I am very recently devorced. But this is not the issue. The issue is that my husband started a business in my name, we were not married at the time. He operated and controlled everything.when a payment was to be done he would instruct me. Even the bank account is in my name. He does Refrigeration. Now the business owes unpaid taxes. Reason for devorce was adultery with me being the in the wrong. I had no layer represent. He asked me not to fight it and agree to tell the court we were living apart for 2 years, if I did not he said he would make sure I lost the kids. Afraid and ashamed I agreed.
I have since discovered it has been his plan to punish me all along. He has his side covered leagally and now I stand to face jail time and loosing custody of our two children. On paper everything is in my name. He could not start the business in his name because he was on a work permit and I was on a residence permit. So on paper I owned the business and he worked for me. Please help please
I agree with Mr Blackburn.
File a police report for identity theft.
Find a local university with a tax clinic.
If you can't do that contact the taxpayer advocate service. https://taxpayeradvocate.irs.gov/contact-us