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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-002482 Latest Update: Feb. 16, 1988

The Issue The issues for determination in this case are: Whether the City of Altamonte Springs (City) violated Sections 760.10(1)(a), F.S., by discriminating against Albert Robinson (Robinson) on the basis of his race (Black) or his national origin (Jamaican), with respect to compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment; Whether the City violated Section 760.10(7), F.S., by discriminating against Robinson in retaliation for his opposition to a practice which is an unlawful employment practice under this section or because he assisted or participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing under this section; and If such violations did occur, what relief is appropriate pursuant to Section 760.10(13), F.S.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner, Albert H. Robinson is a black male, over 18 years of age, born in Jamaica, West Indies. Respondent, the City of Altamonte Springs, is a municipal corporation organized and existing under the Laws of the State of Florida, and admits that it is an "employer" for purposes of the Human Rights Act of 1977, as amended, sections 760.01-760.10 F.S. Robinson's account of how he arrived in the United States approximately seven years ago is bizarre, but uncontroverted, and for purposes of this proceeding is deemed true. In Jamaica, Robinson had been affiliated with the ruling People's National Party. He held the government post of Development Director in the "New Development Agency" and was in charge of approximately 300 underprivileged persons. He was also president of a youth organization within the party, and was involved in organizing youth activities and selecting members to visit Cuba as a party representative. At some point he was approached by an American embassy attache from the CIA who recruited him to provide under-cover information on the party. When that involvement became publicly exposed, he was forced to flee the country. Robinson and his family lived for awhile in Panama and other Latin American countries. When they decided to emigrate to the United States, the U.S. Government made arrangements for Mrs. Robinson and the children to enter through Miami and for Mr. Robinson to cross the border "illegally" at Brownsville, Texas. He was given authorization to work and temporary asylum. He is currently awaiting disposition of his petition for a more permanent status. Through other relatives in Florida, Robinson ended up in Altamonte Springs. At the time that he was hired by the City in September 1984, Robinson presented a letter from the INS permitting him to work during the pendency of his asylum petition. The City was thus aware of his national origin and non- citizen status. Robinson was hired as a laborer in the city water distribution division on September 24, 1984. He received two personnel evaluations during his probationary period, both "average," with every factor rated "average," and few comments. On February 7, 1985, he was promoted from laborer to utility serviceworker, a more responsible position. The serviceworker is generally assisted at a job site by the laborer, who does most of the digging. The Dixon Personnel Board hearing In April 1985, Robinson assisted a black coworker, Patrick Dixon, at his hearing before the City Personnel Board. Dixon and another black utilities worker, Carl Wilder, had been accused of making obscene and inappropriate gestures to two white women while the men were on city duty. Wilder was given a one-day suspension. Dixon, who already had a negative performance record, was given a two-day suspension. Dixon appealed the discipline to the Personnel Board. Robinson's involvement at the hearing on April 3rd was to sit behind Dixon and assist with the documents. Robinson, who had no firsthand knowledge of the incidents, did not testify. Carl Wilder did testify on behalf of Dixon. The Personnel Board, in a unanimous decision by all members present, upheld the disciplinary action. Robinson believed that Patrick Dixon had been the victim of a racial vendetta. Dixon testified in this proceeding that he, also, feels that the charge was racially motivated, yet nothing in the written documents related to his appeal supports that contention. The basis for his appeal was the insufficiency of the evidence against him and his contention that he was a bystander while Wilder, the actual perpetrator, received a lesser penalty. Shortly after the hearing Dixon was terminated for absenteeism. He did not file a discrimination complaint nor take any other action against the city. Wilder is still employed by the city, and in 1987, was promoted from laborer to serviceworker. The performance evaluation On May 3, 1985, Robinson received his first performance evaluation as a utility serviceman. His overall rating by his reporting supervisor, George Simpkins, was "average." However, he received "below average" in four categories: "ability to carry out instructions/orders"; "conduct"; "directs the work of subordinates effectively"; and "ability to make decisions within his authority." The comments in explanation of these ratings related to Robinson's failure to follow operating procedures, his temper and conflict with fellow employees, and his dictatorial manner in dealing with subordinates. Robinson was not pleased with the evaluation and wrote a letter to the Assistant Director of Public Works, Ronald Howse, asking to discuss it. Howse suggested that the discussion take place with Larry Alewine and George Simpkins, who were the supervisors responsible for the evaluation. Alewine was Simpkins' immediate supervisor. The discussion took place. Robinson now claims that Larry Alewine asked him why he followed Patrick Dixon to City Hall and claims that Alewine blamed the evaluation on his involvement with Dixon. Alewine denies this and cannot recall any notoriety with regard to Robinson's association with Dixon. Not following procedures and problems with fellow employees Robinson's difficulties in working with others and in following procedures are well-documented throughout his 1985 and 1986 employment with the city. In June 1985, he received a notice of remedial action after placing a water meter in a location where the customer wanted it, rather than where he had been directed to place it. The customer was happy, but under the city's procedures, the serviceman does not have the authority on his own to change the supervisor's direction. On November 4, 1985, Robinson had an altercation with his supervisor, Larry Alewine, regarding a meeting that Robinson wanted with Chris Hill, the recently-appointed director of the city's water distribution division. Alewine attempted to convey Hill's directive that Robinson put his request in writing, but Robinson became loud, yelled at Alewine and started to leave. When Alewine attempted to call Robinson back to discuss the matter, Robinson retorted that he (Alewine) wasn't his daddy. Right after the incident Robinson apologized for getting loud and Alewine explained that he would still have to "write him up," because he had refused to come back in the building and was hollering. Robinson claims that the incident occurred prior to 7:30 A.M., when he was still on his own time, but this claim is unsupported by Alewine or any of the other several witnesses. On November 26, 1985, Robinson and Carl Wilder were at a job site trying to locate a buried water meter. Wilder, as the laborer, was doing the digging. Robinson, his superior, insisted that Wilder keep digging in a place where Wilder did not believe the meter was located. Both men's tempers flared and Wilder called the supervisor to the site to prevent further argument. Because it was near the end of the day, Robinson was excused and Wilder was taken back to the city garage. Chris Hill spoke with both Robinson and Wilder and determined that no disciplinary action was warranted. He told Wilder that if he had any complaints or grievances about Robinson, he would have to put them in writing. Chris Hill asked other employees if they had problems working with Robinson; he did not, as alleged by Robinson, solicit written statements against Robinson from other employees in the division. Chris Hill Most of Robinson's claims of discrimination by the city are directed toward Chris Hill, who, in October 1985, was placed in charge of the city's water distribution division. The City Manager, Philip Penland, was concerned about the management of the division. The Dixon/Wilder incident was an example. Larry Alewine and George Simpkins, both white Americans, were considered to be weak leaders. Robinson and Carl Wilder were identified as employees with whom there had been problems. Chris Hill started working for the City of Altamonte Springs in 1977 as temporary summer help and laborer. He gradually worked his way up through various levels of management and was highly regarded by his supervisors and by Philip Penland as a competent and capable employee, with a positive, "can-do" attitude. He was regarded as a tough manager who could obtain top performance from his employees. In addition to his duties at Altamonte Springs, he also is in charge of water plant operations in the neighboring towns of Eatonville and Maitland. Lack of tact and finesse in dealing with people, including subordinates, have been considered Hill's weak points. Hard times in the Water Distribution Division These characteristics and Hill's direction to shape up the division led to some tense months in the division. Larry Alewine, whose management style was certainly more relaxed, openly referred to Hill as "God" and "asshole." Alewine's position had been downgraded as a result of the reorganization, and he eventually left the city in 1987 after his position was eliminated from the budget. George Simpkins left a bitter resignation notice when he resigned in October, shortly after Chris Hill's appointment. In February 1986, Larry Alewine prepared an evaluation of Robinson which was reviewed, consistent with procedures, by Chris Hill. Hill did not believe the evaluation was strong enough, in light of his knowledge of the incident with Wilder and other minor problems with fellow employees. Both Hill and Scott Gilbertson, the Assistant Director of Public Works, met with Alewine and suggested that the evaluation should be changed. When Alewine declined, Chris Hill changed the evaluation. The evaluation, dated 3/6/86, rates Robinson overall as "Employee needs improvement." The written comments are very similar to those made by George Simpkins on the May 1985 evaluation; that is, the quality of his work was deemed generally good, but his conduct, ability to follow instructions, and ability to get along with fellow employees was noted as the real problems. While it is not apparent from the evaluation itself and the testimony in this proceeding how much of the evaluation was completed by Larry Alewine, it is clear that at least some of the negative written comments were made by him. (Respondent's exhibit #2.) The meeting with management officials and its aftermath Robinson wrote a protest of his evaluation which precipitated a meeting with himself, Chris Hill, Scott Gilbertson, Philip Penland, and the City Personnel Director, Sam Frazee. The evaluation was discussed; Robinson was told that his signing the evaluation only acknowledged its receipt and that he could provide his written notations on the back of the evaluation regarding portions with which he disagreed. The group also discussed an appointment Robinson had made with the city's worker's compensation physician. He had attempted to arrange his own follow-up visit for treatment of a work-related injury. The city's policy required that the appointments with the city's physician be made after notification to the supervisor. While explaining his actions, Robinson gave contradictory versions of what he had been told by the nurse in the doctor's office regarding the procedures. His testimony at hearing was also confused and inconsistent on this point. On direct, he testified that he had been told that authorization from the city is not necessary for follow-up visits. On rebuttal, however, he stated that the nurse had told him that the city personnel department would have to be notified, but not his foreman. (TR, Vol I, p. 77, Vol IV, p. 324-325). In the course of the same meeting, Robinson made allegations of wrongdoing by Larry Alewine, stating that Alewine had a meeting with his employees and encouraged them to write grievances against Chris Hill and had called Hill an "asshole" and "God." The City Manager considered these allegations to be serious and promised Robinson that an investigation would be made. The meeting then broke up. Ed Haven, an officer with the Professional Standards Bureau of the City Police Department was assigned to investigate the allegations of misconduct. This bureau normally conducts personnel-related internal affairs investigations and considers them administrative, not criminal. The investigation was initially inhibited by Robinson's refusal to answer Officer Haven's questions unless the investigation was expanded to include Chris Hill as well. Robinson was then ordered by the City Manager to participate. The inquiry sustained the allegations that Alewine had called Hill "asshole" and "God." This investigation spawned a second investigation as to whether Robinson had ever told another employee that he lied about Alewine in order to get an investigation against Chris Hill. The issue was never resolved, but Officer Haven found that a "preponderance of evidence indicates Robinson was untruthful during this investigation...," that Robinson did have a conversation with an employee, Barry Beavers, but denied it. (Petitioner's composite exhibit #1, Memorandum of Internal Inquiry #86-9998-03, April 15, 1986). The lead Utility serviceworker positions In Spring 1986, the city created two supervisor positions in the Water Distribution Division, titled "lead utility serviceworker," to supervise and oversee the work of the utility workers and their laborers. All three utility serviceworkers applied for the jobs: Robinson, Ronnie Oliver (Black American) and Barry Beavers (White American). Robinson was never considered a viable candidate and was interviewed as a matter of courtesy. Oliver and Beavers were chosen. Robinson concedes that Beavers was qualified and properly promoted, but he disputes Ronnie Oliver's qualifications. Ronnie Oliver began work one month after Robinson, in October 1984. He worked under Robinson as a laborer for some time and he freely acknowledges that Robinson taught him a lot. Oliver also had considerable personal initiative and taught himself with the use of materials he acquired from Larry Alewine. Oliver's performance evaluations were substantially better than Robinson's; by May 1986, the time of the promotion, he was evaluated as an "Outstanding" employee. Robinson had, in fact, been on the job less than Oliver, as he had sustained a work-related injury in December 1985, and was out for weeks at a time. He had not been cleared for full-time duty when he was interviewed and was absent from work when the positions were filled. Light duty Robinson alleges that he was given "make-work" light duty when he was returned to work after his injury, and was later denied light duty. The city furnishes injured employees with light duty on a case-by-case basis, depending on the capabilities and physical condition of the individual and the needs of the employer. Robinson was first assigned floor sweeping duties in June after his recurring back problems. Later he was given the task of painting an area near Hill's office. An assistant was assigned to paint the high and low portions of the wall. He was also given a chair to sit on and rest his back. This was the lightest duty available at the city at time. Other employees including a black who had cancer, were also given routine maintenance chores. While painting, Robinson injured his neck, shoulder and hands. He never returned to work after this injury in June 1986. The city informed him in July and August that it did not have light duty available. In September 1987, the City agreed to pay Robinson $47,000.00 (including $7,000.00 to his attorney), to settle his worker's compensation claim of permanent back injury. He has since applied for reemployment. As of the hearing in this proceeding, the city was reviewing his request for reemployment. This request is not at issue here. Various grievances In Spring 1986, as the result of some publicity about the arrest of illegal aliens, the city reviewed the work authorization status of its employees. Since Robinson had initially given the city a letter from INS stating that he was eligible to work pending an application for political asylum, he was asked again for authorization. He refused at first, and claimed this was harassment. He also claimed that he was subject to derision for being a CIA spy. He had told some fellow employees about his past and the news circulated. The employees mostly did not take the matter seriously, but in an employee meeting, someone asked Chris Hill whether it was true that Albert was a CIA spy. He replied that this was what Robinson claimed. At the same employees' meeting, Hill also stated that he did not think that Robinson was going to be around much longer. He made this remark based on his knowledge of Robinson's disciplinary problems. Hill was strongly reprimanded for this remark. He did not have the authority to terminate Robinson, and management had not taken steps to terminate him. Robinson has attributed various derogatory statements and epithets to Chris Hill. He claims that Hill said that no one would take the word of a "nigger" against him and that he didn't want Americans to take orders from a Jamaican. Hill vigorously denies these statements and no credible evidence was produced to support Robinson's claims. Nor was credible evidence presented of Robinson's claim that on July 3, 1986, Hill lost his temper and spat in his face. At hearing on November 2, 1987, Robinson, through his attorney, withdrew his allegation that he was defrauded of sick leave through a forged signature. (TR Vol IV, p. 293-294.) Summary of Findings Beyond his own unsubstantiated claim that Alewine told him so, there is no evidence that Robinson's problems with the city were the result of his rather inconspicuous involvement at the Patrick Dixon hearing. His problems clearly began when he was promoted to a position of some authority over others and his temper, loud mannerisms and difficulty working with others became an issue. Beginning with his response to his first slightly negative personnel evaluation, Robinson's reaction to every event in his employment, major and minor, was lengthy, rambling, confused and confusing written grievances, memoranda and letters. Robinson also carried a tape recorder to memorialize his encounters and (in his words) "...to intimidate people from molesting me..." (TR, Vol I, p. 243). Robinson's inconsistent accounting and mixing of facts in his scenario of alleged discrimination fail to make sense. Pressure was applied to blacks and whites, alike; of the four employees targeted as "problems," the two whites are gone (Alewine and Simpkins) and one black (Wilder) has been promoted. Evidence is clear that there were serious management problems in the city's Water Distribution Division in 1985, and the atmosphere which prevailed with reorganization of the division and Hill's arrival could very well have fueled Robinson's paranoia. His vehement protestations and repetitious and rambling litany of wrongs are either a sincere confused perception, or a deliberate attempt to manipulate a situation, which because of justifiable criticism of his job performance, was becoming increasingly uncomfortable. Nevertheless, his myriad allegations of discriminatory harassment, retaliation and of unlawful failure to promote, are unsupported by competent evidence.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is, hereby RECOMMENDED: That Albert Robinson's charges that the City of Altamonte Springs violated subsections 760.10(1)(a) and (7), F.S., by harassment failure to promote, and retaliation, be DISMISSED. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 16th day of February, 1988, in Tallahassee, Florida. MARY CLARK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 16th day of February, 1988. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 87-2482 The following constitute my specific rulings on the findings of fact proposed by the parties: Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact 1-5. Addressed in summary form in paragraph 3. Adopted in paragraphs 4. and 5. Addressed in paragraph 5. Adopted in part in paragraph 8. The account of discussion with Alewine is rejected as contrary to the weight of credible evidence. Adopted in part in paragraphs 6.-8., otherwise rejected as contrary to the weight of credible evidence. Adopted in paragraphs 6.-15. Addressed in paragraph 12. The characterization of Simpkins' motives and the mandate to fire the four employees are rejected as contrary to the weight of evidence. Addressed in paragraphs 15. and 16. Adopted in part in paragraph 18., otherwise rejected as unsupported by the weight of evidence or immaterial. 14-16. Rejected as contrary to the weight of evidence, except for the comment about Robinson being terminated. See paragraph 34. Rejected as cumulative, unnecessary and argumentative (rather than factual). Addressed in paragraph 14.; otherwise rejected as contrary to the weight of evidence. Rejected as unnecessary. Addressed in paragraph 13., otherwise rejected as contrary to the weight of evidence and unnecessary. Adopted in substance in paragraph 19. Addressed in paragraph 21. Rejected as contrary to the weight of evidence. Addressed in paragraph 21. Addressed in paragraph 22. Addressed in paragraph 25; otherwise rejected as unnecessary and unsupported by the competent evidence. Rejected as unnecessary. Addressed in paragraphs 33 and 34, otherwise rejected as contrary to the evidence. Addressed in paragraphs 26. through 28. Addressed in paragraphs 29. through 30. Rejected as contrary to the weight of evidence. Rejected as unnecessary. Addressed in paragraph 31. 34-35. Rejected as irrelevant. The "fraud" charge was withdrawn. See paragraph 36. 36-37. Rejected as irrelevant. Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact Adopted in paragraph 1. Adopted in paragraph 2. Adopted in paragraph 3. Adopted in paragraph 4. Adopted in paragraph 5. 6-12. Adopted in paragraphs 6. through 8. 13-15. Rejected as cumulative. 16-22. Addressed in paragraphs 15. and 16., otherwise rejected as unnecessary. 23. Adopted in paragraph 13. 24-27. Addressed in paragraph 14. 28-34. Addressed in paragraph 19. 35-38. Adopted in substance in paragraph 20. 39-40. Adopted in paragraph 21. Rejected as unnecessary. Adopted in paragraph 22. Adopted in paragraph 23. 44-49. Adopted in paragraphs 24. and 25. in substance. 50-60. Rejected as cumulative and unnecessary. 61-66. Addressed in paragraph 32. 67-69. Addressed in paragraph 33. 70-72. Addressed in paragraph 34. 73-89. Addressed in paragraphs 26.-28.; otherwise rejected as unnecessary. Adopted in substance in paragraph 35. Adopted in paragraph 28. Adopted in paragraph 29. 93-94. Adopted in substance in paragraph 29. 95-96. Adopted in substance in paragraph 30. Rejected as cumulative. Adopted in paragraph 30. 99-102. Adopted in substance in paragraph 31. 103-110. Rejected as irrelevant. The "fraud" charge was withdrawn at hearing. See paragraph 36. COPIES FURNISHED: Tobe Lev, Esquire Egan, Lev & Siwica, P. A. Post Office Box 2231 Orlando, Florida 32802 David V. Kornreich, Esquire Muller, Mintz, Kornreich, Caldwell, Casey, Crossland, & Bramnick, P. A. Suite 1525, Firstate Tower 255 South Orange Avenue Orlando, Florida 32801 Donald A. Griffin Executive Director Commission on Human Relations 325 John Knox Road Building F, Suite 240 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1925 Dana Baird, Esquire General Counsel Commission on Human Relations 325 John Knox Road Building F, Suite 240 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1925 Sherry B. Rice, Clerk Commission on Human Relations 325 John Knox Road Building F, Suite 240 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1925

Florida Laws (3) 120.57760.02760.10
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tampa, Florida May 05, 2014 Number: 14-002060RX Latest Update: Feb. 20, 2015

The Issue The issue to be determined in this case is whether the proposed amendment to Florida Administrative Code Rule 62-555.360 of the Department of Environmental Protection (“Department”), pertaining to cross-connection control for public water systems, is an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority.

Findings Of Fact The Parties Petitioner is a natural person residing at 1805 Burlington Circle, Sun City Center, Hillsborough County, Florida. The Department is the state agency with powers and duties to protect public drinking water as set forth in the Florida Safe Drinking Water Act, section 403.850, et seq., Florida Statutes (2013). Background The term “cross-connection” is defined in rule 62-550.200(26) as: any physical arrangement whereby a public water supply is connected, directly or indirectly, with any other water supply system, sewer, drain, conduit, pool, storage reservoir, plumbing fixture, or other device which contains or may contain contaminated water, sewage or other waste, or liquid of unknown or unsafe quality which may be capable of imparting contamination to the public water supply as the result of backflow. Cross-connections are prohibited unless appropriate backflow protection is provided to prevent backflow through the cross-connection into the public water system. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 62-550.360(1). There are three types of backflow prevention devices germane to this proceeding: Reduced Pressure Principle Assembly ("RP"), Double Check Valve Assembly ("DC"), and Dual Check Device ("DuC”). Typically, but not in every case, the water customer is responsible for the costs of installation, inspection, and maintenance of a backflow prevention device. It is undisputed that the RP is the most expensive to purchase, install, and maintain; followed by the DC; and then the DuC.2/ The RP and DC are installed above-ground, usually near a street. Test ports on these assemblies allow them to be tested to determine whether they are still functioning to prevent backflow. The DuC is usually installed underground and has no test ports. The Department asserts that this difference makes the DuC less reliable than the RP and DC. The rule states, and Petitioner did not refute, that the RP and DC offer greater backflow protection than the DuC. Petitioner has an auxiliary water system at his residence, which he uses to pump untreated water from a nearby lake to irrigate his lawn. There is no cross-connection between the plumbing system in Petitioner’s residence and his auxiliary water system. Petitioner does not have a backflow prevention device installed at his property. Hillsborough County has an ordinance that requires the installation of an RP device for residential customers who have auxiliary water systems, but the County currently has a moratorium on the enforcement of its ordinance. Petitioner is on a local committee established to investigate and advise the Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners regarding cross-connection control. He believes the County is likely to modify its ordinance and allow the DuC for residential customers who have auxiliary water systems. The Department Rule The Department stated its purposes for the rule in the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: These rules are being amended to significantly reduce the overall regulatory burden of cross-connection control requirements on community water systems (CWSs) and their residential customers by: allowing a dual check device to be used as backflow protection at or for residential service connections from CWSs to premises where there is any type of auxiliary or reclaimed water system; and (2) allowing biennial instead of annual testing of backflow preventer assemblies required at or for residential service connections from CWSs. A community water system (“CWS”) is a public water system which serves at least 15 service connections or regularly serves at least 25 year-round residents. See § 403.852(3), Fla. Stat. The Department requires each CWS to have a cross- connection control program, and Table 62-555.360-2 in the rule establishes the “Minimum Backflow Protection” that must be provided at or for the service connection from the CWS to various types of water customers. The minimum backflow protection specified in the table for a residential service connection with an auxiliary water system is a DuC. All references hereafter to “residential service connection” shall mean one with an auxiliary water system. There is a footnote for the DuC at the bottom of the table, which explains: A DuC may be provided only if there is no known cross-connection between the plumbing system and the auxiliary or reclaimed water system on the customer's premises. Upon discovery of any cross•connection between the plumbing system and any reclaimed water system on the customer's premises, the CWS shall ensure that the cross-connection is eliminated. Upon discovery of any cross- connection between the plumbing system and any auxiliary water system other than a reclaimed water system on the customer's premises, the CWS shall ensure that the cross-connection is eliminated or shall ensure that the backflow protection provided at or for the service connection is equal to that required at or for a non•residential service connection. The SERC As part of the rulemaking process for the proposed amendments to rule 62-555.360, the Department prepared a Statement of Estimated Regulatory Cost ("SERC"). Section 120.541, Florida Statutes (2013), governs the preparation of SERCs and provides that a substantially affected person may submit a “good faith written proposal for a lower cost regulatory alternative that substantially accomplishes the objectives of the law being implemented.” See § 120.541(1)(a), Fla. Stat. The parties dispute whether Petitioner challenged the SERC. In his amended petition, Petitioner states no objection to any statement in the SERC. Petitioner did not challenge the SERC. The parties dispute whether Petitioner submitted a lower cost regulatory alternative. The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking stated: Any person who wishes to provide information regarding a statement of estimated regulatory costs or provide a proposal for a lower cost regulatory alternative must do so in writing within 21 days of this notice. Within 21 days of the notice, the Department received Petitioner's written comments. In his comments, Petitioner cites section 120.52(8)(f), which provides that a rule is invalid if it imposes regulatory costs which could be reduced by adopting a less costly alternative. Petitioner recommends that the rule be changed to specify that the less costly DuC is the only acceptable backflow prevention device for residential service connections and “A CWS shall not impose a requirement for a more expensive type of backflow prevention valve.” The Department contends that Petitioner’s comments did not constitute a good faith lower cost regulatory alternative, citing pages 87-98 of the Transcript. Those pages contain some argument on the issue, but do not prove Petitioner did not submit a lower cost regulatory alternative. Petitioner’s timely written comments included a citation to the relevant statute and a plainly-worded proposal. As explained in the Conclusions of Law, Petitioner’s comments were sufficient to constitute a lower cost regulatory alternative. Petitioner’s Objections Petitioner objects to rule 62-555.360 because (1) it specifies use of the RP and DC, which he contends are unreasonably dangerous to public health and safety; (2) it specifies the DuC for residential service connections as the “minimum” protection, which he contends allows a CWS to require the more expensive RP or DC; (3) it requires testing of backflow devices “at least biennially” (once every two years), which he believes is too frequent; (4) it makes biennial testing a “minimum” testing interval, which he contends allows a CWS to require more frequent inspection; and (5) it does not require the backflow prevention device to be attached to the CWS’s water meter where Petitioner believes it should always be located. Unreasonable Danger Petitioner contends that the RP and DC are unreasonably dangerous to public health and safety because a person could intentionally pump contaminants through a test port on one of these assemblies into a public water supply. The Department does not dispute that a person could introduce contaminants into a public water supply in this way. The flaw in Petitioner’s reasoning is his failure to see the danger in proper perspective. Department personnel and other persons with expertise in public water systems throughout the United States are well aware that there are many access points in potable water collection, treatment, and distribution systems and many methods to introduce contaminants into these systems. There are many access points other than RPs and DCs. For example, there are methods available that would allow contaminants to be pumped into a public water system from any building connected to the system that has no backflow prevention device installed. RPs and DCs are primarily designed to prevent accidental introduction of contaminants into a public water system. However, they also prevent a person from intentionally pumping contaminants into the public water system from inside a house or building, hidden from view. The danger described by Petitioner assumes that the criminal who is intentionally pumping contaminants through the RP or DC will do it while standing next to the device, in the open, near a street. It is a well-known fact officially recognized by the Administrative Law Judge that criminals prefer to conduct their criminal activities hidden from sight rather than in plain view. Therefore, a criminal planning to contaminate a public water supply is more likely to choose a means other than introducing contaminants through an RP or DC. RPs and DCs are already in wide use. There is no reported incident of intentional contamination of a public water supply by pumping contaminants through one of these devices. When these factors are taken into account, the rule’s specifications for the continued use of RPs and DCs do not create an unreasonable danger to the public health and safety. Minimum Backflow Protection Petitioner contends that Table 62-555.360-2 is invalid because it violates the Department’s duty under section 120.541 to adopt “less costly alternatives.” Petitioner asserts that by specifying the DuC as the “minimum” backflow protection required for residential service connections the rule allows a local government to require the more costly RP or DC. The Department cannot dispute that the DuC substantially accomplishes the statutory objectives. The RP and DC provide greater backflow protection than the DuC, but the Department specified the DuC for residential service connections, indicating that the lower protection provided by the DuC did not make it fall short of the statutory objectives. However, as explained in the Conclusions of Law, the rule imposes the least costly regulatory alternative for residential service connections because it only requires the DuC. Biennial Testing Schedule Petitioner contends that section III.D. of Table 62-555.360-1 also violates the Department’s duty to adopt less costly alternatives because the rule requires “backflow assemblies” to be tested biennially, which Petitioner believes is too frequent. The term “backflow preventer assemblies” refers only to the RP and DC. See footnote 1 of Table 62-555.360-1. Section III.E. of Table 62-555.360-1 indicates that the DuC must be refurbished or replaced “at least once every 5 to 10 years.” Petitioner did not object to this requirement. The preponderance of the evidence presented shows that biennial testing is reasonable. Furthermore, it is determined in the Conclusions of Law that Petitioner has no standing to object to the testing frequency specified for the RP and DC, because the rule does not require him to have an RP or DC. Location of the Backflow Preventer Petitioner objects to section III.B. of Table 62-555.360-1, which requires backflow prevention devices to be “installed as close as practical to the CWS’s meter or customer’s property line.” Petitioner contends that this is an unconstitutional interference with private property and is unreasonably dangerous because it provides a means for intentional contamination. Petitioner’s private property rights claim is based on his allegation that if he were required by Hillsborough County to have an RP and DC, the device could be placed on his private property. Petitioner did not allege or present evidence to show that placing an RP or DC on his property would deprive him of all reasonable uses of his property so as to cause a taking of his private property for a public purpose without full compensation. See Art. X, § 6(a), Fla. Const. Furthermore, it is determined in the Conclusions of Law that Petitioner has no standing to raise this issue because the rule does not require him to have an RP or DC. Petitioner contends the rule should require that backflow prevention devices always be attached to the water meter because that reduces the opportunity for intentional contamination. Petitioner is not an expert in public water systems, generally, or the installation of backflow prevention devices, in particular. He is not competent to state the relevant factors and constraints associated with installation of the devices. He is not competent to express an opinion whether it is always possible or always appropriate to attach the devices directly to the water meter. Furthermore, Petitioner’s claim of unreasonable danger was refuted above.

Florida Laws (8) 112.311120.52120.541120.56120.68403.850403.851403.852
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Clearwater, Florida Apr. 03, 1992 Number: 92-002112 Latest Update: Jul. 17, 1992

Findings Of Fact At all times relevant hereto, Sammie Rayner, Respondent, was employed by the City of Clearwater as a customer service representative in the utility department. On February 11, 1992, Respondent needed to take her daughter to Seminole High School for a test and mentioned this to Joyce Griesel, Senior Customer Service Representative. The only city employees in the customer service section with authority to grant Respondent permission to leave the building on February 11, 1992, were John Scott, Utility Consumer Response Manager and Tim Bissonnette, Customer Service Supervisor. On the afternoon of February 11, 1992, Bissonnette was out of the office attending a conference; however, Scott was available. Bissonnette was Respondent's immediate supervisor, and Scott was over Bissonnette. Prior to October 1991, the Senior Customer Service Representative had authority to allow customer service representatives to leave the building for short periods. However, because of an incident in October 1991, this authority was removed from the Senior Customer Service Representative, and all employees were advised of the changed policy. Although Respondent denies that she was told that only Scott and Bissonnette could grant permission to leave the building, she did ask if Bissonnette was available before she departed the office around 3 p.m., on February 11, 1992. Respondent also contends that she asked Giesel for permission to leave, but Giesel denies that she gave such authorization, knowing full well that she had no such authority. Respondent was not given permission to leave the building on February 11 by Giesel.

# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Clearwater, Florida Sep. 20, 2002 Number: 02-003637 Latest Update: Jan. 13, 2004

The Issue This hearing officer appeal under Section 4-505 of the City of Clearwater Community Development Code (Code) is the second of two administrative appeals available to and taken by Appellant, Deborah Groen Sobeleski (Sobeleski) under the Code. The issue in this second appeal is whether to sustain the decision of the City of Clearwater Community Development Board (CDB). The CDB's decision, made under Section 4-504 of the Code, was to allow Sobeleski's earlier Application for Administrative Appeal to the CDB from a Development Order (DO) issued by the City of Clearwater Community Development Coordinator (CDC) to remain on the CDB's consent agenda, which had the effect of denying the Application for Administrative Appeal and confirming the CDC's DO without a quasi-judicial hearing for receipt of additional evidence. The CDC's DO granted, with conditions, the Flexible Standard Development Application filed by Appellee, Christopher Mariani (Mariani, or Applicant), and subsequently amended, for a deviation to allow construction of a dock exceeding the 60-foot maximum length otherwise allowed by the Code.

Findings Of Fact On January 18, 2002, Appellee, Christopher C. Mariani (Mariani, or Applicant), filed a Flexible Standard Development Application for a deviation from Section 3-601.C.1.b.2 of the City of Clearwater Community Development Code (the Code) to allow construction of a 101-foot long dock (98 feet in length with a 3-foot step-down) where 60 feet would be the maximum otherwise allowed by the Code. The deviation from Code apparently was requested because a Pinellas County Department of Environmental Management Water and Navigation Report dated November 26, 2001, stated: Seagrass beds are located along this entire property, and extend out to a maximum of 65 ft. from the seawall in the area of the proposed dock although it becomes sparse at approximately 60 ft. It is the policy of this Department to limit structures over seagrasses to 4 ft. in width and to place the terminal platforms and boat slips beyond the limits of the seagrasses wherever possible. At the time the application was filed, Section 4-505 of the Code provided that, in an appeal to a hearing officer from a decision of the City of Clearwater Community Development Board (CDB), the record before the CDB could be "supplemented by such additional evidence as may be brought forward during the hearing"; and the appellant's burden was to show that the CDB's decision could not be "sustained by the evidence before the board and before the hearing officer." The "City of Clearwater Planning Department Staff Report for 2/14/02 DRC Meeting" recommended flexible standard development approval for a 92-foot long dock.3 The stated "Bases for approval" were: compliance with the flexible standard development criteria under Section 3-601.C.1.g.4 of the Code; compliance with the general applicability criteria under Section 3-913 of the Code; and compatibility with the surrounding area. The Staff Report noted: (1) "there are no navigational concerns with the proposed development"; and (2) "the proposal is more environmentally sensitive than the existing5 dock and constitute an improvement over existing conditions." The Report also stated that, since only one of the three criteria in Section 3- 601.C.1.g. need be met, similarity to surrounding dock patterns was not applicable but that "the proposed dock, as amended, will be similar to surrounding dock patterns." By letter dated March 5, 2002, Mariani amended his application to: decrease the length of the proposed dock to 95 feet; reduce the roof length over the larger capacity boat lift from 48 feet to 38 feet (to match the roof length over the smaller capacity lift); and reduce the total dock square footage to 476.25 square feet versus the 498 feet previously requested. On or about April 14, 2002, Mariani submitted to the City a set of "Dock Plans" for a 92-foot long dock.6 The document included "Diagram A Permittable Construction" and "Diagram B Proposed Construction." The apparent purpose was to contrast the dock Mariani would have been permitted to build in the absence of seagrasses with his proposed dock.7 On May 2, 2002, Section 4-505 of the Code was amended to provide that the appeal hearing before a hearing officer consists solely of reception of the record before the CDB and oral argument and that the burden on appeal to the hearing officer is for "the appellant to show that the decision of the [CDB] cannot be sustained by the evidence before the [CDB], or that the decision of the [CDB] departs from the essential requirements of law." Under the amendment, no other evidence is to be considered.8 By letter dated July 22, 2002, the CDC9 issued a DO stating concurrence with the DRC's "findings." Except for this reference, the record-on-appeal does not contain any evidence of the DRC's recommendation or any written findings by the DRC.10 But the CDC approved Mariani's application, as amended, upon the same "Bases for approval" contained in the "City of Clearwater Planning Department Staff Report for 2/14/02 DRC Meeting," with the following conditions: That a building permit for the proposed dock only be issued concurrently with, or subsequent to, building permit issuance for a principal, residential structure on the site; That the proposed dock be relocated farther east (with the dock head centered on the midpoint of the waterfront property line, as measured at the seawall) and constructed perpendicular to the waterfront property line; That the relocation of the dock meet all criteria under Section 3-601.C.1; and That revised plans reflecting conformance with condition #2 be submitted with the building permit application, to the satisfaction of staff. The DO then stated: "The approval is based on and must adhere to the site plan dated received April 15, 2002, or as modified by condition #2."11 On July 26, 2002, Sobeleski filed an Application for Administrative Appeal to the CDB from the CDC's decision. It included numerous exhibits. It appears that not all of the Application for Administrative Appeal and attachments were presented to the CDB for its consideration on August 20, 2002. One attachment was a letter dated March 27, 2002, from Sobeleski's attorney to the CDC and the City's Land Planner. This letter had 15 exhibits attached, but the CDC removed Exhibits 9-15 from the version of the letter presented to the CDB for its consideration. However, the letter stated that Exhibits 10-15 were attached for "ease of review," and the CDC separately presented copies of the documents contained in Exhibits 12-15 for the CDB's consideration. As for the other exhibits removed from the letter, Exhibit 9 was a computer diskette containing the photographs that were presented to the CDB for its consideration as Exhibits 1-8. Exhibit 10 was a letter dated March 6, 2002, from individuals named Blum to the City Planner stating no objection to the proposed dock. Exhibit 11 was a letter dated March 7, 2002, from Mariani to the CDC responding to opposition from Sobeleski and another individual to the proposed dock. While Exhibit 11 apparently was not presented to the CDB for its consideration, it clearly was adverse to Sobeleski's position and was addressed at length in the letter from Sobeleski's attorney dated March 27, 2002. In On August 20, 2002, the CDB considered the documents described in the immediately preceding Finding, together with a "City of Clearwater Planning Department Summary of Events," dated August 20, 2002, as well as oral presentations by the CDC, counsel for Sobeleski, and counsel for Mariani. The audiotape- recording of the oral presentations reveals that, upon the advice of the CDC and the Assistant City Attorney, the CDB attempted to limit the oral presentations to the question whether the CDB should remove Sobeleski's Application for Administrative Appeal from the CDB's consent agenda so as to cause a quasi-judicial hearing to be conducted, or should leave it on the consent agenda, which would result in upholding the CDC's decision. After being restricted by the CDB from addressing the merits, counsel for Sobeleski argued for a quasi- judicial hearing for reasons of "public policy." The CDB then allowed counsel for Mariani to address the merits in arguing that Sobeleski had made no showing as to why the CDC decision was incorrect so as to justify a quasi-judicial hearing.12 The Assistant City Attorney concurred that some such showing should be necessary to justify removal from the consent agenda. After the oral presentations, the CDB voted to leave Sobeleski's Application for Administrative Appeal on the CDB's consent agenda, thereby upholding the CDC's decision to issue the DO. On August 26, 2002, Sobeleski filed an Appeal Application from the CDB's decision. On September 20, 2002, the City referred the Appeal Application to DOAH under Section 4-505 of the Code. However, the referral letter from counsel for the City stated: Please note that I am not forwarding Exhibits 1-15 to the Appeal Application. Items 1-9 and 12-15 are already of record before the Board and are thus otherwise included. Items 10 and 11 were not of record below and are not being included, on that basis. Although the manner in which the record-on-appeal was prepared made it exceedingly difficult to ascertain, it appears that the referral actually failed to forward the entirety of Exhibit B to the Appeal Application, which consisted of letters from Appellant's counsel dated August 16 and March 27, 2002.13 The documents called "Exhibits" or "Items" in the referral letter actually were Exhibits 1-15 attached to the letter from Appellant's counsel dated March 27, 2002. As previously found, the CDC decided not to present to the CDB all attachments to the letter dated March 27, 2002. See Finding 9, supra. For that reason, the Assistant City Attorney "redacted" the Appeal Application by deleting the items not in fact presented (Exhibits 9, 10, and 11), as well as the items identical to documents separately presented (Exhibits 12-15), to the CDB for its consideration. See Finding 11, supra.14

# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Englewood, Florida Dec. 08, 2004 Number: 04-004357 Latest Update: Oct. 11, 2019

The Issue The issue is whether Petitioner's application to sit for the water well contractor examination should be approved.

Findings Of Fact Based on the evidence presented by the parties, the following findings of fact are made: On January 9, 2004, Petitioner, who resides in Baker County, Florida, filed his application with the District requesting that he be allowed to sit for the water well contractor examination. The requirements for qualification to take the examination are set forth in Florida Administrative Code Rule 62-531.300. Relevant to this controversy is the requirement that an applicant present "satisfactory proof of two years experience in the water well construction business." This requirement is normally met by the applicant providing a list of at least ten water well jobs he has completed during a consecutive 24-month period (together with their locations, major use, and approximate depth and diameter), the name and address of the owner of the well, and the approximate date the activity took place. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 62-531.300(6)(a). If the work has been completed in Florida, the applicant is also required to submit copies of completion reports for each of the ten wells. Id. Completion reports are filed by the contractor with the District within thirty days after the work is completed. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 40C-3.411. Finally, the applicant must submit letters from three persons attesting to the length of time the applicant has been working in the water well construction business as a major activity. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 62-531.600(6)(a). Alternatively, an applicant may present "satisfactory proof of equivalent experience," which may be accepted by the District "on a individual basis." See Fla. Admin. Code R. 62- 531.300(6)(b). While this option has rarely, if ever, been used by any applicant, at hearing the District suggested that this provision would allow an applicant to submit other credible documentary evidence, such as affidavits, attesting to the applicant's equivalent experience. Mr. Julian C. Varnes, Jr., a District water resource representative III, is in charge of reviewing water well contractor applications in four northeast Florida counties, including Baker County. Mr. Varnes reviewed Petitioner's application and concluded that he had failed to submit proof of two years' experience in the water well contracting business or satisfactory proof of equivalent experience, as required by the rule. In this case, Petitioner submitted ten completion reports with his application, but none of the reports indicated that he had been involved on those projects, and Petitioner acknowledged at hearing that he could not recall if he was even present on the job site. This is probably because the reports related to jobs performed between November 10, 1982, and July 31, 1985, by his father, a licensed water well contractor, when Petitioner was less than fifteen years old. In addition, the reports submitted by Petitioner covered work performed over a 32-month period, rather than over a 24-month period, as required by the rule, and some of the reports did not have the complete address of the location of the well. By letter dated February 4, 2004, the District advised Petitioner that his application was deficient because he had failed to submit the information required in Florida Administrative Code Rule 62-531.300(1)(b) and (6) relative to experience. The letter advised Petitioner that he must submit an "acceptable list of ten wells together with their completion reports, for wells that [he had] constructed, repaired, or abandoned, with completion dates distributed over a consecutive 24-month time period." Further telephonic discussions between Petitioner and District personnel concerning the request for additional information occurred on March 25 and 29, 2004, but they did not resolve the District's concerns. On June 15, 2004, the District staff again notified Petitioner in writing that he must submit the requested information within 30 days or his application would be denied. When no response was received from Petitioner, on July 27, 2004, the staff issued a Technical Staff Report recommending that the application be denied because of Petitioner's failure to comply with the requirements of Florida Administrative Code Rule 62- 531.300(1)(b) and (6). On August 23, 2004, a Notice of Staff Intent to Recommend Denial of Water Well Contractor Application No. 7300 and Notice of Rights was issued by the District. Petitioner's request for a hearing was then filed. After his first request for a hearing was dismissed, on November 18, 2004, Petitioner filed an amended request for a hearing. In that request, he alleged that the District was "not capable of locating completion reports filed by [Petitioner] and/or his father"; that the experience of he and his father was well known to two District staffers; that he had purchased a well drilling company from another individual and operated under the seller's license for over a year; that he is entitled to licensure because he has satisfactory equivalent experience; and that his father has paid all outstanding fines previously imposed by the District. As relief, Petitioner has requested that he be allowed to take the contractor's examination. At hearing, Petitioner explained that his father was in the water well contracting business for twenty years, and that beginning in 1983, when he was thirteen years old, he had helped his father on "hundreds of jobs" until his father's retirement in 1994. However, Petitioner cannot recall the names and addresses of customers who were serviced by his father's business, which is necessary in order for the District to retrieve completion reports presumably filed by his father. Because of the large number of completion reports filed by contractors throughout its multi-county jurisdiction, in order to retrieve one, the District must have the following information: the year the job was completed, the county in which the job was performed, and the address (township and range) of the well's owner. Petitioner is unable to provide this information.1 In addition, Petitioner stated that he had purchased a water well contractor's business (from Tim Johnson) shortly after his father retired in 1994 and that he operated the business under Mr. Johnson's license for a little more than a year. Although Petitioner produced no documentation concerning jobs he may have performed under Mr. Johnson's license, even if he had, that work would still constitute less than 24 consecutive months of experience, as required by the rule. Petitioner further asserted that Mr. Varnes, who oversees the water well contractors in Baker County, personally "knows" that he is an experienced well driller (having gained such experience through working for his father for many years) and that he possesses the skills necessary to take the examination. However, Mr. Varnes did not agree with this assertion. Finally, Petitioner asked that he be allowed to take the examination, which would be the best indicator of whether he possesses the necessary knowledge to be a contractor. He also pointed out that each completed project must be inspected by a District employee, and that such inspections would verify and ensure that his work is satisfactory. However, the rules require that before the examination can be taken, certain requirements must be met. Petitioner has not satisfied those requirements.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the St. Johns River Water Management District enter a final order denying Petitioner's application to sit for the water well contractor examination. DONE AND ENTERED this 25th day of January, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S DONALD R. ALEXANDER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 25th day of January, 2005.

Florida Laws (2) 120.569120.57
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Clarksville, Florida Dec. 17, 2015 Number: 15-007203 Latest Update: Jun. 02, 2016

The Issue The issue is whether Respondent should be terminated from employment with the City of Clearwater (City) for violating City policies as alleged in the City's Termination and Dismissal Notice (Notice) dated July 16, 2015.

Findings Of Fact On February 2, 2009, Mr. Bennett was hired by the Clearwater public utilities department as a water distribution technician I. In April 2015, Mr. Bennett was promoted to a public utilities technician II (Tech II). As a Tech II, Mr. Bennett’s job description included: repairing water leaks, testing backflows, keeping water flowing, and providing services to customers. Additionally, as a Tech II, Mr. Bennett could be called upon by the public water department to respond to after- hours emergency calls, including nights and weekends. On Sunday, April 26, 2015, Mr. Bennett was on-call for the public water department. A city customer called and reported a water leak at his residence. Mr. Bennett was dispatched to the customer’s residence. Mr. Bennett met the customer and cleared the area around the water meter. Mr. Bennett located the water leak outside the water meter box. Mr. Bennett told the customer that a plumber would charge anywhere from $100 to $1,000 to repair the leak because the service call was on a weekend. Mr. Bennett told the customer he would repair the leak for $300. Further, Mr. Bennett provided the customer with a cell phone number so that if the repair was not satisfactory or there was more work to be done, the customer could contact Mr. Bennett. Mr. Bennett repaired the leak using plumbing supplies from the public utility department truck. After the work was completed, the customer gave Mr. Bennett a personal check for $300. There is no dispute that Mr. Bennett cashed the check on April 27, 2015. After several days the customer texted Mr. Bennett that the cost for the repair was too high. Mr. Bennett did not respond to the text. Mr. Bennett completed a “City of Clearwater Water Leak Service Order” on the repair. The work order reflected that Mr. Bennett received the service call at 7:25 p.m., and he returned home at 9:10 p.m. Mr. Bennett recorded that he found a water leak "in box @ customer's side, repaired leak." Several weeks later, when the customer received his next city water bill, he called the city customer service center to complain. The customer expressed that, after checking with friends and looking at the cost of plumbing parts, the $300 he paid Mr. Bennett was too high for the repair. The customer provided a copy of his cancelled check to the service center. The Clearwater public utilities department does not charge customers for repairs. There is a city policy that the city will repair water leaks within the meter box, but that water leaks outside the meter box are the responsibility of the customer. Following the complaint, the city conducted an investigation into the customer’s water leak repair. Glenn Daniel, Mr. Bennett's supervisor, went to the customer’s residence to examine the area around the water meter. Mr. Daniel observed several new plumbing parts installed outside the meter box. Based on the type and condition of the newly installed pipes, Mr. Daniels determined that the new pipes were from the City's inventory. Mr. Bennett admitted that he made the repair to the water pipe. He proceeded to testify that he felt “funny” about taking and cashing the $300 check. Mr. Bennett claimed he returned the $300, in cash at 2 a.m. the next morning, by placing the cash under the customer’s doormat. Mr. Bennett failed to contact the customer to tell him the money was there. When the customer was asked to look for the money, it was not under the doormat. Mr. Bennett's testimony lacks candor and is not credible. Mr. Bennett also claimed that the telephone number the customer used to text him was not his telephone number. Sergeant Ramon Cosme, of the Clearwater police department, conducted an investigation of the alleged theft of city property. In the course of his investigation, Sergeant Cosme identified the telephone number as being associated to Mr. Bennett. Mr. Bennett was paid by the City for the overtime he worked on Sunday, April 26, 2015. The City has adopted a Performance and Behavior Management Program (PBMP) manual that applies to all employees and contains Citywide, Integrity, and Departmental standards of conduct. Also, pursuant to the Code of Ordinances (Code), the Civil Service Board has adopted a set of rules and regulations that apply to all positions in civil service, including Mr. Bennett's position. Among other things, those regulations set forth additional grounds for disciplining an employee. Each employee is required to review the policies and procedures documents and to acknowledge the understanding of those policies. Mr. Bennett acknowledged being advised about those policies during his employment with the City. Civil Service Board regulations allow an employee to present the circumstances which led to his discipline and other mitigating evidence. See Ch. 13, § 8, Rules and Regs. Pursuant to that regulation, Mr. Bennett requested a disciplinary determination meeting with the Department of Human Resources, which was conducted on July 10, 2015. Mr. Bennett attended the meeting with his union representative. After considering Mr. Bennett's explanation, David Porter,2/ on behalf of the Public Utilities Department, recommended that Mr. Bennett’s employment be terminated. On July 16, 2015, the City Manager notified Mr. Bennett that his employment was being terminated effective the following day, July 17, 2015. The evidence shows that Mr. Bennett repaired a water meter leak on the customer’s side of the meter by using city property, and he accepted $300 for the repair.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Civil Service Board of the City of Clearwater enter a final order terminating Mr. Bennett’s employment. DONE AND ENTERED this 13th day of April, 2016, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S LYNNE A. QUIMBY-PENNOCK Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 13th day of April, 2016.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 89-001849 Latest Update: Jul. 19, 1989

The Issue Whether Appellant was wrongfully denied a variance of 21.33 feet to construct a second floor deck at 673 Bay Esplanade, Five Palms Motel Condo, Clearwater, Florida.

Findings Of Fact John Shaw, a resident of Massachusetts, purchased the condominium for which the variance is here requested in December, 1988 without first visiting the property or inquiring about zoning restrictions. The unit purchased is on the second floor of a two story building earlier converted from a hotel or motel into condominiums. The seller told Shaw he could construct a deck over the existing deck on the ground floor condominium below the unit purchased by Shaw. While the construction of this deck was in progress it was discovered no permit had been pulled for the project and the work was stopped. The subsequent application for a permit was denied because the proposed deck encroached some 21.33 feet into the setback area. The application for a variance was denied by the Clearwater Development Code Adjustment Board and this appeal followed. The two buildings comprising this complex were erected many years ago and are non-conforming, i.e., the buildings themselves violate the current Development Code. An existing deck extending into the setback area was constructed on the unit directly below the condominium purchased by Shaw and a similar deck extending to the seawall was constructed on an adjacent building. No permits are on file for those decks. Construction of the proposed deck would improve the livability of the condominium greatly by expanding the area usable for looking seaward. The condominium has been used without this deck for many years. This property is zoned CR-24 and the setback requirement is 25 feet from the water's edge.

# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 78-000535 Latest Update: Jul. 06, 1978

Findings Of Fact On the evening of February 7, 1978 Officer Di Stasio stopped a vehicle driven by Michael Gross in the City of Clearwater. The primary reason for stopping this vehicle was that Gross had exited onto the main street from a side street and nearly collided with the car driven by Di Stasio. After stopping the vehicle Di Stasio questioned the driver regarding the registration of the vehicle, among other things, and although Gross could not produce the registration he did produce a Bill of Sale for the vehicle dated in 1976. Gross told Di Stasio that the car had been registered in his wife's name, that they were in the process of getting a divorce, and the registration was probably in the mail to him. The tag was from Kentucky, was bent and rusty, and was secured to the vehicle by wire. In lieu of citing Gross for driving with an invalid tag Di Stasio removed the tag from Gross's car and advised Gross that it was unlawful to drive the vehicle without a valid tag. Di Stasio subsequently threw the tag in the trash and made no report of the incident. The Clearwater police had a book showing the various states' automobile tags and expiration dates of these tags. Had Di Stasio radioed in for this information he would have learned that the tag on Gross' car had not expired. Police officers had been instructed regarding the existence of the book but Di Stasio apparently missed the training session when this Information was disseminated. The following morning on February 8, 1978 Gross appeared at the police station to inquire what he needed to do to drive his car. He related the instance of the previous evening to Captain Enlow of the Clearwater Police and when the latter could find no report of the incident called Gross at his home to come down to the police station. Di Stasio advised Captain Enlow that he thought the tag was invalid and therefore he removed it from the car. Although the tag had a `77 decal on it information in the police station indicated the tag was valid until March, 1978. Di Stasio took Gross to the tag office in the courthouse where he was able to obtain a temporary tag for the vehicle. As a result of Officer Di Stasio removing the tag and failing to maintain custody of the tag as required by police regulations he was suspended without pay for three days. Subsequent inquiries to Kentucky confirmed that the car was properly registered to Michael Gross and that the tag on the vehicle was a valid tag on February 8, 1978. Respondent's primary explanation for removing the tag from the vehicle was that Gross told him the tag had been placed on the vehicle to come to Florida and that it did not belong to the car. Gross was not a witness at this hearing and this testimony was rebutted by information in Exhibit 6 received from the Lexington, Kentucky Police. In defense of his actions in not securing the tag as required by Rule 73 when it came into his possession, Respondent produced several witnesses who testified that they had been instructed not to bring in partly filled beer cans or to remove whiskey from a motor vehicle when the driver was apprehended. None of these witnesses recalled any specific instance where a tag had been removed from a vehicle and not accounted for pursuant to Rule 73. Respondent contended that a police officer is given wide latitude to exercise discretion in the handling of property and as an example cited the instances when children's toys are left in the street and the police do not take this property into custody. The principal exception to the rule that property coming into the possession of a police officer is to be turned in to the property office involves the handling of alcoholic beverages which is not evidence.

# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Bartow, Florida Jul. 11, 1997 Number: 97-003144 Latest Update: Aug. 31, 1998

The Issue Did Respondents violate the provisions of Rules 62-550.518(3), 62-555.320(4)(8), 62-560.410(2)(c), 62555.350(2), and 62-555.345, Florida Administrative Code, as alleged in the Notice of Violation and Orders for Corrective Action, Case Nos. 96-653PW2442B and 96- 653PW2442C dated June 9, 1997?

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant findings of fact are made: At all times pertinent to this proceeding, the Department, through the Polk County Health Department, under the authority of an Interagency Agreement with the Department of Environmental Protection, was the agency of the State of Florida charged with the responsibility for inspecting and clearing Public Water Systems in Polk County Florida under Section 403.121, Florida Statutes. SDS Properties Investors Group, Inc. (SDS) is a Florida corporation authorized to do business as Budget Motel. SDS is owned by Shaikh. Sanitary surveys are conducted by the Department every three years and include the inspection of Public Water Systems (PWS) . On January 26, 1996, the Department conducted a routine sanitary survey of Budget Motel (Budget) located at 1418 Highway 17 South, Lake Wales, Florida, which should have included Budget's public water system, PWS 6532442. However, Polk County's inspector, Henry Tagioff, was shown a well, by a Budget employee, that was located on the adjacent property owned by Smokey's Mobile Home Park (Smokey's) and not a part of Budget's water system. Tagioff was not aware that the well he inspected was owned by Smokey's and not on Budget's property. During the inspection, Tagioff noted several violations and advised the Budget employee that Tagioff needed to discuss these violations with Shaikh. On January 29, 1996, Tagioff and Lee Forgey, another Polk County employee, met with Shaikh to discuss the violations noted by Tagioff on January 26, 1996. During this meeting, Shaikh, Tagioff, and Forgey discussed the violations previously found by Tagioff on January 26, 1996, concerning the well on Smokey's property. At no time during this meeting did Shaikh advise Tagioff or Forgey that neither he nor Budget own the well under discussion. The record is not clear, but sometime between January and May 1996, Budget's well had collapsed and was not useable. Subsequent to Budget's well collapsing, Shaikh contracted with George Dunham, after obtaining Smokey's permission, to connect Budget's water system (PWS6532442) to Smokey's well. At the time of connecting Budget's water system to Smokey's well, Dunham advised Shaikh that this was only a temporary solution and gave Shaikh a proposal for a new well since Budget's old well could not be repaired. On May 2, 1996, Tagioff made a reinspection of Budget's water system and found that Budget's well had collapsed and was inoperable, and that Budget had connected to Smokey's well to furnish water to the motel and its guests. Tagioff advised Shaikh that Budget would need a new well since its old well was inoperable and the connection to Smokey's well was only temporary. On May 21, 1996, Mark Fallah, a Polk County employee, conducted a site inspection and prepared a report for use in connection with Budget's application with Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) for a new well permit. In connection with Fallah's site inspection and report, the Department advised Shaikh by letter dated May 21, 1996, of certain things concerning the new well that had to be completed prior to placing the well into public use. The letter provides in pertinent part as follows: Upon completion of the drilling and the verification of the grouting procedure by the Water Management District, the following items, as required by Chapters 62-555 and 62550 of the Florida Administrative Code, are to be completed prior to this water system being placed into public use. * * * 2. A continuous chlorination unit that is electrically interlocked with the well pump circuit. * * * A flow measuring device is required on all Non-Community Water Systems. A copy of the well completion report must be furnished to this office by the well driller within thirty (30) days after the well installation. Bacteriological clearance of the well must be performed by submitting twenty (20) consecutive water samples for analysis to an HRS certified laboratory. A maximum of two (2) samples per day taken at least six hours apart may be collected. Additional samples may be required until twenty (20) consecutive satisfactory samples are received. * * * After the well and plant construction is completed, contact our office for an inspection so that written clearance can be issued. It is prohibited for any Public water system to be placed into use without clearance being issued from this department. (Emphasis Furnished). SWFWMD approved Budget's new well application and issued Budget Permit No. 579811.01 for drilling a new well. However, upon completion of the new well, there were certain conditions that had to be met as indicated in the letter from the Department dated May 21, 1996. On May 31, 1996, and July 10, 1996, Fallah inspected Budget's new water system for compliance and, on both occasions, found that Budget had failed to install the chlorination unit, the flow meter, and had not submitted a well completion report or bacteriological samples. On July 15, 1996, the Department issued a Warning Notice to Shaikh advising him that the system could not be used until approved by the Department. For enforcement purposes, the file was transferred to Lewis Taylor, enforcement officer for drinking water systems for Polk County. On November 14, 1996, Taylor conducted an inspection of Budget's water system and reported that: (1) Budget's well had been placed into service without approval from the Department; (2) there was no chlorinator in operation; (3) there was no flow meter; (4) the Department had not received any bacteriological samples since November 1995; (5) there was no certified operator servicing the motel's water system; and (6) Budget had not provided public notice to its customers of its failure to monitor its drinking water. A second Warning Notice was issued by the Department and furnished to Shaikh on November 22, 19-96, which in substance advised Shaikh that Budget was in violation of Rules 62-550 and 62- 555, Florida Administrative Code, for its: (1) failure to obtain the Department's clearance before placing its new well in service; (2) failure to provide quarterly bacteriological samples; (3) failure to maintain proper chlorine residual in the water system; failure to provide a flow meter in the water system; (5) failure to provide public notification to its customers that its water system had failed to comply with Rule 62-550, Florida Administrative Code; and (6) failure to provide the Department with verification of Budget retaining a certified operator to oversee the operation and maintenance of its water system. On March 3, 1997, Tagioff and John GoPaul, US Environmental Agency, inspected Budget's water system and found that: (1) there was no chlorine residual in the system; (2) the chlorination unit located at the motel was not in use; (3) there was no flow meter within the system; (4) no quarterly bacteriological samples had been furnished to the Department; and the well had not been cleared for use by the Department. Based on the testimony of Lewis Taylor which I find credible, the Department has expended the following in the inspection of Budget's water system: (1) 20.25 hours of professional time at a rate of $30.00 per hour for a total of $607.50; (2) three hours of clerical time at a rate of $15.00 per hour for a total of $45.00; and (3) $27.00 in travel costs and postage. The total amount expended in the inspection of this water system by the Department was $679.50.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Department enter a final order finding Respondents guilty of the violations as charged and requiring Respondents to comply with the Orders for Corrective Action as set out in the Notice of Violation and Orders of Corrective Action in Case Nos. 96-653PW2442B and 96-653PW2442C. It is further recommended that Respondents be required to pay the costs and expenses of investigating the violations and prosecuting this matter in the amount of $679.50. DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of May, 1998, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. WILLIAM R. CAVE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6947 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of May, 1998. COPIES FURNISHED: Angela T. Hall, Agency Clerk Department of Health 1317 Winewood Boulevard, Building 6 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Roland Reis, Esquire Department of Health Polk County Health Department 1290 Golfview Avenue, 4th Floor Bartow, Florida 33830-6740 Habib U. Shaikh 4014 Billingsgate Road Orlando, Florida 32839-7515 SDS Properties Investors Group, Inc. d/b/a Budget Motel 1418 Highway 17 South Lake Wales, Florida 33853

Florida Laws (4) 120.57403.121403.852403.860 Florida Administrative Code (6) 62-550.51862-555.32062-555.34562-555.35062-560.41062-699.310
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 81-001204 Latest Update: Aug. 13, 1981

Findings Of Fact Jaime Fernandez was transferred in 1977 to Clearwater Traffic Engineering Department as an electrician's helper from the Clearwater Pollution Control Department. Prior to coming to Water Pollution Control, Respondent had been a CETA employee in the Parks Department from which he was fired for incompetence (Respondent's testimony). Although the exact situation was not made clear to the Hearing Officer, it appeared that Respondent appealed his firing from the Parks Department alleging some type of discrimination, and, following a hearing, the City was required to reemploy him. At all times here relevant, Respondent was an employee in the Classified Civil Service of Clearwater. Respondent testified that the evaluations he received at Water Pollution Control were satisfactory overall, and the request for a transfer was initiated by him. As an electrician's helper, Respondent was one of six or seven electrician's helpers. When he was subsequently transferred to the position of ET helper, he was the only ET helper in the Traffic Engineering Department. With a larger number of electrician's helpers it was easier to assign trench digging, painting and other similar menial jobs to Respondent without detracting from the overall efficiency of the Department than it was when Respondent became the only ET helper in a group with two ET's. Respondent served as an electrician's helper in the Traffic Engineering Department for approximately two years before he was transferred to the position of ET helper. During these two years as an electrician's helper, Respondent failed to get a satisfactory overall evaluation and never received a merit pay increase. He was transferred to the electronics shop as an ET helper in late 1979. In the six months follow-up review of Respondent's unsatisfactory evaluation report dated 2-9-80, the Director of the Traffic Engineering Department recommended Fernandez be terminated for incompetence. This recommendation was rejected by the Personnel Department because of insufficient documentation of the events giving rise to the recommendation. On August 25, 1978, Respondent was given a letter of reprimand following an accident involving a truck, driven by Respondent, and a building in which Respondent's inattention contributed to the accident (Exhibit 6). On April 14, 1980, Respondent was suspended from duty without pay for three days on charges of incompetence and inefficiency in his work product, errors in daily time cards and other reports, and continuous performance evaluations indicating improvement needed. On the instant charges the evidence was unrebutted that during the period August 1, 1980, through March 15, 1981, 19 errors were made by Respondent on the time sheets he submitted. Twenty-seven other employees in the same Department fill out time sheets and, during the same period, the next highest number of errors was eight. Most of the employees made only one or two errors in completing their time sheets. During the period February 2, 1981 to February 5, 1981, Respondent was given a work order to construct and install back boards in two transit controllers (Exhibit 1). Included in the work order was a drawing showing how the panel was to be connected and detailed instructions on how the work was to be performed. Despite close supervision, Respondent failed to follow the instructions, cut the wires longer than the maximum three feet lengths as shown on the work order, installed grounding bar in the wrong location, and did not properly lace the harness. This work order was within the capability of a reasonably qualified ET helper to complete in twenty hours. Respondent took forty-seven hours to accomplish this work and made numerous errors which had to be corrected by others. During a period in mid-February; 1981, Respondent was assigned a detector to repair. Repair of this equipment was also within the capability of a reasonably qualified ET helper in about four hours. After working on this detector for twenty-one hours, Respondent was still unable to repair it. It was given to an electronics technician who repaired the detector in approximately one hour. Respondent, in work order 136, was given an LT 169 load pack to repair. Test equipment is set up in the petitioner's shop for trouble shooting this equipment. After testing this load pack, Respondent replaced the part he thought defective but, when tested by someone else, the equipment was still inoperative. The part replaced by Respondent was the part most frequently found defective in this load pack. In this instance, this part was not the cause of the equipment being in operative. This was a routine work order that a reasonably qualified ET helper should have been able to complete. Respondent has been counselled and evaluated numerous times by different supervisors in the Traffic Engineering Department for the past three years and has yet to be assigned a satisfactory evaluation. No other employee has been retained in a position with the City of Clearwater for such an extended period with unsatisfactory evaluations. Respondent testified that he has completed a two-year course in electronics at Pinellas County Vocational School and has one year of college. Accordingly, he deemed himself better qualified as an ET helper than as an electrician's helper. He felt he should have been disciplined for incompetency as an electrician's helper during the two years he worked in that Division, rather than as an ET helper in which position he has worked for approximately one year. Respondent's testimony, that he was denied earned leave or pay for this leave when he was dismissed, was not rebutted. However, the City of Clearwater's regulations relating to leave were not presented to the Hearing Officer, and without access to these regulations, Respondent's claim cannot be resolved.

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