I am supposed to die in from now to 26 months. We have numerous Medical bills . We both are in bad health .Medication are eating us alive and Dr. bills. For me to qualify for ssi she make 1.23 hr to much. So were are having marital problem. So we are thing about Separation , What I need to know is if we separate .Will her income be counted on me. (she want have to pay any thing well she)?Can I live on the same property? I can not afford to live somewhere separate right now .
My wife and I are thing of legal separation.
(1) I would like to make sure she get all the asset.
(2) There is a small shed on the back of her property can I live there
(3) Will I not to count her income and asset if we are separation for SSi
(4) would it be legal for me to pay her rent for this shed.
Re: separate
I am very sorry to hear of your situation. Your question requires a more extensive respone than I can provide in this forum. For answers to the questions, I direct you to
Also, I am not sure what medications you are taking, but there are many ways to get assistance with certain medications. You can find that information here.