New York Law School's Center for International Law Harlan Scholar's Program/Analysis Paper
divorce decree modification
my divorce was filed in sw missouri, and I now live in the Stl area. the terms of the decree are stacked in favor of my ex and our conflicts usually relate to visitation and travel issues. Also, even though my daughter doesn't live with me, I am on the hook for medical insurance, college, in addition to child support. In order to change the terms of the decree (it has been almost 5yrs since finalization) do I have to do so in the county it was filed in? or can I have the venue changed to a location more favorble to me? One of the obstacles to changing this has been that my ex is a parole officer and many of the attorneys in the area would have nothing to do with this because they might have to deal with her on a professional basis. How do I get the ball rolling?
Parent Legal Responsibility to Notify of Teen Sex
Is a parent legal responsible to notify another parent if their teen is having sex with the teen of the other parent? What is the potential charge to the parent if they do not notify the other parent? Is this considered contributing to the delinquency of their teen? Again to be clear. We learn that our 17 year old teen son is having sex with a 15 year old teen girl. Is there any liability to the parents if they dont notify the other parents? I understand the moral responsibility.