Asked in @US
Mar. 09, 2009
, 0 answers
What Rights do I have to Use the Aid of a Disability Animal at Work
I work for Southwest Tennessee Community College. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and have some mobility issues in getting around campus. I am a Computer Lab technician, and I have labs all over campus in 5 buildings. I have trained a Golden Retriever to assist me in getting around, helping me get out of chairs, to get up off of the floor, and to sit and let me lean on his head if my knees feel like they are giving out. I had the dog with me at work for over a month, when I was summoned to our department HR reps office. I was told, not asked, to take the dog home and that I could not bring him back. I was sent a letter telling me that the reason for getting rid of the dog was 'safety and health'. My wife gives my dog a bath every Sunday evening so he will be clean for work. The dog is very gentle and loves people. He wears a
'Service Dog' cape and we have never been disallowed entrance to a restaurant. He is a very well trained dog, who helps me a lot. Can I do anything legally to get my dog back at work with me?
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