my dog likes to explore and a couple times has gotten away. a nearby neighbor found him one time and returned him. a year later, this last February, he dug his way through the backyard fences and got out. Said neighbor went to go pick up my dog claiming he was hers. after i found out it was her, we went to get my dog back and the police stated they searched the house and the dog wasnt there but the neighbor admitted to taking him bc she felt i was irresponsible but the dog got away from her the next day. he is chipped and i havent found him yet. i believe she still has him at a different location. the police stated they couldnt do anything bc the dog was technically "lost" and not stolen and that the dog was not currently in their possession
You may have "grounds" for suing your neighbor over stealing your dog, but you may have problems with proving that she stole the dog under the facts you posted. Since you admit the dog got out itself, how do you expect to prove that the neighbor has the dog when the Police could not find it there.
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