Washington Mutual - Bank Mistakes
Over the last few months
Washington Mutual has done a few
things that I wonder if it's legal. I
wrote three different checks that
were nice and legible. I had enough
funds to cover it as well. When my
friend and my dad went to cash their
checks they were denied. The
checks were given a comment ''Refer
to Maker'' on them and their banks
fined them $5 for each check. When
I talked with my bank they said
there was a hold on my account at
the time even though they said it
was odd I was still able to use my
debit card those days. They've come
up with no legitimate reason for why
it happened and said there was
nothing they could do to prevent it.
I haven't lost any money, but I
wonder if they didn't breach their
Re: Washington Mutual - Bank Mistakes
This question should have been rejected. The terms of submission indicate not to use proper names (say, "a bank" instead).
Re: Washington Mutual - Bank Mistakes
This question should have been rejected. The terms of submission indicate not to use proper names (say, "a bank" instead).
Re: Washington Mutual - Bank Mistakes
This question should have been rejected. The terms of submission indicate not to use proper names (say, "a bank" instead).