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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Apr. 13, 1994 Number: 94-002005 Latest Update: Sep. 25, 1995

Findings Of Fact At all times material hereto, the Dade County School Board (Petitioner) was a duly constituted school board charged with the duty to operate, control, and supervise all free public schools within the school district of Dade County, Florida, pursuant to Article IX, Constitution of the State of Florida, and Section 230.03, Florida Statutes. Edward E. Smith (Respondent) has a Bachelor's of Science in Accounting and Management Science and a Master's degree in International Business and Accounting. Respondent is a member of the Institute of Administrative Accountants, which membership requires testing, and as a member, he is authorized to practice accounting in the British Commonwealth as a fellow of the Institute of Administrative Accounting which is the equivalent to the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) in the United States. At all times material hereto, Respondent was employed by Petitioner as an accountant, holding the positions of Coordinator I or II, Operating Budgets, which are non-instructional administrative positions and assigned to the Office of Facilities Management. He was employed under an annual contract (twelve month employee) and has been continuously employed by the School Board for approximately 11 years. As an administrator, Respondent's minimum work day was from 7:00 A. M. to 3:30 P.M. For administrators, no standard workday exists in the form of a rule with specific starting or departing time. Also, Respondent took the benefit of a 15 minute break in the morning and one in the afternoon provided for Petitoner's employees. There is no rule prohibiting administrators from using the breaks. Respondent's salary remained the same regardless of the hours worked. If he performed his employment duties before 7:00 A.M. or beyond 3:30 P.M., Respondent received the same compensation. Respondent's lunch time was one (1) hour and could be taken anytime between the hours of 11:30 A.M. and 1:30 P.M. He could request an extension of his lunch hour but never made such a request. INVOLVEMENT WITH TRI-CITY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION,INC. In 1989, Respondent became a member of the Board of Directors for Tri- City Community Association, Inc. (Tri-City). Sometime later, he became its secretary, then treasurer, and in 1991, Respondent became Tri-City's president. As president, he was also chairperson of the board. In or around February 1994, Respondent's association with Tri-City ended. Respondent did not inform Petitioner of his involvement with Tri-City. There was no need or requirement for him to do so. Tri-City is a nonprofit organization which provides services for low income neighborhoods, primarily minority neighborhoods, by repairing the homes of targeted individuals in the neighborhoods, and which provides training for disadvantaged youths by having the youths perform the repairs and providing the youths with marketable skills. Most of Tri-City's funding is from the City of Miami and Dade County, and in the past, some funding has come from Petitioner. Members of Tri-City's board of directors are volunteers and are not compensated for their service or participation. Contrastly, the staff of Tri- City consists of paid employees. Most of the board members are employed. In order to accommodate the employed board members' work schedules, board and committee meetings, including executive committee, full board, program committee, fund-raising committee, and personnel committee, were generally scheduled for an hour, but may exceed an hour, during the lunch period between 11:00 A.M. and 2:00 P.M. The meetings usually began between 11:30 A.M. and 12 Noon. As president of Tri-City's board of directors, Respondent's responsibility, among other things, was to attend full board meetings, which were held every quarter, and to attend executive board meetings, which were held once a month. Also, as president, he was an ex-officio member of all committees. Respondent, as president, changed the format of the executive board meetings so that each meeting could be completed in approximately one (1) hour. He also changed the meeting times so that the meetings would accommodate his lunch time and other working members. If a meeting was not completed within an hour, Respondent would leave early so that he could return to work in a timely fashion. Board members could vote by proxy. On occasion when Respondent was not present, another board member would cast proxy votes for Respondent. The agenda for Tri-City board and committee meetings is not reliable for determining the actual starting time of the meetings. The agenda indicates the scheduled time only. The minutes of Tri-City board and committee meetings are not reliable as to the starting and ending time of meetings or when a member arrived or departed. The meetings were tape recorded but were later transcribed anywhere from days to weeks after the meetings by Tri-City's secretary, a paid employee, who was not present at the meetings. The secretary used the starting time on the agenda as the starting time in the minutes. No ending time was listed in the minutes. More times than not, the minutes contained omissions and inaccuracies. Members who voted by proxy or who contacted a committee by telephone to vote were listed as being present. If Respondent departed a meeting before it concluded, the minutes would not reflect his departure. Tri-City's monthly executive committee meetings and quarterly full board meetings were held in a conference room in the building where Tri-City's office is located. Board members accessed the conference room by elevator without going through, to, or near Tri-City's office. Furthermore, the members were not required to sign-in at the Tri-City office. Consequently, the board members could attend the meetings without Tri-City staff knowing it. Respondent's place of employment was located approximately five (5) minutes, and no more than ten (10) minutes, from Tri-City's office. CONDUCTING TRI-CITY BUSINESS ON PETITIONER'S TIME Respondent attended Tri-City board and committee meetings during his lunch time. Tri-City's executive director generally attends full board executive committee meetings; however, the executive director may be requested to leave during an executive board meeting by the members. No executive director had a reliable or credible recollection of the span of time Respondent attended the meetings, i.e., when Respondent arrived and when he departed. However, on two different occasions at Tri-City committee meetings, Respondent was present beyond the scheduled block of time in which he has to take his one (1) hour lunch which ends at 1:30 P. M. On October 29, 1992 at a full board meeting, Respondent was in attendance at the meeting beyond 1:45 P. M. On August 26, 1993 at a call executive committee meeting, Respondent was in attendence at the meeting until around 1:30 P.M. or 1:45 P.M. when the meeting adjourned. But no evidence was presented to show when Respondent arrived or when he departed either of the two meetings. Both days were a work day for which Respondent was paid by Petitioner. At times, Respondent would visit Tri-City work sites. These visits were made during Respondent's lunch hour. On or about May 11, 1993, Respondent left work around 2:30 P. M., before the end of his work day, to attend a court proceeding involving Tri-City. Respondent worked through his lunch hour that day in anticipation of attending the court proceeding. This day was a work day for which Respondent was paid by Petitioner. On one occasion, Respondent visited the Tri-City office to investigate a personnel matter. On August 16, 1993, Respondent was at Tri-City's office for at least 30 minutes from approximately 8:30 A.M. to approximately 9:00 A.M. This day was also a work day for Respondent for which he was paid by Petitioner. USING PETITIONER'S EQUIPMENT, PERSONNEL, AND OFFICE From around February 1990 to around February 1993, Respondent supervised an employee who on several occasions performed tasks for Respondent involving or associated with Tri-City. Respondent requested the employee to perform the tasks and did not require her to do so as her supervisor or promise her anything in return. These tasks were performed on Petitioner's time using Petitioner's equipment. Over this period of time, the employee typed approximately 20 to 30 documents with each taking no more than five (5) to ten (10) minutes and copied the documents that were typed. If Respondent provided envelopes, which were not Petitioner's envelopes, the employee stuffed the envelopes with the documents. Also, the employee sent from 20 to 30 faxes related to or associated with Tri-city for Respondent over this period of time. The tasks that the employee performed for Respondent involving Tri- City did not interfere with her duties or responsibilities that she was required to perform for Petitioner, her employer. The employee performed the tasks for Respondent only if she had the time to do them. When this employee began her employment with Petitioner, which was under Respondent's supervision, Respondent was doing things associated with Tri- City at his place of employment. It was never indicated that Respondent should not engage in the activities, so the employee believed Respondent's activities associated with Tri-City to be normal practice in the office. It was common practice for Petitioner's employees who worked with Respondent to use Petitioner's equipment for their own personal use. Computers were used for personal typing. The xerox machine was used for personal copying. The fax machine was used to fax personal items. No one was disciplined for using the equipment for personal reasons. Respondent, himself, faxed items to Tri-City or on behalf of Tri-City from Petitioner's fax machine in his office. Also, he received approximately 20 to 30 faxes at his workplace from Tri-City or associated with Tri-City. During the period from around February 1990 to around February 1993, Respondent used Petitioner's computer for Tri-City business. Respondent had a personal computer, provided by Petitioner, in his office. Respondent neither shared his office nor his computer with anyone else in his workplace. There is no evidence that such personal use of Petitioner's equipment at the request of Respondent or by Respondent caused any negative impact upon the equipment. From around February 1990 to around February 1993, individuals associated with Tri-City visited Respondent at his place of employment. Tri- City employees would visit Respondent once or twice monthly bringing Tri-City employee checks or various documents for Respondent to sign. These visits would involve a span of time anywhere from a few minutes to 40 minutes, but mostly a few minutes. Respondent and one member of Tri-City's board were also friends. The board member would visit Respondent once or twice monthly. Also, Respondent would at times go to Tri-City to sign the employee checks. Such visits to Tri-City would occur during Respondent's scheduled block of time for lunch. Most of the time Respondent would not eat lunch but would work through lunch. It was generally accepted that Petitioner's employees would receive personal visitors at their workplace. No rule or policy existed prohibiting personal visitors. From around February 1990 to around February 1993, Respondent received numerous telephone calls which were Tri-City related (either from Tri-City individuals or regarding Tri-City business). From around February 1990 until Winter 1991, three-quarters of Respondent's telephone calls received in a day were Tri-City related. There is no credible evidence as to the length of time of the telephone calls. After winter 1991, there is no credible evidence to show the number of telephone calls Respondent received which were Tri-City related, since his calls went directly to his office instead of through another person first. From 1992 to around February 1993, the board member who was also Respondent's friend called Respondent two or three times a week. Respondent also called Tri-City from his office telephone. There is no credible evidence as to the frequency or length of time of the telephone calls. Sometime in 1993, Respondent requested Tri-City staff to contact him through his beeper, instead of calling him at his office. Respondent's beeper was issued to him by Petitioner. There is no evidence to indicate the number of times Respondent was contacted by Tri-City staff through his beeper. There was an expectation in Respondent's workplace that use of Petitioner's telephone for personal, non-Petitioner related matters was acceptable, as long as the use was not excessive. There is no credible evidence that Respondent's personal use, either by himself or at his request, of Petitioner's xerox machine and fax machine far exceeded the personal use of the other employees in Respondent's workplace to the point of being excessive. Nor is there credible evidence that Respondent's personal telephone calls were excessive as compared to the employees. During the course of one day in either Winter 1991 or Spring 1992, Respondent conducted interviews for a position with Tri-City in his office at his workplace. This day was a work day for Respondent for which he was paid by Petitioner. In addition, the week prior to this day Respondent's workplace received several telephone calls regarding the position and the interview process, which reduced the amount of time the employees at Respondent's workplace expended on Petitioner's business. One day in the month of either March, or April, or May 1992 Respondent had a meeting in his office with individuals associated with Tri-City. The meeting began at around 5:00 P.M. and lasted a few minutes. Even though the meeting began after Respondent's work day ended at 3:30 P. M., individuals associated with Tri-City began arriving before 1:00 P. M., and went directly to Respondent's office. This day was a work day for Respondent for which he was paid by Petitioner. At some point Respondent instructed Tri-City staff to transfer information from the hard drive of their computer to diskettes. He would access the information on the diskette using his personal computer in his office. Also, Respondent stored the material from the diskette on his office computer. There is no evidence that such use and storing by Respondent affected the performance of Respondent's computer or impaired the ability of the computer to save and store Petitioner's data. RESPONDENT'S OFFICE SITUATION Respondent worked in Petitioner's central maintenance compound (compound) which contained several buildings, including the building where Respondent's office was located. The compound covered several blocks. Respondent was able to perform some of his work prior to 7:00 A.M. and after 3:30 P.M. He had access to data and a personal computer provided by Petitioner. Additionally, Respondent had access to a lap top computer, issued by Petitioner, which he used at home. In 1991, Maria Davis became Executive Director of Maintenance and Capital Projects and became Respondent's supervisor. In 1993, Ms. Davis became an Assistant Superintendent for Petitioner and was in charge of the Office of Facilities and Operations. In 1991, a sign-in and sign-out procedure was instituted for administrators. Sign-in and sign-out sheets were provided in the areas under Ms. Davis' supervision. When signing-out, there was no requirement to indicate on the sign-out sheet where one was going and no one did. Also, there was no requirement to verbally inform someone where one was going. At least from in or around February 1990, Respondent would be in his individual office working before the beginning of a work day at 7:00 A. M. and after the end of a work day at 3:30 P.M. After Respondent and other employees in his office moved into a new building, called the "White House," within the compound in the Winter 1991, Respondent would be in his office about 50 percent of the time by 7:00 A.M. and almost always after 3:30 P.M. If he left the office before the end of the work day and had to go to another location on Petitioner related business, Respondent would sign-out using the time that he expected to leave the other location. As part of his duties and responsibilities, Respondent was required to visit Petitioner's satellite offices. When Respondent was in the White House, he would open the door to his individual office when he arrived in the mornings and close his office door at the end of the day when he left. Although on some mornings he was not physically in his office at the beginning of his work day, which began at 7:00 A.M., Respondent had already been in his office on those mornings because his office door was open. Respondent was issued a beeper by Petitioner. When he was away from the compound, his office could reach him through his beeper. Most of the time, Respondent's office did not know his whereabouts when he left the office, so they either paged him or beeped him. When his office paged or beeped him, Respondent promptly responded. At times, from around 1991 to around February 1993, when Respondent was not in his office and his supervisor, Maria Davis, or later his immediate supervisor Berny Blanco, called asking for him, Respondent's office beeped him, entering the caller's telephone number in the message. Neither Ms. Davis nor Mr. Blanco would call back, indicating that Respondent had contacted them. Only on one or two occasions did Ms. Davis or Mr. Blanco call a second time asking for Respondent. For the 1991-92 school year, after Ms. Davis became Respondent's supervisor, his performance evaluation declined from "exceeding performance expectations" to "meeting performance expectations." Respondent's decline was based upon Ms. Davis determining, among other things, that Respondent was not producing his work in a timely fashion, that at times he could not be located, and that he was tardy in the mornings. At or around the same time that Respondent became involved with Tri- City, he had marital problems. Respondent became less focused on his office work and responsibilities. There is no evidence to show that Respondent's involvement with Tri-City was the cause of him being less focused. Respondent's performance is not an issue in this proceeding. By memorandum dated May 23, 1991 to Respondent and three other administrators, Ms. Davis expressed her concern about them not being in their respective offices at the beginning of the work day (7:00 A. M.) and advised them to adhere to the working hours. Further, Ms. Davis advised them to notify either her or one of the other supervisors if they had to leave early or if they had to leave the compound for meetings or personal business and to wear their beepers during work hours. By memorandum dated August 29, 1991, Ms. Davis notified all employees under her supervision regarding, among other things, the work day consisting of eight hours, which included two 15 minute break periods, and not engaging in unauthorized activities, including shortening their work day by returning to the compound without good reason. In late 1991 or early 1992, Ms. Davis transferred supervision of Respondent to Berny Blanco. Ms. Davis did this because she felt that she was devoting too much time to the budget area and that Respondent needed closer monitoring. By memorandum dated February 7, 1992, Ms. Davis notified Respondent regarding, among other things, the minimum work hours of 7:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M., noting that she had been unable to reach him on occasion near the end of the work day and that he was arriving late for work. Further, Ms. Davis advised Respondent, among other things, to notify her office when he arrived late or departed early and when he needed to visit another work site during the work day. On or about July 20, 1993, Respondent was given a prescription for improving his performance which was considered by Mr. Blanco and Ms. Davis to be below expectations. Of importance, in the prescription Respondent was noted as having failed to regularly inform his supervisor or staff of his whereabouts and having failed to be regularly available or responsive to questions regarding office functions. The prescription did not indicate any problem with Respondent's work attendance, lunch hour or personal use of Petitioner's equipment. On or about July 19, 1993, Mr. Blanco, while at the fax machine in Respondent's workplace, intercepted a fax from Tri-City to Respondent. Mr. Blanco did not mention or give the fax to Respondent. At no time, after intercepting the fax, did Mr. Blanco discuss Tri- City with Respondent. Nor did Mr. Blanco discuss with Respondent the use of Petitioner's equipment to receive non-Petitioner related items. On or about August 16, 1993, a former employee of Tri-City, Wanda Armstrong, telephoned Mr. Blanco to inform him of Respondent's volunteer, non- Petitioner related activities with Tri-City. Mr. Blanco reported the telephone call to Ms. Davis. Ms. Davis contacted the director of the Dade County School Police (School Police) for her region and requested a personnel investigation regarding Respondent's activities with Tri-City. Also, she requested the director to be personally involved in the investigation. Sometime between August 16, 1993 and September 3, 1993, Mr. Blanco accessed Respondent's office personal computer and obtained Tri-City documents from Respondent's hard drive. Mr. Blanco transferred the documents from Respondent's hard drive to a portable computer and printed the documents. 1/ Mr. Blanco performed this act without Respondent's knowledge and after Respondent had left his office for the day. Also, Mr. Blanco performed this act at the request of the School Police. On or about September 3, 1993, Jolita Dorsett telephoned Mr. Blanco complaining about Respondent engaging in Tri-City business during the time Respondent was supposed to be performing his duties and responsibilities as Petitioner's employee. Ms. Dorsett was the former executive director of Tri- City and had been terminated by Respondent pursuant to a directive from the Tri- City board of directors. Mr. Blanco reported the telephone call to Ms. Davis who directed him to contact the School Police. Mr. Blanco complied with the directive. Regarding the handling of complaints against salaried administrators, Mr. Blanco, as Respondent's supervisor, was obligated to follow the procedures in the Manual of Administrative Personnel Procedures (MAPP). The provisions of MAPP contemplate that a complaint would be the preliminary step prior to an investigation of an administrator and, in turn, require that all complaints against such an employee, as well as the identity of the complaintant, be made known to the employee. Mr. Blanco did not make a determination as to whether either Ms. Armstrong's or Ms. Dorsett's telephone calls were complaints. Neither did Mr. Blanco meet with Respondent, in accordance with MAPP procedures, to discuss the telephone calls. Once an investigation, including a personnel investigation, is initiated by the School Police, it is the School Police which determines and directs the scope and conduct of the investigation. The School Police's personnel investigation of Respondent did not follow the usual procedures or process even though it was not an unusual case. The case was assigned to an investigator without the usual paperwork preceding an assignment; the executive director/chief of the School Police participated directly in the investigation which is not the norm; the investigator reported directly to the chief instead of reporting to his (investigator's) coordinating supervisor; the chain of command was by-passed in the investigation in that the director of the School Police was by-passed in the reporting process which is not the normal procedure. Further, at the onset of the investigation, Ms. Davis, Mr. Blanco, and the chief, coordinating supervisor and investigator of the School Police met with Ms. Dorsett on or about September 13, 1993. At the meeting, Ms. Dorsett provided copies of minutes of Tri-City meetings and discussed the minutes with them. At no time during the meeting was Ms. Dorsett questioned by members of the School Police who were in attendance. It is unusual for the chief of the School Police to meet at the beginning of an investigation with the administrators and a potential witness. Additionally, it is unusual for an investigator to not question a witness and for the supervisor of an employee being investigated to be present at such a meeting. On or about September 28, 1993 the chief of the School Police and Ms. Davis met with Respondent and Respondent's representative from the Dade County School Administrator Association (representative) of which Respondent is a member. Prior to this meeting, Respondent had not been made aware that allegations had been made against him or the nature of the allegations or that there was an investigation, or of the identity of his accusers. Usually, the School Police's investigator makes contact with the person being investigated (subject) and reveals to the subject the aforementioned. At this meeting, these things were not revealed to Respondent. On the advice of Respondent's representative, after the chief of the School's Police refused to make the revelations, Respondent did not say anything. On or about September 24, 1993, Respondent had received written communication regarding the meeting, which notified him that he was being investigated concerning his relationship with Tri-City. The written communication did not specify the allegations or identify the accusers. The investigation was completed relying solely on statements from Ms. Dorsett, Ms. Hicks (Tri-City employee and present executive director), Ms. Davis and Mr. Blanco, the copies of the Tri-City minutes provided by Ms. Dorsett, copies of Respondent's time sheets which were compared to the dates and times of Tri-City meetings contained in the minutes, and a copy of the items from Respondent's office personal computer obtained by Mr. Blanco. 2/ The investigation was reduced to a written report, with attachments. Usually, an investigative report is reviewed and signed by at least three individuals in the School Police: the investigating officer, the investigating officer's immediate supervisor who is usually the coordinating officer, and the division director. However, this procedure was not followed with Respondent's investigation. Only one person reviewed the report and signed for all the others and that person was the acting coordinator; not even the investigator reviewed the report after it was prepared. In late October 1993, Respondent and his representative received a copy of the investigative report which failed to have any attachments even though the report referred to a list of attachments. Not until January 1994, did Petitioner provide the attachments. After the meeting held on September 28, 1993, and on that same day, Respondent was "re-deployed" (moved) from his office to another location. The locks on his former office were changed. In the haste of the move, Respondent left some personal items in his office. At the time of the formal hearing, Respondent had not been returned his personal items. Included in his personal items was non-Petitioner related personal mail, which was clearly addressed to Respondent. Some of this personal mail was opened and reviewed by Respondent's supervisor. At his new location, Respondent's access to information, via his computer, that he needed to perform his duties and responsibilities was terminated. Mr. Blanco ceased being Respondent's supervisor and Respondent was placed under the supervision of someone else. At Respondent's new location, he was also given new and different duties and responsibilities even though his job description did not change. Respondent's prescription was not altered to coincide with his new duties and responsibilities. Also, at his new location, Respondent received Tri-City visitors. There is no credible evidence that these visits did not occur during Respondent's lunch hour. SUSPENSION/DISMISSAL On March 23, 1994, Petitioner suspended Respondent and initiated dismissal proceedings against him. Petitioner's action was based upon the recommendation of Dr. Patrick Gray, which was based upon the School Police's investigative report, with attachments, his (Dr. Gray's) own investigation which included discussions with Ms. Davis and Mr. Blanco, and Respondent's work performance. Respondent's name was not included on a list of individuals on whom Petitioner voted for reappointment for the 1994-95 school year. As a result, Respondent's contract was not renewed after June 30, 1994, when his then current contract expired.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Dade County School Board enter a final order revoking the suspension and reinstating Edward E. Smith under such terms and conditions as are appropriate. DONE AND ENTERED this 21st day of August, 1995, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ERROL H. POWELL Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of August, 1995.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57120.68
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-004735 Latest Update: May 13, 1987

The Issue Whether petitioner should take disciplinary action against respondent for the reasons alleged in the administrative complaint?

Findings Of Fact Respondent Raymond C. Riddles has been certified as a law enforcement officer since September 1, 1971. He holds certificate number 090171. November 3, 1976 On November 3, 1976, Joseph A. Vi11ar, at the time a policeman with the Pensacola Police Department, arrested respondent Riddles at the wayside park off Gregory Street, near the northern end of Pensacola Bay bridge. In November of 1976, travelers, fishermen and other members of the public regularly made use of the park and the public bathrooms there. The park featured a double picnic table and ten or twelve other picnic tables. The old bridge across Pensacola Bay had been halved, and the park was near the end of one of the halves used as a fishing pier. The park had also gained notoriety as a meeting place of homosexuals: on two nights in 1974 police arrested 18 persons on various charges. On the night of November 3, 1976, Mr. Villar, wearing blue jeans and a pullover to disguise the fact that he was a policeman, entered the men's room in the park, after respondent Riddles called him into the bathroom. In the bathroom, Mr. Riddles beckoned Mr. Villar to a stall and, from the adjoining stall, asked if he wanted to "fool around." The partition between the toilet stalls had been to some extent removed; Villar's view of Riddles was unimpeded. Riddles first addressed Villar with his back to him, then turned around, penis in hand, continuing to masturbate. At this point, Mr. Villar placed him under arrest. Eventually Mr. Riddles stood trial on charges arising out of the incident, and was found guilty of lewd and lascivious behavior in a public place. September 12, 1984 In September of 1964, complaints that men were romping through the woods in various states of undress at a place called the Old Chimney, an abandoned steam plant site near the Scenic Highway, reached the Pensacola Police Department. As a result, on September 12, 1984, Jim Leath, a supervisor with the Pensacola Police Department, in charge of the vice unit, visited the site. Numerous persons of various sexual persuasions had come to use the area as a park. Vehicles were parked along the road, including one in which Mr. Leath spotted a Florida Highway Patrolman Auxiliary cap. Walking down a footpath, Mr. Leath came to respondent Riddles at about one o'clock in the afternoon. He recognized Mr. Riddles as someone he had seen before and remembered the cap he had noticed through the window behind the back seat in a vehicle parked in the area in which he himself had parked. Mr. Riddles stood next to a tree. A conversation arose between the two men, during which Mr. Riddles rubbed his crotch. Mr. Riddles said that he came to the Old Chimney on a regular basis to meet people, then turned away, withdrew his penis from his trousers and turned back, displaying his semi-erect penis. Only seconds had elapsed when Mr. Riddles heard someone else approach, left off stroking his penis, tucked himself in, and zipped his trousers up. Mr. Leath returned to the parking lot and made a note of the license tag number of the vehicle with the cap. He later determined that the vehicle was registered to Mr. Riddles, and located a photograph of Mr. Riddles. Eventually he obtained a warrant and arrested Mr. Riddles. In due course, Riddles pleaded nolo contendere to lewd and lascivious behavior, and to exposure of sexual organs. He was adjudicated guilty of these offenses and placed on six months' probation, on conditions including that he pay $20 a month and stay out of the area of the Old Chimney.

Florida Laws (3) 943.12943.13943.1395
# 2
IN RE: WANDA RANGE vs *, 19-003178EC (2019)
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Jun. 11, 2019 Number: 19-003178EC Latest Update: Nov. 08, 2019

The Issue The issues for determination are: Whether Respondent violated section 112.3135, Florida Statutes,1/ by voting on the appointment and/or advocating for the appointment of her relative to a position within her agency and/or her agency voting to appoint and/or advance her relative and, if so, what is the appropriate penalty? Whether Respondent violated section 112.313(6), Florida Statutes, by using her position to appoint her relative to the position of City of Midway Mayor Pro Tem and, if so, what is the appropriate penalty? Whether Respondent violated section 112.313(6), Florida Statutes, by using a City of Midway-owned vehicle and/or City of Midway-issued gasoline credit card for personal use and, if so, what is the appropriate penalty? Whether Respondent violated section 112.3148(8), Florida Statutes, by failing to report the gift of the personal use of the City of Midway-owned vehicle and/or the City of Midway-issued gasoline credit card and, if so, what is the appropriate penalty?

Findings Of Fact At all material times, Respondent served as a member of the Midway City Council (City Council). She was initially appointed to the City Council in 2000 and served until 2003. She was subsequently elected to the City Council in 2015 and served until May of 2019. Respondent became the Mayor of the City of Midway in May of 2017. As a member and/or mayor of the City Council, Respondent is subject to article II, section 8, Florida Constitution, and the requirements of part III, chapter 112, Florida Statutes, Code of Ethics. In January 2018, Respondent attended and received ethics training from the Florida League of Cities. That training included information on and examples of nepotism, misuse of position, and the receipt and disclosure of gifts. It also included information about the Commission issuing advisory opinions and how to contact the Commission. Nepotism Allegation The form of government the City of Midway (the City) provided under its Charter is the "Council-Manager Government,” under which all powers of the City are vested in an elected council. The City Council consists of five citizens who are residents of the City and electors eligible to vote in the City elections. From its members, the City Council elects a Mayor and Mayor Pro-Tem. The election of the Mayor and Mayor Pro-Tem occurs at the first regular council meeting after the City election. According to the Midway City Charter, the Mayor presides at all meetings of the City Council and performs other duties consistent with the office as imposed or designated by the City Council. The Mayor has a voice and vote in the proceedings of the City Council. The Mayor is referred to as Mayor-Councilmember in the execution of any legal instruments or writing or when functioning to meet other duties arising from the general laws of Florida or from the City Charter. The Mayor is recognized as the head of City government for all ceremonial purposes, for service of process, execution of contracts, deeds and other documents. The Mayor may take command of the police and govern the City by proclamation during the times of grave public danger or emergency and the Mayor has the power during such times to appoint additional temporary officers and patrolmen. The power and duties of the Mayor-Councilmember are such as they are conferred upon him/her by the Midway City Charter and no other. The Midway City Charter provides that the Mayor shall: “(a) See that all laws, provisions of this charter, and acts of the council, subject to his/her direction and supervision are faithfully executed; (b) Submit the annual budget message; (c) Summon the appropriate law enforcement officers to suppress civil disturbances and to keep law and other during times of emergency; (d) Make such other reports as the council may require concerning the operations of city departments, offices, and agencies subject to his/her direction in time of emergency; (e) Attend, preside, and vote at all council meetings; (f) Sign contracts on behalf of the city pursuant to the provisions of applicable ordinances; (g) Be recognized as the city official designated to represent the city in all agreements with other governmental entities or certifications to other governmental entities as approved by the vote of the city council; (h) Annually prepare a state of the city message, set forth the agenda for all meetings of the council, name committees of the council, make recommendations of members for city boards to the city council; (i) Perform such other duties as specified in this charter or may be required by council.” The population of the City is less than 4,000 residents. The City Council has land use and/or zoning responsibilities. In April 2016, there was a vacancy on the City Council caused by a Councilmember departing prior to the end of that Councilmember’s term. Respondent’s first cousin, Sam Stevens, wanted to be appointed to the City Council to fill the vacant seat. Prior to any action on the matter, Respondent telephoned Commission legal staff member, Grayden Schafer, Esquire, and inquired whether she would be in violation of the anti-nepotism statute if the Council appointed her first cousin to serve the unexpired remainder of a departing Councilmember's term. Following his telephone conversation with Respondent, on April 21, 2016, Attorney Schafer sent an e-mail to Respondent at rangewanda@yahoo.com, summarizing Respondent’s inquiry and the advice he provided. The last page of that e-mail (Schafer’s E-mail) states: a public official can be held in violation of the anti-nepotism provision if the appointment is made by the collegial body on which she serves, even if she did not participate in the appointment. Given the foregoing, it appears that you can be held in violation of the anti-nepotism statute not only if you directly participate or advocate for your first cousin's appointment but also if the City Council decides on its own to appoint him, regardless of whether you vote or participate. According to Respondent, she did not receive the Schafer E-mail in 2016 and did not see it until after the filing of the complaints initiating this case against Respondent. Regardless of the timing of Respondent’s receipt of Schafer’s E-mail, the evidence is persuasive that the topic was discussed between Respondent and Attorney Schafer, and that, as a result of her telephone conversation with Attorney Schafer in April 2016, Respondent understood that, because of her kinship with Sam Stevens, she could not vote to appoint or advocate to appoint Sam Stevens to the City Council. She also was aware that, even if she recused herself from voting or participating in the discussion to appoint Sam Stevens to the City Council, if the City Council voted to appoint her first cousin to the vacant seat, she would be in violation of the anti-nepotism provision. After her conversation with Attorney Schafer, in April 2016, Respondent advised the City Council of her research and that she had contacted the Commission to inquire as to whether she could vote to appoint her cousin to the City Council. She explained that she could not and would have to resign if he was appointed, even if she did not participate in the vote. Sam Stevens was not appointed to fill the vacant City Council seat in 2016. The next year, Sam Stevens was elected to the City Council during the April 2017 municipal election. He was not elected or appointed by the City Council, but rather was elected by City citizens voting in the election. The following month, at its May 4, 2017, meeting, the City Council considered the issue of electing a Mayor and Mayor Pro-Tem as provided by the City Charter. At that meeting, Councilman Colston asked if it was legal for relatives to vote for each other. The minutes of the City Council for that date indicate that “Interim City Attorney Thomas explained he had heard the rumor and did research and it is legal.” Contrary to the City Council minutes, in his deposition testimony, City Attorney Thomas denied that he gave that advice, but rather explained that he opined that Respondent and Councilman Sam Stevens could serve together on the City Council, but could not promote or advocate for one another. Despite his denial, during his interview with the Commission’s investigator, City Attorney Thomas “recalled researching the matter and advising Respondent that it was not a voting conflict for her to vote to appoint her cousin to serve as mayor pro tem." Considering the conflicting evidence, it is found that the preponderance demonstrates that the City Attorney advised that it was not a voting conflict for relatives to vote for each other for Mayor and Mayor Pro-Tem. Respondent did not reveal her 2016 conversation with Attorney Schafer to the City Council on May 4, 2017, nor did she provide a copy of Schafer’s E-mail dated April 21, 2016, to either the City Council or the City Attorney prior to the City Council’s votes for Mayor and Mayor Pro-Tem. However, at the May 4, 2017, City Council meeting, a citizen confronted Respondent with a copy of Schafer’s E-mail, reading portions of Schafer’s E-mail aloud. Respondent testified that she did not acknowledge an ethical dilemma regarding Attorney Schafer’s opinion because she believed it addressed appointment as opposed to election, and her cousin had been elected a year later, not appointed. Schafer’s E-mail does not address the situation in which both Respondent and her first cousin are elected members of the City Council and whether Respondent can vote to elect him as the Mayor Pro-Tem in that context. At that meeting, Respondent nominated herself to serve as Mayor. Her nomination was seconded by Councilman Smith. Respondent was elected as Mayor when the City Council voted three to two for Respondent to serve as Mayor with Councilman Smith, Councilman Sam Stevens, and Respondent voting “yes,” and Councilman Ronald Colston and Councilwoman Carolyn Francis voting “no.” Respondent, as the Mayor, received an $800 stipend, which is $100 more than the other councilmembers. At that same May 4, 2016, meeting, Councilman Colston nominated Councilwoman Francis to serve as Mayor Pro-Tem. That nomination failed two to three, with Respondent, Councilman Smith, and Councilman Stevens voting “no.” Councilman Smith then nominated Councilman Stevens to serve as Mayor Pro-Tem. The City Council voted three to two for Councilman Stevens to serve as Mayor Pro-Tem with Respondent, Councilman Stevens, and Councilman Smith voting “yes,” and Councilman Ronald Colston and Councilwoman Carolyn Francis voting “no.” According to the City Charter, the Mayor Pro-Tem: “shall preside over the meetings of the council during the absence of the mayor- councilmember, and in general in the absence or the incapacity of the mayor- councilmember, he/she shall do [sic] perform those acts and things provided in this Chapter to be done by the mayor- councilmember. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as to preclude the member succeeding himself or herself as Mayor- Council member.” The City provides no additional compensation for a Councilmember serving as Mayor Pro-Tem. Vehicle Use and Gift Disclosure The City has two vehicles. One is a white Ford Taurus that has air conditioning (Vehicle). The other is a white Ford Taurus with a red stripe that does not have air conditioning. Respondent was given a 2002 MPV Mazda Van by her daughter, Temika Smith, on Mother’s Day in 2016. While serving as Mayor, Respondent had use of the Vehicle for personal use. Respondent began using the Vehicle in September or October 2017 following a hurricane and had access to the Vehicle until she stopped using it in May of 2019. During this time, the Vehicle was generally parked on property adjacent to Respondent’s residence. While Respondent had a set of keys to the Vehicle, there was another set of keys at the City Hall. In addition to Respondent’s access, other city employees or city council members could use the Vehicle. Former City Manager Steele used the Vehicle on occasion during the time that Respondent had access to the Vehicle. When former City Manager Steele wanted to use the Vehicle, she would pick it up from Respondent’s residence and return it to City Hall. Respondent used the Vehicle for a variety of City- related purposes. She used it to travel to Florida League of Cities’ conferences. In addition, she used the Vehicle to attend events in Midway, in Gadsden County, and in Tallahassee, including meetings with the City’s lobbyist and members of the Florida Legislature, as part of her duties and responsibilities as Mayor. Respondent was also observed driving the Vehicle to meetings at the City Hall. Respondent’s personal use of the Vehicle included, but was not limited to, traveling roundtrip between Midway and Tallahassee. She may have had her daughter in the Vehicle on two or three occasions, and on occasion, drove the Vehicle to her daughter’s house in Tallahassee. On one of the occasions when Respondent drove the Vehicle to her daughter’s house in Tallahassee, which occurred on March 15, 2018, Respondent had a run-in with a Midway resident who had followed Respondent to her daughter’s house. The Midway Resident took pictures of the Vehicle at Respondent’s daughter’s house and also the Mazda MPV van, which was without a license plate. On that occasion, Respondent had gone to check on the house because her daughter was out of town. At the final hearing, Respondent admitted that there was a time when the Mazda MPV was in the shop a lot, and, since she had access to the Vehicle, she turned in the Mazda’s tag to save on insurance payments. On another occasion in 2018, Respondent was stopped by a Gadsden County Deputy Sheriff in Midway after midnight for having a tag light out and the incorrect tag on the Vehicle. Respondent had been returning from Tallahassee. No citation was issued with respect to that stop. Other examples presented at the hearing illustrating Respondent’s use of the Vehicle included her transporting a child from Midway to Florida High in Tallahassee, taking a Midway resident from Midway to Tallahassee to drop him at his place of employment, and taking an individual to Liberty County to retrieve that person’s vehicle left when evacuating because of a hurricane. While providing such accommodations is not listed within Respondent’s responsibilities as Mayor or Councilmember, arguably, they served a public purpose. While Respondent had access and use of the Vehicle, the City did not have a vehicle-use policy. The evidence indicates that former City manager Ford also used a City-owned vehicle for personal use. Former City Manager Steele could not recall if any other city employees or city council members had used the Vehicle. Respondent testified that employees of the City’s public works department might also have used the Vehicle. City Councilman Ron Colston testified that he never used the Vehicle. At the May 3, 2018, Midway City Council meeting, Councilman Colston publicly requested that Respondent stop driving the Vehicle, stating that citizens had approached him with concerns about Respondent driving the Vehicle. Minutes of that City Council meeting indicate that Councilman Coston commented that he had received some calls from citizens concerned with Respondent driving the City-owned vehicle and suggested that she should park the Vehicle because of the number of complaints and that it is a liability. In response to that comment, City Attorney Thomas suggested that the City Council come up with some policy and procedures on the use of City vehicles. Respondent did not stop driving the Vehicle at the time of Councilman Colston’s request. By the end of October 2018, the Vehicle needed a tune-up and to have its brakes checked. In October 2018, Respondent started using a rental car when she got a job with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for debris monitoring. Respondent was not reimbursed by FEMA for the rental. In January 2019, Respondent purchased a new vehicle, a 2019 Mitsubishi G4 Mirage. At the time of the final hearing in this case, the City was in the process of developing a policy regarding the use of City vehicles and City Fuel Cards. Respondent did not report the use of the vehicle on her income taxes and did not file a gift disclosure to report her personal use of the City-owned vehicle as a gift. Fuel Card Use and Gift Disclosure Respondent used a City-issued Pilot Travel Center credit card for gasoline for the Vehicle. City-issued Pilot Travel Center credit card #007 (City Fuel Card) was assigned to the Vehicle. The City Fuel Card was the only one numbered #007 and it remained in the Vehicle. While some of the fuel purchases charged to the City Fuel Card were related to City business, Respondent acknowledged that fuel was also purchased using the City Fuel Card during her personal use of the Vehicle. Records of City Fuel Card #007 from November of 2017 through December of 2018 show the following charges: November 2017: -November 1, 2017– 623 Quincy FL- $33.67 -November 5, 2017- 425 Midway FL- $20.71 -November 5, 2017- 4556 Wildwood FL- $20.00 -November 8, 2017- 4556 Wildwood FL- $18.30 -November 9, 2017- 623 Quincy FL- $24.72 -November 13, 2017- 623 Quincy FL- $21.77 -November 13, 2017- 623 Quincy FL- $35.42 -November 20, 2017- 623 Quincy FL- $42.68 -November 20, 2017- 623 Quincy FL- $30.78 -November 27, 2017- 623 Quincy FL- $32.00 Respondent traveled on City business to and from Orlando, Florida, from November 5 through November 8, 2017. As to the multiple charges on November 13, 2017, and November 20, 2017, Respondent explained that she traveled on City business because “we were giving out turkeys during that time.” December 2017: -December 2, 2017– 623 Quincy FL- $30.91 -December 12, 2017– 623 Quincy FL- $34.06 -December 15, 2017– 425 Midway FL- $30.27 -December 22, 2017– 425 Midway FL- $27.03 January 2018: -January 9, 2018– 425 Midway FL- $33.82 -January 17, 2018– 425 Midway FL- $22.03 -January 18, 2018- 4556 Wildwood FL- $18.00 -January 21, 2018- 4556 Wildwood FL- $8.20 -January 22, 2018- 425 Midway FL- $15.50 -January 23, 2018- 425 Midway FL- $8.57 -January 24, 2018- 425 Midway FL- $10.01 -January 26, 2018- 425 Midway FL- $24.00 Respondent traveled on City business to and from Orlando, Florida, during the period from January 18 through 22, 2018. February 2018: -February 2, 2018– 425 Midway FL- $34.26 -February 15, 2018– 425 Midway FL- $32.00 -February 22, 2018– 425 Midway FL- $30.01 March 2018: -March 14, 2018- 425 Midway FL - $31.00 -March 28, 2018– 425 Midway FL - $32.07 April 2018: -April 7, 2018– 425 Midway FL - $25.00 -April 17, 2018– 425 Midway FL - $35.44 -April 28, 2018– 425 Midway FL - $7.52 66. May 2018: -May 14, 2018– 425 Midway FL - $37.01 -May 20, 2018– 425 Midway FL - $29.02 -May 26, 2018– 425 Midway FL - $41.00 67. June 2018: -June 1, 2018– 4556 Wildwood FL- $25.03 -June 2, 2018– 4556 Wildwood FL- $18.02 -June 4, 2018– 425 Midway FL- $20.00 -June 9, 2018– 425 Midway FL- $31.00 -June 15, 2018– 425 Midway FL- $28.04 -June 29, 2018– 425 Midway FL- $33.00 Respondent traveled on City business to and from Orlando, Florida during the period from May 31, 2018, through June 2, 2018. 68. July 2018: -July 18, 2018- 425 Midway FL- $35.06 August 2018: -August 3, 2018– 425 Midway FL- $21.08 -August 14, 2018- 622 St. Lucie FL- $20.01 -August 14, 2018- 091 Jacksonville- $24.00 -August 19, 2018- 624 Dade City FL- $27.02 -August 20, 2018- 425 Midway FL- $19.33 -August 24, 2018- 425 Midway FL- $33.01 Respondent traveled on City business to and from Hollywood, Florida during the period from August 14 through 18, 2018. September 2018: -September 4, 2018– 425 Midway FL- $37.00 -September 13, 2018– 425 Midway FL- $35.50 -September 29, 2018– 425 Midway FL- $36.01 October 2018: -October 10, 2018– 623 Quincy FL- $39.07 November 2018: -November 21, 2018– 623 Quincy FL- $33.07 December 2018: -December 5, 2018– 623 Quincy FL- $18.80 In addition to the fact that some of Respondent’s use of the City Fuel Card to put fuel in the Vehicle included her personal use of the Vehicle, Respondent used the City Fuel Card to purchase gasoline for the Vehicle when she was using the Vehicle for travel on City business, including travel to Florida League of Cities’ conferences in November of 2017, as well as while traveling on City business in and around Midway and Gadsden County, and to and from Tallahassee. Respondent also used the City Fuel Card to pay for gasoline while traveling on City business to attend Florida League of Cities’ conferences in a rental vehicle. These conferences occurred January 18 through 22, 2018; May 31 through June 2, 2018; and August 14 through 18, 2018. There was no evidence presented that Respondent used the City Fuel Card to purchase anything other than fuel for the Vehicle or fuel for a rental car while on business for the City. As the City Fuel Card was kept in the Vehicle, other City Council members or City employees would have had access to the City Fuel Card when they were driving the Vehicle. Respondent did not file a gift disclosure to report her use of the City Fuel Card to put gasoline in the Vehicle on those occasions when she used the Vehicle for personal use.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is: RECOMMENDED that a Final Order and Public Report be entered finding that Respondent, Wanda Range, violated section 112.3135, Florida Statutes, and recommending the imposition of a nominal civil penalty of $1.00 for that violation, and further finding that Respondent Wanda Range did not violate sections 112.313(6), or 112.3148(8), Florida Statutes, as alleged in the Order Finding Probable Cause. DONE AND ENTERED this 8th day of November, 2019, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JAMES H. PETERSON, III Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of November, 2019.

Florida Laws (16) 104.31112.31112.311112.312112.313112.3135112.3145112.3148112.31485112.317112.3215112.322112.3241120.569120.57120.68 Florida Administrative Code (1) 34-5.0015
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Pensacola, Florida Apr. 23, 1998 Number: 98-001926 Latest Update: Dec. 06, 1999

The Issue The issue is whether Respondents discriminated against Petitioner because of her physical disability in violation of the Fair Housing Act.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is a white female who alleges that Respondents discriminated against her because of a physical disability in violation of the Fair Housing Act. Respondent Fountains Apartments is a fictitious name of the landlord. Respondent Theodora Allen is the on-site manager of the apartment complex. Respondent Emmer Management is the management entity that manages the apartment complex. Petitioner is disabled due to a partially amputated right foot. She wares a leg brace. However, there is no persuasive evidence that Petitioner is disabled due to allergies or asthma.1 Petitioner's husband, Mr. Trent, initially leased the apartment at the Fountains Apartments in November of 1991. Petitioner moved into the apartment with Mr. Trent in the spring of 1992. Petitioner and Mr. Trent subsequently renewed the lease on the apartment in both of their names. They lived in the same apartment until June of 1996. Petitioner referred at least forty-two (42) work orders to the apartment complex's maintenance department between April 1992 and April 1996. She made numerous other written requests for repairs. The maintenance department addressed each and every work order. Over the four-year tenancy, maintenance personnel made a substantial number of repairs to the apartment, including but not limited to, replacing the following: kitchen counter tops, stove burners, carpet, vinyl flooring, front door, water heater, outside central air conditioner condensing unit, inside central air conditioning evaporator, heater and air handler, and the toilet. These repairs were made without causing damage to Petitioner's personal property. As a result of Petitioner's demands, her apartment was in better condition than any other apartment in the complex. The apartment complex has a policy concerning pets. There is a twenty (20) pound weight limit for a dog on the premises. Additionally, a dog must be walked on a leash and never tied outside. Mr. Walker, another tenant in apartment number 62, owned a dog. Occasionally, Mr. Walker tethered the dog outside his apartment on a grassy area between two apartment buildings. The apartment buildings were located directly across the street from Petitioner's building. Petitioner complained to the office staff that, when the dog was tethered outside, she could not take a short cut to the mail box, office, laundry, or pool by walking between the buildings in front of her apartment. According to Petitioner, her disability made it difficult for her to walk past the dog or to walk the longer way (approximately 100 feet) around the buildings. At times, Petitioner picked up her mail in her car as she drove in and out of the complex. She could also park near the office, laundry, and pool. There were handicapped parking spaces and handicapped ramps available in those areas.2 The apartment manager made a reasonable effort to keep unauthorized persons from parking in the handicapped parking places. On or about March 22, 1996, Petitioner and her husband sent the apartment manager a letter, which referenced their concerns regarding Mr. Walker's dog among other complaints. A copy of this letter was sent to the property management entity. The apartment manager and staff from the county's animal control department, as well Mr. Trent, asked Mr. Walker not to chain his dog outside. When Mr. Walker did not comply with the apartment manager's request, she sent him statutory notice, dated March 25, 1996, demanding that he remedy his noncompliance in ten (10) days or face eviction. The manager asked Petitioner to go around the buildings on her way to and from the office area until Mr. Walker complied with the demand or was evicted. A letter dated March 27, 1996 informed Petitioner that the apartment manager had sent Mr. Walker a notice allowing him ten (10) days to stop tying his dog outside or to find another residence. On or about April 16, 1996, Petitioner sent the property management entity another letter. In this letter, Petitioner complained that Mr. Walker was still chaining his dog between the buildings in the evenings and on the weekends when the apartment manager was not on the premises. Petitioner's letter also set forth numerous other complaints about her apartment and the complex in general. The property management entity responded with a letter dated April 24, 1996. The letter states, in part, that the situation with the dog was currently being addressed pursuant to legal procedures. The letter also discussed Petitioner's other concerns and complaints. Petitioner wrote a letter dated May 1, 1996, to the property management entity. In this letter, Petitioner acknowledged that the situation with Mr. Walker's dog was being addressed. However, Petitioner listed numerous other complaints. On another occasion, a water pipe began to leak in the grassy area between the buildings across the street from Petitioner's apartment. The leak caused a hole or washed-out area to develop. Respondents repaired the leak and covered up the hole. A barrier was erected to keep all residents from walking between the buildings. Respondents never intended for that area to be a walk way. On or about April 22, 1996, Petitioner advised Respondents that the bottom shelf of the bathroom medicine cabinet was rusted. Her complaint about the shelf was part of a long list of other requests for repairs. The most persuasive evidence indicates that the rust on the medicine cabinet covered an area the size of a dollar bill. It was a cosmetic blemish and did not affect the usability of the cabinet. The maintenance man promptly addressed Petitioner's concerns regarding the medicine cabinet. He sanded the rust spot and began to prime and paint the shelf. At that point, Petitioner told him to stop. She did not want him to paint the cabinet inside her apartment. The maintenance man informed the apartment manager that Petitioner refused to allow him to continue painting. The apartment manager immediately went to Petitioner's apartment to inquire about Petitioner's concerns. Petitioner wanted the cabinet removed and painted outside. Learning that her request was impracticable, Petitioner asked the apartment manager whether the paint would dry in two (2) hours. She did not offer to allow the painting of the cabinet to continue while she was at work or shopping.3 Petitioner did not verbally advise the apartment manager that she had asthma or that she was allergic to paint fumes. She never mentioned the medicine cabinet or her alleged allergy or asthma in her subsequent letters which listed her complaints in detail. On or about May 30, 1996, Respondents provided Petitioner with notice that the lease on her apartment would not be renewed. The notice reminded Petitioner that the lease expired on August 31, 1996. Petitioner and Mr. Trent did not pay their rent when it was due on June 1, 1996. On June 11, 1996, Respondents furnished Petitioner with a three (3) day notice to pay rent. Petitioner and Mr. Trent did not comply with the demand for payment of rent. On June 17, 1996, the landlord filed an action in circuit court to evict Petitioner and Mr. Trent. On or about June 29, 1996, Petitioner vacated her apartment. On July 10, 1996, a circuit court judge in Escambia County issued a Writ of Possession directing the sheriff to remove all persons from the apartment and to return it to Respondents' possession.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that FCHR enter a Final Order dismissing Petitioner's Petition for Relief. DONE AND ENTERED this 31st day of March, 1999, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. SUZANNE F. HOOD Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of March, 1999.

Florida Laws (2) 760.11760.23
# 4
IN RE: OEL WINGO vs *, 11-006265EC (2011)
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Davie, Florida Dec. 12, 2011 Number: 11-006265EC Latest Update: Oct. 25, 2012

The Issue The issue in this case, as stipulated by the parties, is whether Respondent violated section 112.313(6), Florida Statutes (2010),1/ by attempting to enter into, or by entering into, pre- dated employment agreements, and/or by attempting to destroy or destroying public records and/or evidence of wrongdoing and/or by attempting to enter into or entering into agreements which exceeded the Respondent's purchasing authority.

Findings Of Fact Respondent, Oel Wingo was employed as the city manager for the City of Holly Hill (City) from January 1, 2010, until October 2010. Prior to serving in that capacity, she was the assistant city manager for the City of Palm Coast for ten years, and the assistant city manager for the City of Ocala for five years. Respondent earned a Ph.D. in Education Administration from the University of Florida. At all times material to the allegations herein, the City operated under a commission/city manager form of government. This meant that the commission decided policy, while the city manager was responsible for implementing policy and handling all operational matters, including the hiring and firing of personnel. Respondent's employment as city manager was governed by an employment agreement. The agreement provided for the payment of severance pay to Respondent in the event she was "terminated" by the City. Under section 10 of the agreement, termination could occur under a number of scenarios, including the following: If the Employer reduces the base salary, compensation or any other financial benefit of the Employee, unless it is applied in no greater percentage than the average reduction of all department heads, such action shall constitute a breach of this agreement and will be regarded as a termination. In the event that Respondent was terminated pursuant to the above provision, "[T]he Employer shall provide, initially, a severance payment equal to six months' salary at the current rate of pay " Respondent's employment agreement with the City further provided that she would not be entitled to receive severance benefits in the event she was terminated for cause. At the time she was terminated from her employment as city manager, Respondent’s annual rate of pay was $124,500.00. When Respondent assumed her duties as city manager, the City was experiencing significant budget problems because of declining property values, and the resultant reduction in tax revenues. Faced with a reduced budget, Respondent was nonetheless charged with the duty to maintain the current level of city services. Consequently, Respondent implemented budget cuts, reorganizations, layoffs, and position eliminations within months of her arrival. Understandably, the atmosphere in city commission meetings was, at times, tense and volatile. Similarly, the rapid personnel changes negatively affected employee morale and fostered resistance to many of the changes proposed by Respondent. When Respondent was hired by the City, only one City department head, City Clerk Valerie Manning, had an employment contract. Ms. Manning's contract with the City provided that if the City were to reduce her compensation in a greater percentage than the applicable across-the-board reduction for all City employees, she could elect to resign and “be terminated without cause,” and therefor eligible for full severance benefits. Manning left the employ of the City in April, 2010. In April 2010, Respondent replaced Manning with Joshua Fruecht. Fruecht testified that he requested an employment contract soon after he was hired. Respondent told him she would consider it after he had worked for the City for six months. Early during Respondent's employment with the City she and the City Attorney, Scott Simpson, had conversations about the desirability of the department heads having employment agreements because, as department heads, they had no protection from arbitrary termination. Entering into employment agreements with the department heads would protect them from being terminated by the city commission for personal reasons. By that time Respondent had already been approached by Administrative Services Director Kurt Swarzlander, who was concerned about his position and also wanted an employment agreement. On May 6, 2010, Respondent e-mailed Attorney Simpson with the following inquiry: We recently discussed the need to contract with Department Heads. Previously, the City Clerk had a contract. I am reviewing similar employment contracts from other cities and would like to pursue this for several reasons. My primary question for you is whether these contracts must go before the Commission. My interpretation of the Charter and my hiring and firing capabilities is that they do not, as long as I remain within the adopted job descriptions and pay ranges. Later that day, Simpson responded to Respondent's inquiry as follows: I agree that an employment contract with department heads should be within your authority as the City Manager. However, if severance is going to be provided to the department heads, then I would recommend having the commission approve this change in benefits even if individually the cost would not exceed your spending authority as cumulatively they probably would and it is a new benefit. This should not be an issue as the commission approved this for the City Clerk. Roland Via served on the city commission from November 2005 through November 2010, and was the mayor when Respondent was hired as the city manager. Mr. Via testified that in January 2010, during her first month of employment, Respondent advanced the idea of employment agreements for City department heads. According to Respondent, employment agreements would permit the City to hire the best managerial talent from other cities and provide a benefit to both the City and the employee. In May 2010, Respondent negotiated an employment agreement with Brad Johnson to serve as the public works director. The contract was executed without approval by the City Commission. City Attorney Simpson and Respondent collaborated in the preparation of the contract. Mr. Johnson's agreement provided that if the City were to reduce his financial benefits in a greater percentage than the applicable across-the-board reduction for all City employees, he could resign and be terminated without cause, thus being eligible for full severance benefits. Specifically, section 4(c) of Mr. Johnson’s employment agreement provided as follows: If the City reduces the financial benefits of the Employee in a greater percentage than the applicable across-the-board reduction for all City employees, or if the City refuses, allowing written notice, to comply with any other provision benefitting the Employee as set forth herein, then Employee may, at his/her option, elect to resign and be “terminated without cause” within the meaning of Section 4(a) of the Agreement and shall receive all compensation and benefits in Section (4)(a). Such resignation shall be in writing to the City Manager. In the event there was a termination under the above circumstances, Mr. Johnson’s agreement provided that the City would pay a minimum of four months’ salary and benefits pursuant to the City’s Personnel Policies. Respondent forwarded an e-mail to the members of the City Commission on May 7, 2010, informing them of her decision to enter into an employment agreement with Mr. Johnson based on a similar agreement with the former City Clerk, Ms. Manning. Respondent also informed the commissioners that the “City Attorney has advised that we consider utilizing employment agreements with new Department Heads.” At the time Respondent offered an employment agreement to Mr. Johnson, she elected not to do so for the other department heads. This was because she needed more time to evaluate each department head’s capabilities and determine on a case by case basis whether offering contracts to them would in the best interest of the City. However, the unrebutted testimony established that early in her tenure as city manager Respondent had formulated the intent to enter into employment contracts with qualified department heads at some future time. When Respondent entered into the written agreement with Mr. Johnson she was aware of the potential limitations imposed on her purchasing authority as a result of the severance provisions of the employment agreement. However, at the time that Respondent entered into the agreement with Mr. Johnson, no language was suggested or offered by the city attorney regarding the limitations imposed on the city manager's purchasing authority by virtue of the City’s purchasing code. While Respondent was hired by unanimous vote of the City commission, her relationship with certain commissioners, particularly Commissioner Glass and Commissioner Patton, began to deteriorate within the first months of her employment. This was the result of several actions by Respondent, including challenging Commissioner Glass about directing an employee to expend funds in a manner inconsistent with commission action, and deciding not to authorize the use of City funds to pay for the spouses and children of commissioners to attend the League of Cities convention. As a result of this friction, Respondent testified, she was threatened by Commissioner Glass on more than one occasion. The July 28, 2010, Employment Agreements (Dated May 21, 2010) At a city commission workshop on the evening of July 27, 2010, Commissioner Patton suggested that Respondent take a 20 percent cut in pay, and that salaries of the department heads also be reduced. At the time that Commissioner Patton suggested the pay cuts, the only department head that had an employment agreement was Mr. Johnson. However, no formal motion was made at this meeting to cut Respondent’s or department head pay, and no evidence was introduced that any action was ever taken by the city commission on this suggestion. In the hours immediately following the commission meeting of July 27, 2010, which Respondent and other witnesses characterized as being "vicious, dysfunctional, screaming and yelling," Respondent wrote a resignation letter and prepared a list of things that needed to be done before she left the City. Among the items on Respondent’s “to do” list was to prepare and complete the employment agreements that she and the city attorney had been discussing for department heads. Respondent testified that she had two reasons for implementing employment agreements immediately following the July 27th commission meeting. The first was to protect the department heads from the personal vendettas of the city commission. The second was to ensure that the City had a professional management team in place and continuity of professional management. On the morning of July 28, 2010, Respondent met with all of her department heads at the regularly scheduled weekly executive team meeting. She informed them that she would be working with the human resources director, Diane Cole, to immediately prepare employment agreements for all department heads modeled on the Brad Johnson, May 21, 2010, employment agreement. The reason given by Respondent for the agreements was that the department heads “should all have some protections due to the atmosphere within the city . . . .” During this meeting she also informed her department heads of her intention to resign as city manager. Respondent directed Ms. Cole to use the exact same agreement as had been prepared for Mr. Johnson, and to include the same dates as were included in that agreement. Accordingly, each of the employment agreements was dated as being signed on May 21, 2010, and each contained the same severance pay provision at section 4(c), as did Mr. Johnson’s agreement. Likewise, the effective date of each of the employment agreements was June 7, 2010. On the afternoon of July 28, 2010, each of the department heads, except Police Chief Barker, who was out of town, was presented with and signed their respective employment agreement. Although not present, Chief Barker conferred by telephone with Respondent regarding the employment agreement and advised her that he would not sign a "post-dated" agreement. The July 29, 2010, Agreements Upon further reflection that evening, Respondent became concerned about the “signature date” of May 21, 2010, appearing on contracts actually signed on July 28, 2010. This concern was no doubt fueled by Chief Barker’s comment regarding the “post- dated” nature of the agreements. Accordingly, Respondent decided to have new agreements prepared the following day which would reflect signature dates of July 29, 2010. In addition, both she and Ms. Cole had noted that the some of the agreements signed on July 28, 2010, contained typographical errors that needed to be corrected.2/ On July 29, 2010, Respondent presented a second employment agreement to each of the City department heads for them to sign. Each employment contract was dated as having been executed on July 29, 2010. Each of the employment agreements contained the identical language at section 4(c) as had appeared in the earlier versions signed the previous day. Similarly, the “effective date” of each agreement remained June 7, 2010. Following the execution of the agreements on July 29, 2010, Respondent instructed Ms. Cole to destroy all the agreements dated May 21, 2010. Ms. Cole testified that Respondent directed her to destroy them because they were drafts, they contained typographical errors, and they had been superseded by the July 29, 2010, agreements. Notwithstanding her direction that the hardcopies be destroyed, Respondent testified that she understood that a copy of all of the agreements dated May 21, 2010, remained on the City's computer system, consistent with the City’s record retention procedures. The new agreements tied Respondent's potential severance benefits to base salary reductions of all department heads whose severance benefits were, in turn, tied to reductions in pay and benefits to all City employees.3/ Thus, any potential benefit to Respondent of the new agreements would depend on the type of action taken by the City. At least three scenarios were possible. First, if the City proposed cutting Respondent’s pay and benefits by 20 percent, with no other corresponding reductions to department heads or city personnel, there would be no new benefit to Respondent. She would be entitled to severance as provided in her employment agreement, because her pay and benefits were being cut in a greater percentage than her department heads. Second, if the City reduced salary and benefits paid to department heads or city personnel by 10 percent, but reduced Respondent’s pay and benefits by 20 percent, there would be no new benefit to Respondent. She would be entitled to severance as provided in her employment agreement, because her pay and benefits were being cut in a greater percentage than her department heads. Third, if the City reduced Respondent's salary and benefits by 20 percent and her department heads by 20 percent, and the remaining City employees by five percent, Respondent would receive no new benefit. She would not be entitled to severance as provided in her employment agreement because her pay and benefits were not being cut in a greater percentage than her department heads. Under this scenario, the department heads would be entitled to elect to treat the disproportionate pay and benefit reduction as a “termination without cause,” and while the department heads would benefit, Respondent would not. On or about August 20, 2010, having heard about the employee contracts, City Commissioner Rick Glass telephonically requested a copy of all the employment agreements "from 5/21 to present . . . ." In response, Respondent sent an e-mail to all the City Commissioners, the Executive Team, and to the City Attorney stating, in part: Pursuant to the advice of the City Attorney and based on the fact that the Commissioners previously approved the concept of a Department Head Employment Agreement in 2008, the City Attorney prepared an Employment Agreement in May 2010 for implementation. See Attached. Consistent with the City Manager's approved purchasing authority, all non-union managers were subsequently offered the opportunity to enter into the proposed employment agreement. The Employment Agreement protects the City as well as the professionals. The City is protected by ensuring that we have sufficient lead time, four months, prior to a resignation to ensure we have adequate coverage for a professional position and services can continue uninterrupted. Respondent provided the recipients of the e-mail a copy of "the agreement prepared by the City Attorney." On August 23, 2010, Commissioner Glass sent an e-mail to Respondent requesting a copy of the "first signed copy of the employee agreements predated back to May 2010, that Scott, Brad, Diane, Josh, Oel, Kurt, Ron, and Mark signed! Not the contracts you had them re-sign on July 29th." In response, on August 23, 2010, Respondent wrote: This is a follow-up to Mr. Glass's request for Employment Agreement signed on May 21, 2010. The only Department Head that signed an agreement on that date is Brad Johnson. At that time, I chose not to have the other Department Heads sign Employment Agreements as I felt that I needed more time to determine their capabilities in their jobs and whether an employment agreement which committed the City to those individuals was in the best interest of the City. Subsequently, given the tone of the Commission meetings, the pressure to terminate certain individuals, as well as the pressure to treat those without union contracts differently, I chose to provide those employees with the same agreement that Brad Johnson signed on May 21, 2010. I felt morally and ethically obligated to ensure that those employees had similar protections to those employees with union agreements. These employees signed an agreement on July 28, 2010, which still had the May 21, 2010 date on it. On July 29, 2010, we corrected not only the date to reflect July 29, 2010, but several other errors related to titles and responsibilities within the proposed agreements. It was never my intent to imply that these employees had signed the agreement on May 21, 2010. It was my intent to show that they had the same protective status as Brad Johnson acquired on May 21, 2010, so that all were treated the same. As the date could have reflected a different intent and there were other errors in the intermediate document, I corrected the proposed employment agreement the next day and had the managers sign a new agreement. The documents signed on July 28, 2010, are considered draft or intermediate records which are not in and of themselves considered public records and were disposed of in accordance to state guidelines. In an August 24, 2010, e-mail, Attorney Simpson responded to Ms. Wingo's August 23, 2010, e-mail. He wrote that inasmuch as the documents in question "contained errors that were corrected, including the date, and the revised agreements was [sic] subsequently executed by the City Manager and the employees. Based on these facts the original agreements executed would appear to be drafts or precursors to the final employment agreement." Mr. Simpson concluded, "draft documents are not public records." The August 30, 2010, Agreements On August 30, 2010, yet a third version of the employment agreements was presented to each of the department heads. These agreements were prepared and executed following communications with Attorney Simpson regarding whether the severance pay provisions of the July 30, 2010, agreements potentially exceeded Respondent's purchasing authority of $25,000. At issue was the manner in which Respondent had originally calculated the potential severance benefits available to the department heads under the agreements. In an e-mail dated August 24, 2010, Attorney Simpson expressed his concern that the severance pay provisions in the July 30, 2010, agreements had the potential to exceed $25,000 for all of the department heads, with the exception of Joshua Fruecht. The third and final version of the agreement addressed the limitations in the severance benefits offered as a result of the limits on the city manager’s purchasing authority set forth in the City’s purchasing ordinances. Specifically, section 4(a) of the agreement was amended to provide: In the event the Employee is terminated without cause by the City while the Employee is willing and able to perform the duties of the position as Human Resources Manager, the City agrees, subject to the below conditions, to pay the Employee a minimum of four (4) months of salary and benefits health insurance provided to the Employee pursuant to the City’s Personnel Policies not to exceed the City Manager’s purchasing Authority. Additionally, the City shall be responsible to pay all leave accruals at the Employee’s current rate of pay, consistent with City Personnel Rules and Regulations. (Emphasis in original). Each of the employment agreements signed on August 30, 2010, reflects execution on that date. Other than the signature date and revision to section 4(a), the August 30, 2010, agreements are identical to the July 29, 2010, versions. There is no persuasive evidence in this record that Respondent did not have authority to enter into employment agreements with the City's department heads on behalf of the City. To the contrary, the City's outside labor counsel opined that a strong argument could be made that the city manager possesses the authority to enter into employment contracts, subject to the city manager's purchasing authority. Similarly, Attorney Simpson testified that he believed Respondent had the authority to enter into employment agreements. The only question in his mind was whether the agreements should be presented to the City Commission for review and approval, since in his opinion, offering a severance benefit was a policy issue. There is no question that the City’s department heads received a benefit from having employment agreements with the City. It protected them from arbitrary personnel actions and provided severance benefits under certain circumstances. Specifically, their pay and benefits could not be reduced unless there was a corresponding reduction for all City employees. The evidence adduced at hearing does not clearly and convincingly establish that Respondent acted corruptly in entering into pre-dated employment agreements with her department heads, or in directing that the July 28, 2010, versions of the agreements be destroyed. Rather, the competent substantial evidence established that Respondent believed that she was acting in a manner consistent with the proper performance of her duties as city manager.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that the Commission on Ethics issue a Final Order dismissing the Complaint issued against Respondent in the instant case. DONE AND ENTERED this 8th day of August, 2012, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S W. DAVID WATKINS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of August, 2012.

Florida Laws (12) 104.31112.312112.313112.322119.011120.569120.57120.68775.082775.083838.022839.13
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida May 08, 2003 Number: 03-002662 Latest Update: Jun. 03, 2004

The Issue The issue is whether Respondents are guilty of housing discrimination against Petitioner based on disability, in violation of Section 760.23, Florida Statutes (2003).

Findings Of Fact Petitioner suffered a stroke in September 1997 and was consequently disabled. His right side was impaired. Petitioner's right foot drags when he walks, and his right arm is of limited use. Petitioner is unable to walk long distances or stand for a significant period of time. To walk at all, Petitioner requires the use of a cane or a walker. Petitioner has been in this condition from September 1997 through the date of the final hearing. At all material times, Petitioner has possessed a handicapped parking sticker due to these disabilities. For many years, Petitioner's wife has lived in unit 102 at the Majestic Gardens Condominium, Building "C," Lauderhill, Florida. Petitioner married his wife shortly before suffering the stroke and moved into her condominium unit at Majestic Gardens in December 1997. Petitioner and his wife resided together at unit 102 until April 2001, when they rented the unit and moved to a house in Miramar. All of the buildings at Majestic Gardens Condominiums comprise 238 units. Building "C" is a three-story building with 41 units. Each unit in Building "C" is assigned one parking space. The assigned parking spaces are in close proximity to the entrances of the units. Building "C" provides nine guest parking spaces, but the parking is limited at Majestic Gardens, and these spaces are routinely unavailable. In the case of Petitioner's unit, the assigned space is less than 15 feet from the front door to the ground-floor unit. At all material times, Petitioner's wife has parked her car in this space. The two spaces to the left of Petitioner's assigned space, as one faces the unit, are slightly closer to Petitioner's unit and are designated as guest spaces. Both Respondents are jointly responsible for operating and assigning the parking spaces immediately adjacent to Building "C." From 1998 through 2001, Petitioner and his wife tried unsuccessfully to convince Respondents to designate a parking space in front of their unit as handicapped, so that Petitioner, who can still drive, could park his car directly in front of his unit. Respondents refused to designate a handicapped space because the effect of such a designation would have been that Petitioner and his wife would have had two spaces in front of their unit, when all of the other unitowners had only one space. Respondents have not designated any handicapped parking adjacent to Building "C." They have designated three handicapped spaces at a nearby clubhouse, but, after Petitioner started parking his car in one of these spaces, Respondent Majestic Gardens Condominium Association, Inc., informed Petitioner that these spaces were reserved for use by persons using the recreation facilities. Because Petitioner was not using the recreation facilities, he could not park in one of these handicapped spaces. Later, Respondent Majestic Gardens Condominium Association, Inc., painted over the blue lines and removed the handicapped-parking sign, thus allowing all users of the recreation facilities to park in the three spaces previously reserved for handicapped users of the recreation facilities. At that point, the entire eight-building Majestic Gardens complex lacked any parking designated exclusively for handicapped use. Relations between the condominium management and Petitioner and his wife became strained at times. Petitioner received cautionary notes and threats of towing whenever he parked his car in a guest space. However, Respondents gave Petitioner's wife the names of persons who might be willing to rent their assigned parking spaces. Despite several efforts, Petitioner and his wife were unable to secure another space by this means.

Recommendation It is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a final order dismissing the Petition for Relief. DONE AND ENTERED this 19th day of November, 2003, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ROBERT E. MEALE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of November, 2003. COPIES FURNISHED: Cecil Howard, General Counsel Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Denise Crawford, Agency Clerk Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Stewart Lee Karlin Stewart Lee Karlin, P.A. 315 Southeast 7th Street, Second Floor Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Roosevelt Walters Qualified Representative 1509 Northwest 4th Street Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311 Florida Donaldson Majestic Gardens Condominium 4045 Northwest 16th Street, Building C Lauderhill, Florida 33313

Florida Laws (2) 120.57760.23
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida Jun. 10, 2014 Number: 14-002697 Latest Update: Jan. 16, 2015

The Issue The issue in this case is whether Respondent, R.H. Motors, d/b/a Kia of Orange Park ("Kia"), discriminated against Petitioner, Lamar B. Waters ("Waters"), on the basis of age in derogation of the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992.

Findings Of Fact Waters is a 71-year-old Caucasian male who resides in Green Cove Springs, Florida. At all times pertinent hereto, Waters was employed by Kia at its automobile dealership in Orange Park, Florida. By all accounts, Waters was extremely well liked at the dealership. He had a jovial personality and got along well with his co-workers. He was generally seen as a nice, retired man with ample financial wherewithal to enjoy life. Waters himself says that he is financially comfortable, but does not consider himself rich. He lives in a nice house that is valued at around $900,000 (or was at the time he purchased it). He owns a nice boat that some fellow employees have used for parties and gatherings. Waters is a college football fan and enjoys spending time watching and attending games, especially for his favorite team, the Georgia Bulldogs. In 2013, Waters filed for bankruptcy, but for the purpose of working out a deal on his home mortgage, not--apparently--due to significant financial problems. Waters often said that he was financially sound and was working “only to get away from his wife,” but that may have been in jest rather than serious. Kia is a dealership which sells both new and used automobiles. It has been in existence since August 2008. It is owned by R.H. Motors, a Florida corporation. The vice president of operations for R.H. Motors is Robert Hogan. The dealership, including the car lot, offices, and service department, is located on a large tract of land in Orange Park. The new car section of the dealership is located on a large lot which includes the office building and service area. Across from the new car section there is a smaller lot which was initially used for selling used cars. There is a mobile home or modular building on the used car lot which is used as an office. Waters joined the U.S. Navy at age 17; he later entered flight school with the U.S. Army. He served time in Vietnam during the conflict with that country. Waters was honorably discharged from the service in 1975. He took a job flying airplanes for AFLAC (or its predecessor company) and later became a general manager for the company. Waters retired from AFLAC in 2004 and then went to work for a Volkswagen dealership in Orange Park, Florida. He worked as a floor salesman for the Volkswagen dealership. In November 2009, when Waters was 66 years old, he was offered a job at Kia. He accepted and started work on December 1, 2009, as a floor salesman, selling new and used cars. Waters had been hired by Joe Esposito, the general manager for Kia at that time. Waters was compensated at minimum wage plus commission on cars he sold. While he was a salesman, Waters would take off from work either Tuesday or Thursday of each week and every Sunday. In June 2010--or thereabouts--Waters was offered a different position at Kia. Waters described the position as the “wholesale manager” for the dealership. He said his duties included buying and selling cars at auctions. He also managed the used car lot, did appraisals for cars being traded in, and continued to sell cars. In April 2013, general manager Esposito placed Waters on indefinite leave due to “internal issues” at the dealership. In May 2013, Esposito asked Waters to attend a class on managing customers. The class was to be held at Kia’s primary headquarters in South Carolina. Waters and another employee traveled to South Carolina, but there was no training provided. An employee at headquarters talked with the two men briefly, but there were no classes or training. Waters had understood the reason he was sent to South Carolina was so that he could be assigned a new job as some kind of customer manager. There was obviously some disconnect between what Waters was told and what he understood to have been said. When Waters returned from South Carolina, he found that Esposito had been fired as the general manager at Kia. Waters somehow met with Robert Hogan (described by Waters as "the owner") when Hogan came to visit the dealership even though Waters was supposedly on indefinite leave at that time. When Hogan found out Waters had been placed on leave by Esposito, he immediately reinstated Waters and made sure he was paid back-pay for the time he was out of work. At that time, Hogan also asked Waters to manage the used car side of the dealership. Waters remembers that he was hired as the Used Car Manager. Hogan says he was hired as the Budget Car Manager, i.e., that Waters was only to be responsible for selling the least attractive used cars. Those cars generally came onto the lot as trade-ins by persons purchasing new vehicles. Waters said that as part of this new job, he was tasked with going to auctions for the purpose of obtaining additional used cars for the Kia dealership. Hogan said Waters was never authorized to purchase cars for the dealership, and that the dealership already had too many used cars. No additional testimony was provided to rectify this disparity. Either one of the witnesses was not telling the truth or Waters was mistaken about his duties. A brief explanation of the dealership is warranted: Kia sells both new and used cars. Used cars come from various sources, including trade-ins by customers buying new cars, purchases from rental car fleets, and purchases from auctions. The used cars were for a time sold from a lot adjacent to the main Kia lot. Later, Kia moved all used cars over to the same lot with the new cars. The used car lot was then used as a place to store new car inventory. When Waters was reinstated to his job and began working with used cars, a new general manager--Mr. Record--had been hired. Record was instrumental in the change that moved all used cars over to the new car lot. He was also very harsh and unfriendly with employees at the dealership, so Hogan eventually fired him as general manager as well. He was replaced by Jeff Norman. Norman continued the practice of keeping all the cars, new and used, on one lot--except, it appears, for the cars deemed "budget" cars. Norman also took over some of Waters’ tasks and responsibilities, e.g., Norman began doing the appraisals of used automobiles. Norman also took over the acquisition of used cars, although Waters would sometimes disagree with the choices Norman made. Norman told Waters a new policy of Kia was to get rid of the budget cars as quickly as possible rather than trying to repair them for higher re-sale. At some point in time after Waters had been reinstated to his job, Hogan began to have concerns about the number of hours the used car lot office was being manned. He expected that office to be open whenever the main lot office was open, i.e., from 9:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. Hogan had called and/or gone by the used car lot on numerous occasions around 5:30 p.m. or 6:00 p.m. in the evening and found it closed. Hogan raised his concerns about Waters’ work schedule with the new GM, Norman, and asked him to talk to Waters, get him back on track, and tell him what was expected of him as an employee of Kia. Norman called Waters into his office on October 16 or October 17 (the date is in dispute) to discuss the matter. Norman told Waters that things were changing at Kia. He said the dealership would be trying to sell 250 cars a month. To do that, employees were going to be expected to work long, 12-hour days, six or even seven days a week. Norman allegedly asked Waters how old he was, and then said Waters was about the same age as Norman’s father. Norman allegedly told Waters that the dealership did not want to put him under that kind of stress. Waters told Norman he would not like the proposed new work schedule and hours. Norman allegedly told Waters that he (Norman) was worried that a man Waters’ age could not stand the stress of working those hours.1/ Waters took Norman’s words to mean, in essence, that Waters was being terminated from employment. He replied to Norman only, "I appreciate it," and walked toward the door. As he was exiting, Norman said that he would check with the sister Kia dealership in the Southside area of Jacksonville to see if they had any sales positions open. Waters apparently did not accept that offer. After the meeting with Norman, Waters went to his desk and gathered his personal belongings. He went back into the dealership and said goodbye to Hutchinson, the young office manager who had been friendly to Waters during his tenure at Kia. Waters hugged Hutchinson, said "I’m out of here," and indicated that he did not want to work on weekends. He then left the premises.2/ On the 17th day of October, Hutchinson was instructed to fill out a Separation Notice to reflect Waters’ cessation of employment at Kia. The reason given on the form for Waters’ leaving was "Voluntary [sic] Quit." Waters’ term of employment was listed as December 1, 2009 through October 17, 2013. Waters’ work schedule was listed as 9:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m., seven days a week. Hutchinson said that is simply a statement of when the store is open; each person works the hours necessary to get their job done. In the description of Waters in the Separation Notice, Hutchinson wrote, "Great company guy. None better." There is not dispute that Waters was a well-liked person at the dealership. Waters did not see the Separation Notice until it was sent to his attorney in preparation for final hearing. Waters disagrees with the date of the notice, the work hours listed, and that he voluntarily quit his job. On October 1, 2013, just two weeks before leaving Kia, Waters had been given a raise from $1,500.00 per month, plus 5% of profits generated by the used car department, to $4,000.00 per month plus 5% of the profits. Waters did not contact Hogan to inquire as to whether something could be worked out concerning his continued employment. Hogan had been exceptionally nice to Waters in the past, but Waters did not pursue relief with him. Hogan remembers trying to contact Waters once via telephone but never talked to him about the matter. As far as Hogan is concerned, Waters voluntarily terminated his employment with Kia because he did not want to work the hours needed. Hogan had hired Waters at age 66 and did not have any objection to Waters working for as long as he felt healthy enough to do so. After he left his employment with Kia, Waters has sought but been unable to locate another management job. He has no interest in going back into a sales position. No testimony or evidence was presented at final hearing as to whether Waters’ position with Kia was filled or, if so, whether a younger person was hired to replace him.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by the Florida Commission on Human Relations, upholding its determination that no cause exists for a finding of discrimination against Petitioner, Lamar B. Waters, by Respondent, R.H. Motors, d/b/a Kia of Orange Park. DONE AND ENTERED this 30th day of October, 2014, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S R. BRUCE MCKIBBEN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of October, 2014.

Florida Laws (6) 120.569120.57120.68760.01760.10760.11
# 7
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 76-000688 Latest Update: Jul. 29, 1976

Findings Of Fact Harlen Brown, was called and testified that he is a member of a corporation which owns the property which is the subject of this hearing and is located at 477 Northwest Lucy Street, Florida City, Florida. He testified that the licensee rented the space from the corporation on a month to month basis and that he was aware of the charges pending against the licensee. 1/ Brown stated that he was experiencing problems with licensee Washington and that residents of the community had also expressed their problems which were in the nature of a nuisance to the community but that the residents are not criminally inclined. Brown indicated that he would file an application to operate the premises as a beer and wine disco arrangement and that it was his intent to renovate the premises and cater to adults and not minors. He expressed the opinion that the problems stemmed from the prior lessees. Brown urged that if the licensee's license was revoked, that it be done without prejudice. Michael Somberg, a beverage officer for approximately 18 months testified that he visited the Spot Bar on November 2, 1975, along with public safety officers Swain, Davis and others at approximately 12 o'clock, based on complaints that minors were consuming alcohol. Police officers that were also on the scene made an I.D. check of all the occupants on the premises and detained a juvenile, Larry Melvin, whose age as subsequently established revealed that he was 15 years old. He at the time of his detainment was carrying a sealed can of Miller's Beer. Somberg tasted and smelled the beer and determined that it was an alcoholic beverage. He placed Melvin under arrest and the beer was given to Officer E. W. Pfitzenmaier, who in turn submitted it to the crime laboratory bureau of the Metropolitan Dade County Public Safety Department for a laboratory analysis report. The examination conducted on the beer submitted that it contained ethyl alcohol 2.01 percent by volume or 1.61 percent by weight. Somberg testified that there was a flurry of activity on the premises when they announced themselves as beverage agents and/or policemen and that there was an attempt by the patrons to rid themselves of several packets and other items which turned out to be contraband. Somberg found one aluminum packet which contained 8 small packets of what appeared to him to resemble cocaine. He also gathered small amounts of marijuana and other paraphernalia from the floor of the premises. He retained the paraphernalia and had a field reagent test conducted on the narcotics. Present with Somberg was Officer Pfitzenmaier who also assisted in gathering the large wrapper which contained the 8 small packets of the white substance which according to him resembled cocaine also. Pfitzenmaier testified that he, at all times, maintained the confiscated items under his care, custody and control until turned over to the Dade County Laboratory Department. The various reports and items were received in evidence and marked for identification as Board's Exhibits 3 through 10. Also introduced was the notice of hearing which was issued to Licensee Washington and as Exhibit Number 12 the notice to show cause why his license should not be revoked. An examination of the items revealed that the licensee and/or his agents sold to a minor a liquid containing ethyl alcohol; that among the items confiscated was heroin and marijuana i.e., 13.6 grams of marijuana and heroin and 8 small packets containing cocaine. Also introduced was a carton containing 100 packages of non Florida tax paid cigarettes which were found on the licensed premises on January 8, 1976. This possession violates Florida Statutes 561.29(1)(B).

Florida Laws (7) 2.01210.16210.18561.29562.02562.11823.10
# 10

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