A lein against my house for work done as an act of kindness
My son's father wanted to remodel my kitchen as an act of kindness. He wanted to do something nice for me and our son. I told him I did not have the money to remodle my kitchen, but he said it was a gift. He is now threatening to put a lein on my house for the work he did. Can this be done without any contract? I never agreed to reimburse him for anything. Would the courts just take his word for whatever agreement he makes up when he files this lein?
Re: A lein against my house for work done as an act of kindness
You can safely ignore him until you are informed that litigation has commenced to collect money from you for the improvements. At that time, you would need to get an attorney but not before.
Re: A lein against my house for work done as an act of kindness
You can safely ignore him until you are informed that litigation has commenced to collect money from you for the improvements. At that time, you would need to get an attorney but not before.