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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Jun. 08, 2018 Number: 18-002967BID Latest Update: Jan. 09, 2019

The Issue Whether Respondent, Florida Housing Finance Corporation’s (“Florida Housing”), decision to award funding, pursuant to Request for Applications 2017-111 (“the RFA”), to HTG Sunset, LLC (“Sunset Lake”); HTG Creekside, LLC (“Oaks at Creekside”); and Harper’s Pointe, LP (“Harper’s Pointe”), is contrary to its governing statutes, rules, or the RFA specifications; and, if so, whether the decision is clearly erroneous, contrary to competition, arbitrary, or capricious.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner Madison Oaks is the Applicant entity for a proposed affordable housing development to be located in Osceola County, Florida. Petitioner Sterling Terrace is the Applicant entity for a proposed affordable housing development to be located in Hernando County, Florida. American Residential and Sterling Terrace are Developer entities as defined by Florida Housing in Florida Administrative Code Rule 67-48.002(28). Sunset Lake, Oaks at Creekside, and Harper’s Pointe are all properly registered business entities in Florida in the business of providing affordable housing. Florida Housing is a public corporation organized pursuant to chapter 420, Part V, Florida Statutes, and, for the purposes of these proceedings, an agency of the State of Florida. Through the RFA, Florida Housing proposes to award an estimated $10,978,942 in Housing Credit Financing for Affordable Housing Developments located in medium and small counties (“affordable housing tax credits”). The RFA outlines a process for selecting developments for funding. Section Five B. outlines the Selection Process, and subsection 2. is the Application Sorting Order. On November 5, 2017, Florida Housing received 167 applications in response to the RFA. Madison Oaks, Sterling Terrace, Sunset Lake, Oaks at Creekside, and Harper’s Pointe timely submitted applications seeking funding to assist in the development of multi-family housing in medium counties. Florida Housing selected a review committee to score all submitted applications. The review committee issued a recommendation of preliminary rankings and allocations, and the Board of Directors of Florida Housing approved these recommendations on May 4, 2018. The Board found that the parties to this proceeding all satisfied the mandatory and eligibility requirements for funding, but awarded funding to Intervenors based upon the ranking criteria in the RFA. If Sterling Terrace can demonstrate that any two of the three Intervenors should not have been recommended for funding, it and Blue Sunbelt, LLC, will displace them as applications selected for funding. If Madison Oaks can demonstrate that all three Intervenors should not have been recommended for funding, Sterling Terrace and Blue Sunbelt, LLC, will displace them as applications selected for funding. Sunset Lake Section Four A.5.e.(3) of the RFA allows applicants to receive up to four points for proximity to certain community services. The RFA provides that applicants in medium counties must receive at least seven points to be eligible for funding, and at least nine points to be eligible for a Proximity Funding Preference. One of those community services is public schools, which are defined as follows: A public elementary, middle, junior and/or high school, where the principal admission criterion is the geographic proximity to the school. This may include a charter school, if the charter school is open to appropriately aged children in the radius area who apply, without additional requirements for admissions such as passing an entrance exam or audition, payment of fees or tuition, or demographic diversity considerations. Additionally, it must have been in existence and available for use by the general public as of the Application Deadline. (emphasis added). Sunset Lake identified the Jewett School of the Arts (“Jewett School”) as a public school, received four points for proximity, and as a result, was eligible for the Proximity Funding Preference. The Jewett School is a magnet school within the Polk County Florida School District. The Jewett School was in existence and available for use by the general public as of the application deadline. Petitioners maintain the Jewett School does not meet the definition of “public school.”4/ If the Jewett School does not meet the definition of a “public school,” Sunset Lake would not be entitled to four points for proximity to community services. As a result, it would have a total of seven points for proximity, and while it would remain eligible, it would lose the Proximity Funding Preference. As a result, Sunset Lake would not have been ranked as highly and would not have been recommended for funding. The Jewett School does not meet the RFA definition of “public school” because geographic proximity to the school is not the principal admission criterion. Although a student must live in Polk County Schools’ Magnet Zone B to apply for admission to the Jewett School, the principal admission criteria is a random lottery process. Geographic location within the Polk County magnet school zones is a threshold issue which qualifies a student to apply for admission. However, the magnet school decision-making process entails a subsequent elaborate demographic diversity analysis, sorting based on the outcome of that analysis, and, ultimately, a random lottery drawing which determines final admission. The Jewett School admission process is contrary to Florida Housing’s primary purpose of awarding proximity points to proposed housing developments--to ensure the intended residents can, in fact, use the services in proximity to the development. Sunset Lake is not entitled to four points for proximity to community services and should not be awarded Proximity Funding Preference. As a result, Sunset Lake should not have been ranked as highly and should not have been recommended for funding. Oaks at Creekside Oaks at Creekside identified the Manatee Charter School (“Manatee School”) as a public school, received three points for proximity, and, as a result, was eligible for funding but not for the Proximity Funding Preference. The Manatee School is a charter school located in Bradenton, Florida. The Manatee School was in existence and available for use by the general public as of the application deadline. Petitioners maintain the Manatee School does not meet the definition of a “public school.”5/ If the Manatee Charter School does not meet that definition, then Oaks at Creekside is not entitled to three points for proximity. As a result, it would have only six total proximity points, and would not be eligible for funding. Florida Housing maintains that a charter school must meet both parts of the definition of a public school in order for a proposed development to receive proximity points based on proximity to that school. That means a charter school must (1) use geographic proximity as the primary admission criteria, and (2) be “open to appropriately aged children in the radius area who apply, without additional requirements for admissions such as passing an entrance exam or audition, payment of fees or tuition, or demographic diversity considerations.” Geographic proximity is not the primary admission criterion for the Manatee School. On the contrary, the Manatee School is open for admission regardless of geographic proximity thereto. The Manatee School operates pursuant to a contract with the Manatee County School Board, and is “open to any student residing in the Manatee County School District, students covered in an interdistrict agreement and students as provided for in Section 1002.33(10), Florida Statutes (2010).”6/ The Manatee School operates a “controlled open enrollment” process. The application period opens in early January and closes at the end of February, and the School accepts students from any school district in the state whose parent or guardian can provide transportation to the school, if the school has not reached capacity. This process is sometimes referred to as “school choice” and is mandatory pursuant to section 1002.31, Florida Statutes.7/ The Manatee School has enrolled students throughout Manatee County, as well as from adjoining Sarasota County. Historically, the Manatee School has not reached capacity. Once the School reaches capacity in any one grade level or class, students will be selected by a system-generated, random lottery process. The term “radius area” is not defined in the RFA or in Florida Housing’s rules. Florida Housing introduced no evidence regarding the meaning of the term “radius area” within the definition of “public school.” When questioned about the meaning, Marisa Button, Florida Housing’s Director of Multifamily Allocations, stated she did not know, but “[I] assume it means if the charter school has a radius area. I don’t know.”8/ The term “radius” is defined as “a bounded or circumscribed area.” Merriam-Webster Online, www.merriam- webster.com (2018). The bounded or circumscribed area for admission to the Manatee School is the Manatee County School District, pursuant to its contract. The Manatee School is open to appropriately-aged children in the radius area who apply. The Manatee School does not apply additional requirements for admission, such as passing an entrance exam or audition, payment of fees or tuition, or demographic diversity considerations.9/ The Manatee School does provide admissions preferences to students of active duty military personnel, siblings of a student already enrolled, siblings of an accepted applicant, children of an employee of the School, and children of a charter board member. Each of these preferences is authorized pursuant to section 1002.33(10)(d). The preferences are not additional requirements for admission to the Manatee School. The Manatee School meets the second part of the definition of “public school” for purpose of qualifying Oaks at Creekside to receive proximity points pursuant to the RFA. Harper’s Pointe Madison Oaks argues Harper’s Pointe is ineligible for funding pursuant to the RFA because the Harper’s Pointe development site is a “scattered site,” and Harper’s Pointe did not identify the site as such and comply with the RFA requirement to designate latitude and longitude coordinates for both sites.10/ Rule 67-48.002(105) defines “scattered sites” as follows: (105) “Scattered sites,” as applied to a single Development, means a Development site that, when taken as a whole, is comprised of real property that is not contiguous (each such non-contiguous site within a Scattered Site Development, is considered to be a “Scattered Site”). For purposes of this definition “contiguous” means touching at a point or along a boundary. Real property is contiguous if the only intervening real property interest is an easement, provided the easement is not a roadway or street. All of the Scattered Sites must be located in the same county. Section Four A.5.c. of the RFA states: “The Applicant must state whether the Development consists of Scattered Sites.” Section Four A.5.d. of the RFA requires that applicants provide latitude and longitude coordinates for the Development Location Point and any scattered sites. Section Five A.1. provides that “only items that meet all of the following Eligibility Items will be eligible for funding and consideration for funding selection.” Among the items listed are “Question whether a Scattered Sites Development answered” and “Latitude and Longitude Coordinates for any Scattered Site provided, if applicable.” Harper’s Pointe did not state in its application that the development consists of scattered sites, and did not provide separate latitude and longitude coordinates for scattered sites. Harper’s Pointe’s proposed development site, as identified in its Site Control Documents, consists of land located within a platted tract of property. The plat recorded in Alachua County indicates that the site is bisected by a platted 50-foot street easement running east/west through the property. The parties stipulated the street has never been constructed. Although portions of the east/west easement area show signs of having been improved at some time in the past, the easement area has never been paved, and is currently impassible by car or truck due to vegetation in the easement area. Even if the easement area were improved, there is no roadway to the west of the property to which it would connect. A fence runs along the property line and the property beyond the fence is platted residential lots accessed by Northeast 22nd Street. An existing roadway, Northeast 23rd Avenue, terminates at the eastern property line just south of the east/west easement. The City has placed barriers at that property line prohibiting access to the property from Northeast 23rd Avenue. If the platted street is a “roadway or street” as those terms are used in rule 67-48.002(105), the site would meet the definition of a “scattered site.” Ms. Button testified on behalf of Florida Housing that the property meets the definition of a scattered site because “there is an easement that is a road or a street” that bisects the property. Ms. Button first testified that Florida Housing’s determination did not depend on whether a roadway or street is actually constructed within the easement, but rather, “it goes back to the easement, whether there is an easement that is a roadway or street.” Ms. Button’s testimony seemed logical enough. If the easement were a street easement, access between the northern and southern portions of the development site would be constrained. By contrast, if the easement were a conservation or utility easement, there would be no impairment of access between portions of the development site. However, on cross examination, Ms. Button testified that, in making the determination whether an easement for a road or street existed, Florida Housing would consider a number of other factors, including whether a roadway was actually constructed within the easement, whether there were physical obstructions preventing access to the “prospective” roadway or street, and whether the public had a right to use the “prospective” roadway or street. Ms. Button did not testify with specificity what factors she considered in making the determination that the easement, in this case, was “a roadway or street.” Ms. Button’s direct-examination testimony was conclusory: “Based on the documentation we received, there is an easement that is a road or street.” On direct examination, her determination appeared to be based solely on the plat designation of a street easement. On cross-examination, however, Ms. Button testified that “a street designated . . . on a plat could be evidence of the existence of a scattered site.” (emphasis added). Moreover, Ms. Button testified that Florida Housing could consider whether a roadway or street was actually constructed, whether there were obstructions to its use, and whether the public had a right to use the purported roadway. Ms. Button’s testimony that the Harper’s Point development site was a scattered site was equivocal, and the undersigned does not accept it as either reliable or persuasive.11/ There is no physical roadway or street constructed within the easement. While there is some evidence that some portions of the easement area were improved in the past, said improvement was at least 25 years old. The current condition of the property is fairly heavily wooded. To the extent a “path” exists on the property, it is not passable by a standard four- wheeled vehicle. Moreover, there are physical barriers preventing vehicular access to the property from the adjoining street to the east. There is no access to the property from the residential development to the west of the property. There is not an improved area preventing access from the northern to the southern portion of the development site. There is no structure built within the easement which would have to be demolished in order to build the project on the development site as a single parcel. Based on the entirety of the reliable evidence, the Harper’s Pointe development site is not a “scattered site” as defined in the RFA. Madison Oaks failed to prove that Florida Housing’s initial determination to award tax credits to Harper’s Pointe, pursuant to the RFA, was incorrect.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Florida Housing issue a final order finding (1) that its initial scoring decision regarding Sunset Lake was erroneous, and awarding funding to the applicant with the next highest lottery number; and (2) awarding funding to Oaks at Creekside and Harper’s Pointe, pursuant to its initial scoring decision. DONE AND ENTERED this 23rd day of August, 2018, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S SUZANNE VAN WYK Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 23rd day of August, 2018.

Florida Laws (5) 1002.311002.331003.03120.569120.57
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Aug. 01, 2007 Number: 07-003547 Latest Update: Apr. 08, 2010

The Issue Whether Petitioners " . . . provide[d] direct services in a local fiscal agent's area (so that they may) . . . receive the same percentage of undesignated funds as a percentage of designated funds they receive . . . ", Section 110.181 (2)(e), Florida Statutes (2006), in relation to the 2006 Florida State Employees' Charitable Campaign (the 2006 Campaign).

Findings Of Fact Stipulated Facts The Florida Legislature created the Florida State Employees' Charitable Campaign in 1993 ("Campaign"). § 110.181(1)(a), Fla. Stat. (2006). The Act requires the Department to "establish and maintain" an annual Campaign, which "is the only authorized charitable fundraising drive directed toward state employees within work areas during work hours, and for which the state will provide payroll deduction." § 110.181(1)(a), Fla. Stat. (2006). State employees are provided annually with a pledge card that allows them to direct their donations to particular charities. Each employee is given a booklet containing a list of those charities that have qualified to participate in the Campaign. Each employee can either pick from the pre-qualified list, or the employee can give "undesignated funds" that go to no particular charity. The Act requires the creation of a Statewide Steering Committee ("Committee") of seven members appointed by the Administration Commission, and two members appointed by the Department Secretary, all serving staggered terms. § 110.181(4), Fla. Stat. In addition to the Committee, the Act calls for the creation of several other steering committees, one "in each fiscal agent area," whose purpose is to "assist in conducting the campaign and to direct the distribution of undesignated funds" ("local steering committees"). § 110.181(2)(d), Fla. Stat. The Department is required to select through the competitive procurement process a "fiscal agent" or agent whose duties are limited to "receiv[ing], account[ing] for, and distribut[ing] charitable contributions among the participating charitable organizations." § 110.181(2)(a), Fla. Stat. United Way of Florida, Inc., served as the state wide fiscal agent during the 2006 Campaign. Petitioners are 21 charities that were approved by the Committee and participated in the 2006 Campaign. Petitioner Community Health Charities is a "federation" or "umbrella" agency within the meaning of Rule 60L-39.0015(j), Florida Administrative Code, representing each of the other Petitioners in the 2006 Florida State Employees' Charitable Campaign ("2006 Campaign" or "FSECC"). Each Petitioner is either a charity or a federation within the meaning of the Act that participates in the annual statewide campaign and has a direct interest in the proper administration of the Act, including the distribution of designated and undesignated charitable funds generated thereby. Additional Facts Section 110.181(3), Florida Statutes, grants rulemaking authority to the Respondent in association with the time and manner for charitable organizations to participate in the Campaign. This process is undertaken upon the recommendations of the Committee. In accordance with those opportunities Respondent had adopted administrative rules to implement Section 110.181, Florida Statutes. Among the rules in the Florida Administrative Code were the following: 60L-39.001 (scope and purpose); 60L- 39.002 (general requirements); 60L-39.003 (Statewide Steering Committee); 60L-39.004 (Eligibility Criteria for Participation by Charitable Organizations); 60L-39.005 (Application Procedures); and 60L-39.006 (Duties and Responsibilities of the Fiscal Agent). None of these rules defined the term "direct services" in a "local fiscal agent's area", referred to in Section 110.181(2)(e), Florida Statutes (2006), as that statute controls the opportunity for a charitable organization to receive undesignated funds from the 2006 Campaign. This has been explained as the "first tier distribution" of undesignated charitable contributions made by state employees. After the 2006 Campaign commenced, Respondent adopted a rule that defined the term "direct services." Florida Administrative Code Rule 60L-39.0015(1)(i) provided that definition. The rule was effective January 23, 2007. It defined the term "direct services" as: Direct services. Identifiable and specific services available in the local fiscal agent's area without any intervention between the services offered and persons served. The 2006 Campaign began in the summer of 2006. December 22, 2006, was the deadline for applying for first tier undesignated funds. Application was made upon a form created for use in the 2006 Campaign. Petitioner's Exhibit numbered 2. On October 17, 2006, by e-mail, Petitioners were made aware of the direct local services certification form and its guidelines, contained in one document, Petitioners' Exhibit numbered 2. Explanations were provided. The e-mail came from John Kuczwanski, Committee Chairman. This document referenced distribution of the first tier undesignated funds for the 2006 Campaign. It said in pertinent part: As a result of recent changes to the FSECC Law (s. 110.181(2)(d) and (e), Florida Statutes), the Statewide FSECC Steering Committee is in the process of implementing rules and a process by which federations and unaffiliated/independent organizations will submit information, regarding provision of direct local services in each fiscal agent United Way area, in order to receive a pro- rata share of undesignated funds. The final process and rules will take effect in 2007, and will become a part of the 2007 FSECC application cycle and are a result of input during our rules promulgation process. Because these formal rules will not be implemented until 2007, an interim process will be in place for the 2006 FSECC. As such, the following process will be utilized by federations and unaffiliated/independent organizations to determine where direct local services are being provided, and thereby eligibility for a pro-rata share of 2006 undesignated funds. Attached is a spreadsheet, which you must complete and submit to the Statewide FSECC Steering Committee no later than close of business on Friday, December 22, 2006. Instructions for Federations: On the attached spreadsheet, please enter the requested information for your federation and each of your member agencies (that have been approved to participate in the 2006 FSECC) that provide direct local services in the appropriate Fiscal Agent United Way sections. Each section identifies which county(ies) are included in that fiscal agent area. Only enter agencies in the fiscal agent section(s) in which that agency provides direct local services, as defined on the spreadsheet. The attached spreadsheet (form), in relevant part contained the following: 2006 Florida State Employees' Charitable Campaign Direct Local Services Certification Form GuidelinesDEADLINE: December 22, 2006 [Forms received after the deadline will result in ineligibility for a pro-rata share of undesignated funds.] Federation Name: OR Unaffiliated/Independent Organization Name: Contact Person: Email Address: Telephone Number: INSTRUCTIONS: Please enter the requested information below for each of your federation's member agencies (that have been approved to participate in the 2006 FSECC) that provide direct local services in the appropriate United Way Fiscal Agency sections below. Unaffiliated/independent organizations should provide the requested information in the appropriate sections for the areas in which your organization provides direct local services. Name of Organization Organization Address Address(es) where the direct service(s) were delivered in the previous calendar year (2005) Description of the type of direct service(s) delivered ["Direct services" is defined as identifiable and specific services available in the local fiscal agent's area without any intervention between the services offered and persons served.] # of people served/Population served * * * The form goes on to describe the areas served by the United Way fiscal agents, as examples United Way of the Big Bend, with its respective counties and the United Way of Brevard County, with its respective counties. It was contemplated that the charities seeking participation in distribution of first tier undesignated funds identify the organization by name, its address, addresses where direct services were delivered in the previous calendar year, etc., in relation to all of the United Way fiscal agent areas. Petitioners and other charities seeking participation in the first tier distribution of undesignated funds were expected to proceed without further direction from the Committee or Respondent when completing the 2006 Direct Local Services' Certification Form. Concerning the rule adoption process referred to in the e-mail, on October 16, 2007, the Committee had met to review proposed rules under consideration that supported the process of charitable campaigns recognized in Section 110.181, Florida Statutes. Prior to that date, the Respondent had held meetings and conducted workshops related to rule development. As a result, Florida Administrative Code Rule 60L-39.015, and an amendment to Florida Administrative Code Rule 60L-39.005, were adopted and became effective January 23, 2007. The amendment within Florida Administrative Code Rule 60L-39.005(5), incorporated by reference Form DMS-ADM-102, effective January 23, 2007, the same date the overall Florida Administrative Code Rule 60L-39.005 was amended. The incorporated form differed in appearance when compared to the 2006 Direct Local Services Certification Form with guidelines that had been provided in relation to the 2006 Campaign. The difference was that the Form incorporated by reference was titled "Agency Direct Local Services Certification Form". It spoke of a March 1 deadline with no specific year. It spoke of a need to provide the federation name, contact person and telephone number. It carried the same headings in the five columns related to the provision of the information about direct services in the 27 United Way fiscal agent areas. In its instructions it stated: Each federation is required to submit this form for all member agencies that provide direct local services, as defined in Rule 60L-39.0015(i), Florida Administrative Code, in the appropriate local fiscal agent sections below and provide with their annual application package. Independent or unaffiliated agencies must provide this form with their annual application. Gwen Cooper, president and CEO of Community health Charities of Florida (CCH), helped the members of the federation, the other Petitioners in this cause, complete the 2006 Direct Local Services Certification Form with guidelines. This included contacts by telephone and e-mails to address the proper response to the form on the part of the member charities. In addition, Ms. Cooper prepared a different form, designed to assist the member charities in presenting needed information. That form called for a deadline of December 5, 2006, for submission to her of information provided by the member charities on the form prepared by Ms. Cooper. The return information was then edited and utilized in her preparation of the 2006 Campaign Direct Local Services Certification Form with guidelines that had been made available by the Committee on October 17, 2006. An example of the instructions for a member charity as filled out by the charity on the form created by Ms. Cooper is Respondent's Exhibit numbered 6 pertaining to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Palm Beach Chapter. The completed Direct Local Services Certification Forms with guidelines for the 2006 Campaign for all CHS member charities is Petitioners' Exhibit numbered 12A. Importantly, the instructions provided in the Cooper form directed to the CHC member charities, stated: INSTRUCTIONS: Please enter the requested information below for each fiscal agent regional area where your agency provides direct local services. Simply recording the office in that region is not enough. Please keep your descriptions concise and general. There is no need to give lengthy details for each region. If you know the number of people served in that region, please record it. If not, please provide an estimate or put NA. If you do not provide services in a particular regions (sic), please put NA in the Description column. If you have more than one office in a particular region, please list all the offices. We will review all submissions and call with questions. Feel free to add lines as needed. This record is for services rendered in Calendar Year 2005. As can be seen, this was a departure from the instructions provided by the Committee in the 2006 Campaign Direct Local Services Certification Form with guidelines previously described, Petitioners' Exhibit numbered 12A representing the completed form for all CHC member charities. The Committee met on February 14, 22, and 28, 2007, to consider the 2006 Campaign Direct Local Services Certification Forms with guidelines completed by Petitioners and other charitable groups. Dr. Kenneth Armstrong, Jr., Executive Director of the United Way of the Big Bend, attended the February 14, 2007, Committee meeting. At the meeting he presented the Committee members with a document intended to express his opinion concerning the basis for deciding whether Petitioners and other charitable organizations were entitled to receive first tier undesignated funds. Petitioners' Exhibit numbered 4. In this document, Dr. Armstrong critically comments on the entitlement of Petitioners, unaffiliated and independent charitable agencies to receive first tier undesignated funds. In his written remarks, he opposes the right for some Petitioners to receive the first tier undesignated funds, while explaining his reasons. These suggestions were favorably received by Respondent's counsel who advised the Committee during the meeting. In particular, counsel stated that he found Dr. Armstrong's approach created an " . . . incisive analysis of the kind of activities that could not reasonably be considered direct services . . . ". While the Committee was left to arrive at its own decision concerning Petitioners' entitlement to receive first tier undesignated funds, Dr. Armstrong's ideas given credence by Respondent's counsel were accepted as part of that process. The work was not completed on February 14, 2007, and the Committee reconvened on February 22, 2007, to continue consideration of the 2006 Campaign Direct Local Services Certification Forms. The Committee met again on February 28, 2007, to consider the 2006 Campaign Direct Local Services Certification Forms. By then the forms had been divided among the Committee members, with each Committee member being responsible for review and recommendation in relation to his or her part of the assignment. The discussion in the session was at best abbreviated concerning the decision to include or reject a charity in a locale in relation to receiving first tier undesignated funds. One Committee member left the meeting and his portion of the assignment was dealt with by the remaining Committee members reviewing the annotations of the missing member indicating denial or approval of a given charity. There were other notes as well on these materials assigned to the Committee member who left the meeting. The remaining Committee members approved the recommendations by the missing Committee member. On March 8, 2007, the Committee made its decision and e-mailed Petitioners concerning its position on the "2006 FSECC Direct Local Services Certification" spreadsheets (forms). The e-mail is Petitioners' Exhibit numbered 10. The reference line in the e-mail is "Distribution of 2006 FSECC undesignated funds -- Direct Local Services Certification". The reason for this preliminary decision was: After three meetings, the FSECC Statewide Steering Committee has completed its review and voted on all 2006 FSECC Direct and Local Service Certification spreadsheets previously submitted for its consideration. Attached is the final spreadsheet that lists all charitable organizations that were approved by the Committee and deemed, based on the information submitted, to be providing direct local services in at least one United Way fiscal agent area. Charitable organizations not included on the attached list were not deemed to be providing direct local services, based on the information submitted. Direct local services, as defined on the certification form and in Rule, are "identifiable and specific services available in the local fiscal agent's area without any intervention between the services offered and persons served." The 59 charitable organizations included on the attached list will receive a pro-rata share (based on their local designation percentages in 2006) of the 2006 undesignated funds, in the Fiscal Agent United Way areas within which they were deemed to be providing direct local services, as indicated on the attached by an "X" in specific United Way fiscal agent columns. Thank you, The FSECC Statewide Steering Committee The above-quoted language in the e-mail notification that refers to the certification form is understood to mean the 2006 Campaign Direct Local Services Certification Form with guidelines. The comment in the e-mail concerning the "rule" where it says "identifiable and specific services available in the local fiscal agent's area without any intervention between the services offered and persons served" is taken directly from Florida Administrative Code Rule 60-39.0015(1)(i), effective January 23, 2007, with its definition of "direct services." As the March 8, 2007, e-mail summarizes, CHC had 16 member originations approved. At the time the preliminary decision was communicated, the Committee had approved approximately 18.64 percent of Petitioners' individual submissions. The basis of the denial of the remaining submissions seeking receipt of first tier undesignated funds was not explained. This led to the original petition challenging the decision to deny rights to receive first tier undesignated funds filed on March 30, 2007. The history of the case beyond that point has been explained in the Preliminary Statement, to include the basis for proceeding before DOAH. On August 24, 2007, after the case had been referred to DOAH for hearing, Respondent published notice in the Florida Administrative Weekly, Volume 33 No. 34, to this effect: The Florida Department of Management Services announces a public meeting to which all persons are invited. DATE AND TIME: September 10, 2007, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon PLACE: 4050 Esplanade Way, Room 101, Tallahassee, Florida GENERAL SUBJECT MATTER TO BE CONSIDERED: Review and Approval of Local Steering Committee Members. Community Health Charities lawsuit and re-visit on direct services determinations. A copy of the agenda may be obtained by contacting: Erin Thoresen, Department of Management Services, 4050 Esplanade Way, Suite 235, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0950, (850)922-1274. If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at this meeting or hearing, he/she will need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceeding is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence from which the appeal is to be issued. * * * Respondent's Exhibit numbered 24. The notice by its terms did not explain in any detail what might be achieved during the course of the meeting to consider the pending "lawsuit" and revisit issues in relation to direct services determinations. The "lawsuit" related to the pending administrative proceeding in DOAH Case No. 07-3547. Barton Cooper, CHC Director of Corporate Development, attended the meeting with Petitioners' counsel. No presentation was made by Petitioners, as they were uncertain of Respondent's intentions when the meeting was advertised in the Florida Administrative Weekly, and understood that litigation was ongoing before DOAH. Nonetheless, Mr. Cooper expressed his appreciation for the Committee's willingness to revisit the issue of the remaining Petitioners' entitlement to receive first tier undesignated funds. On this occasion the Committee conducted an additional review of material provided by Petitioners. Those materials were constituted of Petitioners' Exhibit numbered 12A, the original December 22, 2006, Direct Local Services Certification Forms for the rejected applicants for first tier undesignated funds and Exhibit 2 to the Amended Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing filed March 30, 2007, with the Respondent. (Exhibit 2 became Petitioners' Exhibit numbered 12B, admitted at the final hearing.) This exhibit provides additional information concerning member charities within CHC and supporting argument for their inclusion in the distribution of first tier undesignated funds. As a consequence of the Committee's efforts, approximately 77 percent of Petitioners' applications made originally were approved, leaving 21 Petitioners denied the ability to receive first tier designated funds in one or more of the United Way fiscal agent areas. On September 12, 2007, the Committee made known its "Amended and Revised FSECC Direct Services Determinations for the 2006 Campaign" in correspondence directed to Petitioners. Petitioners' Exhibit numbered 13. In explanation, the written communication stated: On September 10, 2007 the Statewide Steering committee decided to re-visit issues on direct services determinations. In accordance with Exhibit 2 of the Second Amended Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing, the participating Community Health Charities, within the fiscal area listed, were revisited. The Direct Local Services Certification Forms submitted on behalf of your organization and/or your member agencies were reexamined for compliance with the eligibility criteria for a receipt of undesignated funds based upon the provision of direct services. Direct services are defined as "[i]dentifiable and specific services available in the local fiscal agent's area without any intervention between the services offered and persons served." Rule 60L-39.0015(1)(i), Florida Administrative Code. Applicant organizations named above that did not meet the criteria for direct services were denied by the FSECC Statewide Steering Committee. This explanation referred to the definition of direct services found within Florida Administrative Code Rule 60-39.0015(1)(i), effective January 23, 2007. It also mentioned reliance upon Exhibit numbered 2 to the Second Amended Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing (Exhibit 2 accompanied the Amended Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing as well). The memorandum decision pointed out a spreadsheet attached describing those charities whose application forms had been reexamined on September 10, 2007, noting approvals and disapprovals. The attachment to the September 12, 2007, amended revised FSECC Direct Local Services determination for the 2006 Campaign breaks out the agencies approved as to locations within United Way fiscal agents areas, those approved earlier and those approved by actions taken on September 10, 2007. Those approvals are noted by marking the letter "X" in the column for each agency earlier approved or approved on September 10, 2007, as to each charity and every United Way fiscal agent area. Concerning the remaining requests to receive first tier undesignated funds by those 21 Petitioners, information necessary to decide entitlement is found within the 2006 Campaign Direct Local Services Certification Form with guidelines (Petitioners' Exhibit numbered 12A); the explanations found within Exhibit 2 to the Amended Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing, which became Petitioners' Exhibit numbered 12B and a series of exhibits admitted at hearing, Petitioners' Exhibit numbered 21 through 38. Those latter exhibits provide explanations pertaining to the 21 disappointed Petitioners, expanding what is known about the charities, their services, the manner that the services are provided, who receives the services and where the services are received, together with the address(es) of the respective organizations. In addition, the depositions of Paul Andrew Ledford of Florida Hospice and Palliative Care (Joint Exhibit numbered 2); Susanne Homant, National Association of Mentally Ill in Florida (Joint Exhibit numbered 3); Deborah Linton, Association for Retarded Citizens of Florida, Inc. (Joint Exhibit numbered 4); Suzanne Earle, Children's Tumor Foundation (Joint Exhibit numbered 5); Pamela Byrne, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (Joint Exhibit numbered 6) and Tracy Tucker, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (Joint Exhibit numbered 7) afford additional insight on the subject of who is served, where they are served etc., pertaining to the subject. Without recounting the details from the various sources previously described, all that information is accepted for purposes of this Recommended Order, as to the facts represented in the exhibits. Based upon information provided in the aforementioned exhibits, the Association for Retarded Citizens/Florida, CHC, Florida Hospices and Palliative Care and the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill of Florida do not provide direct services in fiscal agent areas without intervention between the services offered and persons served in any location. Based upon information provided in the aforementioned exhibits, ALS Association provides direct services in the Heart of Florida United Way fiscal agent area, contrary to the impression held by the Committee before the final hearing. Based upon information provided in the aforementioned exhibits, the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation provides direct services in the United Way fiscal agent areas in Lake and Sumter, Okaloosa-Walton, Santa Rosa, and Volusia-Flagler, for reasons comparable to the practice of the Committee when making its earlier determinations. Based upon information provided in the aforementioned exhibits, the Lupus Foundation of America, Southeast Florida Chapter, provides direct services in the United Way fiscal agent areas in Broward and Palm Beach counties. Of the unapproved requests for first tier undesignated funds made by remaining Petitioners in other specific United Way fiscal agent areas, the facts do not support those requests.

Recommendation Upon consideration, it is RECOMMENDED: That a final order be entered that allows Petitioners to receive first tier undesignated funds in relation to the 2006 Campaign to the extent identified and denies any additional relief requested in the Third Amended Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing. DONE AND ENTERED this 29th day of February, 2008, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S CHARLES C. ADAMS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 29th day of February, 2008. COPIES FURNISHED: David C. Hawkins, Esquire David C. Hawkins, PLLC 3141 Brockton Way Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Matthew F. Minno, Esquire Gerard York, Esquire Department of Management Services 4050 Esplanade Way, Suite 260 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0950 David Andrew Byrne, Esquire Phillips Nizer LLP 666 5th Avenue New York, New York 10103-0001 James A. Peters, Esquire Office of the Attorney General The Capitol, Plaza Level 01 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 Linda South, Secretary Department of Management Services 4050 Esplanade Way Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0950 John Brenneis, General Counsel Department of Management Services 4050 Esplanade Way Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0950

Florida Laws (11) 110.181112.061120.52120.54120.56120.569120.57120.595120.68496.40557.111 Florida Administrative Code (7) 28-106.20160L-39.00160L-39.001560L-39.00360L-39.00460L-39.00560L-39.006
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Apr. 09, 2020 Number: 20-001766BID Latest Update: Jul. 05, 2024

The Issue The issues presented for determination are whether Florida Housing Finance Corporation’s (FHFC) determinations regarding the applications responding to Request for Applications 2019-116 SAIL Financing of Affordable Multifamily Housing Development to Be Used In Conjunction With Tax-Exempt Bond Financing And Non-Competitive Housing Credits (the RFA), were clearly erroneous, contrary to competition, arbitrary, or capricious; and whether the award to Respondent Christian Manor Restoration, LLC (Christian Manor), is contrary to governing statutes, rules, or the solicitation specifications of the RFA.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner Parkwood is an applicant responding to the RFA. The Parkwood application, assigned number 2020-422BS, was deemed eligible but was not selected for funding under the terms of the RFA. Respondent Christian Manor is an applicant responding to the RFA. The Christian Manor application, assigned number 2020-405BS, was deemed eligible and was selected for funding under the terms of the RFA. FHFC is a public corporation created pursuant to section 420.504, Florida Statutes. The purpose of FHFC is to promote public welfare by administering the governmental function of financing affordable housing in Florida. FHFC is tasked with allocating a portion of the certain Disaster Recovery funding allocated by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to the State of Florida Action Plan for Disaster Recovery. Waterview was an applicant responding to the RFA. The Waterview application, assigned number 2020-424BSN, was deemed eligible but was not selected for funding under the terms of the RFA. FHFC is authorized to allocate housing credits and other funding by means of requests for proposals or other competitive solicitation. See § 420.507(48), Fla. Stat.; Fla. Admin. Code Ch. 67-60 (governing the competitive solicitation process). FHFC allocates its competitive funding pursuant to the bid protest provisions of section 120.57(3). Funding is made available through a competitive application process commenced by the issuance of a Request for Applications (RA). An RA is equivalent to a “request for proposal” as indicated in Florida Administrative Code Rule 67-60.009(4). The RFA was issued on November 6, 2019. It was modified several times, and the final RFA was issued on December 20, 2019. The application deadline was December 30, 2019. Sixty-five applications were submitted in response to the RFA. A Review Committee was appointed to review the applications and make recommendations to FHFC’s Board of Directors (the Board). The Review Committee found 57 applications eligible, seven applications ineligible, and one application withdrew from the selection process. Through the ranking and selection process outlined in the RFA, 13 applications were preliminarily recommended for funding, including Christian Manor. The Review Committee developed charts listing its eligibility and funding recommendations to be presented to the Board. On March 6, 2020, the Board met and considered the recommendations of the Review Committee for the RFA. At 9:35 a.m. that same day, all RFA applicants received notice that the Board determined whether applications were eligible or ineligible for funding consideration and that certain eligible applicants were preliminarily selected for funding, subject to satisfactory completion of the credit underwriting process. Such notice was provided by the posting of two spreadsheets on the FHFC website, www.floridahousing.org: (1) listing the Board-approved scoring results for the RFA, and (2) identifying the applications which FHFC proposed to fund. There is no dispute that Petitioner and Christian Manor received this notice. In the March 6, 2020, posting, FHFC announced its intention to award funding to 13 applications including Christian Manor. No challenges were made to the terms of the RFA. RANKING AND SELECTION PROCESS Through the RFA, FHFC seeks to award an estimated total of $71,360,000 in SAIL Financing, as well as tax-exempt bonds, to assist in financing the development of affordable rental housing for tenants who are either low-income or extremely low-income. The available SAIL financing was to be divided so that a certain amount was targeted both geographically, between Large, Medium, and Small Counties, and demographically, between applicants proposing housing for families and those proposing housing for the elderly. Applicants who are awarded tax-exempt bond financing are also entitled to an award of non-competitive federal low-income housing tax credits. FHFC made approximately $5,611,650 in National Housing Trust Fund (NHTF) funding available to applicants committing to build either new construction or rehabilitation of family or elderly housing for “Persons with Special Needs.” Applications in this RFA are scored in two categories for a possible total of ten points. Five points each can be awarded for Submission of Pre- Approved Principal Disclosure Form and Local Government Contributions. Because so many applicants achieve a perfect score of ten, the RFA establishes a series of tiebreakers referred to as a “sorting order,” designed to rank order applications for funding selection. The RFA set the following sorting order, after listing applications from highest score to lowest score: By eligibility for Proximity Funding Preference; then By eligibility for the Per Unit Construction Funding Preference; then By Leveraging Level number 1 through 5; then By eligibility for the Florida Job Creation Preference; then By randomly assigned lottery number. The RFA also established a series of funding goals. Those goals were: One New Construction Application in a Large County serving Elderly residents. Three New Construction Applications in a Large County serving Family residents, with a preference that at least two of such Applications being from “Self-Sourced” Applicants. One New Construction Application in a Medium County serving Elderly residents. Two New Construction Applications in a Medium County, with a preference that at least one such Application being from a self-sourced Applicant. The RFA designated each county in Florida as either Large, Medium, or Small. The RFA also allowed an applicant to designate itself as “Self- Sourced,” which requires applicants proposing new construction family projects to provide a portion of their development funding themselves, in an amount of at least half of its SAIL Request Amount (or $1 million, whichever is greater). The RFA provided that eligible applicants be assigned a Leveraging Level 1 through 5, with 1 being the best score, based on the total Corporation SAIL Funding amount relative to all other eligible applicants’ total Corporation SAIL Funding amount. The Leveraging Level is a comparative tool to rank applicants based on how much SAIL funding each applicant has requested per affordable housing unit (Set-Aside Unit) it proposes to construct. Calculation of the Leveraging Level includes adjusting the total amount of SAIL funds requested by an applicant based on a variety of factors, including development type, development location, construction method to be employed, and whether a Public Housing Authority is part of the applicant, then dividing that adjusted amount by the applicant’s proposed number of Set-Aside Units. For example, the SAIL Request per Set-Aside Unit is reduced by ten percent for applicants proposing a Mid-Rise Four-Story building, while applicants proposing Garden Apartments or Townhouses do not receive this adjustment, and applicants proposing Five-Story or Six-story Mid-Rises or High-Rises get a greater reduction. Applicants whose adjusted SAIL Request per Set-Aside Unit is among the lowest ten percent of all calculated SAIL Request amounts per Set-Aside Unit in this RFA are assigned Leveraging Level 1; the next 20 percent are Leveraging Level 2; the next 20 percent are Leveraging Level 3; the next 20 percent are Leveraging Level 4; and the highest 30 percent are Leveraging Level 5. The RFA employed a “funding test,” requiring that the full amount of an applicant’s SAIL request be available for award when that applicant is under consideration for funding; partial funding awards are not permitted. Sufficient SAIL funding must be available in both the county size group (Large, Medium, or Small), and the demographic category (elderly or family) for an applicant to be selected. Within the county size group, the RFA contains a pour-over provision for any unallocated Small County funding to be divided between the Medium and Large County funding availability; and any unallocated Medium County funding would be made available to Large County applicants. Further, in order to promote geographic distribution of funding awards, the RFA included a County Award Tally mechanism. If an applicant was selected in a particular county, a second applicant would not generally be selected from that same county if there was any eligible applicant available (even with a lower total application score) from any other county, from which an applicant had not already been selected for funding. The RFA set forth a very specific funding selection order, taking into consideration two specific counties (Miami-Dade and Broward), county size groups, development category (new construction or rehabilitation), demographic group (elderly or family), and self-sourced status. CHRISTIAN MANOR’S APPLICATION One of the criteria in the RFA for scoring and ranking applications involves proximity to certain services. The RFA provides in relevant part: e. Proximity The Application may earn proximity points based on the distance between the Development Location Point [(DLP)] and the Bus or Rail Transit Service (if Private Transportation is not selected at question 5.e.(2)(a) of Exhibit A) and the Community Services stated in Exhibit A. Proximity points are awarded according to the Transit and Community Service Scoring Charts outlined in Item 2 of Exhibit C. Proximity points will not be applied towards the total score. Proximity points will only be used to determine whether the Applicant meets the required minimum proximity eligibility requirements and the Proximity Funding Preference, as outlined in the chart below. Requirements and Funding Preference Qualifications All Large County Applications must achieve a minimum number of Transit Service Points and achieve a minimum number of total proximity points to be eligible for funding ... All Applications that achieve a higher number of total proximity points may also qualify for the Proximity Funding Preference as outlined below. Community Services (Maximum 4 Points for each service, up to 3 services) Applicants may provide the location information and distances for three of the following four Community Services on which to base the Application’s Community Services Score. The Community Service Scoring Charts, which reflect the methodology for calculating the points awarded based on the distances, are outlined in Exhibit C. Location of coordinates for Community Services Coordinates must represent a point that is on the doorway threshold of an exterior entrance that provides direct public access to the building where the service is located. * * * Eligible Community Services Grocery Store - This service is defined in Exhibit B and may be selected by all Applicants. Public School - This service is defined in Exhibit B and may be selected only if the Applicant selected the Family Demographic Commitment. Medical Facility - This service is defined in Exhibit B and may be selected by all Applicants. Pharmacy - This service is defined in Exhibit B and may be selected by all Applicants. Scoring Proximity to Services (Transit and Community) (b) Bus and Rail Transit Services and Community Services Applicants that wish to receive proximity points for Transit Services other than Private Transportation or points for any community service must provide latitude and longitude coordinates for that service, stated in decimal degrees, rounded to at least the sixth decimal place, and the distance between the [DLP] and the coordinates for the service. The distances between the DLP and the latitude and longitude coordinates for each service will be the basis for awarding proximity points. Failure to provide the distance for any service will result in zero points for that service. The Transit and Community Service Scoring Charts reflecting the methodology for calculating the points awarded based on the distances are in Exhibit C. (emphasis added). Applicants from a Large County, including Palm Beach County (where Christian Manor is located), must receive at least 10.5 Proximity Points (including at least 2.0 Transit Service points) to be eligible for consideration for funding, and at least 12.5 Proximity Points to receive the Proximity Funding Preference. In its Application, Christian Manor selected three public bus stops for its Transit Services, at claimed distances of .04 miles, .03 miles, and .51 miles from its proposed DLP. It was awarded 5 points for Transit Services. The validity of Christian Manor’s claimed Transit Services is not disputed. For its Community Services, Christian Manor identified the following services: Grocery Store - Aldi Food Market, 2481 Okeechobee Blvd., West Palm Beach, Florida 33409, at a distance of 0.73 miles Medical Facility - MD Now Urgent Care, 2007 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd., West Palm Beach, Florida 33409, at a distance of 0.82 miles Pharmacy - Target (CVS Pharmacy), 1760 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd., West Palm Beach, Florida 33401, at a distance of 0.70 miles. The Aldi Food Market meets the definition of a Grocery Store in the RFA. The MD Now Urgent Care meets the definition of a Medical Facility in the RFA. Christian Manor identified each service by latitude and longitude coordinates and by distance. These coordinates, however, did not accurately reflect the doorway threshold of either the Aldi Food Market or the MD Now Urgent Care Center. The latitude and longitude coordinates provided for the Grocery Store were erroneous. The listed coordinates identify a point over 0.9 miles away from the doorway threshold of the Aldi Food Market. The latitude and longitude coordinates provided for the Medical Facility identify a point over 0.8 miles away from the doorway threshold of the MD Now Urgent Care Center. The actual distance between the Aldi Food Market and the DLP is .73 miles. The actual distance between the street address of the MD Now Urgent Care Center and the DLP is .82 miles. Based on these identified services, Christian Manor was awarded 3 points for the Grocery Store, 3 points for the Pharmacy, and 2.5 points for the Medical Facility. The points awarded for the Pharmacy are not disputed. Parkwood argues that Christian Manor should be awarded no proximity points for its identified Grocery Store or Medical Facility. Parkwood does not argue that the Aldi Food Market is not a Grocery Store as defined by the RFA, nor does it argue that the MD Now Urgent Care is not a Medical Facility as defined by the RFA. Parkwood does not question the identified addresses for the Community Services or contest that the distances between the identified Aldi Food Market and the MD Now Urgent Care and the DLP are .73 miles and .82 miles respectively. Rather, Parkwood’s argument is narrowly focused on the fact the erroneous longitude and latitude coordinates for the grocery and medical services are not at the doorway threshold. Parkwood would have FHFC ignore the actual addresses and distances because of the error in coordinates. Respondents argue the mistake in coordinates was a minor irregularity. The RFA specifically gives FHFC the right to waive minor irregularities. Rule 67-60.008 provides the criteria that FHFC is to consider when evaluating whether an error should be waived as a minor irregularity. Minor irregularities are those irregularities in an Application, such as computation, typographical, or other errors, that do not result in the omission of any material information; do not create any uncertainty that the terms and requirements of the competitive solicitation have been met; do not provide a competitive advantage or benefit not enjoyed by other Applicants; and do not adversely impact the interests of the Corporation or the public. Minor irregularities may be waived or corrected by the Corporation. Ms. Button testified that an evaluating FHFC Review Committee member does not use the latitude or longitude coordinates to confirm the accuracy of the distances provided. Rather, the inclusion of the requirement for such coordinates dates back to when measurements were done by surveyors, who would certify the distances on a special form. FHFC no longer requires the surveyor certification form. FHFC now requires an applicant to self-designate the community services and proximity requirements. FHFC considers the actual distances as the most relevant factors when evaluating points awarded for proximity from the DLP to a selected Community Service. Ms. Button also testified that listing the incorrect latitude and longitude coordinates could, in this particular case, be waived as a minor irregularity. She explained that because the proximity points are based on the distance between the DLP and the identified services, and because the distances claimed in Christian Manor’s application were correct, the proximity points awarded were also correct. Ms. Button opined that Christian Manor did not garner a competitive advantage from the coordinate errors in the application. The coordinates did not create any uncertainty in the application as to what Community Services were identified or how far they were from the DLP. Petitioner pointed to no evidence of any such advantage. Ms. Button also testified that the error in coordinates did not result in any harm to the public or to FHFC. Again, Petitioner provided no evidence of such harm. Rather, Petitioner relies on a different application in a different RA, where the scorer for FHFC had determined that an applicant should be found ineligible because that applicant had failed to list the proper coordinates for one of its listed Community Services. That applicant, however, never challenged FHFC’s finding, and therefore never presented evidence or argument contesting this finding of ineligibility. It is unclear whether the applicant in the other case was found ineligible for other reasons as well, where that applicant was ranked, and whether there were other circumstances that would have affected the scoring and ranking in that particular RA. Ms. Button testified that if the error in coordinates had been challenged, FHFC would then have examined the particular circumstances of the situation to determine whether or not the error should have been waived as a minor irregularity. There is no dispute that the Christian Manor application contained a similar error, and that if Christian Manor had not been able to demonstrate that the claimed distances to the grocery store and medical facility were accurate, that error would have resulted in the application being found ineligible. But there is insufficient evidence to determine whether Petitioner is comparing “apples to apples” when relying on this other situation. Any reference to this other applicant in the other RA is unreliable and unconvincing. Regardless, in this case, the undersigned examined the circumstances of Christian Manor’s application and finds based on the preponderance of the evidence (made up of the stipulated facts and Ms. Button’s unrefuted testimony) any inaccuracies in the longitude and latitude coordinates provided by Christian Manor constitute a minor irregularity that may be waived by FHFC. Based on the facts established, the award to Christian Manor is reasonable and neither erroneous, arbitrary, nor capricious. WATERVIEW’S APPLICATION One of the requirements of the RFA is that applicants demonstrate certain Ability to Proceed elements. One of those elements is as follows: Appropriate Zoning. Demonstrate that as of the Application Deadline the entire proposed Development site is appropriately zoned and consistent with local land use regulations regarding density and intended use or that the proposed Development site is legally non-conforming by providing, as Attachment 9 to Exhibit A, the applicable properly completed and executed verification form: The Florida Housing Finance Corporation Local Government Verification that Development is Consistent with Zoning and Land Use Regulations form (Form Rev. 08-18) [(Zoning Form)]. As part of its application, Waterview submitted a Zoning Form executed by Elisabeth Dang, a City Public Official. The Zoning Form states, among other requirements: The undersigned service provider confirms that, as of the date that this form was signed, the above referenced Development’s proposed number of units, density, and intended use are consistent with current land use regulations and zoning designation or, if the Development consists of rehabilitation, the intended use is allowed as a legally non-conforming use. To the best of my knowledge, there are no hearings or approvals required to obtain the appropriate zoning classification. Assuming compliance with the applicable land use regulations, there are no known conditions that would preclude construction or rehabilitation of the referenced Development on the proposed site. Once it receives the Zoning Form, FHFC does not require that an applicant demonstrate in its application that it will be capable of constructing the proposed development, nor does FHFC attempt to independently verify that an applicant will be capable of constructing the proposed development during the application process. FHFC does not require an applicant to submit engineering drawings or final site plans during the application process, nor does the RFA contain any restrictions or requirements concerning the height of any proposed buildings. All of the details and verifications concerning the actual construction of the proposed project are evaluated during the credit underwriting process. Based partially on its identification of Development Type in its application to FHFC as “Mid-rise 4 stories,” Waterview’s adjusted SAIL request per affordable unit resulted in it being assigned Leveraging Level 4. If it had instead identified a Development Type of “Garden Apartments,” it would have received Leveraging Level 5. Petitioner argues that Waterview will be unable to construct the four- story mid-rise building identified in its application while also meeting a 40- foot height limitation in the local zoning code. As explained above, for the same reasons the undersigned sustained the objections to Petitioner’s exhibits relating to zoning issues and feasibility of constructing the proposed development, the undersigned finds at this stage (eligibility, scoring, and ranking), FHFC was not required to independently verify that the proposed development would comply with all building and zoning regulations.4 The evidence established that Waterview submitted the required Zoning Form executed by a person with authority from the City to execute such a form. There was no evidence presented that Waterview’s Zoning Form was improperly completed, or that it was obtained through fraud or illegality. Moreover, there was no convincing evidence that the Zoning Form was improperly completed. FHFC did not make an independent determination as to whether a proposed project would comply with all local zoning requirements, but instead relied on the representation of the local official who executed the Zoning Form. Petitioner also argues Waterview should be deemed ineligible because it presented different information to the City than it presented to FHFC in its application. Specifically, Petitioner challenges use of the term “garden apartment” by Waterview in materials it submitted to the City, but not submitted to FHFC; and the impact of Waterview’s proposed development on wetlands. The undersigned rejects these arguments for multiple reasons. 4 Had Waterview been awarded funds, but its proposed development could not be built due to zoning restrictions, that would be addressed during the credit underwriting process. First, Petitioner alleges that the presentation of additional information to the City somehow conflicts with the Applicant Certification and Acknowledgement Form that applicants are required to sign which provides in relevant part: “In eliciting information from third parties required by and/or included in this Application, the Applicant has provided such parties information that accurately describes the Development as proposed in this Application.” Ms. Button, however, testified that providing more information to the local government than is presented to FHFC would not in itself conflict with this statement in this form. Second, Mr. Savino’s deposition testimony established he had a number of communications with the City regarding the proposed project and submitted numerous documents for the City to review. Mr. Savino testified he used the term “garden apartments” when discussing the project with the City to refer to apartment complexes, not to the FHFC definition of “garden apartments” as being three stories or less. There is no evidence rebutting Mr. Savino’s version of events, nor is there any indication what the City understood the term to mean. Third, Petitioner argues that Waterview’s proposed project might have impacted wetlands on the property, contrary to relevant regulations. However, Mr. Savino testified that Waterview could build the project without impacting wetlands. Waterview also included among the documents submitted to the City a Revised Preliminary Site Plan which indicated that the Waterview development would not impact wetlands. Regardless, even if it had been shown that the Waterview project would impact wetlands, this would only impact its ability to receive NHTF funds; it would not have any impact on whether FHFC deems an applicant eligible for funding under this RFA. Ms. Button testified that each applicant is required to check a box on the application indicating whether it is seeking this special funding, but none are required to take it. This special funding is not considered by FHFC when evaluating an applicant’s funding sources during the application review process, and FHFC does not even evaluate an applicant’s eligibility for the NHTF during the scoring process. Even if Petitioner could prove Waterview would not be able to qualify for the special funding, there would be no impact on the scoring of its application. Ultimately, Petitioner presented no evidence that the City had somehow been misled into signing the Zoning Form required by the RFA, or that it had not understood that the proposed project involved a four-story building. The fact that the Ms. Dang did sign the Zoning Form indicates that she believed the City had all the information it needed to do so. Based on the preponderance of the evidence, Waterview’s application is eligible for funding.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Respondent, Florida Housing Finance Corporation, enter a final order consistent with its initial decisions: (1) finding the applications of Waterview Preserve, LLC, and Christian Manor Restoration, LLC, eligible for funding; (2) awarding the RFA funding to Christian Manor Restoration, LLC; and (3) dismissing the formal written protest of BDG Parkwood Lofts, LP. DONE AND ENTERED this 19th day of June, 2020, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S HETAL DESAI Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of June, 2020. COPIES FURNISHED: Hugh R. Brown, General Counsel Florida Housing Finance Corporation 227 North Bronough Street, Suite 5000 Tallahassee, Florida 32301-1329 (eServed) Michael P. Donaldson, Esquire Carlton Fields Suite 500 215 South Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32302 (eServed) Michael J. Glazer, Esquire Ausley McMullen 123 South Calhoun Street Post Office Box 391 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 (eServed) Christopher Dale McGuire, Esquire Florida Housing Finance Corporation 227 North Bronough Street, Suite 5000 Tallahassee, Florida 32301-1329 (eServed) Corporation Clerk Florida Housing Finance Corporation 227 North Bronough Street, Suite 5000 Tallahassee, Florida 32301-1329 (eServed)

Florida Laws (5) 120.569120.57120.68420.504420.507 Florida Administrative Code (3) 67-60.00267-60.00867-60.009 DOAH Case (11) 01-2663BID14-1361BID14-1398BID15-3301BID15-3302BID16-1137BID17-3996BID18-296620-1766BID20-1767BID20-1768BID
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Niceville, Florida Jun. 15, 2004 Number: 04-002141 Latest Update: Feb. 22, 2007

The Issue The issues are as follows: (a) whether Respondent took "agency action" when it certified the Okaloosa-Walton College Foundation, Inc. as its direct support organization and endorsed the Foundation's decision to sell the Mattie Kelly property; and whether Petitioners have standing to request an administrative hearing on those issues.

Findings Of Fact The Foundation was incorporated and first certified as a direct support organization in 1988. The Mattie Kelly property is approximately 13 acres of waterfront property on Choctawhatchee Bay in Destin, Okaloosa County, Florida. It includes the former residence of Mattie Kelly and the real property surrounding the residence. Destin, Okaloosa County, Florida, is a municipality, bounded on the north and west by Choctawhatchee Bay, on the south by the Gulf of Mexico, and on the east by Walton County, Florida. On August 17, 1992, Mattie Kelly executed her Last Will and Testament (will). Article VIII of the will states as follows: I give, devise and bequeath my personal residence located a 1200 Indian Trail Road, Destin, Florida 32541, including all real property surrounding the residence and the sum of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000,000) to Okaloosa-Walton Community College for the establishment of the "Mattie Kelly Cultural and Environmental Institute of Okaloosa-Walton Community College." The purpose of the "Mattie M. Kelly Cultural and Environmental Institute of Okaloosa-Walton Community College" shall be: To provide a meeting place for literary societies, fine arts groups, and small performing groups. To provide a location for conferences and seminars offered through Okaloosa-Walton Community College. To provide a location for biology studies and marine science studies associated with Choctawhatchee Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. To provide a location for displaying the coastal heritage of Northwest Florida. The Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000,000) endowment which forms part of this gift shall be used only for maintenance and operating costs in furtherance of the above purposes, including the perpetual care, maintenance and upkeep of my mausoleum. A Personal Representative's Warranty Deed dated March 6, 1997, conveyed the property to the Foundation. At some point in time, the Foundation decided to sell the property to a real estate developer and entered into a contract to do so. On March 15, 2004, Petitioner Hammet filed a Petition for Administrative Hearing with the Board. The petition questioned whether the Board should support, endorse, and/or not oppose the sale of the property for private real estate development purposes, accept the college president's recommendation about the sale, and certify the Foundation to be operating in the best interest of the state. The Board's March 16, 2004, minutes state as follows in relevant part: ACTION AGENDA DSO Certification/IRS 990 The District Board of Trustees certified that requirements of Direct Support Organization under FS 1004.70 have been met and that the OWCC Foundation is in compliance with the procedures as herein described and accepts Form IRS 990 as submitted. Further, the District Board of Trustees supports and endorses the Foundation Board of Directors in its endeavor to sell the Mattie Kelly Property (Motion: Henderson; Second Rainer. Vote: 6 yes; 2 no (Smith, Wells). Motion carried. On April 22, 2004, the Board referred Petitioner Hammet's petition to DOAH, together with the Board's Motion to Dismiss. DOAH assigned this case DOAH Case No. 04-2049. On June 15, 2004, the Board referred the following to DOAH: (a) Petitioner Coastkeepers' Petition for Administrative Hearing; (b) Petitioner's Motion and Suggestion for Disqualification of Joseph Henderson and James R. Richburg; and the Board's Motion to Dismiss Petition for Administrative Hearing. DOAH assigned the case DOAH Case No. 04-2141. On July 8, 2004, some of Ms. Kelly's relatives filed a suit against the Foundation in Circuit Court. In Count I of the complaint, the relatives sought a declaratory judgment that the Foundation's proposed sale violates Ms. Kelly's will and that the relatives had reversionary rights to the property. In Count II of the complaint, the relatives sought injunctive relief to restrain the Foundation from selling the property to a third party in accordance with a written contract of sale. On April 20, 2005, the Florida Attorney General issued an Advisory Legal Opinion, stating that the Foundation is subject to Florida's Sunshine Law. On May 5, 2005, the Foundation voted to ratify the contract to sell the property and to confirm the prior decision to sell the property. On June 3, 2005, the First Circuit Court entered a "Final Judgment for Defendant" in L. Bernarr Kelly, Carol Kelly and Lowell B. Kelly v. The Okaloosa-Walton Community College Foundation, Inc., No. 2004-CA-405 (Fla. 1st Cir. Ct. June 3, 2005), which states as follows in pertinent part: . . . The Court is convinced by the nature of the Will, and the testimony and evidence that Mattie Kelly had legal advice in her estate planning, that if Mattie Kelly intended for the subject property to be placed in a trust, and if she desired to put restrictions on the subject property to prevent Defendant Foundation from selling it, that she knew how to accomplish this, and that she chose not to do so. The Court finds . . . that Mattie Kelly did not intend to limit or restrict the sale of the subject property in the future to fulfill her desires for the creation of a cultural and environmental institute. . . . The Court finds that the deed dated March 6, 1997, . . . does not contain a reverter clause or language creating any right of reversion. . . . The Court finds that the deed conveyed a fee simple title to the OWCC Foundation with no right of reversion. The Court further finds that this deed was in accordance with the intent of Mattie Kelly at the time she executed her will. The Court finds that Article VIII of the Will which devised the subject property contains no language of trust and no language of reverter, and did not create a charitable trust . . . . The Court further finds that Defendant's proposed sale of the subject property does not include the "mausoleum property." . . . Since the mausoleum property is not being conveyed, the Court finds that the Plaintiffs no longer have standing as to the remaining property, and would deny Plaintiffs relief on this basis, in addition to the foregoing reasons. Therefore, the Court finds for the Defendant, The Okaloosa-Walton Community College Foundation, Inc. and against the Plaintiffs, and ORDERS and ADJUDGES as follows: Defendant Foundation's proposed sale of the subject property is not in derogation of Article VIII of the Last Will and Testament of Mattie Kelly, or the deed which conveyed the subject property to Defendant Foundation. Therefore, Defendant Foundation is not prohibited from selling the subject property, excluding the mausoleum property as described in Addendum #4 to the Contract for Sale and Purchase, in order to fulfill the intent of Mattie Kelly in creating the "Mattie M. Kelly Cultural and Environmental Institute;" however, all monies received from the sale of the subject property, including any matching funds, are to be used in the establishment and operation of the Mattie M. Kelly Cultural and Environmental Institute. [Emphasis added.] On June 8, 2005, Petitioners filed a Joint First Amended Petition for Administrative Hearing, stating as follows regarding standing: Petitioner Hammet's substantial interests will be affected by Respondent's determination because she and her family live within close proximity to the Mattie Kelly property and have often used and enjoyed the property for viewing the coastal heritage of Northwest Florida, and she wishes to continue to use and enjoy the property in the future. The Mattie Kelly property is a special place for Hammet and her family, where they have many pleasant memories and regularly have benefited from this public property being in their neighborhood. Hammet and her family will no longer be able to use and enjoy this accessible public resource if it is sold for private development. Petitioner Coastkeepers' substantial interest will be affected by Respondent's determination because it is a Florida non-profit corporation dedicated to protection of the environment in an area of the Gulf of Mexico Coast that includes Okaloosa and Walton Counties and Choctawhatchee Bay. Preservation of environmentally sensitive lands such as the Mattie Kelly property, and having the Mattie Kelly property as a location for biological studies, marine science studies, and studies of the coastal heritage of Northwest Florida, are vitally important to protecting Choctawhatchee Bay and the interest of Petitioner and its members, who include a substantial number of members who reside in Okaloosa and Walton Counties and have the present intention to use, visit, enjoy, and study biological, marine science and cultural heritage issues associated with Choctawhatchee Bay, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Mattie Kelly property at the Mattie Kelly property. The Mattie Kelly property is ideally suited to provide waterfront environmental education in an otherwise highly urbanized environment, including education of local residents, which is vital to controlling urban runoff, and for highlighting, encouraging, and educating the public of the need to protect Choctawhatchee Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. The Mattie Kelly property would no longer be available for such intended pursuits were the proposed sale of the Mattie Kelly property to private development interest go forward. Moreover, the proposed development of the very property set aside by Mattie Kelly would itself directly contribute to the urban runoff known to be causing problems in Choctawhatchee Bay. Choctawhatchee Bay has many examples of waterfront subdivision development and very little opportunity for environmental protection education in a local setting near where waterfront residential owners already live. These purposes will not be as well-served by educational efforts at OWC's main campus in Niceville, which is not waterfront and miles away from Choctawhatchee Bay. If properly managed, the Mattie Kelly property should be the field trip every school-age child in Okaloosa and Walton County takes, which would be a lasting legacy to Mattie Kelly that would truly be consistent with her express purposes. This opportunity will be forever destroyed if the property is developed as proposed. On June 24, 2005, Respondent filed a Motion to Dismiss Joint First Amended Petition for Administrative Hearing. On July 5, 2005, Petitioners filed a Response to Respondent's Motion to Dismiss Joint First Amended Petition for Administrative Hearing. Neither of the Petitioners holds any title interest in the property.

Recommendation Based on the forgoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Board enter a final order dismissing the Petitions for Administrative Hearing. DONE AND ENTERED this 22nd day of August, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S SUZANNE F. HOOD Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of August, 2005. COPIES FURNISHED: James R. Richburg, President Okaloosa-Walton Community College 100 College Boulevard Niceville, Florida 32578-1295 Joseph D. Lorenz, Esquire 1270 North Elgin Parkway, Suite C-12 Shalimar, Florida 32579 Steven A. Medina, Esquire Levin, Papantonio, Thomas, Mitchell, Echsner & Proctor, P.A. 316 South Baylen Street Post Office Box 12308 Pensacola, Florida 32581

Florida Laws (11) 1001.4531001.641004.011004.701010.091011.851013.28120.52120.54120.569120.57
# 5
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Kissimmee, Florida Apr. 30, 2021 Number: 21-001432SP Latest Update: Jul. 05, 2024
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Jun. 08, 2018 Number: 18-002966BID Latest Update: Jan. 09, 2019

The Issue Whether Respondent, Florida Housing Finance Corporation’s (“Florida Housing”), decision to award funding, pursuant to Request for Applications 2017-111 (“the RFA”), to HTG Sunset, LLC (“Sunset Lake”); HTG Creekside, LLC (“Oaks at Creekside”); and Harper’s Pointe, LP (“Harper’s Pointe”), is contrary to its governing statutes, rules, or the RFA specifications; and, if so, whether the decision is clearly erroneous, contrary to competition, arbitrary, or capricious.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner Madison Oaks is the Applicant entity for a proposed affordable housing development to be located in Osceola County, Florida. Petitioner Sterling Terrace is the Applicant entity for a proposed affordable housing development to be located in Hernando County, Florida. American Residential and Sterling Terrace are Developer entities as defined by Florida Housing in Florida Administrative Code Rule 67-48.002(28). Sunset Lake, Oaks at Creekside, and Harper’s Pointe are all properly registered business entities in Florida in the business of providing affordable housing. Florida Housing is a public corporation organized pursuant to chapter 420, Part V, Florida Statutes, and, for the purposes of these proceedings, an agency of the State of Florida. Through the RFA, Florida Housing proposes to award an estimated $10,978,942 in Housing Credit Financing for Affordable Housing Developments located in medium and small counties (“affordable housing tax credits”). The RFA outlines a process for selecting developments for funding. Section Five B. outlines the Selection Process, and subsection 2. is the Application Sorting Order. On November 5, 2017, Florida Housing received 167 applications in response to the RFA. Madison Oaks, Sterling Terrace, Sunset Lake, Oaks at Creekside, and Harper’s Pointe timely submitted applications seeking funding to assist in the development of multi-family housing in medium counties. Florida Housing selected a review committee to score all submitted applications. The review committee issued a recommendation of preliminary rankings and allocations, and the Board of Directors of Florida Housing approved these recommendations on May 4, 2018. The Board found that the parties to this proceeding all satisfied the mandatory and eligibility requirements for funding, but awarded funding to Intervenors based upon the ranking criteria in the RFA. If Sterling Terrace can demonstrate that any two of the three Intervenors should not have been recommended for funding, it and Blue Sunbelt, LLC, will displace them as applications selected for funding. If Madison Oaks can demonstrate that all three Intervenors should not have been recommended for funding, Sterling Terrace and Blue Sunbelt, LLC, will displace them as applications selected for funding. Sunset Lake Section Four A.5.e.(3) of the RFA allows applicants to receive up to four points for proximity to certain community services. The RFA provides that applicants in medium counties must receive at least seven points to be eligible for funding, and at least nine points to be eligible for a Proximity Funding Preference. One of those community services is public schools, which are defined as follows: A public elementary, middle, junior and/or high school, where the principal admission criterion is the geographic proximity to the school. This may include a charter school, if the charter school is open to appropriately aged children in the radius area who apply, without additional requirements for admissions such as passing an entrance exam or audition, payment of fees or tuition, or demographic diversity considerations. Additionally, it must have been in existence and available for use by the general public as of the Application Deadline. (emphasis added). Sunset Lake identified the Jewett School of the Arts (“Jewett School”) as a public school, received four points for proximity, and as a result, was eligible for the Proximity Funding Preference. The Jewett School is a magnet school within the Polk County Florida School District. The Jewett School was in existence and available for use by the general public as of the application deadline. Petitioners maintain the Jewett School does not meet the definition of “public school.”4/ If the Jewett School does not meet the definition of a “public school,” Sunset Lake would not be entitled to four points for proximity to community services. As a result, it would have a total of seven points for proximity, and while it would remain eligible, it would lose the Proximity Funding Preference. As a result, Sunset Lake would not have been ranked as highly and would not have been recommended for funding. The Jewett School does not meet the RFA definition of “public school” because geographic proximity to the school is not the principal admission criterion. Although a student must live in Polk County Schools’ Magnet Zone B to apply for admission to the Jewett School, the principal admission criteria is a random lottery process. Geographic location within the Polk County magnet school zones is a threshold issue which qualifies a student to apply for admission. However, the magnet school decision-making process entails a subsequent elaborate demographic diversity analysis, sorting based on the outcome of that analysis, and, ultimately, a random lottery drawing which determines final admission. The Jewett School admission process is contrary to Florida Housing’s primary purpose of awarding proximity points to proposed housing developments--to ensure the intended residents can, in fact, use the services in proximity to the development. Sunset Lake is not entitled to four points for proximity to community services and should not be awarded Proximity Funding Preference. As a result, Sunset Lake should not have been ranked as highly and should not have been recommended for funding. Oaks at Creekside Oaks at Creekside identified the Manatee Charter School (“Manatee School”) as a public school, received three points for proximity, and, as a result, was eligible for funding but not for the Proximity Funding Preference. The Manatee School is a charter school located in Bradenton, Florida. The Manatee School was in existence and available for use by the general public as of the application deadline. Petitioners maintain the Manatee School does not meet the definition of a “public school.”5/ If the Manatee Charter School does not meet that definition, then Oaks at Creekside is not entitled to three points for proximity. As a result, it would have only six total proximity points, and would not be eligible for funding. Florida Housing maintains that a charter school must meet both parts of the definition of a public school in order for a proposed development to receive proximity points based on proximity to that school. That means a charter school must (1) use geographic proximity as the primary admission criteria, and (2) be “open to appropriately aged children in the radius area who apply, without additional requirements for admissions such as passing an entrance exam or audition, payment of fees or tuition, or demographic diversity considerations.” Geographic proximity is not the primary admission criterion for the Manatee School. On the contrary, the Manatee School is open for admission regardless of geographic proximity thereto. The Manatee School operates pursuant to a contract with the Manatee County School Board, and is “open to any student residing in the Manatee County School District, students covered in an interdistrict agreement and students as provided for in Section 1002.33(10), Florida Statutes (2010).”6/ The Manatee School operates a “controlled open enrollment” process. The application period opens in early January and closes at the end of February, and the School accepts students from any school district in the state whose parent or guardian can provide transportation to the school, if the school has not reached capacity. This process is sometimes referred to as “school choice” and is mandatory pursuant to section 1002.31, Florida Statutes.7/ The Manatee School has enrolled students throughout Manatee County, as well as from adjoining Sarasota County. Historically, the Manatee School has not reached capacity. Once the School reaches capacity in any one grade level or class, students will be selected by a system-generated, random lottery process. The term “radius area” is not defined in the RFA or in Florida Housing’s rules. Florida Housing introduced no evidence regarding the meaning of the term “radius area” within the definition of “public school.” When questioned about the meaning, Marisa Button, Florida Housing’s Director of Multifamily Allocations, stated she did not know, but “[I] assume it means if the charter school has a radius area. I don’t know.”8/ The term “radius” is defined as “a bounded or circumscribed area.” Merriam-Webster Online, www.merriam- webster.com (2018). The bounded or circumscribed area for admission to the Manatee School is the Manatee County School District, pursuant to its contract. The Manatee School is open to appropriately-aged children in the radius area who apply. The Manatee School does not apply additional requirements for admission, such as passing an entrance exam or audition, payment of fees or tuition, or demographic diversity considerations.9/ The Manatee School does provide admissions preferences to students of active duty military personnel, siblings of a student already enrolled, siblings of an accepted applicant, children of an employee of the School, and children of a charter board member. Each of these preferences is authorized pursuant to section 1002.33(10)(d). The preferences are not additional requirements for admission to the Manatee School. The Manatee School meets the second part of the definition of “public school” for purpose of qualifying Oaks at Creekside to receive proximity points pursuant to the RFA. Harper’s Pointe Madison Oaks argues Harper’s Pointe is ineligible for funding pursuant to the RFA because the Harper’s Pointe development site is a “scattered site,” and Harper’s Pointe did not identify the site as such and comply with the RFA requirement to designate latitude and longitude coordinates for both sites.10/ Rule 67-48.002(105) defines “scattered sites” as follows: (105) “Scattered sites,” as applied to a single Development, means a Development site that, when taken as a whole, is comprised of real property that is not contiguous (each such non-contiguous site within a Scattered Site Development, is considered to be a “Scattered Site”). For purposes of this definition “contiguous” means touching at a point or along a boundary. Real property is contiguous if the only intervening real property interest is an easement, provided the easement is not a roadway or street. All of the Scattered Sites must be located in the same county. Section Four A.5.c. of the RFA states: “The Applicant must state whether the Development consists of Scattered Sites.” Section Four A.5.d. of the RFA requires that applicants provide latitude and longitude coordinates for the Development Location Point and any scattered sites. Section Five A.1. provides that “only items that meet all of the following Eligibility Items will be eligible for funding and consideration for funding selection.” Among the items listed are “Question whether a Scattered Sites Development answered” and “Latitude and Longitude Coordinates for any Scattered Site provided, if applicable.” Harper’s Pointe did not state in its application that the development consists of scattered sites, and did not provide separate latitude and longitude coordinates for scattered sites. Harper’s Pointe’s proposed development site, as identified in its Site Control Documents, consists of land located within a platted tract of property. The plat recorded in Alachua County indicates that the site is bisected by a platted 50-foot street easement running east/west through the property. The parties stipulated the street has never been constructed. Although portions of the east/west easement area show signs of having been improved at some time in the past, the easement area has never been paved, and is currently impassible by car or truck due to vegetation in the easement area. Even if the easement area were improved, there is no roadway to the west of the property to which it would connect. A fence runs along the property line and the property beyond the fence is platted residential lots accessed by Northeast 22nd Street. An existing roadway, Northeast 23rd Avenue, terminates at the eastern property line just south of the east/west easement. The City has placed barriers at that property line prohibiting access to the property from Northeast 23rd Avenue. If the platted street is a “roadway or street” as those terms are used in rule 67-48.002(105), the site would meet the definition of a “scattered site.” Ms. Button testified on behalf of Florida Housing that the property meets the definition of a scattered site because “there is an easement that is a road or a street” that bisects the property. Ms. Button first testified that Florida Housing’s determination did not depend on whether a roadway or street is actually constructed within the easement, but rather, “it goes back to the easement, whether there is an easement that is a roadway or street.” Ms. Button’s testimony seemed logical enough. If the easement were a street easement, access between the northern and southern portions of the development site would be constrained. By contrast, if the easement were a conservation or utility easement, there would be no impairment of access between portions of the development site. However, on cross examination, Ms. Button testified that, in making the determination whether an easement for a road or street existed, Florida Housing would consider a number of other factors, including whether a roadway was actually constructed within the easement, whether there were physical obstructions preventing access to the “prospective” roadway or street, and whether the public had a right to use the “prospective” roadway or street. Ms. Button did not testify with specificity what factors she considered in making the determination that the easement, in this case, was “a roadway or street.” Ms. Button’s direct-examination testimony was conclusory: “Based on the documentation we received, there is an easement that is a road or street.” On direct examination, her determination appeared to be based solely on the plat designation of a street easement. On cross-examination, however, Ms. Button testified that “a street designated . . . on a plat could be evidence of the existence of a scattered site.” (emphasis added). Moreover, Ms. Button testified that Florida Housing could consider whether a roadway or street was actually constructed, whether there were obstructions to its use, and whether the public had a right to use the purported roadway. Ms. Button’s testimony that the Harper’s Point development site was a scattered site was equivocal, and the undersigned does not accept it as either reliable or persuasive.11/ There is no physical roadway or street constructed within the easement. While there is some evidence that some portions of the easement area were improved in the past, said improvement was at least 25 years old. The current condition of the property is fairly heavily wooded. To the extent a “path” exists on the property, it is not passable by a standard four- wheeled vehicle. Moreover, there are physical barriers preventing vehicular access to the property from the adjoining street to the east. There is no access to the property from the residential development to the west of the property. There is not an improved area preventing access from the northern to the southern portion of the development site. There is no structure built within the easement which would have to be demolished in order to build the project on the development site as a single parcel. Based on the entirety of the reliable evidence, the Harper’s Pointe development site is not a “scattered site” as defined in the RFA. Madison Oaks failed to prove that Florida Housing’s initial determination to award tax credits to Harper’s Pointe, pursuant to the RFA, was incorrect.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Florida Housing issue a final order finding (1) that its initial scoring decision regarding Sunset Lake was erroneous, and awarding funding to the applicant with the next highest lottery number; and (2) awarding funding to Oaks at Creekside and Harper’s Pointe, pursuant to its initial scoring decision. DONE AND ENTERED this 23rd day of August, 2018, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S SUZANNE VAN WYK Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 23rd day of August, 2018.

Florida Laws (5) 1002.311002.331003.03120.569120.57
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:St. Petersburg, Florida Nov. 15, 2017 Number: 17-006253 Latest Update: Sep. 05, 2018

The Issue The issue is whether Respondent should be terminated from employment for the reasons stated in the Final Disposition - Notice of Dismissal (Notice), dated October 11, 2017.

Findings Of Fact Background The College is a public institution of higher education charged with the responsibility of providing post-secondary education. Currently, there are approximately 33,000 students enrolled at the College. It has eight campuses, including the Tarpon Springs Campus. Seven of the campuses have Provosts, who report to the Senior Vice President of Student Services. The College is overseen by a five-member Board of Trustees (Board), each Trustee appointed by the Governor. In this contentious dispute, the College seeks to terminate Respondent from his position as Provost of the Tarpon Springs Campus, a position he has held since 2014 under an annual Contract for Employment for Administrative Personnel of Community Colleges. The contract has been renewed three times, most recently for a term beginning on July 1, 2017, and ending June 30, 2018. The College, however, can decline to renew his contract for no cause at the end of each term. The annual contract provides that "the Board may suspend or dismiss the Administrator [Provost] for cause pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Florida Statutes and the Board of Trustees' Rules and Colleges Procedures." Also, under Board Rule 6Hx23-2.2012 (rule 23-2.2012), the College can terminate contractual employees for "immorality, misconduct in office, incompetency, gross insubordination, willful neglect of duty, drunkenness or conviction of any crime involving moral turpitude." In this case, the College relies upon misconduct in office as the ground for dismissal. The contract requires Respondent to comply with all relevant statutes and rules of the State Board of Education, the State Board of Community Colleges, and the Board of Trustees. He also is required to comply with the terms of any College internal policies and procedures in effect at the time that his first contract became effective, and continuing throughout his term of employment. The position of Provost is a very high-ranking administrative position. The Provost is responsible for overseeing all aspects of student services, which includes student complaints of harassment and discrimination, as well as working in partnership with Academic Deans and the faculty. It is a highly visible position with the College and in the community. The College characterized the position as the "face" of the campus and the Tarpon Springs community. The Provost also serves on various community boards and organizations to represent the views of the College. At the time of Respondent's hire in 2014, the President was Dr. William Law, while Dr. Tonjua Williams served as Senior Vice President, Student Services. Dr. Williams is now the President and the one responsible for making the decision to terminate Respondent's employment, subject to confirmation by a majority of the Trustees. Shortly after his hire in 2014, the College became aware of allegations at his prior employment in Virginia, which involved an inappropriate relationship with a subordinate female employee. Dr. Law directed Dr. Williams to speak with Respondent about the allegations. Respondent acknowledged to her that the allegation was true, and, as a consequence, he was moved from a position on campus to a district office position. Dr. Law decided to give Respondent the opportunity to continue to serve at the College, but the expectations of the College with regard to his personal conduct were made very clear in a memorandum to Respondent from Dr. Williams. It stated in part that "it all boils down to exercising good judgment. Modeling good judgment is highly valued at [the College] and has a significant impact on staff morale, leadership effectiveness and student success." Respondent acknowledged in writing that he received the memorandum. According to the President, this established the expectation that he would always use good judgment in matters concerning the College. During his tenure at the College, Dr. Williams and Respondent had what she characterized as a "great relationship," "a very close working relationship," and one that was "open and transparent." She added "[t]here were no problems with us reaching each other when we needed to speak and talk." The Incident Around 1:30 a.m. on August 21, 2017, a physical altercation between Respondent and a female occurred at her apartment in New Port Richey. Although Respondent is married, the two had been involved in an affair for around two years. The female was not a student or employee of the College. On Thursday, August 31, 2017, Respondent was served with papers requiring him to appear for a hearing in circuit court on a domestic violence injunction involving the female. While attending the hearing on Friday, September 1, 2017, Respondent was arrested by the Pasco County Sheriff's Office and charged with two felonies, one for Burglary - Occupied Dwelling Unarmed (§ 810.02(3)(a), Fla. Stat.), and another for Battery - Commit Domestic Battery by Strangulation (§ 784.041(2)(a), Fla. Stat). Both charges related to the incident that occurred on August 21, 2017. After spending the night in jail, Respondent bonded out on Saturday, September 2, 2017. On October 26, 2017, the charges were dismissed by the State Attorney after he declined to prosecute the matter. Events After the Arrest The College was closed officially for Labor Day weekend on September 2, 3, and 4, 2017. On Tuesday morning, September 5, 2017, Respondent texted Dr. Williams asking, "can we talk privately tomorrow I have a home life situation but I need to converse with you." Respondent knew that Dr. Williams planned to attend a conference at the Tarpon Springs Campus the following day, and he intended to speak with her at that time. Dr. Williams responded "absolutely." Nothing in the text suggests the "home life situation" was related to a legal matter or criminal arrest or that there was any urgency in meeting with her. Nor did it suggest that the subject of the meeting involved something that could potentially affect the College's reputation or his continued employment. In fact, Dr. Williams assumed he wanted to discuss "a personal matter." Due to the threat of Hurricane Irma, then in the Gulf of Mexico and headed towards the state, Dr. Williams did not attend the conference the next day. Also, the College closed officially on September 6, 2017, due to the hurricane and did not reopen officially until September 18, 2017. With the approval of his supervisor, Dr. Rinard, Respondent flew to Maryland, where his wife and children reside. He did not return to Florida until September 13, 2017. During this intervening period, he did not attempt to contact his supervisor or the President regarding his arrest. Even though the College was closed for the hurricane, administrators continued to perform duties and responsibilities related to the safety and security of the College. Dr. Williams conducted at least two conference calls per day via telephone or Skype, where as many as 60 administrators would join in the call to discuss situations on the campuses. Although he was in Maryland much of the time, Respondent joined in the conferences on most, if not all, of those occasions. In fact, on Monday, September 11, 2017, he texted Dr. Williams regarding the situation on the Tarpon Springs campus, which had been conveyed to him by his staff. On September 12, 2017, Respondent texted Dr. Williams and advised he was returning from Maryland. The text stated in part: "I need to speak to you regarding a personal/family matter. I will discuss all in detail with you." Again, it made no reference to his arrest. After he returned to Florida the next day, Respondent and Dr. Williams agreed to meet on September 14, 2017, at a local restaurant. However, the President later informed Respondent that she was unable to make the meeting and needed to reschedule. She attempted to reach him later that day by telephone to reschedule the meeting but was unsuccessful. At that point, she assumed Respondent wished to discuss a personal family matter that did not involve the College. The two exchanged texts again on Sunday, September 17, 2017, but Respondent chose not to mention his arrest. Around noon on September 18, 2017, or 17 days after his arrest, Respondent telephoned Dr. Williams, and, in a 15-minute conversation, he advised her that he had been arrested on September 1, 2017, he was innocent of the charges, and he had retained counsel. He also told Dr. Williams that he was involved in a relationship with a woman that went awry, and the incident was not work-related. Respondent added that he had gone to court on September 1, 2017, to file a restraining order against the female, and he believed he was being scammed.1/ During the call, Dr. Williams told Respondent she needed more details. She specifically asked that he provide a police report with the details of the incident and the name of the victim to verify she was not a student. Dr. Williams also told Respondent that he needed to contact Dr. Rinard, his immediate supervisor, and tell him what had happened. Had Respondent been unable to reach Dr. Williams by telephone on September 18, 2017, his belated efforts to notify the President would be further delayed, as Respondent's first choice was to speak to her one-on-one, or if this was not possible, to discuss the incident by telephone. His actions also raise an inference that he always intended to speak with the President, and not his direct supervisor. Later that same day, September 18, 2017, Respondent spoke with Dr. Rinard by telephone. According to Dr. Rinard, Respondent "informed [him] that he had had an affair, that the woman he had an affair with had pressed charges, he was arrested, that these were all lies, that she was a thief, she had stolen property, [and he] admitted that he was wrong to have had an affair." Dr. Rinard asked Respondent if the incident involved a student or employee or occurred on College property. He was told it did not. He did not provide Dr. Rinard with the name of the victim. The following day, the two again spoke briefly while attending a Board meeting. Respondent asked if he needed anything more in reference to their conversation the previous day and Dr. Rinard answered "no." While at the Board meeting, Respondent spoke privately with a Board member, Trustee Gibbons, and disclosed that he had been arrested. On the evening of September 18, 2017, the President telephoned Respondent and commented that she was looking at the charges on a website. She said she needed more information regarding the incident, but Respondent told her he had no documentation regarding the arrest. During the call, Respondent asked the President to speak with his attorney who could provide any details that she wanted concerning the charges. Although Dr. Williams testified there was no agreement to speak with the attorney, Respondent's criminal attorney, Mr. Theophilopoulos, testified that he understood Dr. Williams had agreed to a conference call around 5:30 p.m. on September 20, 2017, so that he (the attorney) could answer any questions she had. Dr. Williams denies that a conference call was scheduled. Respondent contends otherwise and says he went to his attorney's office and waited for her to call at the scheduled time, and when she did not, they both attempted to call her from his office but were unsuccessful.2/ Whether or not such a call was scheduled, it is undisputed that it never took place. However, Dr. Williams telephoned Respondent around 6:11 p.m. on September 20, 2017, while he was driving home from his attorney's office. The Vice President of Administrative/Business Services & Information Technology, Mr. Miles, participated in the call. Mr. Miles has oversight of the Human Resources Department. During the call, Dr. Williams informed Respondent that he was being placed on administrative leave, with pay and benefits, effective that date. Again, she requested a copy of the police report or details of the incident, as the College needed more information so that it could properly assess the situation. Respondent replied that he had no written reports but his attorney had "new information" regarding the charges. Respondent was told to have his attorney contact the College General Counsel, Ms. Gardner. A few hours after the phone call, Respondent received a memorandum from Dr. Williams via email confirming that he was being placed on administrative leave, with pay and benefits, until further notice. According to Dr. Williams, this would give the College more time to thoroughly review the situation before deciding what action to take. At that time, the College still lacked the name of the victim and detailed information regarding the arrest. On September 20, 2017, Dr. Williams notified three of the five Trustees about the incident and shared with them the information she had gathered up to that point. She also told them she was still "working" on what action to take. Respondent decided to return to Maryland the same evening he was placed on administrative leave. He testified that while driving to Maryland, he received a call from Trustee Gibbons, who told him the Board had voted to not terminate him if he was cleared of the charges. This assertion was not corroborated, and there is no record of any Board meeting at which a vote would have taken place. The Termination Process On September 21, 2017, Dr. Rinard advised Tarpon Springs faculty and staff that Respondent had been placed on administrative leave and that an interim Provost had been appointed. That evening, Dr. Williams and Mr. Miles spoke with Respondent by telephone. They informed him that the College had not yet received information regarding the arrest and instructed Respondent to return his keys. Mr. Miles offered to meet with him to pick up the keys. However, Respondent, who by then was in Maryland, told them he had already mailed his keys to his attorney. The following day, September 22, 2017, through its own investigation, the College was able to obtain a copy of the Pasco County Complaint Affidavit providing additional details regarding the arrest. On Saturday, September 23, 2017, Mr. Miles left a voicemail for Respondent and reminded him that he wanted to meet with him to obtain the keys to College property. Mr. Miles also sent a text, which stated, "Dr. Williams asked me to obtain your work keys so I'm coming today," meaning that he (Mr. Miles) would drive to Respondent's home in Palm Harbor or the campus that day to retrieve the items. In response to Mr. Miles' request, Respondent replied by email that the keys had been sent to his attorney via Federal Express from Maryland. He added that if the College had any further questions, his attorney should be contacted. As of Monday, September 25, 2017, the College had not received any additional information from Respondent or his attorney regarding the arrest, and it had not received Respondent's keys or swipe card. On September 25, 2017, Dr. Williams determined that termination proceedings should begin. The same day, Dr. Rinard issued a memorandum recommending that Respondent be dismissed from employment. The basis for the recommendation was as follows: You have engaged in misconduct by not timely disclosing to the College your arrest and the charges pending against you. You have also engaged in misconduct by not providing the College with documentation related to your arrest and not returning the College's property upon request. You have also engaged in misconduct by not being truthful and forthcoming about the details of your arrest. The memorandum was actually prepared for Dr. Rinard's signature by Mr. Miles, who oversees the Human Resources Department and is also an attorney. According to the memorandum, Respondent's actions violated rule 23-2.2012, which authorizes the College to terminate an administrator for the offense of "misconduct in office." The recommendation also referred to rule 6Hx23-2.19, which outlines the procedure the College must follow when it proposes to terminate an employee. The following day, September 26, 2017, Respondent's attorney emailed the General Counsel asking for directions on where to return the keys and swipe card that were in his possession. She replied that all College property, including any electronic devices or computers, should be delivered to the security desk lobby of the district office in St. Petersburg. On September 28, 2017, five days after Dr. Williams' directive, the keys and swipe card were delivered and secured by the College. The College did not receive Respondent's college- owned laptop and other electronic devices until October 11, 2017. The Predetermination Hearing and Termination After the recommendation to terminate was issued, Respondent requested a predetermination hearing, which is afforded an employee before a decision is made regarding termination. On October 5, 2017, a hearing was conducted by the Senior Vice President of Instructional & Academic Programs, Dr. Anne Cooper, who had the authority to affirm, modify, or reject Dr. Rinard's recommendation. Respondent was accompanied by his attorney at the hearing. At the hearing, Respondent was provided a timeline of events. In response, Respondent presented his own timeline for reporting the arrest, as well as a written statement from the alleged victim in the incident which resulted in his arrest. On October 9, 2017, Dr. Cooper issued a recommendation to the President that Dr. Rinard's decision to terminate Respondent's employment be upheld. The recommendation is found in Petitioner's Exhibit 11. By letter dated October 11, 2017, the President advised Respondent that she was upholding the recommendation for dismissal because Respondent: Failed to timely advise supervisor and college administration of the arrest and nature of the charges; Failed to provide the college with information and requested documentation regarding the arrest and allegations; and Failed to immediately return college property as requested. These grounds differed slightly from those in the memorandum signed by Dr. Rinard on September 25, 2017. Whereas Dr. Rinard's memorandum stated that Respondent had failed to timely inform the College of his arrest and pending charges, Dr. Williams' Notice stated that Respondent had "[f]ailed to timely advise supervisor and college administration of the arrest and nature of the charges." Whereas the memorandum stated that Respondent had failed to provide the college with "documentation related to [his] arrest," the Notice stated that he had "[f]ailed to provide the college with information and requested documentation regarding the arrest and allegations." Finally, whereas the memorandum stated that Respondent had not returned the College's property upon request, the Notice stated that Respondent had "[f]ailed to immediately return college property as requested." Although Respondent contends he is prejudiced because the original charges were modified, the allegations in the memorandum and Notice are substantially the same, and Respondent did not demonstrate how he was prejudiced by the minor changes. No matter which set of charges apply, the College has established that the allegations are true. The College Regulations and Policies Both parties agree there is no specific College regulation that requires employees to immediately notify their supervisor or other College officials after they are arrested and charged with a crime. However, Dr. Williams stated there is an expectation that a high-ranking employee, such as a Provost, should immediately notify his supervisor, within one or two working days, given the repercussions to the College that might arise if and when the charges became public.3/ The College relies on rule 23-2.2012 as the "principal ground for prosecution in this case." That rule allows the College to dismiss an employee under written contract for "misconduct in office." The term is not further defined by rule or statute that is applicable to the College. Because Respondent is not a career service employee, the College cannot rely on procedures applicable to that category of employees. Analysis of Respondent's Conduct At hearing, Respondent characterized the incident as "a personal and private matter" that was unrelated to the College. However, he agreed he had an obligation to tell the President and Dr. Rinard about the incident so that the College would not be blind-sided if the incident became public. He contends he made good-faith efforts to contact Dr. Williams by texting her on several occasions to request a meeting. But none of the texts stated, or even suggested, that he needed to speak with her about a work-related matter or that he had been arrested for two felony charges. Moreover, these efforts evidence the fact that he knew he had an obligation to timely, completely, and candidly report anything that could impact his effectiveness as a Provost or the reputation of the College. He failed to fulfill this obligation. Respondent does not dispute the fact that he made no effort to notify his immediate supervisor, Dr. Rinard, regarding his arrest until Dr. Williams instructed him to do so on September 18, 2017. More than likely, this was because he had very little contact with Dr. Rinard, who had assumed his position in July 2017. On the other hand, he had a much closer relationship with the President, and she is the individual who makes the final decision. According to Respondent, it was important that he discuss the matter one-on-one with the President due to the "nature of the sensitivity of the situation itself, my accuracy of understanding the accusations and the false accusations, which were also racially motivated." After Respondent was unsuccessful in personally speaking with the President on September 6, 2017, he should have immediately disclosed his arrest by telephone. The record shows that he had ample opportunity to report the incident to the President by telephone beginning on the day after he was arrested. His failure to do so exhibits a lack of good judgment and trustworthiness. The delay in reporting the arrest from September 1 until September 18, 2017, was unreasonable in light of all circumstances. As Dr. Williams noted, "there is an expectation of good judgment for Provost and campus leaders, Deans, and others in that role. And you always expect your leaders, you know, [to] protect the Institution and make sure they are aware of what is going on." In the same vein, Mr. Miles pointed out that the College ended up having "to get the information ourselves" after Respondent failed to provide additional information regarding the arrest. This led him to ask whether he could "trust Dr. Bright to give me what I need to do the job that I need to do." He added that it was imperative that the College know "what exposure" it might have and how to "react to the situation" should the incident become public. Dr. Cooper, who conducted the predetermination meeting and is the chief academic officer of the College, testified that the Provost is a high-profile position and the face of the campus in the community. She noted that even though the College was closed for a hurricane, "there were multiple opportunities to report the incident to his direct supervisor, Dr. Rinard, and he failed to do so." She also testified that the incident could have blind-sided the President and Board of Trustees and put "the College in a very poor light in regard to the community." She added that "there was potential for multiple issues associated with not reporting it sooner," and "someone in that high-profile leadership position would know that." She summed it up by saying that even if there was not a specific written policy requiring Respondent to promptly report the incident to his superiors, an obligation to do so "is leadership 101." Besides failing to report the incident for 17 days, the evidence as a whole shows that, once the incident was reported, Respondent was non-responsive, uncooperative, and somewhat evasive in responding to Dr. Williams' direction to provide her additional information regarding the arrest and the name of the victim. The President had legitimate reasons for requesting additional information. Without this information, the College was at risk of having its reputation and credibility damaged. As the President pointed out, she asked for information, and when she did not receive it, this forced her to "go dig [herself] to find information" from another source. This should not be the job of the President. Finally, as previously found, Respondent did not promptly turn in all College keys and equipment, despite being told to do so on numerous occasions.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that St. Petersburg College enter a final order terminating Respondent's employment as Provost at the Tarpon Springs Campus. DONE AND ENTERED this 4th day of April, 2018, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S D. R. ALEXANDER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 4th day of April, 2018.

Florida Laws (7) 120.57120.595120.6857.105784.041810.0290.801 Florida Administrative Code (2) 6A-14.04116A-5.056
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Niceville, Florida Apr. 22, 2004 Number: 04-002049 Latest Update: Feb. 22, 2007

The Issue The issues are as follows: (a) whether Respondent took "agency action" when it certified the Okaloosa-Walton College Foundation, Inc. as its direct support organization and endorsed the Foundation's decision to sell the Mattie Kelly property; and whether Petitioners have standing to request an administrative hearing on those issues.

Findings Of Fact The Foundation was incorporated and first certified as a direct support organization in 1988. The Mattie Kelly property is approximately 13 acres of waterfront property on Choctawhatchee Bay in Destin, Okaloosa County, Florida. It includes the former residence of Mattie Kelly and the real property surrounding the residence. Destin, Okaloosa County, Florida, is a municipality, bounded on the north and west by Choctawhatchee Bay, on the south by the Gulf of Mexico, and on the east by Walton County, Florida. On August 17, 1992, Mattie Kelly executed her Last Will and Testament (will). Article VIII of the will states as follows: I give, devise and bequeath my personal residence located a 1200 Indian Trail Road, Destin, Florida 32541, including all real property surrounding the residence and the sum of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000,000) to Okaloosa-Walton Community College for the establishment of the "Mattie Kelly Cultural and Environmental Institute of Okaloosa-Walton Community College." The purpose of the "Mattie M. Kelly Cultural and Environmental Institute of Okaloosa-Walton Community College" shall be: To provide a meeting place for literary societies, fine arts groups, and small performing groups. To provide a location for conferences and seminars offered through Okaloosa-Walton Community College. To provide a location for biology studies and marine science studies associated with Choctawhatchee Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. To provide a location for displaying the coastal heritage of Northwest Florida. The Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000,000) endowment which forms part of this gift shall be used only for maintenance and operating costs in furtherance of the above purposes, including the perpetual care, maintenance and upkeep of my mausoleum. A Personal Representative's Warranty Deed dated March 6, 1997, conveyed the property to the Foundation. At some point in time, the Foundation decided to sell the property to a real estate developer and entered into a contract to do so. On March 15, 2004, Petitioner Hammet filed a Petition for Administrative Hearing with the Board. The petition questioned whether the Board should support, endorse, and/or not oppose the sale of the property for private real estate development purposes, accept the college president's recommendation about the sale, and certify the Foundation to be operating in the best interest of the state. The Board's March 16, 2004, minutes state as follows in relevant part: ACTION AGENDA DSO Certification/IRS 990 The District Board of Trustees certified that requirements of Direct Support Organization under FS 1004.70 have been met and that the OWCC Foundation is in compliance with the procedures as herein described and accepts Form IRS 990 as submitted. Further, the District Board of Trustees supports and endorses the Foundation Board of Directors in its endeavor to sell the Mattie Kelly Property (Motion: Henderson; Second Rainer. Vote: 6 yes; 2 no (Smith, Wells). Motion carried. On April 22, 2004, the Board referred Petitioner Hammet's petition to DOAH, together with the Board's Motion to Dismiss. DOAH assigned this case DOAH Case No. 04-2049. On June 15, 2004, the Board referred the following to DOAH: (a) Petitioner Coastkeepers' Petition for Administrative Hearing; (b) Petitioner's Motion and Suggestion for Disqualification of Joseph Henderson and James R. Richburg; and the Board's Motion to Dismiss Petition for Administrative Hearing. DOAH assigned the case DOAH Case No. 04-2141. On July 8, 2004, some of Ms. Kelly's relatives filed a suit against the Foundation in Circuit Court. In Count I of the complaint, the relatives sought a declaratory judgment that the Foundation's proposed sale violates Ms. Kelly's will and that the relatives had reversionary rights to the property. In Count II of the complaint, the relatives sought injunctive relief to restrain the Foundation from selling the property to a third party in accordance with a written contract of sale. On April 20, 2005, the Florida Attorney General issued an Advisory Legal Opinion, stating that the Foundation is subject to Florida's Sunshine Law. On May 5, 2005, the Foundation voted to ratify the contract to sell the property and to confirm the prior decision to sell the property. On June 3, 2005, the First Circuit Court entered a "Final Judgment for Defendant" in L. Bernarr Kelly, Carol Kelly and Lowell B. Kelly v. The Okaloosa-Walton Community College Foundation, Inc., No. 2004-CA-405 (Fla. 1st Cir. Ct. June 3, 2005), which states as follows in pertinent part: . . . The Court is convinced by the nature of the Will, and the testimony and evidence that Mattie Kelly had legal advice in her estate planning, that if Mattie Kelly intended for the subject property to be placed in a trust, and if she desired to put restrictions on the subject property to prevent Defendant Foundation from selling it, that she knew how to accomplish this, and that she chose not to do so. The Court finds . . . that Mattie Kelly did not intend to limit or restrict the sale of the subject property in the future to fulfill her desires for the creation of a cultural and environmental institute. . . . The Court finds that the deed dated March 6, 1997, . . . does not contain a reverter clause or language creating any right of reversion. . . . The Court finds that the deed conveyed a fee simple title to the OWCC Foundation with no right of reversion. The Court further finds that this deed was in accordance with the intent of Mattie Kelly at the time she executed her will. The Court finds that Article VIII of the Will which devised the subject property contains no language of trust and no language of reverter, and did not create a charitable trust . . . . The Court further finds that Defendant's proposed sale of the subject property does not include the "mausoleum property." . . . Since the mausoleum property is not being conveyed, the Court finds that the Plaintiffs no longer have standing as to the remaining property, and would deny Plaintiffs relief on this basis, in addition to the foregoing reasons. Therefore, the Court finds for the Defendant, The Okaloosa-Walton Community College Foundation, Inc. and against the Plaintiffs, and ORDERS and ADJUDGES as follows: Defendant Foundation's proposed sale of the subject property is not in derogation of Article VIII of the Last Will and Testament of Mattie Kelly, or the deed which conveyed the subject property to Defendant Foundation. Therefore, Defendant Foundation is not prohibited from selling the subject property, excluding the mausoleum property as described in Addendum #4 to the Contract for Sale and Purchase, in order to fulfill the intent of Mattie Kelly in creating the "Mattie M. Kelly Cultural and Environmental Institute;" however, all monies received from the sale of the subject property, including any matching funds, are to be used in the establishment and operation of the Mattie M. Kelly Cultural and Environmental Institute. [Emphasis added.] On June 8, 2005, Petitioners filed a Joint First Amended Petition for Administrative Hearing, stating as follows regarding standing: Petitioner Hammet's substantial interests will be affected by Respondent's determination because she and her family live within close proximity to the Mattie Kelly property and have often used and enjoyed the property for viewing the coastal heritage of Northwest Florida, and she wishes to continue to use and enjoy the property in the future. The Mattie Kelly property is a special place for Hammet and her family, where they have many pleasant memories and regularly have benefited from this public property being in their neighborhood. Hammet and her family will no longer be able to use and enjoy this accessible public resource if it is sold for private development. Petitioner Coastkeepers' substantial interest will be affected by Respondent's determination because it is a Florida non-profit corporation dedicated to protection of the environment in an area of the Gulf of Mexico Coast that includes Okaloosa and Walton Counties and Choctawhatchee Bay. Preservation of environmentally sensitive lands such as the Mattie Kelly property, and having the Mattie Kelly property as a location for biological studies, marine science studies, and studies of the coastal heritage of Northwest Florida, are vitally important to protecting Choctawhatchee Bay and the interest of Petitioner and its members, who include a substantial number of members who reside in Okaloosa and Walton Counties and have the present intention to use, visit, enjoy, and study biological, marine science and cultural heritage issues associated with Choctawhatchee Bay, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Mattie Kelly property at the Mattie Kelly property. The Mattie Kelly property is ideally suited to provide waterfront environmental education in an otherwise highly urbanized environment, including education of local residents, which is vital to controlling urban runoff, and for highlighting, encouraging, and educating the public of the need to protect Choctawhatchee Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. The Mattie Kelly property would no longer be available for such intended pursuits were the proposed sale of the Mattie Kelly property to private development interest go forward. Moreover, the proposed development of the very property set aside by Mattie Kelly would itself directly contribute to the urban runoff known to be causing problems in Choctawhatchee Bay. Choctawhatchee Bay has many examples of waterfront subdivision development and very little opportunity for environmental protection education in a local setting near where waterfront residential owners already live. These purposes will not be as well-served by educational efforts at OWC's main campus in Niceville, which is not waterfront and miles away from Choctawhatchee Bay. If properly managed, the Mattie Kelly property should be the field trip every school-age child in Okaloosa and Walton County takes, which would be a lasting legacy to Mattie Kelly that would truly be consistent with her express purposes. This opportunity will be forever destroyed if the property is developed as proposed. On June 24, 2005, Respondent filed a Motion to Dismiss Joint First Amended Petition for Administrative Hearing. On July 5, 2005, Petitioners filed a Response to Respondent's Motion to Dismiss Joint First Amended Petition for Administrative Hearing. Neither of the Petitioners holds any title interest in the property.

Recommendation Based on the forgoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Board enter a final order dismissing the Petitions for Administrative Hearing. DONE AND ENTERED this 22nd day of August, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S SUZANNE F. HOOD Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of August, 2005. COPIES FURNISHED: James R. Richburg, President Okaloosa-Walton Community College 100 College Boulevard Niceville, Florida 32578-1295 Joseph D. Lorenz, Esquire 1270 North Elgin Parkway, Suite C-12 Shalimar, Florida 32579 Steven A. Medina, Esquire Levin, Papantonio, Thomas, Mitchell, Echsner & Proctor, P.A. 316 South Baylen Street Post Office Box 12308 Pensacola, Florida 32581

Florida Laws (11) 1001.4531001.641004.011004.701010.091011.851013.28120.52120.54120.569120.57
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