Depends, as to whether your case is in the Small Claims section of the
court or in regular general district court. If the latter, you'll have to file
formal paperwork before the trial date (Bill of Particulars if plaintiff or Answer/Grounds of Defense if defendant) which probably should reference
at least some of these emails and text messages and copies of which could then be attached to this formal paperwork when its filed with the clerk's office by the deadline as ordered by the court.
However, if your case is in Small Claims, then you should be able to
merely print your evidence out and bring copies of it along to court on the day set for
trial and attempt to have it admitted as evidence whenever it's your turn as directed by the court to present your side of the case.
Depends, as to whether your case is in the Small Claims section of the
court or in regular general district court. If the latter, you'll have to file
formal paperwork before the trial date (Bill of Particulars if plaintiff or Answer/Grounds of Defense if defendant) which probably should reference
at least some of these emails and text messages and copies of which could then be attached to this formal paperwork when its filed with the clerk's office by the deadline as ordered by the court.
However, if your case is in Small Claims, then you should be able to
merely print your evidence out and bring copies of it along to court on the day set for
trial and attempt to have it admitted as evidence whenever it's your turn as directed by the court to present your side of the case.