Questions about your legal rights during the COVID-19 pandemic? Here are answers.
Pregnant and Want to Relocate
I am not married to the father of this child, and am considering moving out of state. Can I legally move? Does it matter if I move PRIOR to giving birth to this baby? Or do I have to clear it with the father whether the baby is born yet or not? I have no interest in keeping him from his child, but only if he can legally keep me here.
sibling tax liability for joint property
Three siblings have joint ownership of vacation property in upstate NY. One sibling has defaulted 4 times in past years on payment of his share of taxes and bills. What recourse do other 2 siblings have to force payment from this sibling?There is no family trust in place. An added note, this sibling has a history of not taking medication for depression.
Is there any way to force him to take a home equity loan loan or mortgage to repay monies he owes to siblings? Do we have to go to small claims court? Can we place any sort of lien on his property to ''get him off his butt''?
Thank you for any suggestions
child custody
A year ago my ex wife and I signed a divorce decree which I got custody of our child for every other weekend and also one night a week. I want to know how possible it would be for me to get that changed so that we have 50/50 custody, my child is almost 6 yrs old and I am the father.