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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lake Mary, Florida Apr. 30, 2021 Number: 21-001438PL Latest Update: Oct. 05, 2024

The Issue Whether Respondent committed the violations alleged in the Amended Administrative Complaint; and, if so, the appropriate penalty therefor.

Findings Of Fact Parties and Investigation Leading to Issuance of the Amended Complaint The Department is the state agency responsible for regulating the practice of medicine pursuant to section 20.43, Florida Statutes, and chapters 456 and 458, Florida Statutes. Respondent, Aunali Salim Khaku, M.D., is a neurologist and sleep medicine specialist licensed (ME 114611) in Florida. Respondent completed a neurology residency in 2013 and a sleep medicine fellowship in 2014. He practiced at the VA from 2014 until 2020, initially at the Lake Baldwin facility and then at the Lake Nona facility. From 2020 until early 2021, Respondent practiced at Orlando Health. Other than the allegations herein, the Department has never sought to discipline Respondent. The Department seeks to revoke Respondent’s license based on allegations that he engaged in sexual misconduct during office visits with three female patients—S.R., M.H., and M.V.S. The parties stipulated that the factual allegations, if proven by clear and convincing evidence, constitute sexual misconduct under Florida law. On or around December 6, 2020, M.V.S. reported to both the LMPD and the Department that Respondent acted inappropriately during an office visit on November 30, 2020. The Department investigated further, interviewed M.V.S. and Respondent, and obtained medical records from Orlando Health. On February 17, 2021, the Department issued an Order of Emergency Restriction of License (“ERO”) that restricted Respondent from practicing on female patients based on findings of sexual misconduct with M.V.S. On February 22, 2021, Respondent requested an expedited hearing under sections 120.569 and 120.57. The Department properly did not transmit the case to DOAH at that time, as judicial review of the ERO is via petition in the appellate court. §§ 120.60(6)(c) and 120.68, Fla. Stat. Respondent filed such a petition, but the First District Court of Appeal ultimately denied it on the merits. On March 9, 2021, the Department presented its disciplinary case to a probable cause panel of the Board. After hearing argument from both parties, the panel unanimously found probable cause to issue a three-count Administrative Complaint (“Complaint”) seeking to discipline Respondent for engaging in sexual misconduct with M.V.S. On March 10, 2021, the Department issued the Complaint. On March 16, 2021, Respondent requested an expedited formal hearing under chapter 120. However, the Department did not immediately transmit the Complaint to DOAH because it had just received notification that the VA investigated complaints of sexual misconduct against Respondent by two veterans, S.R. and M.H., who each saw Respondent multiple times between 2014 and 2016. The Department obtained records from the VA. As to S.R., the VA closed the matter as unsubstantiated based on S.R.’s decision not to pursue criminal charges and the VA’s finding of insufficient evidence to support the allegations. As to M.H., the VA found no conclusive evidence of misconduct based on Respondent’s testimony, which was corroborated by the testimony of his nurse and a medical student. After receipt of the VA records, the Department interviewed S.R. and M.H. Based on this additional information, the Department presented its case to another probable cause panel to amend the Complaint to include allegations relating to S.R. and M.H. After hearing from both parties, the panel voted unanimously on April 23, 2021, to find probable cause of sexual misconduct with S.R. and M.H. On April 27, 2021, the Department issued the three-count Amended Complaint seeking to discipline Respondent’s license for sexual misconduct with S.R., M.H., and M.V.S. On April 29, 2021, Respondent filed a third request for a hearing, which sought transmission of the case to DOAH for an expedited evidentiary hearing to be held within 30 days. On April 30, 2021, 45 days after Respondent’s request for a hearing on the initial Complaint, the Department transmitted the Amended Complaint to DOAH to conduct an evidentiary hearing under chapter 120.2 2 In filings prior to transmittal of the Amended Complaint to DOAH, in pleadings prior to the final hearing, and orally at the final hearing, Respondent argued that the Department improperly delayed transmitting the case to DOAH and violated his due process rights throughout the investigatory process. Even had Respondent preserved those arguments by including them in his PRO, the undersigned would have found that the Department’s investigation, the probable cause panel proceedings, and the timing of the transmittal of the case to DOAH did not render the proceedings unfair or impair the correctness of the Department’s action based on the weight of the credible evidence. For one, the Department presented its case to the probable cause panel 20 days after issuing the ERO and issued the initial Complaint the next day. It presented the new allegations to a probable cause panel 65 days after the ERO (and 44 days after filing the initial Complaint) and issued the Amended Complaint the next day. The Department then transmitted the Amended Complaint to DOAH on April 30, 2021, one day after Respondent requested a hearing on it and 45 days after requesting a hearing on the initial Complaint. Based on this timeline, the Department met its obligation to promptly institute chapter 120 proceedings. See § 120.60(6)(c), Fla. Stat. (“Summary suspension, restriction, or limitation may be ordered, but a suspension or revocation proceeding pursuant to ss. 120.569 and 120.57 shall also be promptly instituted and acted upon.”); see also § 456.073(5), Fla. Stat. (“Notwithstanding s. 120.569(2), the department shall notify the division within 45 days after receipt of a petition or request for a formal hearing.”); Fla. Admin. Code. R. 28-106.501(3) (“In the case of the emergency suspension, limitation, or restriction of a license, unless otherwise provided by law, within 20 days after emergency action taken pursuant to subsection (1) of this rule, the agency shall initiate administrative proceedings in compliance with Sections 120.569, 120.57 and 120.60, F.S., and Rule 28- 106.2015, F.A.C.”). The weight of the credible evidence also failed to establish any resulting prejudice to Respondent. He presented no evidence as to how the Department’s decision to investigate the new allegations and issue the Amended Complaint before transmitting the case to DOAH prejudiced his ability to defend against the allegations. The Department notified Respondent of M.V.S.’s complaint and allowed him to provide statements during the investigation, make arguments before both probable cause panels, conduct discovery, and adequately prepare for and defend against the allegations at a final hearing. The fact that the VA did not comply with Respondent’s discovery requests or make witnesses available is neither attributable to the Department nor a reasonable basis to argue prejudice, particularly where Respondent failed to enforce subpoenas or challenge the VA’s discovery objections in state or federal court. The undersigned simply cannot find that the Department violated Respondent’s due process rights by waiting 45 days to transmit the case to DOAH while the Department investigated new allegations involving two other female patients. At best, Respondent’s alleged prejudice is that the Department was able to prosecute him for sexual misconduct with two additional patients, which it had authority to do independently by separate complaint or by moving to amend the Complaint once it transmitted the case to DOAH. The latter option could have resulted in even more delay, as DOAH may have had to relinquish jurisdiction to allow for the new allegations to be approved by a probable cause panel if the Department had not already completed that necessary step. S.R.’s Two Appointments with Respondent in 2014 and 2015 In 2014, S.R., a 58-year-old veteran who just moved to Orlando, requested a neurology referral because she suffers from multiple sclerosis (“MS”). The VA referred her to Respondent with whom she had two office visits. On December 29, 2014, S.R. had her first appointment with Respondent at the VA Lake Baldwin facility. Respondent’s assistant took S.R.’s vitals but did not remain in the room during the examination.3 S.R. never asked for a chaperone to be present and one was not offered to her. Respondent entered the room and made introductions with S.R. They discussed the new VA facility in Lake Nona, where Respondent lived, and restaurants in that area. According to S.R., Respondent said that he hoped to see her, though she did not understand what that meant. S.R. explained that she suffered her first MS attack over 30 years earlier but only recently was diagnosed with the disease after a neurologist ordered an MRI. She discussed her current symptoms, including back pain, muscle spasms, and fatigue. Respondent told her that back problems were common for women with large breasts, which she thought was odd. But, she expressed hope that Respondent could continue to help with her symptoms much like her prior neurologists in South Carolina and South Florida. Respondent examined S.R. and tested her reflexes, vision, coordination, and physical limitations. Respondent said he wanted to listen to S.R.’s heart. Without even trying to listen over her clothes, he asked S.R. to lift her t-shirt. He began rubbing his stethoscope across both her breasts and under her bra. He then cupped the bottom of her left breast with the palm of 3 The VA advocate’s report indicated that S.R. said that Respondent instructed his assistant to leave the room prior to his examination. However, S.R. testified credibly that she never made that allegation and her handwritten statement to the VA advocate also contained no such allegation. That the VA advocate’s hearsay report says otherwise neither calls S.R.’s credibility into doubt nor undermines the clear and consistent nature of her testimony. his hand while holding the stethoscope between his fingers and touching her nipple. This portion of the examination lasted about ten seconds. At the end of the initial visit, Respondent discussed treatment plans, medication, and physical therapy with S.R. They scheduled a follow-up appointment for several months later. Respondent documented S.R.’s records based on his examination. Although S.R. testified credibly that she had a heart murmur, Respondent noted a regular heart rate and rhythm with no murmurs. He also continued S.R.’s prescription for Diazepam, though several months later he placed an addendum for that initial visit record to indicate the prescription was improperly entered under his name and that he would defer to S.R.’s primary care physician for that medication. S.R. thought Respondent’s conduct was weird because no doctor had ever listened to her heart under her clothes or touched her breasts in that manner. She felt confused and uncomfortable, but she did not report the incident then because she trusted Respondent as her doctor and thought it could have been a mistake. She also thought Respondent might be the only neurologist at the VA. She discussed the incident with her husband and decided that she would be more aware at subsequent appointments. On March 30, 2015, S.R. had her second visit with Respondent at the Lake Nona facility. She arrived early, but the office staff delayed bringing her back and then had trouble taking her vitals. S.R. did not request a chaperone for this visit because everyone seemed very busy. Respondent entered the room and they were again alone. Respondent seemed irritated because he thought S.R. arrived late, which made her defensive. She complained of left hip pain and told Respondent that she had not gone for physical therapy. He examined her hip by lifting her leg, which hurt. She then sat up and he said he needed to listen to her heart. Again, without attempting to listen over her t-shirt and bra, he told her to lift her t-shirt. Because of what occurred during the last visit, S.R. kept her arms tightly by her sides to limit Respondent’s ability to touch her breasts. He kept using his elbow to try to relax her arms while moving the stethoscope higher over her breasts, eventually cupping her breast under her bra. He grabbed at her breasts but got frustrated by her refusal to relax her arms. At that point, Respondent threw the stethoscope into the sink and became angry, which startled S.R. and made her uncomfortable. She requested that he continue her Diazepam prescription to help her sleep at night, which she said her prior neurologist prescribed for muscle spasms. Respondent told her that the drug was for anxiety, not muscle spasms, though he documented in her record that she should continue to take the medication. Respondent also documented again that S.R. had a regular heart rate and rhythm. S.R. felt uncomfortable during the entire visit. She had never had a neurologist get angry or confrontational with her, but she decided not to report the incidents at that time because she was in pain and just wanted to go home. About a month later, she awoke in the middle of the night and realized the inappropriateness of Respondent’s conduct. In August 2015, S.R. returned to the Lake Nona facility to schedule an appointment with a different neurologist. When she saw Respondent’s name on the signage, she immediately went to the patient advocate to report his misconduct in the hope of preventing him from engaging in the same behavior with other patients. She met with the patient advocate and the VA police, and she completed a written statement. Although she was supposed to testify before the VA investigative board, she had trouble finding the room that day and left without speaking to anyone. Based on S.R.’s decision not to pursue criminal charges and the VA’s finding of insufficient evidence to support the allegations, the VA closed the matter as unsubstantiated. However, the matter was referred for clinical and/or administrative follow- up, which resulted in the VA updating its chaperone policy to require signs to be posted in the offices to put patients on notice of their right to ask for a chaperone. S.R. did not report the incidents to the Department at the time because she did not realize she could do so. But, when the Department contacted her in 2021 about this case, she agreed to participate and testify. The undersigned found S.R. to be a highly credible witness who unequivocally testified about Respondent’s inappropriate sexual behavior. S.R.’s testimony was compelling, specific, clear, and materially consistent with the statements she made when the incidents first occurred. Respondent testified about his treatment of S.R., but he conceded he had no independent recollection of the visits. Instead, he based his testimony on what he documented in her medical records and his standard practice. Respondent testified that he conducted a thorough examination in the same manner that he evaluates all of his new patients. He performed a cardiac examination over S.R.’s clothing by placing a stethoscope on her chest in several areas to listen to her heart. He confirmed that he never places the stethoscope on, or allows his hand to come into contact with, a patient’s breasts and that it was impossible that such contact happened with S.R. even inadvertently. He also said that he always has a chaperone present if he needs to listen to a female patient’s heart under her clothing and that is exactly what he would have done had he needed to do so with S.R. Respondent denied engaging in any inappropriate behavior with S.R. and suggested instead that she misperceived what happened. However, he offered no credible explanation for S.R. having such a misperception, except to accuse her of being upset for his refusal to prescribe her Diazepam. S.R.’s medical records fail to document any cognitive impairment and Respondent confirmed that she did not suffer from hallucinations or ailments that would cause her to imagine things that did not happen. Although S.R. admitted that it took her a few months to fully realize what Respondent had done and to report it to the VA, the undersigned has no hesitation in finding her testimony to be a fair and accurate account of Respondent’s actual conduct. The records themselves also call the veracity of Respondent’s testimony into question. Although S.R. credibly testified that she had a heart murmur, Respondent documented the lack of such a murmur even after conducting two cardiovascular examinations of her. Had Respondent conducted a proper cardiac examination, he should have identified and documented her murmur. Further, it cannot be ignored that the treatment plan for both visits continued her prescription for Diazepam, even though Respondent—after the first visit but before the second visit—placed an addendum in the record to indicate that S.R. needed to obtain the prescription from her primary care physician. Respondent’s notes for the March 2015 visit also document that Diazepam continued to be an active prescription for S.R., undermining the suggestion that she would fabricate an allegation of sexual misconduct against Respondent on that basis. Moreover, Respondent’s expert neurologist had never heard of a patient fabricating sexual misconduct allegations against a doctor for failing to prescribe medication. Based on the weight of the credible evidence, the undersigned finds that the Department proved by clear and convincing evidence that Respondent engaged in sexual misconduct with S.R. During the first visit, Respondent directed S.R. to lift her shirt and inappropriately rubbed his stethoscope across her breasts and under her bra, cupped her left breast with the palm of his hand while holding the stethoscope between his fingers, and touched her nipple. During the second appointment, Respondent directed S.R. to lift her shirt again. Although S.R. kept her arms tightly against her sides to try to limit Respondent’s ability to touch her inappropriately, he inappropriately rubbed the stethoscope across her breasts, cupped her breast under her bra, and grabbed at her breasts. Respondent did so on both occasions without first attempting to listen to S.R.’s heart over her clothing, which itself was contrary to the standard of care. M.H.’s Four Appointments with Respondent in 2015 and 2016 In late 2015, the VA referred M.H., a 39-year-old veteran, to Respondent for a neurological evaluation after she had an abnormal MRI showing white matter changes in her brain following an illegal drug overdose. M.H. had four office visits with Respondent at the Lake Nona facility on August 12, 2015, November 6, 2015, June 23, 2016, and August 1, 2016. During the first three visits, Respondent discussed M.H.’s medical history, prior drug use, and symptoms, including migraines, pain, possible nerve damage, and cognitive and motor issues; he also conducted physical and neurological examinations. During the fourth visit, Respondent performed a nerve block procedure to address M.H.’s migraines. M.H. testified about the visits and her uncomfortable interactions with Respondent. During several visits, he discussed the lack of sex with his wife and that she allowed him to step outside the marriage. He either asked M.H. out on a date or to meet at a hotel, which she interpreted as an offer of sex, and he also asked if he could call her. He asked her questions about her sex life several times, including how often she had sex with her boyfriend, what positions they liked, the size of her bra, and whether sex was painful. M.H. testified that Respondent also acted inappropriately. During one visit, he either lifted her shirt or asked her to lift her shirt to look at her breasts and listen to her heart. He once blocked the door to prevent her from leaving the room and attempted to put his arms around her to hug her. He once put his hands on the bottom of her buttocks, like a lover’s caress. During the fourth visit when the nurse left the room after the procedure, he had an erection and rubbed it through his pants against her leg while trying to give her a hug. She said that she told her mother in the waiting room after that visit that Respondent had rubbed his erection on her. She also said that he told her not to say anything about their interactions at each visit. In August 2016, M.H. reported Respondent’s conduct to the VA; she did not report the conduct to the Department because she did not know she could. The VA investigative board conducted sworn interviews of M.H., Respondent, his nurse, and a medical student, and it considered numerous letters of recommendation from Respondent’s patients and colleagues. It found no conclusive evidence of sexual misconduct based on Respondent’s testimony, as corroborated by testimony from a nurse and a medical student. M.H. testified passionately about Respondent’s conduct and how it made her feel. However, her recollection of the details—as to what occurred, when, and who was present—was fuzzy and inconsistent in material ways with the testimony she gave to the VA board in 2016, her deposition testimony in this case, and the testimony of her mother. M.H. stated that her recollection in 2016 was better than now, but the inconsistencies outlined below affect the weight to be given to M.H.’s testimony. M.H. testified initially that she and Respondent were alone in the examination room at some point during each visit. M.H. testified that she asked to have her daughter present during either the third or fourth visit, but Respondent refused. M.H. also testified on cross examination that she could not recall if her mother was in the room with her during the first two visits, only to later confirm that her mother must have been present during those two visits based on the testimony she gave before the VA board in 2016. M.H.’s mother testified that she accompanied M.H. to two of the visits, though she could not recall the dates. Contrary to M.H.’s testimony, her mother said she neither came back to the examination room nor met Respondent at any visit and based her testimony solely on what M.H. said. M.H.’s mother testified that M.H. said that Respondent asked her out after one visit and rubbed his erection against her back after another visit, which contravened M.H.’s testimony that Respondent rubbed his erection against her leg while hugging her from the front. Before the VA board in 2016, and contrary to her testimony at the final hearing, M.H. said that Respondent acted professionally during the first two visits and that her mother was present in the examination room both times. M.H. testified that Respondent became unprofessional while they were alone in the room during the final two visits, at which he asked inappropriate questions about her sex life. M.H. explained that she was offered a chaperone before the third visit, but she refused because nothing unprofessional had occurred before, and that Respondent refused to allow her daughter to be in the room during the procedure on the fourth visit. M.H. said Respondent grabbed her buttocks during the third visit and, during the fourth visit, he blocked the door after the procedure, grabbed her buttocks, lifted her shirt to comment on how much he liked her breasts, and rubbed his erection through his pants on her leg. When cross-examined about the inconsistencies, M.H. testified at the final hearing that she may have been protecting Respondent by saying in 2016 that he acted professionally during the first two visits, though she now recalls him acting unprofessionally during all four visits. During her pre-hearing deposition in this case, M.H. testified that Respondent asked questions about her sex life and bra size, discussed his open marriage, and asked her out during the first visit, but he did not touch her inappropriately. M.H. testified that Respondent refused to allow her daughter to stay in the room with her during the second visit and, after the examination, he blocked the door, grabbed her and tried to hug her, rubbed his erection on her stomach and leg, and again reiterated that he was allowed to have sex outside his marriage. She testified that Respondent discussed his open marriage and asked her to date him during the third visit; M.H. said that the office refused to allow her mother to accompany her in the room. M.H. testified that the only uncomfortable thing that Respondent did during the fourth visit was ask her out repeatedly. M.H. testified that Respondent never asked if she wanted a chaperone at any of the visits, though she later acknowledged that a chaperone was present at the fourth visit. Respondent testified about his treatment of M.H. based only on what he documented in her chart, as he had no independent recollection beyond his review of her medical records. Respondent denied any inappropriate behavior with M.H. He claimed that he never allowed himself to be alone in a room with her because she was engaging in manipulative, drug-seeking behavior. He basically accused M.H. of fabricating the allegations against him because he refused to prescribe her pain medication. However, Respondent’s accusations against M.H. are questionable for several reasons. Respondent never documented in her record his concern about M.H.’s alleged drug-seeking behavior, that a chaperone needed to be present at all visits, or that she had requested pain medication. Although he documented the presence of his nurse and a medical student at the fourth visit, he failed to do the same for the first three visits. One would expect a physician—surely one as concerned about a patient’s drug-seeking history and behavior as Respondent now claims to be—to document those concerns and the presence of chaperones in the medical record to prevent any future false accusation. This is particularly so given that Respondent, at the time, had recently been accused of misconduct by S.R., which he believed was both false and based on her drug-seeking behavior. The medical records also confirm that M.H. informed Respondent at the June 2016 visit that she had been prescribed Lyrica for pain while in jail and that it was working. Respondent noted, “Renewed lyrica,” in the plan/recs section of the record for that visit. Respondent also noted Pregabalin, the generic name for Lyrica,4 in both the active and pending medication lists for both the June and August 2016 visits. The weight of the credible evidence does not support Respondent’s claim that M.H. fabricated her allegations because he refused to prescribe her pain medication, particularly given her credible testimony that she did not 4 According to WebMD, the generic name for Lyrica is Pregabalin. Available at https://www.webmd.com/drugs/2/drug-93965/lyrica-oral/details. need pain medication because Respondent continued her Lyrica prescription. It also bears repeating that Respondent’s own expert had never heard of a patient falsely accusing a doctor of sexual misconduct for refusing to prescribe medication. After evaluating the evidence, the undersigned finds M.H. generally to be a more credible witness overall than Respondent. She testified passionately and credibly about Respondent’s requests to meet her outside the office because he had an open marriage and his wife allowed such conduct. She also credibly explained how Respondent commented on the size of her breasts, grabbed her buttocks, and rubbed his erection on her. Importantly, however, the undersigned cannot ignore that the clear and convincing evidence standard applies in this case. M.H.’s recollection was too fuzzy and inconsistent to definitively find without hesitation that Respondent engaged in the exact sexual misconduct alleged by M.H. and set forth in the Amended Complaint. If the Department’s burden in this case was a mere preponderance of the evidence, the undersigned would likely find that it proved Respondent engaged in sexual misconduct with M.H. But, the clear and convincing evidence standard applies herein. And, because M.H. could not provide the type of definitive and clear testimony required in this disciplinary action, the Department failed to prove that Respondent engaged in sexual misconduct with M.H. M.V.S.’s One Appointment with Respondent in 2020 On November 30, 2020, M.V.S., a 68-year-old woman, had an initial neurology consult with Respondent at Orlando Health. M.V.S. sought a neurologist based on an abnormal MRI showing a cyst near her pituitary gland and complaints of neck pain radiating to her shoulder and arm. After filling out paperwork in the reception area, a medical assistant or nurse brought M.V.S. to an examination room. The room had an examination table, which could be lowered, a counter, and a chair. M.V.S. sat in the chair while the assistant took her vitals. Although M.V.S. has a history of blood pressure spikes, for which she has called 911 and even gone to the hospital several times, her blood pressure was within normal limits that morning. The assistant waited for M.V.S. to complete the paperwork and then left the room. Respondent entered the room a few minutes later and closed the door behind him. He wore green scrubs and a white lab coat; she wore a skirt, blouse, bra, and underwear. He and M.V.S. were alone for the remainder of the appointment. They initially discussed M.V.S.’s medical history and complaints. M.V.S. talked about her aunt, who had symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and did not recognize her on a recent visit. She was concerned about the disease because she recently had forgotten some small details, like the name of an actor in a movie. M.V.S. did not believe she had significant memory issues, but she wanted research on the disease because it ran in her family. Respondent asked M.V.S. if she lived with anyone, which she interpreted as a question relating to her safety. She informed him that she lived alone within close proximity to a fire station. She also mentioned that her daughter lived in Orlando and her fiancé lived in Longwood. Respondent asked if she had sexual relations with her fiancé; she explained that they did not because her fiancé had prostate cancer. M.V.S. thought the question was odd given the reason for the appointment and because no other physician had ever asked that type of question before. Respondent moved on to M.V.S.’s complaints of neck pain. She explained that she experienced pain on the left side of her neck that radiated to her left shoulder and left arm. At that point, Respondent directed M.V.S. to sit on the table so he could examine her. While standing to M.V.S.’s left, Respondent rubbed and squeezed her neck and shoulders with his thumbs and fingers for a couple of minutes. No other doctor had examined her in that fashion before. He said she felt tense, but never asked if she experienced pain during the examination. She confirmed that it definitely felt like a neck and shoulder massage, which she had received many times. She noted that her cardiologist had recently palpated her neck for pain by using two fingers to poke and feel around, which was different than Respondent’s examination. Indeed, when a doctor palpates for pain, they typically use two fingertips to lightly press and prod in the trouble areas and obtain feedback from the patient about the level of pain. Respondent then examined M.V.S.’s spine while she stood in front of him. He thereafter examined her reflexes, eyes, and extremity strength while she sat on the table. He also conducted a memory test, which she passed. M.V.S. did not recall Respondent listening to her heart during the visit. At that point, Respondent directed M.V.S. to lie face-down on the table, which already was lowered. He asked if he could raise her skirt and she said, yes, because she believed it related to a muscular or skeletal examination. He raised her skirt and, over her underwear, rubbed her lower back and eventually moved down to her buttocks using both of his hands. He rubbed and squeezed both of her buttocks. She confirmed it felt like a deliberate, prolonged massage, which had never happened to her at a doctor’s office. Her mind raced, she felt frozen, and she could not believe what was happening. After one to two minutes, Respondent told her to sit up because he heard a voice. She sat on the end of the table and he began massaging and squeezing her right breast while standing on her right. He told her that he had never done this before and that she was beautiful. She thanked him in a low voice, but she was afraid and felt trapped because they were alone, there were no witnesses, and she was unsure of what he would do. Respondent asked if M.V.S. was comfortable with him massaging her breast and he stopped when she said no. He moved to her left side and explained that his wife would not have sex with him, so she permitted him to have sex outside the marriage. He asked if M.V.S. would meet him for sex and she declined. Respondent asked if that was because her fiancé would object, and she confirmed they had a commitment. At that point, Respondent pulled his lab coat back and said, “Look at this. Look what you did to me.” Respondent revealed his erect penis, which M.V.S. confirmed was clearly visible through his scrubs. Respondent told her to keep this between us, said his assistant would be in shortly with paperwork, and left the room. M.V.S. waited for about seven minutes and, when no one came, she left the room, tried to hold her composure, and checked out. She said nothing before leaving because she felt unsafe and was unsure if anyone would believe her anyway. M.V.S. turned on her car’s air conditioning and drank water to calm down. Her heart was pounding, and she feared having a blood pressure spike. As soon as she arrived home, M.V.S. called her daughter to tell her what happened. M.V.S.’s daughter, who is a nurse, told her to call the police. M.V.S. called the LMPD that afternoon. The officer with whom she spoke suggested that she file a complaint with the Department, which she did on December 6, 2020. Both the Department and the LMPD investigated the allegations, which included interviews of M.V.S. and Respondent.5 M.V.S. also reported the incident to Orlando Health risk management. The undersigned found M.V.S. to be a highly credible witness who testified passionately and definitively about Respondent’s inappropriate sexual behavior during the office visit. She immediately reported it to the LMPD and, within a week, filed complaints with both the Department and Respondent’s employer. M.V.S.’s testimony was clear, specific, detailed, compelling, and materially consistent with the interviews and statements she gave immediately following the visit. Respondent testified about his treatment of M.V.S., but—as he did with the S.R. and M.H.—he conceded he had little to no independent 5 Based on the information obtained from M.V.S. and Respondent, the LMPD placed the case into inactive status pending further evidence. recollection of her or the visit. Instead, he reviewed her medical records, which refreshed his recollection of what occurred during the visit. Respondent denied engaging in any inappropriate behavior with M.V.S. that could have been interpreted as sexual or outside the scope of a proper examination. He testified that he conducted a neurological examination, palpated her neck for pain, checked her reflexes, and conducted a memory test. He said he never massaged her neck and shoulders, touched or massaged her breasts or buttocks, discussed his marriage, solicited her to have sex, said she was beautiful, or revealed an erection through his scrubs. He also said she could not have laid face-down on the table because he never lowered the back or extended the footrest; he confirmed that he would have brought in a chaperone if he needed her to lie on the table. Respondent testified that M.V.S.’s accusations against him were the product of memory loss and cognitive impairment. Although M.V.S. reported a family history of Alzheimer’s and a fear of mild memory loss, Respondent documented that she performed well on her memory and cognitive examinations. M.V.S. and her daughter testified credibly that she did not experience significant memory loss beyond forgetting the name of an actor in a movie. Respondent himself confirmed that M.V.S. did not suffer from hallucinations or ailments that would cause her to perceive things that were not there—a point with which his expert neurologist agreed given the way Respondent documented the medical record. And, more importantly, M.V.S.’s ability to recall the specific details of the visit and do so consistently with the statements she made previously undermine Respondent’s belief that cognitive impairment caused her to fabricate her allegations. The weight of the credible evidence simply does not support the suggestion that M.V.S. misperceived, confabulated, or fabricated her allegations based on memory loss or cognitive impairment. Additionally, Respondent attempted to discredit M.V.S. by suggesting that she may have come onto him. Indeed, he testified that she was verbose and told him during their initial discussion about her history that her fiancé was older, that she was a 60s baby, and that she had not been touched in a while. Aside from M.V.S.’s credible testimony that she said no such things, it cannot be ignored that Respondent conceded that his memory of the visit was based on his review of the medical record, which contained no reference to these comments even though Respondent says they were odd. Respondent also presented evidence that M.V.S. had previously called 911 on multiple occasions relating to blood pressure spikes to undermine the veracity of her testimony. However, the recordings of the 911 calls reveal an individual who, despite being concerned about her blood pressure, is alert, aware of her surroundings, clear-headed, and in no way suffering from an illness that would raise doubts about the veracity of her testimony or her credibility overall. Based on the weight of the credible evidence, the undersigned finds that the Department proved by clear and convincing evidence that Respondent engaged in sexual misconduct with M.V.S. He inappropriately massaged her neck and shoulders, buttocks, and breast. He disclosed that he had an open marriage and solicited M.V.S. to meet him for sex outside the office. He also told her that she was beautiful and revealed his erection through his scrubs.

Conclusions For Petitioner: Kristen Summers, Esquire Elizabeth Tiernan, Esquire Prosecution Services Unit Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C-65 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3265 For Respondent: Kathryn Hood, Esquire Pennington, P.A. 215 South Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Jon M. Pellett, Esquire Pennington, P.A. 12724 Gran Bay Parkway West, Suite 401 Jacksonville, Florida 32258

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Health, Board of Medicine, issue a final order finding Respondent committed sexual misconduct prohibited by sections 458.331(1)(j), 458.329, and 456.063(1), suspending Respondent’s license for two years, and thereafter permanently restricting his license to either prohibit him from seeing female patients or, at a minimum, doing so without a chaperone present.7 DONE AND ENTERED this 28th day of October, 2021, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ANDREW D. MANKO Administrative Law Judge 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 28th day of October, 2021. 7 Section 456.072(4), Florida Statutes, provides that the Board, in addition to any other discipline imposed through final order, “shall assess costs related to the investigation and prosecution of the case.” Prior to the final hearing, the parties agreed to bifurcate the investigative costs issue (including Respondent’s argument that such costs should not be assessed because they are based on unpromulgated rules) pending resolution of the merits of the Amended Complaint. Upon further reflection, the undersigned concludes that resolving such an issue—even in a bifurcated proceeding—is premature because the Board has not yet issued a final order disciplining Respondent or followed the procedure in section 456.072(4), which requires it to consider an affidavit of itemized costs and any written objections thereto. It is in those written objections where Respondent may challenge the costs as being based on an unpromulgated rule. And, if Respondent’s written objections create a disputed issue of fact, the Department can transmit the investigative costs issue to DOAH to resolve that dispute, just as it did in Case No. 20-5385F. COPIES FURNISHED: Jon M. Pellett, Esquire Pennington, P.A. Suite 401 12724 Gran Bay Parkway West Jacksonville, Florida 32258 Kathryn Hood, Esquire Pennington, P.A. 215 South Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Donna C. McNulty, Esquire Office of the Attorney General The Capitol, Plaza Level 01 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 Paul A. Vazquez, JD, Executive Director Board of Medicine Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C-03 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3253 Kristen Summers, Esquire Prosecution Services Unit Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C-65 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3265 Elizabeth Tiernan, Esquire Prosecution Services Unit Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C-65 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3265 Edward A. Tellechea, Esquire Office of the Attorney General The Capitol, Plaza Level 01 Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Louise St. Laurent, General Counsel Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C-65 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3265

# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida May 01, 2012 Number: 12-001575PL Latest Update: Feb. 13, 2013

The Issue The issue to be resolved is whether Respondent, Dr. Christopher Carter, M.D. (“Respondent” or “Dr. Carter”), was convicted of, pled guilty, or pled nolo contendere to a crime directly related to the practice or the ability to practice medicine, in violation of section 456.072(1)(c), Florida Statutes (2009), and if so, what penalty should be imposed?

Findings Of Fact The Department is the state agency charged with the licensing and regulation of health care professionals pursuant to section 20.43 and chapter 456, Florida Statutes. The Board of Medicine is the professional licensing board charged with final agency action with respect to discipline against medical doctors pursuant to chapter 458, Florida Statutes. At all times material to the allegations in the Second Amended Administrative Complaint, Respondent was licensed as a physician by the State of Florida, having been issued license number ME 82836. On April 19, 2010, the United States Attorney for the Northern District of Florida filed a one-count Information against Respondent, alleging that Respondent knowingly possessed material containing images of child pornography as defined in 18 U.S.C. § 2256(8)(A), namely, “visual depictions of sexually explicit conduct, the production of which involved the use of minors engaging in sexually explicit conduct, having been mailed, shipped and transported using any means . . .” in violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 2252A(a)(5)(B) and 2252A(b)(2). The case was filed in the Gainesville Division of the United States District Court, Northern District of Florida, and docketed as Case No. 1:10CR19 MMP/AK. On May 14, 2012, a Plea and Cooperation Agreement (“Plea Agreement”) was filed wherein Respondent agreed to plead guilty to the charge recited in the Information. He also agreed to cooperate “fully and truthfully with the United States Attorney and his designated representatives . . . including providing complete and truthful debriefings and testimony at grand jury, trial, and as otherwise requested, involving any matter under investigation.” As part of the Plea Agreement, Respondent was advised that he would be required to register as a Sex Offender and keep the registration current in the state of his residence, the location of his employment, and if a student, the location of his school. The Plea Agreement also specifies that, subject to provisions not at issue in this proceeding, any statements, agreements or other evidence provided by Respondent may be used against him in the federal proceeding or any other action. The Statement of Facts filed with the Plea Agreement stated the following: This case is the result of a Peer-to- Peer file sharing investigation initiated by the North Florida Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force. On September 11, 2009, special software was utilized to locate computers sharing images of child pornography utilizing the Gnutella network. One computer offering to participate in the distribution of child pornography had an Internet Protocol (IP) address which corresponded with an Internet Service Provider (ISP) in Gainesville, Florida. A publicly available listing of the files offered for distribution by the computer at the IP address was reviewed. They included sexually explicit file names describing sexual acts with children. In addition to the file names, the unique SHA values were reviewed and confirmed that the files had previously been identified as depicting child pornography. . . .The files identified by their SHA values were examined and observed to be sexually explicit images of minor children engaged in sexual acts. A check of the IP address offering to distribute child pornography showed the same IP had been recorded one hundred and forty- two times between March 5, 2009, and October 28, 2009, offering different child pornography files for distribution. An Internet search for the origin of the IP address found it to be issued to a cable modem subscriber with Bellsouth Internet of Atlanta, Georgia. A subpoena sent to them revealed that the IP had been assigned to an account in Gainesville, Florida. The account contained information identifying the account holder at a residence located at 5818 NW 45th Drive Gainesville, FL 32653. The account holder was identified as CHRISTOPHER SCOTT CARTER. A federal search warrant was obtained for the CARTER residence. Six known video files depicting child pornography were included in the search warrant and identified by their file titles and SHA hash values. The names of the files are included in the Statement of Facts filed in conjunction with the Plea Agreement and need not be repeated here. Suffice it to say that the file titles indicate that the images are of children from one to ten years old portrayed in sexual activity, and some included violent imagery. The Statement of Facts also indicated that computer equipment seized from Respondent’s residence included a Compac Presario desktop computer belonging to Respondent, upon which the file sharing software was confirmed. The forensic examiner was able to locate the SHA values and associated file paths corresponding to the six videos described in the search warrant. On July 21, 2010, an Amended Judgment was filed, accepting Respondent’s guilty plea and adjudicating him of one count of possession of child pornography. Respondent was sentenced to prison for a period of 48 months, followed by supervised release for life. The sentence requires that Respondent register as a sex offender with the appropriate agency in the state where he lives, works, or is a student. Standard Conditions of Supervision include the following: 7. the defendant shall refrain from excessive use of alcohol and shall not purchase, possess, use, distribute, or administer any controlled substance or any paraphernalia related to any controlled substances, except a prescribed by a physician: * * * 9. the defendant shall not associate with any persons engaged in criminal activity and shall not associate with any person convicted of a felony unless granted permission to do so by the probation officer. * * * 13. as directed by the probation officer, the defendant shall notify third parties of risks that may be occasioned by the defendant's criminal record or personal history or characteristics and shall permit the probation officer to make such notifications and to confirm the defendant's compliance with such notification requirement. The Additional Conditions of Supervised Release imposed by the court include the following: The defendant shall have no unsupervised contact with minor children, except the defendant's own child. The defendant shall not possess any pornographic material, adult or child. The defendant shall relinquish his pilot's license, nor shall he obtain a new pilot's license without the Court's approval. The defendant shall notify any employer of the offense of conviction. The defendant shall not occupy a vocation or volunteer in a position in which he had direct contact with minor children. * * * The defendant shall participate in a program of mental health counseling to include sex offender counseling. The defendant shall register with the state sex offender registration agency in any state where the defendant resides, is employed, carries a vocation, or is a student, as directed by the supervising probation officer. The probation officer will provide state officials with any and all information required by the state sex offender registration agency and may direct the defendant to report to that agency personally for additional processing such as photographing and fingerprinting. * * * The defendant shall not be in the presence of minors, nor have any contact in any form, direct or indirect, including but not limited to, personally, by computer, telephone, letter or through another person, with children under the age of eighteen, without the approval of the probation officer. Any contact must be reported immediately to the probation officer. Respondent reported his plea, as required, to the Board of Medicine. The letter written by Dr. Carter is lengthy and need not be repeated in its entirety. However, Dr. Carter's remarks include the following: I downloaded these horrendous images thinking that my viewing them was invisible and innocuous. However, I now appreciate a larger perspective: that after these perverse images are produced, they circulate in hyperspace indefinitely, so that the victimization is twofold. Following their original exploitation, the victims of child pornography are haunted by the knowledge that these pictures will persist on the internet, to be downloaded and seen by anyone, indefinitely. While our ability to remove the images is limited, we do have the ability to condemn them, to reject viewing them, and to refuse to possess them. This I failed to do. With an appreciation of the coercion involved in producing these horrible images, and the emotional injury of both the production and of having the images circulating indefinitely, I regret having viewed child pornography and I more deeply affirm my decision to avoid this revolting material. Respondent asserted, both in his letter and in his hearing, that he should be able to continue practicing medicine for three reasons: 1) that no activity associated with child pornography occurred at work or was associated in any way with medical practice; 2) that the offense was limited to viewing internet images in his home, and no “hands-on” offense or production or distribution of material was alleged or occurred; and 3) his crime does not endanger patient safety because he does not treat children. The undersigned notes that Respondent indicates in his letter that “some time before a search warrant was served at my residence, I had independently discontinued my use of child pornography and had deleted all such files from my computer.” The last activity involving Dr. Carter’s IP address was one week before the issuance of the search warrant. However, as stated by the Department’s expert witness, Dr. Francisco Calimano, the qualities essential to the practice of medicine include sound judgment and respect for the welfare of others. Respondent’s behavior in possessing and viewing child pornography shows total disregard for one of the most vulnerable segments of our population, and represents the antithesis of what a physician should be. Dr. Calimano’s view of the level of poor judgment exhibited did not change with the knowledge that Dr. Carter had decided to delete the pornographic files of his own accord. The undersigned shares his view. In addition to the serious judgment lapse and breach of public trust involved in Respondent’s behavior, the practical ramifications of the terms of Respondent’s supervised release make the practice of medicine problematic if not impossible. One of those limitations is that Respondent have no contact with children under 18 without a probation officer’s approval. While Dr. Carter indicates that his practice is limited to adults, that factor does not erase the presence of children from the practice setting. As stated by Dr. Calimano, children are brought into hospitals, waiting rooms, intensive care units, and similar practice settings, as patients, visitors, or dependants of patients or visitors. The same can be said of convicted felons. Likewise, the ability to practice without contact with controlled substances is virtually non-existent. In addition, upon his release from prison, Respondent is required to register as a sex offender wherever he lives or works. This status undermines the trust a member of the general public would have in the judgment and integrity of the care giver. Respondent’s conviction has effectively imposed serious practical impediments related to his continued ability to continue practicing medicine, without risking a violation of the terms of his lifetime supervised release. It is found that the crime of possession of child pornography is related to the practice or the ability to practice medicine. Respondent testified that prior to his arrest, he had made the conscious decision to stop viewing child pornography and had deleted the files from his computer. He also testified that he sought treatment and continues to do so. These factors, however, do not go to the actual commission of the offensive acts.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Board of Medicine enter a Final Order finding that Respondent has violated section 456.072(1)(c), Florida Statutes, and revoking his license to practice medicine. DONE AND ENTERED this 26th day of November, 2012, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S LISA SHEARER NELSON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 26th day of November, 2012. COPIES FURNISHED: Laura L. Glenn, Esquire Department of Health, Prosecution Services Unit 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C-65 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3265 Christopher Carter, M.D., #20674-017 Federal Correctional Institution Englewood 9595 West Quincy Avenue Littleton, Colorado 80123 Joy Tootle, Executive Director Department of Health Board of Medicine 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 Jennifer A. Tschetter, General Counsel Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701

Florida Laws (7) 120.569120.57120.6820.43456.072456.079458.331
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Melbourne, Florida Sep. 04, 1996 Number: 96-004199 Latest Update: Jul. 07, 1997

The Issue Whether the Petitioner has presented clear and convincing evidence that he is of good moral character so as to receive an exemption from disqualification from employment with children or adults who are developmentally disabled, under Section 397.451, Florida Statutes (1995).

Findings Of Fact Petitioner seeks an exemption for employment in a position of special trust for which a security background check is required under Florida law. In 1977, Petitioner pled nolo contendere to a misdemeanor sexual assault for fondling an adolescent. He was sentenced to probation. Petitioner was 22 years old at the time. In 1986, Petitioner pled guilty to a felony sexual assault of a 15 year old boy, in the state of New Hampshire. Petitioner was 31 years old at the time. After serving 2 years of a 3~ to 7 year sentence, Petitioner was released from prison in 1989. Petitioner successfully completed parole and was released in March, 1993. Petitioner has not been arrested for any crime since 1986. Petitioner stated he received therapy in prison in a sexual offender program. However, Petitioner presented no evidence of attending a sexual offender program while in prison or afterwards, nor did he submit records of his treatment while in prison. Petitioner explained the circumstances surrounding the 1986 conviction for sexual assault. While working as an athletic trainer, Petitioner took advantage of a situation while he was performing massage therapy on a fifteen year old boy, he fondled and performed oral sex on the boy. Petitioner stated the victim consented, as much as a 15 year old can consent. Petitioner did not explain the circumstances surrounding the 1977 incident. Petitioner did not express remorse for any sexual misconduct that he committed other than the 1986 offense. He addressed his 1977 charge only to say that had he received more than a slap on the wrist, the 1986 sexual assault might not have occurred. Petitioner stated he was sexually abused as a child. In 1993, Petitioner received a Masters Degree in social work from Salem State College in Massachusetts. Petitioner explained he studied for his masters in social work because he would no longer be eligible for licensure as an athletic trainer. Petitioner stated it would not be appropriate for him to put his hands on adults or children, which is necessary as an athletic trainer. He feels it wouldn't be appropriate for him to be in a position where he could possibly be aroused by an adult, an adolescent or a child. Although Petitioner states he has never been aroused or interested in anyone other than what would be considered a mature adolescent or an adult. Petitioner is licensed as an independent clinical social worker in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In 1994, Petitioner moved to Florida to work for the Indian River Memorial Hospital in Vero Beach in the psychiatric unit of the Center for Emotional and Behavioral Health. Petitioner has been denied a license as a clinical social worker in Florida based on his history of sexual misconduct. As a result of his denial of a license, Petitioner must perform his duties under the supervision of another licensed clinical social worker. Working under someone else's supervision means he may continue to work with clients in group or individual therapy. Kathy Palezuelos, a licensed clinical social worker, has known Petitioner for two and a half years. They worked together at the Center for Emotional and Behavioral Health. She was qualified as an expert in the area of clinical social work. Ms. Palezuelos performed a mental health status examination on Petitioner on May 2, 1996. She discussed his homosexuality and the sexual offense at the time she did the mental status exam. Ms. Palezuelos described herself as more a friend than a colleague. They only worked together about six months. She was sometimes present while he did therapy if they were doing group therapy. He trained her when she first came on the job. Petitioner did not inform her of his past criminal history while they worked together. At the Center for Emotional and Behavioral Health supervision was structured loosely where the therapists would give each other feedback after presenting cases. Sara Billings is a licensed clinical social worker. She was qualified as an expert in the area of clinical social work. Ms. Billings met Petitioner in January, 1994, at the Center for Emotional and Behavioral Health. She has supervised Petitioner since that time. Ms. Billings worked with Petitioner for two years before he disclosed his criminal history involving sexual assaults. During those two years Petitioner did therapy on children as well as adults. In January, 1995, she asked Petitioner to join her in her private practice in Melbourne, Florida. Ms. Billings is not present while Petitioner does therapy. She did not feel the children being treated and their parents should be told about Petitioner's criminal history. A child is anyone under the age of 18. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fourth Edition (DSM IV) is an accepted textbook for practicing psychologists. DSM IV states that guidelines for pedophilia are an age difference of 5 plus years between the offender and the victim. Ms. Billings admitted Petitioner meets the criteria for a pedophile as set forth in the DSM IV. However, she does not believe he is a pedophile because the child Respondent molested was as physically mature as an adult. She bases this opinion on what Petitioner has related to her about his case. Dr. Deborah Day is a licensed clinical psychologist, licensed mental health counselor and a certified family mediator. Her specialty is clinical and forensic psychology specializing in physical and sexual abuse. She was the consultant for the Child Protection Team and the Sexual Abuse Treatment Program. She is presently on the Board of the Sexual Abuse Treatment Program. She has dealt with approximately 1000 cases involving sexual abuse. She was qualified as an expert in the area of sex offenders and sexual abuse. Dr. Day reviewed a file provided by the Respondent that included the mental health status exam and copies of the Petitioner's criminal records. The issues presented in the file are issues she commonly deals with in her practice. Petitioner has not provided sufficient information to make an assessment on whether he is a risk to re-offend. The Mental Status Exam only addresses current levels of functioning. Full responsibility in the course of treatment for a sex offender means getting past the defense mechanisms offenders use initially in treatment in order to keep their ego safe. Full responsibility for a person's conduct is saying the child or adolescent had nothing to do the adult's conduct. The offenders' responsibility was solely to say "no". Most homosexuals are not pedophiles. Homosexuals generally either withhold their sexuality or they hide it from the general public. A sex offender with a history of being molested as a child is common. A convicted sexual offender who has applied to work with children in a therapeutic relationship is a risk to the offender and the child. It sets up a trusting relationship where boundaries have to be closely monitored. Petitioner's statement that he was confused about his homosexuality in 1986, when he sexually assaulted the 15-year old boy, is minimization, rationalization and demonstrates a superficial understanding of what really happened. It is denial for a convicted sexual offender to say he is not aroused by children. There has to be sexual attraction if you sexually abuse a child. Petitioner will be able to continue to work as a social worker and a therapist as long as his clients are adults. Whether or not he discloses his past to adult patients is an ethical matter and not one for the present case. Petitioner has not testified with candor as to his past conduct. Moreover, Petitioner made conflicting statements and rationalizations with respect to the circumstances surrounding the crimes. He has not produced treatment records to support his claim that he received treatment in a sexual offender program. Petitioner has not demonstrated by clear and convincing evidence that he is rehabilitated and will not present a danger to children or disabled adults.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that Petitioner's request for an exemption be DENIED. DONE AND ENTERED this 11th day of March, 1997, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DANIEL M. KILBRIDE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (904) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 11th day of March, 1997. COPIES FURNISHED: Philip S. Paul 537 Wilson Avenue Satellite Beach, Florida 32937 Carmen Muniz Sierra, Esquire District 7 Legal Office Department of Children and Families 400 West Robinson Street, Suite S-1106 Orlando, Florida 32801 Gregory D. Venz Agency Clerk Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1317 Winewood Boulevard, Room 204-X Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Richard Doran General Counsel Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1317 Winewood Boulevard, Room 204 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700

Florida Laws (5) 120.57397.451435.06435.07794.011
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida May 05, 2016 Number: 16-002492PL Latest Update: Dec. 01, 2017

The Issue Whether Respondent's educator's certificate should be sanctioned for an alleged violation of section 1012.795(1)(b), Florida Statutes, in that Respondent knowingly failed to report actual or suspected child abuse as alleged in Petitioner's Amended Administrative Complaint. Whether Respondent's educator's certificate should be sanctioned for an alleged violation of section 1012.795(1)(j), in that Respondent violated the Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession prescribed by State Board of Education rules as alleged in Petitioner's Amended Administrative Complaint.

Findings Of Fact Based on the evidence presented and the record as a whole, the undersigned makes the following findings of material and relevant facts: Parties' Statement of Agreed Facts Respondent holds Florida Educator's Certificate 632878, covering the area of elementary education, which is valid through June 30, 2017. At all times pertinent hereto, Respondent was employed as a part-time interventionist teacher at Brownsville Middle School ("BMS"), Miami-Dade County School District. Respondent has been a certified teacher for 25 years. On March 9, 2015, Respondent was informed by Y.H., a sixth-grade female student, that her stepfather comes into her room and lays on top of her with his clothes on without touching her in any inappropriate way, when her mother was not present. On March 9, 2015, Y.H. also informed Respondent that her stepfather pushed her toward a wall causing her to fall into a chair and then he pulled her by the hair. Respondent went to Counselor Sonya Durden's office on March 9, 2015, to discuss what she had heard from Y.H. and the other two students. Respondent did not immediately report the student's accusation on March 9, 2015, to the Department of Children and Families or the Child Abuse Hotline. Facts Adduced at the Hearing The Commissioner is responsible for investigating and prosecuting allegations of misconduct against individuals holding educator's certificates under section 231.2615, Florida Statutes. During Castella's 25 years of teaching, she testified that she had never received training concerning suspected child abuse or related reporting requirements. This testimony is rejected. The more persuasive and credible evidence revealed that all school employees at BMS, with no exceptions, received regular training at the beginning of each school year, which includes their reporting duties when child abuse is suspected. The more persuasive evidence also demonstrated that various posters on child abuse reporting were posted around the school to remind teachers at BMS of their reporting requirements in cases of suspected child abuse. Respondent's Exhibits B and C are examples of those posters. Respondent's Exhibit B is a colorful poster with the title Child Abuse Look for the Signs. The poster gives information on various signs of physical and sexual abuse, as well as the procedure to follow when a child speaks of abuse. The evidence revealed that this poster was posted at the designated faculty sign-in area at BMS at all times relevant to this incident. Principal Ebony Dunn testified that "all of the employees have to sign-in whether they're hourly, whether they're full-time, non-instructional." Thus, Castella would have been required to sign in at this designated area at the beginning of each day where the poster was prominently displayed. The undersigned finds that based on the more persuasive evidence, Respondent was aware of the poster's content. Respondent's Exhibit C is another poster with the title Reporting Child Abuse is Everyone's Responsibility. This poster details various signs of child abuse and how someone can report an instance of child abuse. The undisputed evidence indicated that this poster was also displayed at the student services building/main learning center at all times relevant to the incident. The more persuasive evidence and reasonable inferences drawn from the evidence indicate that Respondent was aware of both of these posters and knew of her duty to report suspected child abuse. March 9, 2015, Incident On March 9, 2015, Castella was approached by three girls at lunch, one of whom was Y.H., a sixth-grade female student. Castella observed that the other two girls were prodding Y.H. to speak to Castella. During this encounter, Castella was informed by Y.H. that her stepfather comes into her room and lies on top of her with his clothes on without touching her in any inappropriate way, when her mother was not present.2/ Y.H. also informed Castella at lunch that her stepfather pushed her toward a wall causing her to fall into a chair and then he pulled her by the hair. After lunch, Castella went to another teacher, Philogene, to report the incident because "she wasn't sure what to do," and she wanted to know the other teacher's thoughts on Y.H.'s statement.3/ Castella contends that she was not aware that what Y.H. told her amounted to child abuse. However, when asked why she told Philogene about the incident, Castella responded, "I wanted to ask Ms. Philogene what she thought because what Y.H. told me was odd, weird." The record indicates that after hearing about the incident, Philogene told Castella to report the incident to Counselor Durden.4/ Castella testified that on March 9, 2015, she went to Counselor Durden's office to discuss what she had heard from Y.H. and the other two female students. However, Castella asserted that despite her efforts, she was not able to report the incident to Counselor Durden because she was not in her office. Significantly, Castella left the school that day without reporting the incident to any administrator on campus.5/ Inexplicably, Castella did not immediately report the female student's information on March 9, 2015, to the Department of Children and Families or to the Child Abuse Hotline. Respondent claims that she did not know the protocol for reporting child abuse. The undersigned rejects this claim as incredible and spurious. Rather, the credible and more persuasive evidence shows that it was common knowledge among the school staff, based on training and posted notices, that an incident of child abuse should be reported immediately. March 10, 2015, Incident The next day, Castella went to Counselor Durden's office immediately upon arriving at the school to report what Y.H. had told her the day before. According to school policy, Castella was mandated to report the incident to a school administrator. Counselor Durden was not an administrator, nor was she Castella's supervisor. After disclosing the nature of her visit, Counselor Durden questioned Castella about the incident and why Castella did not report the incident when she became aware of it the day before. Counselor Durden testified that, "[Ms. Castella] said a young lady, a sixth-grader, had told her during lunch that the stepfather comes into the room every night drunk and holds her down and climbs on her. So I said, 'She told you when?' And she said, 'Yesterday during lunch.' And I said, 'You didn't call it in?' And she said, 'No I didn't.' And I think she was talking about like, you know she's friendly with the kids, and she didn't want to lose her confidence, they trusted her." Castella testified that she was reluctant to immediately report the incident because she did not want to violate the female students' trust. Counselor Durden proceeded to call the Department of Children and Families while Castella was still in her office. Both joined in reporting to the Department of Children and Families what had occurred. Later that afternoon, the Department of Children and Families held a meeting at the school with Y.H., the other two girls who were with Y.H., and Castella to gather details of the suspected child abuse and to determine how to proceed with the incident. Contact With News or Media Outlets Castella contacted and voluntarily appeared on a number of local news broadcasts. She detailed the suspected child abuse incident and proceeded to give the name of the school. Petitioner's Exhibit 8, which is a Notice of Investigation signed by Castella and delivered to her, states that a faculty member may be terminated if they speak to a number of subjects about a pending investigation. The document specifies, "You are not to discuss this matter with any witnesses, parents, staff, students, or the complaining party to avoid interference with the investigation." Castella asserts that she did not violate the notice because it did not specify she could not speak to news stations. However, Principal Dunn testified that anyone, including the listed parties, had the ability to watch the news broadcast. Therefore, the undersigned finds that her appearance on the news stations violated the spirit and intent of the notice because it could have had an indirect, adverse impact on witnesses and interfered with the internal investigation by the school district.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Education Practices Commission enter a final order finding Diana Castella in violation of Counts 1, 2, and 3 of the Amended Administrative Complaint and placing her license on a one-year probationary status, during which time she be ordered to attend and successfully complete, at her expense, training related to her reporting obligations under section 1012.795(1)(b), Florida Statutes. DONE AND ENTERED this 17th day of March, 2017, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ROBERT L. KILBRIDE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 17th day of March, 2017.

Florida Laws (11) 1002.391002.3951006.0611012.011012.7951012.796120.569120.57120.6839.201827.04
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Nov. 03, 2003 Number: 03-004041 Latest Update: Jul. 19, 2004

The Issue Whether the Respondent's employment as a teacher with the Petitioner should be terminated.

Findings Of Fact Based on the oral and documentary evidence presented at the final hearing and on the entire record of this proceeding, the following findings of fact are made: The School Board is a duly-constituted school board charged with the duty to operate, control, and supervise all free public schools within the School District of Miami-Dade County, Florida. Article IX, Florida Constitution; § 1001.32, Fla Stat (2004). At all times material to this proceeding, Mr. Epstein was employed by the School Board as a music teacher at Twin Lakes Elementary, under a continuing contract with the School Board. Mr. Epstein was first employed by the School Board in a part-time position in February 1978. Mr. Epstein took a full- time teaching position at Twin Lakes Elementary in 1980, where he taught continuously until he was given an alternate work assignment in June 2003. Mr. Epstein has not previously been the subject of disciplinary action by the School Board. Mr. Epstein consistently received satisfactory annual evaluations during his employment at Twin Lakes Elementary. Although he did not receive an annual evaluation for the 2002- 2003 school year, he received a satisfactory observation during that year. In addition, Mr. Epstein was named Teacher-of-the- Year at Twin Lakes Elementary during the 1988-1989 school year.3 Mr. Epstein had daily access to a computer that was owned by the Miami-Dade County public school district and placed in his classroom. The classroom computers were to be used to develop instructional programs and to gather lesson materials from the Internet. Mr. Epstein and all of the teachers at Twin Lakes Elementary were required to read and adhere to the school district's Acceptable Use Policy for the Internet. Late in the 2001-2002 school year, Mr. Epstein asked Jesus Vigo, a microsystems technician, to check his computer because Mr. Epstein could not access the Internet. Mr. Vigo checked the Internet history file to find out when Mr. Epstein had last accessed the Internet. In the history file on Mr. Epstein's classroom computer, Mr. Vigo found several addresses for pornography web sites. After he made certain that Mr. Epstein's computer was operating properly, Mr. Vigo reported to Michele Lam, the computer coordinator and media specialist at Twin Lakes Elementary, that he had found "questionable" web sites on Mr. Epstein's computer. Ms. Lam believed that Mr. Epstein had most likely visited these web sites accidentally, and she told Mr. Vigo not to tell anyone that he had found the addresses on Mr. Epstein's computer. Instead, Ms. Lam told Mr. Vigo that he should regularly monitor Mr. Epstein's computer. Mr. Vigo monitored Mr. Epstein's computer once a week, at random, for approximately four months, until he left his job at Twin Lakes Elementary. During this time, Mr. Vigo found no questionable web-site addresses in the Internet history on Mr. Epstein's computer. No one regularly monitored Mr. Epstein's computer after Mr. Vigo left Twin Lakes Elementary. A new microsystems technician, Pedro Valdes, began work at Twin Lakes Elementary in September 2002, and, in January 2003, new computers were installed in all the classrooms. These computers operated through the Miami-Dade County public school district's mainframe computer, and the software loaded onto the computers was approved by and licensed to the school district. The mainframe also had a filter that prohibited access to certain web sites from the school district's computers. In February 2003, Mr. Epstein complained to Ms. Lam that he was having problems with his computer. When Mr. Valdes tried to fix the computer, he found that several software programs had been loaded onto the computer. Mr. Epstein admitted that he had loaded Netscape, an Internet browser, so that he could access music sites that he could not access using the school district's Internet browser. Although he tried, Mr. Valdes was not able to fix Mr. Epstein's computer completely, and he moved on to other work. Finally, in April 2003, Mr. Valdes fixed Mr. Epstein's computer and made certain that all of the school district's software was working properly. In early May 2003, however, Mr. Epstein told Mr. Valdes that he could not get into his computer. Mr. Valdes examined the computer and, when he saw that the computer's recycle bin was full, he decided to empty it. When Mr. Valdes opened the recycle bin, he saw that there were several addresses for pornography web sites, as well as addresses for other types of web sites. When Mr. Valdes discovered these web-site addresses, Mr. Epstein admitted to Mr. Valdes that he had downloaded and viewed pornographic videos on the school district computer, in addition to using the computer's Internet access to locate and download information from music and instructional web sites. Mr. Epstein also admitted to Mr. Valdes that he had deliberately by-passed the school district's Internet filter in order to gain access to the pornographic material. Mr. Valdes told Mr. Epstein that he should not view such web sites on the school district's computer, but he agreed not to tell anyone about his discovery. Nonetheless, after he thought about it, Mr. Valdes felt obligated to report his discovery to Ms. Lam because he considered the matter so serious. Mr. Valdes was visibly upset when he told Ms. Lam about the pornography web site addresses. Ms. Lam and Mr. Valdes went to the office of Maria de Leon, the principal of Twin Lakes Elementary, and told her what Mr. Valdes had discovered on Mr. Epstein's computer. Ms. de Leon called Mr. Epstein to her office and, among other things, told him to cease using his classroom computer for any purpose. Mr. Epstein had been downloading pornography from the Internet and viewing pornographic videos in his classroom on the computer provided by the school district for approximately seven months prior to Mr. Valdes's discovery of the pornography web site addresses. Mr. Epstein knew that access to these pornography web sites was blocked by the filter on the school district's mainframe computer, which is the reason he devised a strategy for circumventing the filter. Mr. Epstein downloaded pornographic videos onto the school district's computer at night, during the workday when students were in his classroom, and during the workday when no students were in the classroom. Mr. Epstein always turned the computer monitor off when he was downloading pornography during class time, so that the students could not glance at his computer and see the material he was downloading. Mr. Epstein also hid the downloaded pornographic videos in folders hidden within other folders, so that it would not be obvious to a substitute teacher who logged onto his classroom computer that pornographic videos were stored in the computer. Mr. Epstein never viewed pornographic videos when students were in his classroom. He did, however, view the videos during the times of the school day when he was expected to plan and prepare lessons, and he also viewed these videos after the students had left school for the day, generally between 3:00 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.4 Mr. Epstein viewed pornographic videos and masturbated in his classroom approximately 15 to 20 times during the spring of 2003, after the students had left school for the day but during the time he was expected to work on lesson plans. When he viewed pornographic videos and masturbated in his classroom, Mr. Epstein was careful to lock the classroom door.5 Mr. Epstein took precautions to conceal his activities because he knew that his activities violated School Board rules, and he also did not want the materials to be discovered by a student, a substitute teacher, or anyone else. Even though Mr. Epstein took care to see that his classroom door was locked when he viewed pornographic videos and masturbated in his classroom, there was a risk that he would be interrupted. The Twin Lakes Elementary custodial and administrative staff, including secretaries, had keys to all of the classrooms. Occasionally, a parent would return to school with a student who had left something in a classroom, and a school employee would escort the parent and student to the classroom and use his or her key to enter the classroom. The pornographic material that Mr. Epstein downloaded and viewed on his classroom computer did not involve children. It was, however, obscene, as defined by the School Board in its Acceptable Use Policy for the Internet.6 Ms. de Leon decided to try to keep information about Mr. Epstein's activities confidential because she was very concerned about the reaction of the parents of the children attending Twin Lakes Elementary and of the community as a whole. Ms. de Leon knew that many of the parents of the children attending Twin Lakes Elementary were conservative Catholics who were very protective of their children.7 Ms. de Leon believed that if news of Mr. Epstein's activities became known in the community, Twin Lakes Elementary "would have been in the first page of the [Miami] Herald for quite a long time."8 On May 6, 2003, the day Mr. Valdes discovered the pornography web-site addresses on Mr. Epstein's computer, Mr. Epstein went to Linda Van Leer, the assistant principal at Twin Lakes Elementary, and asked that she put him on the agenda for the faculty meeting scheduled for that afternoon. Ms. de Leon had, by this time, notified Ms. Van Leer of the situation involving Mr. Epstein and of her decision to limit knowledge of the matter to as few people as possible. Mr. Epstein told Ms. Van Leer that he intended to make a statement to the faculty to assure the faculty members that the pornography he downloaded and viewed did not involve children and that he never viewed pornography when students were in the classroom. Ms. Van Leer was as concerned as Ms. de Leon about the disruption at Twin Lakes Elementary if information about Mr. Epstein's activities became known in the community, and she also believed that Mr. Epstein did not appreciate the ramifications of his announcing his activities to the faculty. Ms. Van Leer denied Mr. Epstein's request to speak to the faculty and told him not to speak of the matter to anyone except Ms. de Leon. Ms. de Leon reported Mr. Epstein's activities to the Miami-Dade County Public Schools police on May 6, 2003, and the investigation was assigned to Bradley Rosh on May 13, 2003. Sergeant Rosh found Mr. Epstein very cooperative during the investigation, and Mr. Epstein prepared a statement in which he described the nature and extent of his activities. Sergeant Rosh submitted his preliminary investigation report on July 16, 2003, in which he concluded that the allegations that Mr. Epstein had violated the School Board's Acceptable Use Policy for the Internet and the responsibilities and duties of School Board employees were substantiated. The investigative report was sent to the Office of Professional Standards for final disposition. Reinaldo Benitez, a district director of the Miami- Dade County Public Schools Office of Professional Standards, convened a Conference-for-the-Record on August 11, 2003, to discuss the investigative report and the charges against Mr. Epstein, to review his record, and to discuss his future employment status with the School Board. Mr. Benitez, Mr. Epstein, Ms. de Leon, and Marie Harrison, Business Director of ACCESS Center 1, participated in the Conference-for-the- Record. As reflected in the Summary of the Conference-for-the- Record dated August 22, 2003, the findings in the investigative report were discussed with Mr. Epstein, who admitted that he was guilty of the charge that he had downloaded pornographic videos into the school district's computer located in his classroom, that he was aware when he did so that he was violating School Board rules, and that he had used very poor judgment. Mr. Epstein apologized for his actions, and he requested that, if he were allowed to resume teaching, he be provided a computer without access to the Internet. According to the Summary of the Conference-for-the- Record, Mr. Epstein was assigned to an alternative work location at his home at the beginning of the 2003-2004 school year.9 As reflected in the Summary of the Conference-for-the- Record, Mr. Epstein was offered the option of submitting his resignation, which he refused. Directives were issued to Mr. Epstein at the Conference-for-the-Record, including a directive that he not visit Twin Lakes Elementary at any time. Mr. Epstein was also advised to "keep the information presented in this conference confidential and not to discuss this with any students or staff. Finally, Mr. Epstein was advised that, following a review by the School Board's attorneys, he would be notified of the recommended disciplinary action, which could include dismissal. On August 13, 2003, Ms. de Leon submitted her recommendation to Margarita Alemany-Moreno, Assistant Superintendent in ACCESS Center 1, that Mr. Epstein be terminated from his employment with the Miami-Dade County Public Schools. Ms. Alemany-Moreno sent this recommendation to Virginia Bradford, Assistant Superintendent in the Office of Professional Standards, with the concurrence of the staff of ACCESS Center 1. Mr. Benitez convened a meeting with Mr. Epstein on September 26, 2003, to address his pending dismissal by the School Board at its meeting on October 22, 2003. Ms. de Leon and Ms. Harrison were also in attendance. Mr. Benitez informed Mr. Epstein that the recommendation for his dismissal was based on charges of immorality, misconduct in office, and incompetency. Mr. Epstein was offered the option of resigning his position or pursuing disability retirement, which he declined. Mr. Epstein submitted a statement dated September 29, 2003, in response to the August 22, 2003, Summary of the Conference-for-the-Record. In this statement, Mr. Epstein did not withdraw his admission that he had downloaded and viewed pornographic videos on the school district's computer located in his classroom. The Superintendent of Schools notified Mr. Epstein in a letter dated October 8, 2003, that he was recommending to the School Board that Mr. Epstein be dismissed from his employment. The School Board suspended Mr. Epstein and initiated dismissal proceedings at its October 22, 2003, meeting. Mr. Epstein believes that he has had a sexual problem since he was a teenager, when he first became attracted to pornography. He began using the computer in his classroom to download and view pornography after his wife discovered pornography on their home computer. She became angry, and he decided to move his activities to his classroom computer in order to avoid further family conflict. Approximately three years ago, Mr. Epstein was diagnosed with a "sexual addiction," and he began sessions with a sexual therapist. Mr. Epstein attended four individual therapy sessions, but was released in December 2002. Mr. Epstein attended small group therapy sessions for approximately 12 weeks during the time he was seeing Mr. Gray, and he also attended weekly sessions of an "accountability recovery group" from March 2001 until December 2003, when he began working at the Sam Ashe music store. On September 15, 2003, Carlos Plasencia, a mental health counselor, examined Mr. Epstein and initially diagnosed Mr. Epstein with "sexual disorder not otherwise specified." Dr. Plasencia's diagnosis has evolved, and he now believes that Mr. Epstein's diagnosis is "impulse control disorder," with a sexual component.10 Mr. Epstein is in therapy with Dr. Plasencia, and, at the time of the final hearing, he had been taking Zoloft, an anti-depressant prescribed by a psychiatrist, for approximately two months.11 In Dr. Plasencia's opinion, Mr. Epstein's addiction to pornography began approximately 27 years ago, developed slowly over the course of 24 years, and progressed faster than usual over the course of the last two to three years." According to Dr. Plasencia, Mr. Epstein feels powerless to overcome the compulsion to view pornography; he has tried to stop this behavior and has been unable to do so, even though it has disrupted his family and, now, poses a threat to his job.12 In Dr. Plasencia's opinion, "[c]hances are very likely Mr. Epstein was preoccupied with the attainment of pornography while he was in school. I agree with that because he was viewing it in school and downloading it in school."13 Although Dr. Plasencia acknowledged that Mr. Epstein's addiction to pornography is a preoccupation that has significantly interfered with his life and the life of his wife and son, Dr. Plasencia does not consider Mr. Epstein emotionally unstable, in the sense that he does not have extremes in mood or behavior. Mr. Epstein has always been open during his therapy with Dr. Plasencia and has demonstrated a genuine desire to fix his problem. He has been motivated and has followed Dr. Plasencia's suggestions. Dr. Plasencia believes that Mr. Epstein's prognosis for recovery is good. Mr. Epstein considers himself a "recovering" sexual addict and explains his behavior at Twin Lakes Elementary in the spring of 2003 as a "relapse."14 Summary The evidence presented by the School Board establishes that Mr. Epstein has committed misconduct in office. Mr. Epstein admitted that he deliberately by-passed the Internet filter in the school district's mainframe computer and accessed pornography web sites on his classroom computer; that he downloaded pornographic videos onto his classroom computer while students were in the classroom, during planning periods when the students were in school but not in his classroom, and after the students were dismissed from school; that he viewed pornographic videos on the classroom computer during planning periods when the students were in school but not in his classroom and after the students were dismissed from school; and that he frequently masturbated in his classroom while he watched pornographic videos. Mr. Epstein admitted that he engaged in the activities described above for approximately seven months prior to May 2003, although the evidence presented by the School Board establishes that addresses for pornography web sites were found in Mr. Epstein's classroom computer as early as June 2002. The evidence establishes that Mr. Epstein took precautions such as turning off the computer monitor when downloading pornographic videos while children were in his classroom, hiding the computer folders containing the pornographic videos in other folders, and locking his classroom door when he viewed pornographic videos and masturbated. It may reasonably be inferred, however, that he took these precautions to keep his activities hidden from students and school personnel and not primarily to protect his students from harm. At the time he was committing these acts, Mr. Epstein knew his behavior violated School Board rules; he knew that he was exercising poor judgment; and he knew that, if he were discovered downloading and viewing pornographic videos and masturbating in his classroom, his job could be in jeopardy. By downloading and viewing pornographic videos on his classroom computer, Mr. Epstein violated the School Board's rule prohibiting the transmission of obscene material, and downloading and viewing pornographic videos on his classroom computer and masturbating in his classroom constitute conduct unacceptable in a School Board employee. Mr. Epstein viewed pornographic videos and masturbated during his workday rather than planning lessons and engaging in other pursuits that would enhance his abilities as a teacher. The School Board, therefore, paid Mr. Epstein for time during which he did not work. Mr. Epstein could not use his home computer to download and view pornography videos because he feared discovery and disruption of his family life, so he used the classroom computer provided by the school district to satisfy his compulsion to view pornographic videos. Downloading and viewing pornographic videos and masturbating may not be considered objectionable when done in the privacy of one's home; these acts are, however, not consistent with the public conscience and good morals when, as here, they are done in the public space of an elementary school classroom. Nonetheless, the evidence presented by the School Board is not sufficient to establish that Mr. Epstein's activities have become public knowledge.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Miami-Dade County School Board enter a final order finding that Daniel J. Epstein committed misconduct in office and that he should be dismissed from his employment as a teacher pursuant to Section 1012.33(4)(c), Florida Statutes. DONE AND ENTERED this 26th day of May, 2004, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S PATRICIA HART MALONO Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 26th day of May, 2004.

Florida Laws (6) 1001.321012.331012.53120.569120.57120.68
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida Nov. 13, 1995 Number: 95-005536 Latest Update: Feb. 26, 1999

The Issue Is the Respondent unable to practice medicine with reasonable skill and safety to patients by reason of illness or as a result of any mental or physical condition? If yes, what is the appropriate disciplinary response to that impediment?

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner, in accordance with Chapters 20, 455, and 458, Florida Statutes, regulates the practice of physician's assistants in Florida. The Respondent practices as a physician's assistant in Florida. His license number is PA002355. PRESENT EMPLOYMENT At present, the Respondent works as a physician's assistant for Michael Dulaney, M.D. Dr. Dulaney is a board- certified family practitioner. The Respondent has worked for Dr. Dulaney for approximately one year. Dr. Dulaney has been satisfied with the Respondent's work. Dr. Dulaney has had no reports of problems with the Respondent's conduct reported by patients or other office staff. In particular, Dr. Dulaney does not have any specific knowledge concerning complaints made about Respondent related to sexual misconduct from the period February, 1992 forward. At present, the Respondent's practice in Dr. Dulaney's office is limited to treatment of adults; however, Dr. Dulaney would not be opposed to having the Respondent treat minors and adults. Dr. Dulaney is aware of the reasons for the present restrictions on the Respondent's practice, limited to care of adults. These limits are as had been imposed by the Physicians Recovery Network (PRN) based upon the Respondent's mental health status. The controls that are in place by Dr. Dulaney to limit the Respondent's present practice to adults include an inquiry by office staff when an appointment is made by a patient as to the age of the patient and another check when the patient arrives for the appointment as to the patient's age. The Respondent is also required to check the patient's age before rendering care. The protocol followed by Dr. Dulaney in his practice is to the effect that no female patient is examined by a doctor or a physician's assistant without a second staff member being in attendance. The second staff member would be a female. Should the Respondent not be allowed to provide care to minors in the future, Dr. Dulaney would allow the Respondent to remain as a physician's assistant and treat adults only. HISTORY On or about June 18, 1992, following allegations regarding custodial sexual battery of his 14-year-old stepdaughter, K.B., the Respondent entered into a monitoring contract with the PRN. The Respondent had also sexually abused his six or seven-year-old daughter from his first marriage. The Respondent was sexually abused by male and female siblings as a child. Raymond Pomm, M.D. specializes in general psychiatry, as well as addiction psychiatry. Among other duties, Dr. Pomm is a staff psychiatrist for the PRN. While under the terms of the monitoring contract in connection with the State of Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation's Impaired Practitioner's Program, Dr. Pomm consulted the Respondent's physician employers on occasion to determine the Respondent's conduct as a physician's assistant. Dr. Pomm never received a report from the employers that the Respondent was acting inappropriately. On these occasions, the employers would indicate that they were satisfied with the Respondent' s work. When the Respondent signed the monitoring contract with the PRN, he agreed not to see patients under 18 years of age; to have a supervising physician report to the PRN on a quarterly basis regarding his behavior. The Respondent's supervising physician was responsible to make sure that patient information forms were handed out to patients to allow the patients to give immediate feedback concerning their perception of the Respondent's behavior. The supervising physician was to review 10 percent of the Respondent's charts on a quarterly basis. The Respondent was to receive ongoing therapy from John Vallely, Ph.D., a psychologist. On December 28, 1993, Dr. Goetz, the Director of the PRN, wrote to the Secretary of the Department of Business and Professional Regulation to advise the Secretary that Dr. Goetz was convinced that the Respondent's impairment seriously effected the public health, safety and welfare. This was followed by action by the State of Florida, Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Board of Medicine, to bring the Administrative Complaint, under Case No. 93-07340, charging the Respondent with being unable to practice his profession as a physician's assistant with reasonable skill and safety to patients based upon his illness and mental status. The Administrative Complaint makes reference to the opinion of Dr. Vallely. The opinion of Dr. Vallely which promoted the complaint was that the Respondent carried an Axis II Diagnosis of Mixed Personality Disorder with Obsessive- Compulsive, Anti-Social and Paranoid Features, and that the Respondent would need long-term therapy. The Administrative Complaint makes reference to a recommendation by Dr. Vallely that the Respondent's practice be limited to patients 18 years of age and older. Dr. Vallely did not testify in this proceeding to render his opinion concerning the Respondent's fitness to practice. Testimony on this subject was presented by Barbara A. Stein, M.D., testifying for the Petitioner. She is board-certified in general psychiatry and forensic psychiatry. In opposition to that testimony, the Respondent presented the testimony of Keith R. D'Amato, Ph.D., who is a clinical and forensic psychologist, who treated the Respondent. The Respondent also presented the testimony of Gini Fort, M.A., in counseling psychology, who worked with Dr. D'Amato in treating the Respondent. The Administrative Complaint makes reference to findings by George Bernard, M.D., who examined the Respondent and diagnosed the Respondent as suffering from pedophilia, opposite sex, non-exclusive type. Dr. Bernard did not testify in this proceeding. The Administrative Complaint makes reference to a determination on July 8, 1993, when the Respondent was evaluated by Gene Abel, M.D., of the Behavioral Medicine Institute in Atlanta, Georgia, in which Dr. Abel recommended that the Respondent not be in a medical setting, where the Respondent had proximity to girls under 18 years of age, nor in proximity to his former victim, taken to mean the Respondent's stepdaughter, until the Respondent had further treatment. Dr. Abel did not testify in this proceeding. Finally, the Administrative Complaint makes reference to the reference by Dr. Vallely, on December 16, 1993, in which Dr. Vallely described the Respondent as "a highly dangerous sex offender with pedophilic desires and attractions". The Respondent was also seen by Michael J. Herkov, Ph.D. at the time the Respondent was seen by Dr. Bernard. Dr. Herkov is a psychologist. Dr. Herkov did not testify in this proceeding. The treatment and evaluations performed by Drs. Vallely, Bernard, Herkov and Abel were all in association with the monitoring performed by the PRN. Although the health care providers associated with the Respondent that have been mentioned in the prior paragraph did not testify in this proceeding, their insights assisted Drs. Stein and D'Amato and Ms. Fort in arriving at their opinions concerning the Respondent's condition. Consequently, it is to some advantage to describe the history of treatment and evaluation by those health care providers, notwithstanding the inability to rely upon their independent judgment in determining the Respondent's present ability to render care with reasonable skill and safety. The Respondent began seeing Dr. Vallely in June, 1992 and received treatment off and on until December, 1993. For the benefit of the PRN, Dr. Vallely indicated that the Respondent carried a diagnosis of pedophilia and mixed personality disorder with obsessive- compulsive, antisocial and paranoid features. Dr. Vallely tried to address these conditions. Other attempts were made by the PRN to assist the Respondent. On December 9, 1992, the Respondent saw Drs. Bernard and Herkov. They diagnosed the Respondent as having pedophilia, opposite sex, non-exclusive type. At that time, according to a report by these health care providers, there was no information indicating that the Respondent was being presently sexually inappropriate with patients or any indication that he would engage in that behavior in the future. The recommendation by Drs. Bernard and Herkov was that the Respondent continue to be restricted in seeing children under the age of 18, be they male or female, until such time as the Respondent's treating therapist felt that the restriction was no longer necessary. The Respondent was initially treated by Dr. Vallely through June 18, 1993, at which time, Dr. Vallely suspended the Respondent's care. At that juncture, Dr. Vallely expressed the view to the PRN that the Respondent was manipulating therapy in attempting to gain closer contact with his stepdaughter. At that time, the Respondent expressed the view to the PRN that he did not believe that he was being heard by Dr. Vallely and that Dr. Vallely was overreacting. The Respondent requested another therapist to resolve this conflict. The PRN recommended that another evaluation be performed by a professional. This led to an evaluation by Dr. Abel in Atlanta, Georgia. The evaluation by Dr. Abel took place on July 8, 1993. Dr. Abel is recognized as an expert in the treatment of child sexual abusers. Although Dr. Abel did not arrive at a formal diagnosis, he summarized his belief of the continuing existence of pedophilia on the Respondent's part and a concern about the Respondent's manifest symptoms of arousal in relation to minor females. That concern was addressed through a penile plethysmophgraphy performed on the Respondent, in which the Respondent evidenced arousal to young girls. In his conclusions, Dr. Abel recommended that the Respondent should not be allowed to treat girls under 18 years of age. The Respondent then returned to receive therapy from Dr. Vallely. The Respondent and Dr. Vallely continued to have conflict concerning the Respondent's relationship with his stepdaughter and the Respondent's intention to remarry his ex-wife. Eventually, the Respondent was expelled from the program administered by Dr. Vallely. This expulsion took place on December 16, 1993 and was followed by the correspondence of December 28, 1993 by Dr. Goetz recommending that the Department of Business and Professional Regulation find that the Respondent's condition seriously effected the public's health, safety and welfare. The Respondent was referred to Dr. D'Amato from the State Attorney's Office. This was in association with the case of State of Florida v. Stephen Allan Newbern, in the Circuit Court of Duval County, Florida, Case No. 92-3347CF CR-C, as agreed to by the Respondent's counsel. The day Dr. D'Amato first saw the Respondent was February 10, 1994. The case described was the case in which the Respondent was accused of custodial sexual battery directed to his stepdaughter, K.B. Following the Respondent's decision to remarry his ex-wife, the Respondent was arrested in association with the aforementioned Circuit Court case, in which he had previously been allowed probation to participate in the program conducted by Dr. Vallely. The reason for the Respondent's arrest was premised upon a report by Dr. Vallely concerning the Respondent's decision to remarry his ex-wife. The Circuit Court case was then disposed of on June 24, 1994, in which an order was entered by the court following the Respondent's plea of guilty to a lesser included offense in Count I, lewd and lascivious act. For that plea, the Respondent had his guilt withheld; the Respondent was placed on community control for a period of two years, followed by eight years probation; and the Respondent was ordered not to have contact with his stepdaughter, directly or indirectly, without consent from his counselor or the Community Control Officer. The Respondent was ordered to pay for his stepdaughter's counseling or treatment through a treatment facility or counselor to which the stepdaughter had been referred, as directed by the Community Control Officer. The Respondent was ordered to continue his psychosexual counseling through Dr. D'Amato, who had substituted for Dr. Vallely. In this connection, the Respondent, in February of 1992, had voluntarily hospitalized himself based upon panic attacks and depression. Subsequently, an investigation was conducted by the State of Florida, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services and the INS of the Navy; and the Respondent was arrested and incarcerated for 21 days for sexually abusing his stepdaughter. As a consequence, he was referred to the KIDS Sexual Offender Program, in Jacksonville, Florida, and directed to receive treatment from Dr. Vallely. In March or April of 1992, the Respondent was advised by his Naval Preceptor, Dr. Carrierre, to refer himself to the PRN. The Respondent accepted that advice and took the referral in May, 1992 and signed a contract in June, 1992 to monitor his mental health status. The Navy found him guilty of the sex offense and allowed him to remain in the service on active duty until his retirement on October 31, 1992. During this time, he served as a physician's assistant but was limited in his practice to adults only. When the Respondent attempted to reunite with his ex-wife in February, 1993, Dr. Vallely suspended him from the KIDS Program. In June, 1994, the Respondent was accused of violating his probation associated with the case in which he was a participant in the KIDS Program. The allegation of violation of probation was in relation to the Respondent's decision to stay with his ex-wife and stepdaughter in January, 1994. The Respondent was not prosecuted for this violation because he agreed to enter Dr. D'Amato's sexual offender program. In turn, he entered a nolo contendere plea to lewd and lascivious act and had the order entered on June 24, 1994 setting the terms of continued probation. The Respondent received treatment from Dr. D'Amato and Ms. Fort for approximately two years. In his practice, Dr. D'Amato specializes in the treatment of sexual offenders and has treated 500-700 persons with those conditions. Of those persons, two to three percent have been referred for a jail sentence and another two to three percent have been terminated from the treatment program. To deal with the Respondent's pedophilia, Dr. D'Amato conducted an initial clinical interview. Dr. D'Amato performed a number of tests to gain an impression of the Respondent's condition, to include the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, the Beck Depression Inventory, the Columbia Sexual Screening Questionnaire, the Jackson Incest Blame Questionnaire, the Wilson Sex Fantasy Questionnaire, the Sexual History Questionnaire, and the Sexual Interest Card Sort. Following the initial assessment, Dr. D'Amato entered the Respondent into a treatment program, which had four levels. Level I was designed to insure safety of the community by restricting movement and by insuring that the Respondent owned up to and took responsibility for the sexual offense that had been committed against his stepdaughter. Levels II and III were devoted to psycho-educational activities, where the Respondent was expected to learn to identify antecedents to the sexual misconduct that had been committed. Level IV was a relapse-prevention process to allow the Respondent to develop a comprehensive plan that could "offshoot" any problems, stresses or arousals that would lead the Respondent to re-offend in the future. During the first phase of the treatment received by the Respondent, an abuse letter was written, a meeting was held with the victim to confront the abuse, history of the abuse was taken, and an apology letter was written. During the second and third phases, the Respondent learned to identify stresses that may lead to problems and to develop empathy for the victim. The emphasis of Dr. D'Amato's program that he administered to the Respondent was cognitive in nature. The program was anticipated to last between two and five years, depending on the person receiving the therapy. Patients in the program are seen in group treatment and, in some instances, receive marital or family therapy individually. The Respondent had polygraphs administered to him to attempt to determine if there was ongoing sexual abuse and to determine if the types of fantasies that the Respondent was entertaining when he entered the treatment program were still in evidence. In treating the Respondent, Dr. D'Amato did not use behavioral therapy to any large extent. This choice was made because having the Respondent undergo polygraphs and looking at the Respondent's psychological assessments which were done over the years, led Dr. D'Amato to believe that the primary problem that the Respondent had was in distorting information. It was observed, through the polygraph examinations, that the Respondent was not showing deviant sexual arousal. Therefore, it was not deemed necessary to offer treatment to deal with that form of problem. It was deemed more important to deal with cognitive restructuring of the Respondent and his view of life and people and interpersonal relationships. The Respondent did receive some behavioral training in his treatment by Dr. D'Amato, referred to as covert desensitization and role playing. Dr. D'Amato believes that cognitive therapy is the best approach to treating pedophilia, non-exclusive type, which the Respondent evidenced. Non-exclusive pedophiles, as defined in DSM-IV, have age-appropriate relationships, whereas fixated pedophiles focus exclusively on children. The Respondent was last seen by Dr. D'Amato in March, 1996. At that time, Dr. D'Amato diagnosed the Respondent as having a mixed personality disorder, NOS., with slight depression, not of a clinical nature, that the Respondent still suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder and pedophilia, non-exclusive type in remission. Dr. D'Amato does not believe that the Respondent needs to undergo further treatment to address the Respondent's condition, in that the Respondent is not showing any active symptoms, has acted in a responsible manner in his work and life, and has integrated back into his family. To require therapy when it is not needed would cause the Respondent to be more resistant, and the Respondent would not grow from the experience, according to Dr. D'Amato. Dr. D'Amato believes that the Respondent has good relapse prevention skills and has shown that he is implementing those skills in his life. Dr. D'Amato relied upon the polygraph examinations to determine whether the cognitive therapy received by the Respondent was successful. In doing so, Dr. D'Amato recognizes that the polygraph measures physiological responses following the subject's answer to a question. Dr. D'Amato did not refer to the prior penile plethysmophgraphy testing to confirm the Respondent's status and did not administer that test. He sees the latter test as being a measurement of sexual response to pictures, which is less important to Dr. D'Amato than the question of whether the Respondent is having sexual fantasies or acting out in a sexually-inappropriate way, which Dr. D'Amato believes the polygraph examination would uncover. Dr. D'Amato has experienced 95 percent success in the treatment of sexual offenders. Nonetheless, he recognizes that this success does not establish that persons who are pedophiles, who have not been known to re-offend, are cured. Dr. D'Amato is not aware of any reports concerning misconduct by the Respondent in treating patients. Dr. D'Amato does not believe that the Respondent should have his practice restricted to adults only. Dr. D'Amato was impressed with the Respondent's ability to deal with stress in relation to a death within the Respondent's family, various legal problems associated with the Respondent's sexual abuse of his stepdaughter, his work load, and the re-unification of the Respondent's family, without committing further sexual abuse based upon the stress. Dr. D'Amato saw the experience which the Respondent had in re-unifying his family as being helpful to his treatment by giving the Respondent the opportunity to deal with the realities of those relationships and to reconstruct those relationships in a positive manner. Dr. D'Amato observed that the Respondent's religious convictions assisted the Respondent in his rehabilitation by sharing the experience with his family and providing a code of conduct to follow. Dr. D'Amato recognized that the Respondent's character structure would not change over time but believed that the Respondent would change his behavior based upon new strategies and coping lessons that he had learned in the treatment. Dr. D'Amato expressed the opinion that if the Petitioner automatically revoked or suspended the Respondent's license to practice as a physician's assistant, the Respondent would not come forward and seek treatment in the future if he experienced a problem, and the result would be more sexual abuse. Ms. Fort expressed the opinion that the Respondent was a low or no- risk candidate for recidivism. Further, she indicated that the Respondent had successfully handled stress related to his older son coming home and financial difficulties. Ms. Fort expressed the belief that given the Respondent's successful completion of therapy, the Respondent could be in close contact with children in private. In performing her evaluation of the Respondent, Dr. Stein spoke to Dr. D'Amato and Ms. Fort concerning the care they rendered to the Respondent. Dr. Stein saw the Respondent on referral from the Physicians Resource Network, formerly known as the Physicians Recovery Network. Dr. Stein examined the Respondent in February, 1996. Dr. Stein's evaluation included an interview with the Respondent and preparation of a history. Dr. Stein also had access to collateral information from other treatment professionals who had seen the Respondent. Dr. Stein contacted individuals who were familiar with the Respondent's professional and private life. Dr. Stein arranged for Flora Zaken- Greenberg, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist, to perform a clinical interview, record review, and psychological testing by use of a WAIS-R, Beck anxiety inventory, Beck depression inventory, MMPI-2, MCMI-III, and Roschach. Dr. Stein took all of these matters into account in preparing a report of her forensic psychiatric examination. That report was rendered on March 9, 1996. Dr. Stein, in her report, and at hearing, expressed the opinion that the Respondent suffers from pedophilia, non-exclusive type, DSM-IV 302.2, and personality disorder, not otherwise specified, which includes narcissistic, antisocial and dependent personality traits. Dr. Stein pointed out that pedophilia is a type of sexual deviant disorder, which lasts for at least six months, in which setting, the individual has strong urges, behaviors or fantasies of having sex with a prepubescent child, and this impairs the life of the pedophile. In a non-exclusive type of pedophilia, the individual may also have relationships with adults. Dr. Stein described the Respondent's personality disorder as being a circumstance in which the Respondent has difficulty viewing and interacting with the world. The Respondent sees the world through a distorted view, thinking in a distorted way, interacting in a distorted way, being impulsive and having a tendency to have mood problems from time to time. Those traits endure and impair him. That disorder does not necessarily mean that the Respondent could not work. In Dr. Stein's opinion, pedophilia cannot be cured and is a disease that has a very high relapse rate, notwithstanding that there are periods in which the pedophile does not have urges or behaviors or fantasies directed to prepubescent children. Dr. Stein holds the opinion that the Respondent will, given his condition of pedophilia, be at greater risk of sexually acting out inappropriately regardless of whether it is in the workplace or elsewhere. Dr. Stein expresses this opinion with the knowledge that the Respondent has learned a great deal from his sexual offender treatment and that the experience that he has had in participating in the treatment has lowered the risk for him to re- offend. Nonetheless, according to Dr. Stein, his psychological testing shows an underlying character structure that creates a potential for sexual deviance, impulsivity, antisocial acts, and impaired interpersonal relations, particularly so when under stress; and that set of circumstances has not changed overtime. Dr. Stein believes that the Respondent should have his practice as a physician's assistant restricted to adults only and the practice monitored. Dr. Stein believes that the monitoring should include biannual polygraph examinations, in which the following questions are asked: (1) have you had sexual feelings towards children under the age of 18 accompanied by your adult patients?; (2) have you concealed any relevant sexual history from your therapist?; (3) have you attempted to access those or other children under the age of 18?. Finally, Dr. Stein believes that the Respondent should participate in a relapse prevention group for the next 12 months and at least at quarterly intervals beyond that point for an indefinite period. She believes that this would assist the Respondent in relapse prevention, to build a repertoire to decrease his risk for re-offending and to protect society from a professional in his position of trust who has a disorder which cannot be cured. Dr. Stein believes that the additional 12-month therapy, followed by quarterly therapy for an indefinite period, is necessary to preserve a degree of continuity and to reinforce the skills achieved by the Respondent in addressing his condition and promotes the further recognition by the Respondent that he knows that he has to answer to people, and that there are external controls in a setting in which his internal controls are not as good as they need to be. The use of a polygraph on a biannual basis would be a means to aid in the process of exerting controls over the Respondent's conduct. Dr. Stein does not believe that it is necessary to revoke or suspend the Respondent's license completely to address his condition and protect the public. From the views held by Drs. Stein and D'Amato and Ms. Fort, it is clear and convincing that the Respondent has a mental condition which effects his practice as a physician's assistant and the ability to render care with reasonable skill and safety to his patients. According to the evidence, the Respondent has performed his practice in an acceptable manner when limited to treating adults only. Dr. D'Amato and Ms. Fort believe that the Respondent could practice as a physician's assistant in contact with children. Dr. Stein disagrees with that opinion. The experts also disagree concerning recidivism rates for pedophiles. Dr. D'Amato and Ms. Fort believe that the rate is low for their program. Dr. Stein does not generally hold that opinion. Given the seriousness of the Respondent's illness and the risk it presents to children, the lack of ability to cure his condition, and the possibility of relapse, however slight, there is a real concern about patient safety should the Respondent be allowed to practice as a physician's assistant treating children. To that end, Dr. Stein's opinion is more compelling when she urges restrictions on the Respondent's practice. Although Dr. D'Amato does not believe that a relapse prevention program is needed for the Respondent, if determined to be needed, he is persuaded that a program should only extend for six months. Having considered the views held by Drs. Stein and D'Amato, a further relapse prevention program of six months provided by Dr. D'Amato, together with quarterly therapy for an indefinite period beyond that point, with biannual polygraph tests of the sort recommended by Dr. Stein, is appropriate to insure that children, who are treated in the office where the Respondent practices, remain safe. No evidence was produced which would suggest that the Respondent should be completely denied the privilege to practice as a physician's assistant based upon concern that he would not proceed with reasonable skill and safety by reason of his mental illness. The restrictions that are discussed above adequately protect the public without depriving the Respondent of his livelihood.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Thaw, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered finding the Respondent in violation of Section 458.331(1)(s), Florida Statutes, restricting his practice as a physician s assistant to adults only, requiring the Respondent to undergo an additional six months of relapse prevention therapy, followed by quarterly therapy sessions for an indefinite period and biannual polygraph examinations. DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of November, 1996, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (904) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of November, 1996. COPIES FURNISHED: Joseph S. Garwood, Esquire Agency for Health Care Administration Post Office Box 14229 Tallahassee, Florida 32317-4229 Terry D. Bork, Esquire 200 West Forsyth Street, Suite 1100 Jacksonville, Florida 32202-4308 Marm Harris, Executive Director Board of Medicine Agency for Health Care Administration 1940 North Monroe Street1 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Jerome W. Hoffman, General Counsel Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403

Florida Laws (3) 120.57458.331458.347
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Feb. 23, 2005 Number: 05-000632 Latest Update: Jan. 10, 2006

The Issue Whether Respondent, Carrabba's Italian Grill, Inc., subjected Petitioners, Jasen Baker and Bernard Southwell, to a hostile work environment and retaliation in violation of Subsection 760.10(1)(a), Florida Statutes (2004).

Findings Of Fact Respondent operates a chain of casual Italian restaurants. Respondent has adopted a policy against discrimination and harassment. In addition to prohibiting harassment, the policy instructs employees whom to contact if they experience harassment. The policy is contained in an employee handbook that is distributed to all employees during the initial orientation process. During orientation, Respondent's manager reviews the employee handbook with the new employee, including the policy on sexual harassment. During the orientation process, Respondent also requires employees to view a video that explains that Respondent will not tolerate harassment. The video familiarizes the employees with the company's expectations regarding the reporting of harassment in the workplace. During the orientation process, the employees are required to sign an acknowledgment on the exterior of their employee folders indicating that they have received and read the policy against harassment. The critical sections of the policy are reprinted on the folders immediately above the signature lines. All of Respondent's restaurants are required to display a poster known as the "Carrabbamico Info" poster in the kitchen area. This poster reprints the harassment policy and provides employees with a list of names to call if they feel that they have been harassed. Respondent has implemented reasonable precautions to prevent harassment from occurring in its restaurants. In the Central Florida market, Respondent's restaurants are overseen by a joint venture partner named Dick Meyer. Meyer is responsible for hiring and firing the managers of the restaurants that he oversees. In March 2000, Lawton DePriest became the managing partner at Respondent's Palm Bay location. DePriest reported to Meyer. DePriest remained in that capacity until September 2003, when he became the managing partner of Respondent's restaurant located in Formosa Gardens. It was DePriest's management style to frequently yell at employees in order to motivate them. It is also possible that he had favorites on the staff of the Palm Bay restaurant. Baker was hired by Respondent's Palm Bay restaurant in January 2002. At the time that Baker began working for Respondent, he attended an orientation session conducted by DePriest. It was DePriest's practice during orientation to discuss harassment issues and instruct employees to come to him directly if they experience any problems with sexual harassment. If for some reason an employee is not comfortable with him, DePriest would encourage the employee to contact any other person listed on the poster. Baker was given a copy of Respondent's handbook, which contains the company's policy against harassment. On that same date, January 19, 2002, Baker signed his employee folder on the blank line under the harassment policy indicating that he had read and received the policy. Whether he reviewed the employee handbook further after that date is irrelevant. Baker "vividly remembers" that during his orientation, he watched the videotape that included instructions on what he should do if he felt harassed. However, during the hearing, Baker denied ever seeing the Carrabbamico Info poster. However, Baker admitted on cross-examination that during his deposition, he had acknowledged seeing the Carrabbamico Info poster posted in the store. During the deposition, Baker specifically remembered that there were business cards with contact information for Meyer and Cheri Ashe attached to the bottom of the poster. Despite Baker's attempt to deny seeing the poster, his earlier answers in deposition were more credible in view of his specific recollection of the attached business cards and the lack of any persuasive explanation for the discrepancy. After completing his orientation, Baker initially worked as a dishwasher. Later, he was shown how to do food preparation work. Before coming to work for Respondent, Baker had previously worked for a restaurant by the name of Golden Corral. During the time that he worked with Golden Corral, he became acquainted with a co-worker named Bernard Southwell. In the summer of 2002, Petitioners discussed the possibility of Southwell coming to work for Respondent. Baker spoke favorably of the restaurant and recommended that Southwell submit an application. At the time, Baker had worked for Respondent for six or seven months. Baker did not express to Southwell that he had observed or experienced any problems with unwelcome harassment. Southwell submitted an application and was hired by Respondent's Palm Bay restaurant in August 2002 as a dishwasher. At the time he began employment with Respondent, Southwell was living with a friend of his named Joe Corbett. At the time, Baker was living in a one-bedroom apartment with his girlfriend. Several weeks later, Baker's girlfriend decided to move out. According to Petitioners, she suggested to Southwell that he move into Baker's apartment to replace her. Around October 2002, Southwell moved out of the Corbett residence and moved in with Baker. A third employee named Chris Germana also moved into the residence around the same time. Because the apartment only had one bedroom, Germana slept on the couch. Petitioners slept in the bedroom. When employees at the restaurant learned of these arrangements, speculation began about whether the two men were homosexual. According to Petitioners, sometime after Southwell started to room with Baker, co-workers at the restaurant started referring to Petitioners by nicknames. The co-workers referred to Baker as "powder," "crack pipe," and "crack head." Baker knew that "powder" was a reference to a character from the movie "Powder" and that the name had nothing to do with his sexuality. The co-workers also referred to Petitioners as "butt buddies." Southwell testified that a male co-worker, Christopher Bouley, told him, "I know you guys are lovers." Bouley, Arnold Samuel and DePriest all used these nicknames on occasion to refer to both Petitioners, according to Baker. After several months, Southwell eventually went to DePriest and complained about the "powder," "crack pipe," and "butt buddies" nicknames. Southwell told DePriest that the nicknames were funny at first, but that they started getting old. DePriest then told Samuel and Bouley to stop using the nicknames. Thereafter, the use of the nicknames stopped. Southwell claimed that Bouley would gyrate his hips behind other employees as they were bending down. However, Petitioners both admitted that Bouley would do these hip motions to both male and female employees. During the hearing, Petitioners claimed that Bouley subjected them to unwelcome touching. Baker claimed that Bouley had touched his buttocks once. However, Baker acknowledged that when his deposition was taken prior to the final hearing, he did not mention that Bouley touched his buttocks. In fact, when asked during his deposition whether he had been sexually harassed, Baker testified that he had not and that he had only been verbally harassed. Furthermore, Baker made no mention of any physical touching in the Affidavit that he submitted to FCHR at the time he filed his charge of discrimination. Southwell never saw Bouley touch or grab Baker's buttocks. And despite their close relationship, Baker never told Southwell that Bouley had grabbed his buttocks. Accordingly, Baker's allegation that he was touched inappropriately by Bouley or any other of Respondent's employees is not credible. Southwell claimed that Bouley had touched his buttocks on two or three occasions and touched his nipples twice. Southwell also claimed that Bouley had touched his penis on one occasion. According to Southwell, he was bending down to pick up sauté pans when Bouley, who was supposedly standing behind him, reached between Southwell's legs from behind and clutched Southwell's genital area through his trousers. This incident supposedly occurred during the restaurant's hours of operation while customers were in the restaurant. The alleged grabbing supposedly took place in front of a stove that sat in full view of customers seated at the restaurant's bar. Bouley flatly denied ever touching Southwell's genitals or private area. In the Affidavit that Southwell submitted to FCHR at the time he filed his charge of discrimination, Southwell made no mention of Bouley touching Southwell's penis. At the time that he submitted this Affidavit, Southwell was represented by counsel. Southwell did not offer any convincing reason for the omission of any description of his genitals being grabbed. Accordingly, Southwell's allegation that Bouley touched Southwell's genitals is not credible. Although Petitioners testified that they spoke to DePriest on several occasions, they admit that they never spoke to any of the other individuals listed on the harassment poster to complain about sexual harassment. DePriest testified that the only complaint he ever received had to do with the nicknames and that he took prompt action to resolve this problem. Annually, Respondent submits an employee experience survey to its employees that is completed anonymously and forwarded to an outside company for analysis. After the survey is completed, employees participate in a small group feedback session to discuss the results of the survey. On March 11, 2003, DePriest held the feedback session for his store, which was attended by Petitioners. During the session, Southwell commented about the situation with the nicknames. He indicated that the situation was resolved when it was brought to DePriest's attention. This was the sole extent to which either employee complained of unwelcome behavior. Respondent was not on notice of any problems with regard to touching or more serious inappropriate behavior. On March 12, 2003, Petitioners' last day of work, Southwell approached DePriest to complain about scheduling for a special event at the convention center. Southwell stated that he and Baker had signed up to participate in this event. Southwell was scheduled for the event, but Baker was not. DePriest explained that he needed Baker to float, because there were not enough people scheduled to work at the restaurant that night. DePriest later talked to Baker, who indicated that he was not disappointed that he was not participating in the event. That conversation, however, was the last time that DePriest saw Baker. DePriest learned that Petitioners had left before the end of their shift, when the plates in the restaurant were getting low and the sauté pans were getting stacked up. DePriest asked about the whereabouts of Petitioners and learned that they were seen riding their bicycles away from the restaurant. DePriest could not contact them because they did not have a telephone. DePriest eventually terminated their employment for voluntarily walking off the job.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Facts and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a final order that: Dismisses the Petition for Relief filed by Petitioner, Jasen Baker, in DOAH Case No. 05-0623, FCHR No. 23-03891; and Dismisses the Petition for Relief filed by Petitioner, Bernard Southwell, DOAH Case No. 05-0632, FCHR No. 23-03892. DONE AND ENTERED this 10th day of November, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S DANIEL M. KILBRIDE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of November, 2005. COPIES FURNISHED: Denise Crawford, Agency Clerk Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Jason M. Gordon, Esquire Gordon & Cornell 103 North Atlantic Avenue Cocoa Beach, Florida 32931 Kevin D. Johnson, Esquire Thompson, Sizemore & Gonzalez, P.A. 501 East Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 1400 Tampa, Florida 33602 Cecil Howard, General Counsel Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301

USC (1) 42 U.S.C 2000e Florida Laws (3) 120.569120.57760.10
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Feb. 27, 2013 Number: 13-000740PL Latest Update: Oct. 29, 2013

The Issue The issue to be determined is whether Respondent, Alexander Roy, is guilty of violating section 1012.795(1)(d), (f), (g) and (n), Florida Statutes (2011). If violations are found, the appropriate penalty must be determined.

Findings Of Fact Respondent holds Florida Educator Certificate 1035877, covering the areas of mathematics, middle grades integrated curriculum, and social studies, which is valid through June 2015. At all times material to the allegations in the Administrative Complaint, Respondent was employed by the St. Lucie County School Board (SLCSB) as a mathematics teacher at Manatee Elementary School, also known as Manatee K-8 School. On or about January 13, 2012, Respondent was arrested in Osceola County, Florida, as the result of allegations that Respondent used an internet provider and “knowingly persuaded, induced, enticed and coerced an individual who had not attained the age of eighteen years, to engage in sexual activity.” The allegations were based on the probable cause affidavit of Kevin Kulp, Special Agent for the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, who worked on the undercover operation giving rise to Respondent’s arrest, which stated that Respondent contacted a person on-line that he believed to be the mother of a 13-year-old girl in order to have sex with both the mother and the daughter. The “mother” and the “daughter” were undercover police officers. As a result of Respondent’s arrest, a search warrant was executed to search Respondent’s residence in St. Lucie County, Florida. According to Detective Longson, the search revealed that Respondent possessed approximately 75-100 images of minors engaged in explicit sexual conduct. The analysis of the information seized at Respondent’s home also included photos and videos of a teenage girl, approximately 16 years old, engaged in explicit sexual acts with Respondent. On January 17, 2012, as a result of his arrest, Respondent was placed on temporary duty assignment at his home. On or about March 5, 2012, Respondent was charged by indictment with one count of Enticing and Attempting to Entice a Minor to Engage in Sexual Activity in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 2422(b), and four counts of Possession of Child Pornography in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 2252(a)(4)(B). A Superseding Indictment containing the same charges was filed May 31, 2012. On March 27, 2012, he was suspended without pay by the SLCSB because of the federal criminal charges against him. On April 10, 2012, Respondent was terminated from his employment by the SLCSB, based upon his inability to report for work because of his imprisonment. On or about June 15, 2012, Respondent was tried in federal court before a jury. He was found guilty of all five counts. On September 12, 2012, United States District Court Judge K. Michael Moore adjudicated Respondent guilty on all five counts, and sentenced him to life in prison as to Count 1, and 120 months of incarceration as to each of Counts 2 through 5, with the penalty for all five counts to be served concurrently. Upon release, Respondent is to be placed on probation for life, a condition of which is to comply with the requirements of the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (42 U.S.C. § 16901. et seq.), as directed by the probation officer, the Bureau of Prisons, or any state sex offender agency in a state in which he resides, works, is a student, or was convicted of a qualifying offense. Also included in the Special Conditions of Supervision are that Respondent may not possess or use any computer, with the exception of pre-approved use in connection with authorized employment; that Respondent shall not have personal, mail, telephone, or computer contact with children under the age of 18; that Respondent shall not be involved in any children’s or youth organization; and that Respondent shall participate in a sex offender program. Respondent’s arrest, prosecution, and conviction were covered by the media, in the newspaper and on the radio, television, and internet. Respondent’s conviction significantly impairs Respondent’s effectiveness as a teacher in the community. Respondent’s certification is for middle school grades. The prohibition from having contact with children under the age of 18 makes it impossible for him to hold employment as a teacher in the public school system. As stated by Maurice Bonner, the Director of Personnel for St. Lucie County Schools, “[t]here is absolutely no way that the students and the parents and the community would have any faith in him being alone in a classroom with kids even for one minute. And he would not be able to effectively be in a classroom. Or be on campus, period, where there are children present.” His testimony is credited.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Education Practices Commission enter a Final Order finding Respondent guilty of all four Counts in the Amended Administrative Complaint and permanently revoking his certification. DONE AND ENTERED this 2nd day of August, 2013, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S LISA SHEARER NELSON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of August, 2013. COPIES FURNISHED: David Holder, Esquire J. David Holder, P.A. 387 Lakeside Drive Defuniak Springs, Florida 32435 Alexander Roy, Register # 99238-004 United States Penitentiary Post Office Box 24550 Tucson, Arizona 85734 Kathleen M. Richards, Executive Director Education Practices Commission Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 224 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Matthew Carson, General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Marian Lambeth, Bureau Chief Bureau of Professional Practices Services Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 224-E 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

USC (2) 18 U.S.C 225218 U.S.C 2422 Florida Laws (8) 1002.391002.3951012.011012.3151012.795120.57827.071847.0135 Florida Administrative Code (2) 6A-5.0566B-11.007
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