If you have any sort of legitimate injury, you can get a lawyer to take your case on contingency fee agreement and not have to troll the internet for answers and help. You should get the police report and report the claim to your own insurance company. Hopefully you decided to insure against this and bought uninsured motorist coverage, if not you may have double-crossed yourself. Best luck. JBS
If you have any sort of legitimate injury, you can get a lawyer to take your case on contingency fee agreement and not have to troll the internet for answers and help. You should get the police report and report the claim to your own insurance company. Hopefully you decided to insure against this and bought uninsured motorist coverage, if not you may have double-crossed yourself. Best luck. JBS
If you have any sort of legitimate injury, you can get a lawyer to take your case on contingency fee agreement and not have to troll the internet for answers and help. You should get the police report and report the claim to your own insurance company. Hopefully you decided to insure against this and bought uninsured motorist coverage, if not you may have double-crossed yourself. Best luck. JBS