The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) provides the public access, with certain exceptions, to federal agency records. The Office of General Counsel, Executive Office for Immigration Review, responds to FOIA requests for Board records.
Parties wanting to inspect the record may obtain a FOIA from the BIA. Parties to a proceeding, and their legal representatives, may inspect the official record of proceedings by prior arrangement with the Clerk’s Office. A FOIA request is not required.
As a general rule, parties who want a copy of the record of proceedings must file a FOIA request. However, when the record is small or only a portion of the record is needed, parties may contact the Clerk’s Office for assistance in obtaining a copy.
Persons who are not party to a proceeding before the Board must file a request with the Office of General Counsel, Executive Office for Immigration Review, if they wish to see or obtain copies of the record of proceedings. They must file the FOIA request in writing. Requests may be sent to the Executive Office for Immigration Review.
Arrested then charges dropped, I want to file a police complaint
My adult son was at his house with
his girl friend and she was drinking.
My son took the girlfriends car keys
because she want to drive. My son
would not give her the keys so she
phoned the police. The police asked
the girlfriend to leave (she lives in
another county) and said she didn't
want to leave and everything was
OK. Because the girlfriend would not
leave my son's house, the police
arrested my son for false
After going to court seven different
times because the DA was not ready
for the case they finally dropped the
My son wants to file a complaint with
the police for arresting him in his
own house because the girlfriend said
she didn't want to leave.
My son lost time at work and was put
through a great deal of stress.
Can someone please help us put
together the correct wording for filing
a compliant. My son plans to ask for
wages lost due to the seven different
court appearance. Who should he
write the complaint?
He went to police department and
received a complaint form.
All suggestions and advice would be
greatly appreciated.
Virginia: Responsibility for My Tree, Blown Down onto Neighbor's Property
Recent winds blew down a large tree on the corner of our property, and its trunk is now blocking a creek that flows across my land to my neighbor�s property. The neighbor wants me to remove the trunk, but our landscaper says Virginia law leaves me responsible for the roots of the tree on my land, but leaves my neighbor responsible for the trunk of the tree on his land. A Google search produced a News Release from the State Corporate Commissioni, dated October 1, 2003, which says:
�In most cases, if a tree falls on your property as a result of a hurricane or other natural disaster � even if it is not your tree � the cost of removing it is your responsibility.�
Naturally, I need to know more before I can, in good faith (or good sense), tell my neighbor that I am just going to take care of the part of the tree on my side of the property line. I wonder whether that is a valid statement of Virginia law and, if so, its source. For example, is it a statutory provision or a principle derived from case law? I have conducted Internet searches of the Code of Virginia and the Virginia Administrative Code, as well as all Supreme Court and Court of Appeals opinions available on line, to no avail
short term disability ended
I was on short term disability and it ended. I now no longer have a job. Can I file for unemployment, do to the fact I was unable to go back to work even though I am still unable to work?