Wasn't told I could plead guilty and get plea during day 1 of trial after I told my lawyer I didn't realize the verdict had to be unanimous
I had multiple DWI infractions
I tried researching online & it looks like 3rd conviction in 10 yrs, but he said he doesn't have a reckless driving or anything. What else is included?
My son got a dui a year ago he missed the court date because he was never given papers we thought it was in April he’s homeless and the picked him up On a warrant today but he ran from the police And he was out on $5000 bail. it’s his first dui he has other charges that are added to the dui and I ju...
I did jail time and paid fines
As stated above, I have recently been charged "service fee's" from a DUI that happened almost 3 years ago. I received what I like to call a "warning" letter in the mail about 2 weeks prior to receiving the actual bill. The bill states the officers were never paid for their "services" the night of my...
know he had a Controlled Substance charge somewhere. I need this to show the DA he has a history of drug and ETOH abuse so I can try to get an emergency protection order over our 3 year old son. My ex recently was arrested for DWI. A month before his blood came back from TX DPS, he was arrested for ...
It is not currently suspended but it is preventing me from renewing. Will it be suspended in VA once I get the issue cleared up in NC?
I hired an attorney for a DUI case, i was making monthly payments and he always showed up for court. I made final payment in December, attorney did not show up for january or feburary court date. on february court date asked judge for public defender judge says he can not assign public defender unle...
They misspelled my middle name. The spelling on my citation is different than the name that was booked in the jail. Therefore The case is State of Florida vs Wrong Name. I am looking for a technicality to dismiss the case.
Me out of my car without my permission and lead me towards the road, the ambulance showed up and I was getting rushed to hospital. My nose broke, difficulty breathing and my chest and head was hurting, I needed medical treatment and the state trooper pulled over the ambulance for me to give breathal...
I cannot leave the country once I do my jail time (4 months), and I will sentenced to 3-5 years probation. Got a DUI with felony charges (None is dead or bad injured). How they expect me to live and pay the fine without work permit? I have my travel visa for 10 years, but it was revoked the same day...