Harassnent from collection agencies
My 80 year old mother has a fixed income of just over $800 a month. She has probably around $30K of unsecured dept. She is constantly being harassed by collection agencies. She gave my cell phone number to one of the agencies and they are now harassing me on my cell phone when I actually have nothing to do with this. They make horrible comments to me on the phone about me and my mother. I have told them they should not be calling me, but since they have my number, they are still calling. They say mean things to me then slam the phone in my ear or we are conventiently disconnectes. How can I get them to stop calling me?
Re: Harassnent from collection agencies
It sounds like they are violating some laws against Fair Debt collection. You may be able to sue them. There is a book by Richard Dimaggio called "What the debt collector doesn't want you to know" that you might try to find.