New York Law School's Center for International Law Harlan Scholar's Program/Analysis Paper
Fallen tree
A neighbors tree fell on my yard during a storm destroying a portion of my garage and outdoor fence. Who's liable?
I hope you're able to help. I was injured at work and ended up requiring surgery. My employer is claiming that my previous sports activities were the culprit. I have not yet decided to pursue legal action for compensation at this point. I have had a discussion with employee health nurse inquiring about how one files for workers compensation. After a brief discussion (her asking questions about who my private surgeon was, etc) i called back and left her know that the previous phone call was only an inquiry and not to start any paperwork yet.
I would appreciate a response. Thank you.
A week later I had a follow up appointment with my surgeon and I saw a note on my chart that read "patient is attempting to file for workers comp per employer". Does she have the legal right to contact my personal physician without my permission?