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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 79-002262 Latest Update: Aug. 20, 1980

The Issue The issue here concerns the propriety of the Respondent, State of Florida, Department of Revenue's assessment of tax under authority of Sections 201.01 and .08, Florida Statutes, in the amount of $11,557.20 and penalty of $577.86 against the Petitioner, Landmark Bank of Brevard. The specific nature of the assessment is one pertaining to items identified as detachable "Promissory Notes" which are attached to documents entitled "Trust Receipts."

Findings Of Fact The facts in this case reveal that the Petitioner Landmark Bank of Brevard, hereafter referred to as the "Bank," made loans to several motor vehicle dealers in Brevard County. The borrowers were Carl Schmidt Motors, Inc.; Bennie C. Chapman, who does business as Chapman Auto Sales; and Harley Davidson of Melbourne, Inc. The arrangements for the loans were on the basis that the dealers would apply with the Bank to receive moneys which would be used to "floor plan" automobiles and motorcycles being sold through their retail outlets. The applications were processed through the loan committee and when the loans were approved a Promissory Note was signed by the appropriate persons acting in behalf of the dealers. (Copies of the notes executed were attached to the Petition for Formal Hearing and acknowledged to be correct through the answer filed in behalf of the Respondent and the notes as attached to the Petition are being provided with this Recommended Order together with those exhibits offered in behalf of the parties.) The notes allow for the single disbursement of a stated amount of money, with the repayment of principal and payment of interest being due by one payment for which demand is made within a period as short as several months or as long as one year depending on the note conditions. Collateral is provided, according to the terms of the notes, either by the lease and rental autos listed on separate documents entitled "Trust Receipts," which Trust Receipts are held by the Bank or otherwise described as such motor vehicles as were then owned by the dealers at the time the execution of the note or as would thereafter be acquired. These notes, meaning the initial Promissory Notes, had Documentary Stamps placed and canceled in the monthly journal of the Bank at the time of the execution of the Promissory Notes, in an effort by the Petitioner to comply with Section 201.08, Florida Statutes. The amount of Documentary Stamps utilized was in keeping with the face amount of the loan proceeds reflected on the Promissory Notes. Therefore, when the Promissory Notes are examined an impression is created that a single disbursement of loan proceeds has been made for which Documentary Stamp tax has been collected. In reality, the arrangement between the dealers and the Petitioner was to the effect that the full amount of the loan proceeds would not be assigned to the account of the dealers upon execution of the note. What would happen, is that the dealers would be allowed to make "draws" against the loan proceeds on the basis of surrendering the title of a used motor vehicle which they had acquired or having the manufacturer of a new motor vehicle submit the Manufacturer's Certificate of Origin to the Bank. In turn, moneys were advanced to the dealer equal to the value of the used unit or commensurate with the amount reflected on the Manufacturer's Certificate of Origin if a new unit. These titles and Manufacturer's Certificates of Origin were held as collateral and the dealers would take possession of the actual vehicles to be placed in the dealer's inventory until a retail purchase had been made. The vehicles for which the Petitioner had received title or the Manufacturer's Certificate of Origin were then listed on documents called "Trust Receipts." The "Trust Receipts" would show the vehicle description, make, serial number and price as described in the Manufacturer's Certificate of Origin or title. These descriptions were placed on individual "Trust Receipts" based upon the date the evidence of ownership was submitted from the dealer of the Bank. That is to say, if four Manufacturers' Certificates of Origin or titles were submitted to the Bank at one time, then four of the vehicles would be listed on a single "Trust Receipt" as opposed to listing the four new units on a "Trust Receipt" that already had a unit or units listed from another visit by the dealer. Examples of the various "Trust Receipt" documents may be found in the Respondent's Composite Exhibit 3 admitted into evidence which contains copies of the "Trust Receipt" examples. The "Trust Receipt" documents had attached to them an item entitled "Promissory Note," which item could be detached from the body of the "Trust Receipt." Some examples in the Respondent's Composite Exhibit 3 have the "Promissory Note" affixed, reflecting a date and money amount equal to the amount arrived at by totaling the value related to the various units shown in the "Trust Receipt." These examples also list the borrower's name and are signed by Margy Driggers, the Assistant Cashier of the Petitioner. Some are signed by Margy Driggers, with the initials "P.O.A." placed in front of or after her title as Assistant Cashier. One other example is the same as above but without the initials "P.O.A." There is also an example signed by Bennie C. Chapman, one of the dealers who borrowed money. The Chapman example reflects the amount of value shown in the "Trust Receipt," to which the "Promissory Note" is attached and it has a date, but does not reflect the amount of interest to be paid if this is indeed a Promissory Note. There was another category of "Trust Receipt" and attached "Promissory Note" reflecting motor vehicles for which money had been loaned and this was a type in which no entries had been made on the "Promissory Note"; however, an example of this type was not provided through the Respondent's Exhibit 3. Both parties acknowledged that the initials "P.O.A." stand for power of attorney. They disagree on the question whether a power of attorney had been granted to the Petitioner to act in behalf of the subject dealers. The Petitioner through its witnesses claim that the designation "P.O.A." is simply an extension of a long standing policy of the Bank which predates the current Assistant Cashier and has no meaning. Therefore, no power of attorney has ever been granted from the dealers to the Bank to execute promissory notes on behalf of the dealers. The Respondent through its auditor, whose investigation led to the assessment in dispute, claims that Margy Driggers, the Assistant Cashier, told him that "P.O.A." means power of attorney and that she had the ability to sign for Carl Schmidt. (Carl Schmidt Motors, Inc.) None of the dealers were presented in the course of the hearing to state their position on the granting of power of attorney to the Petitioner for purposes of executing the item known as "Promissory Note" attached to the various "Trust Receipts," and there are no written documents which would demonstrate the granting of a power of attorney to the Bank. Moreover, nothing in the original Promissory Notes executed by the dealers leads to the conclusion that the item known as "Promissory Note" attached to the "Trust Receipt" may be executed by a Bank official through power of attorney for the dealer. Consequently, no power of attorney has been shown to be granted from the dealers to Margy Driggers or any other employee of the Petitioner, on the subject of executing "Promissory Notes" attached to the "Trust Receipts." When the items were filled out, copies of the "Trust Receipts" and attached "Promissory Notes" were forwarded to the several dealers. When a dealer sold one of the automobiles for which the Petitioner held the title or Manufacturer's Certificate of Origin as security, then the dealer paid an amount equal to that amount reflected in the "Trust Receipt" document and an entry was made in the date paid column of that document which showed that amount of debt had been satisfied by the dealer. During the operative period of the initial Promissory Note, meaning that period between the time of the execution of the note and the time the note was due as reflected on the face of the note, the dealer could borrow an amount not to exceed the face amount of the loan proceeds and if some portion of that amount was retired, then an additional amount could be borrowed, which effectively meant that in the active life of the loan as shown by the initial Promissory Note more money could be borrowed during the life of the note than the amount reflected on the face of the Promissory Note. For example, hypothetically the Promissory Note could entitle the dealer to borrow $19,959.00 on May 10, 1976, to be repaid by May 10, 1977. That dealer could then borrow $19,959.00 between those dates and pay back that amount of money with interest and borrow an additional $5,000.00 to be paid back before the expiration date of the loan and in actuality would have borrowed $24,959.00, ostensibly under the terms and conditions of the initial note. These additional amounts of loan proceeds cannot be seen by examining the initial Promissory Notes; they can only be discovered by adding the individual amounts reflected in the "Trust Receipts" and comparing the total to what is shown by adding the loan amounts depicted in the initial Promissory Notes. This is in fact what was done by the auditor in conducting the audit and it is the differential between the amounts shown in the "Trust Receipt" aggregate as contrasted to the initial Promissory Note aggregate for which the Respondent claims Documentary Stamp tax is owed. The Respondent would have the Documentary Stamp tax applied to some combination of the so-called "Promissory Notes" attached to the "Trust Receipts" equal to an amount representing the differential spoken to before. The Respondent did not establish which "Trust Receipts" with attached "Promissory Notes" would be subject to the assessment of Documentary Stamp tax. Through this process, the Respondent in its Revised Notice of Assessment is claiming tax of $11,557.20 and a penalty of $557.86. (A copy of this notice may be found as Respondent's Exhibit 4 admitted into evidence.)

Recommendation It is RECOMMENDED that the proposed assessment for Documentary Stamp tax and penalty made by the Department of Revenue, State of Florida, against the Petitioner, Landmark Bank of Brevard, a banking corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida, formerly Landmark Bank of Melbourne, N.A., be DISALLOWED. 1/ DONE AND ENTERED this 9th day of April 1980 in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 101 Collins Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 9th day of April 1980.

Florida Laws (3) 120.57201.01201.08
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 75-001899 Latest Update: Mar. 10, 1977

The Issue There are two issues raised in this case: Whether the transaction evidenced by the written instrument is taxable-under provisions of Sections 201.08, F.S., 201.01 and 201.08(1), F.S.; and Whether the amendment to the note and mortgage involved in this case is a promissory note taxable pursuant to Section 201.08(1), F.S.

Findings Of Fact There are two issues raised in this case: Whether the written document which evidences the transaction is taxable under the provisions of Sections 201.01 and 201.08(1), F.S.; and Whether the amendment to the note and mortgage involved in this case is a promissory mote or written obligation to pay money and taxable pursuant to Section 201.08(1), F.S. The facts are that on February 28, 1974, the Petitioners, except for Joe R. Hughes, III, and W. Comer Cherry, executed a promissory mote to Lewis State Bank for $405,000 with interest at 10 percent per annum, payable monthly, beginning March 1, 1974, with the entire amount of the principle ($405,000) due on or before February 28, 1975. Said Petitioners executed a mortgage to Lewis State Bank as security for said loan. On April 8, 1975, the due date of the principle was extended to August 28, 1975. The Lewis State Bank then assigned the note and mortgage to Thomas County Federal on July 7, 1975. On July 2 and July 7, 1975, the Petitioners including Hughes and Cherry, but not Rainey, signed the instrument in Tallahassee, Florida, upon which the tax being challenged is assessed. Rainey took the instrument which appears on its face to be an Amendment to the aforementioned Note and Mortgage dated February 28, 1974, to Thomas County Federal Savings and Loan, Thomas County, Georgia. The Amended Note and Mortgage was signed by Rainey and accepted by Thomas County Federal as assignee of said original note and mortgage in Thomas County, Georgia, on July 7, 1975. The other obligors who were jointly and severally liable had signed in Florida. See R-16-21. The purpose of the amendment to the note and mortgage was to refinance the Jefferson Towers Apartments project located in Tallahassee, Florida. See R-14. Thereafter, the money was tendered under the Amendment to Note and. Mortgage, in Georgia, by Thomas County Federal to the agent of the borrowers [Petitioners] Rainey. R-14. The Petitioners, on July 8, 1975, in Leon County, recorded the amendment to note and mortgage, the only instrument reflecting the new outstanding obligation of $412,000 and the only instrument setting forth the Petitioner's promise to pay this new obligation in O. R. Book 724, page 24, et. seq. The Petitioners affixed documentary stamp taxes in the amount of $10.50 on the amendment to the note and mortgage. (See R-21) Whether the instrument entered into between the Petitioners and Thomas County Federal is considered a new obligation or an amendment of the assigned note and mortgage, the essential factors are that the execution and delivery of the instrument, and exchange of the funds therefor occurred in Georgia. Based on the foregoing facts, the Department of Revenue finds as a matter of law that: To be taxed there must be a Florida transaction evidenced by a promissory note or written obligation to pay money. Sec. 201.08(1), F.S. The Amendment to Note and Mortgage involved in this case was made, signed and executed, in the State of Florida, save one signature of the multiple obligors, who were jointly and severally liable and the loan was used in Florida to refinance a Florida project which had been originally financed in Florida. The Amendment to Note and Mortgage, the only instrument reflecting the outstanding obligation of $412,000 and evidencing the Petitioners' promise to pay this new obligation, was recorded in Leon County, Florida, and has all essential factors of a Florida transaction percent thus subject to documentary stamp tax provided for in Sections 201.01 and 201.08(1), F.S. The Amendment to Note and Mortgage clearly evidences a transaction between the Petitioners and Thomas County Federal pursuant to which the Petitioners are obligated to pay suns of money to Thomas County Federal. Such a written obligation to pay money may be exempt if it meets the criteria of Sec. 201.09, F.S. The document in question does not meet the criteria of Sec. 201.09, F.S., because it did not extend or continue only the identical contractual obligations of the original promissory note but there was a substantial change in the principle amount. No documentary stamps have been affixed to the document which was recorded nor is there any notation on the document that said stamps were placed on any other document, except affixing of documentary stamps in the amount of $10.50; therefore, the document in question is subject to tax under Sec. 201.08(1), F.S., in the amount of $607.50 plus penalty at $607.50. Section 201.08(1) and Section 201.17(2), F.S. Regarding the issue of whether the document would have been taxable as an amendment to the original note and mortgage, the Department concurs with the findings of the Hearing Officer that the document does evidence a transaction in which the taxpayer would have been obligated to pay money to the lending institution. Because the principal amount was increased from $406,000 to $412,000 there was a substantial change in principal amount. Therefore, the exemption provision of Section 201.09, F.S., would not apply.

Conclusions The assessment of the Department of Revenue in the amount of $607.50 under Section 201.08(1), F.S., for delinquent documentary stamp taxes on the amendment to Note and Mortgage and the assessment for penalty under Section 201.17(2), F.S., in the amount of $607.50 are valid. CERTIFICATION I certify that the foregoing is the Final Order of the Department of Revenue adopted by the Governor and Cabinet on July 20, 1976. J. Ed Straughn, Executive Director State of Florida Department of Revenue Room 102, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Dated this 21st day of July, 1976

Recommendation The Hearing Officer recommends based on the foregoing findings fact and conclusions of law, than neither the tax or penalty be assessed. Done and ordered this 10th day of May, 1976, in Tallahassee, Florida. STEPHEN F. DEAN, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Joseph C. Mellichamp, III, Esquire Assistant Attorney General Attorney for Respondent Department of Legal Affairs The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Edgar M. Moore, Esquire Attorney for Petitioner Smith and Moore, P.A. P.O. Box 1169 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 ================================================================= AGENCY FINAL ORDER ================================================================= STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE I. RAINEY, JR., et al., Mortgagors; THOMAS COUNTY FEDERAL, Thomasville, Georgia, Mortgagee, Petitioners, vs. CASE NO. 75-1899 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE, Respondent. /

Florida Laws (4) 201.01201.08201.09201.17
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Hollywood, Florida Mar. 28, 1996 Number: 96-001556 Latest Update: Jun. 16, 1997

The Issue Whether the petitioners are entitled to a refund of the documentary stamp taxes paid on a Special Warranty Deed conveying real property from the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation to one of the petitioners.

Findings Of Fact Based on the facts alleged in the petition for administrative hearing, the responses to requests for admission, and the facts stipulated to at the hearing on the motion for recommended summary final order, the following findings of fact are made: On September 27, 1994, Freddie Mac conveyed to Abe Saada by a Special Warranty Deed real property located in Dade County, Florida. Regina Saada is not a party to the Special Warranty Deed. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Settlement Statement prepared for the closing on the property showed that $9,600.00 in "state tax/stamps" was owed on the deed, of which $4,800.00 was to be paid from the funds of the seller, Freddie Mac, and $4,800.00 was to be paid from the funds of the borrower, Abe Saada. Pursuant to its agreement with Mr. Saada, Freddie Mac paid $9,600.00 to the Clerk of Court as the documentary stamp tax on the deed on or about September 28, 1994. The deed was recorded in the Dade County Official Records at Book 16525 at pages 3583-3585. Abraham Saada is not exempt from the documentary stamp tax.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Revenue enter a Final Order dismissing the Petition for Chapter 120 Administrative Hearing to Contest Denial of Stamp Tax Refund filed by Abraham Saada and Regina Saada. DONE AND ENTERED this 8th day of May, 1997, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. PATRICIA HART MALONO Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (904) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of May, 1997.

Florida Laws (4) 120.569201.01201.02201.24 Florida Administrative Code (2) 12B-4.00212B-4.014
# 3
DEVER, INC. vs DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE, 11-002801 (2011)
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Panama City, Florida Jun. 03, 2011 Number: 11-002801 Latest Update: Nov. 01, 2011

Findings Of Fact 1. After an audit, the Department issued a Notice of Proposed Assessment (‘NOPA’) to Dever, Inc. (“Dever”) on April 7, 2009, finding Dever liable for additional documentary stamp taxes, plus interest. 2. Dever informally protested the Department’s NOPA as permitted by Department rules, and the Department issued a Notice of Decision on March 25, 2010, and, subsequently, a Notice of Reconsideration on July 23, 2010. The Notice of Reconsideration set forth the Department's final position regarding. the documentary stamp taxes assessed against Dever. Filed November 1, 2011 4:14 PM Division of Administrative Hearings © 3. The Notice of Reconsideration included a section titled “Taxpayer Appeal Rights,” which explained that the Notice of Reconsideration constituted the final decision of the department, prior to court action or administrative proceedings, and that, pursuant to Section 72.011, Florida Statutes, no court action or administrative proceeding could be brought to contest the assessment after sixty (60) days from the date of the assessment. This section further stated, in regard to any request for administrative hearing, Pursuant to Sections 72.011, 120.569, 120.57, and 120.80(14), F.S., and Rule Chapter 12-6, F.A.C., you may contest the assessment in an administrative forum by filing a _ petition for a Chapter_120 administrative hearing with the Department of Revenue, Office of General Counsel, Post Office Box 6668, Tallahassee, FL 32314-6668. THE PETITION MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE DEPARTMENT WITHIN SIXTY (60) DAYS OF THE DATE OF THIS NOTICE OF RECONSIDERATION. . . . The requirements of Section 72.011(2) and (3)(a), F.S., are jurisdictional for any action contesting an assessment or refund denial under Chapter 120, F.S. See id. at 5. (capitalization in original). 4. Dever did not file a petition or court action within 60 days of the July 23, 2010, Notice of Reconsideration, to contest the tax assessment. On or about January 18, 2011, the Department issued a Notice of Intent to Levy (“Intent to Levy”) on certain bank accounts held by Dever. 5. On or about January 21, 2011, Dever filed a one-page letter with the Department stating that it was “a petition/request for an administrative hearing.” This petition was dismissed, with leave to amend, for failure to comply with Chapter 120, Florida Statutes, and Rule 28-106.201, Florida Administrative Code. O 6. On March 23, 2011, Dever filed its “Amended Petition For Reconsideration” (“Petition”), which resulted in the instant proceeding. The Petition, however, did not dispute any material facts regarding the Department's Intent to Levy. Neither did the Petition provide any legal basis to contest the levy. Instead, the Petition sought to challenge the underlying basis for the assessment of the documentary stamp taxes, as set forth in the Notice of Reconsideration. 7. The Department, pursuant to Rule 28-106.204, Florida Administrative Code, moved for entry of an order relinquishing jurisdiction back to the Department for entry of a final order of dismissal. The Department asserted that the Division was " without jurisdiction over the matter. Dever did not file a response in opposition. The Division entered an order on August 29, 2011, granting the Department’s Motion to Dismiss, and it relinquished jurisdiction back to the Department. 8. Dever did not file any exceptions or otherwise challenge the order of the Division.

Conclusions This cause came before the State of Florida, Department of Revenue ("Department"), for the purpose of issuing a final order.

Other Judicial Opinions Any party who is adversely affected by this final order has the right to seek judicial review of the order under section 120.68, Florida Statutes, by filing a notice of appeal under Rule 9.190 of the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure with the Agency Clerk of the Department of Revenue in the Office of the General Counsel, Post Office Box 6668, Tallahassee, Florida 32314-6668 [FAX (850) 488-7112], AND by filing a copy of the notice of appeal accompanied by the applicable filing fees with the District Court of Appeal, First District or with the District Court of Appeal in the appellate district where the party resides. The notice of appeal must be filed within 30 days from the date this order is filed with the clerk of the Department. C) NY COPIES FURNISHED : Hon. Diane Cleavinger Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 Timothy E. Dennis, Esquire Office of the Attorney General The Capital, Plaza Level 01 400 South Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050

# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 77-000806 Latest Update: May 22, 1978

Findings Of Fact The facts in this case are derived from the exhibits submitted into evidence at the hearing and the testimony of petitioner H.R. Thornton, Jr. The pertinent documents show that a portion of a lot located in the toxin of St. Cloud, Florida, owned by Garold D. Doak, Sr. and Susan E. Doak, his wife, was mortgaged by the Doaks to Peachtree Mortgage Corporation on December 28, 1972, in the amount of $16,850.00. On January 4, 1973, Peachtree Mortgage Corporation assigned the Mortgage to the Hamilton Federal Savings and Loan association of Brooklyn, New York. On February 6, 1976, a lis pendens was filed against the property by the assignee of the mortgage in the Circuit Court of the Ninth Judicial Circuit of Osceola County, Florida, incident to an action to foreclose the mortgage. On March 15, 1976, the Doaks executed quitclaim deeds on the property to Stephene J. Houseman. On April 6, 1976, a final judgement of foreclosure was entered in the Circuit Court of the Ninth Judicial Circuit in favor of Hamilton Federal Savings and Loan Association of Brooklyn, New York. (Exhibit 1-6) On April 27, 1976, Houseman executed a quitclaim deed on the property to petitioners. On April 30, 1976, the Thorntons conveyed their interest in the property by warranty deed to Jaiies Francis Wiczorek and Shirley Lillian Wiczorek, his wife. The deed recited that it was subject to the outstanding mortgage to Hamilton Federal Savings and Loan Association with a principal balance of sec. 16,224.52 which the grantees agreed to assume and pay. The deed further recited a consideration of $4,000.00 and documentary stamp tax in an appropriate amount was paid based on a consideration which included the cash payment and the mortgage amount. On July 30, 1976, the mortgage in question was satisfied. (Exhibits 8-10) Only minimal documentary stamp tax of thirty cents was paid on the quitclaim deed from Houseman to petitioners. Respondent issued a notice of proposed assessment of additional documentary stamp tax in the amount of $48.60, surtax in the amount of $17.60, penalties in like amounts, and interest thereon, for a total of $158.51, on March 21, 1977. The proposed assessment was based on consideration stated to be the existing mortgage on the property in the amount of $16,224.52. On April 29, 1977, petitioners filed their petition for an administrative hearing, challenging the proposed assessment on the grounds that there was no evidence to show the taxable consideration as found by respondent. By an amended and revised notice of proposed assessment, dated April 29, 1977, the amount for documentary surtax, penalty and interest thereon was deleted leaving only the sums relating to documentary stamp tax, penalty, and interest in the amount of $102.30. (Exhibit 8) Petitioner H.R. Thornton, Jr. took the quitclaim deed in question to cancel a $100.00 debt owed him by Houseman. He had no intent to make the mortgage payments or payments or pay any other consideration for the transfer. (Testimony of Thornton)

Recommendation That petitioners be held liable for payment of documentary stamp tax, penalty and interest under Chapter 201, Florida Statutes, as modified herein with respect to the penalty. Done and Entered this 29th day of August, 1977, in Tallahassee, Florida. THOMAS C. OLDHAM Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Daniel C. Brown, Esquire Assistant Attorney General Department of Legal Affairs The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32304 H. R. Thornton, Jr., Esquire Post Office Box 345 St. Cloud, Florida 32769

Florida Laws (2) 201.02201.17
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-004955 Latest Update: Jun. 10, 1987

Findings Of Fact On May 8, 1986, Petitioner filed with the Department of Revenue, as agent for the Comptroller, an application for documentary stamp tax refund in the amount of $16,125.00. Subsequently, the Department of Revenue recommended that the application be denied and on November 24, 1986, the Comptroller issued an Order denying the application. Thereafter Petitioner duly requested an Administrative Hearing pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 120, Florida Statutes, and such hearing was duly conducted by William J. Kendrick, Hearing Officer for the Division of Administrative Hearings, on April 13, 1987, in Tallahassee, Florida. On June 10, 1987, Hearing Officer Kendrick issued his Recommended Order in which he separately stated Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and recommended that the application be approved. Copies of that Recommended Order have been furnished to all parties. Petitioner has filed no exceptions to the Recommended Order as of the date hereof, however, the Assistant Attorney General, representing the Comptroller in this matter, has filed exceptions to paragraph 5 of the hearing officer's Conclusions of Law which reads as follows. The tax imposed by Section 201.08, Florida Statutes, is levied on a written obligation to pay money, not on a security interest. Under the provisions of Section 201.09(2), a security interest (mortgage) is not subject to taxation if the written obliga- tion to pay money (promissory note) is exempt from the tax. Therefore, whether the transac- tion is exempt is dependent upon whether there was any material change in the promissory note and the renewal note, and not whether there as any material change in the mortgage. Since, in the instant case, there was no material change between the original promissory note and the renewal note, it follows that the subject transaction is exempt from the tax levied by Section 201.08, Florida Statutes. The Findings of Fact as determined by the Hearing Officer were by stipulated agreement of the parties filed with the hearing officer on June 8, 1987. Those findings are adopted as the Findings of Fact for this Order and were as follows: On February 2, 1981, a Mortgage and Security Agreement was signed by the proper corporate officers of SNW Corp. ("SNW"), PNW Corp ("PNW"), and KNW Corp. ("KNW"), all Florida Corporations securing a Note in the amount of $22,000,000.00 upon which documen- tary and intangible taxes were paid. On October 1, 1983, an Amendment to the Mortgage was signed by the appropriate corporate officers of SNW, PNW AND KNW. No documentary stamps were affixed to this document. On March 13, 1986, a Second Amend- ment to Mortgage and Security Agreement (the "Second Amendment") was signed by the appro- priate corporate officers of SNW, PNW, KNW, and Kenneth Wolofsky, Individually and as Trustee. The Second Amendment refers to the Mortgage and was intended to "secure that certain Renewal Note" from SNW, PNW AND KNW in the amount of $10,000,000.00. The Renewal Note was executed by Kenneth Wolofsky solely in his corporate capacity on behalf of KNW not individually or as trustee. Petitioner, Chicago Title Company, was acting in its capacity as agent for the borrowers and was responsible for having the Second Amendment to Mortgage and Security Agreement dated March 13, 1986, recorded. Documentary stamps were paid under protest upon recordation of the Second Amend- ment in the amount of $16,125.00. Petitioner filed an Application for Refund from the State of Florida for the documentary stamps paid on the Second Amend- ment which was denied by the Comptroller of the State of Florida. Thereafter, the Peti- tioner sought an administrative hearing.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That Petitioner's request for refund in the sum of $16,125.00 be GRANTED. DONE AND ORDERED this 10th day of June, 1987, in Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM J. KENDRICK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2900 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of June, 1987. APPENDIX Petitioner's proposed findings of fact 1-6 are addressed in paragraphs 1-6, respectively. Respondent's proposed findings of fact 1-6 are addressed in paragraphs 1-6, respectively. COPIES FURNISHED: Warren R. Tranzenfeld, Esquire Kirkpatrick & Lockhart 1428 Brickell Avenue Forth Floor Miami, Florida 33131 Alan Burns, Esquire Department of Legal Affairs Tax Section, Capitol Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 Honorable Gerald Lewis Comptroller, State of Florida The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0305 =================================================================

Florida Laws (5) 120.68201.08201.09215.20215.26
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 75-001218 Latest Update: Mar. 10, 1977

Findings Of Fact By warranty deed dated July 9, 1973, Floyd L. and Michael Lewis conveyed the fee simple title to certain realty in North Miami Beach to Petitioners Eugene J. Howard and Herbert Seidel. The purchase price for the property was $405,000. The property sold consisted of a twenty-two (22) unit apartment building with twenty (20) furnished apartments and included storage shed, a pool, patio and dock furniture. The closing statement signed by the sellers and purchasers stated: "Florida documentary stamps - on deed - $1,215.00, Florida documentary surtax - on deed - $132.20." $1,347.20 was credited to the Petitioners Howard and Seidel. Petitioners actually paid $10.85 surtax and $132.20 documentary tax. The 1974 tax assessment of the Dade County Property Appraiser for the property was $241,769.00 realty and $14,500.00 for the personalty. Petitioner contends: That part of the purchase price was applicable to -personal property. That the Hearing Officer should make an allocation of the realty included and an allocation for the personalty included. That the Petitioners believe they are entitled to the equitable defense of laches in that the Respondent did not advise Petitioners of the possible error of miscalculation until approximately two years had passed. That if the stamp tax is found to be due and if a penalty is included, the penalty is "excessive penalty" under the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, and Article I, Section 17, of the Florida Constitution. Respondent contends: That there was an agreement between the Parties, in a signed document that $1,215 in documentary stamps and $132.20 in surtax stamps, reflecting the actual consideration paid for the realty under consideration, would be affixed to the conveyance. That Petitioners failed to fulfill such a an agreement and affixed $132.20 in documentary stamps and $10.85 in surtax stamps to the deed. . That the Department is entitled to the delinquent taxes plus penalty. That the assessment is dated July 9, 1975 and a three- year statute of limitations is applicable. The Hearing Officer further finds: The purchase price for the property under consideration was $405,000. Documentary stamps required on such a purchase were $1,215.; that stamps actually paid were in the amount of $132.20, that $10.85 was actually paid and still due and owing is $121.35. That the Petitioners as well as the Sellers were aware of the proper amount of tax due and signed a receipt reflecting the monies allocable for documentary and surtax stamps. That the Petitioners failed either intentionally or negligently to pay the proper amount of documentary and surtax stamps at the time of recording the deed.

Recommendation Assess the documentary stamps and the documentary surtax against Petitioners together with applicable penalties. DONE and ORDERED this 9th day of July, 1976, in Tallahassee, Florida. DELPHENE C. STRICKLAND Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Eugene J. Howard, Esquire 2212 Biscayne Blvd. Miami, Florida 33137 Harold F. X. Purnell, Esquire Assistant Attorney General Department of Legal Affairs The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32304

Florida Laws (4) 201.02201.17347.20775.083
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 76-000220 Latest Update: May 16, 1991

Findings Of Fact On January 15, 1975, Gerardo Benesch, Jitka Benesch, H. Albert Grotte, Regina Grotte, Milorad Dordevic, Catalina Dordevic, Milodrag Savovic and Marina Savovic executed an agreement associating themselves in a general partnership, Andean Investment Company. The stated purpose of the partnership was to engage in the business of real estate development, selling, renting, and dealing generally in real estate of all kinds. It was recited in the agreement that, by forming the partnership, the parties wished to reduce their prior expense of managing separate properties through separate managerial agreements. To this end, they transferred certain real estate by quit-claim deed to the partnership, and these properties represented its capital. The agreement provided in Article IV that the net profits or net losses of the partnership would be distributed or chargeable, as the case might be, to each of the partners in percentage proportions based on the amount of their investment in the partnership. The property consisted of warehouses located in Deerfield Beach and Fort Lauderdale, Florida, from which rentals were derived (Petition and Exhibits thereto). All of the properties were encumbered by mortgages of varying amounts and all but two of the quit-claim deeds transferred title subject to the mortgage thereon. Two deeds provided specifically that the partnership assumed the existing mortgage. Although Petitioner's counsel states that this was not intended and was a "scrivener's error", Petitioner partnership has, in fact, made the mortgage payments on all of the properties since their transfer under the aforesaid deeds (Composite Exhibit 1, Stipulation). Petitioner paid only minimal documentary stamp tax on the deeds. Respondent thereafter issued four proposed Notices of Assessment of Documentary Stamp Tax, Surtax, and Penalty against the Petitioner on January 6, 1976, in the total amount of $3,797.00. The tax was computed under Rule 12A-4.13(10)(c), F.A.C., based on transfers of realty (Composite Exhibit 2, Testimony of Dahlem). At the hearing, Petitioner disputed the manner in which Respondent had computed the documentary stamp tax in that each assessment dealt with a husband and wife who held individual percentage interests in the net worth of the partnership. Respondent's computation did not take into consideration the double interest in each assessment. The parties therefore agreed that a recomputation would be made by Respondent and submitted as a late-filed exhibit. This was done and the new computation reflects a total tax liability, including surtax and penalty, in the total amount of $4,053.40 (Composite Exhibit 3).

Recommendation That Petitioner's request for relief from tax liability be denied, and that Petitioner's liability for documentary stamp tax, surtax, and penalties in the total amount of $4,053.40 be sustained. DONE and ORDERED this 26th day of May, 1976, in Tallahassee, Florida. THOMAS C. OLDHAM Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: E. Wilson Crump, II, Esquire Assistant Attorney General Department of Legal Affairs Tax Division, Northwood Mall Tallahassee, Florida 32303 Allan F. Meyer, Esquire Suite 1500 Post Office Box 14310 Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33302 Zayle A. Bernstein, Esquire Post Office Box 14310 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33302

Florida Laws (2) 201.02201.17
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 77-000912 Latest Update: Mar. 01, 1978

Findings Of Fact This case comes on for consideration based upon the request of the Petitioner, Fanpac Corporation, for a formal administrative hearing on the question of the propriety of the December 8, 1976 assessment, A-54, of the Respondent, State of Florida, Department of Revenue. The claimed assessment pertains to an assignment of lease, recorded at Book 4182, Page 562, Public Records, Duval County, Florida. The assessment states that documentary stamp tax is owed in the amount of $5,404.50, together with accrued interest and a penalty in the amount of the claimed documentary stamp tax. The assessment also states that documentary surtax is owed in the amount of $370.15, together with accrued interest and a penalty in the amount of the claimed documentary surtax. In furtherance of the consideration of the case, the parties have submitted a factual stipulation to be examined by the undersigned in arriving at the terms of the recommended order. Quoting from the stipulation it states:

Recommendation It is recommended that the compromise agreement entered into by the parties, that the Petitioner pay documentary stamp tax and documentary surtax and interest on those amounts in the aggregate of $6,519.06 be accepted. It is further recommended that penalties in the amount of 25 percent of $5,404.50, documentary stamp tax, together with a penalty in the amount of 25 percent of $370.15 documentary surtax, be imposed. DONE AND ENTERED this 7th day of November, 1977, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 530 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Paul M. Harden, Esquire Smith, Davenport, Peek and Bloom 2601 Gulf Life Tower Jacksonville, Florida 32207 Daniel C. Brown, Esquire Assistant Attorney General Department of Revenue The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32304 John D. Moriarty, Esquire Department of Revenue Room 104, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 ================================================================= AGENCY FINAL ORDER =================================================================

Florida Laws (2) 201.02201.17
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 76-000212 Latest Update: Sep. 21, 1976

The Issue By this petition, American Foam Rubber Distributors, Inc. (AFRD) and Edward Rothbard seek to have the Department of Revenue's assessment for documentary stamp tax and penalties on a transfer of real property by quit claim deed from Edward Rothbard to AFRD set aside. Petitioners contend that the transfer was without consideration and therefore nontaxable under sec. 201.02, F.S. , while Respondent contends that consideration flowed to the grantor by virtue of the grantee making the mortgage payments; and therefore, documentary tax stamps were due on the deed of conveyance computed on the amount of the mortgage at the time of transfer. One witness testified in behalf of Petitioners and four exhibits were admitted into evidence. From the pleadings, interrogatories and evidence presented at the hearing, the facts are largely undisputed and are as follows:

Findings Of Fact Edward Rothbard owns 100 percent of the outstanding stock of AFRD and he has been the sole shareholder and chief executive officer of the company since the company s inception in 1962. On March 9, 1973 the Seaboard Coastline Railroad (SCL) entered into an agreement with AFRD to sell a tract of land in Miami to the latter at an agreed price of $116,978.00 with certain conditions. The principal condition was that the grantee erect a warehouse on the property within one year from the date of the transfer. By deed dated August 23, 1973 the property was conveyed by SCL to Edward Rothbard rather than as per the contract. This deed was apparently delivered in late October, 1973 and the proper documentary stamp tax was paid on this transaction. Mr. Rothbard's testimony that the sole reason for taking the property in his name was to expedite the transaction was not rebutted. In exhibits 1 and 2 copies of letters from SCL dated September 21 and 26, 1973, SCL referred to Rothbard as nominee of AFRD to be grantee of the property. Exhibit 4, the title page of an interim title insurance binder, indicates that the title insurance policy on the property purchased from SCL was intended to be in the name of AFRD. In August, 1974 the building erected on the site for the use and benefit of AFRD was completed and Edward Rothbard mortgaged the property to secure a note in the amount of $550,000.00. His wife also executed the note and mortgage. AFRD occupied the building in September, 1975 and made all mortgage payments to the mortgagee including the first payment. By quitclaim deed executed February 26, 1975 Edward Rothbard conveyed the property here involved to AFRD subject to the mortgage. Minimum documentary tax stamps were placed on this deed. On February 26, 1975 the outstanding balance due on the mortgage was $543,969.59.

Florida Laws (1) 201.02
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