my sons rights
my son first offer was 5yrs had a PD at first .He wasnt inform what he was up against 3 strikes now i have paid atty can we get first offer back my atty wants too quit saying it will cost to much too go to trial my son dont want too go too trial
Re: my sons rights
"offers" are up to the DA though the Court has some say in this....3 strikes cases are more complex to deal and there is no rule/right to get back a previous offer just because I changed my mind....generally one expects the cost of a 3 strikes case to be higher than a "normal" case given all the additional work required and the record of the offender is usually known early on in the proceedings...many times there is a record of what the offers were and what the maximum sentence could be...i.e. could be a three strikes case....first check to see when it was discovered by "anyone" that the case was a three strikes case...