malpractice and statute of limitations
Hostile learning environment under Cal. Ed. Code �� 66250, 66251, 66252, 66270; Mogilefsky v. Superior Court (1993) 20 Cal.App.4th 1409, 1418: same sex harasssment. School's response violated 34 C.F.R. 104.47. Then school violated Rules Regulating Accreditation of Law Schools in California: Factors and Comments Governing the Interpretation and Application of the Standards, as Amended by the Committee of Bar Examiners as of December 14, 2002, � 2.01, pp. F5, F6, F7. School subject to 42 USC � 12181(7)(J). School complied with 42 USC � 12189, but fostered ongoing retaliation contrary to 42 U.S.C.� 12182(b)(1)(D). Retaliation included unconsented disclosure, but no investigation conducted, contrary to 65 FR 66092, 66097 - 8. Hostile learning environment exacerbated military service-connected disability, after school was fully informed. Medical proof available. Counsel advised me to wait until after graduating to pursue redress, meanwhile school persisted, and continues to persist in refusal to ''make modifications to existing facilities and practices,� per 42 U.S.C. � 12101(a)(5). Learned 3 months ago that by following counsel's advice to wait, SOL gone. Counsel got ''political chips'' by not asserting my rights. He smirks. Slick? slime
Re: malpractice and statute of limitations
I may have a conflict as to this matter, but check my profile and contact me directly via e-mail if you wish. I have accepted a couple of legal malpractice cases on referral from other firms that had conflicts or other reasons for not accepting them.