Do you have an attorney working on this with you? If not, please consider getting one. Have you tried an internet search? If you find one cousin you will likely be able to find most if not all of the others. If you have truly spent 7 years searching, you should consider hiring an investigator. The terms of the trust will dictate what will happen to your uncle's share, but with a per stirpes distribution and 7 kids, you will need hard evidence that there are no heirs other than your mother to receive. Good luck -
Do you have an attorney working on this with you? If not, please consider getting one. Have you tried an internet search? If you find one cousin you will likely be able to find most if not all of the others. If you have truly spent 7 years searching, you should consider hiring an investigator. The terms of the trust will dictate what will happen to your uncle's share, but with a per stirpes distribution and 7 kids, you will need hard evidence that there are no heirs other than your mother to receive. Good luck -