I own a mobile home in the Louisiana parish that my son has been attending Middle School for the last three years. I also own a home in a different parish with acreage that we file homestead exemption on. The school just informed us that unless we provide documentation that our main residence is at the mobile home, homestead exemption, he will be disenrolled. What are our rights? We own both homes and pay utilities in both. The School Officials at the State Level thought this was absurd for the school to require this documentation, but said that they cannot dictate the decision of the district superintendent . What can we do that will legally, and without argument, allow our son to continue at the same school? The schools in the parish we claim our homestead exemption has a record poor rating/grade. Please help.
The school is correct. Where you have your homestead exemption is supposed to be the home in which you reside and your domicile. That is where you are supposed to go to school, in that parish.