Filing A CT Claim, in pro per and no longer with past employer??
back in the year 2002 I left the employer, who I worked with when I was injured, the claim is still open and very active, although I have new symptoms that have arose, I have not been back to the past employers office in years but I want to file a CT claim have the form, do I fill out the eligibility and just send it to the insurance company to work with the past employer?? or how do I get the employer to fill out there portion.
also there are more than 1 area of my bodys hurt do I fill out a form for each injury or do I list the medical problems on 1 form??
Re: Filing A CT Claim, in pro per and no longer with past employer??
labor code 5410 prevents adding body parts more than five years from the date of injury. Therefore, if you have not filed a petition to reopen, you are barred from adding new body parts. If there was no CT present when you filed your 2002 claim, it is too late to file a claim now unless there have been subsequent employers. You need a physician to find a CT befor you can make such a claim.