The recently passed Families First Coronavirus Response Act makes substantial changes to sick and FMLA leave for businesses and employees in 2020. The FFCRA provides new benefits to employees through two new laws: The Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act and the Emergency Family and Medical Leave Expansion Act. The requirements of FFCRA are set to take effect April 2, 2020 and expire December 31, 2020. The FFCRA applies to employers of fewer than 500 employees. The Secretary of Labor may issue regulations to exempt businesses with fewer than 50 employees if compliance would jeopardize the viability of the business.
what to do ?
my wife and I are living apart after her assault on me.I left the house which is in her parents and our names.I have original deed documents.there are alot of complexities leading up to the seperation including her parents paying off our huge credit card debt and out of control spending by my wife.I am jobless now and living off family for now.they want me to do a quit claim on house that has no mortgage. The house was purchased for $275,000. I cannot meet current bills obligation much longer but looking for job. I really do not have any money for a lawyer and do not know where to turn. Can I legally ask them to pay me a fair sum for exchange in signing quit claim and make it a no contest divorce w/o alimony ? we were married 5.5 years and I brought in 75% of all income. I dont make alot of money and have been left with large debt. its a mess of course and I just need some direction.thank you
I am in debt a great deal. Although I
am on active military duty I can't pay
off my debts and stay a float.
Therefore I don't have any assets.
Can I still qualify for chapter 7
bankruptcy if I do not own anything.
In most of the cases I was
misfortunate and the others were
medical bills.