Jedgement filed against my husband
my husband was involve in a car accident. A car hit him, our insurance decline the claim because my husband's insurance had lapse. Now the other person's insurance has filed a judgement against him and he is thinking of filing bankruptcy, can this be included in a bankruptcy?
Re: Judgment filed against my husband
I would like to know a lot more about this accident; but unless your husband had been drinking or using drugs at the time, a debt arising from the accident should be dischargeable in bankruptcy.
There is a specific exception for auto accidents involving drugs and alcohol. The exception appears to apply only to personal injury or death, however; so if it's just a property damage claim, that might be dischargeable even if he was drunk at the time.
I would be glad to discuss this with you further if you would care to call my office.
This is for general information purposes only and is not legal advice. Please consult the attorney of your choice concerning the details of your case.