the room, including a large box near where he is standing; rolling around on the floor; flailing his arms and legs around when he is clearly being directed to be still; and generally resisting any attempt at correction. The video also shows that during the time Ms. Newton is focused on B.L., the other students are engaged in learning, and Ms. Quigley is able to work with them without assistance. The Administrative Complaint alleges that “Respondent and B.L. engaged in a tussle which resulted in B.L. falling to the ground.” A more accurate description would be that B.L. resisted Ms. Newton’s attempts to show him how she wanted him to stand, and in his struggling, he went to the ground. It appeared to the undersigned that Ms. Newton was attempting to prevent his going down, but was unable to do so safely. The Administrative Complaint also alleges that Respondent “grabbed B.L. by the back of the neck and gripped B.L.’s neck for approximately 10 seconds.” A more accurate description would be that Respondent placed her hand at the back of B.L.’s neck and guided him with her hand at the base of his neck for approximately 10 seconds. She did not grab him by the neck or hold him that way; it appeared that she was protecting him from falling backwards, as he pulled away from her. Respondent did not, as alleged in the Administrative Complaint, drag B.L. across the floor. She did attempt to get B.L. to stand one of the many times that he flopped on the floor, and he resisted her attempt. In that process, the two of them did move across the floor a short distance, which appeared to be due to B.L.’s pulling away from her, but she was not dragging him across the floor. All of Ms. Newton’s actions were taken in an effort to either instill the rules of the classroom in order to create for B.L. an atmosphere for learning, or to prevent harm to either herself, B.L., or property in the classroom. Ms. Quigley, who was present in the classroom during most of the interchange depicted on the video, was more focused on the other students in the class than she was on B.L. She has seen a portion of the video since the incident. Ms. Quigley recalls hearing parts of the conversation between B.L. and Ms. Newton, and testified that Ms. Newton never lost control with B.L., and understood from what she heard that Ms. Newton was trying to get B.L. to follow the rules. Nothing Ms. Quigley saw or heard caused her any concern. Barbara O’Brien and Christine Spicoche are both parents of former students who testified on Ms. Newton’s behalf. Both acknowledged that they had not seen the interaction between Ms. Newton and B.L.,2/ but both have been in her classroom on numerous occasions during the years that their children spent with Ms. Newton: Ms. O’Brien’s son was in Ms. Newton’s class for six years, while Ms. Spicoche’s son was there for three years. Both expressed a great deal of gratitude for the positive effect Ms. Newton and her teaching methods have had on their sons’ lives. With respect to both children, the mothers testified that their sons went from children who were out-of-control to children who were able to function appropriately both in the classroom and in other places. As stated by Ms. Spicoche, “It would be best for him to be at a strong hand of a loving teacher who cares, who wants the best for him than being at the fist of the legal system later.” At all times, Ms. Newton’s focus was to establish the rules of the classroom so that B.L., like the other students in her classroom, would be able to learn. B.L. was different from the other students in her classroom, and she admitted he was a challenge. However, Ms. Newton’s actions in this case are consistent with her general philosophy for teaching: to be firm, fair, and consistent at all times. Ms. Newton believes that if you do not follow these principles, you have chaos in the classroom, and where there is chaos, no one is learning. With a disciplined, structured environment, Ms. Newton believes every child can learn, and the atmosphere observed in her classroom is consistent with her philosophy. Ms. Burgess chose Ms. Newton’s classroom for B.L. precisely because of her reputation as having a disciplined structured classroom. However, in her view, Ms. Newton should have just given B.L. his backpack when he wanted it; should have given him his glasses; should have let him just walk around the room when he wanted to; and should have just let him kick the door, rather than ever putting a hand on him. Ms. Burgess did not explain (nor was she asked) how many children in the classroom should be allowed to do what B.L. was doing, and whether learning could still take place should each of the children be allowed to wander, kick, and be disruptive.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Education Practices Commission enter a Final Order dismissing the Administrative Complaint. DONE AND ENTERED this 25th day of November, 2015, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S LISA SHEARER NELSON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 25th day of November, 2015.

Florida Laws (6) 1012.7951012.7961012.798120.569120.57120.68
# 10

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