I was involved in an auto accident, with an 18 wheeler totaling my car with my fianc� and two children inside the vehicle. The accident occurred oct 25th and physical injuries resulting from the accident were limited to neck strain for myself and my fianc�. I have been in physical therapy to this day recovering from whiplash and my fianc� has been out of work suffering from PTSD, something she was diagnosed with before the accident and was triggered from the accident. She has just recently lost her job thanks to being out of work even though it was approved leave from both her doctor and psychologist.
At this point I spoke with an attorney as the medical bills and physical pain has taken its toll. We live out of state and are unfamiliar with New Jersey law, or even how the specifics of a no fault state like New Jersey will affect our claim. According to the attorney, we may not be able to sue the truck driver who merged into us, which the police report proves was his fault, for anything unless we were maimed, dismembered, disfigured, or lost a fetus.
Being unfamiliar with New Jersey law, I find this a little rediculous that I am unable to sue the truck driver for pain and suffering, especially with my fianc� suffering from PTSD and losing her job as a result of the accident.
Any information regarding our options or personal experiences relating to ours would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
This isn't my website so I can't vouch for the information on it, but it may be helpful to you
This isn't my website so I can't vouch for the information on it, but it may be helpful to you