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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 79-002489 Latest Update: May 15, 1980

The Issue Whether a septic tank construction permit should be issued by the Respondent, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, for use by the Respondent, Alex Rutkowski, owner of Lot number 6, Block E, Carlton Terrace Subdivision First Addition, in Clearwater, Florida. Whether the filling in of Lot number 6 and the construction of a septic tank will damage the residence of the Petitioner, Elinor Burger, on Lot number 5.

Findings Of Fact The Respondent, Alex Rutkowski, and his wife own Lot number 6, Block E, Carlton Terrace Subdivision, First Addition, in Clearwater, Florida in which the sixteen (16) lots are approximately 70 feet wide and 105 to 150 feet deep. The soil in the area is Mayakka Fine Sand, a poorly drained soil which has a water table normally at a depth of ten (10) to thirty (30) inches below ground surface, but which rises to the surface for a short time during wet periods. After respondent Rutkowski's initial application for a permit to install a septic tank on Lot number 6 had been denied, he employed an engineer and filed a plan for proposed site modification. The plan was received by the Respondent, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, and Rutkowski was notified on December 6, 1979, that the plan to remove the existing land fill, replace it with Astatula Fine Sand and raise the building pad appeared to be acceptable for the issuance of a septic tank construction permit, but that no further action on the application for the permit could be taken until after an administrative ruling on a protest by a neighboring property owner (Respondent' Exhibits 1, 4 and 5). The Pinellas County Engineering Department had approved the drainage for the area on October 9, 1979 (Respondent's Exhibit 2). The Petitioner, Elinor Burger, has lived on Lot number 5, which adjoins Lot number 6, since 1957. When there is a heavy rain of three (3) to four (4) inches, her septic tank fails to operate, and water stands in her back yard. She has seen and smelled polluted water standing in the street in front of her home. Water also stands on a second lot she owns adjoining her residence after a heavy rain preventing the mowing of the lot for long periods of time. Ms. Burger has unsuccessfully sought to connect to a sewer system by petitions for sewer connection on at least- three (3) occasions and has laid additional drainage lines to help solve her problem. In the spring, summer and fall of 1979, she had severe water problems. Ms. Burger believes the elevation of Lot number 6 would cause further water damage to her property, and that a septic tank on Lot number 6 would add more sewage problems to the area A witness for Petitioner, Alan Flandreau, who lives with his wife and three (3) children on lot number 13 adjoining Lot number 5 in the subdivision, has a septic tank that fills up in rainy weather and runs into the street, resulting in a stench and green slime. Flandreau has had his septic tank pumped out a number of times since 1968, when he bought his home. His lot is low, and water drains onto his property from other lots. A witness for Petitioner, Burl Crowe, owns Lot number 11 and lives on Lot number 12. Lot number 11 adjoins Lot number 6, and Lot number 12 borders on the property of Petitioner Burger. Crowe has lived on Lot number 12 for fourteen (14) years and on many occasions had water entering his garage and standing in his yard when it rains. He has seen Lot number 6 under water and water standing on the street in front of his house, A witness for the Respondents was Gerald Goulish, the professional engineer who prepared the site modification plan (Respondent's Exhibits 4 and 8). Goulish has studied the site together with Rule 10D-6 of the Florida Administrative Code (infra) and believes the plan to fill the location of the septic tank site will cause the soil to percolate and evaporate and the proposed elevation of Lot number 6 two (2) feet will cause the water to drain toward the street and not onto adjoining property. He suggested that the adjoining and adjacent property owners cooperate and construct common swales to eliminate the surface water problems. A second witness for the Respondents was Burt Fraser, a sanitary supervisor for the Pinellas County Health Department, who denied the first application for installation of a septic tank on Lot number 6 but notified Respondent Rutkowski that the lot could be modified. Thereafter, he wrote Rutkowski that a modification plan had been received which meets the minimum requirements of the Florida Administrative Code. Fraser stated that he will issue a permit for construction of a septic tank upon completion of the administrative hearing procedure unless directed not to issue such a permit. Fraser agreed that the conditions as described by Petitioner Burger and her witnesses are accurate, and that the subdivision has problems which will not be solved until sanitary sewers are installed, but he believes that he has no alternative except to issue a permit if an applicant meets the requirements of Rule 10D-6.25 Florida Administrative Code. He knows of no requirement to make a study of adjacent and adjoining properties, and Respondent Department has not made a study. There are seven (7) houses in the sixteen (16) lot subdivision. The area is low and subject to flooding because of soil texture. There is an undisputed drainage problem in the area which causes a septic tank problem to the residents. The addition of more houses and septic tanks will increase the already serious drainage conditions which are public health nuisances. The Respondent, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, submitted proposed findings of fact, memorandum of law and a proposed recommended order. These instruments were considered in the writing of this order. To the extent the proposed findings of fact have not been adopted in or are inconsistent with factual findings in this order, they have been specifically rejected as being irrelevant or not having been supported by the evidence.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings and Conclusions of Law, the Hearing Officer recommends that Respondent Rutkowski's application for a permit for the construction of a septic tank on Lot number 6 be denied without prejudice to the Respondent to reapply if there should be a change in circumstances. DONE and ORDERED this 10th day of April 1980, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DELPHENE C. STRICKLAND Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 101, Collins Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED Barbara Dell McPherson, Esquire Department of HRS Post Office Box 5046 Clearwater, Florida 33518 William W. Gilkey, Esquire Richards Building 1253 Park Street Clearwater, Florida 33516 Mr. Alex Rutkowski 30 North Evergreen Clearwater, Florida

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:O Brien, Florida Feb. 27, 1997 Number: 97-000898 Latest Update: Jan. 02, 1998

The Issue The issues are (1) whether Respondent violated Chapters 381, 386, and 489, Florida Statutes; and if so, (2) whether Respondent is subject to an administrative fine; and if so, (3) what penalty should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact At all times material to this proceeding, Petitioner was registered with Respondent as a septic tank contractor, under the authorized name of LA Ford Septic Tank. As of March 1, 1995, single compartment septic tanks must be used in series or in conjunction with a outlet filter which has been approved by Respondent. An outlet filter is designed to prevent solid wastes from reaching the drainfield of a septic system. Removal of an outlet filter will cause the premature failure of a drainfield system and create a potential sanitary nuisance. In September of 1996, Rita Haynes contracted with Petitioner for the installation of a septic system for her mobile home. The system received construction approval from the Suwannee County Health Department on September 5, 1996. At that time, the outlet filter was attached to the system. On September 12, 1996, the Suwannee County Health Department re- inspected the system. The inspector discovered that the filter was missing. Ms. Haynes did not remove the filter or authorize anyone else to do so. Removal of the outlet filter constituted theft of Ms. Haynes' property. Allegations concerning the removal of the outlet filter on Ms. Haynes' property are included in the Administrative Complaint at issue here. In September of 1996, Tracy Fernandez contracted with Petitioner to install a septic system for her mobile home. The system received construction approval from the Suwannee County Health Department on September 4, 1996. At that time, the outlet filter was present. The filter was missing when the Suwannee County Health Department re-inspected the system on September 10, 1996. Ms. Fernandez did not remove the filter or authorize anyone else to do so. Removal of the outlet filter constituted theft of Ms. Fernandez's property. Allegations concerning the removal of the outlet filter on the property of Ms. Fernandez are included in the Administrative Complaint at issue here. In July of 1996, Laura Landen contracted with Ford to install a septic system for her mobile home. Petitioner told Ms. Landen that he would save her some money by removing the outlet filter after the initial inspection. The system received construction approval from the Suwannee County Health Department on July 24, 1996. At that time, the outlet filter was attached to the septic tank. The filter was missing when the Suwannee County Health Department re-inspected the system on September 11, 1996. Ms. Landen did not remove the filter or authorize anyone else to do so. Removal of the outlet filter constituted theft of Ms. Landen's property. Allegations concerning the removal of the outlet filter on Ms. Landen's property are included in the Administrative Complaint at issue here. In October of 1996, John and Mary Phillips contracted with Petitioner to install a septic system for their home. The system received construction approval from the Columbia County Health Department on October 23, 1996. At that time, the outlet tee filter was present. Subsequently, the Phillips' daughter saw Petitioner take something out of the septic tank. The filter was missing when the Columbia County Health Department re-inspected the system on October 25, 1996. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips did not remove the filter or authorize anyone else to do so. Removal of the outlet filter constituted theft of the Phillips' property. Allegations concerning the removal of the outlet filter on the Phillips' property are included in the Administrative Complaint at issue here. In April of 1996, Marshall and Karen Merriman contracted with Petitioner to install a septic tank system on their property. The outlet filter was attached to the septic tank at the time of an initial inspection by the Suwannee County Health Department on April 22, 1996. Subsequently, Mr. Merriman saw Petitioner drive up and remove the outlet filter from the septic tank. Petitioner's removal of the outlet filter constituted theft of the Merrimans' property. A re-inspection by the Suwannee County Health Department on April 23, 1996, revealed that the outlet filter was missing. The inspector also discovered that Petitioner had not placed enough rock in the Merrimans' drainfield. Accordingly, the system did not pass final inspection. Mr. Merriman stopped payment on his check made payable to Petitioner in the amount of $909.50. Another septic tank contractor was hired to properly install the septic system on the Merrimans' property. Mr. Merriman's complaint to the Suwannee County Health Department resulted in a citation for a $1,500 fine against Petitioner for violating the following rules: (1) Rule 10D-6.0751(1)(k), Florida Administrative Code, practicing fraud or deceit; (2) Rule 10D-6.0751(1)(l)2, Florida Administrative Code, misconduct causing harm to customer; and (3) Rule 10D-6.055(3)(a), Florida Administrative Code, removal of outlet filter. Petitioner acknowledged receipt of the citation on September 24, 1996. That same day he requested an informal administrative hearing to contest the citation. The Suwannee County Health Department referred Petitioner's request for an informal hearing concerning the above-referenced citation to Respondent on September 27, 1996. Respondent then requested its District 3 Administrator to conduct the necessary proceedings and submit a Recommended Order to Respondent. The record does not reveal the disposition of Petitioner's request for an informal hearing regarding the citation. The Administrative Complaint at issue here does not contain any allegations relative to Mr. Merriman's complaint. However, since Petitioner did not dispute the material allegations contained in the citation, they may be considered as true in aggravation of any penalty imposed in the instant proceeding. In addition to the missing filters referenced above, the Columbia County Health Department found filters missing from Petitioner's installations on property owned by Richard Johnson and David Timmerman in September of 1996. The filters had been present during prior inspections of Petitioner's installations on the Johnson and Timmerman properties. The removal of the outlet filters from the Johnson and Timmerman properties constituted theft of their property. The Administrative Complaint at issue here contains allegations concerning Petitioner's removal of these outlet filters. The Suwannee County Health Department and the Columbia County Health Department had many citizen complaints about Petitioner's work. They performed a random check of all recent septic tank installations in their respective counties. They re- inspected the septic tank installations of other registered septic tank contractors as well as Petitioner's installations. They found missing outlet filters only in Petitioner's installations. The two health departments began spray painting a spot on filters during initial inspections to stop anyone from using the filters at multiple installations and inspections. Petitioner habitually, and as a routine business practice, removed the outlet filter from the septic tanks he installed after the initial inspection but before he covered the tank with dirt. He was responsible for stealing the required outlet filters on the property of Rita Haynes, Tracy Fernandez, Laura Landen, John and Mary Phillips, David Timmerman, and Richard Johnson. In each of these instances, Petitioner acted fraudulently and deceitfully. His gross misconduct created a potential sanitary nuisance and caused his customers monetary harm. An outlet tee filter costs approximately $50. Petitioner was able to underbid his competitors by removing the filter from an inspected system and using the same filter on another installation. From time to time, septic tanks need to be pumped out to prevent the flow of sludge and solids from the tank into the drainfield. Sludge and solids will clog the drainfield causing the system to fail. A failed system is expensive to repair or replace. A failed system also creates a public health hazard. When a septic tank is pumped out, all of the sludge should be removed. After the tank is empty, it should be washed down with a hose and inspected for cracks. If the tank is in good condition, a septic tank contractor is supposed to sign an inspection slip. In September of 1996, Allen Donaway contracted with Petitioner to pump out his septic tank and install a new drainfield. Petitioner's employees arrived at Mr. Donaway's residence on or about September 18, 1996, to pump out the tank. They claimed they had completed the job even though they left 12 or more inches of sludge at the bottom of the tank. Despite Mr. Dunaway's demands, Petitioner's employees refused to pump any more septage from the tank. When Mr. Donaway contacted Petitioner to complain that his employees had only partially pumped the tank, Petitioner demanded immediate payment. Mr. Donaway gave Petitioner a check for $135 which Petitioner cashed immediately. Mr. Donaway had to pay another registered septic tank contractor to pump the rest of the sludge from the tank and to install the new drainfield. Allegations concerning Petitioner's failure to completely pump out the sludge from Mr. Donaway's septic tank are contained in the Administrative Complaint at issue here. In a Letter of Warning dated July 15, 1996, the Columbia County Health Department informed Petitioner that Debbie Gregory had filed a complaint against him for an unsatisfactory septic pump-out. This letter requested a response to an allegation that Petitioner, without good cause, had abandoned a project which he was under a contractual obligation to perform in violation of Rule 10D-6.0751(1)(g), Florida Administrative Code. Petitioner was advised that he could avoid the imposition of a $500 fine or a disciplinary action against his contractor's license by correcting the problem within five working days. As of August 6, 1996, Petitioner had not responded to the health department's inquiry. He made no attempt to correct the problem by completely removing the solids and greases from Ms. Gregory's septic tank. Petitioner was advised by letter that Respondent intended to initiate enforcement procedures. Allegations concerning the unsatisfactory septic pump-out on Debbie Gregory's property were included in the Administrative Complaint at issue here. Petitioner's failure to completely pump out all of the sludge from the septic tanks of Allan Donaway and Debbie Gregory created a potential health hazard. Additionally, his gross misconduct caused these customers monetary harm. They had to pay another septic tank contractor to complete Petitioner's work so that they could avoid the expense of prematurely replacing their drainfields. In August of 1996, Petitioner installed an onsite sewage treatment and disposal system on the property of Johnny Howard, Jr. The Suwannee County Health Department subsequently determined that Petitioner had installed the septic system on the wrong side of the Howard residence with the drainfield extending across the property line of the adjoining property. The inspector also discovered that the septic tank was installed next to a dryer vent opening in the Howard residence. When Petitioner refused to correct the problems at the Howard residence, the county health unit paid another septic tank contractor to correct the septic system. Respondent then filed an Administrative Complaint seeking revocation of Petitioner's septic tank contractor's registration and imposition of an administrative fine. On July 22, 1997, Respondent entered a Final Order in Department of Health Case Number 97-154 which revoked Petitioner's septic system contractor's registration and imposed a fine in the amount of $1000 due to the improper installation of the septic system at the Howard residence. This Final Order approved and adopted a Recommended Order in DOAH Case Number 96-5543, finding that Respondent was guilty of violating Rule 10D-6.0751(1)(b)2, Florida Administrative Code, for completing contracted work at the Howard residence without a permit and Rule 10D-6.0751(1)(l)2, Florida Administrative Code, gross misconduct causing monetary harm. Allegations concerning Petitioner's improper installation of the septic system on Mr. Howard's property were not contained in the instant Administrative Complaint. However, they may be considered in aggravation of any administrative fine imposed in the instant case. In the course of investigating citizen complaints against Petitioner, Respondent learned that Petitioner was advertising his business using the name of Ford Septic Tank and/or Ford Septic Tank Service(s) on his trucks and in the Yellow Pages. Petitioner's authorized business name is LA Ford Septic Tank. Respondent sent Petitioner a Letter of Warning dated August 27, 1996, advising him that advertising his services in a form other than his authorized business name violated part III of Chapter 489, Florida Statutes, and Rule 10D-6.0751(1)(a), Florida Administrative Code. The letter informed Petitioner that continued violations could result in an administrative fine of $500 per day. The letter stated that the violations might be cited in a future complaint based on repeat violations. Petitioner did not exercise his option to request an administrative hearing to contest the allegations contained in the Letter of Warning. On November 20, 1996, employees of the Suwannee County Health Department took photographs of Petitioner's business sign using an unauthorized name on a county road in Suwannee County. On November 22, the same employees took photographs of Petitioner's trucks bearing an unauthorized name. Petitioner's persistence in using an unauthorized business name was especially egregious because other septic tank contractors with the last name of Ford, who were not affiliated with Petitioner, worked in the same commercial and residential areas. For example, Mr. Merriman contracted with Wilbur Ford to correct the septic system that Petitioner improperly installed. North Florida Septic Tank was owned by Robert and Donna Ford. Their Yellow Page advertisement specifically disclaimed any affiliation with Petitioner. The instant Administrative Complaint contains allegations concerning Petitioner's use of an unauthorized name to advertise his business. Petitioner filed an application to become a registered septic tank contractor on August 6, 1991. Petitioner was convicted of grand theft and stopping payment on a check with intent to defraud on October 28, 1991, in the circuit court of Hernando County, Florida. Petitioner was convicted of these two felonies before he took the septic tank contractor's examination in November of 1991. Petitioner did not inform Respondent about the two convictions. Petitioner obtained his septic tank registration through fraud or misrepresentation by failing to disclose his felony convictions. The instant Administrative Complaint contains allegations concerning Petitioner's failure to disclose the two felony convictions. Respondent's efforts to persuade Petitioner to correct his improper installations and/or unsatisfactory pump-outs were not successful. He made no attempt to replace the filters he removed. He did not heed Respondent's warnings regarding his use of an unauthorized business name. He has failed to make any effort to rehabilitate himself or to mitigate the effects of his behavior despite the following: (1) the severity of his offenses; (2) the danger to the public that he created; (3) the number of times that he repeated the offenses; (4) the number of complaints filed against him; and (5) the monetary harm he caused his customers.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that Respondent enter a Final Order imposing an administrative fine in the amount of $7,000 against Petitioner. DONE AND ENTERED this 5th day of September, 1997, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. SUZANNE F. HOOD Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (904) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 5th day of September, 1997. COPIES FURNISHED: Thomas D. Koch, Esquire Department of Health Building 6, Room 133 1317 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Larry A. Ford 25295 CR 137 O'Brien, Florida 32071 Angela T. Hall, Agency Clerk Department of Health Building 6 1317 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Pete Peterson, Esquire Department of Health Building 6, Room 102-E Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 James Howell, Secretary Department of Health Building 6, Room 306 1317 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700

Florida Laws (10) 120.57381.0011381.0012381.0061381.0065381.0066381.0072386.03386.041489.553 Florida Administrative Code (1) 64E-6.022
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-004085 Latest Update: Jul. 28, 1988

The Issue Whether Petitioner's application for a septic tank permit application should be granted?

Findings Of Fact On July 29, 1987, Petitioner applied for a septic tank permit for a proposed individual sewage disposal system to serve a single family residence on Lot 40, Block P, Killearn Lakes Unit I (Unit 1), in Leon County, Florida. A septic tank system consists of a tank and a drainfield which is wholly or partly underground. The decision of whether to grant a septic tank system permit is greatly influenced by the elevation of the wet season water table in the area where the septic tank system will be located. Under normal circumstances, the elevation of the wet season water table can be determined by taking a boring of the ground in question using an auger. If water is found at the time the boring is conducted, that is an indication of where the water table is located. If no water is found, the elevation of the wet season water table can be determined by examining the soil removed from the ground for signs of mottling. Mottling is the discoloration of the soil caused by the interaction of water with the minerals in the soil. The process of mottling takes place over hundreds of years. Therefore, a rapid change in conditions may cause the elevation of the wet season water table to be different than what would be indicated by mottling. Because of the development of Unit I and the drainage method used in Unit I (sheetflow), the elevation of the wet season water table in Unit I is estimated to be between 12 and 20 inches higher than what is indicated by mottling. On July 7, 1987, a boring was taken on an indeterminate area on Lot 40, by Certified Testing, Inc., a private engineering firm. The evaluation of the boring resulted in mottling being present at a depth of 60 inches. On August 3, 1987, Ms. Teresa A. Hegg, an Environmental Health Specialist with HRS, took two borings on Lot 40. The first boring was taken in an area other than where the septic tank system's drainfield would be located. This boring resulted in mottling being present at a depth of 45 inches. The second boring was taken in the area where the septic tank system's drainfield would be located. This boring resulted in mottling being present at a depth of 22 inches. Based on the boring taken at the proposed site for the septic tank system, showing mottling at 22 inches, and the estimate that the wet season water table in Unit I is from 12 to 20 inches higher than mottling would indicate, the estimated wet season water table for Lot 40 is between 2 to 10 inches below the ground surface. Unit I has a history of septic tank system failures. Unit I was platted prior to January 1, 1972. There exists a very high probability that any septic tank system, even a mound system, installed in Lot P-40 will fail.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Respondent issue a final order denying Petitioner's application for a septic tank permit. DONE and ENTERED this 28th day of July, 1988, in Tallahassee, Florida. JOSE A. DIEZ-ARGUELLES Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 28th day of July, 1988. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 87-4085 The Respondent has submitted proposed findings of fact which are addressed below. Paragraph numbers in the Recommended Order are referred to as "RO ." The Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact Proposed Finding Paragraph Number in Recommended Order of Fact Number of Acceptance or Reason for Rejection First phrase accepted. Remainder of paragraph supported by competent evidence but unnecessary to the decision reached. First two sentences accepted. Third sentence supported by competent evidence but unnecessary to the decision reached. Accepted. Accepted. 5,6,7,8,9,10 Supported by competent evidence but unnecessary to the decision reached. Accepted. Accepted. 13,14 Supported by competent evidence but unnecessary to the decision reached. 15. First sentence accepted. Second sentence rejected; the wet season water table on Lot P-40 is from 2-10 inches below grade. Third sentence accepted. COPIES FURNISHED: Salvatore A. Carpino, Jr., Esquire One Urban Centre, Suite 750 4830 West Kennedy Boulevard Tampa, Florida 33609 John R. Perry, Esquire Assistant District II Legal Counsel Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 2639 North Monore Street Suite 200-A Tallahassee, Florida 32303 Sam Power, Clerk Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Gregory L. Coler, Secretary Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 John Miller, Acting General Counsel Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700

# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 84-002836 Latest Update: Nov. 01, 1991

Findings Of Fact Franklin T. and Barbara Snow acquired the NE corner of the S-1/2 of the SE-1/4 of Government Lot 3 in Section 14, Township 19 South, Range 16 East near Ozello in Citrus County. This property was acquired by Petitioner at a public sale by the U.S. Government who had acquired the property in a tax delinquency proceeding. Petitioner purchased the property to use as a homesite for a doublewide prefabricated home he desired to place on the property. Before a building permit will be issued by Citrus County, Petitioner is required to have access to water and to sewage disposal facilities. No central sewage treatment facility serves this area and other developed lots in the vicinity use septic tanks. Petitioner's application for a septic tank permit was denied by the Citrus County Health Department because there was an insufficient buffer zone between the proposed drain field and surface water. Section 381.272, Florida Statutes, provides onsite sewage disposal systems shall be placed no closer than 75 feet from surface waters. Because the lot owned .by Petitioner was platted prior to 1972, the minimum setback for this property is 50 feet from surface waters. Petitioner appealed to the Review Group for Individual Sewage Disposal, DHRS, for a waiver from this setback requirement. By letter dated March 9, 1984, Petitioner was advised that his request for variance was denied. Following discussions with Citrus County Health Department officials who issue septic tank permits, on May 11, 1984, Petitioner applied to DER for a dredge and fill permit to place some 750 cubic yards of fill into a wetland area on Petitioner's property to provide a sufficient buffer or setback zone for a proposed septic tank and drain field installation. The subject property is located at the northeast corner of a marsh approximately 1,200 feet from the open waters but within the landward extent of the St. Martins River. The marsh area consists principally of black rush and salt grass and is interlaced with small tidal creeks which flow into the two adjacent canals or into St. Martins River. Petitioner's property contains an upland parcel approximately 50 feet in width between existing canals which resulted from dredging these canals. The "upland" configuration was larger at one time than its present configuration, but was reduced to its present size through enforcement action by environmental agencies. The area which Petitioner seeks to fill had fill removed therefrom in these enforcement proceedings. The waters surrounding and including the project site are classified as Class III waters. Soil borings taken at the site shows the salt marsh underlain by 8 to 12 inches of sand, which overlays an organic mat of decaying anerobic black rush. Beneath this organic layer is limerock. Petitioner's application for a permit to fill this property was denied by Respondent because of the proposed septic tank installation. Respondent suggested chemical sewage disposal systems could be used at this site; however, the only witness qualifying as an expert in waste disposal facilities is familiar with other waste disposal systems and testified none of those systems can be used at this site. Before a building permit will be granted, household water supply is required and treatment of this water after use for bathing, washing, etc., will still be necessary and this treatment cannot be accomplished in a chemical system. Septic tank systems are regulated by DHRS and applications therefor are approved by DHRS specialists at the county health department level. The property here involved is within the 10-year flood plain and in order to obtain septic tank approval the site must be elevated above that plain. Here, that is 4.9 feet above sea level. The site is 3.5 feet above sea level. The bottom of the drain field is required to be 24 inches above the water table. If the fill permit is granted and approximately three feet of fill is placed over the 4,500 square feet, this will raise the property sufficiently so it will not be subject to tidal action and will provide a buffer zone sufficient to allow Citrus County to issue a septic tank permit. One objection raised by DER is that filling the area over existing vegetation will create another organic mat of decaying vegetation which will leach laterally into adjacent surface waters where it will contribute nutrients and exert an oxygen demand on the water column. Citrus County Health Department has authority to require the existing detritius be removed before new fill is applied and to require the perimeter of the fill area to be constructed with clayey soils to inhibit leachate escaping from the site. Removal of salt grass would precede removal of the decaying vegetation under the 8 to 12 inches of sand and leave nothing to add to the nutrient level of adjacent surface waters or impose an oxygen demand on the water column. The black rush and salt grass which presently dominate the proposed fill site perform a significant water quality function in trapping sediments, filtering runoff and assimilating nutrients. The presence of adjacent canals increases the value of this function. The proposed fill site also functions as a productive habitat for numerous aquatic species which comprise a portion of the estuarine food chain and ecosystem. More than a dozen aquatic organisms were turned up by a singe scoop of a dip net in an area nearly in the center of the proposed fill site. Leaving the site in its present condition creates a public benefit to the State. Adding fill to the area as requested will allow the site to comply with the regulations for septic tank installation. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will issue a federal dredge and fill permit to Petitioner if this application is granted. Therefore, the granting of this application for a dredge and fill permit will allow Petitioner to use the property he purchased for a home site. Respondent called one witness who qualified as an expert in the field of public health microbiology. This witness testified that studies have shown dead end canals and septic tank leachate to be significant contributors to high fecal coliform densities in adjacent waters. This witness opined that the statutory buffer zone is inadequate to prevent violations of Class III water standards in adjacent surface waters from such sources. Proposed finding No. 16, while not technically incorrect, is misleading. Bradley did represent that a buffer zone whose perimeter is composed of clay will keep leachate from escaping the site; that if a 50-foot setback could be maintained from surface waters, the county would grant the permit; and he believed the fill permit should be granted.

Florida Laws (1) 120.68
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida Nov. 29, 2005 Number: 05-004354 Latest Update: Jun. 29, 2006

The Issue The issue is whether Petitioner created a sanitary nuisance in violation of Florida Administrative Code Rule 64E- 6.022(1)(d)(l) and (q) and, if so, the proper penalty.

Findings Of Fact The Department of Health, Duval County Health Department (Department), is the agency charged with enforcing the statutory and regulatory provisions pertaining to septic tank installations and repairs in Florida, pursuant to Section 381.0065, Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code Chapter 64E-6. Mr. Smith is a qualified contractor employed by All Florida Septic Tank Service, Inc. (All Florida). The citation issued on April 15, 2004, identifies Mr. Smith's registration number as SR0011389 and All Florida's registration number as SA0000956. The citation describes the alleged violations as follows: On March 8, 2004, a repair application was submitted to the Duval County Health Department (DCHD) for 8817 & 8821 Bellrose Avenue, Jacksonville, FL 32244. All Florida Septic Tank Service, Inc. was indicated as the agent for the applicant/property owner, Ben Lewis. On April 8, 2004, Robert Hoag, qualifying contractor for Plumbing and Contracting by Hoag, disconnected the stub out line running from the house to the existing septic tank prior to installation of new septic tanks thus creating a sanitary nuisance. The existing septic tanks were abandoned at said property by All Florida Septic Tank Service, Inc.; DCHD was not notified of tank abandonment as required for inspection. Water supply was not turned off during he time of construction. On April 9, 2004, Colleen Bierbach, DCHD inspector, observed and photographed prima facie evidence of untreated human waste discharge onto ground surface at 8817 & 8821 Bellrose Avenue. Mr. Smith accepted the citation on April 15, 2004. On the same date, Mr. Smith wrote a letter to Scott Turner of the Department of Health, in response to the citation. His letter reads as follows: Mr Scott Turner, On April 8, 2004 All Florida Septic Tank Service Inc. started a job at 8817 and 8821 Bellrose Avenue in which new tanks and drainfields were required. In order for the new drainfield to be installed the existing tank had to be abandon [sic] prior to any work being done. The two existing referenced tanks were properly pumped out an abandoned on April 8, 2004. The new septic tanks were scheduled to be installed that same day. Due to mechanical problems with the crane truck, the tanks were unable to be set that day, causing the contracted plumber, Robert Hoag, to be unable to tie in the new sewer line. On the following day April 9, 2004 tanks (1500 gallon septic tank) and (750 gallon dosing tank) were installed with a different truck. At that time the contracted plumber was onsite to immediately tie in the sewer line. In the mean time the Duval County Health Department came to do the required inspection of the new system, at which time Colleen Bierback of the Health Department observed a small amount of sewage on the ground and photographed the site. Mr. Hoag immediately tied the sewer in at the same time, fixing the sanitary nuisance within one hour after inspection. According to Mr. Smith, sanitary problems existed at this work site for months. That is, raw sewage had been coming out of the old septic system for a long time. In Mr. Smith's words, "I was there to fix the sanitary nuisance, not create it." The owner of the property in question engaged Mr. Hoag, of Plumbing and Contracting by Hoag, to accomplish the plumbing portion of the operation. While Mr. Smith's letter stated that the new septic tanks were actually installed on April 9, 2004, Mr. Smith testified at hearing that he performed excavation services, installed a new drainfield and set the new septic tanks on April 8, 2004. The sand and new drainfield had to be put in first and the new tanks installed last. The plumber, Mr. Hoag, would be responsible to make the necessary pipe connection on the new tanks. However, Mr. Hoag did not make the necessary pipe connection and the occupants of the residences used the facilities between April 8, 2004, and April 9, 2004. Mr. Smith did not call anyone to inspect the old septic tank upon abandonment. According to Mr. Smith, it is common practice in the Jacksonville area to not call for an "abandonment" inspection when the contractor has a permit to install a new tank. The Department's inspector, Colleen Bierbach, acknowledged that All Florida called for an installation inspection of newly installed tanks on April 8, 2004. On the morning of April 9, 2004, after the new tanks had been installed, Ms. Bierbach went to 8817 and 8821 Bellrose Avenue. She observed raw sewage on the ground flowing toward the septic tanks. She took photographs of what she observed, but the copies of the photographs received in evidence are too blurry to show the extent of what she saw. Mr. Smith arrived at the work site just after Ms. Bierbach arrived on April 9, 2004. The description of the violation in the citation states that Mr. Hoag, the plumber, "disconnected the stub out line running from the house to the existing septic tank prior to the installation of the new septic tanks thus creating a sanitary nuisance." The evidence is insufficient to prove that Mr. Smith's actions, as opposed to the actions of Mr. Hoag, caused the unsanitary conditions.

Recommendation Based upon the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Health, Duval County Health Department, dismiss the citation issued to Mr. Smith on April 15, 2004. DONE AND ENTERED this 26th day of April, 2006, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S BARBARA J. STAROS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 26th day of April, 2006. COPIES FURNISHED: Catherine R. Berry, Esquire Department of Health 515 West Sixth Street Jacksonville, Florida 32206-4311 James L. Smith All Florida Septic Tank Service, Inc. 8300 W. Beaver Street Jacksonville, Florida 32220 R. S. Power, Agency Clerk Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 Timothy M. Cerio, General Counsel Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 Dr. M. Rony Francois, Secretary Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A00 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701

Florida Laws (6) 120.57381.0012381.0061381.0065386.03386.041
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Myers, Florida Mar. 11, 2005 Number: 05-000945 Latest Update: Aug. 23, 2005

The Issue Whether Respondent violated Section 381.0065 and Chapter 489, Part III, Florida Statutes (2004), and Florida Administrative Code Chapter 64E-6, by engaging in septic tank contracting without registration as alleged by Petitioner in the Administrative Complaint and Order to Crease Operations, dated January 26, 2005.

Findings Of Fact Based upon observation and the demeanor of the witnesses while testifying, documentary materials received in evidence, stipulation of the parties, and evidentiary rulings during the hearings, and the record compiled, the following relevant and material facts are determined: The Department of Health ("Department"), Lee County Health Department, is the state agency charged with enforcing the statutory provisions pertaining to the practice of septic tank contracting in Florida, pursuant to Chapter 489 Part II and Section 381.0065, Florida Statutes (2004). Violators of these laws are subject to penalty assessments of Section 381.0061, Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code Rule 64E-6.002. At all times relevant to these proceedings, Respondent, Keithon M. Patterson, has not been licensed as a plumber pursuant to Subsection 489.105(3)(m), Florida Statutes (2004). All times relevant to these proceedings, Respondent was doing business using the business name Full Spectrum Home Improvement, Inc. (Full Spectrum). The business is not nor has it ever been licensed under Subsection 489.105(3)(m), Florida Statutes (2004). All times relevant to these proceedings, the City of Cape Coral, Florida, has an ongoing utility expansion program extending city water services and city sewer services to properties within the limits of the city. All homeowners are required to connect or hookup to city water/sewer systems when such services become available in their respective location within the city. Each homeowner connection or hookup process to city- provided water and sewer, once completed, requires the homeowner to get the Department's abandonment permit to abandon their septic system after hookup to the city water/sewer system. Abandonment requires trenching from the street hookup to the water/sewer hookup. It requires disconnection from the home and the septic tank. It requires pumping or emptying of the septic tank followed by a crushing of the septic tank and filling in of soil. Vicki Adams lives in her home located at 3216 Southeast 1st Place, Cape Coral, Florida. When city services extended to her location, she was required to hookup to the city water/sewer system and have her septic tank system abandoned. To abandon a septic tank means to have a registered person, empty the septic tank, crush the septic tank, fill the septic tank space with clean fill, dig up the underground septic lines from the home to the septic tank, remove piping, and fill the trench with clean fill. For reasons of sanitation and safety, a Departmental permit is required for each property owner before they can abandon their private septic tank system. On or about November 22, 2004, Ms. Adams obtained her septic system abandonment permit from the Department. At some undetermined date but subsequent to November 22, 2004, Ms. Adams, for promise of monetary payment, hired Mr. Patterson to connect her home to the city sewer and to abandon her septic tank. When she was leaving for work, Ms. Adams observed Mr. Patterson doing trench work (i.e. digging, removing soil, hauling sod, etc.) and actually laying some pipe. Ms. Adams' son, Jeff, observed Mr. Patterson with a sledge hammer while in their front yard. Ms. Adams told Mr. Patterson where to park the trucks hauling the clean fill needed to fill the hole after the septic tank was crushed. Mr. Patterson rightly pointed out that neither Jeff nor Ms. Adams personally saw him crush the septic tank. However, when Ms. Adams returned home from work that afternoon she saw clean fill in the spot her crushed septic tank once occupied. Ace Septic Service, Inc. (Ace), a Department authorized septic tank contracting company, removed all residue from Ms. Adams' septic tank by pumping the tank contents into its truck. It invoiced Ms. Adams for pumping her tank. Carlos Casanova, manager of Ace at the time, gave undisputed testimony that his company only pumped out Ms. Adams' septic tank--they did not perform abandonment (i.e. crushing of the tank and filling the abandoned hole with fresh soil). Ms. Adams paid Mr. Patterson $790.00 for his work at her home, which included hooking-up her home to the city sewer line and abandoning her septic tank system. Mr. Patterson gave her a receipt indicating that she paid him in full, in cash, received by him, "K.M. Patterson's," on December 8, 2004, by his signature thereon. The receipt, however, is from "Full Spectrum Home Improvement," and under the "Description" states: "50' trench excavation, 50'4 DWV PVC pipe w/fitting, 6" X4" PVC DWV WVE, trench backfill and restoration (w/out sod)." It is abundantly clear from evidence of record that Ms. Adams' septic tank was abandoned, and, for the septic tank abandonment service rendered, Ms. Adams paid Mr. Patterson, who was not registered with the Department as required. Ace Septic Service, Inc. (Ace), a Department-authorized septic tank contracting company, did not abandon Ms. Adams' septic tank. On January 5, 2005, Department inspector, Ms. Pickerill (no first name in the record), went to the Adams' residence to inspect and confirm proper septic tank abandonment. Her inspection included probing the area where the tank had been located, confirming that the tank had been crushed and that clean fill was used to fill the hole. Satisfied by her inspection that Ms. Adams' septic tank had been properly abandoned, Ms. Pickerill signed the Department's abandonment permit for the Adams' property. Nicola Verna's home is located at 4117 Southwest 20th Avenue, Capt Coral, Florida. City sewer and water had been extended to his home, and he was required to hookup to the city water/sewer system and to abandon his septic system. Mr. Verna obtained the Department's septic system abandonment permit on May 7, 2004. At some undetermined time before September 27, 2004, Mr. Verna hired Mr. Patterson to connect his home to the city water/sewer system and to abandon his septic system. At his home site, Mr. Verna observed Mr. Patterson crush his septic tank with a sledgehammer and bring in a truckload of clean fill material that Mr. Patterson placed in the hole where he had crushed the septic tank. The arrangements to have Mr. Verna's septic tank pumped by Ace were made by Mr. Patterson, for which Mr. Verna paid Ace $165.00 for pumping only, evidenced by a September 27, 2004, invoice. As with Ms. Adams, Mr. Casanova gave undisputed testimony that his company only "pumped out the septic tank-- they did not perform septic tank abandonment," the issue in this cause. For services rendered (hooking-up home to city water, irrigation services, to city sewer, and abandoning the septic tank), Mr. Verna paid Mr. Patterson a total of $1,073.00. Mr. Patterson gave Mr. Verna two receipts. One August 16, 2004, receipt from Full Spectrum "for '120' trench for 120' water and irrigation lines, $619.00 paid in full ch# 1083 rec'd by K.M. Patterson." The second September 27, 2004 receipt "for '1 40' trenching sewer line" for a total of $454.00, with notation at the bottom, "deposit ch# 1086, Balance of $200.00 Rec'vd by K. Patterson ch# 1088." Mr. Verna is certain that the two receipts represented his payments to Mr. Patterson for a part of the work he performed in abandoning his sewer system, because Mr. Patterson is the only person who performed those services for him. As with Ms. Adams, Ms. Pickerill went to Mr. Verna's home on December 27, 2004, to conduct her inspection and to confirm Mr. Verna's septic system was abandoned properly. Her probing the area where the tank was located confirmed that it had been crushed and clean fill had been used to fill the hole. Satisfied by her inspection that Mr. Verna's septic tank had been properly abandoned, Ms. Pickerill signed the Department's abandonment permit for the Verna's property. The Department has taken previous enforcement actions for engaging in septic tank contracting without registration against Mr. Patterson. On June 4, 2004, the Department served an Administrative Complaint on Mr. Patterson seeking to impose a $1,500.00 fine for three separate episodes of tank contracting without being a registered septic tank contractor. Mr. Patterson settled the complaint for septic tank contracting without being a registered septic tank contractor with the Department by his agreement to pay a $750.00 fine. The Department memorialized the agreement in its Final Order Number DOH-04-1071-S-HST of September 15, 2004. Mr. Patterson paid his fine of $750.00 in January 2005, but not before the filing of the instant Cease Order entered by the Department in this proceeding. Based upon the above allegation of septic tank contracting without being a registered septic tank contractor with the Department, in the instant proceeding are "repeat violations" for penalty purposes as provided in disciplinary guidelines of Florida Administrative Code Rule 64E-6.002. The Department demonstrated by clear and convincing evidence that Mr. Patterson, did on two separate occasions violate Section 381.0065, and Chapter 489, Part III, Florida Statutes (2004), and Florida Administrative Code Chapter 64E-6, by engaging in septic tank contracting abandonment without registration as alleged by the Department in the Administrative Complaint and Order to Crease Operations, dated January 26, 2005. Mr. Patterson's protestations to the contrary are without merit and unworthy of belief.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Health enter a final order affirming its January 26, 2005, Order to Crease Operations and imposing a $1,000.00 fine against Respondent, Keithon M. Patterson. DONE AND ENTERED this 28th day of July, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S FRED L. BUCKINE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 28th day of July, 2005.

Florida Laws (8) 120.57381.0061381.0065381.00655386.041489.105489.113489.552
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Naples, Florida Feb. 23, 2005 Number: 05-000695 Latest Update: Aug. 02, 2005
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:New Smyrna Beach, Florida May 10, 2002 Number: 02-001930 Latest Update: Oct. 25, 2002

The Issue The issue to be resolved in this proceeding concerns whether the Petitioner violated the provisions of Chapter 381, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 64E-6, Florida Administrative Code, referenced herein, by allegedly illegally connecting a second dwelling to an existing, approved septic system.

Findings Of Fact On January 17, 2002, the Petitioner was given a written Notice of Violation and advised that an illegal sewer connection from a new or second mobile home on her property to her existing sewer system, serving her primary residence would have to be disconnected. It was an illegal second connection on a single, permitted sanitary sewer system. The second home was not occupied and could not be legally occupied until the proper sewer connection and relevant permitting was obtained. On January 30, 2002, the inspector again visited the premises and determined the illegal connection to still exist and the Petitioner was then advised that the illegal connection would have to be disconnected. On February 28, 2002, the inspector returned and found that the illegal connection had been restored to the existing system. He observed a person hurriedly disconnect the system as he approached. The relevant pipe joint had been left un-glued so that it could be readily connected or disconnected. He again notified the Petitioner, in person, that the illegal connection would have to be disconnected. The Respondent cited the Petitioner for the illegally connected sewer system and seeks to impose a $500.00 fine. The Petitioner elected to formally dispute the position of the Respondent agency and pursued a formal hearing to contest the allegations. The Petitioner failed to actually appear at hearing and contest the evidence adduced by the Respondent agency. That evidence is credible and is accepted as unrefuted and supportive of the above Findings of Fact.

Recommendation RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by the State of Florida Department of Health denying the Petition of Shirley Davis in its entirety and that a final order be entered imposing a $500.00, fine for the violations described in the above Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. DONE AND ENTERED this 16th day of September, 2002, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. P. MICHAEL RUFF Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 16th day of September, 2002. COPIES FURNISHED: Shirley Davis 140 West Putnam Grove Road Oak Hill, Florida 32759 John D. Lacko, Esquire Department of Health 420 Fentress Boulevard Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 R. S. Power, Agency Clerk Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 William W. Large, General Counsel Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701

Florida Laws (3) 120.569120.57381.0065
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Arcadia, Florida Apr. 07, 1997 Number: 97-001713 Latest Update: Nov. 24, 1997

The Issue Are Petitioner’s outside water supply connections in violation of Rule 10D-26.120(2) and (3)(a), Florida Administrative Code, and, if so, should Petitioner be assessed an administrative fine for such violation?

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant findings of fact are made: Petitioner is permitted by the Department in accordance with Chapter 513, Florida Statutes, to operate the Peace River Campground, (Campground) which is a Recreational Vehicle (RV) Park (182 spaces) and a Mobile Home (MH) Park (15 spaces), annual permit number 14-010-97. The Campground’s water is supplied by a community public water utility company. Each RV and MH space has an outside water tap as required by Chapter 10D-26, Florida Administrative Code. Many of the outside water taps do not have a backflow or back-siphonage prevention device installed on them. On February 6, 1997, the Department conducted a routine inspection of the campground and determined that the campground was in violation of Rule 10D-26.120(2) and (3)(a), Florida Administrative Code, for failing to have the required backflow or back-siphonage prevention. The citation required Petitioner to install backflow or back-siphonage prevention by February 28, 1997, the next scheduled inspection date. On February 28, 1997, the Department conducted a follow-up inspection of the Campground’s water system and determined that the alleged violation had not been corrected. Petitioner disagreed with the Department’s determination that the Campground’s water system was not in compliance with Rule 10D-26.120(2) and (3)(a), Florida Administrative Code, for failing to have the Campground’s water system designed or constructed to prevent backflow or back-siphonage. On February 28, 1997, the Department issued a citation of violation (citation) to Petitioner alleging a violation of Rule 10D-26.120(2) and (3)(a), Florida Administrative Code, for failing to have the Campground’s water supply connection designed or constructed to prevent backflow or back-siphonage. The Campground’s water connections at each RV and MH site have water taps which are above ground and have standard water shut-off valves. The Campground’s water system has good water pressure of approximate 70-100 pounds pressure per square inch (psi). The Campground’s outside water taps are neither constructed nor designed to prevent backflow or back-siphonage in the event the water pressure drops to a point which would allow backflow or back-siphonage, such as if the water main feeding the Campground’s water system broke. If the water pressure in the Campground’s water system should drop allowing backflow or back-siphonage, hazardous material could possible be injected in the water system. Although there has never been a recorded incident of backflow or back-siphonage into the Campground’s water system, without the some type of backflow or back-siphonage preventer being installed there remains a potential for this to happen. The Campground’s outside water connections would not prevent backflow or back-siphonage under certain conditions and are not in compliance with Rule 10D-26.120(2) and (3)(a), Florida Administrative Code. There are six basic types of devices that are recognized by the Environmental Protection Agency and the engineering profession which prevent backflow and back-siphonage. These devices are: (a) air gaps; (b) barometric loops; (c) vacuum breakers--both atmospheric and pressure type; (d) double check with intermediate atmospheric vent; (e) double check valve assembler; and (f) reduced pressure principle devices. The Department does not mandate which device the Petitioner must install, only that a proper device be installed which will prevent backflow or back-siphonage. A hose bib vacuum breaker such as Department’s Exhibit 3 provide the minimum protection against backflow or back-siphonage and is considered acceptable for compliance with Rule 10D- 26.120(2) and (3)(a), Florida Administrative Code.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Department enter a Final Order assessing an administrative fine in the amount of $150.00. DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of August, 1997, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. _ WILLIAM R. CAVE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (904) 921-6947 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of August, 1997. COPIES FURNISHED: Susan Martin Scott, Esquire Department of Health Post Office Box 60085 Fort Myers, Florida 33906 George Lempenau, pro se Peace River Campground 2998 Northwest Highway 70 Arcadia, Florida 34266 Angela T. Hall, Agency Clerk Department of Health 1317 Winewood Boulevard Building 6 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700

Florida Laws (3) 120.57513.055513.065
# 10

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