This article discussed the administrative process to appeal any disciplinary action against a card holder or prescriber of medical marijuana.
I have been seperated from my husband since 10/07 and I filed for divorce in 1/08 until now he did not sign his part of the papers. He just called to let me know that he is getting married 9/11, He now wants me to go sign a page of the divorce papers that I missed.
Do I have to sign them? What ramafications do I face if I do not oblige him?
Can he sue me?
Since it is so closeto his wedding date is there a waiting period in between our divorce and him obtaining a new wedding license?
Family Medical Leave Act
Would a daughter of a single parent needing sinus surgery qualify for the FMLA?
Child Support
My baby's dad owns a semi and claims its his company. He thinks if he shows his company dont give him any income he wont have to pay much child support. Is this true? Or is he fooling himself?