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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Aug. 17, 2010 Number: 10-007771TTS Latest Update: Sep. 22, 2024
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Jun. 22, 2011 Number: 11-003147TTS Latest Update: Sep. 22, 2024
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Middleburg, Florida Apr. 25, 2011 Number: 11-002084TTS Latest Update: Nov. 08, 2019

The Issue The issues are whether Petitioner has demonstrated that Respondent should be suspended and terminated from employment with the Miami-Dade County Public Schools, pursuant to section 1012.34, Florida Statutes, for failure to correct performance deficiencies; and whether Petitioner should be terminated for just cause, pursuant to section 1012.33, Florida Statutes, for incompetency due to inefficiency.

Findings Of Fact The Parties and Background Petitioner is a duly-constituted school board charged with the duty to operate, control, and supervise all free public schools within the school district of Miami-Dade County, pursuant to article IX, section 4(b) of the Florida Constitution and section 1012.23, Florida Statutes. Respondent has been employed with the Miami-Dade County Public School District (?District?) as a teacher of Emotional/Behavioral Disabled (?EBD?) students since 2001. He initially was a part-time teacher, substituting for a teacher on maternity leave. He became a full-time teacher with the District in the 2002-2003 timeframe. At the time of the events that gave rise to this proceeding, Respondent was employed as a full-time teacher at Pine Villa Elementary School (?Pine Villa?), pursuant to a professional services contract. At all times material, Respondent’s employment was governed by the collective bargaining between Miami-Dade Public Schools and the United Teachers of Dade (?UTD?), Petitioner’s rules, and Florida law. The 2009-2010 School Year In the 2009-2010 school year, Respondent taught second grade and third grade EBD students. EBD students are disabled due to persistent emotional or behavioral responses that may interfere with their learning ability. It is common for EBD students to academically perform below grade level; accordingly, they need to be in a smaller class with a more structured learning environment. Renny Neyra became the Pine Villa Principal at the beginning of the 2009-2010 school year, and held the position through the 2010-2011 school year. According to Ms. Neyra, Respondent had difficulty teaching his class, and the test data for his students showed no improvement in their performance. Ms. Neyra requested and received assistance for Respondent from the District, consisting of expert personnel on special assignment to assist in areas in which Respondent’s performance was perceived to be lacking. Ms. Neyra did not place Respondent on 90-day performance probation pursuant to section 1012.34 during the 2009-2010 school year because she felt it would be unfair to do so. She testified that she wanted to afford Respondent the opportunity to obtain professional performance assistance so that he could improve his teaching skills, which, in turn, would help his students. The 2010-2011 School Year Because of Respondent’s perceived difficulties in planning for and teaching students of different grade levels during the 2009-2010 school year, Ms. Neyra decided to assign Respondent only third grade EBD students for the 2010-2011 school year. In the 2010-2011 school year, Respondent’s class consisted of 11 students. This is slightly smaller than the typical third grade EBD class in the District, which generally consists of 16 to 17 students. For the 2010-2011 school year, an interventionist, curriculum specialist, and full-time paraprofessional were assigned to assist Respondent in his classroom.2/ Ms. Neyra testified that it was unlikely an interventionist or curriculum specialist would have been assigned to Respondent’s classroom, had he been performing well. IPEGS Evaluations of Respondent Teachers employed by the District are evaluated pursuant to the Instructional Performance Evaluation and Growth System (?IPEGS?). IPEGS entails assessor observation of, and provision of written comments on, teacher classroom performance. Five separate IPEGS evaluations of Respondent were conducted in the 2010-2011 school year, on September 23, 2010; October 25, 2010; December 7, 2010; January 26, 2011; and February 28, 2011. In the September 23, 2010, evaluation, Ms. Neyra observed that Respondent had incomplete lesson plans; failed to provide clear, specific, and sequential directions and guidance; did not use teaching strategies that engaged the students; and did not clarify the lesson for the students. The specific IPEGS Performance Standards (?Standards?) in which Ms. Neyra determined Respondent deficient were Standards 2 - Knowledge of Learners; 3 – Instructional Planning; and 4 – Instructional Delivery and Engagement. Respondent was informed of the observed deficiencies and placed on Support Dialogue for a 21-day period. Support Dialogue entails the provision of mutually-determined support strategies designed to remedy the deficiencies identified in the evaluation. Ms. Neyra conducted a second evaluation of Respondent’s teaching on October 25, 2010, and observed the same deficiencies. She also observed deficiencies in Respondent’s performance with respect to Standard 8 – Learning Environment. Following this evaluation, a Conference-for-the-Record (?CFR?) was held to inform Respondent that he was being placed on 90-day performance probation pursuant to section 1012.34(3), and to obtain Respondent’s and UTD’s input regarding measures to address Respondent’s performance deficiencies. As a result of the CFR, Respondent was provided an Improvement Plan containing specific direction regarding correction of his performance deficiencies. Assistant Principal Dorothy Pinkston evaluated Respondent’s classroom teaching performance on December 7, 2010, after which another Improvement Plan was provided to Respondent.3/ Ms. Neyra conducted another evaluation of Respondent’s classroom teaching performance on January 26, 2011, and found Respondent deficient in Standards 2, 3, 4, and 8. According to Ms. Neyra, Respondent did not attend to students’ needs and did not provide teacher-directed instruction. As a result of the January 26, 2011, evaluation, Respondent was provided another Improvement Plan. Ms. Neyra conducted a fifth evaluation, termed a ?confirmatory observation,? of Respondent’s classroom teaching performance on February 28, 2011. She again determined that he had not corrected the previously identified performance deficiencies. Respondent’s Students’ Performance on Objective Assessments Ms. Neyra testified that in addition to the IPEGS evaluations, Respondent’s students’ performance on interim assessments in math and reading and the Florida Assessments for Instruction in Reading (?FAIR?), administered by the District, played a role in her decision to terminate Respondent’s employment. Student performance assessments, termed ?benchmark assessments,? for math and reading are administered by the District at the beginning of the school year. ?Interim assessments? for math and reading are administered in the fall and winter of the school year. These assessments are used to measure student performance prior to taking the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (?FCAT?) later in the school year. Where performance deficiencies are identified, students can be provided remedial instruction to better prepare them to take the FCAT. Petitioner presented documentary evidence regarding Respondent’s students’ performance on the interim assessments for math and reading in the 2010-2011 school year. This evidence compared Respondent’s students’ performance to that of all third grade students in the District, and to that of third grade ?disabled students? throughout the District. Petitioner did not present any evidence comparing Respondent’s students’ interim assessments scores to those of other EBD third grade students in the District. Petitioner’s documentary evidence was not supported by testimony of any witnesses qualified and competent to analyze the scores or to explain what the scores demonstrate or mean,4/ or by any other competent evidence. Without such testimony or other competent evidence, meaningful determinations Respondent’s students’ scores and their use in evaluating Respondent’s performance pursuant to section 1012.34(3) cannot be made. Moreover, Petitioner’s documentary evidence did not provide information that could be used to accurately compare Respondent’s students’ scores to those of other similarly situated students. The uncontroverted evidence established that EBD students generally perform below grade level in their school work and on objective assessment measures; accordingly, Respondent’s students’ interim assessment scores cannot be meaningfully compared to those of all other third grade students in the District. Although Petitioner’s evidence did compare Respondent’s students’ scores to those of third grade disabled students, the ?disabled students? category includes students with all types of disabilities, not only emotional and behavioral disabilities. Petitioner provided no evidence to support its contention that EBD students perform comparably to all other disabled students on the interim assessments. Absent evidence specifically comparing Respondent’s students’ interim assessment scores with those for comparable students——i.e., other third grade EBD students in the District——it cannot be determined whether Respondent’s students’ performance is attributable to teaching deficiencies on his part, or to their emotional and behavioral disabilities. Petitioner also provided documentary evidence, supported by the testimony of reading coach Eida Herrera, regarding Respondent’s students’ performance on the FAIR assessments. However, again, no evidence was presented specifically comparing Respondent’s students’ performance on the FAIR assessments to other third grade EBD students’ scores, so there is no context in which to meaningfully evaluate Respondent’s students’ FAIR assessment results for purposes of assessing his teaching performance pursuant to section 1012.34. Respondent’s students’ scores for the FCAT were not reported until after Respondent was suspended and action was taken to terminate his employment. Accordingly, the FCAT scores did not, and could not, play a role in Ms. Neyra’s decision to terminate Respondent.5/ Ms. Neyra testified that once Respondent’s students’ FCAT scores were received, she compared them to the District- wide scores for EBD third grade students, and that Respondent’s students did not perform well when compared with other EBD third grade students in the District. She testified that this information confirmed the correctness of her decision to terminate Respondent’s employment. However, as with the interim assessment scores, absent competent testimony by qualified persons or other competent evidence regarding FCAT scores and their analysis and use, accurate determinations regarding Respondent’s students’ FCAT scores and their meaning and use in assessing his classroom teaching performance pursuant to section 1012.34 cannot be made. In any event, Ms. Neyra testified that the primary reason she decided to terminate Respondent was that he did not remediate the performance deficiencies she had observed in the IPEGS evaluations. Ms. Neyra testified regarding the need for three other professionals to assist Respondent in his classroom, and the expense involved in providing this support. However, Petitioner did not present any expert testimony addressing incompetency relative to Respondent’s specific circumstances. Respondent testified on his own behalf. He has a master’s degree in exceptional student education, varying exceptionalities, and ten years’ experience as a teacher of EBD students. Respondent credibly testified that he has had positive evaluations throughout his teaching career and has not previously had problems with any other principals with whom he has worked. Respondent’s testimony established that he is intimately familiar with each of his students’ specific academic and personal issues. He credibly testified, in substantial detail, regarding the instructional and behavioral management measures in which he engaged, on an individual student basis, to address each student’s specific academic and personal issues,6/ and to try to help each student learn. Respondent also credibly testified regarding the challenges involved in teaching his students——many of whom had significant behavioral and emotional issues and came from severely socially and economically disadvantaged backgrounds—— while at the same time keeping order in his classroom.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Miami-Dade County School Board enter a Final Order rescinding the action taken to suspend and terminate Respondent from his employment and paying Respondent’s back salary and any other benefits owed. DONE AND ENTERED this 30th day of December, 2011, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S CATHY M. SELLERS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of December, 2011.

Florida Laws (6) 1008.221012.231012.331012.34120.569120.57
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Jun. 14, 2012 Number: 12-002083TTS Latest Update: Oct. 25, 2013

The Issue Whether just cause exists to suspend Respondent without pay for a total of ten days, based on two separate incidents.

Findings Of Fact Mr. Marshall has been a teacher in Broward County for approximately 20 years. At all times pertinent to the instant case, Mr. Marshall was employed as a math teacher at McArthur High School. Prior to working at McArthur High School he had taught math at Hollywood Hills High School, and then at Flanagan High School. During his tenure at Hollywood Hills High School, Mr. Marshall was placed on a Performance Development Plan (PDP), which required Mr. Marshall to remediate and reteach math lessons in an effort to obtain 70 percent comprehension in his classes. During his tenure at Flanagan High School, Mr. Marshall was once again placed on a PDP, which included the same requirements as the previous PDP at Hollywood Hills. Mr. Marshall was next transferred to McArthur High School for the 2007-2008 school year. Because Mr. Marshall had not completed the second PDP while at Flanagan High School, he was placed on a PDP and 90-day probationary period to start his tenure at McArthur High School. He successfully completed the PDP. During the fall of 2010, Mr. Marshall complained about Mr. Jose Gonzalez, the assistant principal who supervised the math department at the time. Mr. Marshall was then permitted to choose which assistant principal would supervise him. He chose Shawn Aycock, who at the time worked as the assistant principal for the language arts department. On November 5, 2010, Ms. Aycock observed Mr. Marshall in his classroom. Ms. Aycock noticed the following deficiencies: Mr. Marshall did not have the students start an activity as soon as the students entered the room, he had the students perform a task that had no educational value and was not tied to the day's activity, he gave inappropriate responses to students' questions, the students were confused with the lesson, he did not provide proper feedback to the students, he did not provide complete answers to student questions, he used vocabulary that was beyond the students' ability, he gave the students a sample problem but did not work through the problem with the students, and he made no attempt to re-teach the lesson or remediate in any way. On November 16, 2012, Ms. Aycock met with Mr. Marshall to discuss the observation. Mr. Marshall was confrontational, denied that the observation of hers was accurate, and accused Ms. Aycock of lying. Ms. Aycock had observed many teachers before she observed Mr. Marshall, but had never seen the need to write up notes after a meeting with a teacher. But after her meeting with Mr. Marshall, she did. Since then, she has not seen the need to write notes arising from a meeting with any other teacher. During the meeting, Mr. Marshall indicated that he would not water down his instruction for any student, and that he would have no problem with observations that were done ethically and did not consist of lies that were made by unqualified individuals. On November 19, 2010, Ms. Aycock provided Mr. Marshall with a memo detailing her concerns and expectations: Concerns: Students were asked upon entering the class to copy the day's objective. Students did not understand all of the math vocabulary used to explain the lesson. A student seeking further explanation on a problem was told,"If you didn't get it not to worry. It will not be on the quiz." Students were referred back to their notes when they questioned the lesson. Only two math problems were worked during a half an hour review. Expectations: All student activities should be of value and tied to the day's activity. Teacher will use math vocabulary consistent with student ability level and explain lessons in multiple ways. Insinuating that lessons are learned only for a test is inappropriate. All student questions will be answered and explained in full. During a review a minimum of five review problems will be worked per concept. Additionally, we discussed the importance of you checking your email. I am directing you to check your email prior to the conclusion of first period and again prior to the conclusion of fourth period. It is important for you to know and understand that these are the same issues that you have had in previous years. Your previous Performance Development Plans (PDPs) have addressed these same concerns. You have received hours upon hours of assistance in these areas. My expectation is that you will follow the directives listed above immediately. If you feel you need assistance, please see me. Next, Ms. Aycock requested that Principal LaPace, who had an extensive math background, observe Mr. Marshall. He did so on January 7, 2011. Mr. LaPace's extensive notes regarding the observation detail Mr. Marshall's failure to have a proper lesson plan, his scattered presentation manner, and his ineffective management of the classroom. Mr. LaPace prepared a memo detailing his concerns and expectations: Concerns: Students were not given clear directions causing confusion among the students. The lesson was not sequential. The objective on the board did not match the lesson being taught. Modeling sample problems were ineffective. Expectations: Always give clear and concise directions to students. Plan and deliver lessons so that are presented in sequential order. The lesson presented in class will align with the objective posted for the day. During a lesson a minimum of three sample problems will be worked per concept. It is important for you to know and understand that these are the same issues that you have had in previous years. Your previous Performance Development Plans (PDPs) have addressed these same concerns. You have received adequate assistance in these areas. My expectation is that you will follow the directives listed above starting immediately. When Mr. LaPace met with Mr. Marshall regarding his observation, Mr. Marshall disagreed with Mr. La Pace's observations, but did not indicate why he did. Mr. Marshall also declined all types of support from other staff members. The administration asked Mr. Marshall to provide documentation of remediation and retesting of students if he had over 35% of his students earning Ds or Fs. The documentation needed to be specific information regarding times that Mr. Marshall sat down with students in small group settings, or phone logs regarding communication with parents, or any type of specific information regarding steps that Mr. Marshall was taking to raise the level of success of his students. Mr. Marshall was never observed remediating or re-teaching, despite the fact that all teachers were asked to allot the final 30 minutes of a class to these activities. On February 17, 2011, Ms. Aycock, Mr. Gonzalez, and Mr. Marshall met for a Pre-Disciplinary Meeting. Mr. Marshall was given a verbal reprimand for insubordination. In the memorandum which documented the verbal reprimand, Ms. Aycock directed Mr. Marshall to: Reduce the number of students in your class receiving D's [sic] and F's [sic] to at or below thirty-five percent through re-teaching and remediating of those students. Check your school email throughout the day, a minimum of twice per day. Follow all directives given by and with proper authority. Failure or refusal to follow the above directives will result in further disciplinary action. On September 20, 2011, Ms. Aycock again met with Mr. Marshall to discuss concerns and expectations, and also to conduct a Pre-Disciplinary Meeting, wherein Mr. Marshall was issued a second verbal reprimand for insubordination. On September 22, 2011, Ms. Aycock wrote a memorandum detailing the conversation during the meeting, and reminding Mr. Marshall that from June 2010 through September 2011, he had attended seven meetings regarding the high percentage of students in his classes that were receiving Ds and Fs. At each meeting, he had been directed to reduce the number of students receiving Ds and Fs to at or below 35 percent, through remediation and re-teaching. Because Mr. Marshall had failed to comply with these directives, and had failed to provide a reason why he should not be disciplined, he was issued the second verbal reprimand. He was also directed to: Reduce the number of students in your class receiving Ds and Fs to at or below thirty-five percent through re-teaching and remediation of those students. Follow all directives given by and with proper authority. Stemming from the same meeting, Ms. Aycock documented her concerns and expectations: Concerns: You are receiving a large number of student and parental complaints in relation to your teaching practices. Students are not being graded in a fair and consistent manner. The department grading policy is not being followed. Meaningful assignments are not being given to students. Students are not receiving corrective and immediate feedback as it relates to their assignments. Expectations: You will model lessons for students. You will differentiate instruction to meet the needs of all the students. You will develop and implement rubrics so students have clear expectations of class participation and effort requirements. All assignments will correlate to the standards as tested by the Geometry EOC. Students will receive corrective feedback within seventy-two hours. It is important for you to know and understand that these are the same issues that you have had in previous years. Your previous Performance Development Plans (PDPs) have addressed these same concerns. You have received adequate assistance in these areas. My expectation is that you will follow the directives listed above starting immediately. Around December 2011, Ms. Aycock was promoted to the position of Principal for a middle school, and Ms. Arnita Williams became Mr. Marshall's supervising Assistant Principal. Ms. Williams and Ms. Aycock once again conducted a classroom observation of Mr. Marshall, and Ms. Williams documented her concerns and expectations as follows: Concerns: Students were not given clear directions causing confusion among the students. The lesson was not sequential. You did not address students' questions and concerns. Modeling sample problems was ineffective. You did not provide and use the correct mathematical vocabulary. Expectations: Always give clear and concise directions to students and check for understanding. Plan and deliver lessons so they are presented in sequential order. Students' questions and concerns need to be addressed. Mathematical vocabulary on student's level should be used. In previous memos additional directives were given. Below were the following expectations: You will develop and implement rubrics so students have clear expectations of class participation and effort. Provide a copy of your participation rubric to Ms. Aycock by the close of business on Friday, September 26, 2011. Differentiate instruction every day the last 30 minutes of class the [sic] meet the needs of ask [sic] your students. Student will receive corrective feedback within seventy-two hours on all graded work. Reduce the number of students receiving Ds and Fs to at or below thirty-five percent through re-teaching and remediation of those students. Daily indicate in your lesson plans interventions and strategies used to differentiate instruction. A minimum of two grades each week must be entered into pinnacle per student. Vocabulary used in class must be consistent with student's ability. Check your school email throughout the day, a minimum of twice daily (before and after school). During a lesson a minimum of three sample problems will be worked per concept. Follow all directives given by and with proper authority. You have been given the above directions numerous times in the past. It is my expectation that all directives will be implemented immediately. On December 12, 2011, Ms. Williams issued a written reprimand for failing to meet the performance standards required of his position as a math teacher. As grounds for the written reprimand, Ms. Williams focused on Mr. Marshall's repeated failure to reduce the number of students receiving Ds and Fs to at or below 35 percent through remediation and re-teaching, and his failure to follow all other directives given by and with proper authority. School administration consistently directed Mr. Marshall to remediate and re-teach daily; he advised the administration that he would do so on one particular day of the week. The administration denied that request. As a result of Mr. Marshall's non-compliance, students were moved from Mr. Marshall's class to other classes, which resulted in a disparate amount of students in other classes. While most math teachers had from 30-35 students in their classes, Mr. Marshall's class was reduced to about 17 students. On January 5, 2012, Ms. Williams conducted a pre-disciplinary meeting with Mr. Marshall, for failure to provide daily re-teaching and remediation for students the last 30 minutes of class, as he had been instructed to do numerous times. He was informed by letter that he was being recommended to the School Board for a three-day suspension. On October 10, 2012, approximately nine weeks into the next school year, Ms. Williams sent Mr. Marshall a memorandum that stated: Due to the large number of complaints, schedule changes, high failure rate and conferences, you are hereby directed to provide the following documentation for each of the 93 students (Juniors) who presently have a grade of F in your class at interims by October 15, 2012. Please provide copies to Ms. Williams and Ms. DiPaolo by 2:45 p.m. Interventions and strategies for each student Parent phone contact log On that same date, Mr. Marshall responded to this request by giving Ms. Williams a document that read as follows: MATHEMATICAL RUBRIC Tests/Quizzes Correct Problems 10pts. Completely Wrong 0pts. Total is 100% Please note that the total number of questions can affect the outcome. Since the reply by Mr. Marshall was completely lacking in usefulness and did not supply the information requested by Ms. Williams, she attempted once again to solicit the proper information from Mr. Marshall by sending an e-mail to him on October 15, 2012, at 6:03 a.m., giving him a second notice that the deadline for production of the requested information was that same day. Mr. Marshall never complied with the directive to provide information on each student who was failing his class. He never asked for more time to collect the information, and despite that fact that he admitted it would have been easy to retrieve his phone log and submit it, he never did so. Ms. Williams met with Mr. Marshall, informing him that he would be recommended to the School Board for a seven-day suspension. The greater weight of the evidence established that Mr. Marshall is guilty of gross insubordination for his conduct before and after July 2012.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Broward County School Board issue a final order suspending Mr. Marshall without pay for a total of ten days, based on his conduct before and after July 2012. DONE AND ENTERED this 28th day of August, 2013, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JESSICA E. VARN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 28th day of August, 2013.

Florida Laws (8) 1001.321001.421012.231012.33120.569120.57943.0585943.059
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Mar. 11, 2005 Number: 05-000942 Latest Update: Sep. 15, 2005

The Issue The issue presented is whether Petitioner should terminate Respondent's professional service contract for his failure to correct his performance deficiencies within his 90-calendar-day probation period.

Findings Of Fact At all times material hereto, Respondent, Jose L. Rojas, has been employed by The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, as a teacher pursuant to a professional service contract. During the 2004-2005 school year, he taught regular sixth-grade math classes at Redland Middle School. Teachers employed by the School Board, including Respondent, are evaluated pursuant to the Professional Assessment and Comprehensive Evaluation System, known as PACES. PACES was collectively bargained with the teachers' union and approved by the Florida Department of Education in 2001 as being in statutory compliance for teacher evaluations in Petitioner's school district. PACES focuses on student learning and teacher professional development, as well as on teaching behaviors. In PACES, there are seven domains: six are to be observed during a classroom observation, and the seventh domain deals with professional responsibilities demonstrated outside the classroom observation. The domains reflect the required statutory competencies of Section 1012.34, Florida Statutes. Each domain has teaching and learning components, and each component has indicators, 44 of which are required to meet standards under PACES. The 44 indicators are fundamental units of observation that are used to make professional judgments about the quality of learning and teaching. They represent the basic level of teaching to be demonstrated by all teachers in Petitioner's school district, i.e., the minimum requirements. They are the objective standards described in the PACES manual. Teachers have PACES manuals and access to the PACES Internet website. The standards are also repeated in any professional improvement plan, known as a PIP. It takes only one unacceptable indicator for a domain to be rated below performance standards. One below-standard domain indicates a teacher's non-compliance with statutorily- required competencies. The Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) measures student performance on the State's objectives for Florida's required curriculum, the Sunshine State Standards. While Petitioner's school district, as a whole, must utilize the FCAT data and indicators of student performance, there is no similar requirement for evaluating teachers by the results of the performance of their students on the FCAT (or other local assessments for subject matters not covered by the FCAT). Individual evaluations of teachers, however, must address student performance. PACES addresses student performance in every domain. What is assessed is whether the teacher is monitoring and gauging student progress in the classroom, making sure that the students are mastering the required curriculum. Teachers are expected to use their students' FCAT scores from the prior year for planning, pursuant to PACES domain I, to meet the students' deficiencies. Redland utilizes FCAT results in this manner. Further, a teacher's teaching strategies and activities are required to address FCAT expectations. At the beginning of the school year, teachers at Redland receive copies of the scope and sequence for what the students are to learn during the school year. The teachers develop the curriculum and timelines for meeting benchmarks to be covered during the school year. PACES domain II, as another example, deals with the teacher's management of the learning environment. If time is not managed and is, instead, wasted, the students' achievement of the Sunshine State Standards will be impacted, which will affect FCAT scores. PACES domain IV, as yet another example, requires teachers to informally assess the students' engagement in learning to assess their performance to ascertain whether the students are mastering the Sunshine State Standards. All of the administrators who were PACES observers in this case have had extensive training in the standards to be observed and evaluated in teacher performance and student learning and are, therefore, authorized to perform PACES observations, which are based upon what the observer objectively observes while in the classroom. The performance probation process in Petitioner's school district, like the PACES teacher evaluation process, was collectively bargained with the teachers' union. The process is as follows: if there is an observation conducted by an administrator that indicates a teacher is performing below standards, it becomes the "initial observation not of record." The administrator meets with the teacher, goes over the observation, makes suggestions for improvement, and notifies the teacher that he or she will be observed again in approximately three weeks. The administrator offers the teacher the assistance of a professional growth team (PGT). Use of a PGT is voluntary on the part of the teacher at this point. The PGT is part of the professional development aspect of PACES. PGTs are composed of experienced peer teachers who are extensively trained in PACES and are authorized to give support and assistance to teachers to improve classroom instruction. The same administrator who conducted the "initial observation not of record" must conduct the next observation, the "kick-off observation," which is the first observation of record in that school year. If this observation reveals below- standards performance, a conference-for-the-record (CFR) is held. A PGT and a PIP are provided to the teacher. The performance probation period begins the day after a PIP is given to the teacher. The teachers' union and Petitioner then mutually agree on the calendar for counting the 90 days. There must be two official observations during the performance probation period. The teacher must meet all 44 required indicators in order to meet performance standards during the teacher's performance probation. If any indicators are below performance standards, PIPs are again given. There are four levels of PIP activities, which are progressively more complex. A "confirmatory observation" takes place after the 90th day to determine whether the teacher has corrected his or her deficiencies. The "confirmatory observation" must be completed within 14 days after the conclusion of the performance probation, and the evaluator must forward a recommendation to the Superintendent of Schools. Within 14 days of receiving the evaluator's recommendation, the Superintendent must notify the teacher whether he will recommend to the school board that the teacher's employment be continued or terminated. It is not sufficient for the teacher to improve on only some of the deficient indicators. It has been the custom and practice under the collective bargaining agreement that remediation occurs only when the teacher meets standards in all of the required indicators. Respondent's initial observation was conducted by Assistant Principal Fahringer on September 23, 2004. Respondent was teaching a class of 20-23 students. Respondent told the students to take out their agenda books which contained their homework. As Respondent went around the classroom checking each student's homework, the remainder of the students just sat and talked, waiting for a lesson to begin. They were not working on math. Out of the two-hour block of class time, the class was off-task about 25 percent of the time. Respondent failed to meet performance standards in components and indicators of domain II, managing the learning environment, and domain IV, enhancing and enabling learning. Pursuant to the agreed-upon procedures, the observation became "not of record." Assistant Principal Fahringer met with Respondent September 28, 2004, went over the evaluation, and explained why Respondent had not met performance standards. Fahringer gave Respondent suggestions for improvement and advised him that she would return to do a follow-up observation. She offered Respondent a PGT, which he accepted. On October 19, 2004, Fahringer performed Respondent's first observation of record, the "kick-off observation." Respondent was giving a lesson on fractions, decimals, and percentages to 32 students using cups of M&Ms and a chart. Respondent told the students to divide into groups of four. There followed much noise and confusion. As Respondent went from group to group, he did not monitor the other seven groups. Students threw M&Ms and paper wads. Respondent did not meet performance standards in components and indicators of domains II and IV. He did not meet standards in domain II because the learning did not begin promptly. After a five-minute delay, another five minutes were wasted while Respondent counted out the M&Ms. Ten minutes wasted at the beginning of the class is a significant amount of time since time spent on-task improves achievement. There were delays in the organizational and teaching/learning activities. When Respondent told the students to divide into groups of four, some students appeared uncertain as to what group they were in and, instead, milled around talking noisily. Some students remained off-task throughout the lesson. Respondent did not address the off-task behavior because he did not appear to even notice it while he focused on one group at a time. Students came to Respondent with their agenda books, "visiting" other students and talking with them on the way. Eight students were distracted, noisy, and off-task, but Respondent failed to redirect them. Respondent's expectations about acceptable behavior had apparently not been made clear to the students. Although he told them to raise their hands and not to talk, they continued to talk noisily to each other for 50 minutes. Respondent failed to effectively monitor the class throughout the lesson. When he was with one group, he did not use management techniques to diffuse the unacceptable off-task behavior of the other groups. The remaining seven groups did not work (no learning took place) while they waited for Respondent to come to them. Respondent did not meet standards in domain IV because he did not introduce the purpose of the lesson. The students were told how to count the M&Ms and complete a chart, but there was no explanation as to what they were to learn. The students did not understand that they were learning the relationship among fractions, decimals, and percentages. Respondent did not give clear and complete directions. He told the students that they were going to "integrate" decimals, percents, and fractions, a meaningless word choice. The directions did not include any explanation of content or integration of mathematical concepts. Respondent did not demonstrate accurate content knowledge. He gave inaccurate and unclear information to the students. He counted the various colored M&Ms and put the numbers on the chart. On the chart, he explained that the decimals--.35, .10, .25, .17, .03, and .71--equal one, when in fact they equal 1.61. Also on the chart, Respondent explained that the percentages--35%, 10%, 25%, 17%, 3%, and 71%--equal 100%, when in fact they equal 161%. The students accepted the inaccurate information. On the line of the chart indicating the fractions, Respondent reduced some of the fractions leaving different denominators, which made the addition of those fractions difficult. On October 29, 2004, Principal DePriest and Assistant Principal Fahringer held a CFR with Respondent to address Respondent's sub-standard performance, his performance probation, recommendations for improving the specific areas of his unsatisfactory performance, and Respondent's future employment status with Petitioner. Respondent's input was sought, and he was formally assigned a PGT. Respondent was given a copy of the summary of the CFR and a PIP on November 1, 2004. The PIP required him to read and summarize pertinent sections from the PACES manual by November 22, 2004. Respondent's performance probation period began November 2, 2004, the day after he received the PIP. He was provided assistance through his PGT and his PIP to help him correct his deficiencies within the prescribed time. Respondent's PGT provided assistance to him throughout his performance probation. Respondent failed to complete his PIP activities by the November 22 deadline. On December 2 he was given another 24 hours to comply, which he did. On November 24, 2004, Respondent was formally observed in his classroom by Principal DePriest. Respondent was presenting a lesson to 19 students, but the classroom was too chaotic for learning to take place. Respondent again did not meet performance standards in domain II. Learning did not begin promptly. Respondent wasted 12 minutes reprimanding students, taking roll, and answering his personal cell phone while the students were not engaged in learning. There were also inefficient delays in organizational and teaching/learning activities. The students went to the board, one by one, to solve math problems. Respondent spent approximately five minutes with each student at the board while the rest of the class became noisy, walked around, or slept. Respondent failed to monitor off-task behavior or the behavior of the entire class. As Respondent focused on the one student at the board, the other students were off-task for up to five minutes at a time throughout the lesson, talking, putting their heads down, tapping their pencils, and making inappropriate comments such as "Can someone choke me?", "Can someone kill me?", and "Can I die now?". One student simply played with her hair for six minutes. Essentially, everyone was talking, and no one was listening to Respondent. Yet, Respondent did nothing to redirect the students. He did not appear to have classroom conduct rules in place. Thus, Respondent failed to make his expectations about behavior clear to the students. He instructed them not to talk without raising their hands. Nevertheless, eight of the students talked out-of-turn for 20 minutes without raising their hands. DePriest met with Respondent on December 2, 2004, to review the observation. DePriest provided assistance through a PIP to help Respondent correct his deficiencies. The PIP required Respondent to observe other teachers and to view PACES vignettes on the PACES Internet website. Respondent was to maintain a log and discuss techniques and strategies with DePriest. Respondent's deadline to complete his PIP was January 6, 2005. On January 10, 2005, Respondent was formally observed by Assistant Principal Janice Farrell. Respondent was presenting a lesson on perimeters and surface areas to 22 students. The lesson was disorganized, and there was an "air of confusion" in the class. Many students were being unruly and exhibiting off-task behavior. Therefore, not much learning was taking place. Respondent still did not meet performance standards in domains II and IV that had been previously identified. He also failed to meet performance standards in components and indicators not identified in the kick-off observation of October 19, 2004, and, therefore, not the subject of Respondent's 90-day performance probation or this Recommended Order. Respondent caused inefficient delays in organizational and teaching/learning activities. The learners were instructed to complete a "bellringer" activity, i.e., an activity that is used at the beginning of the class period to engage the students in learning as soon as they enter the room. Although they were instructed to complete it, eight of the 22 students did not receive a bellringer worksheet. Students were asking for materials and attempting the activity unsuccessfully on their own. Respondent appeared unaware of the problem Respondent failed to monitor off-task behavior and disengagement from learning throughout the lesson. One student continuously called out Respondent's name, louder and louder, for five minutes. Students talked and copied each other's answers. While a student walked around stamping the other students' agenda books, they became off-task. A group of three students at a back table remained off-task throughout the lesson, talking, copying each other's answers, and throwing papers. Respondent did not redirect any of these students until the last five minutes of the class. Respondent failed to monitor the whole class effectively. When he went to the back of the room to address a tardy student without a pass, he turned his back on the other 21 students who changed seats, threw papers at each other, and hit each other with rulers. Respondent did nothing to redirect his students. He failed to make the purpose or importance of the learning tasks clear to the students. He did not give a rationale for the bellringer activity, which consisted of answering questions about perimeters and areas of geometric shapes. He also gave the students inaccurate information. He incorrectly calculated the perimeter of a square as 3+3+3+3=15. DePriest and Farrell met with Respondent to review the observation. Farrell made recommendations with respect to the specific areas of unsatisfactory performance and provided assistance through a PIP to help Respondent correct his deficiencies. Respondent's PIP required him to complete self- assessment activities through the PACES website. He was to watch vignettes provided by the website in order to understand what the PACES indicators required of him. Respondent's deadline to complete his PIP was February 11, 2005. Because Respondent's second observation within the performance probation period was below performance standards, a confirmatory observation was required after the expiration of the 90 days to determine whether Respondent had corrected his deficiencies. Principal DePriest performed that observation on February 22, 2005. On that day, management of the learning environment and classroom discipline were non-existent. Respondent was presenting a lesson on geometric shapes to 18 students. While he did have instructions written on the board, there were still the same kinds of delays seen previously, and the students were still not engaged in learning. Overall, the class environment was chaotic. One-third to one- half of the class was off-task at any given time. The class was completely disorganized; the students were not engaged; the students did not pay any attention to Respondent, and very little learning took place. Each time supplies were distributed, commotion resulted. When colored paper was distributed so that the students could trace the shapes, they got into arguments over the different colors, negotiated the trading of colors, and asked Respondent for different colors. When rulers were passed out, the students were not instructed to use them to draw the geometric shapes. Some had already drawn the shapes freehand. Others were dueling with the rulers. Some tore the shapes, rather than waiting until they received scissors. Respondent again did not meet performance standards in domain II as identified in the kick-off observation. Learning did not begin promptly. Respondent spent 10-11 minutes taking roll and reprimanding tardy students. There were inefficient delays in organizational and teaching/learning activities. Respondent allowed students to talk and distract others. Students were not paying attention. Respondent accepted a phone call and made a phone call during the class. He failed to monitor the off-task behavior caused by the manner in which supplies were distributed and failed to redirect the students, including while they argued about paper, scissors, and rulers. DePriest notified Respondent on February 23, 2005, that Respondent had not satisfactorily corrected noted performance deficiencies during his performance probation period and that DePriest would recommend to the Superintendent of Schools that Respondent's employment be terminated. On that same day, DePriest transmitted such a memorandum. On March 9, the Superintendent notified Respondent that the Superintendent would recommend that the School Board terminate Respondent's employment contract for Respondent's failure to correct his noted performance deficiencies during his performance probation. Petitioner has met all procedural requirements and statutory time frames. The FCAT was administered to Florida students in late- February to early-March, 2005. Petitioner received Respondent's students' scores on May 17 and the district-wide FCAT results on May 19, 2005, the day before the final hearing in this cause. The district as a whole showed "tremendous" progress over the prior year. Even though Redland is a "low-performing" school, it likewise showed progress over the prior year in reading and mathematics. Respondent's students, however, failed to follow this trend. Petitioner does not use a teacher's current students' FCAT scores in assessing a teacher's performance because the scores are released too late in the school year. PACES, however, addresses student performance, as statutorily required. Where a teacher's students are observed as being noisy throughout lessons, being confused, not paying attention, and being given erroneous lesson content, there is a clear lack of student performance, and they are not engaged in learning.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered finding that Respondent failed to correct his performance deficiencies and terminating Respondent's professional service contract, effective April 13, 2005. DONE AND ENTERED this 29th day of July, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S LINDA M. RIGOT Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 29th day of July, 2005. COPIES FURNISHED: Madelyn P. Schere, Esquire Miami-Dade County School Board 1450 Northeast Second Avenue, Suite 400 Miami, Florida 33132 Mark Herdman, Esquire Herdman & Sakellarides, P.A. 2595 Tampa Road, Suite J Palm Harbor, Florida 34684 Honorable John L. Winn Commissioner of Education Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1514 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Rudolph F. Crew, Ed.D, Superintendent Miami-Dade County School Board 1450 Northeast Second Avenue, Suite 400 Miami, Florida 33132

# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Apr. 11, 2008 Number: 08-001769PL Latest Update: Oct. 13, 2008

The Issue The issues in the case are whether the allegations set forth in the Administrative Complaint filed by the Petitioner against the Respondent are correct, and, if so, what penalty should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact At all times material to this case, the Respondent held Florida Educator's Certificate number 852375, valid through June 30, 2006, and covering the area of specific learning disabilities. At all times material to this case, the Respondent was employed as a teacher in an exceptional student education class at Middlebrook Middle School in the Orange County School District. Her students were 13 to 14 years of age. On more than one occasion during January of 2005, the Respondent read sexually explicit material from a book called "Dumb as Me" to her classroom. The book, admitted as the Petitioner's exhibit, includes graphic and explicit sexual content and frequent use of vulgar language. The classroom paraprofessional reported the matter to the school's principal, Valeria Maxwell. Ms. Maxwell went to the Respondent and discussed the report. During the discussion, the Respondent acknowledged that she read from the book to her students. Ms. Maxwell testified that the Respondent had not been authorized to read the book to her class. There is no evidence that the book was part of any lesson plan created by the Respondent. Ms. Maxwell testified that the students interviewed reported being embarrassed by the Respondent's reading the book to them during class, but none of the students testified at the hearing. Ms. Maxwell also testified that the Respondent's use of the text in the classroom seriously reduced the Respondent's effectiveness as a teacher and created a condition in the classroom that was harmful to learning. The Respondent's employment with the Orange County School Board was terminated on June 14, 2005.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Petitioner enter a final order determining that the Respondent has violated Subsections 1012.795(1)(c), (1)(f), and (1)(i), Florida Statutes (2005), and Florida Administrative Code Rule 6B-1.006(3)(a) and revoking the Respondent's educator's certificate. DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of June, 2008, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S WILLIAM F. QUATTLEBAUM Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of June, 2008. COPIES FURNISHED: Kathleen M. Richards, Executive Director Education Practices Commission Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 224-E 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Cynthia Bradford 428 Los Altos Way, No. 201 Altamonte Springs, Florida 32714 Cynthia Bradford 30700 Wekiva River Road, No. 395 Sorrento, Florida 32776-9003 Ron Weaver, Esquire Post Office Box 5675 Douglasville, Georgia 30154-0012 Deborah K. Kearney, General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Marian Lambeth, Bureau Chief Bureau of Professional Practices Services Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 224-E 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida, 32399-0400

Florida Laws (3) 1012.011012.795120.57 Florida Administrative Code (2) 6B-1.0066B-4.009
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Oct. 30, 2001 Number: 01-004247 Latest Update: Sep. 16, 2002

The Issue Whether Respondent engaged in the conduct alleged in the Notice of Specific Charges, as amended. If so, what action should be taken against Respondent.

Findings Of Fact Based upon the evidence adduced at hearing, and the record as a whole, the following findings of fact are made: The School Board is responsible for the operation, control, and supervision of all public schools (grades K through 12) in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Among these schools are Miami Central Senior High School (Central) and American Senior High School (American). Alberto Rodriguez is now, and has been for the past six years, the principal at American. As American's principal, Mr. Rodriguez has supervisory authority over the School Board employees assigned to work at the school. These employees are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with School Board Rules, including School Board Rules 6Gx13-4A-1.21, 6Gx13-5D-1.07, and 6Gx13-6A-1.331 At all times material to the instant case, School Board Rule 6Gx13-4A-1.21 provided, in pertinent part, as follows: Permanent Personnel RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES Employee Conduct All persons employed by The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida are representatives of the Miami-Dade County Public Schools. As such, they are expected to conduct themselves, both in their employment and in the community, in a manner that will reflect credit upon themselves and the school system. Unseemly conduct or the use of abusive and/or profane language in the presence of students is expressly prohibited. . . . At all times material to the instant case, School Board Rule 6Gx13-5D-1.07 provided as follows: CORPORAL PUNISHMENT- PROHIBITED The administration of corporal punishment in Miami-Dade County Public Schools is strictly prohibited. Miami-Dade County Public Schools has implemented comprehensive programs for the alternative control of discipline. These programs include, but are not limited to, counseling, timeout rooms, in-school suspension centers, student, mediation and conflict resolution, parental involvement, alternative education programs, and other forms of positive reinforcement. In addition, suspensions and/or expulsions are available as administrative disciplinary actions depending of the severity of the misconduct. Procedures are in place for students to make up any work missed while on suspension, or to participate in an alternative program if recommended for expulsion.[2] Respondent has been employed as a teacher by the School Board since 1994. He has a professional service contract of employment with School Board. From 1994 through 2000, Respondent was assigned to Central, where he taught emotionally disturbed and severely emotionally disturbed students. He had an unblemished disciplinary and performance record at Central. Respondent was reassigned from Central to American, where he remained until August of 2001, when he was "placed in an alternative work assignment at Region I" pending the disposition of charges against him. At American, Respondent taught emotionally handicapped (EH) students. Among the students in his classes were O. A., V. S., C. H., T. S., R. D., and A. D. At all times material to the instant case, Nanci Clayton also taught EH students at American.3 She had some of the same students in her classes that Respondent had in his. At the beginning of the 2000-2001 school year, Ms. Clayton and Respondent had paraprofessionals in their classrooms. The paraprofessionals, however, were removed from their classrooms after the first grading period. Ms. Clayton's and Respondent's classrooms were located in one "very large [room] divided in half [by a makeshift partial partition4] to make two classrooms."5 This partial partition consisted of bookcases, a blackboard, filing cabinets, and, at times, a table. To enter and exit Respondent's classroom, it was necessary to pass through Ms. Clayton's classroom, where the door to the hallway was located. There was no direct access to the hallway from Respondent's classroom. Ms. Clayton's desk was located immediately to the left of the door as one walked into her classroom from the hallway. Students leaving Respondent's classroom had to pass by Ms. Clayton's desk to get to the hallway. The "divided room" that Ms. Clayton and Respondent shared had a "phone line," but no School Board-supplied telephone. Ms. Clayton and Respondent had to supply their own telephone. "Sometimes [the telephone] would work, sometimes it wouldn't work." There was no "emergency" or "call" button in the room. There were occasions when Ms. Clayton and Respondent "conduct[ed] [their] lessons simultaneously in this divided room."6 Things said in one of the classrooms could, at times, be heard in the other classroom. It is not uncommon for EH students to have mood swings, to become easily frustrated and angered, to be verbally and physically aggressive, to engage in off-task behavior, and to defy authority. Controlling the behavior of these students in the classroom presents a special challenge. As EH teachers at American, Ms. Clayton and Respondent were faced with this challenge. It was their responsibility to deal with the behavioral problems exhibited by their students during the course of the school day while the students were under their supervision. American had a Behavior Management Teacher, David Kucharsky, to assist the school's EH teachers in dealing with serious or chronic behavioral problems. There were far fewer instances of disruptive student behavior in Ms. Clayton's classroom than in Respondent's. While in Respondent's class, some students would do such things as throw books and turn the lights off. Ms. Clayton, however, would not "have the same kind of problems" with these students when she was teaching them. Ms. Clayton "made recommendations" to Respondent to help him better control the behavior of students in his classes. As a teacher at American, Respondent was a member of a collective bargaining unit represented by the United Teachers of Dade (UTD) and covered by a collective bargaining agreement between the School Board and UTD, effective July 1, 1999, through June 20, 2002 (UTD Contract). Article V of the UTD Contract addressed the subject of "employer rights." Section 1 of Article V provided, in part, that the School Board had the exclusive right to suspend, dismiss or terminate employees "for just cause." Article XXI of the UTD Contract addressed the subject of "employee rights and due process." Section 2 of Article XXI provided, in part, that "[d]ismissals and suspensions shall be effected in accordance with applicable Florida statutes, including the Administrative Procedures Act (APA) " Article VIII of the UTD Contract addressed the subject of a "safe learning environment." "Student discipline" was discussed in Section 1 of Article VIII, which provided, in part, as follows: Section 1. Student Discipline A safe and orderly learning environment is a major priority of the parties. Such an environment requires that disruptive behavior be dealt with safely, fairly, consistently, and in a manner which incorporates progressive disciplinary measures specified in the Code of Student Conduct. Rules governing discipline are set forth in the Code of Student Conduct, School Board Rules, and Procedures for Promoting and Maintaining a Safe Learning Environment and, by reference, are made a part of this Contract. * * * D. The parties recognize the potential for difficult circumstances and problems related to the use of corporal punishment. Accordingly, the parties agree that such punishment shall be prohibited as a disciplinary option, and further agree to act affirmatively in continuing to identify and implement more effective alternatives for dealing with student behavior. The involvement of school-site personnel in developing such alternatives is critical to their potential for success. The teacher shall have the authority to remove a seriously disruptive student from the classroom. In such cases, the principal or designee shall be notified immediately and the teacher shall be entitled to receive prior to or upon the student's return to the classroom, a copy of the Student Case Management Form (SCAM) describing corrective action(s) taken. . . . "Physical restraint" and its use, in certain circumstances, on students receiving exceptional student education services was discussed in Section 3 of Article VIII, which provided as follows: Section 3. Physical Restraint There are instances where exceptional students exhibit behaviors that are disruptive to the learning environment and pose a threat to the safety of persons or property. Some exceptional students because of the nature of their disability, may, on occasion, experience impaired impulse control of such severity that the use of physical restraint is necessary to prevent such students from inflicting harm to self and/others, or from causing damage to property. The purpose of physical restraint is to prevent injury to persons or destruction of property. It is not to be used to "teach the child a lesson" or as punishment. For students who exhibit such behaviors, the use of physical restraint procedures shall be discussed as part of the Individualized Education Program (IEP) development and review process. A recommendation for the use of Board-approved physical restraint procedures must be made by the Multi-Disciplinary Team (M-Team) and shall be documented on the student's IEP form before the use of such procedures may be authorized. When parents or surrogates are not present at the IEP meeting, written notification to them regarding the use of physical restraint will be provided. Strategies for the prevention of aggressive behavior shall be utilized on an ongoing basis. However, when an explosive event occurs without warning and is of such degree that there is imminent risk to persons or property, the use of physical restraint technique is authorized for such circumstances. Subject to available funding, the Board shall provide for the training of instructional and support staff in physical restraint techniques, as well as strategies for prevention of aggressive behavior. Training manuals developed for this purpose are, by reference, incorporated and made a part of this Agreement. Physical restraint techniques provided in training programs approved by the Board are authorized and, when utilized in accordance with the training provided and these guidelines, shall not constitute grounds for disciplinary action. If a teacher is not trained in the use of approved physical restraint procedures and is faced with an emergency, the teacher is authorized to employ the moderate use of physical force or physical contact as may be necessary to maintain discipline or to enforce Board Rules 6Gx13-5D-1.07 and 1.08.[7] The appropriate use of these procedures shall not constitute a violation of the corporal punishment policy (Board Rule 6Gx13-5D-1.07). Physical restraint refers to the use of physical intervention techniques designed to restrict the movement of a student in an effort to de-escalate aggressive behavior. In order to promote a safe learning environment, the district has authorized the implementation of specific physical restraint procedures to be used in Exceptional Student Education programs when a student's IEP documents the potential need for their use. These procedures include, but are not limited to, holding and escape techniques which, when implemented, prevent injury to students and staff or prevent serious damage to property. Specific physical restraint procedures may also be approved for use with other specific student populations, upon mutual agreement of the parties and would be reviewed on an annual basis. The use of physical restraint must be documented as part of the SCM system. Instructional or support staff who utilize physical restraint techniques shall complete the SCM Student Services Form to record student case information regarding each incident. Directions shall be provided to instructional and support staff to assist them in completing the appropriate form. At all times material to the instant case, the Individualized Education Program for each of the students in Respondent's classes "document[ed] the potential need for the[] use" of the School Board-approved "physical restraint techniques" referenced in Section 3 of Article VIII of the UTD Contract. Respondent received training in 1994 in the use of these techniques. At another in-service training session that he attended when he was teaching at Central, the head of the school's program for emotionally disturbed and severely emotionally disturbed students spoke about the "preventative strategies" of "planned ignoring" and "proximity control" and gave to the attendees, including Respondent, a handout, which stated the following about these "preventative strategies": Planned Ignoring Inappropriate behavior is ignored and not reinforced by staff by not reacting or responding to specific disruptive activity of a student in anticipation that the inappropriate behavior will extinguish or subside without further [sic]. The second part of this intervention is to reinforce positively acceptable behavior in anticipation that this behavior will occur more frequently. Proximity Control This intervention takes advantage of the positive effect of using a nonverbal communication such as gestures, looks, or body postures to decrease inappropriate classroom behavior. As an additional measure, physical contact in the form of a hand on the student's shoulder or a squeeze of an arm, can be very supportive to the student, yet convey the message that certain behaviors will not be tolerated. Respondent employed these "preventative strategies" at Central and was never disciplined for doing so. At American, Respondent was involved in several incidents in which he used physical force against students. On February 28, 2001, Respondent was at his desk teaching a class when one of the students in the class, V. S., got out of his seat and started "knocking on the T.V." that was in the classroom. V. S. was a "very large student" who, on a previous occasion, had "threatened to take [Respondent's] head and push it through a plate-glass window" and, on other occasions, had told Respondent: We are going to get you white man. We are going to make you quit. We are going to get you fired.[8] Respondent told V. S. to take his seat. V. S. refused. Instead, he sat down on Respondent's desk and "leaned over toward [Respondent]," positioning his face "about a foot" from Respondent's. V. S. was "glaring down at [Respondent]" and had a "tight-lipped grin" on his face. This made Respondent feel "a little edgy." After directing V. S. to "get off [the] desk" and receiving "no response," Respondent (rather than getting up from his seat and walking away from V. S.) "reached out and gave [V. S.'s] arm a shake" in order "to get [V. S.'s] attention."9 Respondent obtained the result he desired. V. S. got off the desk; but he did not do so quietly. V. S. yelled profanities at Respondent and threatened to "kill" Respondent if Respondent ever touched him again. Prior to Respondent shaking his arm, V. S. had not made, during the incident, any verbal threats against Respondent. The incident was reported to the administration and the matter was investigated. Respondent, V. S., and another student, C. H., who witnessed the incident, gave written statements that Mr. Rodriguez reviewed. On March 15, 2001, after reviewing the statements, Mr. Rodriguez held a Conference-for-the-Record with Respondent. Mr. Rodriguez subsequently prepared (on March 21, 2001) and furnished to Respondent (on that same date) a memorandum, in which he summarized what had transpired at the conference. The memorandum read as follows: The following is a summary of the conference-for-the-record on Thursday, March 15, 2001, at 2:00 p.m. in this administrator's office. Present at the conference were Mark Soffian, assistant principal; Karen Robinson, assistant principal; Jimmy Jones, UTD Representative; yourself and this administrator. The purpose of the conference was to address the following: -Miami-Dade County School Board Police Case #F-09343. -Code of Ethics and the Principles of Professional Conduct of the Education Profession in Florida. -School Board Rule 6Gx13-5D-1.07 (Corporal Punishment-Prohibited). -School Board Rule 6Gx13-4A-1.21 (Employee Conduct). -Review of the record. -Future employment with Miami-Dade County Public Schools. This administrator began the conference by reviewing Case #F-09343. This administrator read your statement and the statements of the students alleging battery on a student. This administrator asked you if you had any comments in reference to the incident. You stated that you had to write up everyone in class, because students were turning off the lights and throwing books in the dark despite repeated warnings. You characterized this student behavior as "organized disruption." You further stated that another student was tormenting a classmate who shrieked out in pain, ran out of class and then was dragged back in by the same student. You described that another student was banging on the television and you had to write him up. You said you did not push [V. S.] (victim-I.D. #427561) but rather he leaped off the desk, shouted a tirade of curses at you and then left class. You indicated that you did not push because you were unable to move an 18 year old who is 260 pounds.[10] This administrator asked if you ever left your class unsupervised. You stated, "Yes, from time to time." This administrator cautioned you that one of your professional responsibilities is never to leave your students unsupervised. Additionally, the fact that you described the numerous classroom discipline problems, it is of the utmost importance that your students remain supervised at all times. This administrator reviewed with you the Code of Ethics and Principles of . . . Professional Conduct of the Education Profession in Florida. This administrator specified certain areas of the Code of Ethics in which you were in violation. This administrator asked you to respond and you nodded your head in the affirmative. This administrator reviewed with you Miami- Dade County School Board Rule 6Gx13-5D-1.07 (Corporal Punishment-Prohibited). You were asked if you understood and you responded "Yes." This administrator reviewed with you Miami- Dade County School Board Rule 6Gx13-4A-1.21 (Employee Conduct). This administrator reminded you that you are expected to conduct yourself, both in your employment and in the community, in a manner that will reflect credit upon yourself and the school system. You were asked to respond and you stated "I understand." This administrator conducted a review of the record. There was another incident involving the use of improper force and disciplinary means against a student that was cited on November 11, 2000. The case (F-03631) was never pursued; however, this administrator cautioned you that these past episodes demonstrate use of poor judgment on your part. This administrator informed you that repeated offenses would result in further disciplinary actions that will negatively impact your future employment with Miami- Dade County Public Schools. This administrator then asked if you had any further comments or statements for the record. You requested that a handout on "preventative strategies" and Florida Statute Chapter 232.27[11] be included as part of the written summary. You further stated that you didn't claim to be perfect and there was room for improvement. You stated that teaching six periods made it difficult to do the job effectively. This administrator asked if you wanted to give up the sixth period supplement since if was your choice to take on that added teaching responsibility for remuneration. You stated that you did not want to give up the money. This administrator advised that you cannot use the sixth period day as an excuse, and if it is a hardship where you are unable to perform your prescribed duties th[e]n you need to let this administrator know. Additionally, this administrator informed you that writing referrals to exclude seven or eight students in your Exceptional Education class was unacceptable. This administrator recommended for you to acquire additional training in dealing with Emotional Handicapped students. Seeking alternative means of discipline in lieu of suspension and exclusion from class will be necessary. This administrator provided you with Miami-Dade County School Board Manual of Procedures for Special Programs to assist you in managing your classroom and providing appropriate strategies in handling Exceptional Education students.[12] This administrator issued you the following directives: -Refrain from using any physical means to enforce student discipline. -Adhere to Code of Ethics and the Principles of Professional Conduct of the Education Profession in Florida. -Adhere to School Board Rule 6Gx13-5D-1.07 (Corporal Punishment-Prohibited). -Adhere to School Board Rule 6Gx13-4A-1.21 (Employee Conduct). -Refrain from leaving students in the classroom unsupervised. In closing, this administrator informed you that failure to comply with these directives and recurrences of this type will result in further disciplinary action which will adversely affect your future employment status. This administrator stated that he would be available to provide[] you any assistance that you may require. In conclusion, you are apprised of your right to append, clarify, or explain any information recorded in this conference by this summary. Attached to the memorandum were copies of the Code of Ethics and the Principles of Professional Conduct of the Education Profession in Florida (which are found in Rules 6B-1.001 and 6B- 1.006, Florida Administrative Code), School Board Rule 6Gx13-5D- 1.07, School Board Rule 6Gx13-4A-1.21, the handout on "preventative strategies" that Respondent had received at Central, and the cover page, as well as pages 119 and 121, of the Miami-Dade County School Board Manual of Procedures for Special Programs referenced in the memorandum. Page 121 of the Miami-Dade County School Board Manual of Procedures for Special Programs manual read as follows: Some exceptional students because of the nature of the disability, may on occasion experience impaired impulse control of such severity that the use of physical restraint is necessary to prevent such students from inflicting harm to self and/or others, or from causing damage to property. The purpose of physical restraint is to prevent injury to persons or destruction of property. It is not to be used to "teach the child a lesson" or as punishment. For students who exhibit such behaviors, the use of physical restraint procedures shall be discussed as part of the IEP development and review process. A recommendation for the use of Board-approved physical restraint procedures must be made by the Multidisciplinary Team (M-Team) and shall be documented on the student's IEP form before the use of such procedures may be authorized. When parents or surrogates are not present at the IEP meeting, written notification to them regarding the use of physical restraint will be provided. Strategies for the prevention of aggressive behavior shall be utilized on an ongoing basis. However, when an explosive event occurs without warning and is of such degree that there is imminent risk of persons or property, the use of physical restraint techniques is authorized for such circumstances. The School Board shall provide for the training of the appropriate instructional and support staff in physical restraint techniques, as well as strategies for the prevention of aggressive behavior. Training manuals developed for this purpose are available at school sites. Physical restraint techniques provided in training programs approved by the Board are authorized and, when utilized in accordance with the training provided, these guidelines shall not constitute grounds for disciplinary action. If a teacher is not trained in the use of approved physical restraint procedures and is faced with an emergency, the teacher is authorized to employ the moderate use of physical force or physical contact as may be necessary to maintain discipline or to enforce School Board Rules 6Gx13-5D-1.07 and 1.08. The appropriate use of these procedures[13] On May 2, 2001, Respondent again used non-approved "physical means to enforce student discipline," notwithstanding the reasonable directive that he had been given by Mr. Rodriguez at the March 15, 2001, Conference-for-the-Record that he "refrain" from engaging in such conduct. That day, students in Respondent's third period class, including T. S., R. D., and O. A., were scheduled to take the Scholastic Reading Inventory Test (SRI). The SRI is a standardized test designed to measure students' reading skills. The results of the test are "used to guide classroom instruction, so it is considered [to be a] low- stakes" test. Respondent had received in-service training, prior to May 2, 2001, on how to administer the SRI. It was emphasized during the training that, for the SRI "to be an effective test, [it had to] be protected from [pre-test administration] dissemination" and that it was important for teachers administering the test to make sure their students returned all test materials "at the end of the test period" and did not leave the test site with these materials. At the training, Respondent was given a document which contained standards for "test administration and test security." These standards provided, in part, as follows: STANDARD: PROFESSIONAL OBLIGATIONS IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE TESTING PROGRAM AT THE SCHOOL LEVEL . . . . The test administrator is responsible for directing and conducting the testing session(s) as specified in the administration manual or program guide, strictly adhering to test directions, monitoring students during testing, and maintaining the security of test materials assigned to him/her. . . . STANDARD: TEST SECURITY PROCEDURES FOR THE DISTRIBUTION AND RETURN OF TEST MATERIALS Each principal or designee is responsible for the receipt, inventory, secure storage, distribution, collection, and return of all test booklets and test-related material assigned to that school, according to the directions and instructions specified in the administration manuals or program guides. The principal or designee must notify the Division of Student Assessment and Educational Testing immediately if any discrepancies are noted in the counts, or if any materials are missing. The principal or designee must advise all teachers of the rules relating to test security and of the importance of complete adherence to them. Adherence to these test security procedures for the distribution and return of test materials, before, during, and after testing will ensure that: students do not have access to any of the material prior to the actual exam time or following it; professional staff have access to the test booklets, test folders, questions, and/or reading passages only at the time necessary for administration purposes; test booklets and test materials are returned to the test chairperson at the end of each testing session; and nothing has occurred in the school to allow unauthorized access to any of the test materials at any time. . . . STANDARD: MAINTAINING STANDARDIZATION AND TEST SECURITY DURING TEST ADMINISTRATION . . . . Students must have access to test booklets, test folders (i.e., test questions) ONLY during the actual administration of the test. Test materials must be secured at all times. Materials must be handed directly to and collected from each student one at a time. If a student needs to leave the test room, his/her materials must be collected and held upon the student's return[;] the test administrator must ensure that the student receives only his/her own test materials. Test administrators and proctors must actively monitor students during the entire testing period by walking around the room, to ensure compliance with test directions and to prevent cheating. Any irregularities or problems with the test administration must be promptly reported to the test chairperson, the school-site administrator, and district staff. . . . Test administrators, proctors, and any other school or district staff involved in test administration are required to adhere to guidelines laid out in the Florida Test Security Statute, Section 228.301[14] and the FDOE State Board of Education Administration Rule 6A-10.042, Maintenance of Test Security,[15] as well as district policy and board rule regarding test security. Violations of test security provisions shall be subject to penalties as provided in statute and FDOE State Board of Education Administrative Rules. . . . After Respondent handed out the test materials to the students in his third period class on May 2, 2001, and provided them with instructions regarding the test, T. S., who was seated in the back row of the classroom, asked Respondent several questions about the test. Dissatisfied with Respondent's responses, T. S. got out of his seat and, with the test booklet and answer sheet in hand, headed towards Ms. Clayton's classroom to see if she could provide him with the information that he was seeking about the test. On a regular basis, T. S. would leave Respondent's classroom, without permission, before the end of the period and go into the hallway. Concerned that T. S. would go out into hallway with the test materials, Respondent followed T. S. T. S. was near the partial partition dividing Respondent's and Ms. Clayton's classrooms, facing Ms. Clayton, when Respondent caught up to T. S. T. S. started to ask Ms. Clayton a question, when he was interrupted by Respondent, who instructed T. S. to give him the test materials. Respondent had positioned himself so that he was in front of T. S. and "close enough to touch" him. T. S. did not hand over the test materials to Respondent; instead, he asked Respondent "to give him some space." Respondent, however, held his ground and again "asked for the test materials back." T. S. refused to return the test materials to Respondent, telling Respondent he was "just asking a question." Respondent then started to reach for the test materials in an effort to grab them out of T. S.'s hand. T. S. reacted by moving the hand in which he was holding the test materials away from Respondent so that Respondent would not be able to take the materials from him. During the scuffle, Respondent grabbed ahold of T. S.'s shirt and "pulled" it. He also bumped into T. S. as he was reaching for the test materials in T. S's hand. Upset that Respondent was "over [him], touching [him]," T. S. ripped up the test materials and threw the pieces at Respondent. He was going to hit Respondent, but was subdued by a classmate, R. D. He then walked out the door and into the hallway. Respondent returned to his classroom and went back to his desk. He was followed by R. D., who told Respondent that he "need[ed] to chill out." While talking to Respondent, R. D. put his hands on Respondent's desk. Respondent told R. D., "get your hands off my desk." Using his hand, Respondent then forcibly moved R. D.'s hands off the desk. What occurred during Respondent's third period class on May 2, 2001, was reported to the administration and the matter was investigated. Written statements from Respondent, Ms. Clayton, and T. S., as well as other students, were collected and reviewed as part of the investigation. Mr. Rodriguez scheduled a Conference-for-the-Record with Respondent for June 11, 2001. Before the conference was held, Respondent was involved in yet another incident in which he used physical force against a student in his class. The student on this occasion was A. D., and the incident occurred on June 7, 2001, at around 9:30 a.m. or 9:45 a. m., near the end of the first (two hour) class period of the school day. A. D. had engaged in disruptive behavior in Respondent's classroom before walking out of the classroom and into the hallway towards the end of the period. As A. D. was leaving, Respondent told him, "If you leave before the bell rings, I am not letting you back in this time." (This was not the first time that A. D. had walked out of Respondent's class before the period was over.) Deanna Lipschutz, a clerical employee assigned to American's exceptional student education department, saw A. D. in the hallway. A. D. was "walking around in circles," but he was not "out of control." Ms. Lipschutz approached A. D. and, after engaging in a brief conversation with him, escorted him back to Respondent's classroom. The door to the classroom was closed. Ms. Lipschutz knocked on the door. When Respondent opened the door, Ms. Lipschutz told him that A. D. "would like to come back in class." Respondent indicated that he would not let R. D. return. Respondent then took his hands, placed them on A. D.'s shoulders, and gave A. D. a "little push." A. D. stumbled backwards. There was a wall behind A. D. that A. D. nearly made contact with as he was stumbling backwards. After pushing A. D. away from the doorway, Respondent went back inside the classroom and closed the door. Respondent's use of physical force against A. D. on June 7, 2001, was reported to the administration and an investigation of the matter was commenced. This was the last of the incidents (specified in the School Board's Notice of Specific Charges, as amended) involving Respondent's use of physical force against a student. Respondent's use of physical force in each of these incidents (the February 28, 2001, incident with V. S.; the May 2, 2001, incidents with T. S. and R. D.; and the June 7, 2001, incident with A. D.) was contrary to School Board policy and unauthorized and, moreover, evinced poor judgment and a lack of adequate concern for the physical well-being of the EH student involved in the incident. In none of these incidents was the physical force Respondent used reasonably necessary to prevent physical harm to himself, the student involved in the incident, or anyone else, or to prevent the destruction or serious damage of property. Respondent did not use School Board-approved "physical restraint techniques" (which are referenced in Section 3 of Article VIII of the UTD Contract) in any of these incidents. Rather, he used physical methods that were more likely to provoke, than deter, aggressive student behavior and, in so doing, created conditions harmful to the exceptional education students in his charge. Furthermore, Respondent's use of these methods in the incidents involving T. S., R. D., and A. D. was in defiance of directives he had been given by Mr. Rodriguez during the March 15, 2001, Conference-for-the-Record. It is true that Respondent did not have an easy teaching assignment. He had students in his class who, because of their disability, made teaching quite difficult. As a certified EH teacher, however, Respondent should have been equipped to deal with these students' disruptive behavior without resorting to the use of unauthorized physical force. Respondent's repeated use of such force was so serious as to impair his effectiveness as an EH teacher. The Conference-for-the-Record with Respondent that Mr. Rodriguez had scheduled for June 11, 2001, was held as scheduled on that date. Mr. Rodriguez subsequently prepared (on June 13, 2001) and furnished to Respondent (on that same date) a memorandum in which he summarized what had transpired at the conference. The memorandum read as follows: The following is a summary of the conference-for-the-record on Monday, June 11, 2001, at 8:00 a.m. in this administrator's office. Present at the conference were: Karen Robinson, assistant principal; Mark Soffian, assistant principal; Jimmy Jones, UTD Representative; Sherri Greenberg, UTD Bargaining Agent Representative, yourself and this administrator. The purpose of the conference was to address the following: -Miami-Dade County School Board Police Case #F13868 (Substantiated) -Code of Ethics and the Principles of Professional Conduct of the Education Profession in Florida -School Board Rule 6Gx13-5D-1.07 (Corporal Punishment-Prohibited) -School Board Rule 6Gx13-4A-1.21 (Employee Conduct) -Review of the record -Future employment with Miami-Dade County Public Schools This administrator began the conference by reviewing written statements from several students, a teacher and yourself in the School Board Case #F13868. This administrator informed you that your actions were in violation of School Board Rule 6Gx13-5D-1.07 of using corporal punishment and inappropriate physical restraint as a means of disciplining your students. This administrator asked if you had a response to these statements. You stated that you had seven years of university training and a master's in SED and you had a perfect record of no incidents at Miami Central High School. You requested to read a letter from Clifford Golden, School Psychologist, that you wished to be included in the record's summary. Additionally, you stated that "I had no problems until I came to American and it has been a difficult situation. When I first got here, you told me at a staff meeting about an ongoing LED conspiracy." This administrator corrected you about the contents of my statement as saying that "there was never a mention of a conspiracy; however, I was concerned with the quality of instructional delivery in the Exceptional Education department." You continued stating that your colleagues were less than helpful, and that no one came to your class, and that Mr. Kucharsky, Behavior Management Teacher, did not show consistent discipline. This administrator informed you that when he visited you classroom during second period, he observed on several occasions that on one side of the room with another teacher there were students learning; however, on your side there was bedlam. Dr. Soffian indicated when he visited your class on three occasions, he observed your room to be in disarray, with books on the floor, desks overturned and students not engaged in any productive activity. Mr. Jones also indicated upon his visitation, he observed that your kids were "out of control." You responded that "I have frequent misbehavior from that class but no one provided any consequences when I wrote them up." This administrator then reviewed with you the State Board of Education Rule, Code of Ethics (6B-1.001, 6B-1.006). This administrator read to you that your obligation to the student requires that "you shall make reasonable effort to protect the student from conditions harmful to learning, to the student's mental and/or physical health and/or safety." This administrator reminded that this is the second time he is issuing you this material and as a professional teacher you are obligated to comply with this code. You responded by saying you disagreed with the statement of using corporal punishment and that due to the classroom not having ventilation and being an old chorus room exacerbates the problem. This administrator reviewed your record, citing a pattern of putting your hands on students. This administrator reviewed with you two other incidents of unnecessary physical contact of your students (Miami- Dade County Police Cases #F03631 & F09343). This administrator read to you Part III, page 121, from the handout of Special Programs and Procedures for Exceptional Students (6Gx13-6A-1.331): "Some exceptional students because of the nature of the disability, may on occasion experience impaired impulse control of such severity that the use of physical restrain[t] is necessary to prevent such students from inflicting harm to self and/or others, or from causing damage to property." This administrator stated that your actions were not justified because the student was not doing any of the above. You responded that you disagreed with the findings. You felt that the student leaving with the test booklet caused you to physically intervene and you interpreted this action as preventing property damage. You further commented that you were a seasoned professional and that you have never hurt a student in your entire professional career. In the other cases, you stated that you were the victim and sometimes it is necessary to intervene to protect their health and safety. This administrator referred you to the District's Support Agency Program. This administrator informed you that this supervisory referral is strictly voluntary and that you will be contacted by that office. You stated that you certainly would pursue this. This administrator reviewed with you your Annual Evaluation for the 2000-2001 school year. This administrator explained that Categories I-VI were acceptable; however, Category VII, Professional Responsibilities, was unacceptable.[16] This administrator issued you and explained the prescription and the unacceptable Annual Evaluation. This administrator also explained to you that this prescriptive status would freeze your salary, revoke your transfer request, and exclude you from summer employment. You asked if your salary would be retroactive and if you would be able to transfer after the prescription date. This administrator informed you that after you have met your prescription requirement then you would be free to transfer and your salary will be reinstated and retroactive to the beginning of the 2001-2002 school year. This administrator asked if anyone had any other questions. Ms. Sherrie Greenberg, UTD representative, suggested that you receive training in physical restraint the next time it is offered. This administrator agreed with that suggestion as soon as a class opens. Ms. Greenberg also suggested to you that the District's Emotionally Handicapped supervisor visit your classroom at the beginning of the school year and provide assistance as needed. This administrator agreed with this suggestion of any additional support to improve classroom management. This administrator reminded you that per your request, your six period schedule during this second period class was changed to a five-period day. This administrator issued you the following directives: -Refrain from using any physical means to enforce student discipline, particularly if the student(s)' or your safety [is] not endangered and/or damage of property is not imminent -Adhere to Code of Ethics and the Principles of Professional Conduct of the Education Profession in Florida -Adhere to School Board Rule 6Gx13-5D-1.07 (Corporal Punishment-Prohibited) -Adhere to School Board Rule 6Gx13-4A-1.21 (Employee Conduct) In closing, this administrator informed you that this is the second time a conference- for-the-record has been held with you concerning the same issues. Due to your failures to comply with the previous directives, this administrator deemed this behavior as insubordination. This administrator indicated that continued failure to comply with these directives and recurrences of this type would result in further disciplinary action which will adversely affect your future employment status. This administrator stated that he would be available to provide you any assistance that you may require. In conclusion, you are apprised of your right to append, clarify, or explain any information recorded in this conference by this summary. The "prescription" that Mr. Rodriguez issued for Respondent indicated that Respondent would be in "prescriptive status" from August 27, 2001, through November 1, 2001. Respondent, however, did not return to the classroom during the 2001-2002 school year. Shortly before the beginning of the 2001-2002 school year, Dr. Thomasina O'Donnell, a director in the School Board's Office of Professional Standards, conducted a Conference-for- the-Record with Respondent, at which she discussed Respondent's use of physical force against students at American, including the June 7, 2001, incident with A. D., and his future employment with the School Board. Dr. O'Donnell subsequently prepared (on August 27, 2001) and mailed to Respondent (on August 28, 2001) a memorandum in which she summarized what had transpired at the conference. In those portions of the memorandum addressing the "action taken" and the "action to be taken," Dr. O'Donnell wrote the following: Action Taken In consideration of this incident and conference data, you were placed in an alternate work assignment at Region I until disposition of the charges are determined . You were advised of the availability of services from the District's referral agency. You were also provided the option to resign your position with Miami-Dade County Public Schools which you declined at this time. Pending further review of this case and formal notification of the recommended action or disciplinary measures to be taken, these directives are reiterated upon your return to the worksite to prevent adverse impact to the operation of the work unit and to the services provided to students. Noncompliance with these directives will necessitate review by the Office of Professional Standards. Refrain from using physical means to effect discipline. Adhere to all School Board Rules and the Code of Ethics. Supervise assigned students at all times. During the conference, you were provided with a copy of School Board Rules 6Gx13-4A- 1.21, Responsibilities and Duties; 6Gx13-5D- 1.07 Corporal Punishment-Prohibited; and Chapter 6B-1.0[0]1(3), Code of Ethics of the Education Profession in Florida. You were advised of the high esteem in which teachers are held and of the District's concern for any behavior which adversely [a]ffects this level of professionalism. You were reminded of the prime directive to maintain a safe learning environment for all students and that your actions violated this directive. You were advised to keep the information presented in this conference confidential and not discuss this with students or staff. Action To Be Taken You were advised that the information presented at this conference, as well as subsequent documentation, would be reviewed with the Assistant Superintendent in the Office of Professional Standards, the Superintendent of Region I, and the Principal of American Senior High School. All investigative data will be transmitted to Professional Practices Services (PPS), Florida Department of Education, for review and possible licensure action by the Education Practices Commission (EPC). Upon completion of the conference summary, a legal review by the School Board attorneys would be requested. Receipt of legal review with the endorsement by the Region Superintendent will compel formal notification of the recommended action or disciplinary measures to include suspension or dismissal. A determination was made that Respondent "be recommended for dismissal for the following charges: Just cause, including but not limited to: misconduct in office, gross insubordination, and violation of School Board Rules 6Gx13-4A-1.21, Responsibilities and Duties, and 6Gx13-5D-1.07 Corporal Punishment-Prohibited." On September 25, 2001, Dr. O'Donnell held a Conference-for-the-Record with Respondent to discuss this recommendation. At its October 24, 2001, meeting, the School Board took action to "suspend [Respondent] and initiate dismissal proceedings against [him] from all employment by the Miami-Dade County Public Schools, effective the close of the workday, October 24, 2001, for just cause, including but not limited to: misconduct in office, gross insubordination, and violation of School Board Rules 6Gx13-4A-1.21, Responsibilities and Duties, and 6Gx13-5D-1.07, Corporal Punishment-Prohibited."17

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that the School Board issue a final order sustaining Respondent's suspension and terminating his employment as a professional service contract teacher with the School Board for the reasons set forth in the Notice of Specific Charges, as amended. DONE AND ENTERED this 14th day of August, 2002, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. STUART M. LERNER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of August, 2002.

Florida Laws (3) 120.57447.203447.209
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Oct. 04, 2018 Number: 18-005313PL Latest Update: Sep. 22, 2024
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Jun. 22, 2010 Number: 10-003399TTS Latest Update: Sep. 28, 2011

The Issue Whether the School Board of Broward County, Florida (School Board) has just cause to terminate Respondent's employment based on the allegations set forth in the Administrative Complaint dated May 13, 2010.

Findings Of Fact At all times material hereto, the School Board was the constitutional entity authorized to operate, control, and supervise the public schools in Broward County, Florida. At all times material hereto, the School Board employed Respondent as a classroom teacher pursuant to a professional service contract. At all times relevant to this proceeding, Respondent was assigned to Ashe Middle School where she taught reading and language arts. Respondent holds a Florida educational certificate that has both reading and gifted endorsements. During the time Respondent taught at Ashe Middle School, the school was considered a low performing school. There was a high level of student turnover and a relatively high number of foreign students who did not speak English. Respondent had an advanced reading class that read on grade level. Most of her other students read below grade level.1 Pursuant to a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) with Broward Teachers Union and applicable law, which will be discussed in the Conclusions of Law section of this Recommended Order, School Board has adopted a system to assess teachers known as Instructional Personnel Assessment System (IPAS). Subsection (F)(1)b of Article 18 of the CBA contains the following guiding principle: b. The School Board and BTU [Broward Teachers Union] acknowledge that the assessment process should recognize the professional nature of teaching and supervision. Educational research has not identified a single uni-dimensional construct called "effective teaching." Teachers must pursue a variety of models of effective teaching. It is recognized, moreover, that the educational environment is complex and variable and great weight should be placed on teacher judgment to guide the activities of student learning. Subsection F(2)(e) of Article 18 of the CBA requires that the principal, director, or his/her designee evaluate each employee at least once a year utilizing IPAS. Rating criteria are defined on the IPAS form in the following categories: Instructional Planning Lesson Management Lesson Presentation Student Performance Evaluation Communication Classroom Management Behavior Management Records Management Subject Matter Knowledge Other Professional Competencies The evaluator rates the employee as to each criterion and for overall performance. The rating can be "satisfactory", "needs improvement", or "unsatisfactory." Subsection F of Article 18 of the CBA describes IPAS. Pursuant to the CBA, the assessment system requires a teacher, whose performance has been deemed deficient in one or more areas by an appropriate school administrator, to be placed on a Performance Development Plan (PDP). A school administrator develops the plan and monitors the employee's progress in completing the plan. Subsection F(2)(m)2 of Article 18 of the CBA provides as follows as to the use and implementation of a PDP: Use and implementation of this plan requires identification of deficiencies, definition of strategies for improvement, definition of an assistance timeline, definition of expected outcomes, definition of possible consequences for failure to remediate, completion of assistance activities, and documentation. Subsection (F)(2)f of Article 18 of the CBA provides as follows: The following five (5) techniques are used to gather data on employee performance. Assessors use multiple techniques to understand actual performance and develop performance ratings. Informal classroom observations: Informal observations are made periodically by the principal or designee. A follow-up conference is not required subsequent to an informal classroom observation if performance is deemed satisfactory. Formal classroom observations: Formal observations are primarily initiated by the principal or designee. Employees may, however, request a formal observation. These are not less than 30 minutes in duration and are conducted by the principal, director or his/her designee. The 30 minute time period may be shortened by mutual agreement between the principal and the affected employee. All observations of employees for the purpose of assessment shall be conducted with the full knowledge of the employee. A conference is conducted after each formal observation. The FPMS [Florida Performance Measurement System] or other educationally sound observation instruments which may be used for formal observation.[sic] Observations in non-classroom situations: Principals use opportunities outside the classroom to observe the performance of employees. A follow-up conference is not required subsequent to this type of observation if performance is deemed satisfactory. Review of records and data: Principals review a variety of work samples prepared by the employee. These may include lesson plans, reports, grade card comments, discipline referral documents, etc. In addition, specific records or plans may be requested for review. A follow-up conference is not required if performance is deemed satisfactory. Review of performance portfolio: The principal or designee and the employee may mutually decide that a performance portfolio is needed to provide additional information for the completion of the assessment ratings. The design of a portfolio is determined by the principal and employee. A follow-up conference is not required if performance is deemed satisfactory. A teacher placed on a PDP is given 90 calendar days, excluding school holidays and vacations, to correct the identified performance deficiencies. If, at the end of the 90- day probation period, the performance of the employee remains at an unsatisfactory level for one or more of the assessment criteria, a rating of U (for unsatisfactory) is given. At that juncture, the administrator can extend the PDP period, or he/she can refer the matter to the Office of Professional Standards for further proceedings. Mr. Luciani was the principal and Mr. Muniz was an assistant principal at Ashe Middle School during the 2006-07 school year. On December 11, 2006, Mr. Muniz wrote a memo to Respondent. The memo is quoted verbatim because it targeted problems that continued throughout Respondent's tenure at Ashe Middle School. The memo is as follows: This correspondence is to document the last few week's [sic] events when it was determined that your job performance has been less than satisfactory in the following areas: Behavior Management-managing student behavior Records Management-management of data Communications Instructional Planning On December 7, while doing a classroom visit that lasted 31 minutes I noticed a lack of classroom management. It took almost seven minutes to get the class under control to start your lesson. While there were only 11 students in your room, yet, only five students were on task. You continued to do your lesson despite the disruptions. I am not sure if you were aware or just ignored the disruptions. In the last few weeks you have banished, kicked out, or attempted to kick out students everyday for almost twelve consecutive days. In the past Mr. Hart, Assistant Principal, and I have mentioned that the students should be accompanied by an escort or if you have a receiving teacher you should wait at the door until the child is situated. In at least five occasions your students have been caught wandering the halls because you have kicked them out. There have been many times while on hall duty that I noticed you kicking students out and the class has not yet started. This is unacceptable. You are responsible for the students in your class. When they are unescorted the possibility of injury exist [sic] due to your negligence. The students have not sat down and you attempt to remove them from class. This is also unacceptable. Prior to our recent data conference it was 12:15 in the afternoon and you requested to find out what data you needed at the conference. I directed you to Ms. J. Shakir[,] reading coach[,] who assisted you in securing minimal data for the conference. Please note that there had been four data presentations regarding preparation for the data conferences conducted by Mr. Fleisher and Ms. Lumpkin form c-net. Ms. Shakir and Ms. Pickney also conducted data disaggregation workshops in the previous weeks. While at the conference itself you appeared to know very little with regard to your student data. You were not familiar with your BMA results or the progress your individual students or classes had made. There was no attempt made at providing categorical breakdowns of students which needed prescriptive strategies to address their needs. The confrontational manner with which you speak to children is a direct factor in the lack of classroom management. Your lack of communication skills has led to referrals on many students which have led to major consequences for students after the referrals led to escalated verbal confrontations. During various grade level meetings, I have requested that all teachers provide me with emergency lesson plans every two weeks. To date I have not received any of these plans. Our expectations for each of the above listed concerns are: First and foremost, resolve the discipline problems in compliance with the policies of the school, rules of the District School Board and [sic] the State Board and Florida Statutes. Next, maintain consistency in all application of policy and practice by: Establishing routines and procedures for the use of materials and the physical movement of students. Formulating appropriate standards for student behavior. Identifying inappropriate behavior and employing appropriate techniques for correction. You must prepare for your students all day every day. Lesson plans must be meaningful and relevant to your content area. Studies show that students who are authentically engaged are less prone to deviant [sic] behavior. You must maintain complete order in your classroom. The Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession in the State of Florida requires that the educator make reasonable efforts to protect the students from conditions harmful to learning, and/or to the students' mental, and/or physical health and/or safety. In the next few weeks you will be provided with assistance from behavior specialists, reading/curriculum coach and c-net personnel to assist you in meeting expectations. In February 2007 Respondent was placed on a PDP. Mr. Muniz monitored Respondent's progress and opined that she had not successfully completed the PDP. Mr. Luciani disagreed and instructed Mr. Muniz to give Respondent a satisfactory evaluation, which he did.2 Mr. Luciani was the principal and Mr. Hart was an assistant principal at Ashe Middle School during the 2007-08 and 2008-09 school years. Mr. Hart received a written complaint from a student that on October 1, 2008, Respondent told the student that the student's mother was unfit and did not know how to raise the student. In response to that complaint, on October 3, 2008, Mr. Hart issued Respondent a letter addressing the inappropriate manner in which she had addressed students, which included the following: On numerous occasions you have been counseled regarding your inappropriate comments/behavior towards students. This behavior includes embarrassing, disparaging, and/or awkward comments and/or actions. It has recently been brought to my attention that, once again, you have exhibited this behavior. * * * I am directing you to cease and desist all actions/comments of this nature immediately. You are to speak to students in a respectful, professional manner at all times. Mr. Hart, Respondent, and the student's parent met to discuss the alleged statements made by Respondent to the student. During that conference, Respondent became angry and left the meeting. Later, Mr. Hart met with Respondent to give her a copy of his letter dated October 3. Respondent took the letter and walked out of the meeting without signing the acknowledgment that she had received the letter. Respondent slammed the door as she left Mr. Hart's office. Mr. Hart received numerous complaints from parents and, as a result, transferred several students from Respondent's class to another class. On February 5, 2009, Mr. Hart observed Respondent arguing with a student in her classroom. He admonished her in writing to not be confrontational with students. Respondent's conduct on February 5, 2009, was inconsistent with Mr. Hart's admonishment to her on October 3, 2008. In an undated memorandum subsequent to January 20, 2009, Mr. Hart set forth the following issues that continued to be of concern despite his previous discussions with Respondent: Parent phone calls from her classroom Completing assignments Checking emails Inputting grades into Pinnacle (a computer database) Being prepared for instruction On February 18, 2009, Mr. Hart issued a written reprimand to Respondent for her failure to input student grades into Pinnacle. Respondent was placed on a PDP on February 13, 2009. Noted under the categories "Lesson Management" and "Lesson Presentation" were the failures to meet the following criteria: Orients students to classwork, specifies purposes of activities and relationship to the objectives; Prepares the classroom materials and equipment for the presentation of the lesson; Selects and uses appropriate instructional techniques including available materials and technology which support learning of the specific types of knowledge or skills; and Asks questions which are clear and require students to reflect before responding. During the PDP period that began February 13, 2009, Respondent was offered appropriate services designed to remediate her deficient performance areas. On May 28, 2009, Mr. Hart completed an IPAS evaluation that rated Respondent unsatisfactory overall and as to the following five categories: "Lesson Management", "Lesson Presentation", "Student Performance Evaluation", "Classroom Management", and "Behavior Management." Mr. Hart rated Respondent satisfactory as to the remaining five categories. Mr. Hart placed Respondent on a second PDP that extended into the 2009-10 school year. At the end of the 2008-09 school year, Mr. Luciani retired. Before the start of the 2009-10 school year, Ms. Peebles became principal of Ashe Middle School. Respondent failed to enter grades and other data for students during the first marking period of the 2009-10 school year. That failure hindered the assessment of each student's needs and made it more difficult to monitor each student's progress. On November 19, 2009, Ms. Peebles conducted an IPAS evaluation for Respondent as to the PDP Mr. Hart had placed her on at the end of the 2008-09 school year. Ms. Peebles found Respondent to be deficient in the same five categories as Mr. Hart's evaluation, and she rated Respondent's overall performance as unsatisfactory. During the PDP period that began May 28, 2009, Respondent was offered appropriate services designed to remediate her deficient performance areas. After her evaluation of November 19, 2009, Ms. Peebles had the options of referring Respondent to the Office of Professional Standards for further proceedings or placing Respondent on another PDP. Ms. Peebles elected to place Respondent on another PDP (the last PDP) because Ms. Peebles was new to the school and she wanted to give Respondent another chance to prove herself. At the conclusion of the last PDP, Ms. Peebles conducted an IPAS evaluation, which was dated April 19, 2010. Respondent remained unsatisfactory in the same five categories as the previous evaluations by Ms. Peebles and Mr. Hart, and her overall evaluation remained unsatisfactory. Throughout her employment at Ashe Middle School, Respondent exhibited a pattern of being absent on Fridays and Mondays. Respondent failed to correct that deficiency after having been counseled by administrators. During the 2009-10 school year, Respondent repeatedly failed to timely provide or leave appropriate lessons after having been counseled by administrators to do so. Respondent was instructed to give her lesson plans to Ms. Brown, the Reading Coach and Reading Department Chairperson, during that school year. Respondent never provided Ms. Brown a complete set of lesson plans the entire year. During the 2009-10 school year, Respondent repeatedly failed to demonstrate that she could control her classroom. She made multiple calls to security on nearly a daily basis and she continued to kick students out of class, which left them in the hallways, unsupervised. The Benchmark Assessment Test (BAT) is a county created test that is administered twice a year in September and again in November. The test is designed to measure the progress, if any, the student has made between the testing dates. The test is also used as a predictor for the Florida Comprehensive Achievement Test (FCAT). The vast majority of Respondent's student's test scores depict either no growth or a regression in all classes. A Mini-BAT is an assessment tool used to develop and provide effective lesson plans as well as student growth. The teacher is responsible for administering the assessment tool to her students and thereafter inputting the results in the computer database. During the 2009-10 school year, approximately half of Respondent's students either were not tested or had no score inputted after being tested. The DAR Assessment is a two-part standardized test designed to measure a student's ability at word recognition and all reading frequency. The test is administered twice a year, once in September and again in January. Ms. Brown administered the tests at Ashe Middle School during the 2009-10 school year. Ms. Brown scored the tests and gave the score results to Respondent, who was required to input the scores in the computer database. The Florida Department of Education (DOE) requires that 90 percent of the students complete the tests, which gives a 10 percent leeway for students who are absent on test days. Students are placed in reading classes based on their test result. The tests also measure each student's progress, or lack thereof, between the test dates. Forty-five percent of Respondent's students had no scores. Nineteen percent of those with scores had no gain. Mock FCATs are periodically administered to students following Mini-BATs. The Mock FCATs administered to Respondent's students during the 2009-10 school year were created by Ms. Brown. Ms. Brown utilized previous iterations of the FCAT that had been released by DOE in an effort to simulate the actual FCAT process in terms of difficulty and complexity. The tests are graded by computer and the scores are given to the teacher to input into the computer database. The results of the Mock FCATs are used to develop instructional plans for students. Sixty-three of Respondent's 111 students (or 57 percent) had no score inputted in the computer database. Nine students who did receive a score made no progress between the dates of the two tests. School Board entered into a contract with a consulting firm named Evans Newton, Inc. (ENI) to assist schools in need of improvement. In 2009-10 school year, ENI provided an assessment test that teachers were to use to monitor students' progress. Respondent administered the assessment test to her class, gave the results to Ms. Brown to score, and recorded the scores in the computer database after receiving the scored results from Ms. Brown. More than 40 percent of Respondent's students had no score recorded for the assessment test. Ms. Brown testified, credibly, that she returned all scored results to Respondent. The lack of a score for over 40 percent of her class can only be explained by Respondent's failure to do her job. Respondent either did not administer the test to those students, she did not give the test results to Ms. Brown to score, or she did not input the scores in the computer database after receiving the results from Ms. Brown. The FCAT Reading Learning Gain is the document through which DOE reports test score results to school districts. During the 2009-10 school year, DOE required a 60 percent learning gain. Respondent's students did not achieve that goal during that school year. For three of the four years she taught at Ashe Middle School, Respondent's classes failed to achieve their FCAT goals. The administrators at Ashe Middle School followed all applicable procedures in formulating and implementing the PDPs and IPASs at issue in this proceeding. After her IPAS evaluation of April 19, 2010, Ms. Peebles referred Respondent's case to the Office of Professional Standards, which resulted in the termination proceedings at issue.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the School Board of Broward County enter a final order adopting the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law contained in this Recommended Order. It is further RECOMMENDED that the final order terminate Respondent's employment. DONE AND ENTERED this May 23, 2011, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S CLAUDE B. ARRINGTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 23rd day of May, 2011.

Florida Laws (7) 1001.321001.421008.221012.331012.34120.569120.57
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