The Issue The issue in this case is whether Petitioner, Jennifer Lee Brown, D.M.D., should receive a passing grade on the December 1997 Florida dental licensure examination.
Findings Of Fact Petitioner, Jennifer Lee Brown, D.M.D., is a graduate from the University of Florida College of Dentistry. Respondent, the Department of Health (hereinafter referred to as the "Department"), is responsible for the licensure of dentists in the State of Florida. In December 1997 the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation, on behalf of the Department, administered the Florida dental licensure examination which persons wishing to practice dentistry in the State were required to pass. Dr. Brown took the December 1997 dental examination (hereinafter referred to as the "Examination"). The Examination consisted of clinical, Florida laws and rules, and oral diagnosis parts. The clinical portion of the Examination consisted of 8 procedures: procedures 1-3 and 5-9. Each procedure was graded by three separate examiners. The scores awarded by the three examiners on each procedure were averaged, resulting in a truer score. Each procedure had standardized "comments" concerning a candidate's performance on the procedure which examiners could note. Examiners were selected from individuals recommended by existing examiners or members of the Board of Dentistry (hereinafter referred to as the "Board"). Prospective examiners could not have any complaints against their license and they were required to have actively practiced dentistry and to be licensed as a dentist in Florida for a minimum of five years. Prospective examiners were required to file an application with the Board's examination committee. Prior to the Examination, a "standardization" session was conducted for the examiners selected. During the session, examiners were trained how to grade the Examination using the same internal criteria. The standardization session was conducted by assistant examiner supervisors appointed by the Board. After completion of the standardization session, and before the Examination, examiners were required to grade five mannequin models in order to evaluate the examiners' understanding of the grading criteria. Each examiner's performance was evaluated to determine whether the examiner should be used during the Examination. The examiners who graded Dr. Brown's clinical part of the Examination were designated as Examiners 168, 176, 195, 207, 264, 290, 298, and 299. All of these examiners completed the standardization session and the post-standardization evaluation. During the clinical part of the Examination, the examiners were required to grade each procedure independently, without conferring with each other. The clinical part of the Examination was "double blind" graded. Examiners did not see the candidates they were grading or watch their work. The test procedures were performed in a clinic in the presence of a licensed dentist. After the procedure was completed, the patient or tooth was taken to another clinic where the examiners reviewed the work performed on the patient and graded the procedure. The examiners had no direct contact with any candidate. Candidates were permitted to use "monitor-to-examiner" notes to convey information to the examiners that a candidate wanted the examiners to take into consideration when grading a procedure. Any such notes were read by the examiners and initialed "SMN" (saw monitor note) before they actually looked at the patient or tooth. For the clinical part of the Examination the following grading system was used: Zero: complete failure; One: unacceptable; Two: below minimally acceptable. Three: minimally acceptable. Four: better than minimally acceptable. Five: outstanding. After the Examination was graded, all examiners underwent a post-examination evaluation. Grades awarded by each examiner were compared to other examiners for consistency. All of the examiners who graded Dr. Brown's clinical part of the Examination were found to have performed acceptably. Dr. Brown was subsequently informed that she had failed to obtain the minimum passing grade of 3.00 for the clinical part of the Examination. Dr. Brown was informed that she had been awarded a score of 2.67. Dr. Brown was also informed that she passed the other two parts of the Examination. Dr. Brown challenged the scores she had been awarded on the clinical part of the Examination for procedures 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. The procedures challenged were graded by examiners 176 (graded all the challenged procedures), 195 (graded procedures 5- 9), 207 (graded procedure 2), 298 (graded procedure 2), and 299 (graded procedures 5-9). The Department conceded that the scores awarded Dr. Brown on procedures 7 and 8 were incorrect. As a result, the Department agreed that Dr. Brown's overall score for the clinical part of the Examination should be raised to 2.82. The evidence failed to prove that Dr. Brown should have received a higher score on procedures 7 and 8. Procedure 2 consisted of an amalgam (filling)n preparation on a human patient. Dr. Brown was required to select a tooth and, after the selected tooth was checked by an examiner, complete preparation for the amalgam. Dr. Brown wrote three monitor-to-examiner notes during procedure 2. All three examiners wrote "SMN" on all three notes. Dr. Brown received an average score on procedure 2 of 3.66. Dr. Brown was awarded the following individual scores for her performance on procedure 2: Examiner Score 176 4 207 4 298 3 Examiners 176 and 298 noted the following comment concerning Dr. Brown's performance on procedure 2: "Depth Prep." Examiner 298 also noted the following comment: "Marginal Finish." Examiner 207 noted the following comment: "Retention Form." Dr. Brown admitted that her performance on procedure 2 was not ideal, but expressed concern that she was graded down for matters dealt with in the monitor-to-examiner notes. Dr. Shields opined that it was possible for the examiners to have reduced the score awarded to Dr. Brown on procedure for depth preparation, marginal finish, and retention form and not have graded her down for the monitor-to-examiner notes. The evidence failed to prove that Dr. Shields' opinion was not reasonable or accurate. The evidence failed to prove that Dr. Brown should have received a higher score for procedure 2 of the clinical part of the Examination. Dr. Brown received a fairly consistent score from all three graders. Procedure 5 was a "class IV composite restoration." This procedure involved the selection of a tooth by Dr. Brown which she was then required to make a slice cut on to replicate a fracture. Dr. Brown was then required to restore the simulated fractured tooth to its normal contour and function. The procedure was performed on a mannequin. Dr. Brown received an average score of 1.66 on procedure 5. Dr. Brown was awarded the following individual scores for her performance on procedure 5: Examiner Score 176 3 195 0 299 2 Examiners 176 and 195 noted the following comment concerning Dr. Brown's performance on procedure 5: "Proximal Contour." Examiners 176 and 299 noted the following comment concerning Dr. Brown's performance on procedure 5: "Margin." Finally, the following additional comments were noted by the examiners: Examiner Comment: 195 Functional Anatomy Mutilation of Adjacent Teeth 289 Gingival Overhang Dr. Brown's challenge to her score for procedure 5 was essentially that Examiner 199 had given her such a low score on this procedure and procedures 7 through 9 when compared to the scores awarded by Examiners 176 and 298. Dr. Shields opined that Dr. Brown should not have received a higher score for her performance on procedure 5. Dr. Shields' opinion was based generally upon his 21 years of experience as a dentist. More specifically, Dr. Shields based his opinion upon his examination of the actual tooth that Dr. Brown performed procedure 5 on. Dr. Shields found excess material left at the gingival or gum portion of the tooth. Dr. Shields also found that Dr. Brown attempted to polish the material off and had flattened some of the surface of the tooth. Apparently, based upon Examiner 195's comment notes, Examiner 195 was the only examiner to catch these deficiencies in Dr. Brown's performance on procedure 5. Dr. Shields also found slight damage on the mesial, the approximating surface of the lateral incisor, the tooth next to the tooth that was restored. The evidence failed to prove that Dr. Shields' opinions concerning Dr. Brown's performance on procedure 5 were not reasonable and accurate. The evidence failed to prove that Dr. Brown should have received a higher score for procedure 5 of the clinical part of the Examination. Procedure 6 required that Dr. Brown perform an Endodontic Evaluation of the Maxillary First Premolar. Dr. Brown was required to select an extracted tooth, a maxillary tricuspid, examine x-rays of the tooth, and then perform a root canal on the tooth. The tooth had two roots. The root canal involved creating an opening in the tooth and removing the pulpal tissue from the two nerve canals of the tooth (a debridement). The canals were to be shaped for an obturation or the filling of the canal. A final x-ray of the tooth was taken after the procedure was completed. Dr. Brown received an average score on procedure 6 of 1.00. Dr. Brown was awarded the following individual scores for her performance on procedure 6: Examiner Score 176 3 195 0 299 0 All three examiners noted the following comment for Dr. Brown's performance on procedure 6: "Proper Filling of Canal Spaces with Gutta Percha." Gutta Percha is the material that was used by Dr. Brown to fill the canal of the roots after she completed the debridement. Examiner 195 noted the following additional comment for Dr. Brown's performance on procedure 6: "Access Preparation." Examiner 299 noted the following additional comment: "Shaping of Canals." Dr. Brown's challenge to her score for procedure 6 was based in part on her concern that Examiners 199 and 299 had given her a score of 0 on this procedure while Examiner 176 had given her a score of 3. Dr. Brown admitted that she had caused the gutta percha to extrude through the apex of the canals. She argued, however, that gutta percha is reabsorbed by the patient. Therefore, Dr. Brown suggested that her performance was "clinically acceptable." Dr. Brown questioned how one examiner, Examiner 176, could conclude that her performance was in fact clinically acceptable, while the other two examiners concluded it was not. The difficulty with Dr. Brown's position with regard to procedure 6 is that she assumes that the only deficiency with her performance was the extrusion of gutta percha and that it was not a significant deficiency. The evidence failed to support this position. Dr. Shields opined that Dr. Brown should not have received a higher score for her performance on procedure 6. His opinion was based upon the fact that the extrusion of gutta percha was very significant on one of the canals: it extended a millimeter and a half. On the other canal it was a half of a millimeter. Filling the canal one half millimeter to a millimeter is considered ideal. The evidence failed to prove that Dr. Shields' opinion was not reasonable or accurate. During the standardization session, examiners were told that extrusion of gutta percha more than a half millimeter through the apex was to be considered an error of major consequence. Candidates who extruded guttal percha more than a half millimeter were not to receive a grade higher than one. In light of the instructions during the standardization session, it was more likely that Examiner 176 gave Dr. Brown too high of a score on procedure 6. The evidence failed to prove that Dr. Brown should have received a higher score for procedure 6 of the clinical part of the Examination. Procedure 9 was a pin amalgam final restoration. Although this procedure involved, in a lay person's terms, a filling, what exactly was involved in this procedure was not explained during the formal hearing. Dr. Brown received an average score on procedure 9 of 1.66. Dr. Brown was awarded the following individual scores for her performance on procedure 9: Examiner Score 176 4 195 0 299 1 All three examiners noted the following comment concerning Dr. Brown's performance on procedure 9: "Functional Anatomy." Examiners 195 and 299, who both graded Dr. Brown below minimal acceptability, also noted the following comments: "Proximal Contour," "Contract," and "Margin." Dr. Brown failed to present any evidence to support her claim that she should have received a higher score for procedure Dr. Brown simply questioned the fact that Examiner 195 had graded her low on all the clinical procedures. Dr. Shields opined that Dr. Brown should not receive a higher score on procedure 9. The evidence failed to prove that Dr. Shields' opinion was not reasonable or accurate. The evidence failed to prove that Dr. Brown should have received a higher score for procedure 9 of the clinical part of the Examination. Dr. Brown's challenge in this case was based largely on the fact that Examiner 195 had graded her performance on procedures 5, 6, and 9 as a zero, procedure 7 as a one, and procedure 8 as a two. Other than the fact that Examiner 195's scores were consistently low, the evidence failed to prove that Examiner 195 improperly graded Dr. Brown except as conceded by the Department on procedures 7 and 8. Comparing the scores awarded by Examiner 195 to Examiner 176 does raise some question as to why there was such a discrepancy in the two examiners' scores. When the scores on procedures 5, 6, and 9 of all three examiners are compared, however, Examiners 195 and 298 generally were consistently below acceptable, while Examiner 176's scores were generally higher on these three procedures: Examiner Procedure 5 Score Procedure 6 Score Procedure 9 Score 176 3 3 4 195 0 0 0 299 2 0 1 This simple mathematical comparison, however, is not sufficient to conclude that Examiner 195 scored too low or that Examiner 176 scored too high. Other than a simple comparison of the scores of the three examiners, the only evidence concerning whether Examiner 195 graded too low based upon the scores alone was presented by Ms. Carnes, an expert in psychometrics. Ms. Carnes opined that Examiner 195's performance was acceptable, except with regard to procedures 7 and 8. The evidence failed to refute Ms. Canres' opinion. Based upon the weight of the evidence, Dr. Brown's score for the clinical portion of the Examination, as adjusted by the Department during the final hearing of this case, was reasonable and accurate.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered by the Department of Health, Board of Dentistry, dismissing Dr. Brown's challenge to the amended grade awarded for the clinical part of the December 1997 Dental Examination. DONE AND ENTERED this 14th day of September, 1998, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. LARRY J. SARTIN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of September, 1998. COPIES FURNISHED: Jennifer Brown Post Office Box 39 Starke, Florida 32091-0039 Anna Marie Williamson, Esquire Office of the General Counsel Department of Health Building 6, Room 102 1317 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Angela T. Hall, Agency Clerk Department of Health 1317 Winewood Boulevard, Building 6 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 William Buckhalt, Executive Director Department of Health 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792
The Issue The issue is whether the examination was unfairly graded, and if so, whether petitioner would have passed, if it had been graded fairly.
Findings Of Fact Petitioner Bruce K. Barr almost passed the clinical portion of the December 1981 examination administered to applicants for Florida dental licenses. On a scale of 0 to 5, he scored 2.992, rounded to 2.99, the merest fraction below the lowest possible passing grade, 3.0. In the course of the clinical portion of his examination, Dr. Barr performed various dental procedures, each of which was evaluated by three and, in one instance, five examiners. An average score was computed for each procedure and these scores were used to calculate another weighted average, which was the final score awarded Dr. Barr on the clinical portion of the examination. The following chart, based on joint exhibits B and E, reflects the scores Dr. Barr received from each examiner for each clinical procedure, reflects the average score calculated for each procedure, and indicates the weight given each procedure in calculating the weighted average of 2.99. Procedure Scores Grade for Weight Procedure Endodontics Posterior 4,3,3 3.33 7.5 percent Cavity Prep. Final 4,4,3 3.67 13.3 percent Restoration 3,3,2 2.67 6.6 percent Anterior 4,3,3 3.33 7.5 percent Amalga Denture Occlusal R & Pressure and T 2,2,2 2.00 10.0 percent Articulation 4,3,3 3.33 10.0 percent Peridontal Cavity Prep. Final 3,1,1 1.67 10.0 percent Restoration 3,2,2 2.33 5.0 percent Evaluation 5,4,4,3,2 3.60 20.0 percent Cast Gold Pin Amalgam Prep. Final 3,3,3 3.00 6.6 percent Restoration 3,3,2 2.67 3.3 percent The weight to be given each procedure is specified by Rule 21G-213(3), Florida Administrative Code. Dr. Barr contends that the 2 he received from one of the examiners who evaluated his periodontal work, the 2 he received from one of the examiners who evaluated the final amalgam restoration he performed, one of the two 3s he received from examiners who evaluated the denture pressure and articulation procedures he performed, and the 2 he received from one of the examiners who evaluated his pin amalgam final restoration were improper for various reasons. All of the clinical examiners were licensed as dentists in Florida and none had practiced less than five years. After they had been selected as examiners, they gathered for an all-day standardization session to "fine tune [the criteria] and come to a consensus about how they [we]re going to grade." (T. 62) At this session, the examiners applied the "criteria in a full mock examination. . ." (T. 62) Department heads from the dental school of the University of Florida participated in the standardization exercises (T. 81). The grade of 3.0 was chosen to represent "minimally acceptable." In no case did one examiner know what grade another examiner had given. In an effort to ensure uniformity in grading, two additional examiners were asked to evaluate a procedure, whenever any two of the first set of three scores were separated by three or more points. When additional examiners were assigned to a procedure, they were not told how many other evaluations had been performed, although circumstances were sometimes such that they could deduce that they were not among the first three examiners to evaluate. DOCUMENTATION The examiners were furnished a form for each evaluation of each of the procedures. More than 17,000 evaluations took place in connection with the December 1981 Examination. On the forms were listed the criteria to be applied and "canned comments" pertaining to each procedure. The "comments" section on the periodontal evaluation form, for example, read as follows: "0-No Comment; 1-Stain; 2-Supra-gingival Calculus; 3-Root Roughness; 4-Sub-gingival Calculus; 5-Tissue Management." The numbers were to permit coding so that the form comments could be read by a machine and do not correlate to any particular score. Examiners were asked to indicate on the form a grade for each procedure they evaluated and, for each procedure which they gave a failing grade (2.0 or lower), they were asked to assign a reason. Whether they made comments on procedures to which they gave grades of 3.0 or better was left to their discretion. PERIODONTAL EVALUATION Because of the three point spread between the 2 and the 5 he received from two of the three examiners who originally evaluated respondent's periodontal work, two additional examiners were asked to make evaluations. All five scores were then averaged, in keeping with the procedure applied in every such case. Examiner No. 36 assigned a grade of 5 and indicated, "No Comment." Examiners Nos. 37 and 71 each assigned a grade of 4 and indicated, "Sub-gingival calculus." Examiner No. 72 awarded the procedure a 3, noting root roughness and sub-gingival calculus. Examiner No. 5 assigned a grade of 2, noting sub- gingival calculus and "Tissue Management." The person on whose teeth petitioner performed the periodontal procedures had moderate roof roughness and "pockets," extensive calculus above and below the gum line, and extensively stained teeth. Respondent's Exhibit No. 3. It was a difficult assignment, and the examiners were so advised. Tissue mismanagement, if any, was not such as to justify a failing grade. Petitioner has had extensive training and experience in periodontics, which is his specialty. AMALGAM RESTORATION Examiners Nos. 5 and 72 each assigned a grade of 3 to petitioner's "final amalgam restoration," indicating problems with "functional anatomy" and "proximal contour." Examiner No. 36 gave this procedure a grade of 2, noting the same problems as the other examiners had indicated, and, in addition, "light contact" and a problem with "margin." Light contact refers to the resistance dental floss met when inserted between the filling and the adjacent tooth; and insufficient resistance could be characterized as a problem with "proximal contour." As for the pin amalgam, final restoration, all three examiners noted problems with functional anatomy. Examiner No. 37, who gave this procedure a grade of 2 wrote out "innocclusion" on the form. The other examiners assigned a grade of 3 but examiner No. 71 noted a problem with "proximal contour" and examiner No. 36 noted a problem with "margin." DENTURE PRESSURE AND ARTICULATION All three examiners who evaluated petitioner's work on dentures commented on "[e]xtension" which relates to the fit. That was the only comment of Examiner No. 72 who gave petitioner a grade of 4 on this procedure. Examiner No. 71 who awarded petitioner a grade of 3 on this, noted a problem with "surface detail" in addition. Even at the time of hearing, there was some detail on the model made by petitioner in performing the required procedure for the examination. Examiner No. 36, who also awarded petitioner a grade of 3 for this procedure, indicated still other problems: "Pressure Areas" and "Distribution." TEST DESIGN The clinical portion of the examination prescribed for licensure as a dentist proceeds on the assumption that different clinicians' evaluations of an applicant's work will vary, even after the examiners have discussed criteria for each procedure and taken other steps toward standardization. Because disagreement is anticipated, three examiners evaluate each procedure independently of one another. Whenever there was more than a two point difference between grades awarded for the same procedure, two additional examiners were called in, in an effort to enhance the reliability of the grade for that procedure. In petitioner's case, there was a three point spread between two evaluations of his periodontal work and a two point spread between different examiners' evaluations of his cast gold cavity preparation, but no more than a single point disparity on any other procedure. The test design contemplates differences of this magnitude. All these safeguards notwithstanding, the test also assumes that there will be errors with respect even to average scores on given procedures. It depends for its reliability on the probability that such errors will not all be in the same direction. Florida's clinical examination employs more examiners and more procedures than any other state's, and compensating errors should make it among the most reliable of examinations of its kind. Proposed findings of fact and proposed recommended orders have been considered and, in many instances, adopted in substance. Otherwise they have been deemed immaterial or unsupported by the weight of the evidence.
Recommendation Upon consideration of the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That respondent deny petitioner's application for licensure with leave to reapply. DONE and ENTERED this 20th day of April, 1983, in Tallahassee, Florida. ROBERT T. BENTON, II Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of April, 1983. COPIES FURNISHED: M. Catherine Lannon, Assistant Attorney General Department of Legal Affairs The Capitol, Room 1601 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Bruce K. Barr, D.D.S 532 Madison Avenue New York, New York 10022 Fred M. Roche, Secretary Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Fred Varn, Executive Director Board of Dentistry Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301
The Issue The issue in this case is whether the Department should give the Petitioner a passing grade on the June, 1993, Board of Dentistry Clinical Examination.
Findings Of Fact The Petitioner, Jose P. Cruz, took the June, 1993, Board of Dentistry Clinical Examination. Initially, he received a grade of 2.91, whereas a grade of 3.0 is passing. He requested a review of his grades and received some additional credit, raising his grade for the examination to 2.98--still failing, but quite close to a passing grade. The examination grade is a weighted aggregate made up of scores given on each tested procedure, using a formula for weighting the scores on each procedure. The possible scores for each procedure range from zero to five, with a score of three considered "passing" for a particular procedure. Likewise, weighted aggregates can range from zero to five, with a grade of 3.00 passing. Each procedure performed by the Petitioner (and the other examinees) was graded by three graders from pool of qualified graders. The Petitioner's graders not only were qualified, but they also were "standardized." "Standardization" is a process undertaken on the day before the examination to explain to the prospective qualified graders for an examination the criteria for grading the different procedures and how the criteria should be evaluated. The purpose of "standardization" is to insure that the graders are looking at the criteria in the same way, so that ideally each grader would grade the same performance the same way. Averaging the scores given by three "standardized graders" increased the reliability of the examination results. Procedure 8 on the examination was a pin amalgam preparation on an ivorine (plastic) tooth. Criteria for the procedure include: (a) outline; (b) depth; (c) retention; (d) pin placement; and (e) mutilation of opposing adjacent teeth. Two of the three graders gave the Petitioner a score of 3 on Procedure 8; the other gave him a 2. Procedure 9 on the examination was a pin amalgam final restoration on an ivorine (plastic) tooth. Criteria for the procedure include: (a) functional anatomy - appropriate occlusal and interproximal anatomy; (b) proximal contour and contact - contact is considered present when resistance is met with specified floss given at the time of the exam; (c) margins; (d) gingival overhang - overhang is considered to be excess amalgam in either a proximal or gingival direction at the gingival cavosurface margin; and (e) ma[n]agement of soft tissue. Two of the three graders gave the Petitioner a score of 2 on Procedure 9; the other gave him a 3. An ivorine (plastic) tooth is not the same as a real tooth. It is easier to carve, but it does not have the major external and internal landmarks created by the enamel, dentin and nerve root of a real tooth. Without additional instructions, the latter differences make it difficult or impossible for the examinee or a grader to apply certain criteria. The evidence was that the examinees received an examination booklet that instructed them to "treat simulated teeth as normal human teeth, that is, assume the simulated teeth have the same enamel, dentin, and pupil morphology as human teeth." The instruction in the examination booklet, by itself, leaves some important questions unanswered. "Normal human teeth" differ in the thickness of the enamel, not only from one person to another but also from tooth to tooth within any one person's mouth and even from place to place on any one tooth. Also, the direction in which the enamel rods run in "normal human teeth" differ, depending essentially on the shape of the tooth. The direction of the enamel rods is important in determining whether enough dentin is left under the enamel rods to support the enamel. "Normal human teeth" also have fissures, i.e., little cracks and grooves, and the margins of a preparation and restoration should be extended to include fissures that cannot be eliminated by enamelplasty. But ivorine teeth do not have all the fissures normal teeth have. As a result of these difference between "normal human teeth" and the test mannequin's ivorine teeth, it still would be difficult or impossible--even with the information in the examination booklet--for an examinee or a grader to apply, with any degree of precision, the following criteria for Procedure 8: outline form; depth of preparation; and retention. In addition, as to Procedure 9, functional anatomy depends upon a tooth's interaction with its opposing and adjacent teeth, but the mannequins did not have opposing teeth. As a result, it still would be difficult or impossible--even with the information in the examination booklet--for an examinee or a grader to apply, with any degree of precision, the criterion functional anatomy for Procedure 9. Similarly, the ivorine teeth in the mannequins were cemented in place, and points were to be deducted for moving them. This made it difficult, if not impossible--even with the information in the examination booklet--for the candidates to control proximal contour and contact, which are criteria for Procedure 9. Despite the deficiencies in the information in the examination booklet, taken by itself, there also was evidence that the graders were instructed orally during standardization, and the candidates were instructed during an orientation prior to the administration of the examination, that they were to assume an "ideal, minimal preparation" and that the purpose of the examination was simply to demonstrate basic knowledge of acceptable techniques. They also were told to assume "normal" or "ideal" enamel thickness of approximately 0.5 millimeter. Given those qualifications, they were told that the preparations were to have a "normal outline form" and "normal depth." As for functional anatomy, they were told that restorations were to "set up ideal (or normal) occlusion" by making the marginal ridges even and by replacing the restoration to the "normal shape of a cusp of a tooth." As for proximal contour, a restoration's marginal ridges were to meet (i.e., match) those of the adjacent tooth. Candidates also were allowed to ask questions as part of the orientation to clarify the oral instructions, as necessary. Given the additional oral instructions, the candidates and graders were given a clear enough understanding of the examination criteria. Evaluation of the candidates' and the graders' performance by the Department's psychometrician indicated that the examination was valid and reliable. The Petitioner's performance of Procedure 8 was primarily deficient in that the outline form was 0.25 millimeter short of the lingual occlusal groove, which was clearly visible on the ivorine tooth and which should have been included within the outline form. The Petitioner did not prove that his performance of the procedure, when looked at as a whole, should have been given a passing grade. The Petitioner's performance of Procedure 9 was primarily deficient in that the restoration did not replace the "normal shape of a cusp of a tooth" and that the marginal ridges did not meet those of the adjacent tooth. The Petitioner did not prove that his performance of the procedure, when looked at as a whole, should have been given a passing grade. There was evidence that, since the examination on ivorine teeth only simulates real teeth, which are easier to carve than real teeth, and is necessarily limited to a demonstration of basic knowledge of acceptable techniques, the examination does not directly test the candidate's ability to actually practice dentistry. But, due to heightened concern for the transmission of infectious disease, including HIV, ivorine teeth have been used in dental schools and in dental clinical examinations exclusively for over ten years, and the Petitioner did not prove that the use of ivorine teeth, instead of extracted real teeth, for his examination was unreasonable.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Board of Dentistry, enter a final order denying the Petitioner's examination challenge. RECOMMENDED this 28th day of July, 1994, in Tallahassee, Florida. J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 28th day of July, 1994. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 93-6923 To comply with the requirements of Section 120.59(2), Fla. Stat. (1993), the following rulings are made on the parties' proposed findings of fact: Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact. 1. Accepted and incorporated. 2.-4. Accepted but subordinate and not necessary. Rejected as not proven. (The exam should not necessarily measure a person with more dental experience as receiving a higher grade.) Accepted but subordinate and not necessary. Accepted and incorporated. 8.-10. Rejected as not proven. (It would be more accurate to say that the Department's examination reviewer could neither say that the the score of 2 was erroneous or unreasonable or that a score of 3 would have been erroneous or unreasonable.) 11. Accepted and incorporated. 12.-16. Accepted but subordinate and not necessary. (As to 16, however, he reiterated his opinion that the appropriate score was a 2.) 17. Accepted and incorporated to the extent not subordinate or unnecessary. 18.-19. Accepted and incorporated. Rejected as not proven that the dentin is the "stronger material." Otherwise, accepted and incorporated. Accepted and incorporated. 22.-26. Accepted and incorporated to the extent not subordinate or unnecessary. However, as found, notwithstanding the limitations inherent in not being able to see on the ivorine tooth exactly where the enamel would end and the dentin would begin, or where the enamel rods would be, certain basic knowledge of acceptable techniques can be demonstrated on the ivorine teeth, given certain additional instructions. 27.-29. Rejected as not proven. The Petitioner's expert was not "standardized" and was not privy to what the graders were told during standardization or what the candidates were told during orientation. 30. See 22.-26. 31.-32. See 27.-29. 33. See 22.-26. Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact. 1.-8. Accepted and incorporated to the extent not subordinate or unnecessary. 9.-10. Accepted and subordinate to facts found. 11. Rejected as contrary to the evidence that the Petitioner introduced no competent and substantial evidence in support of his challenge. COPIES FURNISHED: Salvatore A. Carpino, Esquire Colonial Square Office Park 8001 North Dale Mabry Highway Suite 301-A Tampa, Florida 33614 William M. Woodyard, Esquire Assistant General Counsel Department of Business and Professional Regulation Northwood Centre 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 Jack McRay, Esquire Acting General Counsel Department of Business and Professional Regulation Northwood Centre 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 William Buckhalt, Executive Director Board of Dentistry Northwood Centre 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792
The Issue Whether the Petitioner earned a passing grade on the clinical portion of the June, 1986 dental examination?
Findings Of Fact The Petitioner is a licensed dentist in the State of Louisiana. Her business address is 1006 Surrey Street, Lafayette, LA. The Petitioner attended Boston University and received a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1973. The Petitioner attended MaHerry Medical College and received a dental degree in 1978. The Petitioner received post-graduate training in dentistry during a residency at Sidham Hospital and received a Post-Graduate Certificate from Sidham Hospital in 1979. The Petitioner has taken approximately 200 hours of post-graduate courses in endodontics. From 1979 until 1982, the Petitioner practiced dentistry in the Bronx, New York. In 1982 the Petitioner relocated her practice to Louisiana. The Petitioner has passed the Northeast Regional Boards and the Louisiana State Board Exam. She is licensed to practice in approximately 20 states in the northeast United States and in Louisiana. The Petitioner has been an applicant for licensure in dentistry in the State of Florida. The Petitioner took the June, 1986 Dental Examination. The Petitioner was notified that she had been awarded an overall score for the clinical portion of the examination of 2.88. A score of 3.00 is the minimum passing score for the clinical portion of the examination. The Petitioner timely requested a review of her grade, filed objections and timely requested a formal administrative hearing. The procedures tested during the examination and the Petitioner's scores for the procedures are as follows: Amalgam Cavity Prep 2.33 Amalgam Final Restoration 2.66 Denture 2.87 Periodontal 3.66 Posterior Endodontics 2.66 Anterior Endodontics 2.00 Cast Class II Only Prep 3.00 Cast Class II Wax-Up 3.33 Pin Amalgam Prep 3.00 Pin Amalgam Final 2.00 Each procedure was graded by 3 different examiners. Each examiner graded a procedure independently. One of the following grades was assigned to each procedure by each examiner: - Complete failure; - Unacceptable Dental Procedure; - Below Minimal Acceptable Dental Procedure; - Minimally Acceptable Dental Procedure; - Better than Minimally Acceptable Dental Procedure; - Outstanding Dental Procedure. The procedures were graded in a holistic manner. A failing grade must include a "comment" justifying the grade of the examiner's grade sheets. The three examiners' grades for a procedure were averaged to determine the score for the procedure. The procedure scores were then individually weighted and the weighted scores were added to provide an overall clinical grade. This overall clinical grade must be at least 3.00 to constitute a passing grade. Examiners are experienced Florida dentists selected by the Board of Dentistry. They must have at least 5 years of experience as a dentist. Potential examiners attended a standardization course. The standardization course consisted of 8 to 12 hours of training, including a review of the criteria by which each procedure is required by rule to be judged. Some of the dentists who took part in the standardization exercise were designated as examiners and some were designated as monitors. Monitors were present during the examination with the candidates. They were instructed not to assist candidates during the examination. Subsequent to receiving notice that she had not received a passing grade on the June, 1986 examination, the Petitioner challenged the correctness of the scores she received on procedures 1, 2, 5, 6, 9 and 10. After receiving notice that her license application was being denied because the Petitioner did not receive a passing grade on the clinical portion of the June, 1986 dental examination, the Petitioner attended a review session with Dr. Simkin on September 10, 1986. The session was scheduled to last for 30 minutes. The session actually lasted longer than that. The session was recorded with a tape recorder. At the conclusion of the session the tape recorder was turned off. The discussion continued after the tape recorder was turned off, however. In total, the session and the continued discussion lasted for approximately 45 to 50 minutes. Procedure 1 Procedure 1 is an "Amalgam Cavity Preparation." It involves preparation of a tooth for a filling. This procedure is performed on an actual patient as opposed to a model tooth. The three examiners who graded the Petitioner's performance on procedure 1 awarded the Petitioner the following scores and made the following comments: Examiner 136 3 Outline form & unsupported enamel Examiner 129 2 Unsupported enamel Examiner 83 2 Outline form & depth prep. The primary problem with the tooth the Petitioner performed procedure 1 on and the reason for the failing grades of two of the graders was the failure of the Petitioner to insure that the amalgam base or floor was in dentin and not enamel. Whether the base or floor of the preparation is dentin can be determined by the color, dullness or feel of the dentin. It cannot be determined by x-rays. If an amalgam filling rests on enamel instead of dentin, the filling may be more sensitive to the patient, the enamel can crack and/or the filling may also crack. When the cracking of the enamel or filling may occur cannot be predicted. The Petitioner testified that the depth of the preparation was sufficient and has argued that such a finding is supported by notes which were exchanged between a monitor and the examiners. Petitioner's reliance on the notes which were passed between the monitor and examiners is misplaced. The first note was a note from the Petitioner to the examiners noting conditions she wanted the examiners to be aware of which were unrelated to whether the preparation was into the dentin. The monitor did not "approve" what the Petitioner wrote in her note; the monitor merely noted that the Petitioner had written the note. The other note was a note from one of the examiners to the Petitioner. That note indicated that the Petitioner needed to "lower pulpal floor into dentin." This note is consistent with the examiners' findings. If the note had been followed by the Petitioner and the pulpal floor had been lowered, the patient would have been protected from a potential hazard consistent with the Board's duty to protect patients being used in examinations. When the monitor instructed the Petitioner to "proceed" the monitor was not actually telling the Petitioner what steps she should take or showing any agreement or disagreement with the examiner's note. No regrade of procedure 1 is possible because the procedure was performed on a patient. If the grades the Petitioner received for this procedure had been improper, the Petitioner would have to take this portion of the test over. There is not justification for allowing the Petitioner to take procedure 1 over. The grades the Petitioner received were justified by the comments of the examiners and the difference in the grades of the 3 examiners is insignificant. Procedure 2 Procedure 2 is an "Amalgam Final Restoration." This procedure involves the filling of the tooth prepared in procedure 1 and the shaping of the surface of the filling to the natural surface of the tooth. The three examiners who graded the Petitioner's performance on procedure 2 awarded the following scores and made the following comments: Examiner 138 2 Functional anatomy, proximal contour & gingival overhang Examiner 150 3 Functional anatomy Examiner 48 3 Functional anatomy & margin Although gingival overhang can often be detected with x-rays, it is not always possible to detect with x-rays. In light of the score of 2 given by the examiner which noted "gingival overhang" as one of the examiner's comments, the overhang was probably very slight. It is therefore not unusual that the other two examiners did not note the existence of an overhang. Additionally, a slight gingival overhang could also be noted as "margin." Therefore, it is possible that examiner 48 noted the same problem with the tooth when the comment "margin" was marked that examiner 138 noted when examiner 138 marked the comment "gingival overhang." This procedure was performed on a patient and therefore could not be reviewed. The comments given by the examiners, however, are sufficient to justify the grades given, especially the failing grade. The grades the Petitioner received on procedure 2 were justified by the comments of the examiners and there was no discrepancy in the grades awarded sufficient to order a re-examination of this procedure. No regrade is possible or warranted. Procedure 5 Procedure 5 is a "Posterior Endodontics." This procedure involved the preparation of a molar tooth for a root canal. The procedure is performed on a model tooth and not on the tooth of a patient. The three examiners who graded the Petitioner's performance on procedure 5 awarded the following scores and made the following comments: Examiner 133 3 Overextension Examiner 129 3 Outline form & overextension Examiner 153 2 Outline form, underextension & pulp horns removed Over extension and outline form can indicate the same problem. According to Dr. Simkin, "As soon as you have pulp horns, you have underextension and the outline form is improper ..." It is not inconsistent for examiners to determine that a tooth has an overextension and an underextension. Both conditions can occur on the same tooth as a result of the same procedure. The tooth procedure 5 was performed on by the Petitioner did in fact have an overextension, as even Dr. Webber and Dr. Morrison, witnesses of the Petitioner, agreed. The tooth procedure 5 was performed on by the Petitioner also had pulp horns an underextension. The Petitioner's performance on procedure 5 was not graded according to an outdated technique. The Petitioner's testimony that she was looking for a possible fourth canal is rejected the area of over extension was too large and it was in the wrong area to be justified by a search for a fourth canal. The evidence also failed to prove that any of the examiners graded the Petitioner's performance on procedure 5 according to an outdated technique or that they did not take into account the need to search for a fourth canal. The grades the Petitioner received on procedure 5 were justified by the comments of the examiners and there was no significant discrepancy in the grades they awarded. Their comments and grades were supported by review of the model tooth. No regrade or change in score is justified. Procedure 6 Procedure 6 is an "Anterior Endodontics. " This procedure involves the preparation of an anterior, or front, tooth for a root canal. It is performed on a model tooth and not on the tooth of the patient. The three examiners who graded the Petitioner's performance on procedure 6 awarded the following scores and made the following comments: Examiner 153 2 Outlining form, underextension, & pulp horns removed Examiner 129 2 Outline form - too far incisally did not remove entire roof of chamber Examiner 133 2 Outline form & gouges The tooth that the Petitioner performed procedure 6 on has pulp horns (underextension), is overextended (bevelling of the entrance too severely) and has gouges. The grades the Petitioner received on procedure 6 were justified by the comments of the examiners and there was no discrepancy in the grades they awarded. The comments and the grades were supported by review of the model tooth. No regrade or change in score is justified. Procedure 9 Procedure 9 is a "Pin Amalgam Prep." This procedure involves preparation of an ivory model tooth for restoration. The tooth includes an area of damage or decay which is so extensive that a large portion of the tooth must be removed and the amalgam filling must be supported with a pin. The examiners who graded the Petitioner's performance on procedure 9 awarded the following scores and made the following comments: Examiner 153 3 Outlining form & pin placement Examiner 109 3 Retention form & unsupported enamel Examiner 133 3 Outline form & pin placement Although the Petitioner received a passing grade from all 3 examiners, she contended that she was entitled to a higher score of 4. The grades the Petitioner received on Procedure 9 were justified by the comments of the examiners and there was no discrepancy in the grades they awarded. The comments and grades were Supported by review of the model tooth. No regrade or change in score is justified. Procedure 10 Procedure 10 is a "Pin Amalgam Final." This procedure is the final step of the procedure begun in procedure 9. A different model tooth, one already prepared, is used for this procedure. The three examiners who graded the Petitioner's performance on procedure 10 awarded the following scores and made the following comments: Examiner 153 2 Proximal contour & margin Examiner 129 2 Functional anatomy & proximal contour Examiner 133 2 Functional anatomy & proximal contour Proximal contour involves the shape of the amalgam - it should follow the natural contour of the tooth. In this case, the tooth used by the Petitioner had a ledge area, where food can be trapped, and a slight overhang. Margin is where the filling meets the tooth. It should be smooth and it was not on the Petitioner's tooth. Functional anatomy primarily involves the occlusal portion of the tooth. The Petitioner failed to build up the lingual cusp, which was the cusp that had been removed. The grades the Petitioner received on Procedure 9 were justified by the comments of the graders and there was no discrepancy in the grades they awarded or their comments. The comments and grades were supported by review of the model tooth. No regrade or change in score is justified.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Board of Dentistry issue a final order concluding that the Petitioner's grade on the clinical portion of the June, 1986, dental examination was a failing grade. DONE and ENTERED this 2nd day of September, 1987, in Tallahassee, Florida. LARRY J. SARTIN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of September, 1987. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 86-4838 The parties have timely filed proposed recommended orders containing proposed findings of fact. It has been noted below which proposed finding of fact have been generally accepted and the paragraph number(s) in the Recommended Order where they have been accepted, if any. Those proposed findings of fact which have been rejected and the reason for their rejection have also been noted. Petitioners Proposed Findings of Fact Proposed Finding Paragraph Number in Recommended Order of Fact Number of Acceptance or Reason for Rejection 1 1-7. 4 and 7. This proposed finding of fact is generally irrelevant. The issue in this proceeding is whether the Petitioner successfully passed an examination. It is accepted, however, to the extent that it is relevant as to the weight which should be given to the Petitioner's testimony. The first two sentences are accepted in 9, 11 and 12 except to the extent that the proposed findings of fact pertain to the December, 1985 examination. The last sentence is rejected as irrelevant. The time for challenging the results of the December, 1985 examination had passed at the time of this proceeding and the Petitioner did not attempt to amend its Petition until the formal hearing had commenced. 5 12 and 14. 6 13-15. 7 10. 8-9 These proposed "findings of fact" are statements of issues or argument and not findings of fact. To the extent that any finding of fact is suggested, it is not Supported by the weight of the evidence. 10 12 and 19. This proposed finding of fact is irrelevant. See the discussion of proposed finding of fact 3, supra. 20. The Petitioner's score of 2.88 was not an "alleged" score and more than 30 minutes of the review session was recorded. 13-15 Irrelevant, unnecessary or not supported by the weight of the evidence. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. Irrelevant or not supported by the weight of the evidence. 18-20 Not supported by the weight of the evidence. Irrelevant. The first 3 sentences are accepted in 21 and 22. The rest of the proposed fact is not supported by the weight of the evidence. Irrelevant. 25. The monitor did not indicate agreement with the Petitioner's note. The monitor did take the note and the patient to where an examiner looked at the patient and an examiner did give a note to the monitor. See 25. The rest of the proposed fact is not supported by the weight of the evidence. 26 22. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. The first sentence is accepted in 25. The rest of the proposed fact is not supported by the weight of the evidence. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 30 27. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. The first 3 sentences are hereby accepted. The rest of the proposed fact is not supported by the weight of the evidence. 29 and 30. The last sentence is irrelevant. 34-35 Not supported by the weight of the evidence. The first sentence is accepted in 33. The rest of the proposed fact is not supported by the weight of the evidence. Irrelevant and too broad. The first sentence is accepted in 34. The fourth and fifth sentences are accepted in 35. The rest of the proposed facts are not supported by the weight of the evidence. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. Irrelevant and not supported by the weight of the evidence. The first two sentences are accepted in 40 and 41. The rest of the proposed fact is not supported by the weight of the evidence. 42 44. 43 The first sentence is accepted in 45. The rest of the proposed fact is not supported by the weight of the evidence. 44 48. 45 The first sentence is accepted in 49. The rest of the proposed fact is not supported by the weight of the evidence. 46-47 Not supported by the weight of the evidence or irrelevant. Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact 1 8-11. 2 12. 3 13 and 16-17. 4 18. 5-8 Hereby accepted. 9 13-14. 10 15. 11 19. 12-14 Unnecessary. Irrelevant. Argument. 15 21. 16 22. 17-19 Summary Of testimony. See 23-28. 20 29. 21 30. 22-25 Summary of testimony. See 31-33. 26 34. 27 35-36. 28-29 35. 30 Summary of testimony. See 36-39. 31 40. 32 41. 33-34 Summary of testimony. See 42-43. 35 44. 36 45. 37 Summary Of testimony. See 46-47. 38 48. 39 49. 40 Summary of testimony. See 50-53. 41-43 Unnecessary. Argument as to the weight of the evidence. COPIES FURNISHED: Pat Guilford, Executive Director Board of Dentistry Department of Professional Regulation Old Courthouse Square Building 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 Van Poole, Secretary Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 Joseph Sole, Esquire General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 Chester G. Senf, Esquire Deputy General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida. 0750 Rex D. Ware, Esquire Fuller & Johnson, P.A. Ill North Calhoun Street Tallahassee, Florida 32302 =================================================================
The Issue Whether Petitioner is entitled to a passing grade on the dental examination given on June 4-7, 2000.
Findings Of Fact Shahmohamady took the clinical portion of the dental licensure examination on June 4-7, 2000. He received a failing score of 2.98. The clinical portion of the dental examination consists of nine parts: a written clinical, three patient procedures, and five mannequin procedures. The five mannequin procedures consist of the endodontic, preparation for a three- unit fixed partial denture, the Class IV composite, the Class II composite, and the Class II amalgam. Shahmohamady challenges the grades that he received for the preparation for a three-unit fixed partial denture and the Class IV composite. The Department retains examiners and monitors during the examination. The examiners actually grade the clinical procedures performed by the candidates during the examination. The monitors give instructions to the candidates, preserve and secure the integrity of the examination, and act as messengers between the examiners and candidates. The procedures are blind graded independently by three examiners. The examiners do not know the name of the candidates they are grading. Each examiner grades the procedures independently of the other examiners. Discussion among the examiners is not allowed. The three examiners' grades for each procedure are averaged for the overall grade for the procedure. Each examiner must attend and successfully complete a standardization course prior to the examination. The standardization session trains each examiner to use the same grading criteria. After the examination is concluded and the final grades are given, the Department performs an analysis of the examiners' grading to determine the reliability of each examiner's grading. Candidates and examiners do not have contact during the examination. If a candidate has a problem during the examination, he is to alert a monitor. Candidates may fill out a Monitor-To-Examiner Instruction form, advising the monitor of any problem experienced during the examination. The monitor will read the comments of the candidate, and if the monitor agrees with the comments the monitor will write his monitor number on the form and circle the number. The monitor will provide the comment forms to the examiners when they are grading the procedures. Each examiner is to read the comment forms. The examiner is to acknowledge that he has read the forms on the grade sheet by either writing SMN followed by the number of comment sheets he read for all the procedures or by writing under each procedure SMN followed by the number of comment sheets that he read for that particular procedure. Shahmohamady filled out a Monitor-to-Examiner Instructions form on June 6, 2000, for the preparation for a three-unit fixed partial denture procedure and wrote the following: Doctor, As I was prepping tooth #20 on the sital aspect, the gas torch of the Candidate sitting in front of me (one row over) suddenly burst into a 3 foot flame that caused everyone to yell out. I inadvertently looked up and saw the flame without knowing where it was coming from and paniked [sic] and my bur gouged the mesial aspect of #19 (area of box [sic] There is no disagreement among the parties that the incident involving the gas burner occurred and no disagreement that points should not have been deducted for the gouge of the adjacent tooth resulting from the gas burner incident. The clinical procedures are graded on a scale of zero to five, with five being the best score. If an examiner gives a score of less than five, the examiner is to list a comment number, which corresponds to a list of comments for each procedure. The examiner may also list a comment number for things that the examiner observes during the grading, but for which no points are deducted. For procedure 7, which is the preparation of a three-unit fixed partial denture, the comment list to be used by the examiner was as follows: Outline Form Undercut Insufficient Reduction Excessive Reduction Marginal Finish Unsupported Enamel Parrallelism Mutilation of Opposing or Adjacent Teeth Management of Soft Tissue X Additional Comments - Written For procedure 7, Shahmohamady received a score of 5 from Examiner 289, a score of 4 from Examiner 315, and a score of 3 from Examiner 366. Each of the examiners was given the Monitor-to Examiner Instructions form with the note from Shahmohamady concerning the Bunsen burner incident. Shahmohamady challenges the score that he received from Examiner 366. Examiner 366 put numbers 4, 5, and 8 on the comment portion of the grading sheet for procedure 7. Those comments referred to excessive reduction, marginal finish, and mutilation of opposing or adjacent teeth. He indicated that he had read the three comment sheets that were submitted for the mannequin procedures and so indicated by writing "SMN-3" on the grading sheet for Shahmohamady. Examiner 366 did not deduct points for the mutilation of the adjacent tooth due to the Bunsen burner explosion. The grade which Shahmohamady received for procedure 7 is correct and should not be increased. After a candidate receives his grades for the dental examination, he may request an administrative hearing if he fails the examination. When the Department receives a request for an administrative hearing, the Department will regrade the procedures done by that candidate. The top three examiners from the examination based on the post-examination analysis that is done by the Department are chosen to regrade the procedures which are being contested. In addition to regrading candidates who have failed the examination, the examiners also regrade some candidates who have successfully passed the examination in order to ensure the integrity of the regrading process. Shahmohamady challenged the grade he received on procedure 7 and procedure 4; thus his examination was regraded. Each of the grading sheets had the following comment listed on the grading sheet for procedure 7 prior to the regrading: "Ignore nicked adjacent tooth bunson [sic] burner explosion." Procedure 7 was regraded by three examiners, one of whom was Examiner 366. Examiner 366 again gave Shahmohamady a score of three and included comment 4 on the comment section. Examiner 298 gave Shahmohamady a score of 2 for the procedure, included comment 4, and wrote "overtapered" on the grading sheet. Examiner 316 gave Shahmohamady a score of 3 and included comments 1, 4, and 5. Comment 1 referred to outline form. On regrading, Shahmohamady received an overall lower score for procedure 7 than he did in the original grading. Procedure 7 was graded correctly, and Shahmohamady is not entitled to additional points for that procedure. Shahmohamady challenged the score that he received for the Class IV composite restoration. He received an overall score of 2.66. The Class IV composite restoration is a procedure that involves the candidate's ability to cut a section of the tooth off the corner of the biting edge of the front tooth below the level where it contacts the adjacent tooth. The candidate is required to restore the contact and the tooth structure to proper form and function in a tooth- colored material. Based on the expert testimony of the Department's witness, Dr. Dan Bertoch, the restoration done by Shahmohamady was not done properly and would fail prematurely. Examiner 366 opined that Shahmohamady did not appropriately restore the proximal anatomy and the proximal contour. Shahmohamady did not properly perform the Class IV composite restoration procedure and should not be given a passing score for that procedure. Petitioner claims that Examiner 366 consistently graded Shahmohamady lower than the other two examiners. Based on the post-examination statistical analysis performed by the Department, Examiner 366 tied for second place in reliability for scoring. On a scale of 100, he scored 96, which is considered to be excellent. The other two examiners who were grading Shahmohamady clinical procedures scored lower on reliability than Examiner 366. Examiner 366's was a reliable grader and correctly graded Shahmohamady's examination.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered finding that Shahram Shahmohamady failed the clinical portion of the June 4-7, 2000, dental examination with a score of 2.98. DONE AND ENTERED this 1st day of February, 2001, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ___________________________________ SUSAN B. KIRKLAND Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 1st day of February, 2001. COPIES FURNISHED: Orlando Rodriquez-Rams, Esquire Lerenzo & Capua 9192 Coral Way, Suite 201 Miami, Florida 33165 Cherry Shaw, Esquire Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1703 Theodore M. Henderson, Agency Clerk Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 William H. Buckhalt, Executive Director Board of Dentistry Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 William W. Large, General Counsel Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701
The Issue The issues to be determined are whether Respondent violated the applicable standard of care in the practice of dentistry in violation of section 466.028(1), Florida Statutes, as alleged in the Administrative Complaints filed in each of the consolidated cases; and, if so, the appropriate penalty.
Findings Of Fact The Department of Health, Board of Dentistry, is the state agency charged with regulating the practice of dentistry in the state of Florida, pursuant to section 20.43, and chapters 456 and 466, Florida Statutes. Stipulated Facts Respondent is a licensed dentist in the state of Florida, having been issued license number DN14223 on or about December 1, 1995. Respondent’s address of record is 530 East Howard Street, Live Oak, Florida 32064. Respondent was licensed to practice dentistry in the state of Florida during all times relevant to the administrative complaints underlying this case. Patient T.C. was a patient of Respondent. Patient S.S. was a patient of Respondent. Patient G.H. was a patient of Respondent. Patient J.D. was a patient of Respondent. Patient J.A.D. was a patient of Respondent. Other Findings of Fact On July 23, 2004, Respondent entered into a Stipulation in Department Case No. 2002-25421 to resolve an Administrative Complaint which alleged violations of section 466.028(1)(m), (x), and (z). The Stipulation was adopted by a Final Order, dated January 31, 2005, which constitutes a first offense in these cases as to each of the sections cited. On September 21, 2007, the Department issued a Uniform Non-disciplinary Citation for an alleged violation of section 466.028(1)(n), related to the release of patient dental records. The Department offered no evidence of its disposition and, in any event, since these cases do not involve alleged violations of section 466.028(1)(n), the citation is of no consequence in establishing a penalty in these cases under Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B5-13.005(1). On January 19, 2017, the Department issued an Administrative Complaint in Case No. 2015-10804 for alleged violations of section 466.028(1)(m), (x), and (mm). The Department offered no evidence of its disposition of the Administrative Complaint and, as a result, the Administrative Complaint is of no consequence in establishing a penalty in these cases under rule 64B5-13.005(1). On January 19, 2017, the Department issued an Administrative Complaint in Case No. 2015-23828 for alleged violations of section 466.028(1)(m), (x), and (z). The Department offered no evidence of its disposition of the Administrative Complaint and, as a result, the Administrative Complaint is of no consequence in establishing a penalty in these cases under rule 64B5-13.005(1). Case No. 19-2898PL - The T.C. Administrative Complaint Patient T.C. was a patient of Respondent from June 14, 2011, to on or about August 12, 2013. During the period in question, Respondent owned Smile Designs, a dental practice with offices in Jacksonville, Lake City, and Live Oak, Florida. The Department, in the T.C. Administrative Complaint, recognized that “Respondent, along with an associate, [Dr. Morris], are . . . licensed dentists known to work at Respondent’s practice.” The Department’s expert witness, Dr. Brotman, was also aware that Dr. Morris practiced with Respondent. Patient T.C. suffered a stroke in 2009. During the period that she was seen by Respondent, she was in “decent health,” though she was on medication for her post-stroke symptoms, which included a slight problem with aphasia, though she was able to communicate. The stroke and the aphasia are neurological issues, not mental health issues. Patient T.C. was accompanied by her husband, L.C. during her visits to Respondent’s practice. He generally waited in the waiting area during Patient T.C.’s procedures though, as will be discussed herein, he was occasionally brought back to the treatment area. L.C. testified that he had never been advised that Patient T.C. experienced a seizure while under Respondent’s care, and had no recollection of having been told that Patient T.C. ever became unresponsive. Patient T.C. died in 2015. Count I Case No. 19-2898PL, Count I, charges Respondent with failing to immediately refer Patient T.C. to a medical professional or advise Patient T.C. to seek follow-up care for the management of what were believed to be seizures while Patient T.C. was in the dental chair. From Patient T.C.’s initial visit on June 14, 2011, through her visit on September 23, 2011, Patient T.C. was seen at Respondent’s practice on five occasions. Respondent testified that the office was aware of Patient T.C.’s history of seizures because the medical history taken at her first visit listed Diazapam, Levetiracetam, Diovan, and Lyrica as medications being taken by Patient T.C., all of which are seizure medications. Nonetheless, the dental records for the four visits prior to September 23, 2011, provide no indication that Patient T.C. suffered any seizure or period of non- responsiveness during those visits. On September 23, 2011, Patient T.C. presented at Smile Designs for final impressions for crowns on teeth 20, 21, 28, and 29. Respondent testified that she was not the treating dentist on that date. Patient T.C. was given topical anesthetics, and her pulse and blood pressure were checked. The treatment notes then provide, in pertinent part, the following: Patient had seizures on the dental chair - may be due to anxiety. Seizures last 2-3 minutes. No longer. After 30 minutes, patient was calm. Able to proceed with dental procedure . . . . During seizures pt. was responsive; she was able to respond to our commands. The medical records substantiate Respondent’s unrebutted testimony that she was not the treating dentist at the September 23, 2011, appointment. The June 14, July 19, and October 7, 2011, treatment notes made by Respondent all start with “Dr. Gerry,” and are in a notably different style and format from the September 23, 2011, treatment notes. The preponderance of the evidence establishes that Dr. Morris, and not Respondent, was the treating dentist when Patient T.C. experienced seizures on September 23, 2011. Much of Dr. Brotman’s testimony as to Respondent’s violation of a standard of care was based on his interpretation that, since the September 23, 2011, notes did not specifically identify the treating dentist (as did the other treatment notes described above), the notes must be presumed to be those of the business owner. Neither Dr. Brotman nor the Department established a statutory or regulatory basis for such a presumption and, in any event, the evidence adduced at hearing clearly rebutted any such presumption. Dr. Brotman testified that if another dentist had been identified in the records as having performed the treatment on September 23, 2011, that may have changed his opinion. The evidence established that Dr. Morris performed the treatment on September 23, 2011. Thus, Dr. Brotman’s opinion that Respondent violated the applicable standard of care was effectively countered. The T.C. Administrative Complaint charged Respondent with failing to comply with the applicable standard of care on September 23, 2011. The Department failed to establish that Respondent was the treating dentist on September 23, 2011, and, in fact, a preponderance of the evidence demonstrated that she was not. Thus, the Department failed to establish that Respondent violated the standard of care for failing to refer Patient T.C. to an appropriate medical professional for her seizures as alleged in Count I of the T.C. Administrative Complaint. Count II Case No. 19-2898PL, Count II, charges Respondent with delegating the task of intraoral repair of Patient T.C.’s partial denture to a person not qualified by training, experience, or licensure to perform such intraoral repair. July 17, 2012 Repair On July 17, 2012, Patient T.C. presented to Respondent because her lower partial denture was broken and the O-ring was out. The device included a female end within Patient T.C.’s jaw, and a male end with a plastic “gasket” on the denture. Respondent testified that the repair of the partial denture was performed outside of Patient T.C.’s mouth. Then, at the next scheduled visit, the treatment plan was for Respondent to “eval/repair partial denture on lower arch.” Respondent offered unrebutted testimony that “Tia of precision attachments” performed no work in Patient T.C.’s mouth. Dr. Brotman testified that, in his opinion, any repair of a precision attachment must be done by placing the attachment in the patient’s mouth to align with the teeth. However, Dr. Brotman did not know what kind of repair was done on July 17, 2012. He indicated that if a gasket or housing is missing, it can be repaired with an acrylic. Dr. Brotman testified that if acrylic was placed in the denture outside of the patient’s mouth, it would not be a violation of Florida law. The Department failed to prove, by clear and convincing evidence, that Respondent delegated the task of adjusting or performing an intraoral repair of Patient T.C.’s partial denture to “Tia” or any other unlicensed person on July 17, 2012, as alleged in Count II of the T.C. Administrative Complaint. June 11, 2013 Repair On June 11, 2013, Patient T.C. presented to Respondent for an evaluation of her lower precision partial denture. Patient T.C. complained that the partial denture did not have the metal housing to connect it with the bridges to its sides. Patient T.C. was a “bruxer,” i.e. she ground her teeth, and had worn out the denture’s metal attachment. Respondent evaluated the situation, and decided to attempt a chairside repair or replacement of the denture’s male attachments. If the chairside repair was unsuccessful, a complete new partial denture would have to be prepared by a dental laboratory. Respondent attempted the chairside repair. Respondent testified that she instructed her dental assistant to add acrylic into the slot where the male attachment was to be placed in the denture. There was no evidence of any kind to suggest that the dental assistant then placed the denture into Patient T.C’s mouth. Because too much acrylic was placed in the denture, it became stuck in Patient T.C.’s mouth. Patient T.C. became understandably upset. Her husband, L.C., was brought into the room, Patient T.C. was administered local anesthesia, and the precision partial denture was removed. Respondent’s testimony regarding the incident was generally consistent with her prior written statement offered in evidence. Dr. Brotman testified that making repairs to a precision denture must be performed by a licensed dentist, except for placing acrylic into the denture outside of the patient’s mouth, which may be done by a non-dentist. The evidence was insufficient to demonstrate that Respondent’s dental assistant did anything more than place acrylic into the denture outside of Patient T.C.’s mouth. The Department failed to prove, by clear and convincing evidence, that Respondent delegated the task of adjusting or performing an intraoral repair of Patient T.C.’s partial denture to her dental assistant on June 11, 2013, as alleged in Count II of the T.C. Administrative Complaint. Case No. 19-2899PL - The S.S. Administrative Complaint Count I Case No. 19-2899PL, Count I, charges Respondent with violating section 466.028(1)(m) by: Failing to keep a written record of Patient S.S.’s medical history; and/or Failing to keep an accurate written record of any consent forms signed by Patient S.S. Count II Case No. 19-2899PL, Count II, charges Respondent with violating section 466.028(1)(x) by: Failing to adequately diagnose decay in tooth 30; Failing to adequately diagnose the condition of the roots of tooth 30; Failing to adequately obturate the canals of tooth 30 during root canal treatment; Failing to adequately obturate the canals of tooth 31 during root canal treatment; Failing to take a new crown impression of tooth 31 following changes to the tooth’s margins; and/or Failing to adequately assess and correct the crown on tooth 31 when the fit was compromised. On May 15, 2014, Patient S.S. presented to Respondent for a root canal and crown on tooth 30. Upon examination, Respondent advised Patient S.S. that she also needed a root canal and a crown on tooth 31. Patient S.S. denied that she was required to provide her medical history at the May 15, 2014, office visit, or that she was provided with an informed consent form prior to the root canal on tooth 30. Respondent’s records do not include either a medical history or an informed consent form. However, the records, which were offered as a joint exhibit, were not accompanied by a Certificate of Completeness of Patient Records, including the number of pages provided pursuant to Respondent’s investigatory subpoena, as is routine in cases of this sort, and which was provided with the records of the subsequent dentists involved in Patient S.S.’s care. Many of the records offered in these consolidated cases, including Respondent’s licensure file, include the certification attesting to their completeness. The records for Patient S.S. do not. Petitioner elicited no testimony from Respondent establishing the completeness of the records. The records offered were, by appearance, not complete. Respondent indicated that medical history and consent forms were obtained. Entries in the records introduced in evidence indicate “[m]edical history reviewed with patient” or the like. Entries for May 16, 2014, provide that “[c]rown consent explained and signed by patient” and “root canal consent explained and signed by patient.” The record for June 4, 2014, indicates that “[r]oot canal consent form explained to and signed by patient.” Patient S.S. testified that she had no recollection of having filled out a medical history, or of having signed consent forms after having Respondent’s recommended course of treatment explained to her. However, Patient S.S.’s memory was not clear regarding various aspects of her experience with Respondent and with subsequent providers. Much of her testimony was taken from notes she brought to the hearing, and some was even based on what she read in the Administrative Complaint. Her testimony failed to clearly and convincingly establish that Respondent failed to collect her medical history or consent to treatment. Respondent testified that, at the time Patient S.S. was being seen, her office was in the midst of switching its recordkeeping software and converting records to digital format. The new company botched the transition, and by the time the issue was discovered, many of the records being converted to digital format were lost, in whole or in part. Respondent surmised that, to the extent the records were not in her files provided to the Department, that they were affected by the transition. The greater weight of the evidence suggests that medical history and signed consent forms were provided. Given the issues regarding the records as described by Respondent, and given the Department’s failure to produce a certification or other evidence that the records it was relying on to prove the violation were complete, the Department failed to meet its burden to prove, by clear and convincing evidence, that Respondent failed to keep a written record of Patient S.S.’s medical history and signed consent forms. Respondent also testified that the office notes were supplemented with handwritten notations made when a patient returned for a subsequent appointment. Several of Patient S.S.’s printed records carried handwritten notes. Respondent testified that those notes were made at some time in 2014 after Patient S.S.’s first office visit up to the time of her last visit, and were based on further discussion with Patient S.S. However, those records, Joint Exhibit 2, pages 1 through 17, bear either a date or a “print” date of March 12, 2015. Dr. Brotman testified that he knew of no software on the market that would allow contemporaneous handwriting on electronic records. Thus, the evidence is compelling that the handwritten notes were made on or after the March 12, 2015, date on which the records were printed, well after Patient S.S.’s last office visit. A root canal involves removing a tooth’s pulp chamber and nerves from the root canals. The root canals are smoothed out and scraped with a file to help find and remove debris. The canals are widened using sequentially larger files to ensure that bacteria and debris is removed. Once the debris is removed, an inert material (such as gutta percha) is placed into the canals. A “core” is placed on top of the gutta percha, and a crown is placed on top of the core. The risk of reinfection from bacteria entering from the bottom of an underfilled tooth is significantly greater than if the tooth is filled to the apex of the root. Patient S.S. returned to Respondent’s office on May 16, 2014, for the root canal on tooth 30 and crown preparations for teeth 30 and 31, which included bite impressions. Temporary crowns were placed. Respondent’s printed clinical notes for May 16, 2014, gave no indication of any obstruction of the canals, providing only the lengths of the two mesial and two distal root canals. Respondent’s hand-written notes for May 16, 2014 (which, as previously explained, could have been made no earlier than March 12, 2015), stated that the canals were “[s]ealed to as far as the canal is open. The roots are calcification.” Dr. Brotman indicated that the x-rays taken on May 15, 2014, showed evidence of calcification of the roots. However, Dr. Brotman convincingly testified that the x-rays taken during the root canal show working-length files extending to near the apices of the roots. Thus, in his opinion, the canals were sufficiently open to allow for the use of liquid materials to soften the tooth, and larger files to create space to allow for the canals to be filled and sealed to their full lengths. His testimony in that regard is credited. Patient S.S. began having pain after the root canal on tooth 30 and communicated this to Respondent. On June 5, 2014, Patient S.S. presented to Respondent to have the crowns seated for teeth 30 and 31. Patient S.S. complained of sensitivity in tooth 31. The temporary crowns were removed, and tooth 31 was seen to have exhibited a change in color. The area was probed, which caused a reaction from Patient S.S. Respondent examined the tooth, and noted the presence of soft dentin. A root canal of tooth 31 was recommended and performed, which included removal of the decay in the tooth’s dentin at the exterior of the tooth. Respondent’s removal of decay changed the shape of tooth 31, and would have changed the fit of the crown, which was made based on the May 16, 2014, impressions. There were no new impressions for a permanent crown taken for tooth 31 after removal of the decayed dentin. Respondent testified that she could simply retrofill the affected area with a flowable composite, which she believed would be sufficient to allow for an acceptable fit without making new bite impressions and ordering a new crown. There was no persuasive evidence that such would meet the relevant standard of performance. Temporary crowns were placed on teeth 30 and 31, and placement of the permanent crowns was postponed until the next appointment. Upon completion of the tooth 31 root canal on June 5, 2014, x-rays were taken of the work completed on teeth 30 and 31. Dr. Brotman testified that the accepted standard of care for root canal therapy is to have the root canal fillings come as close to the apex of the tooth as possible without extending past the apex, generally to within one millimeter, and no more than two millimeters of the apex. His examination of the x-rays taken in conjunction with Respondent’s treatment of Patient S.S. revealed a void in the filling of the middle of the distal canal of tooth 31, an underfill of approximately five millimeters in the mesial canal of tooth 31, an underfill of approximately four millimeters in the distal canal of tooth 30, and an underfill of approximately six millimeters in the two mesial root canals of tooth 30. The x-ray images also revealed remaining decay along the mesiobuccal aspect of the temporary crown placed on tooth 31. His testimony that the x-ray images were sufficiently clear to provide support for his opinions was persuasive, and was supported by the images themselves. A day after the placement of the temporary crowns, they came off while Patient S.S. was having dinner in Gainesville. She was seen by Dr. Abolverdi, a dentist in Gainesville. Dr. Abolverdi cleaned the teeth, took an x-ray, and re-cemented the temporary crowns in place. Patient S.S. next presented to Respondent on June 10, 2014. Both of Patient S.S.’s permanent crowns were seated. The permanent crown for tooth 31 was seated without a new impression or new crown being made. Patient S.S. was subsequently referred by her dentist, Dr. James Powell, to be seen by an endodontist to address the issues she was having with her teeth. She was then seen and treated by Dr. John Sullivan on July 25, 2014, and by Dr. Thomas Currie on July 29, 2014, both of whom were endodontists practicing with St. Johns Endodontics. As to the pain being experienced by Patient S.S., Dr. Sullivan concluded that it was from her masseter muscle, which is consistent with Respondent’s testimony that Patient S.S. was a “bruxer,” meaning that she ground her teeth. Dr. Sullivan also identified an open margin with the tooth 31 crown. His clinical assessment was consistent with the testimony of Dr. Brotman. The evidence was clear and convincing that the defect in the tooth 31 permanent crown was an open margin, and not a “ledge” as stated by Respondent. The evidence was equally clear and convincing that the open margin was the result of performing a “retrofill” of the altered tooth, rather than taking new bite impressions to ensure a correct fit. As a result of the foregoing, Respondent violated the accepted standard of performance by failing to take a new crown impression of tooth 31 following the removal of dentin on June 4, 2014, and by failing to assess and correct the open margin on the tooth 31 crown. Radiographs taken on July 25, 2014, confirmed that canals in teeth 30 and 31 were underfilled, as discussed above, and that there was a canal in tooth 31 that had been missed altogether. On July 29, 2014, Dr. Currie re-treated the root canal for tooth 31, refilled the two previously treated canals, and treated and filled the previously untreated canal in tooth 31. The evidence, though disputed, was nonetheless clear and convincing that Respondent failed to meet the standard of performance in the root canal procedures for Patient S.S.’s teeth 30 and 31, by failing to adequately diagnose and respond to the condition of the roots of tooth 30; failing to adequately fill the canals of tooth 30 despite being able to insert working-length files beyond the area of calcification to near the apices of the roots; and failing to adequately fill the canals of tooth 31 during root canal treatment. The Administrative Complaint also alleged that Respondent failed to adequately diagnose decay in tooth 30. The evidence was not clear and convincing that Respondent failed to adequately diagnose decay in tooth 30. Case No. 19-2900PL - The G.H. Administrative Complaint Case No. 19-2900PL charges Respondent with violating section 466.028(1)(x) by failing to adequately diagnose issues with the crown on tooth 13 and provide appropriate corrective treatment. On May 15, 2014, Patient G.H. presented to Respondent with a complaint that she had been feeling discomfort on the upper left of her teeth that was increasingly noticeable. Respondent diagnosed the need for a root canal of tooth 13. Patient G.H. agreed to the treatment, and Respondent performed the root canal at this same visit. Patient G.H. also had work done on other teeth to address “minor areas of decay.” On July 7, 2014, Patient G.H.’s permanent crowns were seated onto teeth 8, 9, and 13, and onlay/inlays placed on teeth 12 and 14. On July 29, 2014, Patient G.H. presented to Respondent. Respondent’s records indicate that Patient G.H. complained that when she flossed around tooth 13, she was getting “a funny taste” in her mouth. Patient G.H.’s written complaint and her testimony indicate that she also advised Respondent that her floss was “tearing,” and that she continued to experience “pressure and discomfort” or “some pain.” Respondent denied having been advised of either of those complaints. Respondent flossed the area of concern, and smelled the floss to see if it had a bad smell. Respondent denied smelling anything more than typical mouth odor, with which Patient G.H. vigorously disagreed. Respondent took a radiograph of teeth 11 through 15, which included tooth 13 and the crown. The evidence is persuasive that the radiograph image revealed that the margin between tooth 13 and the crown was open. An open margin can act as a trap for food particles, and significantly increases the risk for recurrent decay in the tooth. Respondent adjusted the crown on tooth 9, but advised Patient G.H. that there was nothing wrong with the crown on tooth 13. She offered to prescribe a rinse for the smell, but generally told Patient G.H. that there were no complications. Patient G.H. began to cry and, when Respondent left the room, got up from the chair and left the office. Respondent indicated in her testimony that she would have performed additional investigation had Patient G.H. not left. The contemporaneous records do not substantiate that testimony. Furthermore, Respondent did not contact Patient G.H. to discuss further treatment after having had a full opportunity to review the radiograph image. On March 10, 2015, after her newly-active dental insurance allowed her to see a different in-network provider, Patient G.H. sought a second opinion from Dr. Ada Y. Parra, a dentist at Premier Dental in Gainesville, Florida. Dr. Parra identified an open distal margin at tooth 13 with an overhang. Dr. Parra recommended that Patient G.H. return to Respondent’s practice before further work by Premier Dental. Patient G.H. called Respondent’s office for an appointment, and was scheduled to see Dr. Lindsay Kulczynski, who was practicing as a dentist in Respondent’s Lake City, Florida, office. Patient G.H. was seen by Dr. Kulczynski on March 19, 2015. Upon examination, Dr. Kulczynski agreed that the crown for tooth 13 “must be redone” due to, among other defects, “[d]istal lingual over hang [and] open margin.” The open margin was consistent with Patient G.H.’s earlier complaints of discomfort, floss tearing, and bad odor coming from that tooth. The evidence was persuasive that further treatment of Patient G.H. was not authorized by Respondent after the appointment with Dr. Kulczynski. Dr. Brotman credibly testified that the standard of care in crown placement allows for a space between the tooth and the crown of between 30 and 60 microns. Dr. Brotman was able to clearly identify the open margin on the radiograph taken during Patient G.H.’s July 29, 2014, appointment, and credibly testified that the space was closer to 3,000 microns than the 30 to 60 microns range acceptable under the standard of performance. His testimony is accepted. An open margin of this size is below the minimum standard of performance. The evidence was clear and convincing that Respondent fell below the applicable standard of performance in her treatment of Patient G.H., by seating a crown containing an open margin and by failing to perform appropriate corrective treatment after having sufficient evidence of the deficiencies. Case No. 19-2901PL - The J.D. Amended Administrative Complaint Case No. 19-2901PL charges Respondent with violating section 466.028(1)(x) by: Failing to obtain sufficient radiographic imaging showing Patient J.D.’s sinus anatomy, extent of available bone support, and/or root locations; Failing to lift, or refer for lifting of, Patient J.D.’s sinus before placing an implant in the area of tooth 14; Failing to appropriately place the implant by attempting to place it into a curved root, which could not accommodate the implant; Failing to react appropriately to the sinking implant by trying to twist off the carrier instead of following the technique outlined in the implant’s manual; and/or Paying, or having paid on her behalf, an indemnity in the amount of $75,000 as a result of negligent conduct in her treatment of Patient J.D. Patient J.D. first presented to Respondent on June 28, 2014. At the time, Respondent was practicing with Dr. Jacobs, who owned the practice. Patient J.D. had been a patient of Dr. Jacobs for some time. Respondent examined Patient J.D. and discovered problems with tooth 14. Tooth 14 and tooth 15 appeared to have slid into the space occupied by a previously extracted tooth. As a result, tooth 14 was tipped and the root curved from moving into the space. Tooth 14 had been filled by Dr. Jacobs. However, by the time Respondent examined it, the tooth was not restorable, and exhibited 60 percent bone loss and class II (two millimeters of movement) mobility. Respondent discussed the issue with Patient J.D., and recommended extraction of the two teeth and replacement with a dental implant. Patient J.D. consented to the procedure and executed consent forms supplied and maintained by Dr. Jacobs. The teeth at issue were in the upper jaw. The upper jaw consists of softer bone than the lower jaw, is more vascular, and includes the floor of the nose and sinuses. The periapical radiographs taken of Patient J.D. showed that he had a “draped sinus,” described by Respondent as being where “the tooth is basically draped around the sinuses. It’s almost like they’re kind of one.” Prior to Patient J.D., Respondent had never placed an implant in a patient with a draped sinus. The x-rays also indicated that, as a result of the previous extraction of teeth and the subsequent movement of the remaining teeth, the roots of tooth 14 were tipped and curved. The evidence was persuasive that Respondent did not fail to obtain sufficient radiographic imaging showing Patient J.D.’s sinus anatomy, the extent of available bone support, and the configuration of the roots. Dr. Kinzler testified credibly that the pneumatized/draped sinus, the 60 percent bone loss around tooth 14, and the tipped and curved roots each constituted pre- operative red flags. Respondent extracted teeth 14 and 15. When she extracted the teeth, she observed four walls. She was also able to directly observe the floor of the sinus. She estimated the depth of the socket to be 12 millimeters. Sinus penetration is a potential complication of implant placement. Being able to see the sinus floor was an additional complicating factor for implant placement. Dr. Kinzler credibly testified that if Respondent was going to place an implant of the size she chose (see below), then the standard of care required her to first do a sinus lift before placing the implant. A sinus lift involves physically lifting the floor of a patient’s sinus. Once the sinus has been lifted, material typically consisting of granulated cortical bone is placed into the space created. Eventually, the bone forms a platform for new bone to form, into which an implant can be inserted. The evidence established that the standard of care for bone replacement materials is to place the material into the space, close the incision, and allow natural bone to form and ultimately provide a stable structure to affix an implant. The implant may then be mechanically affixed to the bone, and then biologically osseointegrate with the bone. In order to seal off Patient J.D.’s sinus, Respondent used Bond Bone, which she described as a fast-setting putty-like material that is designed to protect the floor of the sinus and provide a scaffold for bone to grow into. She did not use cortical bone, described as “silly sand,” to fill the space and provide separation from the sinus because she indicated that it can displace and get lost. Respondent’s goal was to place the implant so that it would extend just short of the Bond Bone and Patient J.D.’s sinus. She also intended to angle the implant towards the palate, where there was more available bone. Bond Bone and similar materials are relatively recent innovations. Dr. Fish was encouraged by the possibilities of the use of such materials, though he was not familiar with the Bond Bone brand. The evidence was clear and convincing that, although Bond Bone can set in a short period, and shows promise as an effective medium, it does not currently meet minimum standards of performance for bone replacement necessary for placement and immediate support of an implant. Bond Bone only decreases the depth of the socket. It does not raise the floor of the sinus. As such, the standard practice would be to use a shorter implant, or perform a sinus lift. Respondent was provided with an implant supplied by Dr. Jacobs. She had not previously used the type of implant provided. The implant was a tapered screw vent, 4.7 millimeters in diameter, tapering to 4.1 millimeters at the tip with a length of 11.5 millimeters. Respondent met with and received information from the manufacturer’s representative. She used a 3.2 millimeter drill to shape the hole, as the socket was already large enough for the implant. The 3.2 millimeter drill was not evidence that the receiving socket was 3.2 millimeters in diameter. Respondent then inserted the implant and its carrier apparatus into the hole. The implant did not follow the root, and had little bone on which to affix. The initial post-placement periapical radiograph showed “placement was not correct.” Despite Respondent’s intent, the implant was not angled, but was nearly vertical, in contrast with the angulation of the socket which was tipped at least 30 degrees. Given the amount of bone loss, and the other risk factors described herein, the risk of a sinus perforation, either by having the implant extend through the root opening or by a lateral perforation through one of the sides of the socket, was substantial. After adjusting the implant, Respondent went to remove the carrier. The carrier would not release, and the pressure exerted caused the implant to loosen and begin to sink through the Bond Bone. Dr. Kinzler testified credibly that, because of the mechanics of the implant used, had it been surrounded by bone, it would not have been possible for the implant to become loose. In his opinion, which is credited, the loosening of the implant was the result of the lack of bone to hold it in place. Respondent was so intent on removing the carrier that she was not paying attention to the implant. As a result, she screwed the implant through the Bond Bone and into Patient J.D.’s sinus. By the time she realized her error, the implant had sunk in to the point it was not readily retrievable. She was hesitant to reaffix the carrier “because [she] knew [she] had no support from the bone, that it was just a matter of air.” Nonetheless, she “stuck the carrier back in, but it would not go back in.” She then turned to get forceps or a hemostat but, by that time, the implant was irretrievably into Patient J.D.’s sinus. At the hearing, Respondent testified that she could have retrieved the implant but for Patient J.D. doing a “negative pressure sneeze” when the implant was already into the sinus. At that point, she stated that the implant disappeared into Patient J.D.’s sinus, where it can be seen in Petitioner’s Exhibit 9, page 35. There is nothing in Respondent’s dental records about Patient J.D. having sneezed. Respondent further testified that Patient J.D. “was very jovial about it,” and that everyone in the office laughed about the situation, and joked about “the sneeze implant.” That the patient would be “jovial” about an implant having been screwed into his sinus, resulting in a referral to an oral surgeon, and that there was office-wide joking about the incident is simply not credible, particularly in light of the complete absence of any contemporaneous records of such a seemingly critical element of the incident. Respondent believed that the implant must have been defective for her to have experienced the problem with removing the carrier, though her testimony in that regard was entirely speculative. There is no competent, substantial, or persuasive evidence to support a finding that the implant was defective. After determining that the implant was in Patient J.D.’s sinus, Respondent informed Patient J.D. of the issue, gave him a referral to an oral surgeon, prescribed antibiotics, and gave Patient J.D. her cell phone number. Each of those acts was appropriate. On July 29, 2014, an oral surgeon surgically removed the implant from Patient J.D.’s sinus. Patient J.D. sued Respondent for medical malpractice. The suit was settled, with the outcome including a $75,000.00 indemnity paid by Respondent’s insurer on her behalf. The Office of Insurance Regulation’s Medical Malpractice Closed Claims Report provides that the suit’s allegations were based on “improper dental care and treatment.” The evidence was not clear and convincing that Respondent failed to meet the minimum standards of performance prior to the procedure at issue by failing to obtain sufficient radiographic imaging showing Patient J.D.’s sinus anatomy, extent of available bone support, and/or root locations prior to the procedure. The evidence was clear and convincing that Respondent failed to meet the minimum standards of performance by failing to lift, or refer for lifting of, Patient J.D.’s sinus before placing the implant in the area of tooth 14, and by placing the implant into a curved root which could not accommodate the implant. The placement of Bond Bone was not adequate to address these issues. The evidence was clear and convincing that Respondent failed to meet the standard of care by failing to pay attention while trying to twist off the carrier and by failing to appropriately react to the sinking implant. The evidence was clear and convincing that Respondent paid, or had paid on her behalf, an indemnity of $75,000 for negligent conduct during treatment of Patient J.D. The perforation of Patient J.D.’s sinus was not, in itself, a violation of the standard of care. In that regard, Dr. Kinzler indicated that he had perforated a sinus while placing an implant. It was, however, the totality of the circumstances regarding the process of placing Patient J.D.’s implant that constituted a failure to meet the minimum standards of performance as described herein. Case No. 19-2902PL - The J.A.D. Amended Administrative Complaint Count I Case No. 19-2902PL, Count I, charges Respondent with violating section 466.028(1)(x) by: Failing to take adequate diagnostic imaging prior to placing an implant in the area of Patient J.A.D.’s tooth 8; Failing to pick an appropriately-sized implant and placing an implant that was too large; and/or Failing to diagnose and/or respond appropriately to the oral fistula that developed in the area of Patient J.A.D.’s tooth 8. Count II Case No. 19-2902PL, Count II, charges Respondent with violating section 466.028(1)(m) by: Failing to document examination results showing Patient J.A.D. had an infection; Failing to document the model or serial number of the implant she placed; and/or Failing to document the results of Respondent’s bone examination. Patient J.A.D. first presented to Respondent on March 3, 2016. His first appointment included a health history, full x-rays, and an examination. Patient J.A.D.’s complaint on March 3, 2016, involved a front tooth, tooth 8, which had broken off. He was embarrassed by its appearance, and desired immediate care and attention. Respondent performed an examination of Patient J.A.D., which included exposing a series of radiographs. Based on her examination, Respondent made the following relevant diagnoses in the clinical portion of her records: caries (decay) affecting tooth 7, gross caries affecting fractured tooth 8, and caries affecting tooth 9. Patient J.A.D. was missing quite a few of his back teeth. The consent form noted periodontal disease. The evidence is of Patient J.A.D.’s grossly deficient oral hygiene extending over a prolonged period. A consent form signed by Patient J.A.D. indicates that Patient J.A.D. had an “infection.” Respondent indicated that the term indicated both the extensive decay of Patient J.A.D.’s teeth, and a sac of pus that was discovered when tooth 8 was extracted. “Infection” is a broad term in the context of dentistry, and means any bacterial invasion of a tooth or system. The consent form was executed prior to the extraction. Therefore, the term “infection,” which may have accurately described the general condition of Patient J.A.D.’s mouth, could not have included the sac of pus, which was not discovered until the extraction. The sac of pus was not otherwise described with specificity in Respondent’s dental records. A pre-operative radiograph exposed by Respondent showed that tooth 8 had a long, tapering root. Respondent proposed extraction of tooth 8, to be replaced by an immediate implant. The two adjacent teeth were to be treated and crowned, and a temporary bridge placed across the three. Patient J.A.D. consented to this treatment plan. The treatment plan of extracting tooth 8 and preparing the adjacent teeth for crowns was appropriate. Respondent cleanly extracted tooth 8 without fracturing any surrounding bone, and without bone adhering to the tooth. When the tooth came out, it had a small unruptured sac of pus at its tip. Respondent irrigated and curretted the socket, and prescribed antibiotics. Her records indicated that she cleaned to 5 millimeters, although a radiograph made it appear to be a 7 millimeter pocket. She explained that inflammation caused the pocket to appear larger than its actual 5 millimeter size, which she characterized as a “pseudo pocket.” She recorded her activities. The response to the sac of pus was appropriate. Respondent reviewed the earlier radiographs, and performed a physical examination of the dimensions of the extracted tooth 8 to determine the size of the implant to be placed into the socket. Dr. Kinsler and Dr. Fish disagreed as to whether the radiographic images were sufficient to provide adequate information as to the implant to be used. Both relied on their professional background, both applied a reasonable minimum standard of performance, and both were credible. The evidence was not clear and convincing that Respondent failed to take adequate diagnostic imaging prior to placing an implant to replace Patient J.A.D.’s tooth 8. Respondent placed an implant into the socket left from tooth 8. The implant was in the buckle cortex, a “notoriously thin” bone feature at the anterior maxilla. The fact that it is thin does not make it pathological, and placement of an implant near a thin layer of bone is not a violation of the standard of performance as long as the implant is, in fact, in the bone. The implant used by Respondent was shorter than the length of tooth 8 and the tooth 8 socket, and did not have a full taper, being more truncated. The evidence of record, including the testimony of Dr. Kinzler, indicates that the length of the implant, though shorter than the tooth it was to replace, was not inappropriate. The evidence of record, including pre-extraction and post-implantation scaled radiographs offered as a demonstrative exhibit, was insufficient to support a finding that the implant diameter was too great for the available socket. Patient J.A.D. felt like the implant was too close to the front of his maxillary bone because it felt like a little bump on the front of his gums. That perception is insufficient to support a finding that the placement of the implant violated a standard of performance. Subsequent x-rays indicated that there was bone surrounding the implant. Clinical observations by Respondent after placement of the implant noted bone on all four walls of the implant. Her testimony is credited. The evidence that the tooth 8 implant was not placed in bone, i.e., that at the time the implant was placed, the implant penetrated the buccal plate and was not supported by bone on all four sides, was not clear and convincing. Respondent’s records document the dimensions and manufacturer of the implant. Implants are delivered with a sticker containing all of the relevant information, including model and serial number, that are routinely affixed to a patient’s dental records. It is important to document the model and serial number of implants. Every implant is different, and having that information can be vital in the case of a recall. Patient J.A.D.’s printed dental records received by the Department from Respondent have the implant size (5.1 x 13 mm) and manufacturer (Implant Direct) noted. The records introduced in evidence by the Department include a page with a sticker affixed, identified by a handwritten notation as being for a “5.1 x 13mm - Implant Direct.” (Pet. Ex. 11, pg. 43 of 83). The accompanying sticker includes information consistent with that required. Dr. Fish testified to seeing a sticker that appears to be the same sticker (“The implant label of 141, it just has the handwritten on there that it should be added.”), though it is described with a deposition exhibit number (page 141 of a CD) that is different from the hearing exhibit number. Dr. Fish indicated the sticker adequately documented the implant information. The evidence was not clear and convincing that the sticker was not in Patient J.A.D.’s records, or that Respondent failed to document the model or serial number of the implant she placed. Later in the day on March 3, 2016, Patient J.A.D. was fitted for a temporary crown, which was placed on the implant and the adjacent two teeth, and Patient J.A.D. was scheduled for a post-operative check. Patient J.A.D. appeared for his post-operative visit on March 10, 2016. He testified that he was having difficulty keeping the temporaries on, and was getting “cut up” because the two outer teeth were sharp and rubbed against his lip and tongue. Respondent noticed that Patient J.A.D. was already wearing a hole in the temporary. Since Patient J.A.D. was missing quite a few of his back teeth, much of his chewing was being done using his front teeth. His temporaries were adjusted and reseated. On March 17, 2016, Patient J.A.D. was seen by Respondent for a post-operative check of the tooth 8 extraction and implant placement. The notes indicated that Patient J.A.D. had broken his arm several days earlier, though the significance of that fact was not explained. He was charted as doing well, and using Fixodent to maintain the temporary in place. The records again noted that Patient J.A.D. had worn a hole in the back of the tooth 9 temporary crown. A follow up was scheduled for final impressions for the permanent crowns. On March 10 and March 17, 2016, Patient J.A.D. complained of a large blister or “zit” that formed over the area above the end of the implant. Patient J.A.D. had no recollection of whether Respondent told him he had an infection. He was prescribed antibiotics. The evidence was not clear and convincing that the “zit” was causally related to the placement of the implant. Patient J.A.D. also testified that the skin above tooth 9 was discolored, and he thought he could almost see metal through the skin above his front teeth. Patient J.A.D. next appeared at Respondent’s office on June 2, 2016, for final impressions. Respondent concluded that the site had not healed enough for the final impression. She made and cemented a new temporary, and set an appointment for the following month for the final impression. Patient J.A.D. did not return to Respondent. On September 28, 2016, Patient J.A.D. presented to the office of Dr. Harold R. Arthur for further treatment. The records for that date indicate that he appeared without his temporary restoration for teeth 7 through 9, stating that he had several at home, but they would not stay on. Dr. Arthur probed a “[s]mall (1.0 x 1.0 mm) red spot in facial keratinized gingiva communicating with implant.” After probing the opening in the gingiva and the “shadow” in the gingiva, he believed it was at the center of the implant body and healing screw. Dr. Arthur’s dental records for Patient J.A.D. over the course of the following year indicate that Dr. Arthur made, remade, and re-cemented temporary crowns for teeth 7, 8, and 9 on a number of occasions, noting at least once that Patient J.A.D. “broke temps” that had been prepared and seated by Dr. Arthur. On December 1, 2016, Patient J.A.D. was reevaluated by Dr. Arthur. He noted the facial soft tissue at the implant was red, with an apparent fistula. A periapical radiograph was “unremarkable.” The temporary crowns, which were loose, were removed, air abraded to remove the cement, and re-cemented in place. Patient J.A.D. was prescribed an antibiotic. He was again seen by Dr. Arthur on December 13, 2016. The temporary on tooth 9 was broken, which was then remade and re-cemented. The fistula was smaller but still present. Patient J.A.D. was seen by Dr. Arthur on February 2, 2017, with the tooth 9 temporary crown fractured again. The fistula was still present. Patient J.A.D. advised that “the bone feels like it’s caving in around where she put that implant.” That statement is accepted not for the truth of the matter asserted, but as evidence that the complaint was first voiced in February 2017. On April 4, 2017, more than a year after the placement of the implant, Patient J.A.D was seen by Dr. Arthur. Dr. Arthur determined that the implant for tooth 8 was “stable and restorable in current position.” The fistula was still present and, after anesthesia, a probe was placed in the fistula where it contacted the implant cover screw. Although Dr. Arthur replaced the implant abutment, he ultimately placed the final crown on the implant placed by Respondent, where it remained at the time of the final hearing. The fact that incidents of Patient J.A.D. breaking and loosening the temporary crowns that occurred with Respondent continued with Dr. Arthur supports a finding that the problems were, more likely than not, the result of stress and overuse of Patient J.A.D.’s front teeth. On October 24, 2016, a series of CBCT radiographs was taken of the implant and its proximity to tooth 7. Dr. Kinzler testified that, in his opinion, the implant was of an appropriate length, but was too large for the socket. Much of his testimony was based on the October 24 radiograph and his examination of the resulting October 29, 2016, report. Although the report indicated that there was minimal bone between the implant and the root of tooth 7, and that the buccal cortex appeared thinned or eroded, those observations are of limited persuasive value as to whether the standard of performance was met almost eight months prior. Patient J.A.D. obviously worked, and overworked, his dental appliances. Without more, the evidence is not clear and convincing that his subsequent and repeated problems, including “thinned or eroded” bone in the buccal cortex, were the result of a violation of the standard of performance in the sizing and placement of the tooth 8 implant by Respondent.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Health, Board of Dentistry, enter a Final Order: Dismissing the Administrative Complaint in Case No. 19-2898PL and the Amended Administrative Complaint in Case No. 19-2902PL; With regard to Case No. 19-2899PL: 1) dismissing Count I of the Administrative Complaint; 2) determining that Respondent failed to comply with the applicable standard of performance in the care and treatment of Patient S.S. by: failing to adequately diagnose the condition of the roots of tooth 30; failing to adequately obturate the canals of tooth 30 during root canal treatment; failing to adequately obturate the canals of tooth 31 during root canal treatment; failing to take a new crown impression of tooth 31 following changes to the tooth’s margins; and failing to adequately assess and correct the crown on tooth 31 when the fit was compromised, as alleged in Count II of the Administrative Complaint; and 3) determining that Respondent did not fail to comply with the applicable standard of performance in the care and treatment of Patient S.S. by failing to adequately diagnose decay in tooth 30, as alleged in Count II of the Administrative Complaint; With regard to Case No. 19-2900PL, determining that Respondent failed to comply with the applicable standard of performance in the care and treatment of Patient G.H. by seating a crown containing an open margin on tooth 13 and failing to adequately diagnose issues with the crown on tooth 13, and by failing to perform appropriate corrective treatment after having sufficient evidence of the deficiencies, as alleged in the Administrative Complaint; With regard to Case No. 19-2901PL: 1) determining that Respondent failed to comply with the applicable standard of performance in the care and treatment of Patient J.D. by: failing to lift, or refer for lifting of, Patient J.D.’s sinus before placing an implant in the area of tooth 14; failing to appropriately place the implant by attempting to place it into a curved root which could not accommodate the implant; failing to react appropriately to the sinking implant by trying to twist off the carrier instead of following the technique outlined in the implant’s manual; and paying, or having paid on her behalf, an indemnity in the amount of $75,000 as a result of negligent conduct in her treatment of Patient J.D., as alleged in the Amended Administrative Complaint; and 2) determining that Respondent did not fail to comply with the applicable standard of performance in the care and treatment of Patient J.D. by failing to obtain sufficient radiographic imaging showing Patient J.D.’s sinus anatomy, extent of available bone support, and/or root locations; Suspending Respondent’s license in accordance with rule 64B5-13.005(1)(x) and rule 64B5-13.005(3)(e), to be followed by a period of probation, with appropriate terms of probation to include remedial education in addition to such other terms that the Board believes necessary to ensure Respondent’s practical ability to perform dentistry as authorized by rule 64B5- 13.005(3)(d)2.; Imposing an administrative fine of $10,000; and Requiring reimbursement of costs. DONE AND ENTERED this 31st day of January, 2020, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S E. GARY EARLY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of January, 2020. COPIES FURNISHED: George Kellen Brew, Esquire Law Office of George K. Brew Suite 1804 6817 Southpoint Parkway Jacksonville, Florida 32216 (eServed) Kelly Fox, Esquire Department of Health 2585 Merchant’s Row Tallahassee, Florida 32311 (eServed) Octavio Simoes-Ponce, Esquire Prosecution Services Unit Department of Health Bin C-65 4052 Bald Cypress Way Tallahassee, Florida 32399 (eServed) Chad Wayne Dunn, Esquire Prosecution Services Unit Department of Health Bin C-65 4052 Bald Cypress Way Tallahassee, Florida 32399 (eServed) Jennifer Wenhold, Interim Executive Director Board of Dentistry Department of Health Bin C-08 4052 Bald Cypress Way Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3258 (eServed) Louise Wilhite-St. Laurent, General Counsel Department of Health Bin C-65 4052 Bald Cypress Way Tallahassee, Florida 32399 (eServed)
The Issue The issue in this case is whether the Board of Dentistry should discipline the Respondent on charges set out in the Administrative Complaint in Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) Case No. 91-011671. The Administrative Complaint charged the Respondent with a violation of Section 466.028(1)(y), Florida Statutes, for incompetence or negligence by failing to meet the minimum standards of performance in diagnosis and treatment when measured against generally prevailing peer performance. It alleged: that the Respondent treated a patient identified by the initials V. G. for temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction from August 14, 1986, through July, 1991; that the treatment included maxillary brackets and other orthodontic treatment from August, 1987, through May, 1991; that the patient's TMJ problems recurred during the orthodontic treatment; that the length of time of the Respondent's orthodontic treatment was excessive, resulting in the recurrence of the TMJ problems; that the Respondent utilized an inappropriate circuitous method to accomplish tooth movement (i.e., moving teeth back and forth); that the Respondent's orthodontic treatment had to be corrected by a subsequent treating dentist; and that the "Respondent failed to provide written documentation informing the patient . . . of expected results "
Findings Of Fact The Respondent, Ralph Garcia, D.D.S., is a licensed dentist in the State of Florida, having license number DN000324. On August 14, 1986, a patient identified by the initials V. G. presented to the Respondent with complaints including jaw popping and discomfort in the jaw area. The patient, who was approximately 34 years of age, gave a history of extraction of her bicuspids and subsequent orthodontic treatment in her teen years and extraction of her third molars in her early twenties. The Respondent's examination revealed an impaired range of motion in her mouth. She could only open her mouth 43 millimeters. (Normal is 50.) She also could move her jaw only 7 millimeters to the left. (Normal is 12.) The patient's condition was further complicated by compromised dentition, poorly inclined teeth, unparallel roots, stretched ligaments, and a cervical condition. Transcranial x-rays revealed that, when the patient's teeth were together, both condyles compressed backward in the fossa, compressing tissues and causing pain. The Respondent correctly diagnosed the patient as having mandibular dislocation, myalgia, myofascitis, coronoid tendinitis, stretched ligaments, and headache. These are all conditions associated with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction. The Respondent's treatment plan was: (1) to use an oral repositioning appliance (a splint) to treat the dislocation; (2) to use physical therapy to treat the myalgia and myofascitis; (3) to use trigger point injections to treat the coronoid tendinitis; and (4) to use orthopedics, orthodontics and possibly prosthetics to achieve functional occlusion. The Respondent's treatment plan was appropriate and met or exceeded minimum standards of performance in diagnosis and treatment when measured against generally prevailing peer performance. It was not necessary at that point to more precisely describe planned tooth movements and mechanics. The Respondent advised the patient of his diagnosis, treatment goals, and proposed treatment plan. He also advised her of treatment options, the plan to use splint therapy in treatment, the plan to treat the patient in phases, and the potential complications of treatment. There was no evidence that minimum standards of performance when measured against generally prevailing peer performance required the Respondent to provide the advice described in the Finding 10 (or 17, below) in written form or to document the advice in writing. It would, however, be prudent to do so to preclude charges that the Respondent did not given the patient informed consent. From August 14, 1986, through July 14, 1987, the Respondent treated the patient's TMJ condition and resulting pain with splint therapy, physical therapy, and trigger point injections. (This was the first phase of treatment.) The splint therapy increased the space in the jaw joint by moving the lower jaw forward. This relieved the pressure on the joint. X-rays taken on July 9, 1987, show that the patient's jaw joint had moved forward on both sides, which decompressed the tissues of the joint. Contrary to the patient's allegations (and the understanding the patient gave to the AHCA expert), the relative positioning of the patient's upper and lower jaw did not create a "bulldog" Class Three Prognathic position (underbite). Rather, the positioning of the patient's upper and lower jaw created an approximate "open bite." (An "open bite" occurs when the front teeth meet.) At worst, the patient's lower jaw was slightly (3.5 millimeters) behind the upper jaw, i.e., in a Class One or Class Two underbite position. It was not proven that this positioning was inappropriate or failed to meet minimum standards of performance in diagnosis and treatment when measured against generally prevailing peer performance. As a result of the first phase of treatment, the patient's TMJ problems were alleviated. In July, 1987, the Respondent discussed with the patient the next phases of treatment. What remained to be done for the patient was more than just realigning her teeth using brackets and wires ("traditional orthodontics"). For one thing, the patient's upper jaw was too narrow and too constricted to provide proper occlusion. This caused the patient to have a cross-bite on the right side of the jaw. The Respondent recommended the use of a four-screw appliance, which he designed, to expand the two halves of the upper jaw, or maxilla. He then planned to use a retainer to hold the expansion. Next, the molars in the patient's lower jaw had to be moved back on the jaw bone through use of a modified splint. Use of the modified splint allowed the jaw to be held in position while the molars were moved so that the benefits of the TMJ treatment could be maintained to the extent possible. The Respondent recommended that the molars be moved slowly and carefully, one at a time, to minimize damage to the roots of the teeth and the jaw bone and to attempt to maintain the improvements in the patient's TMJ condition during treatment. Next, the second bicuspids had to be moved back on the patient's lower jaw through use of a modified Sved appliance. Use of the modified Sved allowed the jaw to be held in position while the bicuspids were moved so that the benefits of the TMJ treatment could be maintained to the extent possible. This, too, had to be done relatively slowly and carefully. Finally, the lower front teeth had to be moved back through the use of brackets and elastics. After the lower teeth were moved into their new positions in the new arch, they had to be "erupted," i.e., pulled up out of the jaw, to meet and have proper functional occlusion with the teeth in the upper jaw in the closed position. An appliance had to be used in conjunction with the brackets and elastics to hold the jaw in position while the lower teeth were being erupted so that the benefits of the TMJ treatment could be maintained to the extent possible. This, too, had to be done relatively slowly and carefully. "Traditional orthodontics" (brackets, elastics and wires) would be utilized for finer adjustments to level, align and position the teeth to close gaps and for aesthetic purposes. The rest of the Respondent's treatment plan was appropriate and met or exceeded minimum standards of performance in diagnosis and treatment when measured against generally prevailing peer performance. The Respondent discussed his treatment goals and proposed treatment plan in July or August, 1987. He also advised her of treatment options. He informed her that he would have to proceed carefully and deliberately and that it would be a slow process. He also informed her that the time of treatment would depend on many factors, including the patient's response to and compliance with treatment. The Respondent also discussed the cost of the remaining phases of treatment. To keep the fee for his orthopedic and orthodontic services under $4,000, the Respondent agreed to charge the patient a flat fee calculated based on his normal fee for 18 months of adjustments to appliances ($3,655), plus the cost of the orthopedic appliances. He did not intend to give the patient the impression that the orthopedic and orthodontic phases of treatment would be completed within 18 months. But his way of presenting his fee was potentially confusing and apparently contributed to the deterioration of the relationship between the Respondent and the patient later in treatment. The orthopedic phase of the treatment began with the use of the four- screw appliance in August, 1987. On September 29, 1987, the Respondent began the long, slow process of posteriorizing the molars and bicuspids on the patient's lower jaw. It was not completed until July 28, 1989. This phase of treatment was appropriate and met or exceeded minimum standards of performance in diagnosis and treatment when measured against generally prevailing peer performance. The teeth were not moved back and forth in a circuitous method. Between July 28 and November 21, 1989, the Respondent used brackets and elastics to move the lower front teeth back. This phase of treatment also was appropriate and met or exceeded minimum standards of performance in diagnosis and treatment when measured against generally prevailing peer performance. The teeth were not moved back and forth in a circuitous method. "Eruption" of the lower teeth was then accomplished between November 21, 1989, and October 22, 1990, using brackets and vertical elastics in a process known as "vertical development." The Respondent's method did not utilize wires, and the AHCA expert criticized the method used as not being "mainstream" orthodontics. But the expert defined "mainstream" orthodontics as being the methods taught in a majority of dental colleges. Under such a definition, a method which is out of the "mainstream" is not necessarily inappropriate. Notwithstanding the one expert's differing opinion as to the best way to erupt teeth, it was not proven that the method used by the Respondent to erupt the patient's lower teeth was inappropriate or that it failed to meet minimum standards of performance when measured against generally prevailing peer performance. When the eruption process ended, "traditional" orthodontics began on October 22, 1990. During this phase, the Respondent placed brackets, bands and wires on the patient's teeth. This phase of treatment was appropriate and met or exceeded minimum standards of performance in diagnosis and treatment when measured against generally prevailing peer performance. During the Respondent's treatment of the patient, the patient's TMJ symptoms recurred from time to time. But TMJ is cyclical in nature. Recurrences during treatment (and even after treatment) are not unusual and do not prove that the Respondent's treatment was inappropriate or that it failed to meet minimum standards of performance when measured against generally prevailing peer performance. In approximately April, 1991, the patient's TMJ symptoms recurred significantly. (They ceased during the course of completion of the treatment.) Although the symptoms were not much different from prior recurrences, by this time the patient was disillusioned with the Respondent due in part to the length of the process (even though, as a result of the flat fee arrangement, it was the Respondent who was "losing money" the longer the process took, not the patient) and in part to the Respondent's chairside manner and demeanor. The patient's "last straw" was when the Respondent ground uneven surfaces of the patient's front teeth (although the evidence was clear that this procedure was appropriate and met minimum standards of performance when measured against generally prevailing peer performance.) Instead of discussing the recurrence of the TMJ symptoms with the Respondent, the patient discontinued treatment with the Respondent on May 30, 1991, and sought the opinion of another dentist, Randy Feldman, D.D.S., on July 17, 1991. Feldman mentioned near the outset of his consultation with the patient that he could identify the patient's dentist without her telling him. Suspecting the worst of the Respondent, the patient thought Feldman was being critical of the quality of Respondent's work and became more convinced that the Respondent's work was below minimum standards of performance. In fact, Feldman only meant to say that he was familiar with the appliances and techniques used by the Respondent from having been invited to observe the Respondent's work in the Respondent's office and from having attended continuing education seminars conducted by the Respondent. Feldman also mentioned at one point during the consultation that the patient was fortunate to have had a flat fee contract for the Respondent's work since he knows patients who have paid thousands of dollars to the Respondent for his treatment. Again, suspecting the worst of the Respondent, the patient thought Feldman was implying that the Respondent's charges were inflated. In fact, Feldman only meant to state the fact that treatment by the Respondent often is complicated and expensive and that the patient seemed to have been fortunate not to have been charged more. Contrary to the allegations against the Respondent, Feldman did not have to "correct" the Respondent's work. He did not have to return teeth to prior positions (in the alleged "circuitous" manner). Rather, he advised the patient that it only was was necessary for her to complete the treatment which the Respondent had been providing. He tried to convince the patient that it would be in her best interest to return to the Respondent and let him finish the treatment, but the patient refused. Feldman did nothing more than finish the treatment which the patient had interrupted by leaving the Respondent's care. (He changed some of the brackets and appliances, but the evidence is not clear why.) Notwithstanding the duration of the Respondent's treatment, it was not excessive for what had to be accomplished. Each phase was a necessary part of the overall treatment, and no phase lasted an excessive period of time. Tooth movement occurs when pressure applied to the teeth and transmitted to the bone in which the teeth are rooted causes the bone to dissolve and allow the teeth to move. Then, the bone structure must reform behind the teeth being moved. This takes time. It takes longer in adults than in children or adolescents. The Respondent's decision to proceed cautiously and conservatively was in the patient's best interest. Trying to go faster would have increased the risk of damage to tooth roots and bone structure. The AHCA expert based his opinion in part on a misunderstanding as to when "traditional" orthodontic treatment began. In fact, it did not begin until October 22, 1990, when wires were attached to wires. Other aspects of treatment also did not last as long as the patient led the expert to believe. Elastics were used without wires starting on July 28, 1989; eruption lasted less than a year, not for "years," as alleged by the patient; teeth were not moved back and forth in a "circuitous" manner. It was not proven that the duration of treatment (whether or not excessive) "caused" TMJ symptoms to recur. See Finding 23., above.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Board of Dentistry enter a final order dismissing the charges against the Respondent in this case. RECOMMENDED this 21st day of November, 1994, in Tallahassee, Florida. J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of November, 1994. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 94-1142 To comply with the requirements of Section 120.59(2), Fla. Stat. (1993), the following rulings are made on the parties' proposed findings of fact: Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact. 1.-5. Accepted and incorporated to the extent not subordinate or unnecessary. Rejected as not proven that maxillary brackets were placed as early as August, 1987. Also, a question of semantics whether tooth movement--either along with or independent of movement of the bone in which the tooth is rooted-- through the use of appliances such as the four-screw, modified splint, and modified Sved, is considered orthodontics, orthopedics, or both. Otherwise, accepted and incorporated. Rejected as not proven. 8.-10. Accepted and incorporated. 11.-14. Rejected as not proven. 15. Accepted and incorporated. Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact. 1.-20. Accepted and incorporated to the extent not subordinate or unnecessary. 21.-22. A question of semantics whether tooth movement--either along with or independent of movement of the bone in which the tooth is rooted--through the use of appliances such as the four-screw, modified splint, and modified Sved, is considered orthodontics, orthopedics, or both. Otherwise, accepted and incorporated. 23.-24. Accepted and incorporated. A question of semantics whether the tooth movement through the use of the four-screw appliance constitutes orthodontics, orthopedics, or both. Otherwise, accepted and incorporated. Accepted and incorporated. 27.-28. Not clear from the evidence whether the patient's upper jaw was expanded or just the bone holding the teeth flared out. Otherwise, accepted and incorporated. 29.-39. Accepted and incorporated to the extent not subordinate or unnecessary. 40. A question of semantics whether tooth movement--either along with or independent of movement of the bone in which the tooth is rooted--through the use of appliances such as the four-screw, modified splint, and modified Sved, is considered orthodontics, orthopedics, or both. Otherwise, accepted and incorporated. 41.-48. Accepted and incorporated to the extent not subordinate or unnecessary. 49. Accepted as to "traditional orthodontics" and incorporated. A question of semantics whether earlier methods constituted orthodontics, orthopedics, or both. 50.-63. Accepted and incorporated to the extent not subordinate or unnecessary. Not clear from the evidence necessarily as to all inconsistencies. As to some inconsistencies, accepted and subordinate to facts found. Accepted and incorporated. 66.-69. Accepted but subordinate and unnecessary. Accepted but unnecessary. "Well above" not clear from the evidence. "Above" accepted and incorporated. COPIES FURNISHED: Nancy Snurkowski, Esquire Chief Attorney Allied Health Section Agency for Health Care Administration 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0782 Bruce D. Lamb, Esquire Shear, Newman, Hahn & Rosenkranz, P.A. 201 East Kennedy Boulevard Suite 1000 Tampa, Florida 33602 William Buckhalt Executive Director Board of Dentistry Agency for Health Care Administration 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Harold D. Lewis, Esquire General Counsel Agency for Health Care Administration The Atrium, Suite 301 325 John Knox Road Tallahassee, Florida 32303
The Issue The issues to be determined are whether Respondent committed a violation of section 466.028(1)(x), Florida Statutes (2002-2004)1/, as alleged in the Administrative Complaint, and if so, what penalty should be imposed?
Findings Of Fact Petitioner is the state agency charged with the regulation of the practice of dentistry pursuant to section 20.43 and chapters 456 and 466, Florida Statutes. Respondent, Richard Moffett, D.M.D., is a licensed dentist in the state of Florida, having been issued license DN 10580. His current address of record is 1776 Tamiami Trail, Venice, Florida 34293. Respondent provided dental care and treatment to Patient C.D. beginning on or about March 12, 2003. On or about March 12, 2003, C.D. presented to Respondent as a new patient. Although there is some indication that Respondent saw C.D. around 1990, there are no records regarding any treatment rendered at that time, and any treatment given in or around 1990 is not relevant to this proceeding. The last time C.D. received actual treatment from Respondent was September 15, 2003, although he provided her a consultation on March 23, 2005. C.D. presented to Respondent on March 12, 2003, complaining of swelling and pain in the lower left side of her mouth. C.D. signed a consent form indicating that she understood that she was having an emergency examination pertaining to an isolated problem, and she needed to return for a full mouth examination. Respondent diagnosed an abscess on tooth number 29 and recommended either extraction or root canal treatment. He began root canal treatment, for which C.D. signed a consent form. The root canal was completed on March 20, 2003. On March 20, 2003, C.D. returned to Respondent's office, and Respondent conducted a comprehensive evaluation and took x-rays of C.D.'s mouth. As part of his evaluation Respondent performed periodontal pocket depth probing and charted the results. C.D. had a probing depth range from 3mm to 7mm. Readings over 3mm are an indication of periodontal disease. C.D. did not present as an average patient. The problems existing in her mouth at the time of the comprehensive exam included missing teeth, widespread decay, a TMJ problem, and periodontal disease. Specifically, C.D. had moderate to advanced periodontal disease, and caries (areas of decay) at teeth numbers 2, 3, 11, 14, 18, 20, 21 and 22 and perhaps others. At the March 20, 2003 visit, Respondent finished the root canal for tooth number 29 and focused on the problems identified in the lower left quadrant of her mouth, because that was the area that was bothering her. Tooth number 19 was missing, and tooth number 14, positioned over tooth number 19, had moved down into the space where tooth number 19 should have been. Tooth 18 was tipped forward into the space that should have housed tooth 19, and tooth 20 had broken off at the gum line from the constant impact from tooth 14, above it. C.D. had TMJ issues on the left side of her mouth, and teeth 20 and 21 had cavities as well. At this visit, Respondent proposed a treatment plan to C.D. that included a bridge spanning teeth numbers 18-20 and a bridge spanning teeth numbers 29-31. He advised C.D. regarding what was needed; and that crowns alone on teeth 20 and 21 would not suffice, and that temporary crowns would break down. He also, however, recommended gross debridement, root planing and curettage, which are methods of cleaning the teeth and providing periodontal treatment. As is discussed more fully below, C.D. did not follow Dr. Moffett's recommendations regarding any sort of periodontal treatment or even basic dental hygiene. C.D. had not had her teeth cleaned since at least 1989. She claimed that prior to 1990, the dentist she saw, as opposed to staff within the dentist's office, had cleaned her teeth twice a year; that her routine of brushing, using a Sonicare and Water-Pic was sufficient; and that she saw little problem with her dental hygiene. She admitted to shaving ten years off of her age in her medical records, but did not consider recording her birth date at 1947 (as opposed to 1937) to be a lie. C.D.'s testimony, provided by deposition, was less then credible. On April 2, 2003, Respondent examined tooth number 29, prepared it for a crown and reviewed the treatment plan with C.D. On May 27, 2003, C.D. returned to Respondent's office for a previously scheduled visit. At that time, C.D.'s chief complaint was that teeth 20 and 21 were bothering her. Respondent noted that C.D.'s bite was slightly sensitive at tooth number 29. Respondent indicated that teeth numbers 20 and 21 were scheduled for restorations at C.D.'s next visit, and that Respondent would re-evaluate tooth number 29 for possible fracture in three months. Respondent's treatment notes for this day state: "wants to start with #20, 6/9 @10am, Just Lower Left right now." C.D.'s patient records for this date also indicate the need for gross debridement and oral hygiene instruction. On June 9, 2003, C.D. presented to Respondent for treatment, and Respondent prepared teeth numbers 20 and 21 for crowns, which included addressing the caries for those teeth. Respondent placed a temporary crown on tooth number 20 and/or For the next visit, Respondent noted the need for "prophy OHI (oral hygiene instruction) ASAP." Although scheduled for July 8, 2003, C.D. did not present for teeth cleaning, gross debridement, or root planning, all procedures recommended by Dr. Moffett, at any time during his treatment of her. On July 8, 2003, Respondent reviewed C.D.'s treatment plan regarding the bridge for teeth 18-20. He again noted the need for oral hygiene instruction as soon as possible. Notes regarding plans for the next visit state the following: Adjust occlusal length of 14 - Prep/buildup 18 -impress 18/20 bridge, 21 crown -bond 23, 26 -redo 24/25 crowns? -review treatment needs per treatment plan 3,2,4, 5? -- prophy/ASAP/OHI On August 14, 2003, C.D. presented for treatment, and Respondent reduced the occlusion for tooth 14, addressed the deep caries on tooth 18 and performed the buildup and preparation for that tooth. He also took alginate impressions for a temporary bridge. On September 3, 2003, it appears that Respondent seated the temporary bridge for teeth numbers 18-20. Respondent also took impressions for fabricating a permanent bridge. Although Respondent sent the mold to the laboratory to create the dental models for a permanent bridge, no permanent bridge was ever seated. Respondent's office charged C.D. and her insurance company for a permanent bridge. C.D. brought the charge to his attention several years later, and he refunded the insurance company the difference between the cost of a permanent bridge and a temporary bridge, adjusted charges for permanent crowns to temporary crowns, and deleted existing interest charges on her account.2/ On September 15, 2003, C.D. presented to Respondent for treatment. At this visit, C.D. told Respondent that she wanted to conserve treatment within insurance coverage limits, and wanted fillings as opposed to crowns, or temporary crowns only. Respondent reviewed her treatment needs with C.D., and advised that he did not think teeth numbered 4 and 5, which were scheduled for restoration, were structurally sound enough to support fillings. At the patient's request, Respondent placed new fillings in teeth numbers 4 and 5 instead of crowning them. The patient note for the September 15, 2003, visit, consistent with prior notes, indicated the need for gross debridement and root planing. There is also a note for a referral for periodontal surgery. On October 30, 2003, C.D. received a letter from Sherri Moffett, who served as the bookkeeper for the office, regarding her outstanding balance. The letter stated in part, "we are working with the laboratory to complete your crown and bridge work in the next few weeks." Ms. Moffett, however, did not testify and Dr. Moffett neither wrote nor knew about the letter. The statements contained in the letter provide no persuasive information regarding Dr. Moffett's intentions for C.D.'s course of treatment, or whether he would have placed the permanent bridge before the patient's periodontal condition was addressed. C.D. did not return to see Respondent again until March 23, 2005. At that time, she wanted a new temporary crown for tooth number 29. Respondent advised her she needed a permanent crown on the tooth, which she did not choose to have. The Department presented the testimony of James W. Jackson, D.D.S. Dr. Jackson graduated from Northwestern University Dental School and was in private dental practice in Clearwater, Florida, from 1966 to 2009. Since that time, Dr. Jackson has volunteered weekly at a local dental clinic. Dr. Jackson's primary concern was that it did not appear to him that Respondent had ever presented to C.D. a treatment plan addressing all of her dental situation, with options of treating those disease processes, and the fees involved for the options presented.3/ He also took issue with Respondent beginning the fabrication of the fixed bridge and the crown on the lower left side before any of the periodontal disease and active decay processes were resolved. Dr. Jackson opined that the proper sequence of dental treatment is 1) to get to know the patient; 2) if the patient is in pain, to do whatever is necessary to alleviate the pain; 3) to perform an examination if the patient is to become a patient of record; 4) to make a diagnoses from the examination to determine what difficulties are present for the patient; and 5) propose a treatment plan to the patient and decide with the patient how to proceed. In addition to his criticism that Respondent did not present a comprehensive treatment plan, he opined that it was improper to begin a permanent bridge for C.D. without first addressing her periodontal disease and addressing the caries in her mouth. Respondent presented the expert testimony of Dr. James E. Haddix, D.M.D. Dr. Haddix graduated from the University of Florida College of Dentistry in 1977, and has been licensed in Florida since 1978. He has served on the faculty of the College of Dentistry since 1991, and is currently an associate professor and assistant dean for continuing dental education, and director of the comprehensive dentistry continuing education program. Dr. Haddix continues to practice dentistry through the University's Academic Enrichment Fund, which is a faculty practice clinic. In Dr. Haddix's opinion, Respondent did not fail to meet the appropriate standard of care. He did not believe that stabilizing an area of the mouth with a temporary bridge falls below the standard of care, and in his words, "you have to start somewhere, and he started in the area of the patient's chief complaint." Dr. Haddix also stated that a dentist cannot treat all areas of the mouth simultaneously, and it was permissible for him to treat one quadrant of the mouth at a time. Dr. Haddix's opinion did not change in light of the fact that Dr. Moffett took impressions for a permanent bridge. Dr. Moffett testified that he agreed that the periodontal disease in C.D.'s mouth needed to be treated before a permanent bridge could be placed. He consistently recommended periodontal treatment in the form of gross debridement, followed by root planing as necessary as a part of his treatment plan, and the patient continued to put if off. He testified that he planned to keep C.D. in the temporary bridge as long as necessary to stabilize her occlusion and her TMJ, and to address to the periodontal issues. If the patient continued to refuse to address the periodontal issues, then he would not have placed the permanent bridge, and ultimately did not do so. Dr. Moffett acknowledged that there was a good chance that once the periodontal treatment was completed and the TMJ addressed, new impressions would have to be taken for the permanent bridge, but testified that it was his policy not to charge the patient if a new impression was required. He agreed in principle with the sequence of treatment advocated by Dr. Jackson, but stated that his treatment was consistent with that sequence in that his stabilization of the lower left quadrant was designed to address her area of pain. After careful review of all of the evidence presented, the testimony of Dr. Moffett and Dr. Haddix is credited, and it is found that Dr. Moffett's treatment of patient C.D. did not fail to meet the minimum standards of performance in diagnosis and treatment when measured against generally prevailing peer performance.
Recommendation Upon consideration of the facts found and conclusions of law reached, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Board of Dentistry enter a Final Order dismissing the Amended Administrative Complaint. DONE AND ENTERED this 31st day of January, 2012, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S LISA SHEARER NELSON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of January, 2012.