The Issue Whether Respondent may be disciplined for failure to maintain the qualifications established by Subsection 943.13(7), Florida Statutes (2002), which requires that a correctional officer have good moral character.
Findings Of Fact Based on the oral and documentary evidence presented at the final hearing, the following findings of fact are made: Respondent, Jacqueline L. Scriven, is a state-certified correctional officer holding certificate No. 45230. She was certified by Petitioner on August 28, 1985. On March 18, 2002, Respondent and her 21-year-old daughter, Marissa Jefferson, were involved in a physical altercation. The daughter reported to the arresting officer that Respondent struck her with her fists and a claw hammer. The arresting officer reported physical evidence on Marissa Jefferson's back and shoulders consistent with an attack with a claw hammer. Marissa Jefferson also reported to the arresting officer that Respondent threatened to shoot her with a revolver that Respondent was holding, although Respondent did not point the weapon at her. Marissa Jefferson was not available to testify; she is presently incarcerated for writing bad checks in Orange County jail. She has charges pending in four other Florida counties. She has a history of police involvement for various criminal and drug-related offenses. She stole from her mother while living with her. Interestingly, while Marisa Jefferson is in jail, Respondent is the primary caretaker for Marissa Jefferson's son. Respondent was arrested and charged with aggravated battery (Section 784.045, Florida Statutes (2002)) and aggravated assault with a firearm (Section 784.021, Florida Statutes (2002)). On December 17, 2002, Respondent entered a plea of nolo contendere to a violation of Section 784.03, Florida Statutes (2002), felony battery. Adjudication was withheld, and she was placed on probation for a period of one year. In addition, she paid $183.50 in costs and was directed to undergo anger management evaluation and training. Respondent, who is 43 years old, had been employed by Department of Corrections since 1985 and had risen to the rank of captain. She was terminated on January 9, 2003. Respondent acknowledges hitting her daughter with a hammer, but denies having ever had the pistol in her possession during the altercation. Respondent contends that she used the hammer in self-defense. The position of the blunt trauma visible on Marissa Jefferson's back and shoulders indicates that she had her back to Respondent when she was struck. Based on the hearsay nature of the evidence supporting the allegations of assault with a firearm and Respondent's candid admission of hitting her daughter with a hammer, but denying having ever had possession of the firearm during the altercation, her testimony is credible regarding both allegations. It does not appear that Respondent's striking her daughter with the claw hammer was in self-defense.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Petitioner, Department of Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission, enter a final order finding that Respondent, Jacqueline L. Scriven, violated Subsection 784.045(1)(a)2., Florida Statutes, and, as a result, failed to demonstrate good moral character as required by Subsection 943.13(7), Florida Statutes, and that her certification be suspended for two years from January 10, 2003, and that she be given such other associated penalties as Petitioner deems appropriate. DONE AND ENTERED this 22nd day of December, 2003, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JEFF B. CLARK Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of December, 2003.
The Issue The issues in the case are whether the allegations of the Administrative Complaint are correct, and, if so, what penalty should be imposed.
Findings Of Fact Petitioner is the state agency charged with regulation of pari-mutuel wagering pursuant to Chapter 550, Florida Statutes (2003), and is responsible for licensing employees of pari-mutuel facilities. Respondent is a card dealer holding Florida occupational license number 6927724-1012 for employment as a card dealer at the Tampa Bay Downs racetrack. By application filed at the racetrack on December 3, 2003, Respondent applied for the referenced license. Persons unknown apparently conducted the application process for all employees of the facility. Employees completed the applications and submitted them at the racetrack, again to persons unknown. The application includes a section titled "Background Information." Question 1 asks in relevant part the following question: Have you ever been convicted of a crime, found guilty, or entered a plea of guilty or nolo contender (no contest) to, even if you received a withhold of adjudication? Question 1 further provides as follows: YOUR ANSWER TO THIS QUESTION WILL BE CHECKED AGAINST LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL RECORDS. FAILURE TO ANSWER THIS QUESTION ACCURATELY MAY RESULT IN DENIAL OR REVOCATION OF YOUR LICENSE. IF YOU DO NOT FULLY UNDERSTAND THIS QUESTION, CONSULT WITH AN ATTORNEY OR CONTACT THE DEPARTMENT. Respondent answered the question in the affirmative. The question provides that if the applicant responds in the affirmative to the question, "form 0050-1" should be completed to disclose additional information about the convictions. Form 0050-1 includes space to list three criminal convictions. The application instructions related to the form state: "[i]f you have more than seven offenses to document on form 0050-1, attach additional copies . . . as necessary." Respondent completed a form 0050-1. On the form, he stated that he had been convicted of a misdemeanor in 1987. The Respondent identified the offenses as "trespassing," "suspended license," and "cashed check." Respondent stated that the penalty had been probation, which was violated, and that he was required to finish the sentence. Respondent initially identified the location of the conviction as Pasco County, but crossed through the writing and changed it to Hillsborough County. Above Respondent's signature on the application is a statement that in material part provides as follows: I hereby certify that every statement contained herein is true and correct and that I understand that any misstatement or omission in this application may result in denial or revocation of my pari-mutuel license. Other than the information on the application, there was no evidence offered at the hearing that Petitioner was convicted of a misdemeanor in 1987 in Hillsborough County. Petitioner asserts that at the time he filed the application, he completed a second form 0050-1 on which he disclosed additional information related to felony convictions. At the hearing, he testified that an unidentified person allegedly involved in the application process instructed him to make the felony disclosures on a second form. Although there is no evidence contradicting Respondent's account of the events, the application submitted through the racetrack to Petitioner did not include a second form 0050-1. In 1983, Respondent was adjudicated guilty of felony charges, including Forgery and Uttering a Forged Check in Pasco County, Florida (Circuit Court, Sixth Judicial Circuit, Case No. 8101927CFAWS). In 1990, Respondent was adjudicated guilty of a felony charge of Grand Theft, Third Degree in Hillsborough County, Florida (Circuit Court, Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, Case No. 90-279). In 1991, Respondent was adjudicated guilty of a felony charge of Grand Theft in Pasco County, Florida (Circuit Court, Sixth Judicial Circuit, Case No. 8701762CFAWS). A few days after the application was completed, Respondent met with an employee of Petitioner (identified as "Nick") to discuss the felony convictions. "Nick" did not testify at the hearing. As filed with Petitioner, Respondent's application failed to include a second form 0050-1 and did not disclose the felony convictions identified herein. There is no evidence that Respondent has had any involvement in criminal activity since 1991.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Business and Professional Regulation enter a final order suspending Respondent's occupational license for a period of three months. DONE AND ENTERED this 17th day of December, 2004, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S WILLIAM F. QUATTLEBAUM Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 17th day of December, 2004. COPIES FURNISHED: Ralf E. Michels, Esquire Department of Business and Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2202 Stefan Thomas Hoffer Division of Pari-Mutuel Wagering Department of Business and Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2202 Jerry M. Bonett 7801 Willowbrook Court Hudson, Florida 34667 Leon Biegalski, General Counsel Department of Business and Professional Regulation Northwood Centre 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2202 David J. Roberts, Director Division of Pari-Mutuel Wagering Department of Business and Professional Regulation Northwood Centre 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792
The Issue Whether Respondent committed the violation alleged in the Administrative Complaint issued against him and, if so, what penalty should be imposed.
Findings Of Fact Based on the evidence adduced at "formal hearing," and the record as a whole, including the parties' Joint Stipulation, the following findings of fact are made: Respondent is now, and has been since February 19, 1998, certified as a correctional officer in the State of Florida. He holds Correctional Certificate Number 178896. On February 19, 1982, Respondent was certified as a law enforcement officer in the State of Florida and issued Law Enforcement Certificate Number 34142, which has since expired. Respondent is now, and has been since shortly after receiving his bachelor of science degree in education from Slippery Rock University, certified as a teacher in the State of Florida. From the early 1980's until 1993, Respondent worked as a police officer for various law enforcement agencies in Florida. In 1985, Respondent was physically arrested and charged with battery in Pinellas County. He was acquitted of the charge following a jury trial. After the acquittal, at Respondent's request, records relating to the matter were ordered sealed. In the mid 1990's, Respondent worked for Wackenhut Corporation as a teacher at correctional facilities in Moore Haven and South Bay, Florida. While working for Wackenhut in South Bay, Respondent was asked to assist in the "start up" of a "work release center" in Broward County, Florida, that Wackenhut was going to operate for the Broward County Sheriff's Office. Pursuant to Wackenhut policy, Respondent had to "go through a correctional academy" before assuming his new duties. After graduating from the "correctional academy," Respondent relocated to Broward County and began his new assignment for Wackenhut. Respondent's primary tasks were to "draw[] up all the rules and regulations for the [soon to be opened] facility" and "interview[] people for jobs." Respondent was housed in a "temporary [Wackenhut] office" in Lauderdale-by-the-Sea, Florida, along with others involved in the effort to open the facility, including Richard Fortenberry, who was going to be the facility administrator. On September 26, 1997, Respondent was accused of stealing a "couple of packs of playing cards" from a retail establishment in Palm Beach County, Florida. The Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office deputy on the scene issued Respondent a notice to appear2 in lieu of physically arresting Respondent. As directed, Respondent subsequently appeared in the Criminal Division of Palm Beach County Court to respond (in Palm Beach County Court Case No. 97-024167 MM A04) to the retail theft accusation made against him. On November 17, 1997, Respondent signed a Deferred Prosecution Agreement in Palm Beach County Court Case No. 97- 024167 MM A04,3 which provided that, if Respondent complied with the[] "conditions [set forth in the agreement] during the [three-month] period of Deferred Prosecution, no criminal prosecution concerning this charge [of retail theft] [would] be instituted " On December 22, 1997, the Palm Beach County State Attorney's Office issued a Nolle Prosse in Palm Beach County Court Case No. 97-024167 MM A04. The Broward County "work release center" was scheduled to open in February of 1998. Respondent was to occupy a "lead supervisor" position at the facility when it opened. Before he was able to assume this position, however, Respondent needed to fill out an "extensive" application (even though he was already employed by Wackenhut) and pass a pre- employment review conducted by the Broward County Sheriff's Office. Respondent filled out the application, "to the best of [his] ability," in October of 1997. On the application, he mentioned the 1985 Pinellas County battery charge of which he was acquitted, but not the notice to appear that he had received the previous month.4 Deputy James Diefenbacher was the Broward County Sheriff's Office "contract manager" for the Broward County "work release center" project. In November of 1997, after Respondent had entered into his Deferred Prosecution Agreement in Palm Beach County Court Case No. 97-024167 MM A04, Mr. Fortenberry told Respondent that Deputy Diefenbacher needed from Respondent certain documents concerning the 1985 Pinellas County battery charge in order for Deputy Diefenbacher to complete his pre-employment review of Respondent's background. Respondent promptly furnished Deputy Diefenbacher the requested documents. On December 31, 1997, Deputy Diefenbacher "showed up" at Respondent's office in Lauderdale-by-the-Sea and told Respondent that he "needed to talk to [Respondent] real quick." It was New Year's Eve. The "handful of people," including Respondent, who were there, were finishing up there work for the day so the office could close early. After he and Respondent "looked over [Respondent's] application" together, Deputy Diefenbacher turned on a tape recorder, "swore [Respondent] in," presented Respondent with a document, and told Respondent, "I need you to sign this document here. It means that you don't have any other arrest history."5 The document, which was typed on Broward County Sheriff's Office letterhead, read as follows: I swear under oath that all information regarding my criminal history has been presented to the Broward Sheriff's Office. My criminal history consists of a charge of simple battery, of which I was found not guilty of all charges by the court. Not [sic] other criminal history exists. SWORN AND ATTESTED TO BY TIMOTHY J. MILLER ON THIS 31ST DAY OF DECEMBER NINETEEN HUNDRED NINETY SEVEN. Signed By: DEPUTY JAMES DIEFENBACHER OF THE BROWARD SHERIFF'S OFFICE Signed CCN# Respondent signed the document without reading it. Respondent took Deputy Diefenbacher at his word that, by signing the document, Respondent was attesting that he had no other arrests other than his 1985 arrest in Pinellas County for battery. Respondent did not intend to deceive anyone in signing the document. He believed that the information contained in the document (as explained to him by Deputy Diefenbacher) was true.6 He did not consider his having been given a notice to appear (on September 26, 1997, in Palm Beach County) to have constituted an arrest.7 Nonetheless, "a couple [of] years later," Petitioner was charged with and tried for perjury in connection with his signing the document; however, he was acquitted of the charge.8
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that the Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission issue a Final Order dismissing the Administrative Complaint issued against Respondent in the instant case. DONE AND ENTERED this 16th day of February, 2004, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S STUART M. LERNER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 16th day of February, 2004.
The Issue The issues in this case are whether Respondent failed to maintain good moral character in violation of sections 943.1395(7) and 943.13(7), Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code Rule 11B-27.0011(4)(a) and (b), by unlawfully possessing a controlled substance, cocaine, and by driving or being in actual physical control of a vehicle while under the influence of alcoholic beverages, when effected to the extent that his normal faculties were impaired or with a blood or breath alcohol level of .08 or above, and if so, the penalty that should be imposed.
Findings Of Fact Petitioner, Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission, is the state agency charged with the responsibility of certifying correctional officers and taking disciplinary action against them for failing to maintain good moral character as required by section 943.13(7). § 943.1395, Fla. Stat. At all times relevant, Respondent was a certified Florida Correctional Officer, having been issued certificate number 279704. On October 14, 2010, Respondent was operating or in actual physical control of his motor vehicle in South Miami, Florida. South Miami Police Officer Junior Vijil observed Respondent's vehicle stopped in the middle of the intersection of 58th Court and Southwest 73rd Street. After observing Respondent's driving pattern, Officer Vijil initiated a traffic stop. Officer Vijil approached Respondent's vehicle and made initial contact with Respondent. Officer Vijil observed certain indicators of potential impairment and requested Respondent to step out of the vehicle. Respondent complied with Officer Vijil's request. At the time of the traffic stop, Respondent had a passenger in the front seat of his vehicle. When Respondent exited the vehicle, at Officer Vijil's request, the passenger remained seated in the vehicle. Officer Vijil called for backup officers and awaited their arrival prior to performing field sobriety exercises with Respondent. The passenger remained seated, unsupervised, in Respondent's vehicle for several minutes until additional law enforcement personnel arrived. When South Miami Police Officer Louis Fata arrived on the scene, Officer Vijil initiated field sobriety exercises. At the conclusion of the field sobriety exercises, Officer Vijil did not immediately arrest Respondent, but rather, requested Respondent provide consent to search the vehicle. Respondent consented to the search. Officer Vijil began the search of the vehicle by first looking in the front interior compartment. He observed, in plain sight, a small, dark, plastic baggie in the center console. The center console's lid was absent. Although the baggie was dark in color, Officer Vijil could observe a white powdery substance that he believed was cocaine. After locating the suspicious substance, Officer Vijil removed the same from Respondent's vehicle and secured it in his patrol vehicle. A field test of the white substance was performed by Officer Vijil and Officer Fata, which resulted in a presumptive positive result for cocaine. Officer Vigil interviewed Respondent and the passenger concerning their knowledge of the suspected cocaine. After both individuals denied any knowledge of the substance, Officer Vijil arrested Respondent for possession of a controlled substance. Karen Wiggins, a criminalist at the Miami-Dade Police Department Forensic Service Bureau, performed a series of tests on the substance at issue, and credibly testified that the suspected substance was cocaine. Pursuant to the Joint Stipulation, the parties stipulate that, on October 14, 2010, Respondent did unlawfully drive or was in actual physical control of a vehicle while under the influence of alcoholic beverages, when effected to the extent that his normal faculties were impaired; or with a blood or breath alcohol level of .08 or above.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that: The Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission enter a final order finding Respondent guilty of violating sections 943.1395(7) and 943.13(7), Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code Rule 11B-27.0011(4)(b), by his violation of section 316.193, Florida Statutes. It is further recommended that Respondent be placed on probation for a period of six months, with the requirement that Commission-approved substance abuse counseling be completed prior to the end of the probationary period. It is further recommended that the Commission enter an final order dismissing the allegation that Respondent unlawfully constructively possessed a controlled substance in violation of section 893.13(6)(a), Florida Statutes. DONE AND ENTERED this 2nd day of August, 2013, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S TODD P. RESAVAGE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of August, 2013.
The Issue Whether Respondent committed the violations alleged in the Administrative Complaint issued against her and, if so, what penalty should be imposed.
Findings Of Fact Based on the evidence adduced at hearing, and the record as a whole, including the "[s]tipulated [f]acts" contained in the parties' Prehearing Stipulation,2 the following findings of fact are made: Respondent is now, and has been since February 18, 2003, certified as a correctional officer in the State of Florida. She holds Correctional Certificate Number 229286. At all times material to the instant case, Respondent was employed by the Florida Department of Corrections (Department) as a correctional officer and assigned to the South Florida Reception Center (SFRC), a "transient institution for inmates that are [transferring] from one facility to another." Sergeant Shirley McLain is now, and was at all times material to the instant case, employed by the Department as a correctional officer and assigned to SFRC. Respondent and Sergeant McLain have known each other since the time they attended the correctional academy together. In August of 2005, Respondent was responsible for supervising inmates working on the "outside grounds" of SFRC, while Sergeant McLain oversaw the operations of the SFRC property room, where personal items taken from inmates are brought and stored until they are returned or other otherwise disposed of. Sergeant McLain "never supervised" Respondent. In August of 2005, Ricardo Bigio was an inmate at SFRC. Shortly after his arrival at the facility, he had a watch and chain confiscated from him. He was permitted to send these items home. Two days later, Sergeant McLain found Inmate Bigio in possession of another watch and another chain. Upon being told by Inmate Bigio, in response to her questioning, that he had obtained these items "through visitation," Sergeant McLain informed him, since these items were brought into the institution "illegally," they were "now contraband" and he could not have them "sen[t] . . . home." At the suggestion of a fellow inmate, Inmate Bigio approached Respondent and asked her to "speak to Sergeant McLain to see if she would let [him] send [this confiscated] jewelry home." During their conversation, Respondent mentioned to Inmate Bigio that "her dad needed a car." Inmate Bigio told Respondent that, if Respondent spoke to Sergeant McLain about his jewelry, he "would be able to send her to somebody [he knew in the used car sales business] to get a good deal on a car" for her father. Respondent agreed to help Inmate Bigio by speaking to Sergeant McLain about sending his jewelry home. Respondent and Inmate Bigio then went to Sergeant McLain's office, where Respondent asked Sergeant McLain if she would "let[] [Inmate Bigio] send this chain and this watch home," an act that that Respondent believed was within Sergeant McLain's power as the officer in charge of the SFRC property room. Sergeant McLain responded to Respondent's request in the negative. Respondent said, "Okay," and then left with Inmate Bigio. Respondent returned to Sergeant McLain's office with Inmate Bigio "off and on" for the next three or four days to repeat her request that Sergeant McLain allow Inmate Bigio to send his jewelry home. On each occasion, in response to the request, Sergeant McLain reiterated that the jewelry "was contraband and [therefore Inmate Bigio] could not send it home." On August 10, 2005, approximately a week after she had first raised the matter with Sergeant McLain, Respondent once again asked Sergeant McLain to permit Inmate Bigio to send his jewelry home. This time, in making her request, Respondent revealed her motivation for interceding on Inmate Bigio's behalf. She explained to Sergeant McLain that, if Sergeant McLain granted the request and allowed Inmate Bigio to send his jewelry home, Inmate Bigio would make the necessary arrangements with his "people [who] own[ed] a car lot" to enable Respondent to purchase for her father a $5,000.00 car for only $2,000.00. Respondent provided this explanation as to why she was taking up Inmate Bigio's cause in the hopes that Sergeant McLain's having this information would make Sergeant McLain more inclined to grant the permission Respondent was requesting on Inmate Bigio's behalf. Sergeant McLain was taken aback that Respondent would strike such a deal with an inmate. She advised Respondent, as she had in response to Respondent's previous requests, that Inmate Bigio would not be permitted to send his jewelry home.3 Sergeant McLain subsequently reported the incident to the SFRC assistant warden. Inspector Arlethia Clark with the Department's Inspector's General Office subsequently investigated the matter. As part of her investigation, Inspector Clark interviewed Respondent on November 17, 2005. Respondent was placed under oath for the interview. Respondent told Inspector Clark that Sergeant McLain, in describing her August 10, 2005, conversation with Respondent, had "twisted the story around." Respondent knowingly made the false claim that she had gone to Sergeant McLain merely to report the illicit offer that Inmate Bigio had made and to seek guidance from Sergeant McLain "as a supervisor" as to what to do, not to persuade Sergeant McLain to allow Inmate Bigio to send his jewelry home so that she would be able to purchase a car for her father at a discount (which, in fact, contrary to Respondent's sworn statement to Inspector Clark, was the actual reason she had gone to Sergeant McLain). Inspector Clark also interviewed Inmate Bigio and Sergeant McLain. Based on the findings of her investigation, Inspector Clark "found that there was bartering between, or an attempt to barter between," Inmate Bigio and Respondent.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that the Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission issue a Final Order finding Respondent guilty of Allegations One and Two and, based on these findings of guilt, revoke her certification. DONE AND ENTERED this 12th day of July, 2007, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S STUART M. LERNER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 12th day of July, 2007.
The Issue The issues in the case are whether the allegations set forth in the Administrative Complaint filed against the Respondent are true, and, if so, what penalty should be imposed.
Findings Of Fact Petitioner is the state agency charged with the responsibility for certification of correctional officers within the State of Florida. Respondent holds Correctional Certificate No. 200857, issued to her by Petitioner. Shortly after 2:00 a.m., on January 8, 2005, Corporal Andrew Markham of the City of Sebring Police Department was dispatched to the scene of a reported traffic crash at the intersection of Center Street and Northeast Lakeview Drive in Sebring, Florida. Corporal Markham found no vehicles in the intersection or any evidence of a crash there. Adjacent to the intersection, in the parking lot of the Sebring Public Library, Corporal Markham saw a car with its brake lights illuminated. He approached the car to determine whether the occupants could provide any information about the reported traffic accident. Corporal Markham observed that the front of the car was damaged from its collision with a low barrier wall that bordered the parking lot. The windshield was also damaged from what Corporal Markham concluded was the impact of the occupants' heads with the windshield when the car hit the barrier. When Corporal Markham approached the car, he saw Respondent exit the driver's seat and begin to walk away. Corporal Markham stopped Respondent to speak with her. Respondent had blood on her face, as did the other occupant of the car. At the time of the incident, Respondent denied being the driver of the car. At the hearing, Respondent admitted that she was the driver. During his conversation with Respondent at the scene, Corporal Markham smelled the odor of alcohol on Respondent, noted that she was unsteady, and that her eyes were red. When Corporal Markham asked Respondent to take field sobriety tests, she continued to insist that she was not the driver of the car and would not take the tests. Based on his observations at the scene, his training, and his 13 years of experience as a police officer, Corporal Markham believed Respondent was under the influence of alcoholic beverages to the extent that her normal faculties were impaired. Therefore, he arrested Respondent for the offense of driving under the influence of alcohol. Corporal Markham first transported Respondent to the Highlands County Medical Center to receive treatment for her injury. At the Medical Center, Respondent refused medical treatment, and Corporal Markham transported her to the Highlands County Jail. At the jail, Respondent was taken to the area where breath tests are conducted. Corporal Markham read Respondent the "Implied Consent" that informed her that if she refused to take the test, she could lose her driving privilege for up to one year. Respondent refused to take a breath test at the jail. Deputy Loran Danielson of the Highlands County Sheriff's Office was the officer on duty to conduct the breath tests at the jail. When Deputy Danielson met Respondent, he noted that her breath smelled strongly of alcohol, her eyes were bloodshot, her speech was slurred, and she was unsteady on her feet. Based on his observations of Respondent, his training, and his 10 years of experience as a Deputy Sheriff, Deputy Danielson was of the opinion that Respondent was under the influence of alcoholic beverages to the extent that her normal faculties were impaired. During the time that Deputy Danielson talked to Respondent, she told him that she had consumed "many" drinks, and if she took the breath test, it would show "I'm drunk." On September 27, 2004, less than four months before the incident at issue in this case, Petitioner issued Respondent a Letter of Acknowledgement for an earlier driving under the influence (DUI) violation by Respondent. At the hearing, Respondent admitted that she had "a few drinks" with friends at a bar just prior to her arrest, but she denied that she was intoxicated. Respondent said the crash occurred because she had taken her eyes off the road to speak to passengers in the back seat. Respondent said she refused to take the field sobriety tests or the breath test at the jail because she was scared. Respondent explained that one term of her probation for the prior DUI conviction was that she was not to drink alcohol. Respondent expressed remorse for her behavior on January 8, 2005, and claimed she has stopped drinking alcohol. Respondent stated that her career as a correctional officer is very important to her, and she requested another opportunity to prove she is a responsible person and capable correctional officer.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Petitioner Department of Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission, enter a final order finding that Respondent Tena D. Grant failed to demonstrate good moral character as required by Subsection 943.13(7), Florida Statutes, and ordering that her certification as a correctional officer be revoked. DONE AND ENTERED this 4th day of April, 2006, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S BRAM D. E. CANTER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 4th day of April, 2006.
The Issue The issue to be determined is whether Respondent failed to maintain good moral character in violation of section 943.1395(7), Florida Statutes (2010), and Florida Administrative Code Rule 11B-27.0011(4)(a), and if so, what penalty should be imposed.
Findings Of Fact The Department?s Case Respondent is a certified corrections officer in the State of Florida, to whom Petitioner has issued certificate number 249713. On or about April 9, 2011, at approximately 2:00 a.m., Officer George Dodson of the Cottondale Police Department responded to a disturbance call at the Cottondale Villas at 3111 Willow Street in Cottondale, Florida. Officer Dodson found a group of people in the parking lot, including Respondent. There was a large amount of blood on the ground. Ms. Bradie had a cut on her hand that was wrapped in a cloth, and denied knowing how her hand was cut. Officer Dodson spoke to several people at the location, and the consensus was that Ms. Bradie had cut Mr. Marques White with a box cutter. None of the people with whom he spoke testified at hearing. No box cutters were found at the scene. Mr. White was not present at the scene. He returned at approximately 4:00 a.m., but was still bleeding and could not really speak. Officer Dodson did not take statements from anyone at the scene because, other than Ms. Bradie, all of them appeared to be intoxicated. He did recall Ms. Bradie saying she was struck in the face, but does not recall her face being swollen. The next day, Officer Dodson learned that Mr. White had returned to the hospital because of his injuries, which were serious. Pictures taken of Mr. White show a scar on his lip and arm, and a scar resulting from the performance of a tracheotomy. However, there is no evidence to indicate whether Mr. White had any of these scars prior to the incident, or that all of the injuries evidenced by the scars occurred as a result of Respondent?s actions. Officer Dodson was able to interview Mr. White on April 15, 2011, and a witness statement/affidavit was prepared on April 17, 2011. The statement of Mr. White is hearsay, and he did not testify. On April 15, 2011, Officer Johnson filed an affidavit/complaint and application for warrant against Ms. Bradie for aggravated battery. An information filed June 15, 2011, charged her with aggravated battery in violation of section 784.045(1)(a)1., Florida Statutes, a second-degree felony. A warrant for Ms. Bradie?s arrest was issued that same day. Ms. Bradie resigned her position at the Jackson Correctional Institution on June 27, 2011. Ms. Bradie entered a pretrial intervention program, and the charges against her were nolle prossed on February 25, 2013. Richard Johnson is an assistant warden at the Charlotte Correctional Institution. In April of 2011, he worked in the Inspector General?s Office at the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. Mr. Johnson investigated an administrative case against Respondent stemming from the April 2011 incident. He spoke to Mr. White, and recorded an interview with him. He did not speak with Ms. Bradie. In sum, Petitioner proved that on April 9, 2011, Respondent was present at an altercation at the Cottondale Villas. She had a cut on her hand, and there was a large amount of blood on the pavement. All of the other people present smelled of alcohol or admitted to drinking. Petitioner presented no testimony from anyone who was present during the altercation to describe the events leading to the charges against Respondent. Further, Petitioner presented no competent evidence regarding the item allegedly used to cut Mr. White, as there was no evidence regarding the discovery of any item found at the scene. Respondent?s Story Ms. Bradie testified on her own behalf. She is the only person who testified that was present during the altercation. She testified that she went to Cottondale Villas to pick up her child from her mother, who cared for the child while Ms. Bradie was at work. When she was leaving her mother?s apartment, she heard her brother, Lesidney, outside arguing with Marques White. According to Ms. Bradie, she put her baby in the car and told her brother to go inside, because Marques White was “not worth it.” This apparently angered Mr. White, who started arguing with her. Ms. Bradie?s mother came out of the apartment and tried to break up the argument. Mr. White swung around her mother in order to try to hit Lesidney, and continued arguing with both Ms. Bradie and her brother. A bystander, Marcus Bellamy, pulled Lesidney away from the argument. At that point, Marques White jumped on Ms. Bradie and started hitting her in the face. Ms. Bradie is five feet, one-inch tall. She testified that Mr. White had pushed her down to the ground. While she was close to the ground, she picked something up off the pavement and started swinging to try and get him off of her. While she believes she probably cut him in her effort to get free, she could not identify the object she picked up (which was never located) or say that all of his injuries were a result of her actions. There is no evidence that she deliberately tried to cut him at all, much less that she meant to cut his face. Ms. Bradie?s account of the events is the only evidence from a witness who was actually present at the scene, and her testimony was credible. The most persuasive and compelling testimony presented is that Ms. Bradie acted in self-defense. No evidence was present to rebut her testimony.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission enter a Final Order dismissing the Administrative Complaint. DONE AND ENTERED this 5th day of February, 2014, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S LISA SHEARER NELSON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 5th day of February, 2014. COPIES FURNISHED: Linton B. Eason, Esquire Florida Department of Law Enforcement Post Office Box 1489 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Ashley Bradie (Address of record) Jennifer Cook Pritt, Program Director Division of Criminal Justice Professionalism Services Florida Department of Law Enforcement Post Office Box 1489 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Michael Ramage, General Counsel Florida Department of Law Enforcement Post Office Box 1489 Tallahassee, Florida 32302
The Issue Whether Respondent, Carl C. Brown (Respondent), failed to maintain good moral character required of law enforcement officers by engaging in the acts alleged in the Administrative Complaint; and, if so, what is the appropriate penalty.
Findings Of Fact Respondent was certified as a law enforcement officer in the State of Florida by the Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission on January 27, 2017, and issued Law Enforcement Certification Number 340839. The Department is the state agency responsible for enforcing standards applicable to law enforcement certificates, pursuant to section 943.12 and chapter 120. Respondent had notice of the time and date of the hearing, but did not attend or present any evidence. Respondent was employed by the Quincy Police Department from April 3, 2017, to July 28, 2017. During Respondent's employment with the Quincy Police Department, Respondent worked in the W.A. Woodham Justice Center. The W.A. Woodham Justice Center is a public building that, during Respondent's employment, housed both the Gadsden County Sheriff's Office and the Quincy Police Department. At the time, the ground floor of the W.A. Woodham Justice Center was designated for the Gadsden County Sheriff's Office. The floor above the ground floor was designated for the Quincy Police Department. Marketa Powell (Inmate Powell or Ms. Powell) was an inmate at the Gadsden County Jail during the months of June and July 2017. During that time, she held trustee status as an inmate and was assigned to work at the W.A. Woodham Justice Center. Respondent did not know Inmate Powell prior to June 2017. Respondent first came into contact with Inmate Powell in June 2017, at the W.A. Woodham Justice Center. When they met, Respondent struck up a conversation with Ms. Powell and gave her his personal cell phone number so that she could contact him. Respondent also met with Inmate Powell at the Gadsden County Jail during his personal time. In June 2017, Respondent asked Inmate Powell to meet him in the men’s restroom on the ground floor of the W.A. Woodham Justice Center. Sometime later, Inmate Powell met Respondent in the men's restroom and performed oral sex on Respondent. On a separate, later occasion that same month, Respondent again asked Inmate Powell to meet him in the men’s restroom of the W.A. Woodham Justice Center. Once again, Inmate Powell met Respondent in the men’s restroom. On that occasion, she and Respondent had sexual intercourse and Inmate Powell performed oral sex on Respondent. Rachel McPherson, custodian at the W.A. Woodham Justice Center, was the supervisor in charge of Inmate Powell. Ms. McPherson witnessed Respondent fraternizing with Ms. Powell several times during June 2017. One day in June 2017, while Ms. McPherson was searching for Inmate Powell, she saw Respondent between the men’s and women’s restrooms of the W.A. Woodham Justice Center. Ms. McPherson entered the men’s restroom and observed someone’s feet in a stall of the men’s restroom. Ms. McPherson called out, but the person in the stall failed to respond. Ms. McPherson then exited the men’s restroom and asked Sheriff’s Assistant Betty Carter to watch the men’s restroom to see who exited. Ms. Carter's office was no more than 30 feet from the men’s restroom. Later that day, Ms. Carter witnessed Inmate Powell exiting the men’s restroom. The incident was reported and an internal investigation of Respondent was initiated. During the internal investigation, Inmate Powell was initially reluctant to come forward and tell authorities about her sexual encounters with Respondent because of fear of further criminal penalties. However, Ms. Powell eventually admitted her contacts with Respondent and, during the final hearing, provided credible, clear, and convincing evidence that the encounters with Respondent in the men's restroom, while she was an inmate serving as a trustee at the W.A. Woodham Justice Center, had occurred. Ms. Powell also provided credible testimony that Respondent also gave her money and visited her at the jail during his personal time. During his internal affairs interview with Lieutenant Larry Gilyard, Respondent admitted that he met alone with Inmate Powell in a restroom at the W.A. Woodham Justice Center while he was employed by the Quincy Police Department. As a result of the investigation, Respondent was dismissed from his employment with the Quincy Police Department on July 28, 2017. After Ms. Powell’s release from incarceration, and while she was still on probation, Respondent maintained contact with her, engaged in sexual intercourse with her, and exchanged text messages. While still on probation, Ms. Powell contacted Respondent and apologized to him for his losing his job. Respondent, through texts, admonished Ms. Powell stating, “what was the reason for saying it”; “you probably could have easily been like nothing happened”; and “you could have refused to give a . . . .” Not once in the pages of text messages did Respondent deny the allegations or say that Ms. Powell was being dishonest with the authorities.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement finding that Respondent failed to maintain good moral character as required by law and revoking Respondent’s law enforcement certification. DONE AND ENTERED this 25th day of March, 2019, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JAMES H. PETERSON, III Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 25th day of March, 2019.