Statue of limitation in California for car accident
I was a driver got injured in a major car accident 4 years ago that required a surgery. Two years later, as a passenger I got hit from behind again. One of my leg is still numb with regular back soreness. The single attorney handles both of my case. He has advised me to settle the 2nd case first but I'm not ready. What is the limitation in California to file a claim for bodily injury?
Re: Statue of limitation in California for car accident
Which leads me to believe that your attorney has already filed a case on the second accident. The reason he probably wants you to settle the second case is because of the sticky issue of pre-existing conditions as a result of the first accident. He knows the second case is a weaker one for that reason. He probably also wants to prevent the first case defendants from claiming double recovery - essentially arguing that the injuries you are paid for were really a result of the second accident.
Re: Statue of limitation in California for car accident
Which leads me to believe that your attorney has already filed a case on the second accident. The reason he probably wants you to settle the second case is because of the sticky issue of pre-existing conditions as a result of the first accident. He knows the second case is a weaker one for that reason. He probably also wants to prevent the first case defendants from claiming double recovery - essentially arguing that the injuries you are paid for were really a result of the second accident.