How many times can a goat mate in year?
Re: Goats
I hope you are not one of those sour-faced individuals who doubt trial lawyers know everything. The first fact to determine is the sex of your goat. If you have a male goat, commonly referred to as the buck, then few mating restrictions apply, so long as the mating is conducted with other goats. Intraspecies mating among goats is not even governed by the Indiana sodomy statutes. Obscure regulations under the old Indiana Agriculture Code (now Title 15) imposed restrictions on randy old goats. But the General Assembly saw fit to repeal these provisions, I suppose in a paroxysm of self-governing legislation. Now there remain no specific restrictions on mating goats. As for a female goat, commonly called a "doe" (which is the origin of names like Jane Doe), if the mating is conducted with other goats, particularly male goats, then you need to take care that the poor creature's udders are not overextended. Having a bunch of kids pulling and chewing on the udders would, you might with some sympathetic imagination discern, be very wearing. So make sure the creature has a few months to recover before exposing her to another randy old goat. Otherwise, a zealous prosecutor might charge you with cruelty to animals. If you have more fact specific questions about goat mating, you should cheerfully pay a local attorney experienced in agricultural law to consult with you. You might even consider consulting with a veterinarian, but what do they know? Good luck with your mating.