I was wondering what my options are and how to go about it
One option you have is to make a claim against the person who injured you. I cannot advise you on the details since the question doesn't provide much information. The best advice would be to speak to an attorney near you who is experienced in personal injury claims and has handled assault cases. The attorney would need to know details about who the person was that assaulted you and where and how it occurred. If there was a police report or investigation, or witnesses to the assault that would be important information to review. Were criminal charges brought or did the Police conduct an investigation? There could be others responsible for the injury but without the facts it is impossible for me to really advise you. Examples are persons injured by someone employed by another, a landowner who fails to provide security, a bar that serves a person to intoxication who then assaults another etc. I hope that you recover from your injuries but I would not delay in simply speaking to a local attorney who can tell you the rules in the State in which you reside and can take the time to properly evaluate the details of your incident and injury. I am located in CT and therefore could not provide you with legal advice. I wish you the best in seeking justice.
You should chat with an attorney in your state. Usually an attorney will consult with you on a case like this for free. The answer to your question depends on dozens of questions.
Awakened by over control pounding on my front door with a man standing looking through the window at the top at 8:26am. I opened the door and the man lundged at me as if to hurt me. He asked for someone and I pulled to close the door as I was scared of out my mind, he pulled to try and open it.
I have cancer and health issues that I can not be around this type of behavior while being in my own home asleep. He must have come and looked in my windows as he said I was in the back bedroom sleeping. This was creepy to know he went and looked through my windows.
This is the most unappropriate, unprofessional and deeply disturbing that our court system has people like that to come to our PRIVATE home and perform this type of behavior . I am sitting in my house right now shaking with fear and feeling very uncomfortable in my own house. This man should not be able to come on people's property and do this type of mental damage to me. The summons was not for me.
9:37am- I am having health problems since this man has come to my house and upset me so horribly that I am going to have to go to the doctor today at 2:45pm in Fort MYers. My nerves are so bad due to cancer, medications I am taking and can not be around this type of incident. I am in my home and harrassed so severly that I have a panic attack IN MY OWN HOME.
I can not believe the Judicial Court would want to be represented by this type of behavior. Out of control!
Everyday since that man has peaked on his tipy toes and pulling himself up to look into my home from the top window of my front door. He said he saw me coming out of the back bedroom.
I have had nightmares and everytime I close my eye see his eyes pearing thru my door. Noone has ever looked into my home that way. I can not openly walk around my own home and feel comfortable that someone is looking at me.
I, Judy Lepar, just had cancer surgery in Jan.2010 and still healing. This type of stress I can not tolerate in my life. My home is my sancutary.This man had totally ruined my comfort of staying in my own home.
Ray is not a criminal, just caught up in the financial depression and a wife that found out she had cancer in Oct.2010 and can not work any more. Currently on disability and I believe this is against the law.
PLEASE ADVISE-thank you very much. Judy
I was dating a guy for five years,
broke up with him, and he joined
the air force. I had gone into a
relationship with my present
husband and got pregnant by my
husband. My husband became
abusive, so we separated. Now,
months later and 23 weeks
pregnant, the airman and I got
back together. He is doing what
my husband should be doing as a
dad. Now my husband is saying
that the child is not his and I had
cheated with the airman from the
beggining and when the DNA test
shows my daughter is my
husband's, he is trying for full custody due to past depression
(no hospitalization, just medicated
for a short 6 mo trial) How do I
keep full custody of my daughter,
get divorced quickly and marry the
man I should have so long ago?
home owners association / CC & R's
What happens if I purchace a home with out signing CC & R's the later find out I'm part of a home owners association?
What should I do?