Job offered and later withdrawn w/o reason given
I was employed by this company for one year in good standing, excellent first year eval and eligible for rehire when went on disability due to surgery after 6 months. I was told due to company policy were required to let me go, but when I was released back to work, would find me a position. Not so....finally after interviewing like any other applicant was hired over the phone contingent on my passing a background check again. I asked the director who offered me the 'contengent' position....''did I have a job for sure'' ...she stated, absolutely, she would be a fool to let some one with my experience get thru her fingers. She told me to contact human resource to start background check, etc....which I did and then a couple of weeks later no one will call me back and human resource states ''I am sorry we are not authorized to offer you a position at this time''. The only thing I can think of is I had just been on disability for a year, history of a bad back, maybe I am seen as high risk hire. But I think that is discrimination for sure....there is nothing other wise in my record. I am a nurse...I called and wrote administration with no response. Do I have any recourse? I just want to know why is all....I am a damn good Nurse ....
Re: Job offered and later withdrawn w/o reason given
Possible...AGE..over 40? race? religion? injury on job??but was an oral promise of rehire given?
HOWEVER...the road is long, expensive to fight for rehire ..can you go elsewhere?
Re: Job offered and later withdrawn w/o reason given
Possible...AGE..over 40? race? religion? injury on job??but was an oral promise of rehire given?
HOWEVER...the road is long, expensive to fight for rehire ..can you go elsewhere?