IEP students and Standardized Testing
My child has and IEP. Can the school distict force me to make him take the PSSA test? If they can, what accomodations can I get for him during that exam. I am asking more emotional and physical accomodations than academic. My child has serious muscle tone issues and remaining in one place or position for even short periods of time is painful to him. He hasn't the strength in his hands to fill out the small circles with a #2 pencil for hours. His eyes do not focus well and he often has to hae things read to him in order to avoid serious headaches. I have found confusing and conflicting answers to this question. My husband is a Catholic, though not a practicing one, should we just opt out of the testing based on religious beliefs (though this would be less than a true reason for doing so as we have no issues with the scientific teachings) The school where he is enrolled originally agreed to let me scribe for him in the test, but the night before they came up and said that I could not even be in the room. No stranger could possibly be familiar enough with my child to know when his physical limitations are being reached. (i.e. when to push and when to accomodate).
Re: IEP students and Standardized Testing
Your child may be entitled to accommodations or alternative testing. However, in order to make this determination I would need to discuss this matter with you and review records. Feel free to contact my office to set up a meeting. We offer a half an hour free consultation.