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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Aug. 22, 2006 Number: 06-003116TTS Latest Update: Jul. 31, 2007

The Issue The issue to be resolved in this proceeding concerns whether the Leon County School District has just cause, as defined in Section 1012.34(3)(d), Florida Statutes (2006), to end the Respondent's tenured employment as a teacher, due to allegedly deficient performance.

Findings Of Fact The Respondent, Mr. Waters, has worked as a Special Education Teacher in Leon County for approximately 13 years. He most recently has worked in the field of Special Education at Oakridge Elementary School (Oakridge), starting in the school year 2001-2002 and ending in December 2005. Mr. Waters is married and has two children by a former wife, with whom he shares custody of his children. He has volunteered for 18 years as a Troop Leader for a troop of disabled Boy Scouts in Tallahassee. He has been recognized for those efforts by being the recipient of the Tallahassee Memorial Hospital Foundation's "everyday hero" award. He has also been a finalist for the Tallahassee area "volunteer of the year award" in 2005. When Mr. Waters was hired at Oakridge Elementary School he was interviewed by the head ESE teacher or "team leader", Donna George. He was chosen for the available position from three or four final applicants, based upon her favorable view of the qualities he could bring to the position, which she still believes to be the case. During the 2001-2002 school year the principal at Oakridge was Michelle Crosby. Ms. Hodgetta Huckaby was the Assistant Principal. Sometime during that school year Mr. Waters encountered a problem involving two of his students being engaged in an after school fight. He apparently referred the students for discipline to the Assistant Principal, Ms. Huckaby, and she sent the students back to his class. He disagreed with this disciplinary decision and appealed the matter to the principal, Ms. Crosby. Ms. Crosby resolved the disciplinary matter in favor of Mr. Waters' position. Ms. Huckaby thereupon called Mr. Waters to her office to upbraid him and express her anger at his having "gone over her head." After a heated exchange between the two she told the Respondent to "never come back into my office for any reason." Thereafter, for the remainder of his tenure at Oakridge their relationship was very strained, especially during the time Ms. Huckaby was Principal, which began at the beginning of the following year, the 2002-2003 school year, after Ms. Crosby left Oakridge and was replaced by Ms. Huckaby. In order to replace Ms. Huckaby's vacant former position as assistant principal, the District assigned Kim McFarland as the new assistant principal in the fall of 2002. Prior coming to the assistant principalship at Oakridge, Ms. McFarland had served as a fifth grade regular classroom teacher for 10 years in the District. She had no prior administrative experience and had no experience in Exceptional Student Education. Her degree field is in the area of elementary education. After the events at issue in this case, Ms. McFarland left Oakridge, on July 1, 2006, to become the assistant principal at Swiftcreek Middle School. Ms. Huckaby and Ms. McFarland jointly performed the annual evaluation of the Respondent for the 2002-2003 school year. They used the "Accomplished Teacher Performance Feed Back Summary Form." Mr. Waters's overall rating for that year was "at expectancy level." Ms. McFarland wrote several positive comments concerning his performance on that document, but he also received ratings of "below expectancy" in two areas, teacher performance improvement and professional development. Also, in the Spring of 2003, Ms. McFarland observed his class on or about April 23, 2003. She was positive about that evaluation and wrote Mr. Waters a note wherein she indicated that he had "presented a great lesson" and that his students were engaged and on task. She praised him for monitoring student behavior using a behavior management point system and found his room "exciting" because he displayed a great deal of students work on the walls. In the 2003-2004 school year, specifically in November 2003, Ms. McFarland informed Mr. Waters that his lesson plans were not adequate because he was failing to incorporate a new component which required that notations of student remedial reading levels be made, represented by "lower case" roman numerals. She required him to submit his lesson plans to be reviewed each Monday while he was seeking to improve his lesson plans. Thereafter, on April 26, 2004, Ms. McFarland notified the Respondent that he had satisfactorily complied with lesson plan requirements and no longer needed to submit lesson plans for review each Monday. She also emphasized in that letter of April 26, 2004, that he should adhere to his lesson plans, as prepared, in his teaching presentation to the extent possible, so that when administrators observed his room they would be able to determine exactly what he was performing at the time simply by looking at his lesson plan book. In the meantime, Mr. Waters was given an improvement notice on February 20, 2004, by Ms. McFarland. This was because of her concern that he was not fully cooperating with procedures and recommendations concerning behavior management; recommendations made by behavior management consultants on contract with the School Board. Those consultants were working with him and his emotionally handicapped (EH) student class at that time. During their meetings and contacts with Mr. Waters and his EH student class that year he had exhibited a good level of agreement and cooperation with their recommendations to him regarding changes in behavior management methodologies for his class, but the consultant, Dr. Adams, perceived that he was slow or reluctant to actually carry them out. Later in the spring of that school year, Dr. Adams took Mr. Waters on a tour at Kate Sullivan Elementary and another school, to observe how behavior management models or methodologies were employed in EH classes at those schools and which Dr. Adams opined he was later reluctant to implement in his own class. They communicated these concerns about his perceived intransigence in changing his behavioral management style or methodology to the administration at Oakridge, which resulted in the February 20, 2004, improvement notice from Ms. McFarland. Significantly, however, Ms. Haff, in her observations of the Respondent's performance during the following school year found that he had received the higher level of training in the "Champs program" concerning behavioral management, and had been and was successfully implementing it in his class and with his students to a great degree, although, of necessity, adapting it to the needs of his students and his role then as a resource teacher, rather than as a discrete EH classroom teacher during the following 2004-2005 school year. Ms. Huckaby changed his assignment from duty as a direct class EH teacher to that of "resource teacher" after the 2003-2004 school year. Mr. Waters had a meeting with Ms. McFarland on February 20, 2004, to discuss that improvement notice, and her concerns that he was not fully cooperating with the recommendations of the behavior management consultants in terms of not carrying out their recommendations. During the course of that meeting she stated, "You know its not me that’s behind this" implying to him that Ms. Huckaby was actually the instigator of the improvement notice concerning this subject matter. Apparently Mr. Waters contacted union officials for the Leon County Teachers Association (LCTA) complaining that the improvement notice was too general and did not specifically point out what must be done to correct the perceived problem. In response to those concerns, in part, Ms. McFarland issued a subsequent improvement notice on April 27, 2004, with a few more specific expectations and which updated the status of Mr. Waters's efforts to address the concerns raised in the February 20th revised improvement notice. Ms. McFarland observed Mr. Waters' class on March 11 and March 16 and did a "part A" teacher's assessment document for each observation. Mr. Waters was due to be evaluated using the Accomplished Teacher Summary Form for 2003-2004 and so the assessment part A form was not required to be completed for him. Nonetheless, Ms. McFarland told Mr. Waters that these were really informal observations and she was completing these observation forms in order to get some practice using them since it was her first year as an administrator, formally observing and evaluating teachers independent of Ms. Huckaby. The Respondent did not get a copy of these assessment part A documents until June of that year and did not get an opportunity to discuss them with Ms. McFarland. Ms. McFarland also completed the Accomplished Teacher Feedback Summary Form for the 2003-2004 school year. That form states that overall assessments must be satisfactory if all the required areas are completed. Ms. McFarland described Waters' performance unfavorably in the "comments" section of the form and gave him an overall performance rating of "below expectancy level." He received this Accomplished Teacher Summary Form rating document on or about September 22, 2004. During the month of October he inquired of Ms. McFarland, union officials, and school district officials concerning the meaning of his overall "below expectancy" rating for the 2003-2004 school year. Apparently an attorney for the school district informed him that the evaluation was considered satisfactory on the Accomplished Teachers Summary Form, unless school administrators produced an evaluation document that indicated an overall "needs improvement" rating. Ms. McFarland had informed him that the Accomplished Teacher document reflecting the below expectancy rating was his only official evaluation. Although Mr. Waters received confirmation that the use of the Accomplished Teachers Summary Form rendered his 2003-2004 evaluation to be automatically a satisfactory one, it is also clear that Ms. McFarland intended to give him the below expectancy rating and for some reason mistakenly used the wrong form and procedure. During October 2004 the Respondent met with Ms. Huckaby to discuss some matter unrelated to his performance rating. During the course of that meeting, at which only Ms. Huckaby and the Respondent were present, Ms. Huckaby became angry at the Respondent and engaged in a tirade, calling him "the worst teacher she had ever seen, as well as making other unprofessional comments." Mr. Waters then stated to the effect that he did not think he was such a bad teacher since he had consistently received satisfactory evaluations. Ms. Huckaby then indicated that she felt he had received a needs improvement evaluation for the 2003-2004 school year, to which Mr. Waters retorted that based upon the Accomplished Teachers Summary Form being used his evaluation was deemed to be satisfactory overall. Ms. Huckaby then angrily threatened him with an unsatisfactory evaluation for the upcoming 2004-2005 school year. Only a week or two elapsed after this meeting and comment by Ms. Huckaby when, at Ms. Huckaby's behest, Mr. Waters inclusion class was changed to a "pull-out reading group," meaning that he then had to work with a new reading curriculum and plan his own reading lessons using that curriculum instead of relying upon and carrying out the regular classroom teacher's daily lesson plan reading goals, which had been the program he had been instructed to perform previously. Ms. Eydie Sands was dispatched by Ms. Huckaby to observe Mr. Waters' reading class and made critical observations during follow-up meetings with Mr. Waters and Ms. Huckaby; the team-taught writing group jointly taught by Mr. Waters and Ms. Wacksman, which had worked well in rendering progress to the students in writing, was abruptly separated into two sections by Ms. Huckaby with no explanation or apparent reason; thereafter on approximately November 6, 2004, Ms. Huckaby gave Mr. Waters a lengthy letter of harsh criticism as to almost all aspects of his teaching performance and directed him to immediately comply with 13 directives contained in the letter. Additionally, Mr. Waters' 2004-2005 school year resource teacher schedule was changed five times, adding further confusion to an already difficult year, which started with a new classroom assignment. The new room was piled high with boxes of materials for many teachers and classrooms other than his own. This circumstance required him to spend his entire pre-planning time moving and clearing out his newly assigned room so that he could use it. Significant changes and requirements were imposed for lesson plans, student progress monitoring requirements, and the new A3 computerized IEP technology, as well as a substantially increased amount of related paperwork burdens placed upon all teachers at the school, including Mr. Waters, through Ms. Huckaby's policy directives. One directive in the November 6, 2004, letter from Ms. Huckaby required Mr. Waters to again submit weekly lesson plans to school administrators by 8:00 a.m. every Monday morning. The normal procedure provided for having lesson plans to be examined from time to time, after advance administration notice to the faculty of their lesson plan review dates. Despite lesson plan component changes made unilaterally by the administration in both the 2004-2005 and 2005-2006 school years which added several time-consuming, ill-defined requirements to the previous less formal structure for lesson plans, the Respondent's lesson plans during those years remained detailed and organized when compared to those of his fellow special education teachers who apparently were deemed to have performed this task appropriately. In carrying out this instruction Mr. Waters tried to obtain model lesson plans and to incorporate the new requirements into his plans. They were consistently unacceptable to Ms. Huckaby, however, and ultimately cited as one of the reasons for his termination recommendation. Similar, and even less detailed lesson plans of his colleagues that had been found acceptable, were not reviewed or remained the same even after administrators provided plan improvement instructions, without those teachers being subjected to discipline therefor. In an effort to comply with the directive concerning his lesson plans and because the new lesson plan components imposed were difficult to understand and reasonably apply, especially for an ESE teacher and students, Mr. Waters sought to obtain model plans and lesson plan advice, but received little or no meaningful help. His mentor teacher assigned for 2004-2005, Michelle Smith, did not respond to his request for samples of her lesson plans. The Oakridge administration gave him only limited excerpts of two teachers' lesson plans for 2004-2005, which were confusing and did not themselves comply with the new lesson plan format imposed that year. In the 2005-2006 year the Respondent was not asked to submit lesson plans on a weekly basis and received no assistance with lesson plans until Ms. Palazesi, who was observing his class or classes that fall, in early November, wrote a model lesson plan, adapted from one of his actual lessons. Ms. Palezesi, however, was not aware of the lesson plan requirements in place at Oakridge then, and even her lengthy lesson plan sample, for just one class period, did not meet all of Oakridge's lesson plan criteria imposed for 2005-2006. It is noteworthy that the lesson plans for 2004-2005 and 2005-2006 of teacher Charles Robshaw, also a resource teacher for Special Ed at Oakridge clearly do not comply with the lesson plan requirements. This fact serves to corroborate the Respondent's contention that only he was held strictly accountable for the administration's excessively detailed and to some extent non-germane lesson plan requirements. In both pertinent school years the Respondent was deemed deficient by Ms. Huckaby and Ms. McFarland in terms of timely or fully complying with student progress monitoring test data compilation requirements. The Respondent did keep abreast of his students daily classroom progress and maintained files on their work and test papers. In the 2004-2005 school year, however, in the early part of the year (September thorough mid- November) he encountered problems in timely complying with submitting the "cover sheet" student progress test data information as part of the curriculum notebook he was required to supply the administration, through the mechanism of either monthly or bi-weekly progress monitoring meetings between teachers and the administration. He was given a needs improvement notice as to this issue, and as the year progressed, he complied with these requirements. In the 2005-2006 school year he inadvertently missed the initial progress monitoring meeting because he became confused as to when his fourth grade team was supposed to meet for the progress monitoring session and he candidly admitted that was his own mistake. Ms. McFarland did not criticize him for that, but simply reminded him that he had missed the meeting. A subsequent meeting early in the fall of 2005 was scheduled with Ms. McFarland and he did attend with his notebook (or other required data) for a 3:00 p.m. meeting. He had an pre-existing appointment after school at 3:30, which he could not miss, and he informed Ms. McFarland of that fact. She excused him from the meeting. After those two early progress monitoring meeting discrepancies in September 2005, however, the Respondent complied with his progress monitoring requirements and those issues were not again raised with him, until raised as one of the reasons in Ms. Huckaby's final decision in late December 2005 as to why she recommended his termination. Significantly, the school administration only checked to see that teachers other than Mr. Waters had completed similar student data compilations only once or twice early in each school year. Subsequently, each year the administration was less interested in actually inspecting such data and course test score charts plotted on spread sheets/graphs by most teachers. In neither of the two school years in question was Mr. Waters given a full planning period or a week after students arrived to prepare for his resource assignment ESE students. These are privileges which were customarily given to resource teachers in prior years. Despite the meager planning time he was accorded on the administrator's schedule, in reality he lost significant valuable planning time by escorting students to and from classes and due to his morning duties. Adequate planning time is crucial to the work of special education teachers, particularly if one is deemed to be struggling with lesson planning, IEP preparation and timeliness issues, and related A3 IEP technology time demands. The Respondent asked for schedule changes to improve his ability to meet the new administration demands, as, for instance, to allow time during the day to input IEP requirements into the A3 system to prepare IEP documents, instead of at the end of the school day when all the ESE teachers were on the A3 system, which slowed it down drastically. Ms. Huckaby, however, never agreed to provide such schedule changes so that he could more efficiently use his planning time. Indeed, in the 2005-2006 school year, Ms. Huckaby scheduled Mr. Waters to spend 26.25 hours teaching students each week which is more than the 25 hour per week maximum teaching time provided by the collective bargaining agreement while still providing him less than a full class period of uninterrupted planning time. Sometime in the 2003-2004 school year the system for generating individual education plans (IEP) changed from paper IEPs or the so called "gibco" IEP system (apparently a school based software operated system) to a district-wide computer net system called the "A3 IEP." This was a difficult system to learn and to use in completing IEP's without mistakes in the first effort. The District made training available in 2004, particularly in the summer of 2004 and subsequently. It can take as much as three hours to create IEP's "from scratch" on the A3 system and to input all the necessary student demographic and test score history data to upgrade a previously hand-written or gibco-generated IEP in converting it to an A3 IEP. This is especially so for newly trained or partially trained teachers. Complicating these time constraints were the Respondent's limited planning time, with competing meetings being held in the conference room area where cumulative ("cume") folders were housed at Oakridge, which are necessary to the student data research required to generate the IEP's. Thus teacher access to the demographic and testing information needed for IEP completion was somewhat restricted at times. Moreover, Mr. Waters had his only significant block of continuous planning time, when he could work on IEP's, immediately after school. This is the time of day when the A3 IEP computer network operates very slowly because most of the ESE teachers in the entire district are attempting to use it immediately after school hours. These factors are part of the reasons Mr. Waters in the Spring of 2004 had an occasion when IEP's were prepared somewhat late and computer-generated progress reports on one occasion were submitted several days late. It is also true that the Respondent and Ms. Wacksman were not formally trained on the A3 system until late January 2005. This delay in receiving the A3 system training appears to have been due to both the Respondent's and Ms. Wackman's delay in seeking the training and the district's and the school's inattention to scheduling the training sessions. With regard to the occasion testified to by Ms. Petrick concerning his late preparation of, or need to correct mistakes in some IEPs, the Respondent established that he immediately corrected the minor mistakes in several of the IEPs he prepared and that, when Ms. Petrick contacted him about the need for him to make corrections, in several instances the corrections had already been made on the original IEP in question but had not gotten corrected on her copy. Moreover, four or five of the students who had to have corrected IEPs, or whose IEPs were submitted slightly late were students who the Respondent himself had identified to his administration as being wrongly placed by the administration. The students were supposed to have been in a fourth grade level program and instead were in a first or second grade level program. This necessitated re-constituting their IEPs. The Respondent, after alerting the administration to its error also completed the new IEPs on these students. In any event, it is true that Mr. Waters could have begun sooner and more timely prepared the IEPs involved and the same is true of the occasion when the somewhat late progress reports caused his reprimand by Ms. McFarland. It is also true, however, that the requirement of using the cumbersome A3 system to prepare IEPs, more particularly the lack of adequate usable planning time, and the somewhat chaotic effects of five schedule changes during that school year imposed by Ms. Huckaby also contributed to the issue encountered near the end of that year concerning timeliness and corrected IEPs. Although the Respondent received less than satisfactory evaluation ratings as to professionalism and ethics because of the issue regarding delays and mistakes in the IEPs described above, these were a small number of occurrences, concerning very few students, at one particular period of time in the school year. They did not cause any delay or other adverse effect in the provision of ESE services to students nor the loss of any federal, state, or other special education funds, or adverse effects on the school's rating. Moreover, this aspect of Mr. Waters' performance improved after this occasion. Ms. Huckaby and Ms. McFarland made significant changes in required lesson plan and progress monitoring formats, and student progress charting. These requirements were considerably more time demanding and were accompanied by rigid reliance on upgraded, scripted reading and standardized math curricula with the advent of the 2005-2006 school year. These new requirements were to be applied by all ESE teachers for their students. Ms. Huckaby imposed a severely time-constrained, scripted reading curriculum for Mr. Waters' class and also a mandatory new vocabulary program that took up to 15 minutes more of his reading class time block each day. She also required an additional fluency probe-recording requirement to be carried out weekly in all reading classes, including Mr. Waters', which required an average time for completion of five minutes per student. Mr. Waters' reading mastery (RM) curriculum required class time scheduled during the first ninety minutes of his day in the 2005-2006 year. This was clearly impossible to carry out and remain consistent with the RM program's lesson sequence requirements, particularly with the addition of the fluency probe and vocabulary project requirements that Mr. Waters and all teachers were required to include in their reading classes that year. In fact, the reading mastery schedule for Mr. Waters was impossible to carry out within the allotted time period, even when one was not additionally delivering the required vocabulary project lesson and doing the reading probe requirement. In this regard one of the individuals asked to assist Mr. Waters in the 2005-2006 school year was Donna Haff, of the FDLRS staff. Ms. Haff, in working with Mr. Waters, tried to develop a better means for him to address the RM scheduling problem. She began that effort by "model teaching" his scripted RM classes in order to better understand his problem. This means that she simply tried to teach the RM class herself to see if it could be done within the mandatory curriculum and time period in which Mr. Waters was required to do it. Despite her extensive experience and familiarity with RM curriculum and her experience teaching it as a trainer for teachers, Ms. Haff was unable to complete the RM lesson in the time allotted to Mr. Waters, even without performing the mandatory new vocabulary program or any reading fluency probe requirements. She concluded that his RM schedule could not reasonably be carried out. She informed Ms. Huckaby of that conclusion. Ms. Huckaby expressed her frustration to Ms. Haff concerning this problem by asking, "Do you realize how much time we have put into this?" Ms. Huckaby decided not to act on Ms. Haff's advice and decided not to make any changes in Mr. Waters' 2005-2006 RM schedule. On or about June 3, 2005, Ms. Huckaby imposed an improvement notice on Mr. Waters, listing items in his instruction and teaching management that she felt needed improvement and concomitantly imposing a 90-day probationary period running from a date in September through early December 2005. Making only two observations of Mr. Waters' teaching herself, she relied upon reports of Margot Palazesi's 13 observations of Mr. Waters' classroom and teaching during the 2005-2006 school year from generally September through December. Ms. Palazesi's primary expertise, however, was in IEP compliance, IDEA compliance and grant funding compliance. She has a great deal of training in exceptional student education including a PHD degree, but she was not trained or qualified to work within and with regard to Leon County's performance observation and assessment for teacher evaluation, as either an administrator or a classroom mentor. Ms. Palazesi was unfamiliar with the lesson plan requirements at Oakridge and with the CHAMPS behavioral program requirements. She acknowledged that she understood Mr. Waters had the CHAMPS program implemented in the behavioral management aspect of his class and teaching, but she had little familiarity with what it entailed. She did acknowledge, however, that he had an award system for behavior and academic performance for his students built into and actively followed in his classroom. Ms. Palazesi also was not certified in reading and had not taught a reading mastery class in 20 years. Nonetheless, she made 8 of her 13 observations of Mr. Waters' teaching in his RM class. She did not have any understanding of the impossible double-scripted reading class schedule for his two reading groups that he was required by Ms. Huckaby to execute within the 90 minute time block. Through her interaction with Mr. Waters she came to understand from him that there was more material in the double-scripted reading curriculum than could be delivered in the 90 minute period, as Ms. Haff's testimony also showed. Ms. Palazesi, nonetheless, criticized his lecture teaching style, without acknowledging that that teaching method might have been effectively imposed on Mr. Waters in large part due to the impractical time constraints placed upon his delivery of the reading program, the vocabulary requirement and the reading fluency assessment requirement, imposed on him by Ms. Huckaby. Ms. Palazesi also noted, early in her observations, that Mr. Waters did not, in her view, engage in a review of material previously instructed, as, for instance, the day before, or inform the students what they would be learning in the lesson that day. Concerning one or more of her October observances, however, she acknowledged in her testimony that he had done that or started doing that. Moreover, one of her notations was acknowledged by her to be inaccurate in that she criticized him for not doing an introductory portion to his lesson, but then acknowledged that she had arrived some 10 minutes late, missing that portion of his lesson for that day. She also acknowledged that he was receptive to following her suggestions for improvements she thought should be made in his classroom management, in terms of assigning student desks, changing the arrangement of the room as to where a work table was placed, etc., and he did so. Ms. Palazesi also noted that he had a very good rapport with his students, and that his students behaved well and did their work in his classroom. They were on task much of the time. Although she criticized him for departing from his lesson plan on her first observation, in later observations she acknowledged he appeared to adhere more to his lesson plan. Ms. Palazesi was ostensibly dispatched to Mr. Waters' classroom to provide him technical ESE department-type assistance. However, she primarily engaged in making suggestions concerning ways that Mr. Waters could improve otherwise acceptable lessons and lesson plans and make improvements to his classroom management and the physical layout of his classroom. She acknowledges in her testimony that this was an exercise that she could have undertaken in any teacher's classroom and instructional regimen, and could have found ways to suggest improvements. Her suggestions, however, to the extent they were criticisms, appeared to have been relied on, and, inferentially, used to corroborate Ms. Huckaby's negative findings. During the second part of the 2004-2005 school year and the first half 2005-2006 school year Mr. Waters used computer technology in his classroom. He received advice from Ms. Donna Haff on how to incorporate it as a relevant and exciting way to reinforce his course curriculum and began doing so. In each of the 2004-2005 and 2005-2006 school years, he used power point technology in the form of game show question and answer formats ("Who Wants to be a Millionaire," "Jeopardy," and "Hollywood Squares/Tic Tac Toe"). He also employed other types of computer technology in his classroom on a regular basis, whether or not they were also noted in his lesson plans or were specifically observed by Ms. Huckaby, Ms. McFarland, or Ms. Palazesi. He demonstrated an ability to incorporate technology into his classroom instruction at least as effectively as most of his colleagues. Despite this fact and Ms. Huckaby's own praise for Mr. Waters' use of power point technology as a reinforcement tool in her December 14, 2005, observation, Ms. Huckaby still asserted to the Superintendent of the District in her letter recommendation for his termination that Mr. Waters did not adequately incorporate technology into his teaching and claimed that the December 14, 2005, lesson where she observed his use of technology marked "the first and only time he has integrated technology in the teaching and learning process." If Ms. Huckaby had made adequate observations of his teaching and his classes, or had even adequately conferred with Ms. Haff, she would have known of the extent of his use of technology in the classroom (or else perhaps she knew it and disregarded it). This statement to the Superintendent is one of the indicators of the level of bias Ms. Huckaby bore towards Mr. Waters. Most of the ESE teachers, including Ms. George, Mr. Waters, and Ms. Wacksman customarily do not employ computerized grading of their students because of the unique, singular nature of each ESE student's problems, learning styles, abilities, and each ESE student's goals and the varying curriculum and social needs of each ESE student. These and the other individualized differences among ESE students render a hand-written old fashioned grade book the most effective way to make a record of each student's progress toward that student's IEP- codified goals. Ms. Huckaby gave Mr. Waters a negative rating in the area of technology use partly because he did not use a computerized grading system, but neither did any other ESE teacher at Oakridge. Mr. Waters was singled out for criticism for that aspect of his teaching and the others were not. All teachers at Oakridge, particularly ESE teachers, during both the relevant school years, worked under increasing lesson plan requirements and student performance monitoring and documentation requirements and changes, as well as curriculum changes and related paperwork and time constraints. These were very stressful and no doubt were related in a significant part to the fact that the school had slipped from a "C" rating to a "D" rating on Ms. Huckaby's watch as principal. This no doubt caused significant tension and anxiety for all concerned on the instructional staff and in the administration. Only Mr. Waters, however, was held strictly accountable to all deadlines and all aspects of the burdensome documentation requirements and time constraints imposed during those two school years. In the context of his limited planning time, the excessive student contact time scheduled for him in 2005-2006, the delays he encountered in getting A3 IEP System training (some of which were self-inflicted), the difficulties encountered in gaining sufficient access to the conference room where the cume folders were maintained in order to comply with progress monitoring requirements, as well as the repeated schedule changes to his 2004-2005 assignment schedule and the time constraints of his 2005-2006 reading mastery schedule, put the Respondent in a position where it was impossible for him to timely and fully comply with every requirement imposed on him. Ms. Huckaby's close monitoring of the Respondent, as compared to other teachers, under such circumstances, is reflective of her bias in favor of a recommendation of termination. It impelled her, Ms. McFarland and Ms. Palazesi to document and exaggerate the significance of every minor error or omission that involved Mr. Waters. Arranging for ESE meetings, monitoring and complying with deadlines related to IEP's, monitoring ESE consult situations and completing all IEP-related paperwork are the responsibilities of the assigned ESE teacher. The carrying out of these tasks, however, often involves frequent communications among, and timely cooperation with several other people, such as other ESE teachers, regular classroom teachers, school administrators, the District Staffing Specialist, and the ESE students' parents. Mistakes, delays, and miscommunications concerning these ESE teacher responsibilities will occur and while they are not desirable they are not unusual. When such problems arise they are normally corrected by all persons involved as quickly and cooperatively as possible without resort to blame. Although Ms. Petrick became critical of paperwork problems and delays Mr. Waters was responsible for in the last half 2004-2005 school year, Oakridge school lost no federal funding because of them nor was it shown that any students suffered in academic or behavioral progress because of them. It is noteworthy that the IEP-related deficiencies concerning Mr. Waters began to arise only in the second half of the 2004- 2005 school year around the same time that critical memoranda from both Ms. Huckaby and Ms. McFarland were becoming the norm. In any event, Mr. Waters improved in these areas in the 2005-2006 school year. Mr. Waters received little of the help promised him in the September 2005 revised improvement notice document. He did not have a national board-certified mentor assigned him for 2005- 2006, did not get to meet with consultants from the Reading Mastery Plus Program, "Open Court," the "Great Leaps," or the Harcourt Brace Mathematics Programs. He did not meet with anyone from the Florida Inclusion Network. The administration did not provide adequate or meaningful assistance to him in either school year, but rather denied, delayed answering, or ignored his specific requests for more planning time, model lesson plans which would comply with Ms. Huckaby's lesson plan changes and requirements, relief from his impossible RM schedule for 2005- 2006, and his request for a transfer to another school. Instead of providing practical help to him (with the exception of Dr. Adams), the District focused its "assistance" mostly upon sending more staff and district employees to observe him and provide resulting reports to Ms. Huckaby. (Ms. Smith and Ms. Sands in 2004-2005 and Ms. Palazesi in 2005-2006.) During the 2005-2006 school year Mr. Waters work was being scrutinized over the 90 day performance improvement probationary period imposed by Ms. Huckaby which ended on December 8, 2005. During that time, however, his classroom activities were observed only once by Ms. Huckaby, on November 8, 2005. Ms. Huckaby's second observation of him took place nearly a week after the end of the probation period and was two and one- half hours long. It resulted in a critical observation report based primarily upon the last third of that classroom time when Mr. Waters had a formal lesson plan to take his writing class students to a "writing boot camp" session to be attended by all fourth grade teachers and students. Ms. Huckaby, however, refused to let him follow his lesson plan for that day's writing class and insisted that he teach the group there in his room. It was the last day his writing class would meet before the Christmas break which is why he planned to let them go to the writing boot camp with students from other classes on that day. There were no lesson plans for the rest of that week that he could adapt to the remaining one- third of his class that day, with the students unexpectedly present because of Ms. Huckaby's order; it was the last day of school before the Christmas break, and lesson plans for the next day or other days remaining in the week were thus unnecessary. Nevertheless, Ms. Huckaby made negative comments concerning allegedly inadequate planning for his writing group for the class that day after she concluded her observation. Ms. Huckaby had access to Mr. Waters' lesson plans for his December 14, 2005, class and before her observations that day. She had previously reviewed his lesson plans while observing his class to be sure he was precisely following those plans as he had often been instructed to do. She no doubt reviewed his plans for the December 14th lesson and had to have seen the writing boot camp entry. Nevertheless, she refused to let his students attend the writing boot camp. It was by this means that she was able to document a purportedly inadequately planned writing class activity for that day and then relied upon those negative comments in support of her termination recommendation to the superintendent which, inferentially, she had already decided to write. Ms. Huckaby only observed Mr. Waters classroom activities one time during the probationary period. Her only other observation of his classroom activities occurred on the December 14, 2005, occasion, approximately a week after the probation period ended. School administrators, however, are required to periodically evaluate and apprise teachers of their progress during such a 90-day probationary period, which Ms. Huckaby did not do.1/ The Respondent was confronted with a significant increase in time consuming paperwork/reporting requirements lesson plan requirements and the other burdens depicted in the above findings of fact, which Ms. Huckaby placed upon him. Other teachers and ESE teachers had to contend with some of these as well, although to a lesser extent and with less micro- management by Ms. Huckaby. Nonetheless, the Respondent made significant improvements in teaching methods, lesson plan quality and organization, classroom organization, the variety of planned classroom activities and his technology-supported lesson delivery methods. Mr. Waters was effective enough in his teaching and had made sufficient progress so that he received the second highest number of votes for "teacher of the year" from Oakridge's faculty and staff. He thus only ranked behind one revered teacher who had received the award before and who had more recently received the most votes, but declined the award in order to allow someone else to get it. Mr. Waters complied with all reasonable requests made of him, by and large, and in those areas of less than acceptable compliance made the necessary improvements in his compliance. He satisfactorily executed his job duties in both 2004-2005 and 2005-2006 school years as long as he was at Oakridge. Notwithstanding those improvements in performance, Ms. Huckaby continued to evaluate him as if he had made no improvements, pronouncing in June 2005 the results she had angrily promised him in their October 2004 meeting. She re- confirmed that negative assessment in December 2005 with her termination recommendation, made with only one observation by her during the actual period of his 90-day probationary status. Mr. Waters' teaching and classroom management performance in 2004-2005 as well as 2005-2006 and Ms. Huckaby's and Ms. McFarland's criticism of it, culminating in the termination recommendation by Ms. Huckaby, did not result and was not predicated on his students' FCAT scores. Ms. Huckaby admitted as much in her testimony as to both relevant years. The Petitioner attempted, in its rebuttal case only, to introduce test-related evidence that students of Mr. Waters in the 2004-2005 school year did not do well on standardized tests. That exhibit, and the information it was prepared from, however, were not made available at the hearing, during discovery, were not disclosed in the pre-hearing stipulation, and were not disclosed as a reason for Mr. Waters' performance criticism and termination by any charging document, notice or pleading by the Petitioner made a part of this record. The Petitioner in essence was using or attempting to use the proffered Exhibit 46 to buttress its case-in-chief because it was not rebuttal of anything raised or offered in the Respondent's case. Therefore, it was excluded on the basis that it constituted improper rebuttal evidence and, moreover, because of the non-disclosure problem referenced above, was not admissible on due process of law and "notice pleading" principles. Moreover, the information included in the charts in Petitioner's proffered Exhibit 46 is misleading with respect to comparative student progress issues by teacher. There is confusion as to which student was the pupil of Mr. Waters or another ESE teacher or teachers. It is difficult to determine based upon that exhibit, and the testimony proffered concerning it, an accurate comparison of student progress by the students depicted under Mr. Waters's teaching performance versus that of other teachers. Further, the "Writes Upon Request" chart comparison contained in Petitioner's Exhibit 48 and the testimony related to it, was clearly not a reason used or considered in lodging performance-related criticism against Mr. Waters or ultimately in the decision to terminate him. It clearly could not have been considered until several months after Mr. Waters had been removed from the Oakridge school. Had those Writes Upon Request chart results been considered by Ms. Huckaby in the context of this case, they would not serve as preponderant evidence of sub- standard performance by Mr. Waters, considering the other evidence of the circumstances and abilities of his students in conjunction with his performance. Mr. Waters is at minimum an adequate teacher and in some aspects of his performance a superior teacher, as, for instance, in his ability to advance his students' performance in writing and in terms of his ability to motivate his students and establish a good rapport, with an interest in learning, in his students. His classroom management skills, instructional methods and classroom demeanor fall within the parameters of acceptable performance and behavior as a teacher and an ESE teacher. He consistently and successfully relied upon his own behavior management reward system for his students, employed the Champs Program in his classroom and was successful at motivating his students to enjoy learning. In demonstrating a very good rapport with his students, he always created a classroom environment of mutual respect that is conducive to student learning and his students were learning. His overall performance for both school years at issue was objectively satisfactory despite Ms. Huckaby's biased assessment of his performance during those years and in her ultimate termination recommendation. In fact, the excessive number of areas of criticism by Ms. Huckaby concerning Mr. Waters job performance made it quite difficult to demonstrate mastery of every criticized area, much less to demonstrate it all in only two formal observation attempts by Ms. Huckaby. Ms. Donna George is a 21-year career ESE teacher. She has a master's degree in the areas of learning disabilities, emotional handicap, and varying exceptionalities. She has spent 13 of her teaching years at Oakridge school. She is the ESE Department Team Leader at Oakridge, as well as the "technology contact" teacher, who trains and assists other teachers in implementation of technology programs and equipment at Oakridge. She assists in teacher technology training. She is also a National Board Certified ESE Teacher. Ms. George is thus a leader on the staff at Oakridge. She has observed in ESE meetings and in school-wide faculty meetings, throughout Ms. Huckaby's tenure as Principal, that Ms. Huckaby has an autocratic, dictatorial management style, and an aversion to allowing commentary or questions regarding her policies, directives or programs at Oakridge. Ms. Huckaby has demonstrated little tolerance for questions or comments she perceives to reflect less than complete agreement with her positions or policies. Indeed, although Ms. George is the ESE team leader, she seldom has asked questions or sought clarifications of Ms. Huckaby during such meetings, because of her fear that she would be yelled at, treated with disdain, anger or even with reprisal. Such has also been the experience of Ms. Wacksman and others. Ms. George established that Ms. Huckaby's management style had driven many good teachers away from Oakridge. A survey by the district staff concerning long-term teacher retention rates showed that Oakridge had the lowest retention rate at 17 percent. The next lowest school in the survey had approximately 30 percent retention rate. This survey encompassed the period beginning with the 1999-2000 school year to present. Ms. George observed that Ms. Huckaby often responded to questions or comments from Mr. Waters with both verbal and non-verbal ques, such as eye rolling or turning away or other mannerisms, that generally showed disdain for his questions or his opinions. Ms. George unequivocally opined upon cross- examination by the Petitioner that Ms. Huckaby clearly does not like having Mr. Waters on her staff and was "out to get him." According to Ms. George, Mr. Waters asked questions more frequently than others in faculty meetings, but his questions generally were reasonable ones. He apparently also would attempt to make humorous comments, at times which often irritated Ms. Huckaby and other teachers as well. It is likely that some of his motivation to question Ms. Huckaby and her motivation to treat him with disdain, stemmed from their strained relationship starting with the student disciplinary incident described above. In any event, Ms. George's testimony is accepted in establishing that Ms. Huckaby had a bias in favor of removing the Respondent from her staff, which colored her judgment in making many of her criticisms of his teaching, which long pre-dated his probationary period and which, along with her scant actual observations of his instructional prowess, caused some of his improvements to be overlooked or disregarded, and which caused him to be evaluated more critically than his colleagues as to some performance requirements. In fact, the preponderant evidence establishes that in an objective sense his performance as a teacher, although not flawless, was acceptable and improved in a number of areas. As found in more detail above, in consideration of the circumstances imposed on him by the school administration, in his capacity as a resource teacher, with the time and schedule constraints and disadvantages that status entails, he performed in at least a satisfactory way in the 2004-2005 and 2005-2006 years at issue.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing findings of fact, conclusions of law, the evidence of record, the candor and demeanor of the witnesses, and the pleadings and arguments of the parties, it is, therefore, RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by the Leon County School Board re-instating the Respondent to a similar special education teaching position, with reimbursement for lost wages and benefits, in a manner so as to be "made whole" from the date of termination. DONE AND ENTERED this 31st day of July, 2007, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S P. MICHAEL RUFF Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of July, 2007.

Florida Laws (4) 1008.221012.34120.569120.57
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Dec. 18, 2014 Number: 14-006002 Latest Update: Jul. 14, 2015

The Issue Whether Jose R. Bustos (Respondent) committed the acts alleged in the Revised Notice of Specific Charges filed by the Miami-Dade County School Board (the School Board) on March 6, 2015, and whether the School Board has good cause to terminate Respondent’s employment as a school security monitor.

Findings Of Fact At all times material hereto, the School Board has been the constitutional entity authorized to operate, control, and supervise the public schools in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Braddock High is a public school in Miami-Dade County, Florida. The School Board hired Respondent on September 19, 2001, as a school security monitor assigned to Braddock High, the position Respondent continuously held until the date of the disciplinary action at issue. At all times material hereto, Respondent’s employment was governed by the collective bargaining agreement between the School Board and the United Teachers of Dade, the rules and regulations of the School Board, and Florida law. Braddock High is a large school in terms of student population and campus size. Braddock High employs 12 full-time security monitors. While it is common practice to hire a substitute for an absent teacher, Braddock High does not employ a substitute security monitor to replace an absent security monitor. If a security monitor is absent on any given day, the schedules of the other security monitors must be adjusted to avoid a breech in security. Respondent has been documented for poor attendance since April 2006. DECEMBER 4, 2009, MEMORANDUM Manuel S. Garcia has been the principal of Braddock High for the last 13 years. On December 4, 2009, Mr. Garcia issued to Respondent a memorandum on the subject “Absence from Worksite Directive.” From October 2009 to December 2009, Respondent accumulated 13.5 absences1/ of which 7.5 were unauthorized. The 7.5 unauthorized absences were categorized as “Leave Without Pay Unauthorized (LWOP-U)”. The memorandum issued by Mr. Garcia as Respondent’s supervisor, provided, in part, as follows: Because your absence from duties adversely impacts the work environment, particularly in the effective operation of this worksite, you are apprised of the following procedures concerning your future absences: Be in regular attendance and on time. Intent to be absent must be communicated directly to a designated site supervisor, Mr. Manuel S. Garcia, principal or Dr. Edward G. Robinson, assistant principal. Absences for illness must be documented by your treating physician and a written note presented to the designated site supervisor upon your return to the site. Your future absences will be reported as LWOU [sic] (unauthorized) until you provide the required documentation to show that you qualify for Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) or other leave of absence. If it is determined that future absences are imminent, leave just [sic] be requested and procedures for Board approved leave implemented, and the FMLA or ADA requirements, if applicable, must be complied with. These directives are in effect upon receipt of this notice and are necessary to prevent adverse impact to students and their academic progress and to ensure continuity of the educational program and to maintain effective worksite operations. Please be assured that assistance will continue to be provided to facilitate your regular attendance. Non-compliance with the directives will be considered a violation of professional responsibilities. APRIL 23, 2010, CONFERENCE FOR THE RECORD On April 23, 2010, Respondent was required by Mr. Garcia to attend a Conference for the Record. The purposes of the conference were to address Respondent’s non-compliance with School Board Rule 6Gx13-4A-1.21 (Responsibilities and Duties) and his insubordination to attendance directives. Between January 19, 2010, and April 6, 2010, Respondent was absent 14.5 days without communicating his intent to be absent to the principal or the assistant principal. As part of the conference, Mr. Garcia reiterated in writing to Respondent the directives pertaining to attendance set forth in the December 4, 2009, memorandum. Mr. Garcia advised Respondent that “[a]ny non-compliance with these directives will compel [sic] gross insubordination and will compel further disciplinary measures.” Mr. Garcia provided Respondent with a copy of School Board rules 6Gx13-4A.1.21 (Responsibilities and Duties) and 6Gx13-4E-1.01 (Absences and Leave). Mr. Garcia issued Respondent a referral to the School Board’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP). There was no evidence that Respondent used that referral. For the 2009-2010 school year, Respondent was absent a total of 28.5 days of which 17.5 days were unauthorized. DECEMBER 8, 2011, MEMORANDUM OF CONCERN On December 8, 2011, Mr. Garcia issued to Respondent a Memorandum of Concern addressing his excessive absences. Within less than five months into the 2010-11 school year, Respondent had accumulated 15 absences of which 8 were unauthorized. Respondent was informed that he was in violation of School Board Policy 4430 - Leaves of Absence.2/ Additionally, he was directed to report any future absence to Mr. Medina, the assistant principal. DECEMBER 5, 2012, MEMORANDUM On December 5, 2012, Mr. Garcia issued Respondent another memorandum addressing his absences. Mr. Garcia noted that Respondent had been absent a total of 11 days during the 2012-2013 school year. Respondent’s absence on November 21, 2012, was unauthorized. Mr. Garcia reiterated the directives as to absenteeism he had given to Respondent on December 4, 2009, and April 23, 2010. SEPTEMBER 10, 2013, MEMORANDUM On September 10, 2013, Mr. Garcia issued Respondent another memorandum addressing his absences. Between September 27, 2012, and August 29, 2013, Respondent had 36.5 absences, 19.5 of which were unauthorized leave. Mr. Garcia reiterated the directives as to absenteeism he had given to Respondent on December 4, 2009; April 23, 2010; and December 12, 2012. Mr. Garcia stated to Respondent that he considered Respondent’s actions of failing to abide by the attendance directives to be insubordination. OCTOBER 16, 2013, CONFERENCE FOR THE RECORD On October 16, 2013, Mr. Garcia conducted a Conference for the Record with Respondent to address Respondent’s attendance, his failure to abide by the previously issued directives, and his future employment with the School Board. Between September 30 and October 4, 2013, Respondent was absent without authorization. For three of those four days, Respondent did not notify anyone at Braddock High that he would be absent. Mr. Garcia reiterated the directives he had given to Respondent on December 4, 2009; April 23, 2010; December 12, 2012; and September 10, 2013. Mr. Garcia advised Respondent again that failure to comply with directives would be deemed gross insubordination. Mr. Garcia again provided Respondent with a copy of School Board Policy 4430 - Leaves of Absence. Mr. Garcia provided to Respondent a second referral to the EAP. In addition, Mr. Garcia gave Respondent contact information for four School Board Departments (including the name and telephone number of each department’s director). Those departments were Civil Rights Compliance; Leave, Retirement, and Unemployment; Human Resources – Americans with Disabilities Act; and EAP.3/ On October 18, 2013, Mr. Garcia issued a written reprimand to Respondent based on his absenteeism and his repeated failure to notify administrators in advance of absences. JANUARY 16, 2014, CONFERENCE FOR THE RECORD On January 10, 2014, Mr. Garcia issued to Respondent a Notice of Abandonment based on Respondent’s absence from work for the workweek beginning January 6, 2014, and his failure to communicate in advance with any school administrator about the absences. On January 16, 2014, Mr. Garcia conducted a Conference for the Record to address Respondent’s attendance. Respondent’s unauthorized absence for an entire week and his failure to abide by the previously issued directives prompted the Conference for the Record. Mr. Garcia also discussed Respondent’s future employment with the School Board. Mr. Garcia advised Respondent that the directives that had been repeatedly reiterated to Respondent were still in full force and effect. Mr. Garcia advised Respondent that failure to adhere to those directives would be considered gross insubordination. Mr. Garcia gave Respondent copies of the applicable School Board policies, including a copy of School Board Policy 4430–Leaves of Absence, and 4210-Standards of Ethical Conduct. Mr. Garcia issued Respondent a letter of reprimand. MARCH 12, 2014, CONFERENCE FOR THE RECORD Following the written reprimand in January 2014, Respondent was absent without authorization on six consecutive school days in February 2014. On March 12, 2014, Carmen Gutierrez, the district director of the Office of Professional Standards, conducted a Conference for the Record with Respondent because of Respondent’s history of absenteeism and his unauthorized absences in 2014. Ms. Gutierrez issued to Respondent the same directives Mr. Garcia had repeatedly issued to Respondent. Ms. Gutierrez informed Respondent that his failure to follow directives constituted gross insubordination. The Summary of the Conference for the Record contains the following: You were given the opportunity to respond to your excessive absenteeism. You stated that you had a family problem, a family member that was sick and you were helping them [sic] out. Ms. Hiralda Cruz-Ricot spoke on your behalf stating that you had been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and it impedes your ability to do things. She added that you were recently diagnosed and are not undergoing treatment. Ms. Cruz-Ricot said that you would be producing doctor’s notes since Mr. Garcia remarked that he had only received one doctor’s note dated October 18, 2013 from Broward Psychological Services. MAY 7, 2014, SUSPENSION At the School Board meeting on May 7, 2014, the School Board took action to suspend Respondent without pay for fifteen workdays for just cause, including, but not limited to: gross insubordination, excessive absenteeism, non-performance and deficient performance of job responsibilities, and violation of School Board Policies 4210-Standards of Ethical Conduct, 4210.01-Code of Ethics, 4230–Leaves of Absence. Respondent was notified of the Board’s action via a letter dated September 4, 2014. JUNE 3, 2014, NOTICE OF ABANDONMENT Respondent was due back from his suspension on May 29, 2014. Respondent failed to show up for work on May 29th, May 30th, June 2nd, and June 3rd. Respondent was mailed another Notice of Abandonment. Respondent provided no explanation for his leave. At the beginning of the following school year on August 19, 2014, Mr. Garcia reiterated the directives as to absenteeism that had been repeatedly given to Respondent by Ms. Gutierrez and by Mr. Garcia. OCTOBER 28, 2014, CONFERENCE FOR THE RECORD Respondent failed to report to work for four consecutive school days beginning September 29, 2014. As a result, on October 28, 2014, Ms. Gutierrez conducted a Conference for the Record with Respondent to address Respondent’s absenteeism, gross insubordination, non-performance and deficient performance of job responsibilities and violation of School Board Policies 4210-Standards of Ethical Conduct, 4210.01-Code of Ethics, 4230–Leaves of Absence. On December 9, 2014, Respondent received a letter informing him that the Superintendent of Schools would be recommending that the School Board suspend Respondent’s employment without pay and initiate proceedings to terminate that employment. At its regularly scheduled meeting on December 10, 2014, the School Board suspended Respondent’s employment and instituted these proceedings to terminate his employment. FAILURE TO COMMUNICATE In addition to the excessive absenteeism set forth above, between October 2009 and December 2014, Respondent repeatedly failed to communicate in advance with any administrator that he would be absent on days he failed to appear for work. DEPRESSION Respondent’s only exhibit was a letter from Dr. Maribel Agullera, a psychiatrist. This letter confirms that Respondent has been diagnosed with “Mayor Depressive Disorder, Recurrent, Moderate” and “Alcohol Dependence.” The exhibit also confirms that Respondent is on medication. Respondent testified, credibly, that he was diagnosed with depression before 2001, the year he first started working at Braddock High. Respondent testified he has suffered from depression for most of his adult life and that all of his absences were related to depression. There was no other evidence to support the contention that Respondent’s repeated absences should be attributed to depression. In the absence of competent medical evidence to support Respondent’s contention, the undersigned declines to find that Respondent’s excessive absenteeism and his failure to appropriately communicate with school administrators over a five-year period was attributable to depression.4/

Recommendation The following recommendations are based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law: It is RECOMMENDED that the Miami-Dade County School Board enter a final order adopting the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law set forth in this Recommended Order. It is further RECOMMENDED that the final order terminate the employment of Jose R. Bustos. DONE AND ENTERED this 11th day of May, 2015, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S CLAUDE B. ARRINGTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 11th day of May, 2015.

Florida Laws (4) 1.011012.40120.569120.57
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Nov. 05, 2012 Number: 12-003603TTS Latest Update: Nov. 08, 2019

The Issue Whether just cause exists for Petitioner to suspend Respondent without pay and terminate her employment as a teacher.

Findings Of Fact The Parties Petitioner is a duly constituted school board charged with operating, controlling, and supervising all free public schools within the School District of Miami-Dade County, Florida, pursuant to Florida Constitution Article IX, section 4(b), and section 1012.23, Florida Statutes. At all times relevant to these proceedings, Respondent was employed as a teacher in the Miami-Dade County Public Schools District pursuant to a professional services contract. In the 2011-2012 school year, Respondent was employed as a science teacher at Homestead Middle School. In the 2012-2013 school year, until she was suspended pending the outcome of this proceeding, Respondent was employed as a math teacher at the Alternative Outreach Program, 5000 Role Models location.1/ At all times relevant to these proceedings, Respondent's employment with Petitioner was governed by Florida law, Petitioner's policies, and the collective bargaining agreement between Miami-Dade County Public Schools and the United Teachers of Dade ("UTD Contract"). Events Giving Rise to these Proceedings The 2011-2012 School Year Respondent began teaching eighth grade science at Homestead Middle School ("HMS") in August 2011. The 2011-2012 school year for students began on August 22, 2011. The workday hours for teachers at HMS for the 2011-2012 school year were from 7:25 a.m. to 2:45 p.m., Monday through Friday. The persuasive evidence establishes that Respondent was informed of this schedule when she was interviewed for her teaching position, and again so informed during the first faculty meeting of the school year. Pursuant to the UTD contract, the teacher work hours per day in the Miami-Dade Public Schools consist of seven hours and 20 minutes, including a one-hour planning period. The UTD Contract provides that teachers may, with the approval of the work-site administrator (i.e., the principal) modify their workday schedule, such as adjusting the beginning time of the teacher's workday, provided that such modification does not interfere with the overall number of hours worked. This provision affords a principal the authority and discretion to modify a teacher's workday schedule. The student school day hours for HMS began at 7:35 a.m., when the first bell rang and students began entering their classrooms, and ended at 2:20 p.m. Students were to be in their classrooms by 7:40 a.m. for a homeroom period, immediately followed by the first instructional period consisting of a literacy block. The student school day schedule is set by the Miami-Dade County School Board and the school principal is not authorized to change it. Pursuant to HMS's established procedure, if a teacher was going to be absent, he or she must call the absence hotline at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the teacher workday. Shortly after the beginning of the 2011-2012 school year, Respondent began being tardy to work. HMS Principal Rachelle Surrancy or one of the HMS assistant principals would note Respondent's arrival time, either by being in the front of the school when she arrived2/ or by having to open the door to her classroom to let her homeroom class students in if she arrived after the late bell had rung. Surrancy verbally reminded Respondent of the school's starting time, then held an informal meeting with her on or about September 7, 2011, to remind her of the same. Respondent's young son suffers from a range of significant health conditions, including asthma, gastrointestinal reflux, apnea, pneumonia, lactose intolerance, allergic rhinitis, and eczema. He requires extensive care for these conditions, and Respondent was required to administer breathing treatments and other care on a daily basis. During flare-ups of her son's conditions, Respondent needed to take medical leave to provide that care. On or about September 20, 2011, Respondent submitted to Surrancy an Intermittent Leave Request Medical Certification form under the Family and Medical Leave Act ("FMLA") (hereafter "FMLA Form")3/ requesting approval for Respondent to periodically take leave due to the intermittent illness of her young son. The FMLA form was completed and signed by Respondent's son's physician. Based on the child's medical history, the physician estimated that Respondent would need to take FMLA leave every two to three months, for a period lasting two to three days. Notwithstanding Surrancy's admonitions, Respondent continued to be tardy to work. During the first 25 days of the school year, Respondent was tardy 16 of those days. Most of the tardies entailed an arrival time of between two and five minutes late, but some entailed arrival times as much as 25 to 35 minutes late. When Respondent arrived after 7:40 a.m. (15 minutes late), her colleagues in the science department were placed in the position of having to cover her class until she arrived. As a result of Respondent's continued tardiness, on September 28, 2011, Surrancy issued a Punctuality to Work Directive ("Directive") to Respondent regarding her punctuality and attendance.4/ The Directive reminded Respondent that punctuality and attendance were essential components of her teaching position, and that as a faculty member, she served as a role model to other employees and student. Respondent was apprised that she was to arrive at work on time and sign in daily by 7:25 a.m. If she was going to be tardy, she was to communicate that to an assistant principal or to Surrancy. Surrancy explained that compliance with these directives was necessary to prevent adverse impact to the students and their academic progress, to ensure continuity of the educational program, and to maintain effective worksite operations. The memo advised Respondent that she could obtain assistance to facilitate her punctuality. Respondent was notified that noncompliance with the directives would be considered a violation of professional responsibilities and insubordination. Respondent told Surrancy that the reason she was tardy was that she had to take her son to his daycare center. The daycare center did not open until 7:00 a.m., making it difficult for her to arrive at HMS by 7:25 a.m. due to the commute in morning traffic. On October 5, 2011, Surrancy evaluated Respondent's instructional performance for the 2011-2012 school year pursuant to the Instructional Performance Evaluation and Growth System ("IPEGS"), the system used in the Miami-Dade County Public School District to evaluate instructional personnel. Surrancy rated Respondent as "effective" for each IPEGS standard other than Performance Standard ("PS") 7, "Professionalism."5/ For that standard, she rated Respondent's performance as "unsatisfactory" on the basis that due to her tardies, Respondent violated the School Board's Code of Ethics and Standards of Ethical Conduct policies.6/ After the September 28 meeting, Respondent continued to be tardy, so on October 10, 2011, Surrancy again met with her. Respondent explained that each day, her son required a breathing treatment regimen that she had to administer and that she had to take her son to daycare. Respondent told Surrancy that she planned to enlist the assistance of a friend to take her son to daycare so that may assist her to arrive on time.7/ Surrancy offered to adjust Respondent's workday schedule to allow her to arrive five minutes later to accommodate her travel time from her son's daycare to HMS, contingent on Respondent arriving at work by 7:30 a.m. However, Respondent continued to be tardy, at times arriving later than 7:30 a.m. Surrancy held a follow-up meeting with Respondent on October 25, 2011, at which she notified Respondent that the adjusted workday schedule no longer was in effect and that she was again required to arrive at 7:25 a.m.8/ In the meantime, Respondent sought to transfer to a school having a workday schedule with which she could more easily comply, given her son's daycare start time and her travel time. She was offered, but declined, a position at Redland Middle School, which entailed a teaching assignment that was out of her field of certification. Respondent declined the position because it did not meet the condition of her loan forgiveness program that the assignment be in a critical subject area——such as science and math——and because she did not believe she would be as proficient a teacher in teaching out of her subject area. Following the October 25 meeting, Respondent continued to be tardy. Several of these tardies necessitated coverage for her homeroom class. On December 14, 2011, Surrancy held a Conference-for- the-Record ("CFR") with Respondent to address her continued tardiness. By that time, Respondent had been tardy 45 days since the beginning of the school year, and several of these tardies necessitated coverage of her homeroom class by her colleagues. Surrancy informed Respondent that her tardies had adversely affected the educational program and services provided to students. Respondent was again directed to be punctual and in regular attendance, to communicate any intent to be tardy before 7:00 a.m. by calling the assistant principals or her, and to provide physician documentation and/or recertification of her FMLA form as needed if she was going to use FMLA leave to cover her tardies. Respondent was provided copies of Petitioner's policies on Standards of Ethical Conduct, Code of Ethics, and Leaves of Absence; Department of Education rules 6B-1.001 and 6B- 1.006; another copy of the FMLA for recertification by her physician; and other documents to inform and assist Respondent in addressing her tardiness problem. Respondent was informed that noncompliance with the directives would constitute insubordination and compel district disciplinary action. Respondent continued to be tardy. Again, several of these tardies necessitated coverage of her homeroom class. On February 13, 2012, Surrancy conducted another CFR with Respondent. As of that date, Respondent had been tardy 69 days since the beginning of the 2011-2012 school year. Surrancy issued Respondent the same directives previously given and again furnished Respondent copies of pertinent School Board policies, applicable Department of Education rules, and other informational documents. Surrancy informed Respondent that failure to comply with these directives would constitute gross insubordination and necessitate further disciplinary action. Respondent explained that her tardiness was due to a variety of factors, including having to perform breathing and other medical treatments on her son and taking him to daycare. She expressed concern at having to call in by 7:00 a.m. if she was going to be tardy because, for unforeseen reasons such as her son's daycare being late in opening, she may not know whether she was going to be tardy until after 7:00 a.m. Surrancy informed Respondent that under any circumstances, calling in did not excuse tardiness. Respondent requested that Surrancy assign her homeroom to another teacher and allow her to report at 7:45 a.m., when her science classes commenced. Surrancy refused. As a result of Respondent's continued tardies, Surrancy determined that her conduct constituted insubordination and noncompliance with applicable School Board policies. Surrancy issued a written Reprimand to Respondent on March 5, 2012. The Reprimand directed Respondent to adhere to school board policies, be punctual, and call Surrancy or an assistant principal before 7:00 a.m. if she were going to be tardy. Respondent nonetheless continued to be tardy, necessitating another CFR, which was held on March 29, 2012. By this time, Respondent had been tardy 86 days and absent 8.5 days in the 2011-2012 school year. During the CFR, Respondent provided two FMLA leave request forms completed by her son's treating physicians certifying the frequency and duration of her son's flare-ups that necessitated leave. One of these, dated March 6, 2012, stated that flare-ups occurred at a frequency of every one to two months for a duration of two to three days, while the other, dated February 20, 2012, stated that the flare-ups occurred approximately once a month and did not specify a duration. Under any circumstances, Respondent was tardy more frequently than the number of days of leave documented as necessary by either of these FMLA forms. Respondent again was given directives, which included those previously provided regarding punctuality and attendance, calling in by 7:00 a.m. if tardiness was anticipated, physician documentation for leave requests, performance of her teaching duties, comporting herself in a manner that reflected credit on herself and Miami-Dade County Public Schools, and adherence to School Board policies and applicable Department of Education rules. Respondent was again provided copies of the policies, rules, and other documents previously given to her. Respondent was offered the option of resigning her position but declined. Surrancy recommended that Respondent be suspended from her teaching position. However, Respondent was not suspended during the 2011-2012 school year.9/ Although Respondent's tardiness during the 2011-2012 school year required coverage of her homeroom class by colleagues on several occasions, she did not miss any classroom instructional time.10/ 2012-2013 School Year For the 2012-2013 school year, Respondent was hired as a math and science teacher in the Educational Alternative Outreach Program's ("EAO") credit recovery program. She was assigned to the EAO's 5000 Role Models location. In this assignment, Respondent taught between 12 and 15 students in grades six through eight. The 5000 Role Models facility was located between 35 and 40 miles from Respondent's home. She had a commute of between one hour ten minutes and two hours one way from her home to 5000 Role Models. The teacher workday hours for this location were 8:20 a.m. to 3:40 p.m. Respondent was informed of this schedule when she was interviewed by EAO Principal Claire Warren, and by letter from Warren regarding her projected teaching assignment for the 2012-2013 school year. Warren credibly testified that at the time she was interviewed, Respondent did not express any concerns regarding this schedule. The student school day at 5000 Role Models started at 9:00 a.m. Shortly after the school year commenced, Respondent began being tardy. During the first week of the students' school year, Respondent was tardy twice, approximately 20 minutes each time. On August 31, 2012, Warren issued Respondent a written memorandum reminding her of the directives that were issued the previous school year and directing her to be punctual and in regular attendance; call before 8:00 a.m. to notify either Warren or the assistant principal if she was going to be absent or tardy; provide physician documentation for absences and tardies due to illness; timely submit updated FMLA forms if anticipated illness or tardies covered under the FMLA are anticipated; adhere to all School Board policies; and perform her job responsibilities. Respondent was placed on notice that noncompliance with these directives would constitute gross insubordination and would necessitate notification of the Office of Professional Standards for the imposition of discipline. Respondent continued to be tardy. As of October 1, 2012, Respondent had been tardy eight times11/ and absent three days.12/ On some of the days she was tardy, Respondent did not call to notify the administration, as she had been directed to do; on other days, she sent text messages but did not call. Warren conducted another conference with Respondent on October 1, 2012. She issued another memorandum documenting Respondent's tardies since the beginning of the 2012-2013 school year, reiterating the directives previously issued on August 31, and notifying Respondent that failure to comply with the directives would constitute gross insubordination. Warren also provided a letter to Respondent regarding FMLA coverage of her tardies and absences. The letter informed Respondent that only absences, i.e., time away from the worksite, and not tardies were covered by the FMLA, and that it was her responsibility to notify the school if she were going to be absent pursuant to an FMLA-certified illness event. Attached to the letter was an FMLA Form to enable Respondent to update her FMLA-covered illness certification as necessary. Respondent's tardies continued. She was tardy on October 2, 5, 8, and 9——on some of these days as much as 45 to 70 minutes late. On the days when she was tardy by 40 or more minutes, she missed classroom instructional time and her students had to be placed in another teacher's classroom. On October 10, 2012, Petitioner took action to suspend Respondent for 30 workdays without pay,13/ for gross insubordination and for violating School Board policies regarding the Code of Ethics (policy 3210), Standards of Ethical Conduct (policy 3210.01), and Leaves of Absence (policy 3430), and rules 6B-1.001, 6B-1.006, and 6B-4.009.14/ Respondent served her suspension and returned to work on November 26, 2012. On that day, she was 11 minutes tardy; the following day, she was 40 minutes tardy. On November 29, 2012, Warren issued another memorandum to Respondent reiterating the directives previously given on August 31 and October 1. Respondent was informed that her failure to comply with the directives would constitute gross insubordination and would necessitate referral to the Office of Professional Standards for further discipline. Respondent continued to be tardy. In December 2012 and January 2013, Respondent was tardy 13 days, two of which required coverage of her class. Respondent did not call in to the school to notify them of her anticipated tardiness but she did notify the school by text message on some of these occasions. On February 1, 2013, Respondent was notified of a CFR scheduled for February 5, 2013. On February 4, 2013, Respondent notified Warren by electronic mail that she would not be at school that day or the following day. On February 6, 2013, Respondent notified Warren by electronic mail that she was taking a leave of absence "for at least the next few weeks." She also informed Warren that her absences the previous two days had been due to her own illness. Respondent did not submit a leave request form to Warren prior to taking sick leave. Respondent did submit a Leave of Absence Medical Documentation Form to the Miami-Dade County Public Schools Office of Retirement/Leave/Unemployment Compensation ("Leave Office") on February 5, 2013, containing her physician's certification that she was ill and recommending a leave of absence from February 4, 2013, to March 1, 2013. Because she was requesting approval of leave for less than 30 days' duration, under the UTD Contract, Respondent should have filed her leave request with Warren rather than with the Leave Office. UTD Contract Article XIV, section 2, paragraph A., governing notification in the event of teacher absence, states in pertinent part: When a teacher, for whom an emergency temporary instructor is employed, will be absent from work, due to illness or injury or due to personal reasons, he/she shall notify the supervising administrator (or designee), as soon as possible, but no later than one hour before the start of his/her scheduled workday, in order that an emergency temporary instructor can be employed or other arrangements made. If said absence/leave is for a specified period of time, no further notice is necessary. In the event of a change in this specified period of absence, the employee will proceed, pursuant to the stipulations herein. Where an absent teacher does not notify his/her supervising administrator, as stipulated herein, and where there are not extenuating circumstances, as determined by the supervising administrator, such teacher will have the option to utilize personal leave or leave without pay. However, such determination by the supervising administrator shall not be made arbitrarily. UTD Contract, art. XIV, § 2.A. (emphasis added). Article XIV, section 10, governs sick leave without pay for illness. Paragraph C. of that section states: "[e]mployees whose illness requires an absence of over 30 days must file an application for extended sick leave indicating the anticipated length of such absence and supported by a statement from competent medical authority." This leave request would be filed with the Leave Office. However, because Respondent did not request sick leave for a period exceeding 30 days, this provision was not applicable to her leave request. Notwithstanding, Respondent's leave request was reviewed by a medical consultant for Miami-Dade County Public Schools and ultimately was denied. Apparently, some time elapsed before the Leave Office forwarded Respondent's leave request and denial decision to Warren. Warren testified: "I didn't get the request until much afterwards, you know, after she had been out several days " Even after Warren received Respondent's leave request form and denial from the Leave Office, more time passed before she notified Respondent. It was not until March 1, 2013, that Warren sent Respondent a letter informing her that her leave request had been denied and that her absences for the entire month of February were unauthorized, thus warranting her dismissal on the basis of job abandonment. At approximately the same time Warren notified Respondent that her leave request was denied, Warren also notified Respondent, by separate email, that she had incorrectly submitted her leave request to the Leave Office, instead of submitting it to her (Warren). On the same day that Warren notified Respondent that her leave request had been denied, Respondent submitted another leave request form and a medical documentation form to Warren, retroactively requesting approval of her sick leave taken between February 4 to March 18, 2013, due to her own illness. Warren denied the request that same day, citing the medical consultant's determination as the basis for the denial. Warren's letter did not cite an independent basis for the denial. Petitioner did not present any competent evidence regarding the specific basis for the medical consultant's determination to deny the request. Respondent returned to work on March 4, 2013. She was tardy that day and the following day. On March 6, 2013, a CFR was held. The CFR originally had been scheduled for February 5, 2013, but when Respondent took leave, it was rescheduled. At the meeting, Respondent was apprised that her tardies and absences were excessive and that they, along with her failure to adhere to the other previously issued directives, constituted gross insubordination. On March 13, 2013, Petitioner took action to suspend Respondent without pay and terminate her employment as a teacher. Respondent's Criminal History Petitioner presented evidence that in August 2012, a records check for Respondent was generated after information was received from Petitioner's Fingerprinting Office indicating that Respondent had been arrested in January 2011 for violation of a protective injunction and in July 2011 for battery. However, this evidence consisted solely of hearsay. Petitioner did not present any non-hearsay evidence establishing that these arrests occurred. Respondent denied that she was arrested in January 2011. She acknowledged that she was arrested for battery in July 2011. She testified, credibly, that the arrest occurred over the July 4th holiday and that she timely reported this arrest by calling Petitioner's instructional staffing office. Respondent credibly testified that the charge was not prosecuted and ultimately was dismissed. Petitioner did not present any competent or credible evidence to refute Respondent's testimony on these points. Respondent's Defenses Respondent asserts that she was not tardy as frequently in the 2011-2012 school year as Petitioner asserts. She questions the accuracy of Surrancy's and others' recordkeeping regarding her tardiness. However, she did not present any specific evidence to show that Petitioner's records of her tardiness in the 2011-2012 were inaccurate; thus, her position on that point is essentially speculative. She also claims that Surrancy did not treat her fairly or equitably during the 2011-2012 school year. Specifically, she asserts that Surrancy had the authority and flexibility to adjust her workday schedule so that she did not have to cover a homeroom class, thus allowing her to arrive at work later, but that Surrancy unfairly chose not to do so. Respondent further asserts that Surrancy had provided such accommodation to another teacher in a previous school year. Thus, Respondent claims that Surrancy treated her unfairly.15/ However, Surrancy testified, persuasively, that she could not have relieved Respondent of having a homeroom in order to enable her to arrive later in the workday because instructional personnel, other than coaches and co-teachers, were assigned homeroom or other professional duties that required them to be at school during regular workday hours. Thus, there was no one else available to assume Respondent's homeroom class responsibilities.16/ Respondent also asserts that Surrancy treated her disparately and unfairly by singling her out for discipline for her tardies, while not disciplining others who also were often tardy. However, even if that were the case, it does not excuse Respondent's tardies or provide a basis for Surrancy to decline to enforce school policies with respect to Respondent. Respondent also asserts that she was not afforded the FMLA leave to which she was legally and contractually entitled. Specifically, she argues that she filed FMLA leave forms stating the need for intermittent leave to care for her son, so that for the days on which she was tardy, the number of minutes by which she was tardy should have been counted as leave under the FMLA. Respondent testified, credibly, that she did not purposely refuse to follow the directives given her by Surrancy, Warren, and the Office of Professional Standards, and that her tardies during both school years were the result of her having to provide medical care for her young son and take him to daycare, then commute in heavy traffic to the worksites. Moreover, to the extent Petitioner claimed that Respondent was insubordinate because she did not adhere to directives to call the school if she was going to be tardy, Respondent credibly countered that she often would call in, only to be put on hold for some time and then told that the administrator she was attempting to reach was not available; thus, she started sending text messages instead to ensure that her message was received. Regarding the arrest reporting issue, Respondent denied that she was arrested in January 2011, and testified that she timely reported her July 2011 arrest to the appropriate authority. Findings of Ultimate Fact In these consolidated proceedings, Petitioner seeks to suspend Respondent without pay and terminate her employment17/ as a teacher on the basis of just cause——specifically, gross insubordination and misconduct in office.18/ As more fully addressed below, Petitioner bears the burden of proof, by a preponderance of the evidence, to show that Respondent committed the violations of section 1012.33 and rules 6A-5.056; and 6B-1.001 and 6A-10.080; and 6B-1.006 and 6A-10.081. Gross Insubordination Pursuant to the foregoing findings of fact, it is determined that Petitioner proved, by a preponderance of the evidence, that Respondent's conduct in accruing an extensive number of tardies during the 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 school years constituted gross insubordination. Although Respondent did submit leave request forms estimating the frequency and duration of FMLA-covered leave she would need in order to care for her son, the evidence shows that she was tardy far more frequently than supported by any of the forms she submitted. In order to accommodate an employee's FMLA request, Petitioner must be able to rely on the information the employee provides on the FMLA leave form. If the information provided on the form is inaccurate, Petitioner is neither required nor authorized to consider undocumented time away from the work site as leave covered under the FMLA.19/ While it is admittedly difficult to precisely predict when illness will occur, under any circumstances, the forms Respondent submitted did not cover the frequency of her tardies incurred in the 2011- 2012 and 2012-2013 school years.20/ As addressed above, it appears that Respondent was the victim of a coalescence of unfortunate personal circumstances that interfered with her employment. Nonetheless, the fact remains that she was repeatedly put on notice by Surrancy, Warren, and the Office of Professional Standards that her continued tardiness would constitute gross insubordination. Any measures that Respondent purportedly took to rectify the circumstances, such as enlisting the help of a friend to take her son to daycare, apparently were unsuccessful. Respondent had the option in the 2011-2012 school year to transfer to another school to address the morning commute issues, but she chose not to. Although she had legitimate personal and professional reasons for choosing to remain at HMS, the fact remains that she elected not to pursue a course of action that may have addressed the problematic circumstances she found herself in. Under these circumstances, the undersigned concludes, albeit reluctantly, that Respondent's conduct——which took place over a period of two school years, after frequent admonitions, and after she had been placed on notice several times that her continued conduct would constitute gross insubordination——does, in fact, constitute gross insubordination. With respect to Respondent's absences in February 2013, the evidence indicates that Petitioner's Leave Office and Principal Warren unnecessarily delayed notifying Respondent that her leave request for February 2013 had been denied. The evidence gives rise to the inference that Respondent may have cut her leave short and returned to the work site had she been timely informed that her request had been denied. Moreover, Petitioner presented no competent evidence regarding the specific basis for the Leave Office's denial of Respondent's request, or for Warren's denial of Respondent's retroactive request on the same basis. Under these circumstances, the undersigned determines that Respondent's absences for the month of February 2013 should not be considered unexcused. However, even without considering these absences, Respondent's repeated tardiness over an extended period of time without proper leave documentation and after extensive prior notice of the consequences, is sufficient to establish gross insubordination. Misconduct in Office As more fully discussed below, Petitioner proved, by a preponderance of the evidence, that Respondent committed misconduct in office under both versions of rule 6A-5.056 in effect in the 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 school years, respectively. Specifically, Respondent's frequent and repeated tardiness during the 2011-2012 school year violated the Code of Ethics in the Education Profession because her conduct caused her to lose the respect and confidence of her colleagues. In particular, Respondent's frequent tardiness substantially undermined Surrancy's confidence in her reliability, and, thus, impaired her effectiveness in the school system. Respondent's frequent and repeated tardiness over the course of the 2012-2013 school year also constituted misconduct in office. Again, she violated the Code of Ethics in the Education Profession by failing to maintain the respect and confidence of her colleagues. Respondent's frequent tardiness adversely affected Warren's confidence in her reliability. Additionally, on the days when Respondent's tardiness necessitated her students being moved to another teacher's classroom, her students' learning environment was disrupted, and her own ability and that of her colleagues to effectively perform their duties was reduced. As a result, Respondent's effectiveness in the school system was impaired. Petitioner also charged Respondent with violating Policy 3210, Standards of Ethical Conduct, which provides that all employees are representatives of the Miami-Dade County School District and requires employees to conduct themselves in a manner that will reflect credit upon themselves and the school system. Respondent's frequent tardies over an extended period of time gave the appearance of disregard for school policies and did not reflect credit on her or on the school district. Moreover, Respondent did not protect her students from conditions harmful to learning on the days when they had to be moved to another teacher's classroom due to her tardiness.21/ Accordingly, Respondent violated Policy 3210. Respondent also violated Policy 3210.01, Petitioner's Code of Ethics. As found above, she did not protect her students from conditions harmful to learning on the days when she was so tardy that they had to be moved to another classroom. However, Respondent did not violate Policy 3430, Leaves of Absence. For the reasons discussed above, Respondent's absences in February 2013 should not have been determined unexcused; thus, she did not violate Policy 3430. Respondent also did not violate Policy 3121.01, Employment Standards and Fingerprinting of Employees. To the extent Petitioner argues that Respondent lacks good moral character based on having been arrested, Petitioner did not present any competent evidence regarding her arrests or failure to timely report them as required by school board policy. Respondent acknowledged that she had been arrested in July 2011 but testified that she had timely reported it, and that the charge ultimately was dismissed. Petitioner did not offer any competent evidence22/ to counter Respondent's testimony, which is deemed credible and persuasive. Factual Basis for Recommended Sanction The persuasive evidence establishes that Respondent did not purposely set out to violate school policies and Department of Education rules, but that circumstances coalesced such that Respondent found herself in the extremely difficult position of having to care for her very ill son and take him to daycare, then undertake a lengthy commute in morning traffic, without enough time to accomplish both. As unfortunate and trying as those circumstances were, they do not excuse Respondent from complying with the crucial and reasonable requirement that employees arrive to work on time.23/ Nonetheless, the evidence establishes that Respondent is an innovative, proficient teacher in the critical subject areas of science and math, and that she cares about performing her job well——to the extent that she declined an out-of-field teaching assignment, in part due to concern that she would not perform effectively in that assignment. As such, it is reasonable to infer that under less demanding circumstances, such as having a shorter commute or a later workday starting time, Respondent would perform her teaching duties proficiently and professionally. The circumstances in this case warrant upholding Respondent's suspensions without pay commencing on October 11, 2012, and ending on November 26, 2012, and commencing on March 13, 2013, through the summer vacation following the 2013- 2014 school year, and denying back pay for the full period of her suspension. However, given the very trying circumstances Respondent faced in the 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 school years, and because the evidence indicates that under less oppressive circumstances Respondent likely would be an innovative, proficient, and professional teacher, the undersigned believes that terminating Respondent's employment would be excessively harsh and that Petitioner would lose a good teacher.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Petitioner, Miami-Dade County School Board, enter a final order upholding Respondent's suspensions without pay commencing on October 11, 2012, and ending on November 26, 2012, and commencing on March 13, 2013, through the summer vacation following the 2013-2014 school year; denying back pay for the full period of her suspension; and reinstating Respondent's employment as a teacher at the start of the 2014- 2015 school year. DONE AND ENTERED this 31st day of March, 2014, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S CATHY M. SELLERS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of March, 2014

Florida Laws (6) 1012.011012.221012.231012.33120.569120.57
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Jul. 16, 1996 Number: 96-003344 Latest Update: Jun. 19, 1997

Findings Of Fact Between December 6, 1994, and October 15, 1995, Respondent was employed by the Petitioner as a school bus driver and, subsequently, as a materials handling technician who delivered textbooks and supplies. His performance evaluations for that work were satisfactory or better. Prior to October 15, 1995, a teacher aide position became vacant at H. L. Johnson Elementary School, one of the public schools in Palm Beach County. This vacancy was in the special education classroom taught by Harriet Lurie. Although he had no experience or training for this type work, Respondent was hired to fill this vacancy. Respondent began this employment on October 15, 1995. The students in this classroom require constant supervision and assistance. Ms. Lurie, an experienced ESE teacher, the Respondent, and one other teacher aide were expected to provide the care and supervision required by these students. Respondent and Ms. Lurie were unable to develop an effective working relationship. The conflicts between Respondent and Ms. Lurie escalated, despite the efforts of the principal, Penelope Lopez, to encourage them to work together. December 15, 1995, was the last day of school prior the Christmas holidays. Following an incident between Respondent and Ms. Lurie earlier that day, Respondent appeared in Ms. Lopez's office and requested that he be transferred from Ms. Lurie's class to any other available position. Ms. Lopez explained to Respondent that there were no other available positions. Because he was adamant about not returning to Ms. Lurie's classroom, Ms. Lopez agreed during that meeting to let Respondent perform custodial duties for the remainder of the day. January 2, 1996, was the first day of school following the Christmas holidays. On that date, Respondent reported to Ms. Lopez's office and met with her prior to the beginning of school. Respondent again asked that he be transferred from Ms. Lurie's classroom. Respondent became upset when Ms. Lopez denied his request for transfer and thereafter gave him a written reprimand. The reprimand, which accurately reflects efforts by Ms. Lopez to resolve the problems between Respondent and Ms. Lurie, provided, in pertinent part, as follows: I have had conferences with you on December 6, 12 and 15, 1995 and numerous other impromptu meetings in which we discussed your concerns, my concerns and conflicts you were having with the teacher and the other teacher aide in the K-1B classroom (Ms. Lurie's classroom). The students in this classroom need consistent supervision in a warm nurturing environment. I am very unhappy with the conflict going on between you and the teacher and you and the other aide, at times in front of the students . . . There appears to be no effective working relationship between you and these associates . . . * * * 6. As a teacher-aide (sic), you report to the teacher in the K-1B class and work under her direct supervision. You are expected to follow directions and not argue with her . . . I have requested at each meeting with you to work cooperatively with the teacher and your coworker to solve problems or enhance the classroom setting and work as a team. I had to remove you from the classroom on December 15, 1995 due to a conflict with the teacher. Since you have not heeded my previous advice, I'm presenting you with this written reprimand as disciplinary action. I expect your behavior to improve immediately in all of these areas. Should you fail to improve your attendance and abide by established and published rules and duties of your position, you will subject yourself to further discipline. After Ms. Lopez gave Respondent the written reprimand, on January 2, 1996, she instructed him to return to his duties in Ms. Lurie's classroom. Respondent refused this instruction and left the school campus. Respondent did not return to the school campus on January 2, 1996. Respondent had seven days of sick leave available for his use as of January 2, 1996. Further, he qualified for additional unpaid leave pursuant to the Family and Medical Leave Act (1993), 29 USC Sections 2611 et seq. Respondent did not requested nor had he been given any type of authorized leave for January 2, 1996. Respondent asserts that the School Board has no grounds to terminate his employment for his conduct on January 2, 1996, because he left school to go visit his doctor. The assertion that he left campus on January 2, 1996, because he was sick or in need of a doctor is contrary to the greater weight of the evidence in this proceeding. Based on the greater weight of the evidence, it is found that after he left the school campus on January 2, 1996, Respondent spent the balance of the day attempting to contact district administrators to complain about the letter of reprimand he had received. The greater weight of the evidence establishes that Respondent did not seek medical attention on January 2, 1996. 1/ Respondent disobeyed Ms. Lopez's clear and direct instructions on January 2, 1996, and he willfully neglected his official responsibilities. This action was not justified by a need for medical attention. On January 3, 1996, Respondent reported to Ms. Lopez's office at approximately 7:45 a.m. Ms. Lopez told Respondent that he was needed in Ms. Lurie's class and told him to report to duty. Respondent replied that he was going to the doctor and left school campus. When Ms. Lopez asked why he had not gone to the doctor when he was away from school on January 2, Respondent replied that he had been too busy attempting to do something about the reprimand he had been issued. Respondent was entitled to use sick leave to visit the doctor on January 3, 1996, and he was entitled to use paid sick leave, to the extent of its availability, between January 3, 1996, and the time of his tests on January 16, 1996. Good Samaritan Primary Care is a group of doctors who have associated for the practice of medicine. Leonard A. Sukienik, D.O., and Karen Kutikoff, M.D., are employed by that group practice. On January 3, 1996, Respondent was examined by Dr. Sukienik. Following that examination, Dr. Sukienik scheduled certain medical tests for Respondent to be conducted January 16, 1996. Dr. Sukienik wrote the following note dated January 3, 1996: To whom it may concern, Mr. Frank Sedor is a patient in my office and is noted to have stress related anxiety attacks with chest pain symptoms. This stress may be related to his job and Mr. Sedor may benefit from time off from work. Respondent returned to Johnson Elementary and met with Ms. Lopez at approximately 1:30 p.m. Respondent gave Ms. Lopez the note written by Dr. Sukienik. When Ms. Lopez asked Respondent to return to work, he informed her that he was not going to return to work until after the tests scheduled for January 16, 1996, had been completed. Respondent thereafter left the school campus. Respondent did not request any type of leave on January 3, 1996. Prior to her meeting with Respondent on the afternoon of January 3, 1996, Ms. Lopez did not intend to recommend that Respondent's employment be terminated because she hoped that the problems between Respondent and Ms. Lurie could be resolved. After her meeting with Respondent on the afternoon of January 3, 1996, Ms. Lopez sent a memorandum to Louis Haddad, Jr., the coordinator of Petitioner's Employee Relations office in which she requested that further disciplinary action be taken against Respondent for his refusal to report to his classroom as instructed on January 2, 1996, and for thereafter leaving the school site. The School Board, based on the superintendent's recommendation, voted to terminate Respondent's employment at its meeting of February 7, 1996, on grounds of insubordination and willful neglect of duty based on Respondent's conduct on January 2, 1996. 2/ The School Board is not seeking to terminate Respondent's employment for conduct after January 2, 1996.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Petitioner enter a final order that adopts the findings of fact and conclusions of law contained herein. The final order should also terminate Respondent's employment as a teacher aide. DONE AND ORDERED this 30th day of December, 1996, in Tallahassee, Florida. CLAUDE B. ARRINGTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (904) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of December, 1996.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57 Florida Administrative Code (1) 6B-4.009
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Jan. 28, 2002 Number: 02-000343 Latest Update: Mar. 28, 2003

The Issue Whether Respondent engaged in the conduct alleged in the Notice of Specific Charges. If so, what action, if any, should be taken against Respondent.

Findings Of Fact Based upon the evidence adduced at hearing, and the record as a whole, the following findings of fact are made: The School Board is responsible for the operation, control and supervision of all public schools (grades K through 12) in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Among these schools are Homestead Senior High School, South Dade Senior High School, and Dr. William A. Chapman Elementary School. The School Board provides 180 days of instruction for students during the regular school year. Respondent has been employed as a teacher by the School Board since 1983.1 She has a continuing contract of employment with School Board. From 1983 through the end of the 1992-93 school year, Respondent was assigned to Homestead Senior High School (Homestead). Respondent was reassigned to South Dade Senior High School (South Dade) for the 1993-94 school year. She remained at South Dade until 1997. At both Homestead and South Dade, Respondent taught mathematics. Donald Hoecherl was the principal of South Dade from 1994 until 1999. During his first year at South Dade, Mr. Hoecherl had "problems and concerns [regarding Respondent's] numerous absences from work and the fact that those absences seriously impacted the delivery of the education product" to Respondent's students. He reviewed Respondent's South Dade attendance records and discovered that there was a "pattern of absences": 102 absences during the 1993-94 school year and 74.5 absences during the 1994-95 school year, as of May 19, 1995. Mr. Hoecherl then prepared the following memorandum, and gave it to Respondent (on May 19, 1995), after discussing its contents with her: MEMORANDUM May 19, 1995 TO: Henrietta Dolega, Teacher FROM: Donald A. Hoecherl, Principal South Dade Senior High School SUBJECT: ABSENCE FROM WORK SITE DIRECTION Please be advised that you have been absent from the worksite during the 1994-95 school year for a total of 74.5 days. Additionally, during the 1993-94 school year you were absent from the worksite for a total of 102 days. The absences were listed as follows: sick-9, personal-1, contagious disease-7, leave without pay-24, hardship- 32, sick leave bank-18, and emergency leave- 11. Your absences from duty adversely impact the educational environment by: failing to provide support services for students, impeding the academic progress of your students, failure in providing a continuity of instruction and effective operation of this school. As a result of your continued absences from work you are advised of the following procedures concerning any future absences: Intent to be absent must be communicated directly to Mr. Hoecherl or Mr. Dawson and then to the appropriate secretary to secure a substitute in accordance with procedures delineated in the faculty handbook. Emergency lesson plans for twenty days on file with your department chairperson. Maintain the emergency lesson plans at 20 days upon return from absences. Absences for illness must be documented by your treating physician and a written medical note presented to Mr. Hoecherl or Mr. Dawson upon your return to work along with a medical release to return to full duties. If it is determined that future absences are imminent, leave must be requested and procedures for Board approved leave implemented. These directives are in effect upon the receipt of this notice and are necessary to prevent adverse impact to students and their academic progress, and to insure a continuity of the educational program. Additionally, these procedures are meant to maintain effective worksite operations. Please be assured that assistance will continue to be provided to facilitate your regular attendance. Non-compliance with the directives will be considered a violation of professional responsibilities. The directives contained in the memorandum were reasonable in nature and within Mr. Hoecherl's authority to give Respondent. Mr. Hoecherl required Respondent to have "[e]mergency lesson plans for twenty days on file with her department chairperson" because "there would often be that many [consecutive] da[ys] [that Respondent would be] out." On May 22, 1995, Mr. Hoecherl held a Conference-for- the-Record with Respondent to discuss Respondent's "excessive absences from work." Mr. Hoecherl subsequently prepared (on June 2, 1995) and furnished to Respondent (on June 7, 1995) a memorandum in which he summarized what had transpired at the conference. The memorandum read as follows: A conference for the record was held on May 22, 1995, in the office of the principal. The conference was attended by: Katrina Chinni, Union Steward, Henrietta Dolega, Teacher, Carol Brown, Assistant Principal and Donald A. Hoecherl, Principal. The conference as indicated in the notification dated May 19, 1995, addresse[d] your excessive absences from work. Please find attached the memorandum titled "Absence From [Work] Site Direction." The procedures outlined in that directive were reviewed during the conference. You are reminded that these procedures must be adhered to. Mrs. Chinni indicated that you felt two areas outlined in the absence from work site direction procedures were unreasonable and bordered on violating your contractual rights. The items were the requirement to have 20 days of emergency lesson plans on file with your department chairperson and direction to notify two people of your absences. After further review the established guidelines will remain as written in the "Absence From Work Site Direction." That memorandum, therefore is now a formal part of this summary of the conference for the record. Additionally, you were provided information regarding areas of assistance available to you through the Dade County Public School System. I am confident that the concerns identified can be corrected. You are reminded that you are entitled to attach a written response to be included as part of this process. In an effort to help Respondent improve her attendance, Mr. Hoecherl referred Respondent to the School Board's Employee Assistance Program on May 25, 1995. Respondent's attendance, however, did not improve. Furthermore, "she didn't always" follow the directives set forth in Mr. Hoecherl's May 19, 1995, memorandum. There were occasions when she did not have a 20-day supply of lesson plans on file with her department chairperson; neither did she consistently notify Mr. Hoecherl or Mr. Dawson of her intent to be absent. Accordingly, on December 19, 1995, Mr. Hoecherl held another Conference-for-the-Record with Respondent. Mr. Hoecherl subsequently prepared (on January 16, 1996) and furnished to Respondent (on February 28, 1996) a memorandum in which he summarized what had transpired at the conference. The memorandum read as follows: A conference for the record was held on December 19, 1995 at 9:05 A.M. in the office of the principal. The conference was attended by Katrina Chinni, Union Steward, Henrietta Dolega, Teacher, and Donald A. Hoecherl, Principal. The conference as indicated in the notification of the conference for the record dated January 15, 1995, addressed your continual absence from work. It was noted during this conference for the record that as of December 19, 1995 you have acquired twelve absences from work. It was noted that your absence disrupts the educational process for our students. Additionally, it was noted that as of December 19, 1995 you were out of all accrued sick leave. Also, you were reminded that on several occasions you failed to follow the prescription provided on May 19, 1995 in the Absence From Work Site Directi[on]. You were reminded that you must notify the Principal or the Principal's Designee in addition to Ms. Dafcik. Additionally, you were reminded that failure to comply with the guidelines outlined in the conference for the record and the Absence Form Work Site Directi[on] would result in additional administrative action. Please feel free to contact me if I may be of any help in providing any assistance in an effort to mediate this ongoing problem. You are reminded that you are entitled to attach a written response to be included as a part of this process. I am confident that the concerns identified in this conference can be corrected Ms. Chinni, on behalf of Respondent, submitted the following written response to Mr. Hoecherl's January 16, 1996, memorandum and requested that it be considered an "addendum" to the memorandum: In the summary of conference for the record for Henrietta Dolega held Tuesday, December 19, 1995, the following items were omitted: The conference was also attended by Ted Hennis, Assistant Principal. The union stated that Ms. Dolega had documentation for all of her absences and that she was actively trying to address her health problems. The union stated that Ms. Dolega had shown a pattern of intent to comply with the directive to inform Mr. Hoecherl when she was going to be absent. Respondent was absent a total a 46 days during the 1995-96 school year. From the beginning of the 1996-97 school year through October 24, 1996, Respondent had ten days of absences. Respondent also arrived late to work and failed to provide "emergency lesson plans" in accordance with Mr. Hoecherl's May 19, 1995, memorandum. Accordingly, on October 24, 1996, Mr. Hoecherl held another Conference-for-the-Record with Respondent to address these ongoing problems. Mr. Hoecherl subsequently prepared (on October 25, 1996) and furnished to Respondent (on October 28, 1996) a memorandum in which he summarized what had transpired at the conference. The memorandum read as follows: A Conference-for-the Record was held on Thursday, October 24, 1996 at 8:54 a.m. Present at the conference were Ted Hennis, Assistant Principal; Henrietta Dolega, Teacher; Donald A. Hoecherl, Principal; and Katrina Chinni, UTD Representative. This conference was held in compliance with the UTD Contract Article XXI and addressed: Absences from work. Lateness to work. Failure to provide emergency lesson plans as outlined in the work site directive. Absences from Work A review of your attendance indicated that in addition to your absences addressed during the Conference-for-the-Record held on January 16, 1996, you missed an additional twenty-seven (27) days for a total of 46 days during the 1995-1996 school year. As of this date, you have been absent a total of ten (10) days for the 1996-1997 school year. Additionally, you are currently out of accrued or personal leave. Furthermore, it has been noted that on several occasions you have been late to work. Your absences from duty and lateness to work adversely impact[] the educational environment by: failing to provide support services for students, impeding [t]he academic progress of your students, failure in providing a continuity of instruction and effective operation of this school Your failure to maintain the emergency lesson plan file is in direct disregard for the procedures established prior to and re- established during the Conference-for-the Record held January 16, 1996. In an effort to be clear, as this is a new school year, you are reminded that, as a result of your continued absences from work you are advised that you must continue to adhere to the following procedures concerning any further absences: Intent to be absent must be communicated directly to Mr. Hoecherl or Mr. Hennis and then to the appropriate secretary to secure a substitute in accordance with procedures delineated in the Faculty Handbook. Emergency lesson plans for twenty (20) days on file with your Department Chairperson and Mr. Hennis. Emergency lesson plans must be reviewed by Mr. Hennis prior to being placed in your emergency lesson plan file. Maintain the emergency lesson plans at a twenty (20) day level upon return from absences. Absences for illness must be documented by your treating physician and a written medical note presented to Mr. Hoecherl or Mr. Hennis upon your return to work along with a medical release to return to full duty. Any absence not documented as indicated above and outside of your six (6) personal days will be listed as unauthorized leave without pay. If it is determined that future absences are imminent, leave must be requested and procedures for Board Approved leave implemented. In regard to [the] Gail L. Grossman, Attorney at Law, request to reschedule the Conference-for-the-Record as she was unavailable to attend and provide representation[,] [y]ou were reminded that Article XXIV of the UTD Contract states "An employee ma[]y not be represented by a minority/rival union or by an attorney in a Conference-for-the-Record. This administrator asked if you had any comments and you replied that in regard to the lesson plans provided during one of your absences that the Department Chairperson misunderstood your references to the mixed review, thus not providing an adequate lesson for the day. The directives established are in effect as of this conference and are necessary to prevent adverse impact to students and their academic progress and to [e]nsure a continuity of the educational program. Additionally, these procedures are necessary to maintain an effective worksite operation. Also be assured that assistance will continue to be provided upon your request. In conclusion, failure to comply with these directives will result in additional disciplinary action. You are apprised of your right to append, to clarify or to expand any information recorded in the conference by this summary. Mr. Hoecherl again referred Respondent to the School Board's Employee Assistance Program on October 24, 1996, in a continuing effort to help her improve her attendance. Respondent's attendance, however, continued to be a problem. By February 24, 1997, Respondent had accumulated 40 days of absences for the school year (nine days of sick leave, two days of personal leave, 25 days of authorized leave without pay, and four days of unauthorized leave without pay). By memorandum, dated February 25, 1997, to Dr. Thomasina O'Donnell, a director in the School Board's Office of Professional Standards, Mr. Hoecherl requested a "determination of fitness" for Respondent. The memorandum read as follows: I am by way of this memorandum requesting the assistance of the Office of Professional Standards regarding Ms. Henrietta Dolega (employee # 143398). Ms. Dolega has a history of excessive absenteeism from the 1993-1994 school year to present. Ms. Dolega's attendance pattern has seriously impacted the students in her charge. At the present time, she is assigned to teach Algebra II for five class periods. Based on the information provided, I am requesting that a Determination of Fitness be conducted prior to Mrs. Dolega's return to South Dade High School. Please contact me at 247-4244 if you require any additional information. Appended to the memorandum was a "leave history that Mr. Hoecherl provided to Dr. O'Donnell" indicating the number and types of Respondent's absences from the 1993-1994 school year up to February 24, 1997. As of March 10, 1997, Respondent had been absent 28 consecutive days. On March 7, 1997, Respondent had requested, in writing, "a leave of absence without pay effective 2/24/97 through 3/10/97 (TENTATIVE)." On March 10, 1997, Mr. Hoecherl sent the following memorandum to the School Board's Leave Office requesting that Respondent's leave request be denied: I am requesting that the Leave Without Pay Request from Henrietta Dolega, employee #143398 be denied. As you can see from her request, Ms. Dolega is requesting leave from February 20 through March 10, 1997. Ms. Dolega has been absent from work a total of fifty (50) days this school year. Her latest absences began January 27, 1997, and as of March 10, 1997, continues for 28 consecutive days. This current request for Leave Without Pay comes to us after the fact. As a result, a permanent substitute could not be secured. Ms. Dolega continues to notify us on a weekly basis of her attendance status. Additionally, a review of Ms. Dolega's attendance history indicates that this is not a first time occurrence. . . . On March 14, 1997, Dr. O'Donnell held a Conference- for-the-Record with Respondent, at which it was agreed that Respondent would be placed on medical leave (without pay) until April 30, 1997. Dr. O'Donnell subsequently prepared (on March 19, 1997) and then mailed to Respondent a memorandum in which she summarized what had transpired at the conference. The memorandum read as follows: On March 14, 1997, a meeting was held with you in the Office of Professional Standards. In attendance were: Mr. Don Hoecherl, Principal, South Dade Senior; Ms. Julia Menendez, Director, Region VI; Ms. Yvonne Perez, Bargaining Agent Representative, United Teachers of Dade (UTD); and this administrator. This meeting was held to clarify your status in reference to returning to work and your future employment with Dade County Public Schools. Your attendance pattern over the past four years was reviewed as follows: 1993-94 102 total days absent 1994-95 75.5 total days absent 1995-96 46 total days absent 1996-97 55 total days absent as of 3-14-97 Despite the fact that you have provided documentation from your physician, your pattern of absences has caused serious problems with the delivery of an appropriate curriculum and the continuity of the educational program. You have been absent the past 35 consecutive days and you were notifying the school on a daily or weekly basis. Therefore, Mr. Hoecherl was not able to hire a full-time certified teacher to replace you. At this point, the following options were reviewed with you: be in attendance every day resign you position from Dade County Public Schools retire, if eligible request leave. Your pattern of absences and leaves is disruptive and must stop. A long term solution is vital. You agreed to request leave through April 30, 1997. By April 23, 1997, you will provide official written clearance by your physician or you will extend your leave through the end of the 1996-97 school year. Should you return this school year, Mr. Hoecherl will expect you to be in attendance every day. If you are absent, the school will take action. Also, you will be required to clear through the Office of Professional Standards prior to your return either in May or August 1997. You were reminded to follow the directive previously given you regarding absences. You must speak with Mr. Hoecherl or Mr. Hennis during work hours. Do not leave messages on answering machines or with anyone else. Further, you were directed to provide original notice from your physician rather than a fax. It is the desire of DCPS that you can resolve your health issues and return to work. However, if you cannot, a more permanent resolution must be reached. You agreed to provide to me the original leave form with an attached doctor's notice by March 24, 1997. Respondent, who suffered from adhesions, thereafter requested, and was granted, a series of extensions of her medical leave (without pay). After being on medical leave for three years, Respondent became depressed and started seeing a psychiatrist, Stephen Kahn, M.D. By letter dated March 30, 2001, Dr. Kahn "released [Respondent] to resume her position as full-time teacher without restriction." On April 25, 2001, Dr. O'Donnell held a Conference- for-the-Record with Respondent to discuss Respondent's return to the classroom. Dr. O'Donnell subsequently prepared (on April 26, 2001) and furnished to Respondent (on May 5, 2001) a memorandum in which she summarized what had transpired at the conference. The memorandum read as follows: On April 25, 2001, a conference-for-the- record was held with you in the Office of Professional Standards (OPS). In attendance were: Ms. Clemencia D. Waddell, Region Director, Region VI; Dr. Randy Biro, Bargaining Agent Representative, United Teachers of Dade (UTD); and this administrator. Service History As you reported in this conference, you were initially employed by Miami-Dade County Public Schools as a teacher in October 1983, and you were assigned to Homestead High School through June 1993. You were assigned to South Dade Senior High School from August 1993 through January 1997. You have been on Board approved leave since January 1997 through the present. You indicated that your teacher certificate is valid through June 30, 2004, in Elementary Education, Mathematics, and that you hold a Continuing Contract (CC) with the District. Conference Data Reviewed A review of your personnel file in the Office of Professional Standards reveals an extensive documentation of attendance and performance problems since 1984. On March 14, 1997 a conference-for-the-record was held in the Office of Professional Standards. On that date, your attendance pattern was reviewed from the prior four years and is as follows: Years Days Absent 1993-1994 102 days 1994-1995 78.5 days 1995-1996 46 days 1996-1997 55 days (prior to March 14th) At the March 14, 1997, conference-for-the- record held in the OPS, you were told that despite the extensive documentation provided from a variety of treating physicians, your absences are deemed to be excessive. You were advised that if you could not be in regular attendance to request a Board- approved leave of absence; which you did. A review of your leave history is as follows: Leave From Through Type October 8, 1992 December 16, 1992 Illness October 25, 1994 December 16, 1994 Illness February 2, 1994 May 31, 1994 Illness February 18, 1997 February 15, 2001 Personal As of this date, you have exhausted all leave options available to you through Miami-Dade County Public Schools and no further requests for any type of leave would be honored. You were asked if you understood this condition and you indicated that you did. You were told that your treating physician, Dr. Stephen Kahn, forwarded a statement which read, "Ms. Dolega is released to resume her position as full-time teacher without restriction." However, he did not respond to several requests from OPS to review the job descriptions for both elementary and secondary teacher. Dr. Randy Biro stated that you feel you can perform all of the responsibilities of a teacher. Ms. Clemencia Waddell informed the participants that you are assigned to William A. Chapman Elementary School with teaching duties within your area of certification. You were told that, from information provided by the payroll department, you would be granted four sick days upon your return. You were also told that taking into consideration your previous history with poor attendance that you would be referred to OPS if you were absent; you said that you understood. Action Taken You were reminded of the availability of services from the District's support referral agency. You were provided the option to resign your position with Miami- Dade County Public Schools. The following directives are herein delineated which were issued to you during the conference concerning future absences. Be in regular attendance and on time. Intent to be absent must be communicated directly to Ms. Paulette Martin, Principal, William A. Chapman Elementary. Site procedures for provision of lesson plans and material for the substitute teacher when absent must be adhered to in the event of any absence from the site. Should future absences exceed the number of days accrued, the absences will be considered LWOU and employment action will ensue. These directives are in effect as of the date of the conference and will be implemented to prevent adverse impact to students and their academic progress, the operation of the work unit, and to insure continuity of the educational program. Noncompliance with these directives will necessitate review by the Office of Professional Standards for the imposition of disciplinary measures. During the conference, you were provided with a copy of School Board Rule 6Gx13-4A- 4E-1.01, Absences and Leave. You were advised of the high esteem in which teachers are held and of the District's concern for any behavior which adversely affects this level of professionalism. Ms. Martin, Principal, was apprised as to your return to the worksite on April 30, 2001, to assume classroom duties. Action To Be Taken You were advised that the information prescribed in this conference, as well as subsequent documentation, would be reviewed with the Assistant Superintendent in the Office of Professional Standards, the Superintendent of Region VI and the Principal of William A. Chapman Elementary School. Any noncompliance with the prescriptive directives issued would result in the recission of site disciplinary action and compel district disciplinary measures to include dismissal. Please be aware of your right to clarify, explain, and/or respond to any information recorded in this conference by this summary, and to have such response appended to your record. The directives given to Respondent at the April 25, 2001, Conference-for-the-Record (and "delineated" in Dr. O'Donnell's summary of the conference) were reasonable in nature and given with proper authority. The "[s]ite procedures for provision of lesson plans and material for the substitute teacher when absent" at Dr. William A. Chapman Elementary School (Chapman Elementary) required each teacher to have a folder containing lesson plans for a five-day period for use by a substitute in the event of the teacher's absence. Respondent returned to the classroom after more than a four-year absence on April 30, 2001. She was assigned to Chapman Elementary to teach a third grade class with 13 or 14 students. Paulette Martin is now, and has been since the 2000-01 school year, the principal of Chapman Elementary. In early May of 2001, shortly after Respondent's return to the classroom, her younger brother passed away. Too upset to come to work, Respondent took off from work the following day. Her absence was covered by accrued leave and authorized. Respondent took off from work one other day during the 2000-01 school year following her return to work. Feeling "bad[ly]" about her brother's death and her failure to have attended his funeral (in Maryland), Respondent had trouble sleeping at night. It "got to a point" where Respondent believed that, for the sake of her health, she needed to take a day off from work. That day was June 7, 2001. This second absence following her return to the classroom was also covered by accrued leave and authorized. Respondent was not assigned to teach summer school following the 2000-01 school year. Respondent returned to Chapman Elementary for the 2001-02 school year. In September and October of that year she was absent a total 12 days (September 4, 14, 27, and 28, and October 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 22, and 23). Six of these days of absences (September 4, 14, 27, and 28 and October 1 and 22) were covered by accrued leave and authorized. The remaining days of absences were not covered by accrued leave and they were unauthorized. These absences "had a negative impact on [the students in Respondent's] class." On October 30, 2001, Ms. Martin prepared the following memorandum, which she subsequently gave to Respondent: SUBJECT: NOTICE OF EXCESSIVE ABSENCES September 4 Sick September 14 Sick September 27 Sick September 28 Sick October 1 Sick It has been determined that you have been excessively absent during the 2001-2002 school year. To date, you have been absent on the following days: October 2 LWOPU[2] October 3 LWOPU October 4 LWOPU October 5 LWOPU October 10 LWOPU October 22 Sick October 23 LWOPU Your absences total twelve (12) days, exceeding the number of days you have accrued. As stated in the Summary of the Conference-for-the-Record of April 25, 2001, you were advised of past absences and directed as follows: Be in regular attendance and on time. Intent to be absent must be communicated directly to the principal. Site procedures for provision of lesson plans and materials for substitute teachers when absent must be adhered to in the event of absence. Should future absences exceed the number of days accrued, absences will be considered Leave Without Pay (Unauthorized) and employment action will ensue. You were also advised that noncompliance with these directives would necessitate a review by the Office of Professional Standards for imposition of disciplinary measures. Please be advised that this memorandum is being submitted to the Office of Professional Standards and the Region Director for Personnel for review and subsequent action. Ms. Martin brought to Dr. O'Donnell's attention that "once again [Respondent] was experiencing attendance problems and had been excessively absent." Accordingly, on November 16, 2001, Dr. O'Donnell held a Conference-for-the-Record with Respondent. Dr. O'Donnell subsequently prepared (on that same date) and furnished to Respondent a memorandum in which she summarized what had transpired at the conference. The memorandum read, in pertinent part, as follows: Conference Data Reviewed A review of the record included reference to the following issues: Attendance-to-date Leave/attendance history Previously issued attendance directives. You returned to the work site on April 30, 2001. You were absent two days before the end of the school year which ended on June 15, 2001. Your attendance for the current school year is as follows: Sick/Personal 6 Temporary Duty 1 Leave Without Pay 6 (Unauthorized) 13** **through October 23, 2001 15 days absence since your return from leave on April 30, 2001 You were asked if you wished to respond to this continuing pattern and you said that in reference to your absences last May, your brother passed away. You stated that you have had all of your teeth pulled and replaced and that is why you have been absent this school year. You were reminded of the directives regarding attendance that you have been previously issued. You were told that your dental problem should have been addressed during the summer or winter break or any time that would not interfere with the educational program of the students. You were then reminded of a meeting held with you in the Office of Professional Standards on March 14, 1997, which was held to review your absences and ability to return to work. The following options were reviewed with you at the meeting: Be in attendance every day Resign your position from Miami-Dade County Public Schools Retire, if eligible Request leave You effected a leave retroactive to January 1997 after the March 1997 meeting. You were reminded of your previous record of absences and leaves as reviewed at the conference- for-the-record held in the Office of Professional Standards on April 25, 2001 which was as follows: Years Days Absent 1993-1994 102 days 1994-1995 78.5 days 1995-1996 46 days 1996-1997 55 days** **through January 1997 when you effected leave. Leave From Through Type October 8, 1992 December 16, 1992 Illness October 25, 1994 December 16, 1994 Illness February 2, 1994 May 31, 1994 Illness February 18, 1997 February 15, 2001 Personal You were reminded that previously your absences had been deemed to be excessive. You were also reminded that you have exhausted all leave options and no further requests for any type of leave would be honored. You were asked if you wished to respond to this information and you declined comment. At the April 25, 2001 conference-for-the- record, which was held in OPS, your treating physician forwarded a statement which read in full, "Ms. Dolega is released to resume her position as full-time teacher without restriction." At that meeting, Dr. Randy Biro, your Member Advocate, stated that you are able to perform all teaching responsibilities. You were also reissued attendance directives. You have failed to comply with the directives which were issued to you by virtue of your six unauthorized absences during the current school year. Your actions are considered to be gross insubordination. You were asked if you had any statement to make regarding your continued pattern of excessive absences and you did not. Action Taken You were told that due to your history of excessive absences, you had been referred to OPS. On two previous occasions, as well as today's conference, you were issued the following directives: Be in regular attendance and on time. Intent to be absent must be communicated directly to Ms. Paulette Martin, Principal, William A. Chapman Elementary. Site procedures for provision of lesson plans and materials for the substitute teacher when absent must be adhered to in the event of any absence from the site. Should future absences exceed the number of days accrued, the absences will be considered Leave Without Pay Unauthorized (LWOU) and employment action will ensue. Pending further review of this case and formal notification of the recommended action of disciplinary measures to be taken, these directives are reiterated and will be implemented immediately to prevent adverse impact to the operation of the work unit and to the services provided to students, as well as to insure continuity of the program. Noncompliance with these directives will necessitate further review by the Office of Professional Standards for the imposition of (additional and immediate) disciplinary action. You were advised of the high esteem in which teachers are held and of the District's concern for any behavior which adversely affects this level of professionalism. Ms. Martin was apprised as to your return to the worksite. You were advised to keep the information presented in this conference confidential and not discus this with students or staff. Action To Be Taken You were advised that the information presented in this conference, as well as subsequent documentation, would be reviewed with the Superintendent of Region VI, Assistant Superintendent in the Office of Professional Standards, and the Principal of William A. Chapman Elementary School. Upon completion of the conference summary, a legal review by the School Board attorneys would be requested. Receipt of legal review with the endorsement by the Region Superintendent will compel formal notification of the recommended action or disciplinary measures to include any of the following: a letter of reprimand, Domain VII (PACES Professional Responsibilities Component) Professional Improvement Plan (PIP) which could impact the annual evaluation decision, suspension, or dismissal. Please be aware of your right to clarify, explain, and/or respond to any information recorded in this conference by this summary, and to have such response appended to your record. Respondent was not absent in November of 2001. Her next absence was on December 10, 2001. This absence was covered by accrued leave and authorized. A determination was made that Respondent "be recommended for dismissal for the following charges: gross insubordination, willful neglect of duty and incompetency." On December 12, 2001, Dr. O'Donnell held a Conference- for-the-Record with Respondent to discuss this recommendation. Respondent was given the option to resign or retire "in lieu of dismissal." Speaking through her union representative, Respondent declined the offer, claiming that her "absences were due to illness." On the days that she was absent following her return to the classroom on April 30, 2001, Respondent did not report to work because she believed that she was too ill to do so. Although she was well aware of the directive that she had been given to "[b]e in regular attendance," she felt that, because of her condition on these days, she was not able to come to work and properly discharge her classroom teaching responsibilities. At the beginning of the school year, Respondent cut her leg on her dishwasher and the wound did not heal properly. She consulted her physician, who prescribed two antibiotics for her. The antibiotics "knocked [her] for a loop" and she missed work as a result. Respondent also missed a day of work because she had a bout of diarrhea. On September 27 and 28, 2001, and October 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, 2001, Respondent was recovering from oral surgery (the extraction of all of her remaining teeth) that was performed on her after school on Wednesday, September 26, 2001. She was absent on these days because she was "taking pain pills and [she] was really in pain." The surgery that resulted in her absences on September 27 and 28, 2001, and October 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, 2001, was done to enable Respondent to receive full upper and lower dentures. Respondent had a long-standing need for such dentures. The dentures were necessary, as her dentist, Dr. Hans Sperling, testified (by deposition), because: [Respondent] ha[d] extensive decay in her mouth present to the point that the teeth were not restorable. She also had severe periodontal disease, extensive bone loss around the teeth, which will not render the teeth appropriate to use as [an] abutment to retain either a partial denture or fixed bridges. Dr. Sperling first noticed "extensive decay in [Respondent's] mouth" during her initial visit to his office on October 9, 1999. At that time, Dr. Sperling told Respondent that "she needed the extractions" and that they should be "done by an oral surgeon" because of the "extensive amount of teeth that need[ed] to be taken out." He further advised her "that she would need a complete exam before anything else was done." Respondent did not see Dr. Sperling again until April 6, 2001, when Dr. Sperling gave her a "complete exam," which revealed that she still had "severe decay in her teeth." Dr. Sperling also found that she had "severe periodontal disease." Respondent next saw Dr. Sperling on June 26, 2001. On that date, Dr. Sperling "took impressions of her lower and upper jaws," the first step in the process to provide her with dentures. Respondent was next scheduled to see Dr. Sperling on July 19, 2001, but she "broke[] this appointment." Respondent next saw Dr. Sperling on August 9, 2001. During this visit, Dr. Sperling "registered her bite so [he could] articulate the models on an articulator." Respondent's next visit to Dr. Sperling was on September 5, 2001, when she "tried . . . the [dentures] that she was going to be having." Her last pre-surgery visit to Dr. Sperling was on September 25, 2001, when she picked up the dentures that the oral surgeon was going to place in her mouth. Dr. Sperling advised Respondent that it would take approximately four days for her to recover from the oral surgery and suggested that she schedule the surgery for a Thursday so she would be able to return to work on the following Monday. Respondent scheduled the oral surgery for Wednesday, September 26, 2001. Respondent believed that, by having the surgery on this date, she would miss only two days of work and only one day with her students inasmuch as Friday, September 28, 2001, was a teacher planning day and she anticipated that she would be able to return to the classroom the following Monday, October 1, 2001. Respondent had enough accrued leave to cover this anticipated two-day absence. Respondent's recovery, however, took longer than anticipated and she was absent the entire workweek (Monday, October 1, 2001, through Friday, October 5, 2001) following the surgery. Dr. Sperling conducted a "post-operative evaluation" of Respondent on October 1, 2001. He observed that "the healing was within normal limits," although Respondent did complain to him that she was still experiencing pain. Respondent did not have the surgery done during the preceding summer, when she was not working, because she could not afford it at that time. The dentures that were placed in her mouth "are temporary[.] [E]ventually [she will] have implants." While Respondent's absences following her return to the classroom on April 30, 2001, were not contumacious acts, she did willfully disregard the directives given her that her "[i]ntent to be absent must be communicated directly" to Ms. Martin and that "[s]ite procedures for provision of lesson plans and material for the substitute teacher when absent must be adhered to in the event of any absence from the site."3 Respondent repeatedly failed to follow these directives despite having the apparent ability to do so (just as she had ignored similar directives when she was teaching at South Dade under Mr. Hoecherl's supervision). Respondent did not communicate her intent to be absent to Ms. Martin prior to any of her absences. Furthermore, Respondent did not maintain a folder containing lesson plans for substitute teachers to use in her absence. Respondent was verbally advised that she was not in compliance with the "[s]ite procedures for provision of lesson plans and material for the substitute teacher when absent." Nonetheless, to the detriment of the students in her class, she continued to wait until after the instructional day had begun (anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour and beyond) to provide (by facsimile transmission) lesson plans for the substitute teacher (rather than maintaining a folder with a five-day supply of lesson plans). At its January 16, 2002, meeting, the School Board took action to "suspend [Respondent] and initiate dismissal proceedings against [her] from all employment by the Miami-Dade County Public School, effective the close of the workday, January 16, 2002, for gross insubordination; incompetency; and willful neglect of duty."

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that the School Board issue a final order sustaining Respondent's suspension and terminating her employment as a continuing contract teacher with the School Board for her "gross insubordination" and "willful neglect of duty," as more specifically described above. DONE AND ENTERED this 7th day of June, 2002, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. STUART M. LERNER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 7th day of June, 2002.

Florida Laws (5) 1.01120.57120.68447.203447.209
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Jun. 29, 1990 Number: 90-003940 Latest Update: Dec. 11, 1990

The Issue The issue in this case is whether the two Respondents, or either of them, should be assigned to the Petitioner's school program.

Findings Of Fact During the 1989/90 school year, Michel Alvarez and his brother, Maikel Alvarez, were both students at American Senior High School in Dade County, Florida. Michel was in the ninth grade and Maikel was in the tenth grade. During the 1989/90 school year, Michel and Maikel Alvarez were students in the industrial arts class of a teacher named Morton Bernstein. On May 1, 1990, during the change of classes after second period, Michel Alvarez approached another student in his second period industrial arts class, Benny Rodriguez, and asked why the latter had been pointing at him. A verbal dispute ensued as to whether there had been any pointing and, if so, what anyone was going to do about it. Thereupon, Michel tackled Benny around the waist with enough force to knock Benny to the floor. Both boys fell to the floor, Benny beneath on his back, Michel above, facing Benny and holding onto him. They struggled on the ground. As they struggled, a large crowd of other students quickly gathered. During the course of the struggle, Benny Rodriguez was kicked or stomped several times. As a result of the blows he received during the struggle, Benny Rodriguez suffered a broken nose and several bruised ribs. 1/ Maikel Alvarez was nearby when he was informed that his brother was in trouble. Maikel pushed his way through the crowd and worked his way towards the middle. Maikel pulled his brother off of Benny Rodriguez and Maikel and Michel Alvarez moved away from the crowd of students. Maikel and Michel Alvarez both went to their respective third period classes. During third period, both of them were called to the Principal's office. At about the same time that Maikel Alvarez went to help his brother, a teacher named Morton Bernstein became aware of the crowd and the struggle and went to break it up. When Bernstein got to the scene of the fracas, the struggle was over and Benny Rodriguez was on the floor, obviously injured. Bernstein assisted Benny and called the school security office. A school security officer accompanied Benny to the main office. Donald Hoecherl, an assistant principal, was present when the security officer brought Benny to the office. Hoecherl put Benny in a room and asked if he was okay. Benny was still bleeding but was coherent. Hoecherl questioned Benny to find out what happened. He then summoned Michel and Maikel to the office where he questioned them. He also called the parents of the students involved, the police, and the school's special investigative unit. Hoecherl had the students write down what happened after they had given him a verbal account. Benny was released to his parent. He was taken to his doctor who then sent him to the hospital. He remained hospitalized for two days and had an operation for the fracture to his nose. Mrs. Alvarez arrived and Hoecherl explained, through an interpreter, what had happened based on the account he had gotten from Bernstein and the students. During the discussion with Mrs. Alvarez and her sons, Maikel appeared to have a poor attitude and he did not appear to be taking what had happened seriously. Mrs. Alvarez told Maikel to straighten up in his chair. She then slapped him. Maikel pushed his mother against the wall. Hoecherl and the police officer who had been called to the school had to restrain Maikel from further physical confrontation toward his mother. Maikel was placed in handcuffs. Hoecherl told Mrs. Alvarez that he was suspending both Michel and Maikel for ten days and recommending an expulsion with a waiver to opportunity school. He made certain that School Board rules and procedures for according the Alvarezes their due process rights were followed. Hoecherl prepared and mailed home the Notice of Suspension forms for Maikel and Michel which narrated the reasons for the disciplinary actions and the right to a school level hearing. Michel's Notice of Suspension form indicated that the suspension was for battery and kicking another student. Maikel's Notice of Suspension form indicated that the action was being taken for battery on a student and parent. Both forms indicated that these rule infractions were Group III violations. The School District's Code of Student Conduct provides that Group III violations warrant expulsion from school. Bernstein had both Michel and Maikel as students in his industrial arts classes. Michel required more attention than the rest of the students. Bernstein described Michel's behavior as disruptive of the regular program and also indicated that Michel's behavior created safety concerns because of the use of power tools in his class. Michel was not passing Bernstein's course because of excessive absences and poor effort. Maikel did little or no work in Bernstein's class. He sat around and talked to friends and did not complete projects. His absences were excessive and he was not passing. Carol McKenny taught Michel math. Michel was disruptive, absent excessively, and was making no effort. He required more attention than her other students, which made it difficult to teach. She talked to Michel and to Mrs. Alvarez about her concerns in an attempt to help him, yet this produced no noticeable improvements in his behavior, attendance, or effort. James McKiernan taught Maikel biology. Maikel was failing this subject because he was making no effort and was frequently absent. McKiernan spoke with Maikel and Mrs Alvarez, but Maikel did not improve. Henry Adams was Michel's and Maikel's guidance counselor. He talked to both students during the year in an attempt to help them. He discussed their chronic absences which were in excess of the state mandatory attendance requirements. He discussed the relationship of attendance to grades. He discussed their behavior in class. He talked to Mrs. Alvarez about their absences and poor progress in school. Adams, who is knowledgeable of the programs offered by the district's opportunity schools, is of the opinion that both students would benefit from such placement because of the smaller class sizes, more structured environment, and increased counseling services. Hoecherl conducted a review of both students' school records files prior to making his final recommendation to the Assistant Superintendent for Alternative Education. His review included grade reports, ability test scores, discipline reports, and attendance information. Michel has average ability and was capable of making B's and C's; however, he failed six of eight courses during the year. Even had he not been suspended on May 1, 1990, he would not have been academically successful because of his grades prior to the last marking period. Maikel has average to slightly below average ability, but was capable of average work in the courses he was taking; however, he failed seven of nine courses during the year. Even had he not been suspended on May 1, 1990, he would not have been academically successful because of his grades prior to the last marking period. Maikel had previously been suspended for five days for fighting. This was a Group III expellable offense. Maikel also had been assigned to several Saturday schools in an attempt to help him remediate the work he had missed when he cut classes on approximately 20 occasions. Saturday school is a District- approved method for helping a student improve his academic performance through a tutorial program. American High School had provided both Michel and Maikel with a variety of student services, including counseling by Adams, Saturday school for Maikel, teacher conferences, and parental contact by the administration. Despite the school's efforts, both students were not successful in the regular program at American High School. An opportunity school assignment would assist Michel and Maikel because it would provide greater structure, smaller class sizes and increased student services. This educational alternative program would afford both students an opportunity to become more successful in school. Maikel is currently enrolled in the opportunity school. He is doing well in his classes and has improved his attendance.

Recommendation Based on all of the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED that the Dade County School Board enter a Final Order in these consolidated cases concluding that Michel Alvarez and Maikel Alvarez are properly assigned to Douglas MacArthur Senior School-North, an opportunity school located in Dade County, Florida. DONE AND ENTERED at Tallahassee, Leon County Florida, this 11th day of December, 1990. MICHAEL M. PARRISH, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 904/488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 11th day of December, 1990.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Jan. 21, 2003 Number: 03-000187 Latest Update: Jul. 12, 2004

The Issue The issue is whether Respondent is guilty of willful absence from duty, in violation of Section 1012.67, Florida Statutes; willful neglect of duty, in violation of Sections 447.209, 1012.22(1)(f), and 1012.40, Florida Statutes; gross insubordination, in violation of Sections 447.209, 1012.22(1)(f), and 1012.40, Florida Statutes; and incompetence, in violation of Sections 447.209, 1012.22(1)(f), and 1012.40, Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact During the 2001-02 school year, Petitioner employed Respondent as a part-time cafeteria worker at Ludlam Elementary School. Except for the manager, all food workers at the school are part-time employees. The absence of any of these workers, especially without notice on the morning of the nonappearance, places a considerable burden on the other cafeteria workers and jeopardizes the provision of what may be the first meal of the day for many students. By January 24, 2002, Respondent had been absent 16 days, including the four consecutive days preceding Christmas vacation, four of five days in mid-January, and January 22-24, 2002. Responding to this problem, the school principal sent Respondent a memorandum dated January 24 and ordering her to notify the principal of when Respondent intended to return to work and use leave procedures in the future. On the same date, the principal sent another memorandum to Respondent ordering her to communicate directly to the principal when Respondent intended to be absent and document future absences with medical excuses. Respondent signed this memorandum, indicating receipt. On Sunday, January 27, 2002, Respondent telephoned the principal and told her that Respondent would be returning to work the following day. The next day, when Respondent appeared at work, the principal talked to her about Respondent's professional responsibilities and offered to refer her to the Employee Assistance Program for help with a problem with alcohol that Respondent said that she had. Respondent declined the offer and said she would follow the principal's orders. The next day, Respondent arrived to work late. The following day, Respondent did not report to work or call in to notify the school of her absence. The two succeeding days, Respondent did not report to work, but she called the principal to say that she was in the hospital. However, on the last day of the week, Respondent did not report to work and did not call in. On February 11, 2002, the principal conducted a conference-for-the-record (CFR) with Respondent. Respondent said that she had been a recovering alcoholic for 15 years and had been encountering problems with alcohol since October. The principal again offered a referral to the Employee Assistance Program, but Respondent said that she was already in counseling. The principal warned Respondent that further noncompliance with her order would be gross insubordination. On February 19 and 20, 2002, Respondent was again absent and again failed to notify anyone at school of her absence. On the next day, the principal sent another warning memorandum to Respondent. On February 26 and March 11, 2002, Respondent again missed work and again failed to call anyone at the school. Respondent never provided medical documentation for these absences. Also, on March 5 and 8, 2002, Respondent was tardy without calling in to say that she would be late. On March 11, Respondent also failed to attend an appointment that the principal had scheduled for her with the Employee Assistance Program. Respondent told the principal that she would reschedule the appointment, but later failed to appear at this appointment. On September 20, 2002, the district office conducted a CFR. Out of 18 workdays in the new 2002-03 school year, Respondent had already missed four. For the prior school year, Respondent had been absent 47 times and late 11 times. Of the 47 absences, Respondent never called the principal 23 times and never even called the school 11 times. Respondent at first claimed that she had only been absence once that school year, but later admitted to four absences. She then explained that two of the absences were due to a job interview and an accident at the train station. On January 16, 2003, Petitioner advised Respondent that it had suspended her and initiated dismissal proceedings for the reasons set forth above. Petitioner has proved that Respondent is guilty of willful absence from duty without leave by repeated absences without leave and without notification on the day of the absence; willful neglect of duty by repeated absences, repeated failures to advise the school of absences, and repeated failures to provide medical documentation for absences; gross insubordination for the repeated disregard of the principal's order to call in before absences and document absences; and incompetence for the failure to perform her job duties adequately.

Recommendation It is RECOMMENDED that Petitioner enter a final order dismissing Respondent from employment. DONE AND ENTERED this 14th day of March, 2003, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ROBERT E. MEALE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of March, 2003. COPIES FURNISHED: Merrett R. Stierheim Interim Superintendent Miami-Dade County School Board 1450 Northeast Second Avenue, No. 912 Miami, Florida 33132-1394 Daniel J. Woodring, General Counsel Department of Education 325 West Gaines Street 1244 Turlington Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Denise Wallace Legal Department The School Board of Miami-Dade County 1452 Northeast Second Avenue, Suite 400 Miami, Florida 33132 Carleen Braddy 1884 Northwest 53rd Street Miami, Florida 33142

Florida Laws (5) 1012.331012.401012.67120.57447.209
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Mar. 10, 2020 Number: 20-001334TTS Latest Update: Jul. 07, 2024
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Oct. 22, 1999 Number: 99-004481 Latest Update: Oct. 30, 2000

The Issue The issue in this case is whether just cause exists for Petitioner, the St. Lucie County School Board, to terminate the employment of Respondent, Josephine Knight.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is the School Board of St. Lucie County, Florida (hereinafter referred to as the "School Board"). Respondent, Josephine Knight, is employed by the School Board pursuant to a professional services contract. Ms. Knight has been employed as a teacher for approximately 15 years. At all times relevant to this matter, Ms. Knight was assigned to work at St. Lucie Elementary School (hereinafter referred to as the "Elementary School"). At all times relevant to this matter, the principal of the Elementary School was Dr. Jayne Hartman. Prior to the 1997/1998 school year, Dr. Hartman interviewed Ms. Knight for a position at the Elementary School and subsequently recommended her for a position. Ms. Knight was assigned as a temporary fourth grade teacher during the 1997/1998 school year. Ms. Knight was assigned as a third grade teacher for the 1998/1999 school year. Ms. Knight had been assigned to fourth grade class while employed by the School Board until this year. Ms. Knight was disappointed with her new assignment. During her first two years of assignment to the Elementary School, Dr. Hartman observed Ms. Knight and made suggestions for improvement. Rather than accepting Dr. Hartman's efforts to constructively criticize her, Ms. Knight grew resentful and defensive. Although the evidence failed to support Ms. Knight's characterization of her treatment during the 1997/1998 and 1998/1999 school years, Ms. Knight felt that she was being subjected to "unremitting harassment from her principal." Ms. Knight responded to Dr. Hartman's criticism by attempting to transfer from the Elementary School to another school within the School Board's district. Ms. Knight was unsuccessful in finding another school that would accept her. Dr. Hartman recommended Ms. Knight's reappointment at the Elementary School for the 1999/2000 school year. Prior to the commencement of the 1999/2000 school year Dr. Hartman directed all staff, including Ms. Knight, to attend a staff breakfast on August 16, 1999. The breakfast was to be followed by a meeting of all teachers in the media center of the Elementary School. Dr. Hartman had arranged for teachers assigned to teach the same grade to sit together during the meeting and had prepared handouts for each teacher. Those handouts were placed at each teacher's assigned seat. Ms. Knight failed to attend the breakfast on August 16, 1999. She did attend the teachers' meeting, but arrived late and refused to sit at the table with the other third grade teachers. On August 18, 1999, Ms. Knight again arrived late for a staff meeting. Later in the morning of August 18, 1999, Ms. Knight wrote a note to Dr. Hartman informing her that she intended to use comp time during lunch. Rather than follow school policy, Ms. Knight left during lunch without first determining whether her use of comp time had been authorized. On August 19, 1999, Dr. Hartman spoke to Ms. Knight in the morning and told her that she needed to speak with her. Ms. Knight went to see Dr. Hartman later that same day. Dr. Hartman verbally counseled Ms. Knight. Dr. Hartman spoke to Ms. Knight about her lateness in arriving at staff meetings, her use of comp time prior to getting approval, and her refusal to sit with other third grade teachers as she had been directed. Dr. Hartman asked Ms. Knight to explain her actions, but Ms. Knight took notes and refused to answer Dr. Hartman. Due to Ms. Knight's misconception that she was being harassed by Dr. Hartman and in anticipation of the August 19, 1999, counseling session, she had prepared a letter of resignation the night before the August 19th meeting with Dr. Hartman. During the August 19th meeting, Ms. Knight gave Dr. Hartman the letter (hereinafter referred to as the "Resignation Letter"). In pertinent part, Ms. Knight wrote the following in the Resignation Letter: The intended purpose of this letter is to inform you of my resignation from my present position as a third grade teacher so soon after starting my fifteenth year in the system. After considering my remaining options, I decided to depart from this position because of YOU and the lack of professionalism displayed on your behalf. I have been subjective [sic] to an extraordinary amount of harassment every [sic] since I've been under you supervision. This included lack if [sic] administrative support, extreme and undue stress, your trifling and vindictive ways, and last but not least, your prejudice and racist attitude towards students, minorities, and me. These are conditions in which no one should be subjective [sic] to in the workplace. In fact, it seems to almost define going postal. You and I know the countless times I have tried to relocate to another school unsuccessfully. Which means as [sic] September 2, 1999 I will be resigning. [Emphases added]. The accusations Ms. Knight made in the Resignation Letter concerning Dr. Hartman, to include the allegations that she knew of Ms. Knight's unsuccessful efforts to transfer, are incorrect. Those accusations were the result of Ms. Knight's inability to deal with constructive criticism. After fully considering the Resignation Letter and Ms. Knight's negative attitude toward her, Dr. Hartman reasonably concluded that Ms. Knight had threatened her and she reasonably became concerned for her personal safety. On the evening of August 19, 1999, Dr. Hartman contacted Russell Anderson, the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, and reported the incident to him. Dr. Hartman also contacted Jane Grinstead, her immediate supervisor, and read the Resignation Letter to her. Finally, Dr. Hartman contacted Dave Morris, the Coordinator of Safety/Security for the School Board, and advised him of Ms. Knight's reference to "going postal." The morning of August 20, 1999, School Resource Officer McGee met with Dr. Hartman. Officer McGee was assigned to stay with Dr. Hartman the entire day because of the threat contained in the Resignation Letter. Mr. Russell, Dr. Hartman, and Officer McGee met with Ms. Knight and a union representative on August 20, 1999, to discuss the Resignation Letter. When asked about her reference to "going postal," Ms. Knight admitted that she understood that it meant to "kill or shoot your boss," or words to that effect. Following the meeting of August 20, 1999, a Friday, Ms. Knight was informed that she would be placed on temporary duty assignment from Monday, August 23, 1999, until the effective date of her resignation, September 1, 1999. On Monday, August 23, 1999, Ms. Knight withdrew her resignation. Because it had not been approved by the School Board, the resignation was considered rescinded. In light of the threat of violence contained in the Resignation Letter, the School Board informed Ms. Knight on August 24, 1999, that she was suspended without pay pending a review and final resolution of the matter. Based upon a review of Ms. Knight's personnel file, Mr. Russell concluded that Ms. Knight should be terminated from employment with the School Board. In addition to the Resignation Letter, Mr. Russell considered certain incidents described in paragraph 7 of a Statement of Charges to Terminate Respondent Josephine Knight's Employment with Petitioner (hereinafter referred to as the "Statement of Charges"). Mr. Russell conferred with Dr. William Vogel, the Superintendent of Schools, concerning the matter. Mr. Russell recommended that Ms. Knight should be terminated from employment with the School Board. By letter dated October 6, 1999, Dr. Vogel informed Ms. Knight that he would be recommending her termination from employment to the School Board due to her "violation of School Board Policies." Ms. Knight timely requested a formal administrative hearing to contest Dr. Vogel's decision. The Statement of Charges further defines the basis for the School Board's action in this case: That the foregoing acts as set forth in this statement and attached exhibits, constitutes just cause under Fla. Stat. s 231.36(1)(a) to terminate Josephine Knight's employment with the St. Lucie County School Board. See Fla. Stat. s 231.36 and School Board policy 3.57 attached as Exhibit O. School Board policy 3.57 provides, in pertinent part, the following anti-violence in the workplace policy: All employees will refrain from any speech, conduct, activity, or behavior of any type that is reasonable interpreted as abusive, profane, intolerant, menacing or intimidating. No speech, behavior, activity or other conduct shall occur or be made by any employee where it is reasonably interpreted that the primary motivating intent is to intimidate, threaten or abuse any person in the workplace. The School Board has zero tolerance for violations of this policy. Any person employed by the School Board who communicates a threat of violence to any other School Board employee is subject to termination. The particular incidents which the School Board considered in concluding that there was just cause for Ms. Knight's termination and that the foregoing policy had been violated by Ms. Knight included the comment about "going postal" in the Resignation Letter and the incidents described in paragraph 7 of the Statement of Charges. While the incidents described in paragraph 7 of the Statement of Charges may indicate a lack of judgment, unacceptable treatment of students, and a hot temper on Ms. Knight's part, they are not relevant in considering whether Ms. Knight displayed conduct contrary to School Board policy 3.57 or just cause. Ms. Knight's Resignation Letter, however, does support the School Board's decision. Based upon the events of August 16 and 18, 1999, Dr. Hartman reasonably concluded that Ms. Knight's comment about "going postal" in the Resignation Letter was primarily motivated by an intent to "intimidate, threaten or abuse" her. The day after the Resignation Letter was provided to Dr. Hartman, Ms. Knight admitted to Dr. Hartman and Mr. Russell that she knew what the terms meant and no other reasonable explanation has been offered by Ms. Knight to explain why she made the comment. Ms. Knight's suggestion at hearing that she was merely trying to get the School Board's attention so that she would be transferred to another school was not convincing and, even if true, would not diminish the reasonableness of Dr. Hartman's reaction to the threat.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by the St. Lucie County School Board finding just cause for the termination from employment by the School Board of Josephine Knight. DONE AND ENTERED this 18th day of August, 2000, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. LARRY J. SARTIN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 18th day of August, 2000. COPIES FURNISHED: Elizabeth Coke, Esquire J. David Richeson & Associates, P.A. Post Office Box 4048 Fort Pierce, Florida 34948 Lorene C. Powell, Esquire Florida Education Association 1718 East 7th Avenue, Suite 301 Post Office Box 5675 Tampa, Florida 33675 Dr. William Vogel, Superintendent St. Lucie County School Board 2909 Delaware Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 34947 Honorable Tom Gallagher Commissioner of Education Department of Education The Capitol, Plaza Level 08 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Michael H. Olenick, General Counsel Department of Education The Capitol, Suite 101 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

Florida Laws (1) 120.57 Florida Administrative Code (3) 6B-1.0016B-1.0066B-4.009
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Sep. 17, 2019 Number: 19-004962TTS Latest Update: Jul. 07, 2024
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