Contractor as a consultant
What does the portion starting wiht ''....Should ....... have to resolve....'' last paragraph mean?
Article VIII. Governing Law
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the Laws of the State of Maryland. Contractor agrees to comply with the applicable provisions of any federal, state, or local law or ordiance and all applicable orders, rules and regulations. Issued here under. Pending the resolution of any dispute that may arise. Contractor shall proceed with providing services as directed by �� in writing. Should �� have to resolve any dispute between the Contractor and ��.. in any court or administrative body, having competent jurisdiction over this matter, then the Contractor and �. Each agrees to pay �� reasonable attorney�s fees.
Re: Contractor as a consultant
This appears to be a "fill in the blanks" standard contract where the "------" is for the business name that is dealing with the contractor. This clause calls for each party to split attorney cost if resolution has to be made by court or arbitration, etc.