Getting a truck back
About a yr. ago an employee asked me to get a truck under my name and she'd pay me for it. She had poor credit so i did under the terms that she would provide the insurance and pay the monthly payment. she stopped working for me & went to work in Louisiana and would send the monthly payment all the time until about 4 mths ago. I tried contacting her but no answer. I want the truck back since she can't pay for it. I have 3 addressess from the money orders she would send I asked an officer what to do & they said to send her a certified letter telling her she needs to either bring back the truck or tell me where to pick it up. It's been almost a month since i sent it and no answer. What can I do to get the truck back. PLEASE HELP ME!
thank you & sorry for the inconvenience
Re: Getting a truck back
Hire a repossession service to find and seize your truck, and return it to your area. It'll cost you for the repo and the transport, without regard to the shape of the truck they may find.