Estate proceeds and divorce
A parents estate left an IRA to my sister and I (500K) and any proceeds from a home sale projected to be (150K). Right now the estate is involved in a lawsuit and any cash proceeds from these to items are staying in the estate until the law suit is settled. Additionally, there is a possibility that my wife and I may separate and divorce. If the lawsuit takes some time to be cleared up and this money is not taken by the lawsuit.....and in the meantime my wife and I divorce before the suit is settled, will she be entitled to 1/2 of what was left to me?
Re: Estate proceeds and divorce
The money from the estate is non-marital property unless you co-mingle it with marital accounts. Please call for a free consultation if you need an attorney.
Re: Estate proceeds and divorce
The money from the estate is non-marital property unless you co-mingle it with marital accounts. Please call for a free consultation if you need an attorney.
Re: Estate proceeds and divorce
The money from the estate is non-marital property unless you co-mingle it with marital accounts. Please call for a free consultation if you need an attorney.