Mortgage lending
We bought a house and closed on it
and the lender was unable to sell the
loan to an investor because of the
meltdown and the tightning of the
Weve made all our payments either
on time or before time and have
tried to enjoy our new home.
The lendor however, keeps insisting
that we need to refi to a different
mortgage product and have
threatened audit amongst other
things. I think its harrassment and I
wanted to get an opinion as to the
law in this matter. This has been
going on for 4 months and has
caused many sleepless nights.
Re: Mortgage lending
You should consider consulting with an attorney. Is it the lender insisting on a refinance, or a mortgage broker?
Re: Mortgage lending
You should consider consulting with an attorney. Is it the lender insisting on a refinance, or a mortgage broker?