I was given temporary guardianship of my brother's children. An argument happened with their mother because she didn't like that we sent youngest child to bed, so she said she will be coming to take her children but she doesn't have a home. Shes living on the streets bouncing between couches with her friends. With the whole coronavirus lockdown, I was wondering what my legal rights would be in regards to letting her take the children or being able to tell her no she can't take them.
I believe you may have re-asked this question, but a temporary guardianship that is not granted through the courts can be revoked at any time. If you fear for the health and safety of the children, apply to the court for a temporary guardianship, or consider contacting local government agencies who can assist in keeping the children safe.
I recommend sitting down with a guardianship attorney to discuss the particulars of your situation.
If you have a temporary guardianship order then it gives you the authority to make decisions on their behalf and that means Mom cannot simply come and get the children. Your duty is to the children, to keep them safe and ensure that they have necessities of life. It might hard because she is their parent, but you cannot worry about that and you need to focus on the kids.
If she were to attempt to retrieve the children, I would suggest calling the police and presenting the temporary guardianship order which should allow the police to turn her away.
I know school is out now, but when school resumes you should make sure that the school is made aware of the temporary guardianship and given the school a copy of the temporary guardianship order so that steps can be put in place to avoid the Mom trying to retrieve the children from school. The same rules apply to daycare and social programs the children participate in. Having the order gives the people of authority the ability to tell Mom no and stop her from picking up the children.