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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Pensacola, Florida Jun. 04, 1991 Number: 91-003466 Latest Update: Apr. 28, 1993

Findings Of Fact Respondent, Robert W. Fausel, Jr., M.D., is a licensed physician in Florida, holding license number ME0016953. By Final Order dated January 3, 1984, Respondent was placed on five years probation by the Florida Board of Medicine for alcoholism and inappropriate prescribing of controlled substances to patients. Currently, Respondent's medical license remains in a probationary status. In 1984, F.S., a sixty-eight (68) year-old male, was a patient at the Family Practice Center, a health maintenance organization (HMO), in West Palm Beach, Florida. On May 15, 1984, F.S. presented to the Family Practice Center for problems with a hiatal hernia and was seen by Salomin Levin, M.D., one of the physicians on staff at the HMO. During this visit, Dr. Levin explained the physiology of a hiatal hernia and advised F.S. to return to the Center as needed. The patient history recorded by Dr. Levin during F.S.' 1984 visit revealed that F.S. had not been to a doctor in the past four (4) years and had not had a physical during that four year time period. At the time of F.S.' 1984 visit, the standard of care for a male over 40 years of age required that a complete medical history should be gathered and an annual physical examination including a rectal examination be performed, or at the very least have been offered, and either arranged for or refused by the patient. However, the medical records do not reveal that the need for a complete physical was discussed during F.S.' visit or that such a physical was performed. Likewise, the records do not reveal that F.S. was worked up for a complete medical history during his May 15, 1984, visit. On March 4, 1985, F.S., at age sixty-nine, presented to the Family Practice Center with complaints of pain in the hip, thigh and lower back. Respondent, then on staff at the Family Practice Center, saw F.S. during his March 4, 1985, visit and observed a deceptively healthy looking older man. The entry on F.S.' medical records written by Dr. Fausel stated that "The patient lifted an elderly man who had fallen out of bed 3 weeks ago; now has pain in left hip and thigh and low back." Significantly, F.S. did not report that he had any pain in the hip, thigh or back prior to lifting the elderly man. Further, F.S. did not report that he had any urinary symptoms such as difficulty with urination, dysuria, cloudy or bloody urine. 1/ However, other than the history associated with F.S.'s back pain, Respondent did not record any sort of general history, physical or rectal examination of F.S. even though Respondent knew, through a review of F.S.'s medical records, that F.S.' medical records did not reflect that F.S. had been worked up for a complete history or physical during his previous visit in 1984. Respondent did treat F.S. for the primary complaint for which he came to the Center, i.e., pain in the hip, thigh and lower back. Given the history F.S. related regarding his pain, Respondent appropriately suspected that F.S. had suffered a musculoskeletal injury involving the left hip, thigh and lower back and referred F.S. to Dr. Stopek, a chiropractor for further examination of F.S.' condition. F.S. initially saw the chiropractor on March 5, 1985. Thereafter, F.S. saw the chiropractor at least four more times through out the month of March. At some point X-rays were taken of F.S.' left hip, thigh and lower back. Eventually, F.S. was referred back to Respondent with a diagnosis of DJD in the left hip and a recommendation that the patient be given a prescription for the pain medication Feldene, a legend drug. On or about April 4, 1985, F.S. returned to Respondent at the Family Practice Center for his continued pain. Respondent diagnosed F.S. with arthritis in the left hip. Respondent also, at the request of the chiropractor, prescribed Feldene to F.S. for pain relief. Additionally, Respondent began a general physical examination of F.S. with the expectation that the blood and rectal exam would be completed during later visits. In essence, a complete physical examination of F.S. would be accomplished in stages. Following that course of action, F.S. arranged to have a standard blood profile accomplished. The actual blood work was performed on June 4, 1985, and a report of the results was issued. Unfortunately, for reasons due mainly to the operation of the HMO and the assignment of doctors to patients on a daily basis, Dr. Fausel never saw F.S. again and the doctor patient relationship between Respondent and F.S. terminated. A rectal exam was never performed on F.S. by Respondent. However, F.S. was seen by other doctors at the HMO on at least eight occasions throughout 1985 and 1986. These doctors had F.S.' medical records available to them and were aware that those records did not indicate that either Respondent or any of the post-Respondent doctors, prior to December 3, 1986, performed a rectal examination on F.S. These doctors did continue to evaluate F.S.' pain as either some form of arthritis or paget's disease. In 1986, F.S. was referred to an orthopedic surgeon and rheumatologist for further evaluation of his pain. It was the rheumatologist who finally performed a rectal examination of F.S. and noted a hard prostrate, indicating possible cancer. At that point, F.S was referred for blood tests specific to prostate cancer and to an urologist. On October 23, 1986, Jitendra Varma, M.D., the urologist, ordered a prostate biopsy on F.S. which revealed adenocarcinoma. Subsequently, on November 24, 1986, Dr. Varma performed a bilateral orchiectomy on F.S. In this case the Department is attempting to prove a case of malpractice based solely on F.S. medical records which may or not be complete. In fact, the evidence demonstrated that no records custodian from the HMO had custody of F.S.' medical records or that those records were complete. Many of the records submitted into evidence were impossible to read. No testimony from F.S. to fill in important details as to what took place during his HMO visits was presented at the hearing. In short, the Department is attempting to infer from an absence of entries in a patient's medical records that some medical service did not occur or was not offered. However, given the brevity of the medical records from the HMO, the healthy appearance of F.S., the loss of memory due to the age of this case and the lack of testimony from F.S., it is impossible to determine if any malpractice occurred since the absence of an entry from F.S.'s medical records does not mean that the need for a physical and follow-up appointments were not discussed or that Respondent failed to perform an adequate evaluation of F.S. which would have included a medical history. The same can be said for the lack of a rectal exam during the brief two visits Respondent treated F.S. for his primary complaint of pain. Indeed the medical records reflect that on September 14, 1985, someone from the HMO contacted F.S. and that he stated everything had been taken care of. Additionally, the Department's own experts disagreed on whether the "piecemeal" basis of F.S.'s physical examination was inappropriate or that the referral to the chiropractor was inappropriate. Given these facts, the evidence did not clearly and convincingly demonstrate that Respondent failed to treat F.S. with an appropriate standard of care by either referring F.S. to a chiropractor, performing a physical exam on a piecemeal basis or by failing to perform a rectal examination on F.S. Given these facts, the Department has failed to clearly and convincingly demonstrate that Respondent failed to practice medicine with an acceptable level of care in regard to patient F.S. Indeed, the best that can be said of this case is that Respondent may not have kept adequate medical records. However, Respondent was not charged with such a failure and the matter was not an issue in this hearing. Because of the Department's failure of proof the Administrative Complaint relating to Respondent's care of F.S. should be dismissed. By 1987, Respondent had moved to North Florida and opened a general practice in Century, Florida. Respondent was also on staff at Jay Hospital. From November, 1987, through June, 1989, C. David Smith, M.D., was Respondent's monitoring physician under the terms of Respondent's probation. Additionally by 1989, Respondent had developed a number of serious medical problems as well as some mental difficulties associated with his diabetes and bipolar disorder. One such problem was impotence with a very low libido. On March 20, 1989, Respondent began treating Patient C.C. and admitted C.C. to Jay Hospital under his care for evaluation and treatment of a medical condition. C.C. had a ten (10) year history of psychiatric illness. Some of the symptoms of her mental illness were depression and anxiety. C.C.'s medical condition was not associated with her mental condition. On April 4, 1989, after treatment of her medical condition, Respondent discharged C.C. from Jay Hospital. Respondent's discharge summary for C.C. dated April 4, 1989, included the following: . . . At that point, on 3/23/89, it was noted that the patient was making statements which sounded quite psychotic, referring to delusional material. She stated that she believed her neck and cervical spine in the back of her head and the roof of her mouth were 'rotten' and cancerous. She stated that God had revealed to her the fact that she was going to die of cancer. She stated that God had been quite specific as to the means by which she would die, namely, by the collapse of the roof of her mouth, jaws, and skull, which would then occlude her airway, making her choke to death or die of asphyxiation. She stated that God had revealed to her the fact that she was going to die of cancer. In addition, she stated that she had been dead and had come back to life. She made additional statements which lead me to believe that she was psychotic. I began a series of discussions with the patient, to evaluate her psychosis, and I found that the patient was extremely resistant to the idea of psychiatric evaluation. She felt that she was not psychotic or 'crazy' at all. In addition, she resented anyone implying that she was psychotic or crazy. She stated that her family members had implied in the past that she was crazy or psychotic and this made her very resentful. . . . The patient stated that on May 12, 1984, she heard God's voice warning her that her death was imminent. She added that God had told her that she was going to die of cancer, specifically bone cancer, brain cancer, and cancer of the ears, mouth and jaw bones and neck and spine. She stated that the medical terminology for the type of cancer from which she was going to diet [sic] was a medullablastoma. The patient also stated that she was a prophetess of God, one of five listed in the Bible. She stated that she had been told by God that she was literally going to choke to death and that her time was drawing near. Paramount in her delusion was the idea that she was going to diet [sic] within a very short time. I pointed out to her that she continued to live, in spite of her predictions that she would be dead within 24 hours. She explained this by stating that God gave her small extensions of life, and this was why she continued to live. I noted that she experienced a great deal of anxiety about death and that this anxiety repeated itself on a daily basis. She has a continual fear that her death is very close, and yet insists that she does not fear this death, because she stated that she is a prophetess of God and is going straight to Heaven. In the past, she had been treated with Prolixin, Artane and Lithium Carbonate for her psychotic problems. Conversation with her family indicated that they thought that she was 'crazy', but 'harmless'. My arguments with the patient that there was absolutely no physical evidence for her death were useless. Discussions with her family indicated that she had been hospitalized for psychotic problems in the past. I discussed with the patient the possibility of admitting her to a psychiatric institution, however, the patient was adamantly resistant to this idea. The patient also was extremely resistant to the [sic] idea of taking Prolixin, Lithium Carbonate, and Artane. . . . It was apparent that the patient was frankly psychotic and probably falling into the paranoid schizophrenic category, with religious delusions and auditory hallucinations. . . . At no time did I hear the patient express any suicidal ideation, and she did not seem to be a danger to herself or to other people. Also, at no time did the patient threaten to harm anyone else, or seem to constitute a danger to other people. . . . The evidence did not show that C.C. had any tendency to sexual delusion or sexual preoccupation. On May 17, 1989, Respondent again admitted C.C. to Jay Hospital for treatment of a medical condition not associated with her mental condition. C.C.'s mental illness continued to manifest itself as outlined in the April 4, 1989, discharge summary despite Respondent's assurances that he could not find any evidence of cancer. Again the evidence did not show that C.C. had any sexual delusions or preoccupations. Additionally, the evidence did not show that C.C. desired a psychiatric referral or could have been forced to accept such a referral. Because C.C. had manifested her fixed delusions for such a long time, her friends and family were fed up with her and did not overly concern themselves with C.C.'s condition. C.C. felt very much lost and alone. Because of C.C.'s loneliness, Respondent felt sorry for C.C. and tried to be friends with her. C.C. saw Respondent's attentiveness as a salvation and would call on him when she felt anxious about her personal or medical state. The evidence did not demonstrate that C.C. saw Dr. Fausel in a romantic or sexual way, but only in a friendly Christian love way. Likewise, the evidence did not reveal that Respondent's attempts at friendship with C.C. were for sexual reasons. Indeed, except for one church tent revival, Respondent did not attend any social outings or church functions with C.C. C.C. believed that Respondent felt Christian love for her. On June 20, 1989, Respondent received a telephone call from C.C. C.C. was having severe anxiety and advised Respondent that she was contemplating suicide. Respondent arranged to meet with C.C. later that evening. On the evening of June 20, 1989, after normal business hours, Respondent met C.C. and they went to his office at 8401 North Century Boulevard, Century, Florida. Respondent was seeing the patient as both a friend and a medical doctor. Respondent and C.C. went into a vacant examination room in Respondent's office. The lights in the room were on. Respondent and C.C. sat on the floor. Because Respondent was somewhat obese, Respondent undid the top button of his pants so that he could more comfortably sit on the floor. The office air conditioning was off and it was hot in the room. Respondent and C.C. discussed religious matters and C.C. sang hymns. At one point, both stretched out on the floor facing each other. Just prior to 11:00 p.m., C.C. removed her dress and turned off the lights. She still had on her slip and underwear. C.C. lay back down on the floor within approximately one foot of Respondent. C.C. did not make any sexual advances towards Respondent and her disrobing was not for sexual purposes. Respondent asked her to put her dress back on at least twice. He told her that she looked more saintly fully dressed. Respondent did not make any sexual advances toward C.C. Within a few minutes of C.C.'s disrobing, at approximately 11:00 p.m., Respondent's nurse, Jane Jackson, found Respondent and C.C. on the floor of the vacant room. Nurse Jackson turned on the office lights as she entered the room occupied by C.C. and Respondent. With little conversation, Nurse Jackson left the clinic and reported what she had seen to C. David Smith, Respondent's monitoring physician. Dr. Smith telephoned the administrator of Jay Hospital, Mr. Allen Foster, and arranged a meeting during which Dr. Smith informed Mr. Foster of Nurse Jackson's observations. Dr. Smith and Mr. Foster met with the Respondent to discuss what had transpired. On June 21, 1989, Respondent withdrew from practicing at his office in Century, Florida and voluntarily began treatment for the depression he was experiencing. In essence, the facts of this case do not establish that Respondent used his doctor patient relationship with C.C. for any sexual purpose or that Respondent committed any acts of sexual misconduct involving C.C. The evidence only demonstrated that C.C. had a tendency to act in a bizarre manner by disrobing when she was overheated and that Respondent did not overreact to his patient's inappropriate behavior, but attempted to try to redirect her conduct to more appropriate behavior. Such action by Respondent does not constitute sexual misconduct and the Administrative Complaint charging Respondent with such misconduct should be dismissed.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is accordingly, RECOMMENDED: That the Board of Medicine enter a Final Order dismissing both the Administrative Complaints. ENTERED this 3rd day of March, 1993, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANNE CLEAVINGER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of March, 1993.

Florida Laws (4) 120.57120.68458.329458.331
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Dec. 28, 1994 Number: 94-007243 Latest Update: Oct. 06, 1995

The Issue Whether disciplinary action should be taken against Respondent's license to practice as a physician, license number ME 0060427, based on violations of Sections 458.331(1)(j) Florida Statutes, by exercising influence within a patient-physician relationship for purposes of engaging a patient in sexual activity and Section 458.331(1)(x), Florida Statutes, by violating any provision of this Chapter, in that he violated Section 458.329, Florida Statutes, and Rule 59R-9.008, Florida Administrative Code, by committing sexual misconduct in the practice of medicine.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that Respondent be found guilty of violating Sections 458.331(1)(j) and (x), Florida Statutes as to Patients T.S. and A.A. As discipline therefore, it is FURTHER RECOMMENDED: Respondent's license be suspended for a period of one year, commencing December 12, 1994, with his reinstatement upon demonstration that he can practice with skill and safety and upon such conditions as the Board of Medicine shall deem just and proper. Respondent pay an Administrative fine in the amount of $6,000.00. Respondent be placed on probation for a period of three years. DONE and ENTERED this 9th day of May, 1995, in Tallahassee, Florida. DANIEL M. KILBRIDE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 9th day of May, 1995. APPENDIX The following constitutes my specific rulings, in accordance with section 120.59, Florida Statutes, on proposed findings of fact submitted by the parties. Proposed findings of fact submitted by Petitioner. Accepted in substance: paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 (in part), 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29 (in part), 30, 3, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88. Rejected as subsumed or irrelevant and immaterial: paragraphs 7, 9 (in part), 17 (in part), 28, 29 (in part), 59, 61, 65. Rejected as not proven by clear and convincing evidence: paragraphs 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67. Proposed findings of fact submitted by Respondent. Accepted in substance: paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, (in part), 7, 8, (in part), 9, 10 (in part), 12, 18 (in part), 19 (in part), 20 (in part), 21 (in part), 22 (in part) 27 (in part), 31, 44 (in part), 46 (in part), 47 (in part), 48 (in part), 49 (in part), 53 (in part), 57 (in part), 58 (in part). Rejected as subsumed or irrelevant and immaterial: paragraphs 6 (in part), 8 (in part), 10 (in part), 13, 15, 16, 18 (in part), 20 (in part), 21 (in part), 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30 (in part), 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 43, 44 (in part), 50, 55, 57 (in part), 58 (in part). Rejected as a restatement or commentary on the evidence: paragraphs 11, 14, 17, 22 (in part), 23, 27 (in part), 29, 30, 34, 35, 36, 37, 48, 40, 41, 42, 44 (in part), 45, 46 (in part), 47 (in part), 48 (in part), 49 (in part), 50, 51, 52, 53 (in part), 54, 55, 56. Rejected as not supported by the evidence: 19 (in part), 20 (in part), 32 and 33. COPIES FURNISHED: William Frederick Whitson, Esquire Senior Attorney Agency for Health Care Administration 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Lee Sims Kniskern, Esquire 2121 Ponce de Leon Blvd. Suite 630 Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Dr. Marm Harris Executive Director Department of Business and Professional Regulation 1940 North Monore Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Tom Wallace Assistant Director Agency for Health Care Administration The Atrium, Suite 301 325 John Knox Road Tallahassee, Florida 32303

Florida Laws (6) 120.54120.57120.60455.225458.329458.331
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:St. Petersburg, Florida Oct. 26, 2018 Number: 18-005694PL Latest Update: Nov. 08, 2019

The Issue Did Respondent, Jennifer Abadie, R.R.T., violate sections 468.365(1)(q), 468.365(1)(x), 456.072(1)(v), or 456.063(1), Florida Statutes (2018),1/ by committing sexual misconduct?

Findings Of Fact Section 20.43 and chapters 456 and 468, Florida Statutes, charge the Board with regulating the practice of respiratory care in Florida. Ms. Abadie is a licensed registered respiratory therapist in Florida. Ms. Abadie worked for Comprehensive Healthcare of Clearwater (Comprehensive) from October 24, 2017, through February 4, 2018, at its Pinellas County, Florida, location. Comprehensive is a residential rehabilitation and nursing facility. Ms. Abadies’s 89-year-old father was a patient at Comprehensive from before she started working there until his death. He suffered from dementia. Ms. Abadie visited her father frequently, before and after her shifts and when she was not working. G.B. was a severely ill patient at Comprehensive trying to recover from multiple strokes. G.B. was only 56 years old. However, he had extensive medical conditions. They included hypertension, congestive heart failure, fibromyalgia, diabetes, blindness and end-stage renal (kidney) disease. G.B. received dialysis three times a week for his kidney disorder. He took dozens of medications daily. G.B. also had a tracheostomy. A tracheostomy is a tube that goes into the trachea to help people with impaired breathing breathe. The heavy treatment load weighed on G.B. psychologically and caused him anxiety and depression. Ms. Abadie provided respiratory therapy services to G.B. G.B. recognized Ms. Abadie from an earlier time when she worked at Florida Hospital where he had been a patient. He reminded her of that time and established a friendship with her. Over time, the friendship grew closer. As a result of their friendship and Ms. Abadie's compassion for G.B., Ms. Abadie and G.B. spoke regularly. When Ms. Abadie visited her father, she usually checked on G.B. He and Ms. Abadie talked about the range of subjects that acquaintances talk about including families, children, marital status, holiday plans, and day-to-day lives. They spoke regularly by telephone as well as in person. Although they spoke regularly, Ms. Abadie and G.B. did not always speak at length. Sometimes she just waved and poked her head in to say hello. At G.B.'s request, Ms. Abadie brought him items from outside the facility, such as toiletries and a blanket. G.B. grew very fond of Ms. Abadie and wanted her as his girlfriend and eventually his wife. Ms. Abadie did not encourage or reciprocate these feelings or intentions. Lisa Isabelle was G.B.'s only other visitor. G.B. was a friend of her husband. She had known G.B. for most of their lives. Ms. Isabelle rented G.B. a residence on her property. Ms. Isabelle described her relationship with G.B. as "love-hate." Ms. Isabelle held a durable power of attorney for G.B. His family lived out of town and decided it would be good for somebody local to hold the power of attorney. On Sunday, February 4, 2018, Ms. Abadie came to Comprehensive to visit her father. She wanted to watch the Eagles play in the Super Bowl with him. Their family is from Philadelphia. Ms. Abadie stopped at G.B.'s room first. Charity Forest, L.P.N., was on-duty that day. G.B. was one of her patients. Towards the end of the first of her two shifts, Ms. Forest noticed that the curtain by G.B.’s bed was pulled halfway around his bed, which was unusual. The door was open. Ms. Forest entered G.B.’s room and looked around the curtain. She saw G.B. and Ms. Abadie sitting on the bed, on top of the covers. The head of the bed was raised about 45 degrees to provide a backrest. G.B. was wearing long pajama pants but not wearing a shirt. Ms. Abadie was wearing jean shorts, a T-shirt, and Keds®. Ms. Abadie was resting her feet on her iPad® so she would not dirty the covers. G.B. and Ms. Abadie were not touching each other. They were talking, watching television, and looking at pictures on Ms. Abadie's telephone. The room was a two-bed room. There was a patient in the other bed. Ms. Forest thought that the two sitting on the bed was inappropriate and left in search of her supervisor. Ms. Forest could not locate her supervisor. But she met another L.P.N., Ruth Schneck. Ms. Forest told Ms. Schneck what she had observed. Ms. Schneck went to G.B.'s room. The door was open. Ms. Schneck briefly entered the room. G.B. and Ms. Abadie were still sitting on the bed. Ms. Schneck left immediately, closing the door behind her. She joined the search for the supervisor. Neither Ms. Schneck nor Ms. Forest could locate the supervisor. While looking for the supervisor, Ms. Forest and Ms. Schneck encountered Sean Flynn, L.P.N. They told him what they had seen. Mr. Flynn was a licensed practical nurse and a case manager at Comprehensive. He had come to the facility briefly that day in order to take care of some paperwork. After talking to Ms. Forest and Ms. Schneck, Mr. Flynn went to G.B.’s room and opened the door. Ms. Abadie and G.B. were sitting on the edge of the bed facing the door. Mr. Flynn asked them if anything was going on. They said no. Mr. Flynn left the room and called Nicole Lawlor, Comprehensive's Chief Executive Officer. Ms. Lawlor told Mr. Flynn to return to G.B.'s room, instruct Ms. Abadie to leave, and tell her that she would be suspended pending an investigation. He returned to G.B.'s room with Ms. Forest and Ms. Schneck. G.B. and Ms. Abadie were still sitting on the bed. Mr. Flynn asked Ms. Abadie to step outside. She did. G.B. soon followed in his wheelchair. Mr. Flynn told Ms. Abadie that she was suspended and had to leave. G.B. overheard this and became very upset and aggressive. He insisted that Ms. Abadie was his girlfriend and that he wanted her to stay. Ms. Abadie asked to visit her father before she left. Mr. Flynn agreed. Ms. Abadie visited her father for a couple of hours. Ms. Abadie also called Ms. Isabelle to tell her that Mr. Flynn asked her to leave and that G.B. was very upset. After Ms. Abadie's departure, G.B. became increasingly upset and loud. His behavior escalated to slamming doors and throwing objects. Comprehensive employees decided G.B. was a danger to himself and others and had him involuntarily committed under Florida's Baker Act at Mease Dunedin Hospital. On her way home, Ms. Abadie received a telephone call offering her full-time employment at Lakeland Regional Hospital. February 4, 2018, at 6:08 p.m., Ms. Abadie submitted her resignation from Comprehensive in an e-mail to Ms. Lawlor. Ms. Abadie's only patient/caregiver relationship with G.B. was through her employment with Comprehensive. As of 6:08 p.m. on February 4, 2018, G.B. was not a patient of Ms. Abadie. She no longer had a professional relationship with him. Ms. Lawlor suspended Ms. Abadie on February 4, 2018. She based her decision on the information that Ms. Forest, Ms. Schneck, and Mr. Flynn told her, not all of which is persuasively established or found as fact in this proceeding. Still, Ms. Lawlor's memorandum suspending Ms. Abadie reveals that the nature of G.B.'s relationship with Ms. Abadie and the events of February 4, 2018, were not sexual. Ms. Lawlor's Employee Memorandum suspending Ms. Abadie does not identify a state or institution rule violated in the part of the form calling for one. She wrote "Flagrant violation of code of conduct." The description in the "Nature of Infraction" section of the form reads, "Employee was found cuddling in bed with a resident during her time off." There is no mention of sex, breasts, genitalia, or sexual language. None of the varying and sometimes inconsistent accounts of the day mention touching or exposure of breasts, buttocks, or genitalia. None of the accounts describes or even alludes to sex acts or statements about sex. The only kiss reported is a kiss on the cheek that G.B. reportedly forced upon Ms. Abadie as she was leaving. The deposition testimony of the Board's "expert," offers many statements showing that what the Board complains of might be called "inappropriate" or a "boundary violation" but does not amount to sexual misconduct. He testified about the strain a patient expressing romantic feelings toward a therapist puts on the professional relationship. He says the professional should tell the patient that the statements are inappropriate. The witness says that if the patient starts expressing the romantic feelings by touching the therapist, the therapist must tell the patient that his behavior is inappropriate and begin recording the events for the therapist's protection so that "no inappropriate allegations are made later." (Jt. Ex. 3, p. 3). Asked his opinion about allegations that Ms. Abadie was laying on G.B.'s bed, the witness says the behavior "crossed a professional boundary" and that he was not aware of the "behavior being appropriate in any situation." (Jt. Ex. 3, p. 16). The witness acknowledged that a hug is not inherently sexual. (Jt. Ex. 3, pp. 24 & 30). In addition, the training and experience of the witness do not qualify him as someone whose opinion should be entitled to significant weight. Among other things, he has never written about, lectured about, or testified to an opinion about sexual misconduct. Had the deposition not been offered without objection, whether the testimony would have been admissible is a fair question. § 90.702, Fla. Stat. After February 4, 2018, Ms. Abadie attempted to continue her friendship with G.B. by telephone calls and visits. However, Comprehensive refused for several weeks, against G.B.'s wishes, to allow Ms. Abadie to visit G.B. and would only permit Ms. Abadie brief, supervised visits with her father. G.B. was very upset by Comprehensive's prohibition of visits from Ms. Abadie. He began refusing food and treatment, including medications and dialysis. G.B.'s condition deteriorated to the point that he was admitted to hospice care. At that point, on February 24, 2018, Comprehensive contacted Ms. Abadie and gave her permission to visit G.B and lifted restrictions on visiting her father. A February 27, 2018, e-mail from Shelly Wise, Director of Nursing, confirmed this and admitted that the Agency for Health Care Administration had advised that G.B.'s right as a resident to visitors trumped Comprehensive's concerns. Ms. Abadie resumed visiting her friend, G.B. On May 21, 2018, G.B. passed away. G.B. was a lonely, mortally ill man. He initiated a friendship with Ms. Abadie that she reciprocated. Ultimately, he developed unfounded feelings about her being his girlfriend and them having a future together. The clear and convincing evidence does not prove that the relationship was more than a friendship or that it was sexual in any way.

Conclusions For Petitioner: Mary A. Iglehart, Esquire Christina Arzillo Shideler, Esquire Florida Department of Health Prosecution Services Unit 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C-65 Tallahassee, Florida 32399 For Respondent: Kennan George Dandar, Esquire Dandar & Dandar, P.A. Post Office Box 24597 Tampa, Florida 33623

Recommendation Based on the preceding Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that Petitioner, Department of Health, Board of Respiratory Care, dismiss the Administrative Complaint. DONE AND ENTERED this 17th day of July, 2019, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JOHN D. C. NEWTON, II Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 17th day of July, 2019.

Florida Laws (9) 120.569120.5720.43456.063456.072456.073468.353468.36590.702 DOAH Case (4) 12-1705PL18-0263PL18-0898PL18-5694PL
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Dec. 11, 2013 Number: 13-004756PL Latest Update: Jan. 02, 2015

The Issue The issues in this case are whether Respondent, an osteopathic physician who had a year-long consensual affair with one of his patients, committed sexual misconduct in the practice of osteopathic medicine; and if so, whether Petitioner should impose discipline on Respondent's license within the applicable penalty guidelines or take some other action.

Findings Of Fact Respondent David Simon, D.O. ("Simon"), is a family practitioner who was, at all times relevant to this case, licensed as an osteopathic physician in the state of Florida. His office was located in Palm Beach County, where he practiced medicine from 1985 through the events at issue and beyond, until at least the date of the final hearing. Petitioner Department of Health (the "Department") has regulatory jurisdiction over licensed osteopathic physicians such as Simon. In particular, the Department is authorized to file and prosecute an administrative complaint against a physician, as it has done in this instance, when a panel of the Board of Osteopathic Medicine has found that probable cause exists to suspect that the physician has committed a disciplinable offense. In May 2005, a 30-something year-old woman named C.K. became a regular patient of Simon's. As C.K.'s primary care physician from 2005 until the end of 2011, Simon treated C.K. for a variety of physical and psychological disorders. The nature and quality of Simon's medical care of C.K. are not in dispute, the Department having neither alleged nor proved that Simon's treatment of C.K. ever fell below the applicable standard of care, or that Simon's medical records failed to justify any course of treatment he undertook for her benefit. In or around November 2010, while their otherwise unremarkable physician-patient relationship remained intact, Simon and C.K. entered into a mutually consensual sexual relationship. This affair had its genesis in a discussion between Simon and C.K. that occurred on October 12, 2010, during an office visit. While being seen that day, C.K. expressed concern about having been exposed recently to sexually transmitted diseases as a result of experiences which she not only related in some detail to Simon, but also corroborated with photographic evidence stored in her cell phone. In view of these disclosures, Simon lost his professional detachment and entered into a flirtatious conversation of a personal, even intimate, nature with C.K. that was outside the scope of his examination or treatment of C.K. as a patient. C.K. was a willing participant in the non-clinical sexual banter which ensued. Some days or weeks later (the precise date is unavailable), C.K. stopped by Simon's office on a Friday afternoon after business hours, when Simon was there alone. The two resumed their previous, personal conversation, and C.K. proposed that they have sexual relations with one another, a suggestion to which Simon responded positively. Within weeks afterwards, Simon called C.K., and they made arrangements to meet privately after hours at his office, which they later did, as mentioned above, sometime in November 2010. Beginning with that visit, and continuing for about one year, Simon and C.K. met once or twice a month in Simon's office, alone, to engage in sexual activity.2/ Simon used his cell phone to call or text C.K. to schedule these trysts. C.K. consented to the sexual activity with Simon. She was, however, incapable of giving free, full, and informed consent to such activity with her physician.3/ Because C.K. was, at all relevant times, a competent adult, the undersigned infers that her incapacity to freely give fully informed consent stemmed from Simon's powerful influence over her as a patient of his. C.K. and Simon did not have sexual relations during, or as part of, any visit that C.K. made to Simon's office for the purpose of seeking medical advice or care. In other words, doctor's appointments did not provide occasions, or serve as cover, for intimate rendezvous. There is no persuasive evidence that Simon ever tried to convince C.K. that their sexual encounters would be therapeutic or were somehow part of a course of purported medical treatment or examination. Rather, Simon testified credibly (and it is found) that he and C.K. kept their personal and professional relationships separate and distinct.4/ The Department has made much of the type of sexual acts that Simon and C.K. engaged in. Simon described their behavior, somewhat euphemistically, as "sexually adventurous." The Department, in contrast, has implied that Simon is a paraphiliac or pervert, a contention which the undersigned rejects as not just unsupported, but disproved by the evidence. Although at least some of the sexual conduct in question might fairly be dubbed unconventional, more important is that every interaction between these adults took place in private, within the context of mutual consent. There is, moreover, no clear and convincing proof in this record of sexual violence or aggression, nor any evidence of actual injury, damage, or harm. For reasons that will be discussed, the undersigned has concluded that the details of Simon and C.K.'s sexual encounters are irrelevant to the charges at hand; thus, no additional findings about the specific sexual activities are necessary. Simon's liaison with C.K. lasted until late December 2011, at which time C.K. abruptly terminated the relationship. The evidence fails to establish C.K.'s reasons for doing so. Thus, the circumstances surrounding the end of the affair, of which scant evidence was presented in any event, are irrelevant. In the wake of the break up, Simon's affair with C.K. became a matter of public knowledge, gaining him the sort of notoriety few physicians would covet. Facing personal disaster and professional ruin, Simon sought counseling from Helen Virginia Bush, a specialist in sex therapy who is licensed both as a clinical social worker and as a marriage and family therapist. Ms. Bush counseled Simon on subjects such as professional boundaries and erotic transference. At her urging, Simon attended and successfully completed the PBI Professional Boundaries Course, a nationally recognized program for doctors and others at risk of developing inappropriate personal relationships with patients or clients. Ms. Bush testified credibly that in her opinion, which the undersigned accepts, Simon is unlikely to enter into another sexual relationship with a patient or attempt to do so. Simon shares office space and staff with Mary Scanlon, D.O., a physician who, like Simon, specializes in family medicine. Although she has an independent practice, Dr. Scanlon works in close proximity to Simon, whom she met in 2000 during her residency when Simon was the attending physician. Dr. Scanlon believes Simon to be an excellent physician from whom she has learned much about practicing medicine, and her credible testimony that Simon's patients hold him in high regard and have largely stood by him throughout this scandal is accepted. Dr. Scanlon was an effective character witness for Simon who favorably impressed the undersigned with her earnest and forthright demeanor. That she has elected to continue practicing in the office she shares with Simon despite the public disclosure of Simon's disgraceful dalliance with C.K. (which she in no way condoned or tried to excuse), even though she is not contractually bound to stay there, manifests genuine support of and respect for Simon, and tells the undersigned—— more persuasively than any testimony——that his career is worth saving. This is the first time that any disciplinary action has been taken against Simon's medical license. Ultimate Factual Determinations The evidence establishes, clearly and convincingly, that Simon exercised influence within the patient-physician relationship, albeit probably unwittingly, for purposes of engaging C.K. in sexual activity. This ultimate finding is based in part on an inference which follows from the presumed fact of C.K.'s incapacity to consent to sexual activity with Simon, but also on other circumstances, the most salient of which are that the initial steps toward the affair were taken during a medical examination, and that all of the sexual activity at issue occurred in the doctor's office. It is therefore determined, as a matter of ultimate fact, that Simon is guilty of engaging in sexual misconduct with a patient, as more fully defined in section 459.0141, Florida Statutes, which is a disciplinable offense punishable under section 459.015(1)(l).

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Board of Osteopathic Medicine enter a final order finding Simon guilty of committing sexual misconduct with a patient, which is punishable under section 459.015(1)(l), Florida Statutes. Because this is Simon's first such offense, it is further RECOMMENDED that Simon be placed on probation for two years subject to such reasonable terms and conditions as the board deems appropriate, and that an administrative fine of $10,000 be imposed. DONE AND ENTERED this 30th day of July, 2014, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JOHN G. VAN LANINGHAM Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of July, 2014.

Florida Laws (6) 120.569120.57120.68456.072459.0141459.015
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tampa, Florida Oct. 26, 1994 Number: 94-006032 Latest Update: Sep. 28, 1995

The Issue The issue in this case is whether the allegations of the Amended Administrative Complaint are correct and, if so, what penalty should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner is the state agency charged by statute with regulating the practice of medicine in the State of Florida. At all times material to this case, the Respondent has been a licensed physician in the State of Florida, license #ME 0035994. In August, 1987, the Respondent met with a married couple for treatment of the wife's (patient) recurrent ovarian cysts and pain. The couple were referred to the Respondent for the consultation by another physician. The patient was hospitalized at the time of the consultation. As part of the initial examination of the couple, the Respondent conducted a routine infertility physical and history, including questions related to sexual history and practices. During the examination, the Respondent learned that the couple's sexual activity was infrequent and that the marriage was troubled. The Respondent determined that the cause of the medical problem was related to a fertility medication prescribed by another physician. At that time, and on subsequent occasions, the Respondent advised the couple to obtain marital and sexual counseling. The Respondent did not provide marital or sexual counseling to the couple. After the patient recovered from the ovarian cysts, she consulted with the Respondent in regards to her ongoing fertility and ovulatory problems. The Respondent began administering fertility medication to induce ovulation. The medical treatment was eventually successful and the patient became pregnant. The child was born in 1989. At some point during the fertility treatment, the patient complained to the Respondent of experiencing migraine headaches. The Respondent referred the patient to a neurologist who prescribed narcotic pain relievers. After the birth of the first child, the patient returned to the Respondent for further fertility treatment (apparently in late 1989 or early 1990) in order to conceive a second child. Again, the treatment was successful and the patient became pregnant. The Respondent referred the pregnant patient back to her obstetrician by letter dated April 23, 1990. Beginning in mid-1990, the patient and her husband began to engage in social activities with the Respondent. On occasion, the three had dinner, went swimming with their children, and went to view a fireworks show. The patient had been employed as a pharmaceutical representative, but was interested in changing careers. She expressed an interest to the Respondent in establishing a medical transcription business. The Respondent provided typing work to the patient. By April 23, 1990, the patient was typing letters for the Respondent. The letter from the Respondent to the obstetrician closes, "[p]lease forgive the typographical errors, as I am sure [patient] will be typing this letter." The patient gave birth to the second child on October 26, 1990. After the birth of the second child, the Respondent employed the patient as a medical transcriptionist. She also worked for her obstetrician as a transcriptionist. Based on the suggestion in 1990 by the patient, the Respondent began to employ the patient's husband as a certified public accountant. Throughout the remainder of 1990, the Respondent continued to socialize with the couple. The Respondent was aware that the couple's marriage was troubled. The continuing marital problems of the couple eventually resulted in separation when the patient's husband moved from their home into an apartment. The evidence fails to conclusively establish the date of the separation, but it apparently occurred prior to April, 1991. By April 1991, the patient and the Respondent continued to meet on a social basis. The Respondent was divorced. The patient and her husband remained separated. At times, the Respondent and the patient discussed their marital experiences. During this period, the Respondent and the patient expressed romantic feelings for each other. They began to "date," and the Respondent paid to take the patient to dinners and movies. In April or May of 1991, and continuing thereafter for a period of approximately three and a half years, the patient and the Respondent engaged in consensual sexual activity. It is critical for an obstetrician-gynecologist, as well as for a specialist in reproductive endocrinology, to understand and respect the sexual boundaries between physician and patient. The sexual boundary between a patient and a reproductive endocrinologist must be absolute. In order to receive appropriate medical treatment, the patient is requested to reveal intimate details of her sexual activities and the emotional nature of a marriage. The patient must be able to completely trust the physician. The information is and must remain confidential. From the time of the Respondent's initial examination and history of the patient, through the initiation of the sexual relationship, the Respondent was aware of the marital and sexual problems of the patient and her husband. The Respondent asserts that by the time the sexual relationship began, the physician-patient relationship had been terminated by the letter of April 23, 1990. Based on credited expert testimony, the evidence establishes that the physician-patient relationship continued to exist at the time the sexual activity began. The evidence establishes that the referral of a pregnant patient back to an obstetrician does not terminate the relationship with a fertility specialist, who may again be called upon to render assistance in treatment of continuing fertility problems. The evidence also establishes that prescribing of narcotics necessarily establishes a physician-patient relationship. Subsequent to the letter of April 23, 1990, the Respondent wrote prescriptions to refill narcotic pain medications which the patient had obtained from her neurologist. Although documentary evidence regarding the actual prescriptions is deemed to lack reliability, both the Respondent and the patient acknowledged that the prescriptions were written. The Respondent wrote the refills after the patient, with continuing migraine headaches, complained that she would have to see the prescribing physician and pay for an office visit to get them refilled. Although the Respondent claims to have reviewed an early report done by the neurologist to whom he had referred the patient, there is no evidence that the Respondent did a physical examination at the time he wrote the refill prescription. The evidence establishes that, because a physician can prescribe narcotics, there is potential for abuse by a physician who may attempt to trade drug prescriptions for sexual activity. It is unethical for a physician to induce a patient into sexual activity. Allowing an emotional relationship to begin and develop within the physician-patient relationship constitutes an inducement of the patient into sexual activity. The Respondent failed to maintain sexual boundaries with his patient. He allowed and encouraged an emotional and sexual relationship to develop, and as such, used the physician-patient relationship to engage and induce the patient into sexual activity.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Agency for Health Care Administration enter a Final Order determining that Stephen Ward Weldon has violated Sections 458.329 and 458.331(1)(x), Florida Statutes, reprimanding the Respondent and placing the Respondent on probation for a period of two years. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 28th day of September, 1995, in Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM F. QUATTLEBAUM Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 28th day of September, 1995. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 94-6032 To comply with the requirements of Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, the following constitute rulings on proposed findings of facts submitted by the parties. Petitioner The Petitioner's proposed findings of fact are accepted as modified and incorporated in the Recommended Order except as follows: 6. Rejected, unnecessary. 19-20. Rejected, not established by clear and convincing evidence. 22. Rejected, cumulative. 29. Rejected, cumulative. Respondent The Respondent's proposed findings of fact frequently refer to an alleged termination of the physician-patient relationship. Such references are rejected as contrary to the greater weight of credible and persuasive evidence. Otherwise, the proposed findings are accepted as modified and incorporated in the Recommended Order except as follows: 1. Rejected. The prehearing stipulation filed by the parties does not address certification. 9. Rejected as to patient's desire for her marriage to continue, and as to the assertion that her marital difficulty was "unrelated" to the eventual development of her relationship with the Respondent, irrelevant. Rejected, irrelevant. Rejected, recitation of testimony is not a finding of fact. 16-17. Rejected, recitation of testimony is not a finding of fact. 18-20. Rejected, irrelevant. DOAH CASE NO 94-6032 COPIES FURNISHED: Douglas M. Cook, Director Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Harold D. Lewis, Esquire Agency for Health Care Administration The Atrium, Suite 301 325 John Knox Road Tallahassee, Florida 32303-4131 Joseph S. Garwood, Esquire Agency for Health Care Administration 1940 North Monroe Street, Suite 60 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Grover Freeman, Esquire 201 East Kennedy, Suite 500 Tampa, Florida 33602-5829

Florida Laws (3) 120.57458.329458.331
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Dade City, Florida Nov. 28, 2000 Number: 00-004817PL Latest Update: Nov. 02, 2001

The Issue Did the Respondent, Zafar S. Shah, M.D. (Dr. Shah), commit the violations alleged in Counts 7-10 of the Administrative Complaint dated June 26, 2000, and, if so, what penalty should be imposed?

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant findings of fact are made: The Board is the agency charged with regulating the practice of medicine in the State of Florida. Dr. Shah is and, at all times material hereto, has been licensed to practice medicine in the State of Florida, having been issued license number ME0071706. Dr. Shah is board-certified in internal medicine. Dr. Shah was born, and spent the first 29 years of his life, in Pakistan. Dr. Shah is 35 years of age. Dr. Shah began working at MidTown Clinic in Zephyrhills, Florida, in October 1996, and continued to work at MidTown Clinic until he was terminated in 1999. Tammy Rachel (Tammy) worked as a certified nursing assistant at MidTown Clinic from June 1996 until she was terminated in March 1999. Tammy worked with Dr. Shah as his Medical Assistant during Dr. Shah's tenure at MidTown Clinic. At all times material to this proceeding, Tammy was married to, and lived with, Corey Rachel, her husband. Although T. H., Tammy's oldest daughter, age approximately 15 years, was at all times material hereto, living in the Rachel household, her biological father was the custodial parent. Tammy's two younger daughters also lived with their mother in the Rachel household. At all times material to this proceeding, Dr. Shah did not have any family living in the United States. After Tammy began working for Dr. Shah, she and Dr. Shah became close friends. As a result, Tammy, along with her husband and her daughters, including T. H., spent a great deal of time with Dr. Shah. Tammy and her family treated Dr. Shah as if he was a member of their family. Tammy and her family, including her husband, spent almost every weekend with Dr. Shah at his home or on outings with Dr. Shah. Dr. Shah visited Tammy's home on week nights during this period of time. This visitation, both weekend and week nights, between Dr. Shah and Tammy's family occurred between December 1996 and August 1999. Initially, the relationship between Dr. Shah and Tammy was a working relationship. However, in February 1997, Dr. Shah and Tammy began a sexual relationship which lasted until March 1999. When confronted by Corey Rachel about her relationship with Dr. Shah, Tammy denied having a sexual relationship with Dr. Shah. In fact, Tammy did not tell Corey Rachel of her sexual relationship with Dr. Shah until after August 5, 1999. During the period of time that Dr. Shah and Tammy's family were visiting back and forth, Dr. Shah established a close relationship with T. H., in that Dr. Shah: (a) gave more attention to T. H. than the other girls; (b) spent more time with T. H. than with the other girls; and (c) spent time alone with T. H. when she cleaned his house and at other times at the mall, etc. Tammy was aware of the relationship between Dr. Shah and T. H. and that T. H. was alone with Dr. Shah on occasions. However, there is no evidence that this relationship was intimate or in any way sexual in nature, notwithstanding the testimony of Tammy or Corey Rachel to the contrary, which I find lacks any credibility in this regard. A prescription in the name of T. H. with a date of January 18, 1999, for 60 250-milligram tablets of Erythromycin, an antibiotic, was presented to the Winn Dixie Pharmacy by Corey Rachael. The prescription was filled on January 20, 1999, and picked up by Corey and Tammy Rachel on that same date. The prescription carried what appeared to be the signature of Dr. Shah. However, Dr. Shah denies that he ever prescribed Erythromycin for T. H. or that he wrote or signed the prescription in question. Tammy gave the medication to T. H., which T. H. used, including the refills, for the acne on her face. However, it was T. H.'s testimony, which I find to be credible, that Dr. Shah never discussed the problem of acne with her, and did not prescribe Erythromycin or any other medication to treat the acne on her face. However, T. H. did discuss the acne problem with Tammy. It was not unusual for Dr. Shah to carry prescription pads home with him, which were then available to those in his home. Likewise, it was not unusual for a Medical Assistant, such as Tammy, to have access to Dr. Shah's prescription pads at work. In fact, it was not unusual for a Medical Assistant to fill in the necessary information on a prescription for the doctor's signature. The MidTown Clinic has no medical records or any other records reflecting that Dr. Shah ever saw T. H. as a patient. Likewise, Dr. Shah did not have any records reflecting that he had ever treated T. H. as a patient or that he had given T. H. a physical examination. T. H. did not have a regular physician. When she needed medical treatment, T. H. went to the Health Department or Tammy would secure medical treatment for T. H. from physicians with whom Tammy worked. Other than the allegation concerning the acne problem, there is no allegation that Tammy sought medical treatment for T. H. from Dr. Shah, or that Dr. Shah saw T. H. as a patient. An analysis by the Board's handwriting expert indicates that the signature on the prescription in question is consistent with the presumed, not known, signature of Zafar Shah, M.D. on 20 other prescriptions taken from the Wal- Mart Pharmacy in Zephyrhills, Florida. The Board offered no evidence that the signatures on the 20 prescriptions from Wal-Mart were in fact the signature of Zafar Shah, M.D., other than the testimony of the pharmacist from Wal-Mart that the signatures on those 20 prescriptions filled at Wal-Mart appeared to him to be the signature of Zafar Shah, M.D. Although the Board's handwriting expert was given the opportunity to compare current samples of Dr. Shah's signature, to be given by Dr. Shah prior to the hearing, with the signature on the prescription in question, he chose not to make this comparison. The Board's handwriting expert did not compare the signature in question to any known signature of Zafar Shah, M.D. There is insufficient evidence to establish facts to show that Dr. Shah wrote the prescription in question, notwithstanding the testimony of the Board's handwriting expert to the contrary, which I find lacks credibility in this regard. Likewise, there is insufficient evidence to establish facts to show that Dr. Shah ever treated T. H. for the acne on her face or for any other medical problem or that a patient- physician relationship ever existed between Dr. Shah and T. H., notwithstanding the testimony of Tammy or Corey Rachel to the contrary, which I find lacks credibility in this regard. On August 5, 1999, Dr. Shah had dinner with Tammy, Corey Rachel, T. H., and Tammy's two younger daughters at the Rachel's home in Dade City, Florida, as he had on many previous occasions. On August 5, 1999, Dr. Shah was to spend the night in the Rachel's home, as he had on many previous occasions. As usual, Dr. Shah was to sleep on an air mattress in the living room. Around 11:00 p.m. Tammy and Corey Rachel went to bed. Sometime thereafter, T. H. went to her room to prepare for bed and Dr. Shah proceeded to prepare for bed in the living room on the air mattress. Around 1:00 a.m. on August 6, 1999, Tammy testified that she was awakened by what she thought was a noise and got out of bed. After getting out of bed, Tammy checked on her two younger daughters, and then checked on T. H. who was not in her bedroom. Tammy then proceeded to look elsewhere in the house for T. H. Tammy also testified that when she walked into the living room she observed T. H. and Dr. Shah having, what appeared to her, to be sexual intercourse. Tammy became very upset and began beating Dr. Shah on the back and calling Corey Rachel. Dr. Shah attempted to protect himself from Tammy's onslaught by gathering his belongings and leaving the house. During the time Tammy was beating on Dr. Shah, she also slapped T. H.'s face. Corey responded to Tammy and instructed T. H. to go to her room. T. H. then went to her room. At this time, T. H. still had on the long T-shirt and under pants, which she had worn to bed. Likewise, Dr. Shaw had on the clothing that he had worn to bed. Tammy reported the incident to the Pasco County Sheriff's Department. Deputy Timothy Harris and Sergeant Rowan responded to the call by Tammy. Upon arrival at the Rachel home, the officers spoke with Tammy, Corey Rachel, and T. H. When T. H. was interviewed by Deputy Harris, she told Deputy Harris that she and Dr. Shah had been engaged in sexual intercourse at the time Tammy came into the living room. In fact, T. H. related a very explicit account of the incident, using language which was not in her normal vocabulary. T. H. also provided a written statement of the incident to Deputy Harris where she again admitted to having sex with Dr. Shah. After providing the written statement, T. H. went home with her father. T. H. was not under oath on either of these occasions. Deputy Harris inspected the scene of the incident for physical evidence that sexual intercourse had taken place between T. H. and Dr. Shah. Deputy Harris did not find any physical evidence that sexual intercourse had occurred. Deputy Harris also took some clothing that T. H. had been wearing as evidence for the purpose of examining for evidence of sexual intercourse. Upon examination, this clothing did not yield any evidence of sexual intercourse. Later in the morning of August 6, 1999, Detective Ball went to the home of Timothy Harvey and interviewed T. H. In this interview, T. H. again stated that she and Dr. Shah were engaged in sexual intercourse earlier that morning at the Rachel's home, and had, on previous occasions, had sexual intercourse at the Rachel's residence and at Dr. Shah's residence. She also related that she was in love with Dr. Shah and that they were going to be married when she turned 18 years of age. T. H. further related to Detective Ball that Tammy was jealous of her relationship with Dr. Shah. When Detective Ball requested that T. H. undergo a physical examination to uncover possible evidence of sexual intercourse between T. H. and Dr. Shah, T. H. refused to undergo the physical examination. T. H.'s reason for not taking the physical examination was that she loved Dr. Shah and any evidence found would obviously be used against him. Later, during the day of August 6, 1999, Tammy and Dr. Shah agreed to meet at Brewmasters, a restaurant in Wesley Chapel, halfway between Dr. Shah's house and Dade City, Florida. This meeting was arranged by Tammy at the request of the Pasco County Sheriff's office in an attempt to get Dr. Shah to admit to having had sexual intercourse with T. H. on August 6, 1999. Tammy was wired and the Detectives from the Pasco County Sheriff's office attempted to monitor the conversation. However, the monitoring was not too successful. During this meeting between Dr. Shah and Tammy, which lasted approximately 45 minutes, Dr. Shah repeatedly denied having sexual intercourse with T. H. At the conclusion of this meeting with Tammy, the Detectives approached Dr. Shah and requested that he accompany them to the County Jail. Although Dr. Shah was not officially placed under arrest at this time, he was unsure of his rights and felt intimated by the Detectives. The Detectives did not offer Dr. Shah the opportunity to drive his vehicle to the County Jail. Dr. Shah was transported to the County Jail by the Detectives. Once at the County Jail, the Detectives went through their interrogation (interview) routine. Dr. Shah's understanding was that the Detectives were giving him the choice of admitting to having had consensual sexual intercourse with T. H. or to having raped T. H. With that understanding, Dr. Shah admitted to having had consensual sexual intercourse with T. H. Dr. Shah was upset, confused and intimidated by the Detectives. Dr. Shah gave the Detectives the answers that he assumed they wanted. Upon being advised of Miranda rights, Dr. Shah requested an attorney and made no further statements. On September 28, 1999, Detective Ball and Bill Joseph, a Crime Scene Technician, went to the Rachel's home with a Lumalite for the purpose of illuminating body fluids that may have been left on the carpet or any other area as result of the alleged sexual intercourse. No evidence of body fluids was found. Under oath, during the State Attorney's investigation, T. H. recanted the story given in her written statement on August 6, 1999, and the story given verbally to Deputy Harris and Deputy Ball on August 6, 1999, and denied that she and Dr. Shah were engaged in sexual intercourse at the Rachel's home on August 6, 1999, when Tammy came into the living room or at any time previous to August 6, 1999. Subsequently, the State Attorney, on February 14, 2000, filed a No Information concluding that the facts and circumstances of this case did not warrant prosecution at that time. Again, under oath at the hearing, T. H. recanted the story given in her written statement on August 6, 1999, and the story given verbally to Deputy Harris and Deputy Ball on August 6, 1999, and denied that she and Dr. Shah were engaged in sexual intercourse at the Rachel's home on August 6, 1999, when Tammy came into the living room or at any other time. However, T. H. admitted to having a sexual relationship with two young males prior to August 1999. T. H.'s reason for not telling the truth in her recitation of the facts in her initial interview with Deputy Harris or her written voluntary statement to Deputy Harris or in her interview with Deputy Ball was that she was aware of Tammy's involvement with Dr. Shah and was attempting to make Tammy jealous because she was mad with Tammy due to their fight the previous evening and because of other problems that she was experiencing with Tammy. Additionally, T. H. had overheard a conversation between Tammy and Dr. Shah wherein Tammy was discussing divorcing Corey Rachel and marrying Dr. Shah, which upset T. H. T. H. testified that sometime after she and Dr. Shah had gone to bed in their respective rooms, she went in the living room to talk to Dr. Shah about the situation between she and Tammy as she had on other occasions. During their conversation, T. H. was sitting close to Dr. Shah. As their conversation progressed, T. H. became emotional and Dr. Shah "put his arm around her shoulder" to console her as he had on other occasions when she would discuss problems between her and Tammy. It was in this posture that Tammy found Dr. Shah and T. H. at approximately 1:00 a.m. on August 6, 1999. There is insufficient evidence to establish facts to show that T. H. and Dr. Shah were engaged in sexual intercourse at the Rachel's home on August 6, 1999, or at any time previous to that date, notwithstanding: (a) Tammy's testimony to the contrary, which I find lacks credibility due to her demeanor at the hearing and her involvement with Dr. Shah; (b) T. H.'s admission that sexual intercourse had occurred, which T. H. later recanted under oath, and which she testified was only done for the purpose of making Tammy jealous; and (c) Dr. Shah's admission, while being interrogated, that consensual sex had occurred between he and T. H., which he later recanted under oath at the hearing.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Board enter a final order finding Dr. Shah not guilty of the charges outlined in Counts 7-10 of the Administrative Complaint and dismissing the charges outlined in Counts 7-10 of the Administrative Complaint. DONE AND ENTERED this 31st day of August, 2001, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ___________________________________ WILLIAM R. CAVE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6947 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of August, 2001. COPIES FURNISHED: Robert C. Byerts, Esquire Agency for Health Care Administration Post Office Box 14229 Tallahassee, Florida 32317-4229 Jack D. Hoogewind, Esquire 33283 Cortez Boulevard Dade City, Florida 33523 Tanya Williams, Executive Director Board of Medicine Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 William W. Large, General Counsel Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 Theodore M. Henderson, Agency Clerk Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way Bin A00 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701

Florida Laws (3) 120.57458.329458.331 Florida Administrative Code (3) 28-106.21664B8-8.00164B8-9.008
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Viera, Florida Mar. 21, 2014 Number: 14-001342PL Latest Update: Jun. 24, 2016

The Issue The issues in this case, as set forth in the Prehearing Stipulation, are as follows: Whether Respondent was terminated from the State Medicaid Program; [Case No. 14-2488, Count I] Whether Respondent failed to update his practitioner profile within fifteen days of the filing of the order terminating him from the State Medicaid Program; [Case No. 14-2488, Count II] Whether Respondent exercised influence within the patient-physician relationship with T.J.[1/] for the purposes of engaging in sexual activity and/or whether Respondent engaged in sexual conduct with T.J.; [Case No. 14-1342, Counts I & II] Whether Respondent exercised influence within the patient-physician relationship with M.B. for the purposes of engaging in sexual activity and/or whether Respondent engaged in sexual conduct with M.B.; [Case No. 14-1343, Counts I & II] Whether Respondent exercised influence within the patient-physician relationship with C.J. for the purposes of engaging in sexual activity and/or whether Respondent engaged in sexual conduct with C.J.; [Case No. 14-1343, Counts I & II] Whether Respondent exercised influence within the patient-physician relationship with D.K. for the purposes of engaging in sexual activity and/or whether Respondent engaged in sexual conduct with D.K.; [Case No. 14-1343, Counts I & II] Whether Respondent exercised influence within the patient-physician relationship with A.H. for the purposes of engaging in sexual activity and/or whether Respondent engaged in sexual conduct with A.H.; [Case No. 14-1343, Counts I & II] and Whether Respondent exercised influence within the patient-physician relationship with S.D. for the purposes of engaging in sexual activity and/or whether Respondent engaged in sexual conduct with S.D. [Case No. 14-1343, Counts I & II]

Findings Of Fact Petitioner, Department of Health, Board of Medicine (the “Department”) is the State agency responsible for licensing and monitoring physicians in the State of Florida. The Department regulates the practice of medicine in accordance with section 20.43 and chapters 456 and 458, Florida Statutes. Unless specifically stated otherwise herein, all references to Florida Statutes will be to the 2014 codification. Respondent is a licensed Florida physician, certified in the area of pain management, holding license number ME 97134. At all times relevant hereto, Respondent was practicing medicine at one of two locations: the Back Authority for Contemporary Knowledge, (a pain management clinic known as the “Back Center” located in Melbourne, Florida); and Advantacare (in its Altamonte Springs and Daytona Beach offices). Respondent was employed at the Back Center from January 2008 through September 2011, and at Advantacare from March 2012 through April 2013. Respondent provided pain management services for numerous patients during his tenure at each of the clinics. While at the Back Center, he saw 50 to 60 patients per day in an 8-hour workday, doing about 15 medication injections per day. At Advantacare he was seeing about 30 patients per day. By all accounts, Respondent is a skilled and proficient pain management physician. At Advantacare, Respondent would see patients for regular office visits at the Altamonte Springs office on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday; Wednesday would be set aside for administering injections under a fluoroscope, described as sort of a C-shaped X-ray machine, performed at the Daytona Beach office. None of the sexual behavior alleged in the Administrative Complaints occurred during injections performed under fluoroscope. A general policy existed at the Back Center that required physicians to have another facility employee (medical technician, nurse, other) present in an examination room when a physician was providing care to a patient not of the same gender as the doctor. This “chaperone” policy is standard in the health care industry. There is no credible evidence that Respondent was ever shown the Back Center’s policy in writing, although it is probable the policy was accessible on the website of the entity (Osler Corporation) that owned the Back Center for a period of time. As a practicing physician, Respondent was also presumed to be aware of and to follow the chaperone policy and he admitted knowing about the policy in general. Respondent was, however, verbally apprised of the policy by his supervisor, Dr. Hynes, by the clinic operations manager, Mr. Pachkoski, and by the chief administrative officer, Cathy Bird. Respondent acknowledged that it was best to have another person in the examination room if he was providing treatment to a female patient. If no chaperone was available, it was his stated practice to keep the door open. Respondent did not feel like assistants were always available to chaperone, but neither his supervisor (Dr. Hynes) nor a co-physician (Dr. Zaidi) remembers Respondent complaining that staff was not available at the Back Center. The testimony of all six complainants in this case contradicts Respondent’s contention; each of them said they were treated by Respondent (alone) in a room with the door closed. When asked directly whether he ever treated female patients at the Back Center in a room with the door closed, Respondent admitted that it happened on occasion. The best and most persuasive evidence in this case is that a chaperone policy did exist and that Respondent did not follow the policy. Between September 2008 and January 2013, Respondent treated six female patients who are the subjects of the Department’s Administrative Complaint. Each of the patients is identified only by their initials in an attempt to maintain their confidentiality and privacy. The six patients will be addressed in chronological order based on the dates of their alleged mistreatment by Respondent. Patient S.D. Patient S.D. was a patient of Respondent between September and December 2008. S.D.’s status as a patient was stipulated to by the parties.2/ While she was Respondent’s patient, S.D. was also an employee of the Back Center. During the period of time Respondent was treating S.D., they engaged in a series of emails which could be construed as very sexual in nature. For example, on September 23, 2008, Respondent and S.D. had the following email exchange: S.D. – “You buying Dinner….Or am I your [f***ing] dinner????”Respondent – “What do you think? I want u as breakfast, lunch and dinner. My precious love.” S.D. – Ok so what am I going to eat LOL??? Let me guess a protein shake”Respondent – “If I shake it hard enough yes.” Then, on September 25, the two had this email exchange:Respondent – “NO I WANT U TO FEED ME!!! AND NO YOU R NOT GOING THERE!!! ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! I’M UR MAN AND I SAY NO.”S.D. – “Then act like it and stop flirting with the [f***ing] skank!”Respondent – “WHY? GETTING JEALOUS SWEETHEART?”S.D. - “No I guess I have no reason to be.” Respondent – “EXACTLY, YOU HAD ME AT LUNCH AND LEFT TO GO TO WORK. SO YOU CAN’T SAY ANYTHING, PRECIOUS.” Respondent denies that the exchange of emails with S.D. suggests anything of a sexual nature. He said, e.g., that in his Iranian culture, talking about eating someone was tantamount to saying you cared deeply for them. Respondent’s denial of the sexual nature of the emails is not persuasive. S.D. did not testify at final hearing nor was her testimony preserved by way of a deposition transcript. The Department offered into evidence an exhibit comprised of various emails between S.D. and Respondent, two of which were discussed above. At least one co-worker, Lizamar Korfhage (a physician’s assistant at the Back Center), heard S.D. yell loudly in the office--as S.D. was being terminated from employment--that she (S.D.) and Respondent were having sexual relations. Cathy Bird, former chief administrative officer at the Back Center, had discussed the alleged affair with S.D. during several conversations before S.D.'s employment with the Back Center ended. Bird also talked with Respondent about the situation after S.D. was fired from the Back Center. Respondent was concerned that S.D. would tell Respondent’s wife about the affair and sought Bird’s guidance in the matter. Based upon the entirety of the clear and convincing evidence presented, Respondent was involved in a sexual relationship with S.D. at some point in time when S.D. was also a patient of the Back Center. Patient T.J. Patient T.J. was a 37-year-old patient when she saw Respondent at the Back Center on October 29, 2010. T.J. had seen Respondent professionally some 16 or so times previously. No inappropriate conduct had occurred on any of those visits. On the October 29 visit, T.J. was escorted into an examination room by a nurse as usual. Respondent came in and, after examining her, suggested that trigger point injections might help alleviate her pain, which she described as being a “2” on a scale of 1 to 10.3/ She agreed to the plan of treatment. Respondent had T.J. sit on an armless stool and lean her arms and head onto a desk. Respondent stood on her left side and began administering injections into her neck. As he leaned against her body, T.J. felt what she described as Respondent’s erect penis rubbing on her upper arm or shoulder. She felt like Respondent was intentionally rubbing her in what she later concluded to be a sexual manner. When he finished the injections, Respondent did not act any differently than usual. T.J. felt like something “weird” had just happened, but decided not to report it because she was not completely sure about her perceptions. Respondent, in contradiction to T.J.’s testimony, said he generally stayed four to five inches away from his patient when administering the injections, but would sometimes come into contact with them. T.J. returned for a follow up visit on November 24, 2010, receiving another injection by Respondent. She reported no misconduct by Respondent on that date. On December 23, 2010, T.J. returned to the Back Center for additional treatment. This time, her pain was radiating all the way down to her buttocks area and was described as a “3” out of 10. She was again escorted to an examination room to wait for Respondent. Respondent came in and closed the door, as was his usual practice during T.J.’s visits. After examining her, Respondent suggested injections for sacroiliac joint pain. T.J. was told to lie on the examination table on her left side. Respondent had T.J. lower her jeans to just below her knees. She had her left leg out straight and her right leg bent at the knee and across her left leg. Respondent then began to press his fingers on different parts of her inner thigh searching for the source of her pain. The pain was centered between her knee and buttocks area, and Respondent made an injection in that area. Respondent then had T.J. roll over to her right side as he pulled the table slightly away from the wall and placed himself between the wall and the table. Respondent began pushing on her inner thigh again, starting at her knee and moving upward toward her buttocks. As he did that, his tone of voice changed and he began panting. He continued to touch and probe her thighs as his hands went higher until he ultimately touched her vagina. T.J. immediately said, “That’s it” and quickly got off the examination table and pulled up her jeans. Respondent appeared sweaty and red-faced, looking to T.J. like a person who had just engaged in sex. T.J. then began to consider whether Respondent’s behavior during the October 29, 2010, visit had indeed been sexual in nature as well. She concluded that it was, and decided not to see Respondent for treatment in the future. She did not, however, report either of the incidents to the Back Center immediately. She ultimately did so, telling physician's assistant Korfhage about the incident some 10 months later. After seeing a report on television in 2013 that Respondent had been accused by another patient of sexual misconduct, she decided to make a report to the police about her own experiences with Respondent. When the police did not prosecute, she contacted an attorney in order to file a civil action against Respondent. T.J. appeared to be honest and forthright during her appearance at final hearing. Her testimony about her version of the events was credible, clear, and convincing. In his testimony at final hearing, Respondent did not specifically refute T.J.’s testimony so much as he explained how his normal process would not allow for the kind of touching T.J. alleged to have occurred. Respondent did not specifically or directly deny touching patient T.J.’s vagina, saying only that there would be no reason to do so. Patient D.K. (also known as D.W.) D.K. was a regular patient of Respondent and the Back Center. She had an appointment on January 13, 2011, to see Respondent for pain she was experiencing in her lower back and sides. On previous visits to the Back Center, Respondent had done localized injections to help D.K. deal with the pain. On those visits, she had simply rolled her pants down below her waist and leaned against the examination table in order for Respondent to do the injections. On the January 13 visit, she was told to lie on the table and pull her jeans down to her knees while Respondent went to prepare the medications. Respondent returned, closing the door as he came into the room. Respondent began injecting medications into her back and both sides. He then moved lower and administered injections into her thighs although she had not complained about any pain in that area. Respondent then moved her jeans down to her ankles and began administering injections into her calves. While he was injecting her, she felt him rubbing his erect penis against her thighs and heard his breathing get heavier. She could also feel Respondent lean closer to her and felt his breath on her thighs as he injected her calves. After the injections were complete, D.K. said Respondent was sweating, flushed, and “looked like my husband after we’ve had intercourse.” D.K. left the office and returned to her car. She immediately began to mentally process what had occurred to her, but did not immediately tell anyone at the Back Center. She was shocked and upset by the event but waited a few days before telling her husband what had happened. She then reported the events to someone at the Back Center. The Back Center asked her to come in so she could discuss the situation with Dr. Hynes, medical director of the Back Center. Later, D.K. made a complaint to local law enforcement about the incident. D.K. has also contacted an attorney to look into filing a civil lawsuit against Respondent. In response to the complaint by D.K., Dr. Hynes mandated that Respondent have a medical assistant with him during any contact with female patients. Despite the prohibition, Respondent continued to see female patients in an examination room without others present. He was confronted several times by the site operations manager about this violation, but Respondent did not change his behavior. D.K. was a credible witness. She provided a clear and unequivocal description of what transpired during her visit to the Back Center on January 13, 2011. Patient C.J. Patient C.J. presented to the Back Center experiencing pain as a result of shrapnel wounds received while she was serving in the U.S. Army in Afghanistan. C.J. did not testify at final hearing so her physical demeanor could not be assessed. Her deposition transcript was admitted into evidence over objection. In May 2011, C.J. was referred to the Back Center by her treating physician at Patrick Air Force Base. She took the referral, called the Back Center, and was assigned to Respondent for pain management services. C.J. went to the Back Center on May 4, 2011. She was experiencing significant pain and was physically uncomfortable. C.J. was processed in by a receptionist and then led to an examination room by a female employee. The employee took C.J.’s blood pressure, gathered some personal information, and left the room. On that date, C.J. was wearing jeans, a blouse, and open- toed shoes. She had on “full underwear” that day. Respondent came into the room and examined C.J. as she sat on the examining table. He advised C.J. that an injection might benefit her. As C.J. remembered it, the injection was to be in the side of her neck, and then in her back or hip. Respondent left the room to obtain the medications as C.J. waited. Upon his return to the room, Respondent injected Depo- Medrol 40 mg, Toradol 30 mg, Lidocaine 2% 0.5 mL, and Marcaine 0.5 mL into the left side of her neck. After the initial injection, Respondent left the room while the medication took effect. C.J. began to feel very relaxed and sleepy. Respondent recollects that C.J. complained of feeling light-headed, but does not believe any medication he injected would have caused that to happen. Respondent later returned to the room and prepared to give C.J. another injection into her hip area. She sat up on the table as Respondent pulled one end of the table slightly away from the wall.4/ After moving the table, Respondent had C.J. lie down on her side, lift her blouse, and unbuckle her jeans. She then slid her jeans and underwear down past her hips as directed. At that point, Respondent began injecting a solution into C.J.’s hip. As the injection was proceeding, she felt Respondent slide his hand over her hip and “in my groin area.” While doing that, Respondent’s crotch was pressed against C.J.’s buttocks. C.J. felt what she believed to be Respondent’s erect penis pushing against her buttocks as he administered the injection. After the injection was completed, Respondent came around from behind the table and told C.J. she would need to come see him again in a few weeks. C.J. got up from the table and began to realize that “something was not right” about the treatment she had just received. When C.J. went to the front desk to check out, she asked a nurse to identify the medications which had been injected but was unable to get that information. C.J. then left the Back Center and immediately called her nurse case manager at Patrick Air Force Base to report what had occurred. Her nurse advised C.J. to call 911 to report the incident; C.J. did so as she walked out to her car in the parking lot. A policeman arrived some 20 minutes later and took her statement. The officer then went inside to talk to Respondent. He said Respondent appeared to be surprised and shocked by C.J.’s allegation. The police decided not to file any charges against Respondent based on C.J.’s complaint. The reporting police officer (Middendorf) seemed to question C.J.’s veracity or truthfulness on the day of the incident. He said C.J. was upset and seemed lethargic, except when she was talking on the telephone to “one of her superiors.” According to Middendorf, C.J. acted consistent with someone who may be under the influence of drugs. He did acknowledge that C.J. had just come out of a pain management clinic. Middendorf also felt C.J. was either confused or not telling the truth concerning where Respondent had allegedly touched her. C.J., who was obviously distraught at the time, indicated both her pubic area and her outer thigh when she told Middendorf that Respondent had touched her “groin.” Middendorf challenged her about that and C.J. became defensive and argumentative. He did not provide any credible testimony as to why he believed she might be lying to him. His statement that C.J.’s voice changed when she was talking to her office on the phone is not conclusive evidence that she was not telling him the truth. C.J. never returned to the Back Center. She obtained pain management treatment elsewhere. Inasmuch as C.J.’s demeanor could not be judged because she did not appear in person, her testimony must be considered using other factors. In this case, the testimony was very similar to the facts described by other patients of Respondent concerning their treatment by him. The events as described by C.J. were believable and convincing, especially when compared to the allegations by other alleged victims. Neither C.J. nor any of the other alleged victims/complainants has talked to other alleged victims about their experiences, so there does not appear to be any collusion between the victims. Patient M.B. Patient M.B. was already a regular patient at the Back Center when she first saw Respondent on July 7, 2011. Respondent’s notes in M.B.’s chart indicate the patient was presenting for “initial evaluation” that day, but that was not correct; she had already been seen several times by other physicians at the Back Center. M.B. had chronic lumbalgia (low back pain) and lower extremity dysesthesia (a burning sensation) which was increasing progressively. Respondent examined M.B., discussed his findings, and scheduled a follow-up appointment for August 2, 2011, at which time he gave her an injection of 1% Xylocaine with approximately 30 ml of Lidocaine 1% on both of her side hips. He also injected a block with a solution containing 2 ml of Marcaine 0.5%, 2 ml of Lidocaine 2%, and 2 ml of Depo- Medrol 80 mg into M.B.’s joints. M.B. reported no suspicious or untoward behavior by Respondent during the July 7 and August 2 appointments. On August 29, 2011, M.B. returned to see Respondent. She presented with pain in her hips and left side. Nurse Bobbi McDonald escorted M.B. to the examination room and took her vital signs before leaving. Respondent came into the room, alone, and closed the door. At that visit, M.B. was wearing khaki mid-thigh cargo shorts, a blouse that tied around her neck, and bikini underwear. Respondent asked about her pain, touched points on her body to identify the exact pain locations, and adjusted her back manually. He then suggested injection of a steroid as a stop-gap measure prior to scheduling her for a fluoroscope injection later. M.B. agreed to the plan. Respondent left the examination room to get the medication. When he returned, he was alone and again he closed the door. Respondent told M.B. to pull her shorts down below her waist and to cover herself with a paper gown. She pulled her shorts and underwear down about halfway across her buttocks, which was lower than she would normally pull them for fluoroscope injections. Respondent began to clean the area for the injection and asked M.B. to pull her garments down further, below her buttocks. Respondent then pulled the table out from the wall and he went between the table and the wall. He injected M.B.’s hip about five times with a solution containing Depo Medrol 80, Toradol 60, Lidocaine, and Marcaine 1 ml. As he injected her, M.B. could feel Respondent’s groin touching her hip. She could feel what she believed to be Respondent’s erect penis rubbing against her in a back and forth motion. By this time, her paper gown had fallen off, exposing her buttocks and vaginal area. After the last injection, M.B. felt Respondent’s fingers touching her vagina. As she pushed upward to get off the table, M.B. felt Respondent touch her vagina again. She got off the table, pulled up her pants, and sat down as the doctor began talking to her. M.B. did not say anything to Respondent. She immediately believed that she had been sexually assaulted, but was too confused and shocked to say anything to anyone. M.B. did not initially report Respondent’s behavior to the Back Center. She later reported her allegations to the Melbourne Police Department and also filed a civil lawsuit against Respondent and the Back Center. (M.B. would continue to return to the Back Center, but did not see Respondent again for any of her treatments.) M.B.’s testimony was not as immediately believable as that of some of the other witnesses. Based on her personality, fear of the process, or some other factor, she seemed to be fairly emotionless in describing the incident. However, inasmuch as her testimony was corroborated by what other patients had experienced, her clearly enunciated statements are convincing. Further, M.B. exhibited extreme visual cues as to her intense dislike for Respondent at the final hearing. The testimony of M.B. alone would not be clear and convincing evidence of any wrongdoing by Respondent. However, her testimony is corroboration of and support for the testimony of other victims. Respondent's employment at the Back Center was terminated shortly after M.B.'s appointment with him. There is no evidence as to Respondent's employment from September 2011 until he went to Advantacare in March 2012. Patient A.H. Patient A.H. presented to Advantacare (Daytona Beach office) on January 9, 2013, in an effort to address pain she was suffering as a result of an automobile accident that occurred in October 2012. She wanted to reduce her pain while also reducing the amount of medications she was taking. A.H. had a job which required driving, so she needed to be as drug-free as possible. A.H. was escorted to the examination room. She remembers that Respondent came in, closed the door, and propped it shut. Respondent remembers the door to that room being open, that it would open by itself unless something was placed against it. The medical technician assigned to Respondent said the door did not have any problems, but it would always be half open. There is no corroborated evidence as to whether the door to the room was open, closed, or ajar when A.H. was being examined. Respondent examined A.H. and began to show her some exercises and stretches that he thought might alleviate some of her pain. As she was sitting in a chair being shown how to stretch, A.H. felt Respondent’s erect penis pushing against her back. She quickly told Respondent “I’ve got it” in order to stop his actions. She got up quickly and moved to another chair in the office. A.H. clearly described what she had felt and had no confusion or doubt about what happened. Her testimony about the incident was credible. Respondent then told A.H. to lie on the table on her side with her arms stretched out in front of her. Despite what had just happened, A.H. complied with his directions.5/ When she got into position, Respondent had A.H. move her body over to the very edge of the table and began to manipulate her back. As his hands continued down her back, she felt his hands go down inside her panties. As this happened, she could feel Respondent “humping” her, grinding his groin area against her backside. Respondent then told A.H. to change positions on the table, moving her feet to the opposite end. Amazingly, she again complied with his instructions. Respondent began touching her upper thigh near her vagina and “did the same thing he had done before.” At that, A.H. quickly moved off the table and onto a chair, where she sat rigid and refused to move. Respondent seemed calm and relaxed, showing no sign of having acted inappropriately. A.H. did not tell anyone at Advantacare about the incident on that day because she could not fully grasp what had happened. As she began to understand the situation better, she was worried about reporting the incident because it would be her word against the doctor’s. A.H. did tell another doctor (Dr. Jacobson) about the incident when she saw him the next day for a regularly scheduled appointment. Dr. Jacobson had been an employee with Advantacare and presumably relayed A.H.’s allegations to the center. A.H. also reported the incident to the Board of Health and to law enforcement. She later contacted an attorney about filing a civil lawsuit against Respondent. A.H. did not return to Advantacare for treatment after this event because of the traumatic impact of the incident. Respondent has no independent recollection of A.H. as a patient, but said he did not touch her inappropriately. A.H.’s testimony was believable. She was a credible witness and articulated her testimony clearly. It is strange that A.H. would continue to obey Respondent even after he had touched her inappropriately, but she was obviously a compliant person, especially as it relates to physicians. Respondent’s defenses to allegations by patients Respondent claims he never saw a written chaperone policy at the Back Center but that he knew that it existed. According to him, there was insufficient staff available to make it possible to comply with the policy. Respondent’s testimony in this regard is rejected as being contrary to better, more persuasive evidence. Respondent said he was on several medications for “five or six years” prior to the final hearing, including Zoloft for mild depression, Lisinopril for hypertension, and Toprol for hypertension. One of the possible side effects of those medications is impotence or erectile dysfunction. However, during the time he was taking these drugs, Respondent fathered his two children. There is no competent evidence that Respondent suffered from impotence or erectile dysfunction during the time of any of the allegations about sexual misconduct. Respondent usually wore a lab coat when treating patients. The coat is long and had large pockets in the front, at about groin level. Respondent would keep empty syringes in his coat pocket. He suggests that female patients who said they felt his erect penis were actually feeling the syringes. His suggestion is not very plausible or persuasive. Respondent demonstrated at final hearing the normal physical stance he took when doing an injection of a patient in an examination room setting. He suggested that his body would be turned at a 45-degree angle from the patient rather than facing them directly, thus eliminating the possibility of full frontal contact with the patient. He also said that he generally stood four or five inches away from the patient, but might come into contact with the patient occasionally. Neither the statements nor his demonstration were persuasive. Respondent’s contention is that each and every one of the patients who alleged sexual misconduct was lying. He suggests that patient D.K. was overweight and thus would not have sexually aroused him. Also, he maintains that her description of the injections being performed while Respondent was rubbing against her would have necessarily resulted in horrible pain at best or a broken needle at worst. He claims that since patient M.B. was married to a policeman, she would have necessarily taken photographs of her numerous injections to preserve a record and she would have complained immediately. Her failure to do so, he suggests, impugns her testimony. Respondent contends that patient T.J.’s tardiness in reporting her allegations suggests the allegations were false. Respondent refutes A.H.’s allegations on the basis that there was a disagreement as to the physical layout of the medical office. Respondent contends there is no evidence that patient S.D. (his alleged lover) was his patient, even though there is a stipulation to that effect. Despite these speculative defenses, the evidence presented by the alleged victims is credible and accepted as fact. Failure to update practitioner profile A letter dated March 27, 2013, advising Respondent of his termination from participation in the Medicaid Program, was mailed to Respondent at two separate addresses: 2222 South Harbor City Boulevard, Suite 610, Melbourne, Florida 32901, i.e., the address of the Back Center, and 930 South Harbor City Boulevard, Melbourne, Florida 32901, the address for Osler (the company with whom the Back Center merged at some point in time). The letter to 2222 South Harbor City Boulevard was received on April 1, 2013, and an acknowledgement was signed by Chandra Carrender, a Back Center employee. Respondent’s employment with the Back Center had been terminated some 16 months previously, i.e., in August 2011. The letter mailed to 930 Harbor City Boulevard was returned as undeliverable. The termination letter provided Respondent notice of his right to contest the decision. He was given 21 days from receipt of the letter to file a Petition if he wanted to challenge the termination. Respondent did not file a challenge, so on or about June 21, 2013, a Termination Final Order was filed by the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA), setting forth Respondent’s termination from participation in the Florida Medicaid Program. The termination was issued pursuant to section 409.913, Florida Statutes. By law, Respondent was required to update his Florida practitioner profile within 15 days of receipt of the Termination Final Order. The Termination Final Order was mailed to Respondent, return receipt requested, at two different addresses: The 930 South Harbor City Boulevard address and the 2222 South Harbor City Boulevard address. Respondent denies having received the letter or TFO until just prior to the formal administrative hearing in this matter. Licensed physicians in the State of Florida are required to maintain a current address of record with the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) and the Department of Health. Neither Respondent nor the Department provided evidence as to what Respondent’s official address of record was at the time the TFO and the letter were sent to Respondent at the two Harbor City Boulevard addresses. According to the deposition testimony of Michael West of the AHCA Medicaid Program Integrity office, the notices were sent to Respondent’s “address of record” per section 409.913(6), Florida Statutes. West’s testimony, however, did not specify what address that was. It might be logically presumed that one or both of the Harbor City Boulevard addresses were the “address of record,” because that is where the notices were mailed. However, there is no clear and convincing evidence as to Respondent’s official address of record at the time the Termination Final Order was mailed. The statutory section referred to by West states: Any notice required to be given to a provider under this section is presumed to be sufficient notice if sent to the address last shown on the provider enrollment file. It is the responsibility of the provider to furnish and keep the agency informed of the provider’s current address. United States Postal Service proof of mailing or certified or registered mailing of such notice to the provider at the address shown on the provider enrollment file constitutes sufficient proof of notice. Any notice required to be given to the agency by this section must be sent to the agency at an address designated by rule. Respondent did not update his Florida practitioner profile because he claims never to have received a copy of the TFO or the letter. Neither Respondent nor the Department provided direct evidence of Respondent’s “address last shown on the provider enrollment file” as of March 27, 2013.6/ Other factual considerations Respondent was terminated from employment at the Back Center in September 2011. The termination occurred as follows: T.J. reported the alleged October 29, 2010 incident in April 2011. Dr. Hynes was already aware of another incident (from D.K. in January 2011). Dr. Hynes met with Respondent to discuss his alleged behavior. Respondent denied the allegations, saying that people just seem to like him and take advantage of him. He said the patients were lying about the incidents. Dr. Hynes mandated at that time that Respondent have a chaperone in the examining room with every female patient. Rather than being allowed to exercise “medical judgment” like other doctors in the clinic, Respondent was ordered to always use a chaperone with all female patients. After patient C.J.’s allegations came to light in May 2011, Dr. Hynes told Respondent that three times was enough; something had to be done. The Back Center commenced preparation of a termination letter. The letter was to tell Respondent that, pursuant to his Employment Agreement, the Back Center was providing him the 180-day notice of termination of employment “without cause.” The purpose of that letter was to allow Respondent time to find a job and not have a blemish on his record. One of the bases for the termination letter was that Respondent had been referred to the Physicians Recovery Network (PRN) for counseling to address his behavior. Dr. Hynes presumed Respondent was obtaining that counseling. However, when C.J. reported the incident on May 4, 2011, Dr. Hynes found out that Respondent had not been going to PRN as he had previously indicated. At about the time the 180-day letter was being drafted, another incident (by patient M.B.) was reported to the Back Center. Upon hearing of that allegation, Dr. Hynes verbally fired Respondent, effective immediately, with cause. The 180-day letter was not actually delivered to Respondent until after the verbal termination, so the letter was moot when it arrived. Respondent did not tell his next employer, Advantacare, that he had been terminated from employment by the Back Center. He also did not advise Advantacare about the sexual allegations made by patients at the Back Center. In summary, Respondent engaged in activities of a sexual nature with patients at the Back Center in December 2010, January 2011, May 2011, and August 2011 (in addition to his relations with S.D. in 2008–2010). He engaged in sexually related touching of a patient at Advantacare in January 2013. His employment with the Back Center was terminated in September 2011; his employment with Advantacare was terminated in April 2013. Former patients of Respondent expressed dismay that he was being charged with the violations set forth in the Administrative Complaint. They found Respondent to be a caring and professional doctor. It is clear Respondent did not treat all his patients the same way he treated the victims identified herein. Some of his co-workers said they did not see Respondent engage in any of the alleged actions. They did not receive any complaints from other patients. Respondent obviously has a stellar reputation with some of his patients and co-workers. That status, however, does not excuse his behavior with the victims in the present cases. It is also alleged that Bobbi McDonald was a rumor-mongerer and a liar. She appeared credible at final hearing and there is no competent, substantial evidence to support the dispersions cast by others. It should be noted that several witnesses identified by Respondent were displeased with the manner in which they were questioned by Department personnel prior to the final hearing. The witnesses expressed extreme discomfort when Department employees (attorneys) suggested that Respondent was “an addict” or a sociopath. While a state agency is bound to pursue all claims against individuals which it is responsible for licensing and monitoring, it is improper to harangue or disparage such persons in order to sway potential witnesses’ testimony. Upon full review of the evidence in this case, the potential witnesses who complained about the Department’s aggressive nature did not provide substantive testimony on the issues of this case. Thus, any harm which may have resulted from the Department’s statements would not affect the final decision herein.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by the Department of Health revoking Respondent, Albert Esmailzadeh, M.D.’s license to practice medicine in the State of Florida. It is further RECOMMENDED that the final order assess the cost of investigating and prosecuting this case, and that payment of such costs be assessed against Respondent, Albert Esmailzadeh, M.D. DONE AND ENTERED this 19th day of November, 2014, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S R. BRUCE MCKIBBEN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of November, 2014.

Florida Laws (7) 120.569120.57120.6820.43409.913458.329458.331 Florida Administrative Code (1) 28-106.217
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BOARD OF MEDICINE vs GUY DURAND, 98-000938 (1998)
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Feb. 25, 1998 Number: 98-000938 Latest Update: Sep. 13, 1999

The Issue This is a license discipline proceeding in which the Petitioner seeks to take disciplinary action against the Respondent on the basis of allegations of misconduct set forth in a three-count Administrative Complaint. The Respondent is charged with having violated the following statutory provisions: Sections 458.331(1)(j), 458.331(t), and 458.331(1)(x), Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact The Respondent is, and has been at all times material to this proceeding, licensed as a physician in the State of Florida, having been issued license number ME 0043763. The Respondent specializes in general medicine and is not board certified. On November 25, 1996, patient A. J., a 28-year-old female, presented to the Respondent for the purpose of having a physical examination performed by a physician. The patient A. J. sought the physical examination for the purpose of complying with requirements of the Immigration and Naturalization Service ("INS"). The patient A. J. brought with her an INS physical examination form. The form included instructions to the person to be examined, as well as instructions to the physician who would perform the examination. The instructions to the person to be examined included: "The doctor will examine you for certain physical and mental health conditions. You will have to take off your clothes." The instructions to the physician performing the examination included the following: Please medically examine for adjustment of status the individual presenting this form. The medical examination should be performed according to the U. S. Public Health Service "Guidelines for Medical Examination of Aliens in the United States" and Supplements, which have been provided to you separately. The Respondent was familiar with the INS guidelines for medical examination of aliens in the United States, because he had previously performed such examinations on numerous occasions, and he was a physician who had been approved by the INS to perform such examinations. At the time of the examination of the patient A. J., those guidelines were incorporated in a document titled Technical Instructions for Medical Examination of Aliens in the United States, dated June 1991. At page I-1, the technical instructions included the following in a description of the role of the civil surgeon: The civil surgeon is responsible for reporting the results of the medical examination and all required tests on the prescribed forms. The civil surgeon is not responsible for determining whether an alien is actually eligible for adjustment of status; that determination is made by the INS officer after reviewing all records, including the report of the medical examination. (Emphasis added.) At page II-2 the technical instructions included the following description of the required physical examination: d. a physical examination, including an evaluation of mental status, sufficient to permit a determination of the presence and the severity of Class A and Class B conditions. The physical examination is to include a mental status examination that includes, at a minimum, assessment of intelligence, thought, cognition (comprehension), judgment, affect (and mood), and behavior. a physical examination that includes, at a minimum, examination of the eyes, ears, nose and throat, extremities, heart, lungs, abdomen, lymph nodes, skin and external genitalia. all diagnostic tests required for the diagnosis of the diseases identified as communicable diseases of public health significance and other tests identified as necessary to confirm a suspected diagnosis of any other Class A or Class B condition. At all times material to this case, for purposes of INS physical examinations, Class A conditions were: Chancroid, Chronic alcoholism, Gonorrhea, Granuloma inguinale, Hansen's disease (infectious), HIV infection, Insanity, Lymphogranuloma venereum, Mental defect, Mental retardation, Narcotic drug addiction, Previous occurrence of one or more attacks of insanity, Psychopathic personality, Sexual deviation, Syphilis (infectious), and Tuberculosis (active). Class B conditions were: Hansen's disease (not infectious), Tuberculosis (not active), and "Other physical defect, disease or disability." At page II-2, the technical instructions clarified that: "The responsibility of the civil surgeon is only to conduct the examination and testing required to determine the alien's status regarding Class A and Class B conditions and to complete the medical report form. . . . If the alien needs further evaluation or treatment for conditions not relevant to the medical examination, the physician should advise the alien of this and should make recommendations for appropriate diagnostic evaluation and treatment." The patient A. J. had an appointment for 5:00 p.m. She had requested a late afternoon appointment to minimize the time she would miss from her work. When the patient A. J. arrived at the Respondent's office, the Respondent was the only other person present in the office. During the entire time that the patient A. J. was in the Respondent's office on November 25, 1996, the only people in the office were the patient A. J. and the Respondent. Upon her arrival, the Respondent took the patient A. J. to an office, where she filled out some paperwork, including her name, address, and telephone number. The Respondent inquired as to exactly where on her street her residence was located. The Respondent made repeated inquiries about the location of the patient's residence and even asked the patient to draw a map to her residence. The Respondent asked the Patient A. J. if he could stop by her house sometime. The patient A. J. said, "No." The Respondent also asked the patient A. J. if she was married and if her marriage was "real." After finishing the paper work, the Respondent took the patient A. J. into a laboratory room, where he drew blood for two of the tests, and also administered the agent for the skin test for tuberculosis. The Respondent then took the patient A. J. to an examination room, gave her a gown, and instructed her to remove her clothing. The patient A. J. inquired as to whether she should remove her underpants. The Respondent replied, "Only if you want me to do a pelvic." The patient A. J. thereupon told the Respondent that she was due for a PAP test and that she needed birth control pills. The Respondent told the patient A. J. that it would be a good idea for her to start using birth control pills, in case she wanted to do anything while her husband was not around, because the pills would be added protection against pregnancy. The patient A. J. told the Respondent that she did not sleep around, to which he replied, "You can never tell what will happen." During the entire time the patient A. J. was in the Respondent's office, there was music playing in the office. The physical examination included an examination of the patient's breasts. While examining the patient's breasts, the Respondent sang along with the music. The Respondent also commented to the patient A. J. that the singer on the background music, Luther Vandross, was the greatest love song singer of all time. Following the examination that was required by the INS, the Respondent performed an internal pelvic examination of the patient A. J. This was an examination that involved the insertion of instrumentation and the insertion of the doctor's fingers into the vagina of the patient. The Respondent took an excessive amount of time in performing the internal pelvic examination. During the course of the internal pelvic examination, the Respondent told the patient A. J. that she had a heavy discharge. He then proceeded to ask her how often she became sexually aroused and how easily she became sexually aroused. During the course of the internal pelvic examination the patient A. J. became worried and asked the Respondent if the two of them were the only people in the office. The Respondent replied in the affirmative. The patient then began to feel afraid when it was confirmed that she was alone with the Respondent. Her fear arose from the fact that she was alone with a physician who had been making what she considered to be inappropriate comments and questions about her marriage, her affairs, and her sexual arousal. The internal pelvic examination of the patient A. J. was not required by the INS. The Respondent would not have conducted an internal pelvic examination of A. J. if she had not requested that such an internal examination be performed. The specific reasons for which A. J. requested, and consented to, an internal pelvic examination was to have a PAP smear performed and to determine if she had any condition that would contra-indicate the use of birth control pills. The patient A. J. believed that a physician could not, or would not, prescribe birth control pills without first conducting a PAP smear and an internal pelvic examination. The patient was correct in this belief. Acceptable standards of medical practice mandate that a physician perform a PAP smear and conduct an internal pelvic examination prior to prescribing birth control pills to a patient. If the Respondent was not going to perform a PAP smear and was not going to prescribe birth control pills, there was no reason for him to perform an internal pelvic examination of the patient A. J. During the course of the internal pelvic examination, the Respondent did not do a PAP smear of the patient A. J. The Respondent also refused to prescribe birth control pills for the patient A. J. When the patient repeated her request for a prescription for birth control pills, the Respondent replied that he could not prescribe the birth control pills for "personal reasons." When the patient inquired as to what he meant by "personal reasons," the Respondent said that he did not want to establish a doctor/patient relationship with the Respondent "because you can never tell what the future might bring." The Respondent also said to the patient A. J. that "in the future we might get involved," and he went on to explain that if that were to be the case, he could get in trouble if he were to be her doctor. The Respondent also told the patient A. J. that she was "too charming" to be his patient, and mentioned again that he didn't want to prescribe the birth control pills for her "because he didn't know if in the future we might have an affair," and for that reason he did not want to get into a doctor/patient relationship with the patient A. J. During a discussion following the examination, the Respondent asked the patient A. J. to return the following Friday (the day after Thanksgiving) to obtain the results of her blood tests and to have her skin test read. The patient told the Respondent she had plans for the long weekend and asked if she could return on Wednesday. The Respondent agreed that she could return on Wednesday. He also inquired about her weekend plans. The patient A. J. told the Respondent that she was going on a fishing trip with a girlfriend. Thereupon the Respondent asked the patient if she would go fishing with him sometime. He went on to mention that someone had given him some new fishing equipment that he had never had a chance to use. When patient A. J. asked how much she owed for the examination, the Respondent replied, "the cost is usually $2,000.00, but for you it will only be $120.00." As the patient A. J. was exiting the Respondent's office, the Respondent followed her out to her car. The patient had not asked the Respondent to escort her to her car and his presence made her nervous because she did not know his purpose in following her out to the car. As a result of the Respondent's comments and conduct, the patient A. J., in her words, "felt violated." The patient felt that many of the Respondent's comments and questions were inappropriately personal. She also felt that the Respondent had taken advantage of her by conducting an internal pelvic examination for the purported purpose of performing a PAP smear and determining if there was any condition that contra-indicated her use of birth control pills, and then not performing a PAP smear and not prescribing birth control pills because of the Respondent's interest in the possibility that they might have a future affair. Two days later, on Wednesday, November 27, 1996, the patient A. J. returned to the Respondent's office for the purpose of obtaining the results of the blood tests and to have her skin test read. On this occasion the patient was not alone with the Respondent at any time and she had only minimal contact with him. The Respondent did notice that the patient seemed to have a hostile attitude. On Friday, November 28, 1996, the Respondent called the home telephone number of the patient A. J. The patient was home, but she did not answer the telephone. The Respondent left a message on the patient's answering machine to the effect that he was just calling to "touch base" and that he would call her again later. There was no medical purpose for the telephone call. The comments and questions the Respondent made to the patient A. J. regarding such matters as whether her marriage was real, commenting that she was charming, asking her to go fishing with him, suggesting the possibility of a future affair, requesting a map to her house, asking if he could come visit her, and asking about her sexual arousal, all constitute inappropriate and unacceptable conversation by a physician to a patient. Comments and questions of this nature may reasonably be interpreted by the patient as being sexual in nature. It is a departure from accepted standards of medical practice for a physician to perform an internal pelvic examination on a patient without also having a third person in the examination room. A reasonably prudent, similar physician acting under similar conditions and circumstances would not perform an internal pelvic examination on a patient without also having a third person in the examination room. It is a departure from accepted standards of medical practice for a physician to perform an unnecessary internal pelvic examination on a patient. A reasonably prudent, similar physician acting under similar conditions and circumstances would not perform an unnecessary internal pelvic examination on a patient.

Recommendation On the basis of all of the foregoing it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be issued in this case to the following effect: Dismissing the charge in Count Three of the Administrative Complaint; Concluding that the Respondent has violated Sections 458.331(1)(j) and 458.331(1)(t), Florida Statutes, as charged in Counts One and Two of the Administrative Complaint, and Imposing a penalty for those violations consisting of (a) a letter of reprimand, (b) an administrative fine in the amount of $5,000.00, (c) suspension of the Respondent's license for a period of one year, and (d) placement of the Respondent on probation for a period of one year immediately following the period of suspension, with probation terms to be established by the Board of Medicine. Further, during the period of suspension, the Respondent should be required to attend courses to be determined by the Board of Medicine covering the subject matters of the patient-physician relationship and medical ethics. DONE AND ENTERED this 15th day of June, 1999, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. MICHAEL M. PARRISH Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of June, 1999.

Florida Laws (4) 120.57458.305458.329458.331 Florida Administrative Code (1) 64B8-9.008
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Sep. 15, 2000 Number: 00-003851PL Latest Update: Oct. 02, 2024
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