I agreed to allow my ex to keep our daughter during this coronovirus outbreak. I agreed to it before I knew the facts and how low risk children are to it. I told her that the risk was low to children and the children that do get it usually have mild symptoms. I also told her no one was sick around me. She told me I agreed to let her keep her. I told her that was before I knew the facts and also made out of haste. She told me it was alright for me to go see our daughter there at her home but she aint leaving. What can I do? File contempt? Shouldnt she follow the court ordered agreement? I already have a contempt going against her for breaking a visitation agreement.
The courts have received and acted upon, and will continue to receive and act upon, as Priority #1 matters all applications for emergency orders of custody pursuant to CGS 46b-56f, including the scheduling of hearings in cases where ex parte relief is granted. That includes applications alleging such harm based on withholding of parental access. The determination of whether the withholding of access in a given case creates "an immediate and present risk of physical danger or psychological harm to the child," and if so what relief should be granted, rests within the sound discretion of the judge reviewing each particular application.
Based upon what you have written, technically, you have agreed to forego the visit and now want to withdraw your agreed to modification of the visit. If you file a motion for contempt now, you won't be heard until after the courts re-open for normal business and all it will do is make you look like someone who wants control regardless of what may be in the best interests of the child.
If "she ain't leaving" are her words, realize that those words are a signal that your ex is scared and fearful for her own and her daughter's safety. Have a face to face conversation with her about visitation and together both of you go over what is known about the dangers of COVID-19 together using gov't resources, then work out visitation in light of what is known. Trying to force risk factors on her will not work; she must come to it on her own.
tx sold an interest in business to a partner
I sold an my ownership positions to a partner. Who assumed the dept.
I was paid parcially in cash and took somes of the business assets.
is this legal
I have recently been fired, and realize I can be fired with or without reason. I am concerned that the statements made in my termination letter will affect my ability to be hired in the future. I believe statements that were made are not factual and have been twisted to the company's favor. I am wondering if I have a case for defamation and don't know if I could prove it since original statements made by the company were made either orally on in emails (which I am no longer permitted to access). I have also been asked to sign a separation agreement which waives my right to claims of defamation in the future. Also, I signed a non-compete when I was hired which now says I have to gain written permission to work for a company that is similar to the one that fired me. I am worried that the company will disapprove any potential hiring opportunities. Any advice? Thanks.