Ordinance Violation
I live in a small town. Long story short, the police came by to let us know a new ordinance went into effect and you cannot have any kind of unlicensed or non-running vehicles in your yard and was told we needed to move our dunebuggy because it's not technically in our driveway and doesn't have the battery in it right now(it's outside) so it would take some time to hook it up to start it. We went on vacation about 1 week after he came by and were gone for 1 week. Two days after we got back, he came by again. We hadn't had time to move it so he wrote me a ticket for ''junk vehicle in yard.'' I moved the dunebuggy out of my yard the next day, but because it was not a ''fix-it'' ticket I am now scheduled to go to court on 6/4/07. I don't know if this makes a difference, but we never received anything in writing from the village or anything in reference to this new ordinance. What information do I need to bring with me and what can I expect a the hearing?
Re: Ordinance Violation
The officer will testify that he told you in person about the issue, and two weeks later the violation was still not fixed.
It's sorta like he gave you a warning on the left tail light and caught you again 2 weeks later with it still not fixed, thereby resulting in a ticket.
You can attend the ordinance hearing with or without counsel, and negotiate with the prosecutor. If the problem is fixed, you might get out of the ticket, but that may not happen.