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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tampa, Florida Aug. 07, 2006 Number: 06-002830PL Latest Update: Apr. 12, 2007

The Issue The issues in this case are whether Respondent, Linda Lindquist, committed the acts alleged in the Administrative Complaint; whether the alleged conduct constitutes violations of Subsections 1012.795(1)(b), 1012.795(1)(c), 1012.795(1)(f), and 1012.795(1)(i), Florida Statutes (2005), and Florida Administrative Code Rule 6B-1.006(3)(a) and (e); and, if so, whether Respondent's teaching certificate should be suspended or otherwise sanctioned pursuant to Subsections 1012.795(1) and 1012.796(7), Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact Respondent holds Florida Educator's Certificate No. 300763, covering the area of art. The certificate is valid through June 30, 2011. At all times pertinent to this proceeding, Respondent was employed as an art teacher at Pinecrest Elementary School in the Hillsborough County School District. Vicki R. Dotson has been the principal of Pinecrest Elementary School since July 1999. Prior to that time, she was the assistant principal at the school. Dotson was Respondent's supervisor during the years 1999 to the present. During the 1999-2000 school year, Respondent would arrive late for work and leave work early without permission. She was reprimanded for those indiscretions, but did not alter her behavior. The behavior continued throughout the 2000-2001 and 2001-2002 school years. During the 2000-2001 and 2001-2002 school years, Respondent failed to properly complete student referral forms and had to be frequently admonished about using proper classroom management techniques. She did not modify her management style. Respondent received an overall unsatisfactory evaluation during the 2001-2002 school year. An action plan was prepared by the school administration to assist Respondent during the 2002-2003 school year. Respondent yelled at and/or physically struck students during the 2002 school year. Her overall evaluation for the 2002-2003 school year was unsatisfactory. Respondent failed to provide lesson plans for a substitute teacher in 2002. In response to a request by the school principal that she do so, Respondent faxed a response saying, "Please use your full time art teachers [sic] sub plans. I'm sure they are excellent." The school board terminated Respondent's employment on or about October 27, 2003. Respondent appears to be incompetent or unwilling to properly perform her duties as an art teacher.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by the Commission permanently revoking Respondent's Florida Educator's Certificate. DONE AND ENTERED this 15th day of November, 2006, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S R. BRUCE MCKIBBEN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th of November, 2006. COPIES FURNISHED: Kathleen M. Richards, Executive Director Education Practices Commission Department of Education 325 West Gaines Street, Room 224 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Ron Weaver, Esquire Post Office Box 5675 Douglasville, Georgia 30154-0012 Linda Lindquist 2209 North Riverside Drive Tampa, Florida 33602 Daniel J. Woodring, General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Marian Lambeth, Program Specialist Bureau of Educator Standards Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 224-E 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

Florida Laws (4) 1012.7951012.796120.569120.57
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Clearwater, Florida Apr. 08, 2015 Number: 15-001890PL Latest Update: Mar. 06, 2025
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Jun. 29, 2018 Number: 18-003356PL Latest Update: Mar. 06, 2025
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Dec. 16, 2004 Number: 04-004478 Latest Update: Nov. 21, 2005

The Issue The issue in this case is whether a high-school assistant principal made inappropriate remarks to two female students on campus during school hours, and then later harassed one of them, thereby entitling the district school board to suspend the administrator for 30 workdays without pay.

Findings Of Fact The Miami-Dade County School Board ("School Board"), Petitioner in this case, is the constitutional entity authorized to operate, control, and supervise the Miami-Dade County Public School System. As of the final hearing, Respondent Anthony C. Brooks ("Brooks") had been employed as either a teacher or administrator in the Miami-Dade County Public School System for approximately 23 years. At all times relevant to this case, Brooks was an assistant principal at Miami Jackson Senior High School, where his primary responsibility was discipline. The operative contract of employment between Brooks and the School Board required Brooks to "observe and enforce faithfully the state and federal laws, rules, regulations, and School Board Rules insofar as such laws, rules, regulations, and policies are applicable to the position of employment." Pursuant to the contract, Brooks agreed "to become familiar and comply with state and federal laws, rules, regulations and policies of the School Board and of the Department of Education for which [he] w[ould] be held accountable and subject to[.]" The agreement entitled the School Board to suspend or dismiss Brooks for just cause including "the failure to fulfill the obligations under this Contract." The Alleged Inappropriate Remarks The School Board alleges that on February 12, 2004, Brooks told M. D., a female student, that she should consider becoming a model, and that he would take pictures of her at the beach. The School Board alleges further that, the same day, Brooks separately encouraged another female student, F. J., to think about modeling. The evidence presented at hearing failed persuasively to substantiate these charges. The findings that follow in this section, based on evidence that is in substantial conflict, depict the likeliest scenario derivable from the instant record,1 though the undersigned's confidence in the accuracy of some aspects of this historical narrative is relatively limited.2 On the morning of February 12, 2004, a security monitor called Brooks to a classroom where some students were creating a disturbance. Upon his arrival, the teacher pointed out to Brooks the four students who had been causing problems. Brooks asked them to step outside. One of the four was M. D. Brooks told the students, in effect, to straighten up. In the course of lecturing the students, Brooks said to M. D., "You could be a model or something like that." Brooks was not attempting to proposition M. D. His remark was intended to boost her self-esteem and encourage M. D. to set higher standards of personal behavior for herself. Later that day, Brooks ran into M. D. outside the cafeteria. M. D. was talking to a security monitor, and Brooks overheard her say, "Mr. Brooks said I could be a model." The security monitor loudly and rudely scoffed at that idea. Thereafter, Brooks took M. D. aside, to the doorway of the SCSI (indoor suspension) room, and warned her not to discuss her personal business with everyone. Sometime later (perhaps the same day), Brooks was walking in the cafeteria, and F. J., a friend of M. D.'s, stepped on his foot. F. J. continued on her way without pausing and sat down at a table outside the SCSI room. Brooks walked over to her and invited an apology. F. J. declined. Brooks informed her that he would "model" good manners for her and proceeded to deliver an apology. Then, he left. Soon M. D. and F. J. reported to their cheerleading coach that Brooks had expressed interest in taking them to the beach for a photo shoot. The coach passed this allegation along to the administration, which in turn called the school police and the State Attorney's Office. The prosecutor declined to press criminal charges against Brooks; the Office of Professional Standards ("OPS") requested a personnel investigation. Detective Pedro Valdes conducted the investigation. He interviewed M. D., F. J., Brooks, and Trust Counselor Patricia Manson (who disclaimed personal knowledge of the events in dispute). The detective evidently did not believe (or at least gave little weight to) Brooks's denial of wrongdoing, for he determined that the students' statements were sufficiently credible to support the conclusion that Brooks had violated a School Board rule prohibiting improper employee/student relationships. The detective's report announcing that this charge had been "substantiated" was released in July 2004. Having effectively been found guilty by the detective, Brooks was summoned to a conference-for-record ("CFR"), which was held on August 11, 2004. There, Brooks was given an opportunity to deny the charge (but not to confront M. D. and J., whose statements comprised the "evidence" against him). He failed to persuade the administrators that the detective had reached the wrong conclusion. The administrators issued several directives to Brooks, including the following: Refrain from contacting anyone involved in this investigation at any time. Refrain from inappropriate contact and/or comments with students. The Alleged Harassment On August 25, 2004, F. J. came to school dressed inappropriately, in a short skirt and tank top. At the beginning of second or third period, a security monitor named Frantzy Pojo noticed that F. J. was in violation of the dress code and attempted to remove her from class. The teacher refused to let F. J. leave with the security monitor. Faced with the teacher's obstructiveness, Mr. Pojo called Brooks, the assistant principal in charge of discipline whose portfolio included dress code enforcement. Mr. Brooks came to the classroom and spoke with the teacher. He asked that the teacher instruct F. J. to put on a jacket to cover up. The teacher——and F. J.——complied. The very next day, Mr. Pojo spotted F. J. and saw that she was, once again, not dressed appropriately. Mr. Pojo called Brooks to handle the situation. Brooks found F. J. in the library and agreed that she was in violation of the dress code. He observed that two or three other girls were also dressed inappropriately. Mr. Pojo and Brooks escorted these girls to the SCSI room and left them there. Brooks instructed the teacher-in-charge not to suspend the students but rather to let them call their parents and request that appropriate clothes be brought to school. F. J. called her mother and complained that Brooks was harassing her. F. J.'s mother became angry and arranged to meet with the principal, Deborah Love, that afternoon. When F. J., her mother, and Ms. Love met as scheduled, F. J. accused Brooks of having followed her to classes and singled her out unfairly for discipline in connection with the dress code violations. At Ms. Love's request, F. J. submitted written statements concerning the events of August 25 and August 26, 2004.3 Ms. Love believed F. J. and apparently had heard enough. Without investigating F. J.'s allegations or even asking Brooks to respond to them, Ms. Love prepared a memorandum, dated August 27, 2004, in which she charged Brooks with insubordination. Specifically, Ms. Love alleged that Brooks had violated the directive, given at the recent CFR, to refrain from contacting anyone involved in the investigation stemming from the allegation that Brooks had made inappropriate remarks to M. D. and F. J. On or about August 27, 2004, Ms. Love ordered Brooks not to return to campus but instead to report to an alternate worksite pending further action on the charges against him. At its regular meeting on December 15, 2004, the School Board voted to accept the recommendation of OPS that Brooks be suspended without pay for 30 workdays. Ultimate Factual Determinations Brooks's conduct was not shown to have been outside the bounds of accepted standards of right and wrong. He is therefore not guilty of immorality, as that offense is defined in Florida Administrative Code Rule 6B-4.009(2). Brooks did not fail to make a reasonable protective effort to guard either M. D. or F. J. against a harmful condition; had he neglected such duty, Brooks could have been disciplined for misconduct in office. Brooks did not intentionally expose either M. D. or F. J. to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement; had he done so, Brooks could have been disciplined for misconduct in office. Brooks did not harass or discriminate against M. D. or F. J. on the basis of any improper consideration, such as race, color, or religion; had he done so, Brooks could have been disciplined for misconduct in office. Brooks did not exploit a relationship with either M. D. or F. J. for personal gain or advantage; had he done so, Brooks could have been disciplined for misconduct in office. Brooks did not constantly or continually refuse intentionally to obey a direct and reasonable order, which willful defiance, had he shown it, would have constituted "gross insubordination" under Florida Administrative Code Rule 6B- 4.009(4). Brooks did not violate School Board Rule 6Gx13-4A- 1.21, which prohibits unseemly conduct and abusive or profane language. Brooks did not violate School Board Rule 6Gx13-4-1.09, which prohibits unacceptable relationships and/or communications with students. Accordingly, it is determined that Brooks is not guilty of the charges that the School Board has brought against him.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the School Board enter a final order (a) rescinding its previous decision to suspend Brooks without pay and (b) awarding Brooks back salary, plus benefits, that accrued during the suspension period of 30 workdays, together with interest thereon at the statutory rate. DONE AND ENTERED this 17th day of October, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JOHN G. VAN LANINGHAM Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 17th day of October, 2005.

Florida Laws (2) 1012.33120.57
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Coral Springs, Florida Nov. 04, 2010 Number: 10-010073TTS Latest Update: Mar. 06, 2025
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Port St. Lucie, Florida Oct. 11, 2016 Number: 16-005872TTS Latest Update: Dec. 21, 2018

The Issue Whether just cause exists for Petitioner to suspend without pay and terminate Respondent’s employment as a teacher.

Findings Of Fact The School Board is a duly-constituted school board charged with the duty to operate, control, and supervise the public schools within St. Lucie County, Florida. At all times material hereto, Respondent was employed by the School Board as a music teacher at Manatee Academy K-8 School (“Manatee”), pursuant to a Professional Services Contract, issued in accordance with section 1012.33(3)(a), Florida Statutes. Respondent’s employment with the School Board as a teacher began in 2006. At all times material hereto, Respondent’s employment with the School Board was governed by Florida law and the School Board’s policies. Prior to the incidents giving rise to this proceeding, Respondent was not the subject of any discipline. She had received overall ratings of “Exceptional” or “Above Expectation” on her teaching evaluation forms. The incidents giving rise to this proceeding occurred on October 18 and 19, 2012, during the 2012-2013 school year. October 18 and 19 Respondent awoke around 6:00 a.m. on Thursday, October 18, 2012, and reported to work at Manatee. That afternoon, Respondent finished her work day at Manatee and left the school sometime after 3:15 p.m. After running some errands, Respondent arrived at her single-family residential home in Fort Pierce, sometime after 5:00 p.m. Respondent shared the home with her long-time boyfriend and fiancé, Dominic Madison (“Madison”). Madison was also a teacher employed by the School Board. At that time, Madison was a band director at a local high school. By the time Respondent got home, Madison had not yet returned home from his work day at the high school. Shortly after arriving home, Respondent sat down at her personal laptop computer to check e-mails and do some work. The computer was connected to the home’s wi-fi network. While working on the computer, Respondent discovered an unfamiliar icon and link to a file on the home network. The icon peaked Respondent’s interest. Upon clicking on the icon, a video opened with Madison’s face. Respondent then observed Madison and a white female engaged in sexual activity in a room inside their home.1/ While Respondent was unsure, it appeared that the female might be a former student of Madison’s who might also be a minor. As she continued watching the video, Respondent recognized the female as one of Madison’s 17-year-old students, K.M. After watching the video, Respondent was devastated, upset, angry, and unable to process what she saw. She called Madison at 6:36 p.m., to confront him about the video and confirm her suspicions that he, in fact, engaged in sexual activity with a minor student. They spoke for approximately 36 minutes. During the call, they argued, and Madison neither admitted nor denied engaging in sexual activity with K.M. By this point, Respondent was in tears and so upset and completely devastated that she experienced chest pains. After getting off the phone with Madison and while still at home, Respondent called her pastor, Theodore Sanders, for guidance. They spoke around 7:13 p.m., for approximately 14 minutes. Pastor Sanders knew Madison because his children had been members of the band at Madison’s high school. Pastor Sanders was shocked by Respondent’s allegation that Madison had engaged in sexual activity with a minor student. Due to the ramifications of such a “huge allegation,” Pastor Sanders was cautious and wanted to make sure that Respondent was certain about what she saw on the video. It is understandable that Respondent needed some period of time in which to process the situation, given that Madison was her fiancé; they had a long relationship together; and she observed Madison on her personal computer engaging in sexual activity with a minor student in their home. Sometime after 7:30 p.m., Respondent left the home. At 7:26 p.m., Respondent and Madison spoke again on the phone for approximately 38 minutes. Respondent and Pastor Sanders spoke again on the phone at 8:03 p.m. and 8:45 p.m., with such calls lasting one minute and 10 minutes, respectively. In the interim, Respondent spoke again on the phone with Madison for 43 minutes starting at 8:03 p.m. As a teacher, Respondent is a mandatory reporter of child abuse under sections 39.201(2)(a) and 1006.061(1), Florida Statutes. Respondent clearly understood that she had a mandatory obligation to report the sexual activity she saw on the video between Madison and K.M.2/ Respondent and Pastor Sanders discussed the need to report what Respondent saw. There was never any doubt that the abuse needed to be reported. Because of Respondent’s distraught emotional state at the time, they agreed that Pastor Sanders would make the call. Pastor Sanders told Respondent to get off the road and go home. Pastor Sanders then called “911” at some point after they got off the phone at 8:55 p.m., to report the abuse. At the hearing, Respondent acknowledged that there was almost a four-hour gap from when she first saw the video until the time that Pastor Sanders stated he was going to report the abuse. Respondent further acknowledged that prior to 8:55 p.m., she had never made a phone call to report the abuse to 911, DCF, or her principal. However, given that Respondent had just recently seen a video on her personal computer of her fiancé engaged in sexual activity with a minor female student in their home, it was understandable that Respondent needed time to process the situation. A less than four-hour delay from when Respondent first saw the video to Pastor Sanders’ call to 911 was immediate, and not an unreasonable delay given the unique facts of this case. Sometime before 10:00 p.m., Respondent returned to her residence. She saw Madison’s vehicle and assumed he was inside the home. According to Respondent, she knew the police were on their way. Respondent nevertheless entered the home, but she did not approach Madison in any manner. At approximately 10:00 p.m., two St. Lucie County Sheriff’s deputies arrived at the home and rang the doorbell at the front door. Madison answered the door, and was told by one of the deputies that they were there to talk to Respondent. The officer asked Respondent to step outside to speak with them and Madison was directed to step back. Madison then went back inside the home and closed the door behind him. One of the deputies remained at the front porch area while Respondent and the other deputy began to discuss what Respondent had seen on the video. At this point, one of the deputies requested to see the video so Respondent and the deputies proceeded to attempt to go back inside the front door. However, they discovered that Madison had locked the door behind him when he re-entered the home. By this point, no law enforcement officer had explored the perimeter of the home to determine whether there were any other entrances or exists from the home. Nor was Respondent asked by either deputy if there were any other entrances or exits from the home. Respondent began ringing the doorbell and knocking on the front door. In the midst of Respondent ringing the doorbell, knocking on the door, and receiving no response from Madison, the deputies asked Respondent, for the first time, if there were any guns in the home and any other entrances and exits. Respondent advised the deputies that there was a back door. Ultimately, it was determined that Madison had snuck out the back door of the home to elude law enforcement. Respondent gave the deputies permission to enter and search the home. They entered through the open back door. Once the house was cleared by the officers, Respondent and the officers went inside the home. Respondent was cooperative during the search of the home and she consented to allowing the officers to look at the computer. Respondent attempted to show one of the deputies what she saw on the computer, but nothing would come up. Ultimately, it was determined that Madison took the evidence with him when he fled the home. When officers went into the front office and wanted to collect some items belonging to Madison, Respondent told the officers that she would prefer if they got a search warrant. The officers obtained a search warrant and stayed all night searching the home until approximately 5:00 a.m. Respondent did not sleep or eat while the officers were at the home and she was visibly “shaken-up” and crying at times during the evening and early morning hours of October 19. Detective Wentz was at the home and spoke with Respondent throughout the night and early morning of October 19. At some point, Detective Wentz “flat out asked” Respondent if she knew where Madison was located. Respondent responded, indicating she did not know where he fled to. Detective Wentz made it clear to Respondent on multiple occasions during the evening of October 18 and early morning of October 19 that if she knew Madison’s whereabouts, she should let him know. Before he left the home on the morning of October 19, Detective Wentz reiterated to Respondent that she needed to contact law enforcement immediately if she had any information about Madison’s whereabouts. Respondent clearly understood this directive. At no time during the evening of October 18 and early morning of October 19 did Respondent ever volunteer information as to where she thought Madison might be. On the other hand, the persuasive and credible evidence adduced at hearing establishes that Respondent did not know of Madison’s whereabouts at any time during the evening of October 18 and early hours of October 19 after he fled the home. However, by 11:45 a.m., on October 19, Respondent discovered that Madison might be staying at the local Holiday Inn Express, based on information she received from Madison’s father. Respondent called the front desk of the hotel at 11:47 a.m. and 12:01 p.m., in an effort to confirm that Madison was indeed at the Holiday Inn. Respondent and Madison spoke at 12:09 p.m., at which time Respondent knew Madison was still at the hotel, about to check-out of the hotel. At no time between 11:47 a.m. and 1:39 p.m., did Respondent make any calls to law enforcement to let them know that Madison might be at the Holiday Inn. Master Deputy Horowitz was at Respondent’s home before 1:39 p.m. However, Respondent failed to inform Master Deputy Horowitz that Madison was at the Holiday Inn. Master Deputy Horowitz specifically asked Respondent if she knew where Madison was. Respondent responded, stating that she “did not know where his whereabouts were at the time.” Respondent spoke with Master Deputy Horowitz by telephone on two or three occasions later that afternoon. Respondent’s testimony that she told Master Deputy during one of these telephone conversations that Madison had been at the Holiday Inn is not credited and is rejected as unpersuasive. Later that afternoon, Respondent was transported to the Sheriff’s Office for an interview. During the interview, Respondent admitted she failed to inform law enforcement that Respondent had been staying at the Holiday Inn: DETECTIVE NORMAN: I know you’ve talked to several detectives throughout yesterday evening, last night, this morning, this afternoon. Probably seen more faces that you want to see. Here’s--here’s what we’re trying to figure out, where your fiancé is. Do you know where he is? MISS THOMAS: And I understand that. And like I told the officers that came to the home, it was information that was left out. And it truly was not intentional. I know the way it looked, intentionally, it made me look bad, but I honestly do not know where he is. At the time when I did speak to him, he told me that’s where he was, that he was leaving that location so I haven’t a clue. He hasn’t contacted me since the last time I spoke with him today. * * * And I mean, I’m disappointed because I made a mistake. I did. I omitted something that I didn’t realize at the time and I don’t know if it was, you know, just, you know, just did it just because I guess deep down I was maybe trying--you know, I don’t know why I didn’t say, “Oh yea, by the way this.” I don’t know why. That was so stupid. Petitioner’s Exhibit 12, pp. 5-7. Following the interview, Respondent was placed under arrest and charged with one felony count of failing to report child abuse in violation of sections 39.201(1)(b) and 39.205, Florida Statutes, and one felony count of being an accessory after the fact, in violation of section 777.03(1)(c), Florida Statutes. After Respondent was arrested, she was placed on temporary duty assignment at home with pay. On Monday, October 22, Respondent self-reported her arrest and the abuse of K.M. by Madison to her principal and the District. Subsequently, the State Attorney charged Respondent in the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit for the felony charges of failing to report child abuse in violation of sections 39.201(1)(b) and 39.205, and for the felony charge of being an accessory after the fact in violation of section 777.03(1)(c). The persuasive and credible evidence adduced at hearing establishes that Respondent did not call Madison while he was at the Holiday Inn Express to warn him so that he could elude arrest. Nevertheless, Respondent knew Madison was at the Holiday Inn at least by 12:09 p.m. on October 19, when she spoke to Madison on the telephone. Respondent failed to inform law enforcement that he was at the Holiday Inn, or that he had been at the Holiday Inn, until her interview at the Sheriff’s office later that afternoon just prior to her arrest. After a 23-hour manhunt, law enforcement officers found and arrested Madison at the Holiday Inn Express around 7:00 p.m. Respondent’s delay in informing law enforcement of Madison’s whereabouts or that he had been at the Holiday Inn Express delayed his arrest by at most, approximately seven hours. Notably, the video was discovered by Respondent, reported by Respondent to law enforcement, and Madison was arrested, within the span of approximately 25 or 26 hours. Ultimately, it was Respondent who identified the victims of Madison’s crimes. It was Respondent’s discovery of the video, her immediate reporting of the abuse, and her later identification of the victims, which led to Madison’s arrest and his conviction on all charges. The State Attorney charged Madison in the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit with 40 counts of criminal activity: 34 felony charges of sexual activity with a minor; five felony charges of sexual battery on a child in custodial relationship; and one felony charge of using a child in a sexual performance. On April 1, 2016, Madison was adjudicated guilty on five counts of sexual activity with a minor. Madison was sentenced to 15 years, consecutive, for each count. On August 7, 2013, Respondent pled no contest to both charges. On the plea form, Respondent checked section 25, which states: “I specifically believe the plea is in my best interest even though I am innocent of the charge, charges, or violations, or may have defenses to them.” After Madison was adjudicated guilty, all criminal charges against Respondent were Nolle Prossed. The persuasive and credible evidence adduced at hearing fails to establish that Respondent is guilty of misconduct in office in violation of Florida Administrative Code Rule 6A- 5.056(2)(d) or (e). The evidence does not establish that Respondent engaged in behavior that disrupted a student’s learning environment or reduced her ability or his or her colleagues’ ability to effectively perform duties. The persuasive and credible evidence adduced at hearing fails to establish that Respondent violated Florida Administrative Code Rule 6B-1.006(3)(a). The evidence does not establish that Respondent failed to make reasonable efforts to protect a student from conditions harmful to learning and/or to the student’s mental and/or physical health. Indeed, Respondent protected students from any further abuse by Madison. Respondent is responsible for Madison’s abuse of K.M. being brought to the attention of law enforcement immediately after she observed the video on her personal computer. Within about four hours after observing her fiancé engaging in sexual activity with a minor on her personal computer and processing the situation and speaking with her pastor, the matter was reported to 911, and law enforcement arrived at Respondent’s home. Madison was at the home when the deputies arrived. Notably, the deputies who arrived at Respondent’s home did not ask to speak with Madison first. Instead, they asked to speak with Respondent, and Respondent was asked to step outside the home. Madison, the alleged perpetrator of the sexual abuse, was ordered by one of the deputies to go back inside the home. Knowing full well that the suspect, Madison, went back inside the home through the front door, neither deputy undertook any efforts to determine whether Madison might have an escape route through another door. A perimeter was not established until after law enforcement officers discovered that Madison had fled the home. Respondent cooperated with law enforcement while they were at her home. She cooperated fully in the prosecution of Madison and she was instrumental in securing Madison’s criminal conviction for the abuse. Given the totality of the circumstances, Respondent’s failure to inform law enforcement during the afternoon of October 19 of Madison’s whereabouts at the Holiday Inn, which delayed the arrest of Madison by seven hours, at most, does not rise to the level of conduct sufficient to support a finding of guilt in violation of rule 6B-1.006(3)(a). The persuasive and credible evidence adduced at hearing fails to establish that Respondent violated rule 6B-1.006(3)(n). Respondent reported the abuse to appropriate authorities when Pastor Sanders called 911. She also reported the abuse to appropriate authorities when deputies arrived at her home. Respondent also self-reported the incident to her principal and the District on the following Monday, October 22. The persuasive and credible evidence adduced at hearing fails to establish that Respondent is guilty of immorality in violation of rule 6A-5.056(1). Insufficient credible and persuasive evidence was adduced at hearing to establish that Respondent engaged in conduct inconsistent with the standards of public conscience and good morals, and that the conduct was sufficiently notorious so as to disgrace or bring disrespect to Respondent or the teaching profession and impair Respondent’s service in the community. The persuasive and credible evidence adduced at hearing fails to establish that Respondent violated Policy 5.37(8)(a). Respondent “directly” reported her knowledge of Madison’s abuse of K.M. as required by the policy when Pastor Sanders called 911 within four hours of Respondent’s view of the video. The persuasive and credible evidence adduced at hearing fails to establish that Respondent violated Policy 6.301(3)(b). As to Policy 6.301(3)(b)(viii), Respondent did not engage in immoral conduct, nor was it shown that Respondent’s conduct was “indecent.” As to Policy 6.301(3)(b)(xxx), the School Board failed to prove that Respondent engaged in off-duty conduct that does not promote the good will and favorable attitude of the public toward the School District, its programs, and policies. In reaching this conclusion, it is notable that the School Board did not call any members of the public or any administrators, teachers, or other personnel as witnesses to support this claim. Moreover, the School Board does not argue in its proposed recommended order that it proved that Respondent violated Policy 6.301(3)(b)(xxx). Paragraphs 71 through 73 refer to another specific subdivision within Policy 6.301(3)(b), 6.301(3)(b)(viii). However, there is no specific argument that Respondent violated Policy 6.301(3)(b)(xxx). The persuasive and credible evidence adduced at hearing fails to establish that Respondent violated Policy 6.94(2)(a). As detailed above, Respondent reported the abuse when Pastor Sanders called 911. Respondent also reported the incident to the deputies when they arrived at her home shortly after Pastor Sanders called 911, and when she self-reported the abuse to her principal and the District on the following Monday, October 22.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the St. Lucie County School Board enter a final order rescinding Respondent’s suspension without pay and termination, and reinstate her with back pay and benefits. DONE AND ENTERED this 23rd day of May, 2017, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S DARREN A. SCHWARTZ Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 23rd day of May, 2017.

Florida Laws (15) 1001.021006.0611012.011012.33120.536120.54120.569120.57120.6839.20139.205775.082775.083775.084777.03 Florida Administrative Code (1) 28-106.217
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 81-001757 Latest Update: Mar. 19, 1982

Findings Of Fact This matter comes on before the undersigned for consideration following an Administrative Complaint brought by Ralph D. Turlington, Commissioner of Education for the State of Florida, against Robert J. Browne, Respondent. No genuine factual issue is in dispute because no communication, including an election of rights or an appearance from the Respondent, has ever been received. Pursuant to the above-cited rule, the matter was required to proceed to hearing before the undersigned for the presentation of a prima facie case by the Petitioner, regarding the establishment of the reputed facts alleged in the Administrative Complaint upon which the Petitioner seeks revocation of the Respondent's Certificate. The Administrative Complaint is dated July 1, 1981. After the Administrative Complaint was filed, various efforts were made to achieve service of the same on the Respondent. The Respondent never responded to the Administrative Complaint. Diligent search and inquiry failed to locate the Respondent, or a means or location whereby he might be served with the Complaint. Attempts to serve him at his last-known forwarding address resulted in the certi- fied mail being returned unclaimed and unforwardable. The undersigned attempted to serve notice of this proceeding itself upon the Respondent at the last known address with the same result. Service by publication of the Administrative Complaint was achieved by the Petitioner. The Respondent holds Florida Teaching Certificate Number 440435, Post Graduate, Rank II, which expires on June 30, 1998, authorizing him to engage in the profession of teaching in the areas of mental retardation, junior college, administration, and supervision. At all times pertinent hereto, he was employed at the Exceptional Student Educational Center in Broward County, Florida, at Eastside Elementary School. The Respondent's position was that of administrator or assistant principal at the school. The Respondent was employed at the school during the summer of 1980. Mrs. Annie Turner was employed at the school as the custodian during that same summer. She worked from the hours of 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the evening. She often took her son Ronnie, who was the youngest of seven children, to the school with her during her working hours. She did this in order for him to assist her in her job duties. On an early visit to the school, Ronnie met the Respondent, Mr. Browne. They met on frequent occasions thereafter, when Ronnie was at the school with his mother and talked of sports and other things of interest to Ronnie, and they ultimately struck up a friendship. Mrs. Turner began noticing that her son would go to a distant bathroom in the school and stay an inordinate period of time. This happened on a number of occasions and she noticed that Mr. Browne would follow her son into the mens' bathroom while she was engaged in cleaning another room nearby in the school. She did not feel anything was amiss until this happened on a regular basis. Finally, on a Thursday evening (she does not remember the date), in the summer of 1980, Mr. Browne and Ronnie entered the bathroom and stayed so long she opened the door to check on her son and observed the Respondent on his knees committing a homosexual act on the person of her son. She was not observed by Mr. Browne. She ultimately informed-the County Superintendent and Mr. Browne was confronted with the subject accusation by his superiors. Sometime thereafter the Respondent resigned his position at the school. Mrs. Turner no longer respects Mr. Browne and would not want one of her children in a school where he was principal or a teacher due to her apprehension regarding their physical and emotional welfare. The testimony of Ronnie Turner corroborates that of his mother, Annie Turner, and in addition, establishes that the homosexual act observed by Mrs. Turner occurred on three (3) other occasions in a substantially similar fashion and location. The occasion when Annie Turner discovered the Respondent committing a homosexual act on her son was the fourth and last of those occasions, all of which occurred during a three-week period during the summer of 1980. Ronnie Turner sougnt on several occasions to avoid association with the Respondent during this time after he became aware of the Respondent's intentions. He would not want to attend a school at which the Respondent was employed and fears that the same fate will befall other children at any school at which the Respondent should be employed. Ronnie Turner was fourteen years of age at the time the pertinent events occurred. After the Respondent resigned from his position with the Broward County School System, there ultimately ensued an Administrative Complaint brought by Ralph Turlington, Commissioner of Education of the State of Florida, seeking revocation of the Respondent's Florida Teacher's Certificate.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing findings of fact, conclusions of law, the evidence in the record and the pleadings and arguments of counsel for the Petitioner, it is, RECOMMENDED: That the Respondent, Robert J. Browne, have his Teacher's Certificate in and for the State of Florida revoked permanently. DONE AND ENTERED this 19th day of March, 1982, in Tallahassee, Florida. P. MICHAEL RUFF Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of March, 1982. COPIES FURNISHED: J. David Holder, Esquire BERG AND HOLDER 203-B South Monroe Street Post Office Box 1694 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Mr. Robert J. Browne 1771 Northeast 12th Street Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33304

Florida Laws (2) 120.57120.60
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 79-001389 Latest Update: Jan. 30, 1980

Findings Of Fact Respondent, Moses Green, holds Florida Teaching Certificate No. 232099, Graduate, Rank II. He served as dean of students at Boca Ciega High School during the 1976-1977 school year. Thereafter he was reassigned as one of three deans of students at Pinellas Park High school, and he served in this capacity during the 1978-1979 school year. Moses Green has been in the field of education since his graduation from Florida A & M University more than 21 years ago. After teaching several years in South Carolina and Georgia he came to Boca Ciega High School in Pinellas County in 1964 where he started as a teacher. He served as dean of students at Boca Ciega High school from 1974 until 1977 when he was transferred to Pinellas Park High School as a dean of students. In October 1976 enroute from his home to school in a vehicle described both as a van and a motor home, Respondent stopped to give a ride to Jacqueline Blackshear and Stephanie Bellamy, two ninth grade students at Boca Ciega High School. When they entered the van Jackie sat on the housing covering the engine between the two front seats facing the rear of the van and Stephanie sat in the front right-hand passenger's seat. Enroute to school Respondent commented that Jackie was growing up and placed his hand on the inside of Jackie's thigh. At the time, Jackie was enroute to school for cheerleader practice and was wearing shorts. Jackie looked and moved towards Stephanie and Respondent removed his hand. Before arriving at school Respondent again placed his hand on Jackie's thigh and removed it when she moved. Upon arrival at school Respondent told Stephanie to get out as he wanted to talk to Jackie. When Stephanie left the van, Respondent was standing facing Jackie whose back was to the closed door. Respondent grabbed Jackie and attempted to kiss her. She pushed away, opened the door and left the van. When she left the van, Jackie was upset and Stephanie suggested she tell her parent. Near noontime Jackie went to Gail Weston, a physical education teacher at Boca Ciega High School and told her about the incident in Respondent's van. Stephanie accompanied Jackie on this visit. Ms. Weston described Jackie as nervous and upset. After a few minutes of conversation Ms. Weston realized that it was not something she could handle and she told Jackie and Stephanie that they needed to tell their story at the Dean's office and she took them to Jean Johnson, a dean of students at Boca Ciega High School. There both girls told their story to Ms. Johnson who prepared a statement for them to sign. The story repeated to Ms. Johnson was essentially the same told to Ms. Weston. After typing up their statements, Ms. Johnson told Mr. Demps, the principal. He had the girls brought to him, where the story was again repeated. Demps called Respondent in and confronted him with the story. He also advised his area superintendent and the director of personnel, who investigated the allegations made by these two girls. Demps also arranged for a meeting with Jackie's and Stephanie's parents the following day. Following the investigation, Green, on October 19, 1976 was issued a letter of reprimand (Exhibit 1) for his role in the events that had come to the school's attention regarding the two girls noted above and warned that a recurrence of such conduct would result in dismissal. By letter dated 9 November 1976 Respondent was sent another letter (Exhibit 2) regarding a reported and inappropriate remark made by Green to another female student, which Respondent had denied, and the letter suggested Respondent and the girl take lie detector tests. By letter dated December 29, 1976 (Exhibit 3) the Superintendent of Schools advised Respondent that the results of the polygraph test he had voluntarily taken indicated his answers were deceptive, while the girl's polygraph test indicated her responses were honest. Respondent was placed on probation for the remainder of the 1976-1977 school year and for all of the 1977-1978 school year. Although his principal at Boca Ciega High School, Mr. Demps, considered Respondent's effectiveness at Boca Ciega High School seriously impaired by the notoriety given to the events involving Respondent in 1976, he remained at Boca Ciega High School for the remainder of that school year. For the school year 1977-1978 Respondent was transferred to Pinellas Park High School as dean of students. Upon his transfer to Pinellas Park High School, Demps gave Respondent a good evaluation report. During Respondent's first year at Pinellas Park High School, no incidents were reported to form the basis of any of the charges here considered. This school year 1977-1978 included the probation period set by Exhibit 3. The school year 1978-1979, while Respondent was dean of students at Pinellas Park High School, produced the majority of complaints and testimony at this hearing regarding improper comments made to female students by Respondent, improper contact of a sexual nature with female students by Respondent, and corroboration of this testimony by other witnesses. Ten female students who attended Pinellas Park High School during school year 1978-1979 testified against Respondent regarding incidents between Respondent and these students of a sexual nature. Some of these incidents involved contact or attempted contact such as hugging, kissing or attempting to kiss, touching breasts or attempting to do so, and rubbing the front of his body against students' backsides when passing them when adequate room for passing without contact existed. Several testified to improper comments made to them by Respondent such as "You have a nice set of tits," "I'd like to get in your pants," "You have a nice pair of legs," "Why don't we go to a motel," "You drive an old man crazy," "You have a nice butt and look good in those pants," "One of these days it's going to be you and me," and similar comments regarding female students' anatomy. Much of this testimony was corroborated by other witnesses who overheard the remarks or observed the bodily contact. Additionally, some of the witnesses had complained to their parents or to other faculty members shortly after the incidents. Others first came forward with their complaints when they learned the police were investigating Green's conduct at the school and they became convinced their isolated incidents wouldn't appear unbelievable. Some of these students tolerated and perhaps encouraged the comments to provide them leverage to insure a cover-up for numerous "skips" of classes. Some of these witnesses skipped classes without punishment due to Respondent's position as dean and to whom their infractions were referred. Respondent denied each and every testimonial utterance of misconduct on his part while admitting the situation described by the witnesses, in which the improper actions of Respondent were said to have occurred, were real. During his testimony Respondent referred to school records which would corroborate his testimony, but he made no effort to produce these records or to account for their non-production. Respondent was subjected to three criminal trials on charges stemming from allegations of fact similar to those testified to in these proceedings. He was acquitted on charges alleging battery and false imprisonment and convicted of the offense of attempting to contribute to the delinquency of a minor. Those trials resulted in considerable publicity and the allegations became well-known throughout the Pinellas County School System. Several witnesses testified that Respondent's effectiveness in the Pinellas County School System was totally destroyed by virtue of the notoriety gained by Respondent due to this adverse publicity.

Florida Laws (2) 924.065924.14
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Bradenton, Florida Nov. 06, 2013 Number: 13-004291 Latest Update: Oct. 20, 2014

The Issue The issue in this case is whether Petitioner has just cause to terminate Respondent from his employment contract.

Findings Of Fact The School Board is duly constituted and charged with the responsibility and authority to operate, control and supervise the public schools within Manatee County, Florida. Art. IX, Fla. Const.; ch. 1012, Fla. Stat. The School Board has the authority to discipline employees. § 1012.22 (1)(f), Fla. Stat. At all times relevant to this proceeding, Respondent was employed by the School District. Mr. Gagnon has been in the education field for approximately 23 years, and has been with the School District since 2002. Mr. Gagnon served as an assistant principal at Lakewood Ranch High School and as principal at Palmetto High School, both of which are in Manatee County. Mr. Gagnon was the principal at MHS beginning with the 2007-2008 school year. Mr. Gagnon served as the MHS principal until he transitioned to the position of assistant superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction for the School District in January 2012. Mr. Gagnon served as the interim superintendent for approximately one month in September/October 2012 and then returned to the assistant superintendent position when another person was appointed interim superintendent. In 2005 the School District posted a position for a specialist in the OPS to investigate alleged School District employee misconduct. The then superintendent wanted to establish a standardized method of investigating employee misconduct. Ms. Horne interviewed for the position, and was appointed as the first OPS specialist. As there were no School District policies or rules in place when she started, Ms. Horne assisted in writing the School District’s OPS policies. Sections 39.201 and 39.202, Florida Statutes, are incorporated into the School District’s policies and procedures as Policy 5.2(1), Policies and Procedures Manual, School Board of Manatee County (2013), which provides: Mandatory Duty to Report Suspected Child Abuse. All employees or agents of the district school board who have reasonable cause to suspect abuse have an affirmative duty to report it. Employees or agents so reporting have immunity from liability if they report such cases in good faith. This includes suspected child abuse of a student by an employee. Ms. Horne provided the training on this policy and other policies to School District employees. As the OPS investigator, Ms. Horne was to “investigate alleged employee misconduct and other matters as assigned” to her by her supervisor. Ms. Horne never had the authority to determine whether or not someone had engaged in misconduct or to make any recommendations as to what may or may not have happened. Her role was to simply gather the information, prepare a report of her findings, and provide that report to her supervisor. In November 2012, Mr. Martin was the School District’s assistant superintendent for District Support, and Ms. Horne’s direct supervisor. During her eight-year tenure as the OPS specialist, Ms. Horne investigated over 800 cases of employee misconduct. The School District uses a progressive discipline model for its employees. Should an employee exhibit behaviors that could be considered inappropriate or misconduct, the School District has a step-by-step method of taking disciplinary action, from simply talking with the employee up to termination of employment. If it is an egregious action, such as sexual conduct with a student, immediate termination is an option. The discipline begins on-site by the site-based managers where the incident occurs. Those site-based managers could have that simple conversation, and if need be, it could progress to a verbal directive, a memorandum of conference, and/or a written reprimand. Site-based managers include principals, assistant principals, directors, and assistant directors.3/ In those instances where the disciplinary action could lead to days without pay or termination, actions that could only be taken by the School Board, OPS would open an investigation. During the first two weeks of November 2012, Mr. Rinder was approached by several MHS teachers regarding concerns for their students. When Mr. Rinder spoke with Mr. Sauer, MHS’s principal, about those concerns, Mr. Sauer asked Mr. Rinder to type up the list (Rinder’s List) and give it to Mr. Sauer. Mr. Sauer, in turn, forwarded Rinder’s List to the OPS. Rinder’s List: [1.] One staff member reported a phone call to a female student during class. The student was upset by the call and told the staff member that Mr. Frazier had asked her if “she had gotten her period and did she need him to go to the drug store for her.” [2.] One staff member reported that Mr. Frazier repeatedly called for a female student during class. When asked if it was important, Mr. Frazier said “yes”. [sic] When the staff member asked the student what the problem was, the answer was “My mom wanted to take me to lunch and he helped me do it”. [sic] [3.] Male student was failing a core class. He told the teacher that “Frazier told me that he will change the grade”. [sic] [4.] A female student was observed getting into Mr. Frazier’s vehicle after school hours and was transported. [5.] Female student told a staff member that she overheard students talking about several meetings in the park late at night with Mr. Frazier. She stated that Mr. Frazier placed and [sic] empty water bottle between her legs as she was walking down the sidewalk. [6.] Female student was observed sitting on Mr. Frazier’s lap eating cake off his fork. [7.] Female student reported to a staff member that Mr. Frazier made a comment to a student in the hall that he had put her on skype [sic] and she took a picture and has it saved on her cell phone. She is scared that he will retaliate if she tells. [8.] Female student told a staff member that Mr. Frazier had made comments to her at the Tiki Bar that she was old enough to be there and they could talk. When she refused to talk with him, she started having issues with Mr. Frazier at school. She transferred to LIFE program to get out. [9.] Female student was reported to a staff member by several students who stated that she was having a relationship with Mr. Frazier. She transferred schools. This conversation was overheard by two teachers in the hall. [10.] The Math Department this week was discussing Mr. Fraziers [sic] questionable activities. Upon receipt of Rinder’s List, Ms. Horne was directed to open an investigation into the allegations contained therein. The subject of the investigation was an MHS parent liaison4/ and assistant football coach named Roderick Frazier. In a very general sense, the allegations involved misconduct by a teacher. Rinder’s List initiated the Frazier investigation. However, Rinder’s List contains blatant hearsay which cannot form the basis for a finding of fact without corroboration. There was no testimony provided by any students mentioned in items 2, 3, 5 (first sentence), 7, 8, or 9 above; hence, it is impossible to verify what occurred. Item 10 merely indicates that an entire department at MHS discussed “questionable activities” by an individual, but it provides no specific activities. There was no credible, non-hearsay evidence in this record to substantiate any of these allegations (items 2, 3, 5 (first sentence), 7, 8, 9 or 10). On November 14, 2012, an email with an attached letter from then-Superintendent David Gayler, was sent to Mr. Sauer around 8:40 p.m., advising him that Mr. Frazier was to be placed on paid administrative leave (PAL) on Thursday, November 15. Mr. Sauer notified Mr. Frazier appropriately. The School Board’s policy regarding placing an employee on PAL is dependent upon whether there is a potential for harm to any student and/or the employee could incur a suspension or termination from employment. Due to an on-going investigation at a different school, Ms. Horne did not arrive at MHS to begin the investigation until the afternoon of Thursday, November 15. Ms. Horne first interviewed Mr. Rinder, as Rinder’s List did not contain any names of teachers or students who were allegedly involved. Upon obtaining the names of the teachers who had expressed concerns, Ms. Horne interviewed most of the teachers on November 15. By the time Ms. Horne completed her teacher interviews, the students had been dismissed from school and were no longer available. At some time, Mr. Rinder observed a female student getting into Mr. Frazier’s car after school (Rinder’s List, Item 4). Mr. Rinder was not alarmed by this sight, but merely thought it was Mr. Fazier’s son’s girlfriend getting a ride. There was no testimony that Mr. Rinder ever brought this information to Mr. Gagnon’s attention. Ms. Aragon brought two concerns about Mr. Frazier to Respondent’s attention: 1) she thought that girls were sitting too close to Mr. Frazier in golf carts at MHS; and 2) Mr. Frazier had called her classroom telephone to talk with a female student. Neither Ms. Aragon nor Mr. Gagnon were absolutely certain as to when these concerns were brought to Mr. Gagnon’s attention: Ms. Aragon thought they were brought to his attention during one conversation, and Mr. Gagnon thought there were two separate conversations approximately a year apart, based on the actions that he took to address them. Mr. Gagnon’s testimony is more credible. Upon being told of the golf cart issue, Respondent immediately went to the MHS courtyard and observed Mr. Frazier with a female student sitting in his golf cart. At the same time, Respondent observed two other assistant principals with students of the opposite sex sitting in their golf carts. Respondent addressed Mr. Frazier first, and then issued a directive to his discipline staff that no one was to allow a student to just sit in a golf cart. Respondent directed that if there was a legitimate reason to transport a student, that was fine, but students were no longer to just sit in the golf cart. With respect to the telephone incident (Rinder’s List Item 1), Mr. Frazier called Ms. Aragon’s classroom and bullied his way to speak with the female student. After the student hung up the phone with Mr. Frazier, she appeared to be upset. Ms. Aragon immediately questioned the student, and Ms. Aragon understood that Mr. Frazier had inquired about the student’s menstrual cycle. Ms. Aragon thought it was “inappropriate” for Mr. Frazier to be speaking with a female student about her menstrual cycle, but Ms. Aragon testified that she did not know if the conversation impacted the student’s day. Ms. Aragon was not privy to the actual conversation between the student and Mr. Frazier, and the student with whom the conversation was held did not testify. The actual telephone conversation is hearsay. Ms. Aragon sought guidance from the teacher’s union president as to what to do. When Ms. Aragon spoke with Mr. Gagnon about Mr. Frazier’s telephone call, Mr. Gagnon immediately turned the issue over to an assistant principal for investigation. Based on the report from the assistant principal, Mr. Gagnon was not concerned that anything inappropriate or sexual was happening.5/ At some point in time, Ms. Coates overheard two female students comment about Mr. Frazier. Although Ms. Coates asked the students to tell her directly the basis for their comment, the students declined. (Neither student testified at hearing.) Shortly thereafter, Ms. Coates told Respondent the students’ comment. Ms. Coates heard Mr. Gagnon respond that something was going around on Facebook. Mr. Gagnon did not remember Ms. Coates telling him of the students’ comment. However, Mr. Gagnon routinely reviewed the disciplinary records for the three parent liaisons and was satisfied that Mr. Frazier was not showing favoritism in his discipline to one group of students over another. It is not uncommon for students to perceive that a teacher is showing favoritism towards a student or group of students. At the conclusion of the teacher interviews on November 15, Ms. Horne understood that the allegations had occurred a year or two before they were reported in Rinder’s List. This thought process was reinforced when Ms. Horne met with some of the MHS administrators in Mr. Sauer’s office where they had a telephone conference with Mr. Martin. Following the telephone conference, Ms. Horne returned to the School District’s main office and again conferred with Mr. Martin for directions. On November 15 or 16, 2012, Ms. Horne had a brief conversation with Mr. Gagnon at the School Board building. Mr. Gagnon asked about the Frazier investigation. Ms. Horne responded that the only issues she was hearing had previously been addressed, and that Ms. Horne would be returning for other interviews. Additionally, Mr. Martin had a brief conversation with Mr. Gagnon about the Rinder List allegations. Mr. Gagnon maintained that the allegations were old and had been dealt with appropriately. Ms. Horne shared with Mr. Martin that the Rinder List allegations were old and had been dealt with previously. Based on this information, Mr. Martin, in his sole discretion, determined to remove Mr. Frazier from PAL on November 16, 2012, and return him to work. Ms. Horne was surprised by this, as her investigation was incomplete. Ms. Horne interviewed Mr. Frazier as well as one other teacher, on November 16, 2012. Although Ms. Horne had the name of an alleged victim, Mr. Martin directed her not to interview that student at that time. In January 2013, a former MHS female student, D.K., wrote a letter to MHS alleging that Mr. Frazier did various inappropriate acts towards her while she was a student at MHS during the 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 school years. In her letter, D.K. stated that she became close to Mr. Frazier during her two years at MHS. D.K. met Mr. Frazier at a park near her home, but during her second year at MHS (2011-2012), Mr. Frazier “started being weird with [her] and saying inappropriate things to” her. D.K. admitted that she frequently rode in Mr. Frazier’s golf cart around the school, and that Mr. Frazier put a water bottle (Rinder’s List Item 5, second sentence) in between her legs (between her knees and crotch) as they were sitting in the bleachers at the softball field and while sitting in a golf cart. D.K. came forward with the letter because she had heard of the Frazier investigation and that it was being closed. Several days after D.K.’s letter was received in OPS, Ms. Horne interviewed D.K., who was accompanied by her mother. Ms. Horne was unable to confirm D.K.’s credibility completely because Ms. Horne left OPS prior to the conclusion of the Frazier investigation. The most disturbing part of D.K.’s testimony came when D.K. admitted, and Ms. Peebles confirmed, that during the 2010- 2011 school year, Ms. Peebles walked into Mr. Frazier’s office unannounced and observed D.K. sitting on Mr. Frazier’s lap holding a piece of cake (Rinder’s List Item 6). Ms. Peebles immediately instructed D.K. to get off Mr. Frazier’s lap and to sit in a chair on the other side of his desk. Mr. Frazier appeared to be unfazed by Ms. Peebles entering his office unannounced and witnessing this scene. Mr. Frazier proceeded to handle the disciplinary matter that Ms. Peebles had brought to him. Ms. Peebles reported the observation to an assistant principal, Matthew Kane, but not to Respondent. Ms. Peebles did not believe there was abuse on-going, but thought it was “not appropriate” for Mr. Frazier to have a student sitting on his lap. D.K. testified that “after he [Mr. Frazier] got in trouble he started getting me [D.K.] in trouble for things that I had been getting away with the whole time I was there [at MHS].” D.K. did not provide a time-frame or what “trouble” Mr. Frazier had gotten her into while D.K. was at MHS, and no evidence was provided otherwise. Further, D.K. never told Mr. Gagnon of any issues involving Mr. Frazier. D.K. was enrolled at a different local high school when Mr. Frazier was placed on PAL. Ms. Peebles relayed another issue regarding Mr. Frazier; however, it involved hearsay and was not corroborated by the student who initially reported the issue to Ms. Peebles. The absence of direct, non-hearsay testimony precludes a finding of fact as to that issue. In late January 2013, Ms. Horne transferred to an assistant principal position at a school district elementary school. Both Ms. Horne and Mr. Martin confirmed that the Frazier investigation had not been completed when Ms. Horne left OPS. Ms. Horne had not submitted a written report to her supervisor which would have signaled the completion of the Frazier investigation. The specialist position in OPS remained vacant until July 2013 when Mr. Pumphrey assumed the position. Mr. Pumphrey confirmed that there “had been an ongoing investigation both at the School District level and law enforcement surrounding Rod Frazier.” In an effort to gain speed in his investigation, Mr. Pumphrey reviewed the Frazier investigation file and became aware that the School District “had stalled their investigation pending the outcome of the criminal investigation.” Mr. Pumphrey reviewed Mr. Frazier’s personnel file and determined there was “no documentation of any discipline to Mr. Frazier.” Additionally, Mr. Pumphrey pulled all the published information including media accounts and police reports, and reviewed them. As Mr. Martin had been instrumental in hiring Mr. Pumphrey, the two spoke several times “because this thing [the Frazier investigation] was all over the place.” Several days after re-starting the Frazier investigation, Mr. Pumphrey expressed to the superintendent his concern about the close proximity of Mr. Pumphrey’s office to that of Mr. Gagnon and requested that Mr. Gagnon6/ be placed on PAL. The superintendent did so. During the course of the Frazier investigation, Mr. Pumphrey considered that Mr. Gagnon’s actions or inactions during the course of the Frazier investigation constituted “administrative negligence and/or intentional misconduct.” Mr. Pumphrey broadened the Frazier investigation to determine whether district administrators “had prior knowledge of complaints by female students and faculty regarding inappropriate conduct involving Frazier and, if so, why the complaints were not timely addressed.” There is no credible, non-hearsay evidence in the record to substantiate that Mr. Gagnon failed to investigate or report inappropriate conduct by a faculty member. When apprised of questionable or suspect conduct, Mr. Gagnon took the steps necessary to inquire. The absence of direct, non-hearsay testimony precludes a finding that Mr. Gagnon acted in the fashion alleged in the administrative complaint.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Petitioner, Manatee County School Board, enter a final order dismissing the Administrative Complaint in its entirety. DONE AND ENTERED this 30th day of June, 2014, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S LYNNE A. QUIMBY-PENNOCK Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of June, 2014.

Florida Laws (9) 1006.0611012.221012.271012.7951012.796120.569120.5739.20139.202
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Daytona Beach, Florida Dec. 07, 2011 Number: 11-006195 Latest Update: Jun. 27, 2012

The Issue Did Respondent, Volusia County Schools (School Board), decline to renew the contract of Petitioner, Glen Collins (Mr. Collins), because of his age? Did the School Board unlawfully retaliate against Mr. Collins for protected activity?

Findings Of Fact The School Board is an employer as defined by section 760.02(7), Florida Statutes (2010),1/ the Florida Civil Rights Act. The School Board had policies and procedures in place during Collins' employment that prohibited the discrimination or harassment of any employee "on the basis of [that employee's] race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, marital status, political beliefs, sexual orientation, or age." The School Board provided these policies and procedures to all employees in the new employee briefing. The School Board also provided employees periodic training on the policies. Additionally, the policies and procedures were available to employees on the School Board's website and in employee handbooks. The School Board also operated a human resources department to help enforce the policies and answer employee questions or concerns about the policies. The School Board's anti-discrimination policy encouraged any employee who believed he or she had been subject to harassment on the basis of age to notify the equity officer, through use of a report form or orally, within 60 days of the alleged harassment. The School Board policies commit to promptly investigate any complaint(s) of harassment, whether formal or informal, verbal or written, and take appropriate action to prevent further harassment, including disciplining the employee violating its policy. The School Board also prohibited retaliation against any employee for reporting allegations of harassment or participating in an investigation, proceeding or hearing related to the alleged harassment. The School Board would take the appropriate disciplinary or other action against any employee found to be in violation of the policy. Mr. Collins worked for the School Board from August 28, 2006, until June 30, 2010. He began employment in the maintenance unit for the school system. The maintenance unit employees were responsible for repair and other maintenance of the School Board facilities throughout Volusia County. Russell Tysinger (Mr. Tysinger) hired Mr. Collins. In 2006, the School Board operated separate construction and maintenance departments. The maintenance department consisted of employees at two district offices, one in Daytona Beach and one in Deltona. Mr. Collins began work at the Daytona office. Mr. Collins was a skilled, diligent, and committed employee. Over the years he worked in several positions including Electrical Maintenance Supervisor for the East Side (of the County), Facility Mechanical Technician (FMT) Supervisor, and Trade Supervisor (Electric). In addition to performing all the duties of his various positions during his years of employment, Mr. Collins volunteered for additional duties and actively sought to identify and solve problems at the schools for which he was responsible. For instance, when a plumbing supervisor retired, Mr. Collins volunteered to assume the duties of that position. This permitted the School Board to save money by eliminating the position. The School Board recognized Mr. Collins' skills and dedication. It gave him additional duties and pay increases. The School Board does not claim that Mr. Collins' termination was for discipline or unsatisfactory work. In 2008, and in every year since, the School Board's revenue has declined. This has caused a decrease each year in the budget of the maintenance and construction department and other departments. When the School Board hired Mr. Collins, he knew that it faced financial difficulties and was likely to downsize. Mr. Tysinger, the maintenance unit's head, had to reduce costs, increase efficiency, and economize in both the materials and labor components of his budget. In 2008, he eliminated several vacant positions and did not fill positions created by retirements. In 2009, when the head of the construction unit resigned, the School Board consolidated the maintenance and construction units to save money. Mr. Tysinger became the head of the consolidated unit. The School Board eliminated the position filled by the former head of construction. In 2009, Mr. Tysinger faced a greater need to reduce costs, including labor costs. This year there were not enough retirements and vacancies to achieve the needed personnel cost savings simply by eliminating vacant positions. Mr. Tysinger laid off 12 employees from the newly consolidated unit, including five in supervisory positions. He reduced capital and material expenditures also. And he reinvigorated an energy conservation program to reduce utility costs. During the 2009-2010 time period, Mr. Tysinger also changed the maintenance shop locations from two (one on the east side of the county and one on the west side) to five distributed around the county. He did this to reduce the costs of the various tradesmen driving to the schools where they performed their tasks and to improve efficiency by having less driving time and more working time. These changes saved the financial equivalent of 33-full time equivalent positions and doubled the department's productivity. In July of 2009, Mr. Collins became an FMT supervisor, responsible for overseeing and assisting 11 FMTs. These duties were in addition to his duties as an electrical maintenance supervisor. On December 3, 2009, Mr. Collins executed an annual contract with the School Board for the 2009-2010 school year. The contract specifically provided that "[a]n Employee may be dismissed where the School Board through financial necessity for good cause shown deems it necessary to decrease the number of employees of the particular kind of service in which the affected Employee was engaged." The contract expired on June 30, 2010. In 2010, the School Board required Mr. Tysinger to cut approximately 1.8 million dollars from his personnel budget and four to five percent from his materials and supplies budgets. These further budget reductions required Mr. Tysinger to lay off 38 employees in the construction and maintenance division and take other cost-cutting measures. Mr. Tysinger conducted a rational analysis of employees and their skill sets to determine which employees he would have to let go in 2010. First, Mr. Tysinger identified all of the skill sets that he needed to have in the maintenance and construction unit. This included plumbing, electrical, and heating and cooling. He also determined how many employees with each skill set he needed. Then he identified the employees with the needed skills. After that, Mr. Tysinger reviewed the seniority of each employee in each group determined by the skill set groupings. He then determined who would be laid off by seniority, while ensuring that he maintained the skill sets needed and the number of employees he required with those skills. Using seniority as a factor helped ensure that the School Board retained the employees with the most experience with the School Board facilities and systems. Mr. Collins was one of the individuals let go. Mr. Tysinger advised Mr. Collins on May 27, 2010, that the School Board would not renew his contract in June when it expired. Mr. Collins was 52-years-old. The School Board's Maintenance and Construction unit retained employees older than Mr. Collins. For example, the School Board retained Mr. Ken Blom and Mr. Rick Jones, both of whom were older than Mr. Collins. During the period between May 27, 2010, and the end of the contract period, Mr. Collins' supervisor asked him to train Antonio Gutierrez in the job duties that Mr. Collins performed and inform Mr. Guiterrez about projects and activities underway. Mr. Gutierrez is younger than Mr. Collins. His age does not appear in the record. Mr. Tysinger retained Mr. Gutierrez because of his expertise with air conditioning units, because air conditioning was one of the largest problem areas, and because of his seniority. During the time period when he reduced the number of staff, Mr. Tysinger also reassigned employees to different locations and units to provide the needed distribution of skill sets at each location and in each unit. This process took several months. In this process, as an interim measure, Mr. Tysinger assigned Mr. Gutierrez to perform many of Mr. Collins' functions. Mr. Gutierrez did not replace Mr. Collins or permanently assume his duties. Mr. Tysinger reassigned the majority of Mr. Collins' duties to Mr. Blom. This included his electrical duties and supervision of some of Mr. Collins' former FMTs. He assigned Mr. Collins' plumbing responsibilities and some of his FMTs to Mr. Ford. And he assigned some of Mr. Collins' electrical responsibilities to Mr. McKinnon. The ages of Mr. Ford and Mr. McKinnon do not appear in the record. Mr. Collins' claim of age discrimination rests solely on his belief that Mr. Gutierrez assumed his job responsibilities. During his employment with the School Board, Mr. Collins identified maintenance problems at different schools, including Pine Ridge High School, over the years and reported them. Mr. Collins also discovered sealant was being improperly applied and raised concerns about this. Mr. Collins thinks that his identification of the problems embarrassed the supervisors responsible for the schools and that his termination was retaliation for identifying the problems. There is no persuasive evidence to support Mr. Collins' belief. There is no evidence that Mr. Collins opposed any practice that is unlawful under the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992 (chapter 760, Florida Statutes), or that he made a charge, testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing under the Civil Rights Act. Budget reductions required the School Board to reduce the number of employees in the construction and maintenance unit where Mr. Collins worked. Mr. Tysinger and the School Board did not consider Mr. Collins' age in deciding to end his employment. They also did not act because of any dissatisfaction with his good work identifying problems with the maintenance of the schools.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations deny Mr. Collins' Petition for Relief. DONE AND ENTERED this 11th day of April, 2012, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JOHN D. C. NEWTON, II Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 11th day of April, 2012.

Florida Laws (8) 112.3187112.31895120.569120.57120.68760.02760.10760.11
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